
Terms of bank. Banking slang, or learn to say "right." Banking terminology in Russian. New tricks of telephone scams that everyone can get caught

Aval Credit - a loan form in which the Bank assumes responsibility for the client's obligations in the form of a loan guarantee, payments, supply, etc.

Car loans - This is issued by the Bank or another financial organization a loan for the purchase of a car, the provision of a loan is the most acquired vehicle.

Acceptance credit - A loan provided by banks in the form of acceptance of promissory notes (Tratt), exported on banks by exporters and importers. Acceptance loans are one of the forms of lending. foreign trade. When selling goods on credit exporters are interested in acceptance bills large bank. Such a bill can at any time can be taken into account or sold.

Annuity plates - equal payments containing cash For interest and partial loan refund. If the loan is repaid by annuity payments, it means that every month you will pay the loan the same amount regardless of whether you are at the beginning or at the end of the loan term.

Underwriting - Assessment of the probability of repayment of the loan. Underwriting involves learning and analyzing the solvency of a potential borrower in the manner prescribed by the creditor (Bank), as well as the adoption of a positive decision on a mortgage loan or a refusal to provide a loan. In assessing the probability of repayment of the loan, three main points are established: the ability of the borrower to repay the loan (assessment of the borrower's income level), the preparedness of the borrower to pay off a loan (an analysis of the credit history of the borrower), and determine whether the property has been supported by sufficient provision of a loan (analysis of the results independent evaluation Property).

Bank - financial and credit institution that produces various types of transactions and securities and providing financial services to government, legal entities and individuals.

Basic interest rate - the most minimal interest rate provided to reliable commercial organizations and solvent bank customers with a positive credit history.

Bank guarantee - This is a written obligation of the Bank to pay a certain amount to the recipient under warranty under the presence of the conditions provided for by this obligation. Thus, the banking guarantee is a form of providing contracts in which the bank guarantees execution by the debtor of obligations to a third party.

Bank card - this is a plastic card that is tied to facial account owner of this card. With the help of a bank card, you can make certain financial transactions: to make cash in an ATM, replenish the score, pay for goods and services, including through the Internet.

Banking Commission - The amount that is charged with the Bank's customers in providing them with certain services from the financial institution. This is carried out when servicing the account, cash cash with or without a bank card, the design of the loan agreement.

Bank control - Monitoring the Bank for the targeted use of loans issued or for the expenditure of insolvent debtor to recognizing it with bankrupt.

Bank loan - Credit submitted by banks in cash. Bank loan has a strictly targeted and urgent nature. Usually banks require credit. Bank loan is provided from its own or attracted capital and is carried out in the form of issuing loans, accounting for bills, etc.

Banking mystery - This is a kind of commercial mystery that includes not disclosing information about the status of accounts and customer deposits, as well as transactions manufactured by the Bank. The disclosure by the Bank of such information is fraught with clients the emergence of threats from competitors and criminals.

Bank an identification number (Bin) - This is a unique number that is assigned to the bank to identify it within the payment system. Bank identification number is located on a plastic card, usually these are the first digits of the card number. The bank identification number defines the payment system, as well as the type of card as part of this payment system. For example, all visa cards Start with numbers 4.

ATM (ATM) - This is an automated device with which you can remove cash with card account, replenish your account, as well as pay for goods and services. The ATM processes and exchanges with the Bank with information on Operations in Operations in Operations.

Broker - This is a legal entity that performs the role of an intermediary between buyers and securities sellers, precious metals, goods, etc. The broker promotes the commission of various transactions between interested parties - customers on their instructions and receives a fee in the form of commissions.

Bureau of credit stories - a legal entity in accordance with the law of exceptional activities to obtain information from sources of funding of credit stories, on the formation, storage and processing of credit stories, as well as to provide loan reports on requesting credit stories.

Credit currencycurrency unitin which the bank issues a loan. Most often loans for goods and services are drawn up in rubles, while cash loans can also be issued in dollars, euros, Swiss francs, Japanese yen, English pounds.

Virtual Card. - This is a type of bank card, designed to make payments on the Internet. It is a set of bank card details that are needed to pay on Internet sites. As a rule, a virtual card is available only in in electronic format, that is, without physical media.

Renewable credit line - A program, with the help of which, when repaying an early decorated loan, the client has the ability to arrange a new ones.

Guaranteed credit - This is a loan that is provided by the lender by the borrower under the guarantee of the bank or government bodies in the event that the lender is not confident in the solvency of the borrower. In fact, the guaranteed loan is the guarantee of the bank to the lender to respond to the execution of the obligations of the borrower in whole or in part. For issuing a bank guarantee, the borrower pays a reward bank.

Annual interest rate. In relation to the loan, this is the yield to maturity, calculated on the basis of the value of the minimum period of time between the payments. This gap is taken as the calculated interval to accrual a complex percentage.

Credit repayment schedule - This is a list of all payments on the loan, indicating the date of the commission and structure of each payment. Under the payment structure it is understood as information about which part of its part goes to pay accrued interest, and what is the repayment of the principal debt.

Grace-period - This is a grace period of lending, during which you can use borrowed funds for free or under a significantly reduced percentage. As a rule, the grace period has credit and overdraft maps. The duration of the Grace period is an average of 30 to 90 days and depends on how the bank calculates the grace period.

Differentiated payment - A variant of the monthly payment on the loan, when the amount of the monthly payment for repaying the loan gradually decreases by the end of the lending period.

Early repayment - Return loan ahead of the deadline. Return ahead of time you can completely loan or part of it. By law, you must prevent the Bank's bank about this than in 30 days, if less period is not provided for by the loan agreement. The mortgage is a personal valuable paper that is provided with a mortgage.

Mortgage necessarily passes state registration. It must be spelled out the main conditions loan agreementAnd also reflects the relationship between the borrower and the lender. In practical use, the mortgage allows you to greatly simplify and speed up the turnover of real estate. For example, if the creditor's bank needed money until the end of the loan period, he can lay or sell mortgage to another bank, and use money from the transaction to further lending.

Loan - Agreement in which one side gives money or other material values \u200b\u200bto the other side with the condition of the full return of debt in accordance with the compiled Treaty.

Borrower - The recipient of the loan, a loan that makes committed itself, guaranteeing the return of funds received, payment of the loan provided.

Pledge - This is the property that is a guarantee of the return of the loan. As a deposit, an apartment, car, contribution, securities, etc. Purpose documents on mortgaged property Store in the bank, and the borrower continues to use it for its intended purpose. In the event of problems with the payment of loan, the credit institution can sell a deposit in the account of debt repayment.

Application application - Appeal of the borrower to the bank with a request to issue a certain amount of funds with the indication of passport data, place of work, the level of income, contact data, etc.

Customer Identification - This is a customer ID. When performing an operation in a bank, the client is obliged to present a passport or another document certifying the person (passport, military ID, etc.). Customer Identification is regulated by law 115-FZ, as well as the provision of the Central Bank 262-P and is aimed at preventing fraudulent operations and operations held for the purpose of "laundering" and the legalization of money. Internet Bank is a remote system banking service through the Internet.

Internet bank Connects in the office of the bank, in which the client has an account. As a rule, Internet banking services include: providing information on banking products (loans, deposits, etc.), account statements, transfers within the bank and accounts in other banks, payment for services, etc.

