
What is an CMR construction. Construction and installation work. Certification and licensing as components of quality control

Task 1.

Actual. The level of costs 77.5 cop / rub

The conditions of the pride of supply and the personnel composition have not changed

Contract price of the SMR on a new contract 3075 thousand.

The rate of profit is 14% to related costs.

Cost level Fact. \u003d CEST. Fact. / Revenue fact. (rub)

Uzfak \u003d 77,5Kop / rub \u003d 0,775

Task 2.

Determine the annual amount of SMR in reporting period, if a:

Equipment of the organization OPF \u003d 0.32 rubles. for 1 ruble made of the CMR

Labor Communicability Slave. \u003d 10.5 thousand rubles on people

Average number .b. \u003d 240 people

Fundsacking \u003d OPF / numbers.

OPF \u003d 240 * 10.5 \u003d 2520 thousand rubles

Equipment \u003d OPF / CMR volume

The volume of CMR \u003d 2520 / 0.32 \u003d 7875 thousand.

Actual. Sumpers from sales. \u003d 1290ts.

Planned revenue on the next \u003d 1420 thousand.

The actual size of the circulation. Forces \u003d 535 thousand.

Planned need for turns. Machine \u003d 545 thousand.

Turnover \u003d revenue / cf. Treatment (revs, times)

Cobor.Ob.Sr-V.Pl. \u003d Revenue Plan. / CP.S.Pl \u003d 1420/545 \u003d 2.6 (revolutions)

Cobor.Ob.Sr-VF. \u003d VF / cp.sr.f. \u003d 1290/535 \u003d 2.4 (revolutions)

Duration.Pl. \u003d 365 / 2.6 \u003d 140.38 \u003d 140 days

Duration.Ok. V.F. \u003d 365 / 2,4 \u003d 152,08-152

Release OBS \u003d 140-152 \u003d -12 days

Task 4.

OPR.Summu planned and actual. I took from the delivery of the SMR, as well as the rate of profit, the planned and profit is regulated, if:

The volume of SMR is actual. \u003d 360 thousand rubles

Actual. Sebest. \u003d 282 thousand.

Seb. Plan \u003d 288 thousand rubles

Planned accumulations of 15% of the estimated st-tie (costs)

Profit n. \u003d 0.15 * Seb.pl \u003d

Profit pl. \u003d 288 * 0.15 \u003d 43,25t.r.

Norma pr. \u003d Planned savings

Task 5.

ODP. Top and private indicators of turnover current meansif the revenue is:

From sales of products 200.000r

From the repair services of apartments 135.000r

From the CMR Prospect 1470 thousand rubles

CP. Rasspatterns 815 thousand.

Including Production colors 189This.R.

SR-VA in Okavoshov. Prospect 340 thousand rubles

Cp in calculations 286 thousand

1.Kob. \u003d (200 + 135 + 1470) / 815 \u003d 2.21 (vol.)

2.Kob1 \u003d VIS. / OBR \u003d 200/815 \u003d 0.25 (OB)

3.CoB2 \u003d VY URS / OBR \u003d 135/815 \u003d 0.17 (OB)

4.Kob3 \u003d VIS CMR / OBR. \u003d 1470/815 \u003d 1.8 (OB)

The least turns around repair services.

Task 6.

ORD.Borts of revolutions CP-in per year and their size in building. Organization, if a:

Annual amount of SMR 3240 thousand rubles

Duration of one turn of 80 days

And evaluate the effect of accelerating turnover for 10 days

The number of revolutions \u003d 365/80 \u003d 4.56 (OB) per year

OBR \u003d 3240 / 4.56 \u003d 710,53 (thousandrd)

365/70 \u003d 5.21 (OB)

VIS \u003d 5,21 * 710,53 \u003d 3701,86 (thousand rubles)

Effect \u003d 3701,86-3240 \u003d 461.86 (thousandrd)

When accelerating the turnover, there will be a positive effect in the form of an increase in revenue by 461.86 thousand rubles.

Task 7.

ORD. Such a volume of revenue from the implementation of the CMR, which can receive an organization if the turnover turnover increases 25%

The volume of realization of the SMR 1890TC.R.

