
Russian Standard Bank Loans. Consumer loan cash in Russian Standard Bank: Conditions, Betting and Customer Reviews. Consumer loan plus

Today, it is already rarely someone who goes to the Russian standard bank branch in order to try to make a cash loan on the passport. After all, before the direct receipt of money, you need to collect the necessary set of documents and get encouraging for issuance. In order to save your time, you can send an online application. The chance of a positive solution will be exactly the same or even higher if you take the fact that you do not like the Bank's employee when filling out the application.

Conditions for obtaining a cash loan in a Russian standard bank

  • Age from 23 to 70 years;
  • Credit rate from 15% to 30% per annum;
  • Amount from 30,000 to 2,000,000 rubles;
  • Term of 1 year to 5 years;
  • From the documents - passport + any other.

The Bank Ram himself suggests that the loan can be obtained for up to 5 years, the loan amount to 2,000,000 rubles, and the interest rate is only 15% per annum. The age of the borrower is from 23 to 70 years. No credit and a dream, there is no dispute. But, not everything is so simple. Let's deal with the order.

Let's start with the most important interest rate. It can be from 15% to 30% per annum. In order to get 15% per annum, it is necessary to issue a "credit for reliable customers for a period of 12 months." Also, the amount on the loan is sharply limited and is equal to only 500,000 rubles. The loan period at such a percentage rate is only 12 months. Unfortunately, in addition to the passport you will need:

  • certificate of income 2-NDFL or information about the status of the individual personal account of the insured person,
  • certificate of state registration of property ownership or an extract from a single state register of real estate addressed to the borrower.

As you can see, the bank has done everything possible to not produce loans under such a low percentage. In all other cases, the interest rate will be from 19.9% \u200b\u200bto 29.9% per annum. But here there will be no conditions that are not hard.

To get the minimum bet in 19.9% \u200b\u200bper annum and the amount of 2,000,000 rubles, it is necessary that your employer would have a settlement account in the Russian standard bank. Otherwise, the rate will be slightly higher - up to 23-24% with a maximum amount of 1-1.5 million rubles, which agree is also not bad. But you do not need to confirm your income no documents. For approval of an application for a loan, only a passport will be needed. + Any document from:

1. A valid passport in the name of the client;

2. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) in the name of the client;

3. Driving license with an expired validity of the client;

4. Pension certificate or certificate of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the insurance experience of the insured person and the amount of pension received by him (for the reason for the assignment of the pension: in old age / for long service / disability of the group III) to the client's name.

In general, the Russian Standard Bank refers to one of the most loyal banks in the lending market. If you set out the goal of getting a cash loan, then this credit institution must stand at the beginning of your list of all banks.

Unlike some other organizations, in order to take a Credit in the Russian Standard Bank through online applications, the borrower will not require guarantors, no deposit.

How to make an online loan on the bank of the Russian Standard

  1. go to the official website of the bank
  2. Further, in the window that opens, you need to fill all empty fields (name, gender and age, the size of the desired amount, etc.) It is important to note that all this information should be reliable. After filling out the form, click on the "Submit" button;
  3. Wait for the call of the bank employee and answer all his questions. In most cases, the employee will be interested in the amount of income and the availability of other loans and overdue. Speak only the truth, otherwise you will refuse.
  4. If the answer of the bank is positive, it remains only to go to any branch of the Bank of the Russian Standard, sign the contract and receive funds. Any bank failure from further lending will be logically justified with the Councils to solve all difficulties.

Especially for potential borrowers, the bank made video instructions.

How to pay a credit in the bank Russian standard

There are several basic ways to repay debt in the Russian standard bank:

  1. ATM. One of the most convenient repayment options. A visit to the Bank is not required;
  2. Cassa organization. The least convenient way, but one of the most reliable;
  3. Bank transfer. Allows you to pay off debt by translating funds from another bank account;
  4. Map " Bank in pocket" Specialized Map of Russian Standard. Registration of this card will save from the need to personally visit the department of the Bank - the funds will be written off from the account automatically. The only detail - on the day of the write-off on the map there must be the required amount;
  5. Postal transfer. You can enter a loan payment through any branch of the Russian Post. The term of enrollment, however, can reach up to 3 days;
  6. Terminal. A convenient way, but it is worth considering that when performing any financial transactions through terminals, the Commission may be held.

Thus, to submit an online application for a loan in the Russian standard bank is quite simple, but there are many subtleties and nuances, as well as a list of mandatory requirements that may complicate credit relations with the bank. In any case, the Russian standard is one of the most reliable financial institutions that can be trusted in obtaining a profitable loan.