Mortgage housing loan - Target long-term loan provided to an individual under a relatively low percentage mortgage banks For construction or purchase of housing. Typically acquired housing is laid by the bank before returning the loan and interest.

Cobrand Card. - This is a map that is issued by the Bank together with one or more partner companies. The use of a combined card allows you to receive various discounts and bonuses. Partners of the Bank usually serve as airlines, trading networks, cellular operators, etc. For example, paying purchases with a combined card, you get bonus rubles, which can then be exchanged for air tickets from Parquet Bank.

Commission - Additional costs that carries a borrower in connection with the organization of the loan process. This includes the Commission for the consideration of the application, the design of documents and the like. Commissions may be monthly or recourse.

Creditor - A physical or legal person who provides a debtor loan and having the right to demand from the debtor of its return or execution of other obligations. Creditor - B. civil law - The party in the obligation, which has the right to demand from the other side (debtor) execution of the duty: - to make a certain action: to transfer property, to work, pay money, etc., or refrain from certain actions. Bilateral treaties lenders are both parties.

Credit history - A document containing information about the borrower, its loans, difficulties with payments, as well as data on persons that request it. This document is kept in the credit bureau for 15 years from the date of repayment of the last loan.

Credit holidays - This is the time to which the borrower is exempt from payments on the loan due to the gravity financial situation. For the service, the Bank takes a certain fee.

Credit - Money held in the bank for any goals of the borrower. Terms The provision of a loan is the obligation to return it at a certain time and pay a predetermined percentage for the service.

Collector company - An organization engaged in debt collection, which was not paid for a borrower in accordance with the contract concluded by the borrower.

Credit broker - participates in the accomplishment of the mediator between the potential borrower and the banking organization, the responsibility of which includes the study of the material needs and capabilities of the client, based on which he selects a more suitable bank among all existing on the modern banking market.

Credit cooperative - Open voluntary share society combining material means individuals For mutual lending, shareholders and is non-commercial.

Credit line - This is a legally executed obligation of a credit institution to issue borrowed funds to the client within the agreed limit within a certain time. Unlike a regular loan, which is issued to the borrower at a time and in the amount of volume, the credit line can be used repeatedly as needed. It is customary to allocate two types of this banking product: non-renewable and renewable credit line.

Credit insurance - This is an insurance coverage in favor of the lender, if the borrower suddenly turns out to be insolvent. At the occurrence insurance case The bank reimburses its losses due to the insurance amount paid to him. As a rule, credit insurance covers such risks as the death of the borrower or the loss of disability.

Credit - This is the ability of the borrower completely and on time to pay in their debt obligations. Before you provide a loan to the Client, the bank determines its creditworthiness, that is, the opportunity has the opportunity to return the principal debt of the loan along time with interest.

Leasing - This is the type of investment activity in which the lessor acquires property in order to transfer it to the leaser. In contrast to the credit scheme, when the company turns to the bank for a loan and borrowed funds acquires the necessary property, in the leasing scheme, the organization addresses a specialized leasing company, which is bought by the required property for it and transfers it to long-term rental.

Lombard Credit - It is kind short-term creditwhich is provided secured by valuable property. Are engaged in such a type of lending special financial institutions - Lombards. Compared with banks in the pawnshops, the loan procedure is significantly simplified: a lombard loan can take any citizen who has reached the age of 18 and having a passport with him.

Preferential credit - This is a loan that is provided under a reduced interest rate. Although banks are unprofitable to issue loans under a reduced percentage, they go to this step for several reasons. First of all, it is to attract potentially reliable borrowers. So, the holders of "salary" cards in serving bank It is usually proposed preferential lending with a simplified procedure for issuing a loan and under a lower percentage than for ordinary customers.

Continuous overdraft - this is a kind of overdraft, which provides for a complete repayment of debt for each part of the used credit Limita until the end of the agreed period. Thus, the use of every part of the loan does not exceed a certain value, as a rule, up to 30 days. A loan in the form of a continuous overdraft allows borrowers to use borrowed tools without the need to periodically fully pay debt.

Nominal interest rate - This is the interest rate indicated in the loan agreement, which is used to determine the amount of monthly payments. For example, if you make up a consumer loan under 18% per annum, it will be a nominal interest rate. The nominal interest rate can be fixed (unchanged throughout the term of the loan agreement) or variable (changing depending on the situation in the lending market).

Providing credit - This is a combination of conditions and obligations that are for the lender with certain guarantees that the loan debt will be returned. The most popular forms of credit are the deposit and guarantee of third parties. In addition, banks use such types of collateral as loans insurance, penalties, bank guarantees, etc. Sometimes for one loan agreement, banks can use several forms of collateral, especially if the loan amount is quite significant (for example, guarantee + insurance).

Overdraft - This is a short-term form bank creditat which the borrower can spend the amount exceeding the existing balance on his account. Thus, overdraft allows you to "leave in minus", if this requires a situation, for example, you need to pay an account or shop.

Overpayment on credit - This is the amount that the borrower pays over what was taken on credit. In fact, this is the size of all interest paid and commissions for the use of a loan in favor of the Bank. The loan overpayment gives a real idea of \u200b\u200bhow much the loan costs.

Pin - This is a personal identification number, which is secret code bank card. The length of the PIN code can vary from 4 to 12 characters, but most often consists of 4-digit. The code is an electronic analogue of a personal signature of the cardholder and serves to identify the identity of its holder when conducting financial transactions.

Guarantor - A person who speaks the guarantor when receiving a loan by a borrower in a bank. If the borrower can not return the debt, then the guarantor must make it. The guarantee is issued by a separate contract. Usually banks are presented to the guarantor as the same requirements as to the borrower.

Full cost of credit - The final amount of loan overpayments. Comprises interest rate and other payments associated with the return of debt.

Interest rate - Credit cost. It is indicated as a percentage of the loan. May be daily, monthly and annual.

Loan restructuring - Changing the terms of loan payment to more profitable: credit holidays, a decrease in the monthly payment due to an increase in the loan term, etc. Most often happens in the case of financial problems borrower.

Refinancing credit - getting a new loan for more favorable conditions To repay the current loan. As a result of refinancing, the loan overpayment is reduced.

Soking - This is used by credit institutions a customer assessment system based on statistical methods. Surging is a computer program that, based on the credit history of the "past" customers of the Bank, determines the likelihood of whether a specific potential borrower will return on time.

Costor - This is a person who is on a par with a borrower participates in the receipt of a loan and brings with him to the bank a joint responsibility for debt repayment. Thus, the coincide has equal rights and obligations with a borrower. As a rule, co-coaches are involved in the bank when lending to large sums Because Revenues of the co-service maker are taken into account along with the income of the borrower when determining the loan amount.

Credit term - The time for which money is engaged in the bank. Most often, banks provide loans for a period of 1 month to 30 years. The loan period can be reduced if you return the debt ahead of schedule.

Transaction - Operation, which is performed by the Bank's client using a bank card. Requirements for the borrower - the conditions for the bank client who requests a loan. These include age, citizenship, availability of registration, sufficient wages, etc.

The purpose of the loan - What the bank is ready to provide money. Often the purpose of the loan is to buy household appliances, real estate, car and other valuable things.

Partial loan repayment - Return to the Bank of greater amount than it is necessary under the contract. Perhaps in the case of a warning of this bank at least 30 days before the date of the estimated payment.