CP. Size of the Essentials of 450 thousand rubles

Cob. \u003d VIS / OBR \u003d 1890/450 \u003d 4.2 (OB)

COB2 \u003d 4.2 * 1,25 \u003d 5.25 (OB)

VYR2 \u003d 5.25 * 450 \u003d 2362.5 (thousandrd)

Additional bill VIS. \u003d 2362.5-1890 \u003d 472.5 (thousandrd)

With an increase in circulation by 25%, the organization will receive an additional amount of revenue from the implementation of the SMR in the amount of 472.5 thousand rubles.

Task 8.

The method of NCH. Linear immituation

-Normum depreciation deductions

- God's summary.

-Of OS.

- detergents of wear and fitness

A1 \u003d per.st-q / sleep \u003d 570/10 \u003d 57 thousand rubles

A2 \u003d 470/8 \u003d 58.75 (thousandrd)

A3 \u003d 195/7 \u003d 27.86 (thousand rubles)

Depreciation rate:

H1 \u003d 100% / SP \u003d 100/10 \u003d 10%

Ost.t-th1 \u003d first-n * А1 \u003d 570-57 * 2.5 \u003d 427,5 tr.

Ost.st.2 \u003d 470-58.75 * 1,2 \u003d 399.5 thousand rubles

Ost.st3 \u003d 195-27,86 * 3,7 \u003d 91.92 thousand rubles

KoeeF.Reu.1 \u003d Ost.st / Pervon.st \u003d 427.5 / 570 \u003d 0.75

Kizn. \u003d 1-Kerny. \u003d 0.25

Coef. 2 \u003d 399.5 / 470 \u003d 0.85

Coef. 3 \u003d 91.92 / 195 \u003d 0.47

perform the indicators:

-hekhano-repair is building.


1. 1340/5120=0,26

2. 1340/148=9,05

Task 10.

The conditions are the same as in 9.


-fond reservoir.truda

-Mahanovoya.str. PR-V.

Task 11.

Conditions as in 9.

FondoOTD.STR. PR-VA \u003d VIS (V) / HCR.

1. 5120/1809=2,83

2. 7350/2380=3,09

FundArd. \u003d OPF / VSMR (VIS)

1. 1809/5120=0,35

2. 2380/7350=0,32

(Share of the Funds in every ruble of revenue)

Output annual \u003d CMR / numbers.

1. 5120/148=34,59

2. 7350/214=34,35

Labor intensity \u003d 1 / development

1. 1/34,59=0,029

Task 12.

Determine the magnitude of an explicit zoom reserve balance ProfitIf the Org reported:

Sum, thousandrd

Amount, thousand rubles

From sales

From sales:

Penalties, penalties obtained:

From writing off debts for the expiration.

Including for misuse

Fines, penalties, shredded:

Including for misuse

Including losses of past years in the incident.

Other losses:

In addition to the demolition of houses

Direction in collective farm

Balance profits 4967.

Two concepts of the price of construction products should be distinguished:

    Estimated cost of construction.

2. The estimated cost of the SMR.

Estimated cost of construction - these are all the money necessary for the construction of the object (that is, the value capital investments). It is determined by the total consolidated estimated calculation.

Estimated cost of constructionit is the basis for the financing of construction, the formation of contractual prices, calculations for the CMR made.

Composition and structure of the estimated cost of construction

The estimated cost of SMR - This is the price of products of individual construction organizations.

The estimated cost of SMR - This is the cost of general construction, special and sanitary work on the estimate.

Acquisition technological equipment - This is the cost of manufacturing and delivery of technological, lifting and transport and energy equipment.

Other works and costs:

    Examination, licensing.

    Expenditures on the overall land plot etc.

Estimated cost of CMR - These are the normative costs of a construction organization for the production of these works.

In terms of its economic content, it is divided into direct costs and overhead.

Direct costs Directly associated with the production of SMR and are calculated by the direct account method.

These include: the main salary of the workers, the estimated cost of materials, the cost of ESM.

Main salary workers - This is a piecework or timeless wages of workers engaged in the CMR.

In the article. "Materials"the costs of materials are included. , designs, details, fuel, el \\ energy, steam, water for the price of a franco-primary warehouse.

Operation costsit is divided into: annual, one-time, operational.

    Overhead in construction: appointment, composition, calculation method.