The Russian Standard Bank is a Russian commercial institution carrying out credit activities. Legal form of this bank - Joint-Stock Company. The head office of the Russian standard is located in Moscow. Represents a credit institution banking products in demand from wide segments of the population.

Initially, he had the name "Agrooptorgbank". His activity was registered in the Central Bank in 1993. The initial purpose of the creation was the implementation of mutual settlements between institutions and enterprises. But due to the instability of the economy in Russia, the Russian Standard Bank has ceased to exist as an organization for mutual settlements and stopped actively operating in the financial market.

In 1999, the Bank was reorganized in connection with the acquisition of his new leadership. The amount of the transaction was 100 thousand dollars. His priority is currently consumer lending and credit cards.

In addition, the Bank actively attracts free funds of individuals into deposits. Also in the bank there is acquiring, settlement and cash service, credit lines, international transfers and calculations.

Terms of granting credit

The Russian Standard Bank offers several. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Cash loan

This program is the most popular Russian Standard Bank customers. Its profitable is in the inappropriate use of cash issued. According to the credit program, the Bank offers the following conditions:

The advantages of the program presented is also the fact that:

  • to submit an application for the issuance of a loan is not required to confirm the official employment of certificates;
  • credit obligations may be decorated in two documents;
  • large selection of payment options for monthly payments.

Cash loan for permanent borrowers

Such a program is offered by the Russian Standard Bank individually for its customers. You can get such a loan only in the absence of overdue payments and timely payments of the loan in the amount established by the Agreement.

  • credit obligations rate - 24% per annum;
  • the maximum amount to extradition is 500 thousand rubles;
  • the credit limit is executed for up to three years;

All other conditions are similar to the previous option.

Consumer loan plus

This program from the Bank of the Russian Standard is a mini-credit to obtain borrowed funds before wages. Suitable to citizens who need a small amount to acquire any product. Consumer loan conditions are as follows:

When making a loan, funds go to the already decorated "Bank in Pocket" card.

Consumer loan 24.

The Russian Standard Bank offers loans on improved conditions. The program is designed for a specific category of customers who wish to occupy a solid amount of money. Conditions on this proposal:

  • for the use of the credit program, 24% per annum is accrued;
  • the amount of the loan limit provided is 300 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • the payment period is from 6 months to 3 years.

Not always the desires of a person coincide with the possibilities. That is why the Russian standard bank decided to enter the microcredit and commodity lending. Now it is not worth thinking about the shortage of funds when buying goods and services. The missing money can be obtained in the form in this bank.

Financial organization offers profitable banking products to purchase goods without overpayment. To obtain a loan, you do not need to attend the department. It is enough just to approach the information desk on the territory of the Bank's partner store and make a credit limit on the outlet. This saves the time of an individual.

For a loan, a person will require only a passport and an additional document, for example, TIN or SNILS. Conditions under the program "Credit for the purchase of goods":

What do you need

For registration in the bank, the Russian standard of consumer loan is not necessarily sent in his office. It is enough to go to the official website of the bank and fill out the questionnaires represented there. It is worth specifying the real data, otherwise the potential borrower will refuse to issue credit funds.

As soon as the questionnaire is processed, a bank employee will contact the client to clarify the data. With a positive solution of the financial organization of the Client, they will be invited to come to the department for personal submission of documents and receiving borrowed funds.

To acquire loan obligations, the physical person will need to provide the following package of documents:

Requirements for the client

The basic requirements for the future borrower are becoming:

  • the presence of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence;
  • age limit - 21-65 years. In some cases, the age limit is from 18 years;
  • availability Help 2-NDFL. It can not be provided, but then the interest rate will be higher;
  • the presence of a stationary phone (home, worker).

The potential borrower must have a positive credit history or to be without it. He should not have current debt on other loans of other banks.

Russian Standard often makes a loan to citizens who have a salary of at least 20 thousand rubles. This is due to the minimum amount needed to accommodate the average person, it is approved by legislation in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. If you have a child, the amount of income must be about 30 thousand rubles.

For small loans, the Bank does not ask for a certificate in form 2-NDFL, the second document certifying the personality, as well as the right-expanding documents for property. But if a potential customer is requiring a significant amount of funds, he must provide all of the above documents.

A bank credit Russian standard is suitable for wide segments of the population. Russian standard is beneficial to pensioners. When providing a document confirming retirement, a citizen has the right to expect to reduce the cost of a banking product to several points.