Fine - Financial punishment by the Bank of the borrower due to violation of the loan agreement. As a rule, it is accrued for late payment of payment.

Acquiring - This is a range of services for receiving plastic cards By payment in the outlets. The acquiring is carried out by the Bank, which establishes equipment for receiving plastic cards in trade and service enterprises and calculates operations with their use. Depending on the organization, such equipment can be used: payment terminals (POS terminal), Imprinters or cash registersequipped with special programs.

Effective interest rate on the loan - this is full value The loan in the calculation of which includes all the costs of the borrower for maintenance and design of the loan. Thus, an effective interest rate in addition to the nominal rate also takes into account all related expenses (various commissions) for loan service.

Dictionary of main terms and concepts

on the topic: "Banking"

Asset is part (left side), reflecting the composition and cost of the property of the organization at a specific date. A combination of property rights: material values, cash, debt requirements, etc. belonging legal entity.

Acting in Russian Federation the form accounting balance Includes two assets:current and non-current assets.

TO turnover assets include assets that are used (consumed) in the process of everyday economic activity. For example:material reserves , , cash, etc.

Unforgettable assets include assets withdrawn from economic turnover, but reflected in accounting. For example:, , long-term investments etc.

In economic theory, the types of assets according to their liquidity are also distinguished (that is, their abilities to be quickly sold at a price close to market): highly liquid, low-liquid and illiquid assets. Most. highly liquid asset are the money themselves.

The term is also used to designate any property, the property of the organization.

Assets are resources controlled by the company resulting from past events from which the company expects economic benefits in the future. (This interpretation is contained in the principles of IFRS).


a combination of property rights that belong to the physical and legal entity in the form of fixed assets, financial deposits, as well as monetary requirements for other individuals and legal entities (counterpart. - Passive);

left side of the accounting balance of the enterprise, the economic grouping of economic funds in composition, placement and use, in monetary terms at the beginning and end of the reporting year.

Aval (Aval) - guarantion by bill or check ; Allowed for any person, except the payer.Avalist responsible at the same timerecreationMoreover, its commitment is indeed even if the obligation he guaranteed is invalid by any reason, other than the defect form. In this regard, Aval is completely equalguarantry which is supplementary (accessor) character in relation to the main obligation, and.

Aval is carried out by inscriptions onbill or check He attributes his name to the name of the payer, adding the words "Per Aval" to this (or "count for Aval" or any equivalent formula) and an empty of signature to those who give Aval. However, for the reality of Aval enough and the signature aloneavalista on the front sidebill or check unless this signature is not supplied by a payer orrecreation.

In Avale, it should be specified for whom it is given. In the absence of such an indication, it is considered to berecreation or chekodata.

Paying bill or receipt , avalist acquires rights arising frombill or check in relation to the one for whom he gave a guarantee and in relation to both those that arebill or check required before this last.

Audit ( auditing ) - Independent verification in order to express opinions on reliability. The word "audit" translated fromlatin Means "Hearing" and applies in world practice to designate verification.

Under the audit understand all the independentexpert Check any phenomenon or activity - there are distinguished hereoperational, technical, ecological And other types of audit. Separate types of audit are close to the value tocertification

Accept (Acceptus - accepted) - answer persons to which is addressedoffer , About her acceptance. Acceptance - consent to payment. According to Russian legislation, the acceptance must be complete and unconditional (the adoption of a proposal for other conditions is recognized as a new offer).

There are also two legislative presumptions:

is not an acceptance silence in response to the direction of the offer, unless otherwise follows fromlaw , or former business relationships of the parties.

it is considered an acceptance by the addressee of the offer to the acceptance of the action to perform the conditions specified in itcontracts (shipment of goods, provision of services, work, payment of the relevant amount, etc.), unless otherwise provided by law, other Or not indicated in the offer.

If the notice of the acceptance of the acceptance was received by the person who sent an offer, formerly acceptance or simultaneously with it, the acceptance is considered not received.

Banknote - in the broad sense of the wordmonetary a sign made frompaper , dense fabrics (usually silks ), metal or plastic , usually rectangular shape;

in narrow - banking ticket large nominal (Unliketreasury the ticket of a small nominal orexcrying signreplacingcoin ).

Banknotes were previously issued and public and private banks andfinancial companies, currently - States and are mandatory for reception throughout their territory on a par with coins.

The most ancient banknotes arechinese . They began to release even in.

IN the USSR starting with and up to , paper monetary signs Dignity (one chervonza ) Produced treasury And named State treasury tickets, from 10 rubles and above -Gosbank And named Tickets of the USSR State Bank.

Bank (from Banco - shop , table where the changes unfolded coins) - financially - credit , the main function of which is the provision of financial services to legal entities and individuals.

In accordance with russian legislation , bank - which has the exceptional right to exercise the following banking operations together: attractingcontribution Cashs of individuals and legal entities, placement of these funds from their own behalf and at their own expense on terms of payability, urgency, repayment and target, opening and maintenance bank accounts Legal and individuals.

Credit organisation -that is extractingarrived as the main goal of its activities on the basis of a special permission (licenses ) It has the right to carry out banking operations provided for by the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities". The credit institution is formed on the basis of any as .

A credit institution that has the right to exercise separate banking operations provided for by the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities". Permissible combinations banking operations For non-bank credit institutions are established by the Bank of Russia.

Balance , literally - scales, frombilanx - having two weights).

Bill (from Wechsel) indusation cessia

Defalt (Default. - breach of obligations) - Failure to comply with the contractloan , that is, the nelation in a timely mannerpercent or the main one debt on debt obligations or under the terms of the production contractbond loan .

Defalt can be declared both by companies, individuals and states ("sovereign default"), unable to serve all or part of their obligations.

Corporate default is an important concept.Being, on the one hand, a protective mechanism for a company experiencing temporary financial difficulties (Protection against hostile absorption, protection againstridersky capture, etc.), and on the other - protectslenders From non-compliance with the Company's Liability Company

Defalt (bankruptcy)

Normal default indicates the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations to the borrower. This denotes bankruptcyborrower . If this is a company, then an external manager is appointed, which determines the following steps (selling the company entirely, the sale of the company in parts, etc.). If default announces an individual, actions against such a borrower after declaration of default are governed by national legislation, but most often ordinary people are protected by law. If the default announces the state, then debts and disputes are subject to settlement internationally.

Technical default

The technical default is a situation where the borrower has broken a loan agreement, but he can do this contract physically. Violation of the contract may imply as a refusal to pay interest or the main part of the debt and the refusal to provide required documents (for example, an annual report) or any other violation of the loan agreement. Then the lender can declare the technical default borrower. The further fate of the borrower and the lender depends on the causes of default and corporate legislation in the country. Quite often, the technical default does not end with the bankruptcy of the borrower.

In history, corporate defaults happened quite often, and many of the Grants of the World Business were once in a state of technical default.

Deposit ( bank deposit) - money amount placeddepositor in bank on a certain or indefinite period. The bank allows this money in turnover, and in exchange pays interest to the depositor. Deposit isduty Bank before the depositor, that is, subject to return.

During the periods of normal development of the economy, a bank deposit is one of the leastprofitable And the least risky Forms of investment of money and can serve as a minimum reference point in calculations.