Overheads designed to compensate for the costs of building organizations for service, organization and management of construction (administrative and economic costs, etc.) The amount is determined indirectly as a percentage of the wage fund of the workers.

Overhead costs are calculated by the formula:

HP \u003d AHR + RORS + POP + Poland,

where AHR - administrative and economic costs (for example, the salary of administrative and management personnel, stationery);

RORS - employee service costs construction (for example, an additional salary of production workers, labor protection costs and safety techniques);

Pop - work expenses at the construction site;

Poland - other overhead.

To determine the norms of overhead in local estimatesah uses guidelines to determine the magnitude of overhead in construction. MDS 81-33.2004 "Methodical instructions to determine the magnitude of the overhead in construction " .

    Estimated profit in construction: appointment, use directions, calculation method.

Estimated profit (Planned accumulations ) - This is a regulatory (guaranteed) profit of a contracting organization as part of the price of construction products, which comes mainly on the development of the production base and the social sphere of the contractor.

To determine the norms of estimated profits in local estimates, documents that determine the values \u200b\u200bof estimated profit in construction are used. MDS 81-25.2001 " Methodical instructions to determine the magnitude of the estimated profit in construction "

The size of the estimate profits is determined from the wage fund (Fot) workers based on:

    general-industry standards established for all performers used in the preparation of investor estimated calculations;

    standards by type of construction and mounting workused in the preparation of local estimated calculations (estimates);

    an individual norm for a specific contractual organization (with the exception of buildings funded at the expense of the federal budget).

    Direct costs in construction: appointment, composition, calculation method.

Direct costs dependes directly direct account depending on the amount of work, the necessary resources, estimated norms and prices for resources.

Includes: the cost of main wages of construction workers (ZOR), the cost of building materials and structures (M), the cost of operation of machines and mechanisms (ESM).

PZ \u003d M + ZOR + ESM

    Types and procedure for compiling estimating documentation.

Estrase- This is a document (part of the project), which determines the size moneynecessary for the construction of an object or production of a certain type of work.

The composition of the estimated documentation in the project for construction:

    Local estimates

    Object estimates

    Estimated calculations for certain types of costs

    Consolidated estimated cost of construction

    Summary of costs

    State price state price

Local estimates - These are primary estimated documents that are compiled for certain types of work based on the volumes defined in the composition of the working documentation.

The cost of works in the composition of the local estimate consists of PZ, HP, PN.

Object estimates Compiled on the basis of local estimates on the object and serve as the basis for the formation of contractual prices for the construction of the object.

They are compiled in form number 3 and contain the following graphs:

Object estimates are prepared at one price level - basic or current (forecast).

Consolidated estimated calculationcompiled according to form No. 1 based on object estimates and estimated calculations for certain types of costs. It defines the estimated limit of the funds necessary for the complete completion of the construction of all objects provided for in projects, that is, the volume of capital investments.

Approved consolidated estimated calculation is the basis for the financing of construction.

    Local estimates: Purpose, content and methods of compilation.

Estrase - This document (part of the project), which determines the amount of funds necessary for the construction of an object or production of a certain type of work.

Local estimates refer to primary estimated documents and are compiled for certain types of work and costs of buildings and structures or by all-wide work on the basis of volumes defined in the development of working documentation (RD).

The source data for the preparation of local estimates are:

    parameters of buildings and structures and work volumes;

    existing estimated standards and free (market) prices and tariffs.

In this case, integrated estimated standards and acting single rates are used.

Local estimates are developed in form No. 4 on certain types of work and part of buildings and structures.

The cost defined in local estimates includes direct costs, overhead and estimated profit (planned accumulation).

With a basic-index method, the cost of work is determined on the basis of works and single rates (Fer-2001, Ter-2001). The cost of materials not recorded by direct costs of rates is determined in local estimates by base or current prices.

With a resource method for the preparation of local estimates to determine the estimated direct costs is pre-compiled local resource statement , in form number 5, and then on the basis of indicators of the resource statement is developed local resource screamed . The source data are the volume of work, collections of GESN-2001 and collections estimated prices on resources.

    Consolidated estimated calculation: Purpose, content and methods of compilation.