Applying and Receiving Credit

By collected all the necessary documents, the potential borrower does not know how to act further. Often, bank specialists do not say how to take a loan cheaper and easier. Take a loan better online.

In order to take a loan, you need:

  • go to the official resource of the Russian Standard Bank;
  • go to the "Loans" tab;
  • choose the optimal product for yourself;
  • click "issue";
  • fill out the presented questionnaire;
  • agree with personal data processing and wait for an answer.

You can get money on a loan in the bank. The Russian standard can be both in cash and on a bank card, depending on the selected program.

(!) We recommend that you take advantage of more convenient and profitable offer - to place an online Platinum credit card from the Bank "Russian Standard" with the possibility of free to remove cash (credit money - up to 300,000 rubles)!

What is more profitable cash credit card?

  • Free shipping - The courier will brought the card and gives it to you personally in hand.
  • Without commissions - Free cash withdrawal in ATMs (0% commission).
  • Interest-free installment For a period of up to 12 months (1 year).


Pay a loan in the bank Russian standard can be in several ways:

  • automatic write-off from the Bank in Pocket Bank card;
  • at the ticket office and ATMs of the submitted bank;
  • interbank transfer;
  • in Kiwi Terminals, ICD, EleknesNet;
  • electronic translation leader;
  • postal transfer;
  • translation from a mobile phone account.

It is worth remembering that the cash must be made in advance and in the amount specified in the contract.

Lending to the Russian Standard Bank is a favorable offer for all individuals. The presented programs allow you to realize your dreams without postponing them until tomorrow.

In the article, we described in detail how to make a loan in the Russian standard bank, which documents need for this and how to submit an online application. We also collected in the table for consumer loans in cash for individuals and several reviews of the Russian Standard Bank customers.

Credit is one of the main products of the banking industry. The consumer is sometimes difficult to choose the Bank with the most favorable conditions and the minimum interest rate.

In addition, unscrupulous banks try to deceive customers, hiding high commissions when lending for "small font". The client of such a bank sooner or later recognizes the balance of the loan and understands that he made a mistake by issuing a loan. Today we will learn how to take a loan in the Russian standard bank without references on favorable terms, and do not fool yourself.

Go to the Bank's website

Tariffs for lending to the Russian Standard Bank

As we see, the conditions for lending to individuals in the Russian standard bank correspond to the average market indicators. The bank offers the most profitable interest on lending in 2017 for customers who have already repaid a loan without excellence.

Online credit for credit Russian standard


After you have done all the above actions, you can go to the page with the application form for lending. It contains the following mandatory fields:

  • The age of the borrower.
  • Paul borrower.
  • Telephone number.
  • Lending limit.
  • Loan terms.
  • Credit city.

After filling out all the profiles of the questionnaire, you will only be left to the "Send" button. At the same time, you automatically agree to the processing of personal data, and your application will be issued. Some time after you left a request on the site, bank employees will call you back.

You can apply for cash loan by phone. To do this, dial the number 8 800 200-31-13, tell us about the goal of the call, answer a few questions. The manager will fill out an application for a loan independently and will tell, how many years they give a loan if it is possible to get it in the rapid mode and what percentage of applications approval. The call is free, you will not have to pay.

And you can apply in the bank branch. To do this, you need to take the application form of the application and fill it out. One month after receiving the loan, you must make the first payment. At the same time pay the contribution you can through the bank's personal account.

Consumer Credit Calculator in Russian Standard Bank

The Russian Standard Bank offers its customers to use a simple online loan calculator directly on your website. To get to the page with a calculator, from the main page, go to the "Loans" section, and then click on the "Learn more" button.

At the top of the page that opens, a calculator consisting of two fields will be located:

  • Credit amount.
  • Credit term.

The first parameter can be configured in the range from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles. The loan period can be chosen from three values: one year, two years and three years. After you set up the parameters, the calculator will calculate the amount of the monthly loan payment. The interest rate does not appear.

If you are satisfied with the conditions, you can make a loan by clicking on the appropriate button next to the online calculator. At the same time, it should be understood that the calculator issues only approximate values, it is better to turn to the bank's specialists for the exact amount.

In what conditions can I get a loan in the Russian standard

Lending conditions in the bank Russian standard are quite profitable.

First, the time consideration is only one day. A day after the application, one of the above methods will call you a consultant of the bank and will announce the decision.

Detailed conditions

Secondly, the bank does not require a potential borrower with a collateral or guarantors. This makes a loan in Russian standard available for almost everyone.