Deposit to demand is a deposit without a storage period, which is returned to the first requirement of the depositor. Typically, interest in savings deposits are accrued at rates below appropriate for urgent deposits. Requirement deposit can under an agreement with the Bank or under the laws of individual states to be funds on a check account in the bank.

Note. When paying wages and benefits at the expense of an individual, such an account cannot be considered savings. IN developed countries West issuing salaries and benefits forbidden and "demand deposits" are.

Urgent deposit is a deposit deposit for interest, which made for a certain period and is deemed completely upon the expiration of the term. Urgent deposits lessliquidna than savings deposits Demand, but bring a higher income percentage.

Various contributions of the contribution are also possible: a deposit with the possibility of replenishment, partial seizure. Ordinary pattern: the more deposit period, the higher its profitability. When placing large sums, it is recommended to split them into several deposits - if necessary, it will be possible to withdraw only part of the funds, while maintaining the yield on the rest, however, the Bank can offer a smaller income.

Nuances of Russian banking practice

If the company's charter prohibits placing cash in deposits, it is possible to issuebill . It is a veiled of deposit. Or sign an agreement on the undesirable balance on a countable account with interest accrual.

Commercial banks must be transferred to the central bank part of the money laid on a deposit. it.

In the event of bankruptcy, the state guarantees the return of the deposit part.

Bill (from Wechsel) - A strictly installed form certifying no reason for the obligation of the bill stage (a simple bill), or a proposal to another payer specified in the bill (translated bill) to pay a certain amount of money provided for by the term of the term. A bill may be an order (for bearer) or registered. In both cases, the transfer of rights on the bill takes place by making a special inscription -indusation Although the endorsement is not required to transmit the order notes. This significantly distinguishes bills from the transfer of rightscessia . The endorsement may be forms (without specifying a person who is transferred to the bill) or nominal (indicating the person to whom the execution should be performed). The person who passed the bill through an endorsement is responsible to the subsequent promsselners on a par with a rack.

Mortgage - This is the key to real estate.

Pledge In turn, one of the ways to ensure the fulfillment of the monetary requirement of the creditor-mortgagee to the debtor (pledger). As a way to ensure proper fulfillment of liabilities is more attractive, since it is easier to make forced recovery. The deposit suggests that the property of the debtor may be imposed of recovery, but the property to which mortgage is established, remains at the pledger in its possession and use. In other words, mortgage is a pledge of real estate, which remains in possession and use of the owner. In case of non-fulfillment of the main obligation on real estate Recovery is drawn, it is sold, and the funds received from its implementation are sent to repay the main obligation.

Investments - Long-term investmentscapital In order to receive income.

Investments are essential part of Moderneconomy . From loans Investments are distinguished by the degree of risk for the investor (creditor) - a loan and interest must return to the agreed period, regardless of the profitability of the project, investments are returned and bring income toprofitable projects. If the project is unprofitable - investments may be lost.

Should not be confused investment andfinancing . Financing is the allocation of funds or resources to achieve the intended goals. If the purpose of financing is to make a profit - then funding turns into investment. If the purpose of profit is not - this is not an investment.

Incasso (Collection, Encashment; Incasso) - Intermediary banking operation on the transfer of funds from the payer to the recipient throughbank With the enrollment of these funds at the expense of the recipient. For the execution of collection banks charge commissions.

Incasso - a banking settlement operation, through which the bank on behalf of his client receives on the basis of settlement documents Customer due to the payment for the payer for shipments shipped to the payer and material values \u200b\u200band services rendered and enrolls these funds at the expense of the client in the bank.

The collection can be clean and documentary.

  • Pure collection is the collection of financial documents (translation and simplebill , chek. and other similar documents used to receive payments) when they are not accompanied by commercial documents.
  • Documentary collection is the collection of financial documents accompanied by commercial documents (accounts, transport and insurance documents, etc.), as well as the collection of only commercial documents. Documentary Incasso B. international Trade represents the obligation of the Bank to receive on behalf of the exporter from the importer amount of payment under the contract against the transfer of the latter commodity documents and list it exporter.

In 1978, "Unified Incasso Rules", which joined the banks of many countries.

Credit (Creditum - Loan from Credere - Trust) - Economic relations between the two parties, under which one side transmits the other part of value on the terms of repayment, urgency, payability. Other conditions are also possible, such as targeted use, security, etc.

As subjects of credit relations arecreditor and borrower . The lender is speakingbank or other bonding to provide cash (credit)borrower in size and on the conditions provided forcontract and the borrower undertakes to return the amount received and payinterest on it.

Credit can act in the commodity (commercial Credit) and monetary ( cash credit ) form.

Commodity Credit involves the transfer to the temporary use of the cost in the form of a specific thing defined by generic signs.

IN modern conditions The loan monetary form prevails. It is provided and repaid by money. There is no credit transactionequivalent commodity exchange, and there is a transfer of cost in temporary use with a refund condition after a certain time and paymentpercent For the use of her.

The occurrence of a loan as a special form of valuation occurs when the cost released from one economic SubjectSome time does not enter a new reproductive cycle. Thanks to the loan, it moves from the subject that does not use it to another subject experiencing the need for additional funds.

Credit functions: redistribution; Creation of credit guns appeal.

Clearing (clearing - free) - non-cash settlements betweencountries , companies , enterprises for supplied sold to each otherproducts , securities and services rendered through the mutual credit based on the balance sheet conditions.

Liquidity - Economic term denoting the ability of assets to be quickly soldprice Close to market.Liquid - addressed in money .

Typically distinguishedhigh-liquidlow-liquid and illiquid Values \u200b\u200b(assets). The lighter and faster it is possible to get full of itcost , the more liquid it is. For product liquidity, the speed of its implementation will correspond at a nominal price.

Assets Enterprises are reflected in and have different liquidity (descending):

cash in accounts and in the office of the enterprise

banking bill , state

current , loans issued, corporate securities (stocks of enterprises listed onexchange , bill)

stocks goods And raw materials warehouses

cars and equipment

buildings and constructions

construction in progress

Leasing (from English. Lease - to lease) - type of financial services related to financing Companies. In essence, leasing is a long-termrent Property with subsequent redemption right with some tax preferences. Depending on the term useful use The leasing object and the economic essence of the lease agreement distinguish:

Financial leasing ( financial rent.). The term of the lease agreement is comparable with the useful life of the leased object. As a rule, at the end of the lease agreement, the residual cost of leasing object is close to zero and the leasing object can go to the lessee. In fact, it is one of the ways to attract targeted financing lessee (in order to acquire leased object).

Operational (operational) leasing. The term of the lease agreement is significantly less than the useful use of the leased object. At the end of the contract, the leasing object is either returning to the lessor and can be transmitted to leasing again, or the lessee of software (material) residual value. Economic essence is close to lease.

In contracts for leasing, the maintenance of the supplied technique, training of personnel, etc. may be provided. In the contract, it is possible to buy goods on the right (or duties) of the tenant to buy goods after the lease term. Usually the base period is established, during which the parties do not have the right to terminate the lease agreement.

Passive (from lat. - Non-meable) - Oppositeasset part (Right side) - the set of all obligations (sources of funding) of the enterprise.

It contains its owncapital - authorized I. jointy , as well as borrowed capital (loans , , year ).

From the position The interest rate is the price of money as a means of savings.

Interest is income from granting capital in various forms (loans, loans) or this is an income from a financial investment investment.