Consolidated estimated cost of constructionbuildings and structures are the main document determining the estimated limit of funds necessary to complete the construction of all objects provided by the project. Approved by the established procedure consolidated estimated calculation serves as a basis for determining the limit of capital investments and the opening of the financing of construction.

The consolidated estimated calculation is included in separate lines data on all estimates without sums on the coating of the limited costs and calculations for certain types of costs.

A consolidated estimated calculation for construction is made up in the current price level. To form a cost in the current level of prices, the basic price level of 2001 prices can be used. The decision taken to be taken into account in the consolidated estimate calculation of the price level is made by the Customer in the design task. CCRss is compiled in form No. 1 based on object estimates and estimated calculations for certain types of work and costs.

The estimated cost of each object included in the consolidated estimated calculation is distributed across the graphs denoting the cost of construction and installation work, equipment, other costs and the total estimate cost. The SSR contains 12 chapters.

According to the facilities of transport construction, the consolidated estimated calculation consists of the following chapters:

    Preparatory work.

    Earth canvas.


    Artificial constructions.

    Crossing and adjustment.

    Furnishing and belonging.

    Communication device.

    Buildings and structures of road and motor vehicles.

    Temporary buildings and structures.

    Other works and costs.

    Design and exploration work.

The SSR is attached explanatory notein which are given:

    estimated price level Drawing up the SSR;

    a list of estimated standards adopted to compile estimates;

    nR standards and estimate profits;

    features of determining the estimated cost of construction work for this construction;

    calculation of the distribution of funds in the directions of capital investments.

    Single rates: Definition, types, procedure for compilation.

Under single rated understand the direct costs listed in monetary terms: labor, material, managing construction machines per unit measurement of a structural element or type of work.

Single rates are reduced to the table and contain the following indicators on the meter adopted in them:

    the cost of paying the work of workers (except for the cost of labor taken into account in the cost of the construction machines) as of 01/01/2000;

    the cost of operation of construction machines, including the remuneration of workers serving machines as of 01/01/2000;

    the cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price) as of 01/01/2000;

    the rate of consumption of materials (in natural indicators), the value of which is not taken into account in a single rated price;

    the names and norms of consumption of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are taken in the preparation of estimates on project data

Total developed about 50 fellow collections .

Single rates used to determine the estimated cost of construction work, the development of enlarged standards of estimated cost, price list and contractual prices, as well as for calculations for completed construction works.

All single rates are divided into two groups:

    "Closed" take into account all types of material resources.

    "Open" do not take into account the costs of local and some types of imported materials. Data on unaccounted materials is shown on a separate line Directly in the price indication of the code, name and consumption on the rates meter.

The essence of the binding of open EP, is to account for unaccounted local materials and structures. The cost of materials is accepted by a Franco-construction site.

    Determination of the estimated value of the unit of measurement of building materials and structures: Cost content, development procedure.

All building materials are conditionally divided into two groups in the preparation of estimates: local and imported .

Local - Enter the construction directly from the enterprises of the building materials industry, etc. (This is a brick, stone, crushed stone, gravel, sand, concrete and w / w designs, concrete and solutions, a / b mixtures, etc.) on local materials. Wholesale prices are as a rule, the supplier is usually a franco-enterprise. Transportation costs for the delivery of local materials on construction sites are significant and significantly vary in separate construction sites and zones. Local materials are installed zonal estimated prices. Considering all the costs of acquiring and delivering building materials directly to the construction site (Franco-construction site).

Imported - Committed mainly from territorial supply bodies. These prices are shown in the "Collection of medium district estimated prices for materials, products and structures" (cement, lumber, steel and wooden structures, roofing materials, glass etc.). For imported materials, the wholesale prices are installed by the Franco-wagon destination station. The cost of transporting imported materials from the destination station to the buildings have a slight proportion in their value and therefore the average district estimated prices of the Franco Primary warehouse in the territorial areas are installed on them.

Franco.- the number of transport and loading costs taken into account in the selling price of products. There are distinguished: (Franco-manufacturer, Franco-car-station-station, Franco-station of departure, Franco-car-destination).

The estimated prices of material resources are determined in the basic or current level of MDS-based prices 81-2.99 "Methodical instructions on the development of collections (catalogs) of estimated prices for materials, products, designs and collectors of estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction and overhaul buildings and structures. "

FSSTS-2001 Federal collection of medium estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction, part 1-5.

Estimated prices for materials, products and structures (
) The franco-primary warehouse is accepted and are determined by the formula:

\u003d CM + P + Star + SCNO + ZSR, (1)

where: CM is a free or adjustable price for production and technical products (the price of the manufacturer), which is determined on the basis of catalogs, price list and other information suppliers, as well as monthly information issues of regional pricing centers in construction (RCCC);

Page transportation costs, taking into account the costs of loading and unloading. It is estimated on the basis of prices and tariffs operating in the region and the scheme of supply of materials, which provides for the most economical type of transport. The cost of delivering materials from an attribute warehouse to the working area is taken into account in the composition of state elemental estimated norms (GESN), as well as by drawing up the costing of transportation costs for the carriage of goods;

Old - the cost of containers, packaging and props (taken into account if necessary);

SCNO - the cost of services of equipped organizations, determined on the basis of contracts and contracts for the supply of materials;

NWSR - the magnitude of the procurement and warehouse expenses.

    Determination of transportation costs for the delivery of materials to construction site: Composition, order and development methodology.

To calculate the cost of transportation of building materials and loading and unloading works SSSP-2001-1Sectoral collection of estimated prices for cargo transportation for construction , which consist of two parts.

Each person has repeatedly faced the construction of any object or equipment installation: someone simply watches the process, someone directly performs it or participates in it. Therefore, it is important to understand what operations include construction and installation work (CMR).

Definition and composition of the CMR

Construction and installation work in Moscow is a set of works on the construction of industrial and non-productive objects and the installation of various equipment in them.

The law clearly regulates the processes included in the construction and installation work. Their list is set forth in the instructions No. 123 to construction work (paragraph 4.2). Construction and installation works include:

  • the construction processes of bridges, roads, embankments, construction of power lines and communications, the construction of bridges and roads, as well as other special work (underwater, air);
  • construction activities, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of permanent and temporary facilities, which include all related work on the construction of metal, reinforced concrete, wooden, metal-plastic and other designs, as well as action to design paths for tower and other cranes;
  • work on the organization of all types of water and power supply, heating, gasket gasket and sewer trails;
  • processes for the construction of foundations and supports under technological equipment, lining and furnishings of furnaces, installation of sanitary and technical units;
  • work related to landscaping and decorative design of territories;
  • estimated measures necessary to determine the cost of construction and management of them;
  • the establishment of material losses due to the destruction of objects, the restoration of which should be carried out due to capital investments allocated according to project documentation on repair and construction work.

The total amount of SMR includes a complex of work on certain elements of buildings, structures or complexes, which was carried out for any period of time (month, year, etc.) both at the starting sites of this time interval and on objects planned In delivery on the next planning period of time.

Work of construction and assembly organizations

A person who is not associated with such a type of activity as the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of existing ones, is unlikely to know full list Works performed by a construction and assembly organization. But the importance of such companies is difficult to overestimate: any alteration in the house or on the plot does not do without their participation.

So, a professional construction and assembly organization will qualitatively implement such types of work:

  • assembly (using finished nodes and parts), which include assembling structures from different materials, gasket power supply, water supply, ventilation channels, elevator construction;
  • construction, which are divided into:
    • general construction: digging holes, trenches and pitchers, reveal processes, soil seal, etc. (Earthworks); The construction of stone walls, pillars or seasplets from single stones and blocks, bricks or masonry (stone work); All stages of the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures (concrete works); Installation of wooden floors, construction of wood structures (joinery); Installation of roofing elements, sticking on the prepared base of rolled materials, other actions on the roof device (roofing); Facing processes, stacking wallpaper, applying plaster, flooring with linoleum and other finishing works;
    • special, related to the finishing of technological equipment (cladding or irrigation of furnaces and other aggregates of refractory masonry, application for anticorrosive coating devices), erection of individual structures (mine barrels, power or telephone networks, sanitary systems, etc.);
    • transport and loading and unloading: Delivery of materials, structures, details and inventory for construction with the help of conveyors, dump trucks, trailers and other machines.