Simple, complex and continuously accrued interest

With repeated accrualsimple percent The accrual is made in relation to the initial amount and represents each time the same value. In other words,


P. - Source amount

S. - extensive amount (source amount with accrued interest)

i. - Interest rate expressed in fractions for the period

n. - the number of accrual periods

In this case, talk aboutsimple interest rate.

With repeated accrualcomplex interest The accrual is made in relation to the amount with the percentage already accrued earlier. In other words,

S \u003d (1 + i) n p

(with the same symbols).

In this case, talk aboutcomplex interest rate.

The following situation is often considered. Annual interest rate isj. , and interest are accruedm. Once a year in a difficult interest rate equalj / M. (for example, quarterly, thenm. \u003d 4 or monthly, thenm. \u003d 12). Then the formula for the extensive amount throughk years:

In this case, talk aboutnominal interest rate. Comparison of complex interest rates with different accrual intervals are produced using an indicator(APY).

Finally, sometimes consider the situation of the so-calledcontinuously accrued interest, that is, the annual number of periods of the accrual M asleep to infinity. The interest rate is denoted by δ, and the formula for the extensive amount:

S \u003d E Δ N p.

In this case, the nominal interest rate Δ is calledgrowth power.

Real and Nominal Rate

Distinguish the nominal and real interest rate.

The real interest rate is the interest rate cleared ofinflation .

The relationship of the real, rated bet and inflation is generally described by the following (approximate) formula:

i r \u003d i n - π


i N. - nominal interest rate

i R. - Real interest rate

π - Expected or planned inflation rate.

proposed a more accurate formula of the relationship of real, nominal rates and inflation, expressed by the Fisher's Formula called himself in his honor:

It is easy to see that with small values \u200b\u200bof the inflation level π, the results differ little, but if inflation is large, the formula of Fisher should be used. provided in kind on the agreed period, only free. The borrower will return the same thing.

According to Article 689. Civil Code The Russian Federation, the loan - the transfer of the thing by its owner or other person, controlled by the law or the owner, in the free temporary use of another person.

Factoring - Financial commission Operation for the transfer of receivables of the factoring company in order to:

  • immediate receipt of most of the payment;
  • warranty full repayment debt;
  • reduced billing costs.

Factoring is a range of services that the bank (or factoring company) acting as a financial agent provides companies working with their customers on the terms of delaying payment. Factoring services include not only the provision of the supplier and receiving funds from the buyer of funds, but also monitoring the state of the buyer's debt for supply, the reminder of the receipts on the occurrence of payment for payment, conducting reconciliation with debtors, providing information about the current state of receivables, as well as analytics History and current operations.

Finance (from Financia - cash, income) - Collapse economic relations In the process of formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized fundsmonetary funds. Usually we are talking about the target funds of the state or economic entities (enterprises). The most important concept in the field of finance isbudget .

Verb finance means "supply money."

Word Finance Securities containing no reason for the disposal of the checkbank Payment specified in it amounts to the check holder. The credit is a person with funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose by issuing checks, a check holder - a person in favor of which a check is issued, a payer - a bank in which the monetary cash funds are.

The checkbook is not entitled to withdraw a check before the expiration of the deadline for presenting it to payment.

The bank is a legal entity of any form of ownership, which:
- Created to extract profits,
- has the right to carry out banking operations,
- It has the exclusive right to attract funds for legal entities and individuals in order to follow their subsequent placement on its own behalf; as well as on the opening and maintenance of bank accounts of legal entities and individuals,
- valid on the basis of a special permit (license) of the authorities government agencies (in Russia - the Bank of Russia),
- It has no right to carry out production, trading, insurance activities.

History of banking

The usurists granted money for interest, appeared in ancient times. Banking existed in Babylonia in the VIII century BC. e. The Babylonian merchants were even known to a bank card called Hudu (Hudu) and had an appeal on a par with gold.

In ancient Greece, the trapese (table) took storage deposits in order to make payments at the expense of depositors. They were given to storage of valuable documents, contracts, controversial sums. Greek bankers gave the capital entrusted to them on the guarantee of moving, slaves, houses and lands. There were ancient Greek temples with serious competitors of private bankers, which were gave large sums from their temple treasures, both to private individuals and public enterprises. The inviolability of temple treasures allowed them to attract significant deposits from individuals, rulers and cities. Whether the temples were put on the turnover entrusted to them and whether some percentages were paid on them - unknown.

In ancient Rome, bankers were called Mensarii and Argentarii (Argentarii). MENSARII, or MENSALARII - this is a literal translation of the Greek word. Argentaria accepted contributions, gave loans, through them it was possible to transfer money to another city.

In the Middle Ages due to the variety of local coin systems, fishery was developed. Then they began to be stored for cash capital and the production of payments was commissioned. The shops changed in the market squares, where the table (Banco) was covered with green cloth, they led their trading. Changes in Italy gradually became known as bankers, Bancherii (from Banco - table, adhesive). Manufacture of payments by writing off in books of bankers from the account of some of the others turned out to be best way Payment, eliminating all the inconvenience of transportation, evaluation, consuming a variety of coins. Banking business was carried out mainly Italians and Jews.

However, the Roman dads have repeatedly threatened with strict karas to persons giving loans at interest, and freed the debtors from their commitments to creditors. In 1179, Alexander III announced at the third Lateran Cathedral of Dad, Alexander III announced that the percentage charges should be deprived of the communion and Christian burial. The kings that prompted by fear of papal threats and seeking to assign the riches of bankers, expelled them from the limits of their possessions. So, from France, the Italian bankers were expelled by Louis Saint and Philip Beautiful (1291), and from England, the bankers' Italians were expelled by Heinrich III (1240 years old), but then were again allowed in the country in 1250 at the insistence of dads in need of money And desirable to arrange bankers. Sometimes the expelled bankers bought themselves right to return and their persecution was a favorable source of income for rulers.

With the activities of individual bankers, the so-called Montes Pietatis competed (ITal. Monte Di Pieta, Franz. Montes de Piete) - special banksCreated in different Italian cities to provide cheap minor loans in need. They charged interest on loans only to cover their costs and their capital was formed from private or public donations. The first such institution appeared in Orvieto (1463), the second - in Perugia (1467).

The Senate of the Venetian Republic in 1584 issued a decree on the establishment of a public bank called Vanco Della Piaza de Rialto. The banking was announced by the monopoly of the republic and the individuals were prohibited by them, but soon this ban was removed.

In Genoa, lenders who gave a loan to the Government of the Genuese Republic in connection with the war with Algeria and Tunisia refers to 1148, amounted to a partnership that the republic was collecting some taxes to ensure interest and repayment of the loan. Then this method was repeated at the following loans; Thus, a lot of partnerships called Compere, or SCRITTE, whose capital was composed of PAEV (Luogo). In 1250, all these partnerships were connected to one Compere de Capitolo. However, soon new partnerships are open to the conclusion of new loans. In 1407, all partnerships were again combined into one, named Compere Di San Giorgio in honor of St. George, the patron of the city. He was allowed to take private deposits and it existed until 1816.

In 1609, Amsterdam Bank was founded by the city authorities of Amsterdam. He installed a constant counting unit, which represented the cost of a certain amount of silver, equal to 211.91 asams of pure silver and called "Bank Florin" - the Bank took various coins into deposits, but the account was only in bank florms. This bank has existed until 1795.