This is not the entire list of works performed by the specialists of construction and installation companies. The client can order a service, for example, hurrying a hold of various cargoes, sandblasting of any surface, painting a large capacity and other non-standard procedures.

a common part

In general, the source data specified in the task is given in more detailed presentation: assignment of the object, a brief description of its volume and planning and constructive decisions, construction area, construction conditions for the construction of material and technical and water-energy resources, a description of the construction site, geological, hydrogeological, climatic and other conditions.

Tasks for the design of the flow and its parameters are set, which, taking into account the rational technology and the organization of work, provide a total duration of construction within the regulatory and continuous loading of resources (brigades, machines, mechanisms). The accepted organization of the construction site is justified, indicating the need to take into account special conditionsrelated to the constrained conditions for the production of works, the location of the Important territory, the terrain, etc.

The estimated cost of general construction works and the object estimated cost established in Section 3 are indicated.

Counting construction and installation work

The initial data for counting the volume of construction and installation works are architectural and construction and estimated-structural parts.

project, as well as an objectory plan for determining the scope of work

on the preparation of the construction site to the production of construction

mounting work. The methods of technology and construction organization are taken into account. The nomenclature of the work should be focused on the structure of regulatory documents on which their labor intensiveness is determined. An approximate nomenclature of works is provided in Appendix 1.

The volume of construction and installation work should be determined by the project, taking into account the established requirements for their organization and production. The rules for determining the amount of work are set out in the technical part of the "territorial single rates"(Ter-2001) for construction work in the Krasnodar Territory. Therm-2001 was developed taking into account changes and additions to GESN-2001, approved by the Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia. The volume of work on individual structural elements and species must be defined in units of measurement given in TER-2001 or Yenir collections.

Calculation of work volumes is made in all designs and types of work in the technological sequence of their implementation, providing commissioning of the object to operation (from earthworks to finishing). When counting the scope of work, you must maximize the specification and other project data, including local estimated calculations for general construction work. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that when designing an object of construction of an object in a calendar plan, only basic works are included, the execution of which is necessary, but does not overload a calendar plan with a large amount of detailed information. Typically, such works are 85-90% of the total labor intensity reflected in the estimated documentation. The remaining 10-15% complexity of the work performed are taken into account as other unaccounted works. Appendix 1 shows an exemplary list of works, units of measurement and brief rules for counting their volumes. Works should be calculated whenever possible in a table method in a sequence that excludes repeated calculations.

Calculation of the volumes of mounted reinforced concrete structures and products is carried out by a tabular method indicating the consumption of concrete on

one product, its geometric sizes and mass. Results of calculations

entered in Table 2.1. The results of the counts of the remaining work are entered into the statement of the volume of work, compiled in the form of table 2.2. Each count must be justified by the corresponding formula most simple view. Counting the volume of work is carried out up to the whole physical unit Measurements.

The volume of work in further calculations are used to determine the complexity of the work, the needs for construction machines and vehicles, building structures, products, materials and

semi-finished products. Calculated volumes of work are entered into the card

determined works and resources network graphics. The geometric dimensions and the mass of structural elements are necessary when choosing an installation

the mechanism, determining the danger zone of work on the construction general plan, as well as the formation of an open warehouse in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe crane.

Table 2.1 - Precast concrete structures

Type, product brand Geometric dimensions, mm Sketch of product Number, pcs. Volume, m3 Mass, T. Note
section length, l
high, n Width, B. PC. Total PC. Total
. . .
CP-1 base panels Same, CP-2 0,86 13,8 1,38 22,0 0,72 32,9 1,15 52,6 ρ \u003d 1.6 t / m 3
. . .
. . .
. . .

Table 2.2 - Validity of work

Speaking about the construction of buildings, roads and repair of objects, we mean holding a whole complex of events and actions that lead to the desired result, namely to the new construction or a repaired road. Construction and assembly works (hereinafter referred to as the main part of the construction sphere, without which neither the production of the overhaul of premises, nor the construction of new buildings.

Decoding of CMR

Under a rather extensive definition, the variety of works, which differ from each other by the focus and means of execution are understood. If you give general definition The concept, the decoding of the CMR will look like this is a set of actions for the construction of new facilities (buildings, structures), repair and reconstruction of them, as well as installation and installation of equipment. All the work simply can not be done by one company, since the scale of the tasks set for it will be just huge. Therefore, in the construction market there are organizations whose activities have a narrower specialization. For example, there are companies dealing with only the construction and repair of roads, or firms building industrial facilities.

Types of CMR

Several basic types of such works are distinguished:

  • general construction;
  • transport and loading and unloading (delivery of materials, devices and equipment);
  • special (with a special type of materials).

The most diverse is a joint activity. It consists of:

  • earth (digging holes, trenches, catlovanov), pile (driving, device pile foundations) and stone works (construction of walls, laying of stone, etc.);
  • roofing (device of attic rooms, roofs), plastering (painting, pasting) and insulating;
  • floor devices, and communications;
  • installation work on the installation of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete, light enclosing structures;
  • territory of territory;
  • work on the installation of technological equipment;
  • and etc.

To finally figure out what decryption of the CMR, it is necessary to understand that includes all types of above work.

Features of construction and installation work

Each field of activity has a number of features and nuances. For the SMR, the most important criterion is the quality that fully depends on the professionalism of employees, the competent organization of the process and the interaction of the links of the system among themselves. At the beginning of work, the goals and objectives, planning and control, and the final result - competent and qualitative production of the CMR are of great importance. After all, the safety of people depends on this.

The proper preparation and organization of the process have great impact on obtaining the desired result. The assumption of errors or miscalculations may be expensive to cost the contracting company in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Correction of defects in construction can cost human life. Plus to all that, it is always a pretty expensive event. It should also be understood that when calculating the CMR is not allowed to use untested or poor-quality materials, as well as unreasonable savings on mandatory costs of expenses. In order to take into account all the features of construction, it is necessary to carry out all the work in stages.

Order of conduct

Decoding of SMR will include competent and consistent implementation of all stages of construction activity.

For example, in front of the construction of new objects, first of all it is necessary to produce geological studies of the soil of the site. It is possible that before the start of construction, you will need to dry the swamp or carry out drainage work to avoid flooding.

After you can proceed to apply the foundation contour. This is usually done with wire, wooden pegs and ropes. Next, you need to pull out the trench for laying the foundation of the future building. After you can move to the construction of walls. If a wooden building is planned, then the compiled project should be clearly followed. For walls of stone there are its own rules - for example, the layout of the stone is strictly horizontal, the stacking of the seams and the pouring of the solution.

After that, the attic ceilings are laid out, windows, attic and rafters are mounted, it all depends on the number of floors of the building and the complexity of the construction. Next closes the fronts of the roofs and the roofing material is stacked. The next step is to carry out finishing works (external and internal), then the installation of equipment (plumbing, heating systems, etc.)

The amount of SMR largely depends on the tasks set. For example, one company can be engaged in directly the construction of an object, and another organization trusts or do it yourself.

Organization of production of CMR

In the construction of buildings and structures, various subjects are necessarily involved: designers, surveyors, equipment suppliers and customers. So that the process of production of the CMR was systematic, special attention It is worth paying the organization of work.

All questions on construction technology is better to clarify from representatives of construction and installation organizations and specialized trusts that are preparing projects.

Usually the project contains a calendar work plan, general plan Construction, according to which the deadlines for the production of the works of the performers are calculated and all the volumes of CMR are shown. In addition, this document indicates the location of the buildings and construction sites, the water and energy supply schemes, as well as the amount of materials used, products and construction machines. For complex buildings apply technological mapsin which special safety requirements are prescribed, the main stages, construction technologies, etc.

The organization of the production of SMR is very important, because it depends on it, in which rhythm will be carried out by assembly, carpentry and other types of work.

What is the estimated cost?

The quality of construction activities carried out largely depends on the amount of the allocated budget for construction. Therefore, such a concept as the "estimated CMR value" plays a decisive role in the working process. It is an official confirmation of project financing. It reflects all the final figures.

CMR calculation

Work is easy enough to calculate. It is necessary to fold all the direct costs (the cost of materials, s / n workers, etc.), overhead (administrative and economic, etc.) and planned accumulations. The latter component is otherwise called the estimated or regulatory profit of the construction organization.

Construction and installation work are the most important stage of construction. Only with competent and qualified planning and organization of the production of the CMR can be achieved the desired result with minimal costs, money and time.

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