Englishman William Peterson, based on the carefully hidden from all the fact that in the Amsterdam bank was in cash only about a quarter of all deposits entrusted to him, came to the thought that it was not fully covered with a call to the coin of all obligations produced by the Bank. He proposed the project of the Bank of England, whose fixed capital would be placed in government interest papers serving its credit operations. In 1694, the British government, being in a difficult financial situation, adopted this project. Bank of England was created in the form joint Stock Company.

Bank management

The highest authority of the Bank is the meeting of shareholders (participants). He is accountable to the Board of Directors of the Bank and audit committee. Board of Directors of the Bank:

Determines the general directions of the development of the bank,
- considers the plans of the Bank's activities,
- opens and closes branches of the bank.

The executive body of the Office, directly by the governing activities of the Bank, is the Bank's Board, which usually includes representatives of the largest shareholders (participants) of the Bank.

Types of banks


Central banks carrying out state regulation banking and cash emissions.
- Commercial banks carrying out entrepreneurial banking activities;
- Universal banks, carry out all the main types of banking operations;
- investment banks, specialize in investments, most often in securities;
- Savings banks specialize in attracting funds of the population;

Sometimes allocated:

- Retail Bank (Retail Bank) - focused on working with individuals.
- "Captive Bank" ("Pocket Bank") - a subsidiary bank of a large industrial or banking structure, whose main purpose is to maintain the operations of the maternal company.

Functions of banks

Historically, the first function of banks was the safe storage of customer money.
- Since the bank has many customers who keep their money in it, the bank becomes able to translate money from one of them to another by changing records in bank accounts (non-cash payments). Non-cash payments are possible between clients of various banks thanks to the system of correspondent accounts.
- Banks issue loans. At the same time, an additional money supply is actually created.

Significant features of banking activities (distinguishing it from production, trading, etc.):

The predominance of the resources of banks of attracted and borrowed funds, entailing increased responsibility to creditors and depositors.
- Emergency mobility and variability of financial market parameters, caused not only by economic, but also political, social and other reasons.
- The need for constant and simultaneous work with clients representing various spheres and industries that have contradictory interests and goals.
- the intangible nature of banking products (services) and the need to participate almost all divisions of the bank in the production of each such product.

Resources and assets of a commercial bank

As already mentioned, the main activity of the commercial bank is to attract free funds of legal entities and individuals and place them on their own behalf on the terms of repayment, urgency and payability. Thus, the resources of a commercial bank - an integral condition for the implementation of banking operations.

Bank resources:

Own capital (has an irrevocable character) - the main means of protection that allows depositors and creditors to receive reimbursement in the event of a bank liquidity loss:
- authorized capital,
- Funds formed at the expense of the past years,
- Emisy income (positive difference between the price of the bank's shares and their nominal value).

Involved funds:

Deposits of clients - legal entities and individuals,
- Interbank loans,
- Bonds and bank bills.

The assets of the commercial bank are the objects of accounting balance, reflecting the placement and use of bank resources. Assets are grouped:

By appointment,
- on liquidity,
- by the degree of risk
- in terms of accommodation,
- on subjects.

Assets are appointed:

Cash assets:
- Cash cash at the checkout,
- precious metals and stones,
- correspondent accounts in the central bank and other banks,
- Funds listed in the fund of mandatory reserves of the Central Bank.
Placed assets (working; income; revolutions; risky assets):
- loans issued to legal entities and individuals
- interbank loans issued
- short-term investments In securities.
Investment assets:
- Shares acquired for investment,
- funds made to the authorized capital of legal entities,
- deposits in subsidiaries.
Capitalized assets (non-current), that is, the property of the bank.
Other assets (receivables, transit accounts, etc.)

Bank revenues

It is believed that the main source of bank revenues is the income received from the difference between interest on deposits in the bank (deposits) and interest on loans.

Bank revenues:

Interest income:
- interest obtained on loans,
- interest obtained on deposits
- Interest received from securities operations.
Non-interest income:
- revenues from operations with foreign currency,
- non-interest income from securities operations,
- Commission remuneration for services rendered (settlement operations, renting bank safes, issuance bank guarantees and etc.),
- revenues received from equity participation in legal entities,
- Other non-interest income.

It is less known about the subtle income, which for some private banks, for example, for a group of banks of the US Federal Reserve System or for the Bank of England, significantly exceeds any other types of income.

Bank expenses

Each commercial organization It has both income and expenses, banks are no exception. Bank expenses can be divided into obligations to investors in interest, taxes, expenses for current activity and development, costs of paying bonuses and dividends, as well as the cost of creating reserves for possible losses.

The use of depositors money bank can be viewed as a credit bank with these depositors. The systematic use of such a loan leads to an increase in the internal debt of the bank, and can lead to default credit organization.

Bank operations

Banking operations are divided into passive and active. Passive are called operations through which banks form resources cash capitalActive - operations through which they use these resources in order to extract profits.

Bank operations include:

Attracting funds for individuals and legal entities into deposits and deposits (to demand and for a certain period);
- placement of raised funds from your own behalf and at your own expense;
- opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
- the implementation of calculations on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including corresponding banks, according to their bank accounts;
- collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash maintenance of individuals and legal entities;
- purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash form;
- attracting into deposits and placement of precious metals;
- issuance of bank guarantees;
- carrying out money transfer on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (with the exception of postal transfers).

The credit institution, besides listed, has the right to carry out the following operations:

Issuance of guarantees for third parties involving the fulfillment of obligations in cash;
- acquisition of the right demand from third parties to fulfill the fulfillment of monetary form;
- trust management of cash and other property under a contract with individuals and legal entities;
- implementation of operations with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- provision of special premises to individuals and legal entities or those who are in them safes for storing documents and values;
- leasing operations;
- provision of advisory and information services.

Banks, issuing loans, can create money. The process of creating money is called credit extension or credit animation (see the article by a bank multiplier).

Banking mystery

All employees of the credit institution are obliged to keep the secret on operations, accounts and contributions of its customers and correspondents, as well as about other information established by the credit institution, if this does not contradict the federal law.

The largest banks of the world

10 largest banks on consolidated assets

1. ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND (United Kingdom) 3 483
2. Deutsche Bank (Germany) 3 068
3. Barclays (United Kingdom) 2 971
4. BNP PARIBAS (France) 2 891
5. Credit Agricole (France) 2 303
6. UBS (Switzerland) 1 881
7. JPMorgan Chase (USA) 1 746
8. Societe Generale. (France) 1 574
9. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (Japan) 1 494
10. Bank of America (USA) 1,471

Aval - The guarantee, according to which the Avalist (a person, accomplishing Aval, including the Bank) assumes responsibility to the lender for the fulfillment of obligations by the borrower to whom he gives this guarantee.

Aval - written financial guarantee, a form of guarantee of a bank or a firm that contributes to improving confidence in financial opportunities Owner of a revolving credit document.

Avalist - Bank, guaranteeing a bill by applying inscriptions on Aval (guarantion).

Avizo - Official notice of the implementation of settlement operations on correspondent accounts or customer accounts in the system of interbank settlements.

Accreditative - (Lat. Accredo - Trust)

1. The Bank's instructions to its correspondents to pay a certain amount to another person.

2. Form of payment in international calculations.

Active operations of the bank- placement of own and attracted bank funds to get the highest return; The essential and determining part of the bank operations. The liquidity, profitability, and the qualitative placement and state of active operations of the bank depend financial reliability and the stability of the bank as a whole. Active operations of the bank depending on their economic content We are divided into loan, investment, calculated, trust, warranty and commission.

Active operations of the bank- operations for the placement of attracted and own funds Bank in order to receive income.

Shares - Securities manufactured by joint-stock companies and give the right to their owners to receive a certain income (dividend) from the profits of these societies.

Shares - Securities indicating the participation of the owner in the capital of the joint-stock company, which issued them, and giving the right to receive a part of the profits of this society (dividend).

Audit - Check financial statements The accuracy of the information contained in it, as well as for compliance with its norms and requirements of current legislation.

Bank - A special credit institute specializing in accumulating money and place them on its own behalf in order to extract profits.

Banking system- Historically established and legislatively enshrined system of banking organization.

Banking Product- Special services provided by the Bank to customers and cash issued by them and non-cash payment products.

Banknotes - Paper money issued by the central bank.

Bank operations- Operations carried out by credit organizations. Are divided into:

Passive - mobilization of funds for active operations;

Active - Placement of resources in order to extract profits.

Non-cash payments- cash paymentsIn which payments are carried out without cash involving through the transfer of funds from the payer's account to the recipient's account. Cashless payments include calculations by payment orders, checks, bills, letters of credit, clearing. In non-cash form, calculations can be calculated between organizations and individual citizens when transferring the recent accounts in the banks of pensions, wages, etc.

Broker - Intermediary (firm or face) when buying and selling currencies, securities, tori, services and other values. It acts on the basis of customer assignments, within their instructions and at their expense, receives remuneration (broker) or commissions (by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the taxi established by the Exchange Committee) for their services.

Currency - Monetary unit of the country participating in international economic exchange.

Bill - payment commitment drawn up in accordance with the requirements of bill legislation; loan form.

Monetary intervention- Impact of the Central Bank for the national currency rate by selling foreign currency. One of the forms monetary policies. Distinctive features of the currency intervention - relevant large scale and a short period of conduct. The source of funds for the currency intervention is the official currency (sometimes golden) reserves and loans under Swap agreements between central banks.

Currency operations- Transactions on the sale of currency. The most common cash transactions (spot) with immediate delivery of currency (usually on the second working day).

Exchange rate - "price" of a monetary unit of one country, expressed in monetary units of other countries or in international currency units.

Depositor - Party under the bank deposit agreement, which made the amount of money in fulfillment of its obligations under the Treaty.

Money mass - The amount of cash in circulation.

Money turnover - Continuous motion of money in cash and cashless form in the field of circulation and payment.

Money-credit policy - The system of state measures for managing the money supply in circulation.

Deposit (Contribution) - Cash (also securities or drag. Metals) transmitted by legal entities and individuals for storing a credit institution under certain conditions.

Depositary - a bank or other legal entity operating in the securities market; provides storage services (deposit) of securities, registration of transactions with securities, maintaining shareholders, as well as other services on the instructions of depositors related to the implementation of rights certified by securities, except for making transactions on behalf of and at the expense of a depositary or on behalf of Depositary at the expense of the depositor.

Deposit operations of banks - Operations of credit institutions to attract funds of legal entities and individuals into deposits and their placement. The passive and active deposit operations of banks are distinguished.

Passive - reflect the attraction of cash permissal for a term or before demand. These are the main types of banking resources.

Active - reflect the placement of temporarily free resources of some banks in other credit institutions.

Deposit Certificate - Written testimony of the Bank (credit institution) on the deposit of funds certifying the right of the contribution of the NA obtaining after the term of the principal amount of the contribution and interest on it. Distinguish deposit certificates to demand and urgent. Urgent deposit certificates can be indescribable, which are stored at the depositor and are presented to the bank before the occurrence of the period and transmitted, which can be sold to the secondary market and go to another owner.

Deposits - These are cash or securities that are deposited in banks on pre-agreed conditions.

Deposit to demand - Cash stored in a bank on passive (active-passive) accounts during an unidentified period by the Bank.

Deposit Certificate - a written certificate of a credit institution on the deposit of funds certifying the right of a legal entity to receive after the established period of deposit and interest on it; It can be transferred to another legal entity.

Dealer - Kommersant, mediator in trade transactions; Mediation trading structures that can be understood as physical and legal entities involved in resale products, securities and currency, most often on their own behalf and at their own expense.

Dividend - part of the total amount net profit Joint-Stock Company distributed between shareholders in accordance with the number of shares they have.

Discount - the percentage that the bank holds when taking into account or buy bills

Bank yield - the percentage of the amount of extracted income (profits) during the reporting period to the amount of the bank's assets of the same reporting period.

Endorsement - gear inscription on the turnover or on an additional sheet (Алльлежна) of the order of rational debt obligations or securities (bill, check, billiards, etc.), certifying the transition of rights on this document to another person. A person transmitting valuable indorsement paper is called an indorse station receiving it - an endorsate.

Investments in securities- Operations of the Bank for the placement of its funds in the securities of other issuers (states, shares of enterprises and organizations, investment funds and etc.).

Bank investment policy- investment activities Bank (his leadership) based on active operations with securities and aimed at ensuring the profitability and liquidity of banking assets at the minimum risk of this type of banking operations.

Collection - The banking settlement operation in which the bank on behalf of its client undertakes the obligation to receive a payment on the documents submitted by the Client and to credit funds on his bank account.

Mortgage - The shape of the collateral at which the borrower retains the ownership and ownership of the laid object.

Mortgage- Long-term loan issued to individuals and legal entities on the security of real estate ownership. The borrower who provided his property is called a pledge, called a mortgagor, and the credit institute, who issued a loan on bail, - the pledgee.

Cash operations- operations for receiving and issuing cash.

Credit - loan in monetary or commodity form provided on the terms of repayment, urgency and payability. The economic essence of the loan is a form of moving capital.

Credit Policy- Determination of the main directions of the Bank's credit activities and the development of lending procedures that reduce risks.

Credit money- Money emitated by banks in the process of completing credit operations. Represent banknotes Central Bank and bank deposits arising based on them.

Bank credit potential- The value of funds mobilized by the bank for a minus liquidity reserve.

Credit - The ability of the borrower on time and fully fulfill its financial obligations.

Credit portfolio- A combination of the Bank's requirements for loans classified by the criteria related to various factors credit risk or ways to protect against it.

Credit line - Providing a bank in the future borrower of loans in size not exceeding the agreed in advance (limits), without any special negotiations and conclusions of contracts.

Credit operations- Operations of the Bank for the provision of a borrower of funds in a loan on the terms of urgency, repayment and payment

Credit risk - The risk that the borrower does not pay the loan.

Cross course - The ratio between two currencies, calculated on the basis of each of them to any third currency.

Coupon - Cutting card of security (stocks, bonds), which gives its owner the right to receive a certain income in the form of interest or dividends.

Leasing - (English Leasing - rental) - Financial Operation on the transfer of the right to use property for the validity of the leasing agreement.

Financial leasing - long-term financial lease of property with the right of subsequent redemption.

Liquidity - The ability of a credit institution to pay their current obligations in a timely manner, determines the balance of assets and liabilities. Liquidity regulations for credit institutions are established by the Bank of Russia.

"LORO" accounts - accounts open Bank For corresponding banks to which certain amounts received or issued on their behavior are made.

Marga - The difference between the percentages received by the bank for a loan and deposit paid (deposits).

Marketing banking - The process of determining the desires of banking services clients and the direction of these services for all the time consideration on them.

Interbank Market (MBC) - part of the loan capital market, at which some credit organizations are short-term place temporarily free funds in other credit institutions (mainly in the form of bank deposits).

International Calculations - a system for regulating payments for monetary requirements and liabilities between states, legal entities and individuals located in the territory of various states.

"NOSTRO" - account - The account opened by the bank from his correspondent bank is used for mutual payments.

Security credit - Types and forms of guaranteed obligations of the borrower in front of the lender (Bank) for the reimbursement of the amount borrowed money (Credit) In cases of their possible non-return by the borrower.

Bonds of state loans - short-term and long-term securities issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in order to attract investor funds and to fulfill its functions.

Bonds of a savings loan - State securities issued in order to attract investors' funds, but intended mainly to accommodate among the population.

Bonds of the federal loan - State securities issued in order to attract investors' funds, paying income for which is carried out by coupons.

Mandatory reserves - The storage standards of the payment facilities on special reserve accounts in the central bank are established in a regulatory manner.

Mandatory reserves of the bank - Share (as a percentage) of bank deposits, which should be contained in the form of reserves on correspondent accounts in the Central Bank.


1. Negative balance on the current account, acquiring a loan form (loan).

2. (Eng. Overdraft) - a limited obligation of the Bank for lending to the account account in the absence or insufficiency of funds on it to pay for payment documents.

Passive operations of the bank - Operations to attract funds in order to form bank resources, the implementation of passive operations is associated for the Bank with its expenses to pay interest to depositors.

Translation Bill (Tratta) - The written order of one person (the drawer) to another person (payer) about the payment on demand or on a certain date specified in the bill of money to the third person (beneficiary) or the bearer of this bill.

Payment system:

1. A combination of organizational forms, tools and procedures that contribute to money.

2. Cash settlement system; Includes cash and cash and cashless turnover.

The solvency of the bank - The ability of the bank in due time and in the full amount to respond to their debt obligations.

Consumer credit - Credit provided by the Bank to the population in order to acquire expensive consumption items, improve housing conditions etc.

Interest rate - (Lat. Pro Centum - per service station) - the amount paid for the use of borrowed funds. They are formed separately in each sector of the financial market (loan percentage, deposit, etc.). Allocate three groups:

I is the official rate of the Central Bank (accounting or refinancing);

II - Interbank (LIBOR, MIBOR, etc.);

III - the base rate (Prime-Rate) - a lending rate of first-class borrowers. In addition, interest rates are distinguished: nominal (market), real (taking into account inflation ±), fixed (unchanged for the entire period of financial transaction), floating (the rate of the rate is revised depending on the market situation).

Simple bill - unconditional monetary obligation An established law issued by the Bank (bill holder) of a physical or legal entity (bill holder), which provides the latest right to demand the amount of money specified in the bill with a borrower.



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{!LANG-2782f6de59be00c95dcefebc8db860cd!} {!LANG-e04dd82a521729d004a126ad56353a5b!}

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IN {!LANG-f12d8ad116083f4d9c8f6a619d149654!}{!LANG-d45e668c802b3025079fb3bfaadc209b!}





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{!LANG-1d78d23d339acf7ad49efd56cfabdfa6!}{!LANG-d419acf0f91bbfdae7c9cf9d547c039c!} {!LANG-0d8e303fa393e2baf2526173e4a3e671!}{!LANG-e20f6c8f5647092a2851fb837a96dcb9!}

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Accreditative{!LANG-c03ac5c528a297e702083da9606f2f95!} {!LANG-7a1638bee61126f377abd35a61edb51b!}{!LANG-b637aeccdb5086d26b7a448d77c2bc0d!}

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{!LANG-c56268324f4f49072b02db3d414d3dea!}{!LANG-614124dc04f457bb28ed6fbf3e4788a1!} {!LANG-b3c9db8d299df07f50450947882ca3d4!}{!LANG-d774585f786330fdf15e8fb145a2ced0!} {!LANG-52815e473d175fd42f8bcfc2eb769a1b!}{!LANG-9a80c6af562e3f4eb04e18e94ce74f17!} {!LANG-becd46f7c34c575ebf6db7fd846e6f93!}{!LANG-8f36896b6b253e4f526ce296d93dbe8b!}


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{!LANG-5306e350bc142b7637ad3bc18998162e!}- {!LANG-91e223a1b61014673175996c61fae1f5!}{!LANG-db15cda447a24fd56e5763d0997b6f81!}




{!LANG-e8d3e6f12278818ac8e985ce5bc67a75!} {!LANG-3847718a17e283de0c5c7ba39f8dccaf!}{!LANG-d43e7246a899a7ae95871a4d5be7ac8a!}







{!LANG-fc56283c708f03963626fdc97b352a4a!}{!LANG-2da14fcd5e4584c51900837610f30e1f!} {!LANG-2a8631a82d54b68cbd6f53f6660cf7cf!}{!LANG-ef36738f7656385215d917e886512313!}






{!LANG-d016d5bc0a7e7a2e5280f5e7b6472ad1!} {!LANG-2f3c73e42d96ad593671a40ac7097867!}{!LANG-7fc0f582edda78a220b506eb2b17e379!} {!LANG-ec3d920c680ebd8316aacf842252fc92!}{!LANG-b95ec60f34d1b5fc157c344a41ee4dc1!}


Providing credit{!LANG-869b9edf32846fb6cbde35a443c75da1!} {!LANG-1e50f7b9d6ea528a683c5e7ea73e229b!}{!LANG-a25df71f4e7062c27155e65d5ecb470d!}

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{!LANG-95c2ec830c7c4110711ec61748b3a642!}{!LANG-68c5865c4e582b2063023d8000e227cb!} {!LANG-d7f8bcdb9f08db8a562759921cbff12c!}{!LANG-ac88a26853ba3019cd6446428a8a7bf9!}



{!LANG-65de2ec8df180a161e512e97744f46f4!}{!LANG-05d7e2122b7cfc2b83cdcc8af41fda67!} {!LANG-4988fa397eb9d2b885d75c0ae2caa21d!}{!LANG-c794fe320840f875be456d046bb348d9!} {!LANG-cb272d677da80bcc8402533f2f36c8cf!}{!LANG-a82fa4cbcb9ca5c52c74452f0e0f0795!}














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{!LANG-0379f2d8f9ccc474d74277f87e914ae4!}{!LANG-7edc506cd11a1e809eaf372307f84530!} {!LANG-7ad4d67d112a3fe338bf7fbea645d727!}{!LANG-20341cbc3ca1d57a80d5259bfe226469!} {!LANG-c1e7d45978e8ac6e302baceb042562e9!}{!LANG-7be55af2ae323db6c9cca3c7a40ea89f!}

{!LANG-1ad172340eb0ca8889c13d45a0115be1!}{!LANG-f8d104bef61f27bc55249a4a5af91475!} {!LANG-59ac69464816f9c18ad161bbe48fda93!}{!LANG-eb9c83a96400f69da5ae6f54e0e43fcd!}