Thirdly, if you have a good credit history, the bank will offer preferential rates. Customers with bad credit history bank also considers, but lending conditions for them are less profitable. Perhaps the credit institution will offer to issue a loan on the security of real estate.

Fourth, to get a loan you will need only two documents: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and any additional document, from those presented on the official website. This list does not include labor book and income certificate, credit will be issued without these documents.

Fifth, the Bank does not charge commissions for removing funds from the account, for servicing the client and repayment of the loan.

How to change the date of payment on the loan cash in the bank Russian standard

In the event of problems with payment of debt, the bank offers customers not restructuring, but the service "I change the date of payment". It allows you to choose any day of the month in which you need to make credit payments. Why do you need it? Sometimes it happens that the payment day does not coincide with the day of receipt of the salary. The service will fix this discrepancy.

For amenities will have to pay 300 rubles. You pay them next month after changing the date of payment along with the monthly loan payment.

In order to connect the service, you need to contact any Russian Standard Bank. It is drawn up by passport, so do not forget to take it with you. You can change the date of payment on any day after signing the contract for the design of the target or non-target loan in the absence of overdue for payments.

You can connect the service on the day of submission of the application for a loan. At the same time, the bank is established a ban on the transfer of the date of payment on 1, 29, 30 and 31 of the number of month. After connecting the service, crediting conditions do not change: the loan is issued without references, you can also manage your payments online.

Go to the Bank's website

Requirements for borrowers

We will not stop the requirements for a long time, since they are minimal.

Like all Russian banks, the borrower of the Russian standard should be a citizen of the Russian Federation registered in any region of the country. There is an age limit: the borrower should not be under 25 and over 65 years old.


As mentioned earlier, two documents are enough to design a loan: passports and any additional. On the official website of the Bank, the list of additional documents is indicated, we will analyze those of them that the Bank requires most often.

If you are already a client of the Russian standard, then you just suggest a debit or credit card. If not, you can bring the following documents:

  • Driver's license.
  • The passport of the car (owned by the borrower).
  • Document on car registration in the name of the borrower.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • SNILS.
  • Skip from place of work (name).
  • Policy of mandatory health insurance.
  • International passport.
  • Military ID.

Learn more

Additional services

In addition to the service "I change the date of payment", which we have already told, the Russian standard offers the following options:

  • "Insurance of the life and health of individuals." In the event that you lose the source of income for health, the insurance organization will pay a loan for you.
  • "Insurance on work loss" will allow you not to be afraid of dismissal or abbreviations.
  • "SMS alerts" - thanks to this service, all information about the loan will come to you in the form of SMS.
  • "Info [Email Protected]"Allows you to receive information on accounts to your email address. Perhaps one-time service or its monthly connection.

Personal Cabinet Borrower

Another convenient service on the website of the bank Russian standard is a personal account. It gets all customers of the bank for free.

Personal account allows users to get protected access to their account. In addition, through it, you can carry out the following operations:

  • Make payments on the loan.
  • Transferring funds both between your accounts and on the accounts of other users, including the accounts of other banks.
  • Pay for services.
  • Open deposits, make cards.
  • Learn money debt.
  • Place a cash loan.

You can enjoy your personal account both using a computer and through a mobile phone. The application is available for all operating systems.

Submit your application

How to pay a bank credit Russian standard

Russian Standard has developed several ways to pay a loan, so the bank's clients are not asked where the loan can be repayed.

For those who appreciate their time and money.

If you do not have a big margin of free time, then the perfect version will be the payment of a loan using the Bank in Pocket card. You can arrange it in any branch of the bank Russian Standard. The funds on the repayment of the loan will be written off automatically, the Translation Commission is not charged. The only condition is the availability on the map necessary to pay the amount.

For those who do not trust new technologies.

For such clients, the Bank offers two options at once: pay for credit through the Russian standard ATM and make payments through the Bank's branch. Payment through an ATM is carried out without commission, money is transferred on the day of application, if the latter was carried out until 19:00. The Commission when making funds through the Bank's branch is 100 rubles. If payment is made through a third-party bank, you need to know only the bank details for paying a loan.

For active Internet users.

All customers are repayment over the Internet Bank. Money is listed no later than the day after the application, the Commission depends on the tariff. Credit payment via the Internet is one of the most popular ways.

For those who are not afraid of the Commission.

You can pay for a loan through cash registers or partner terminals. These include: Euroset, Beeline, MTS, Know-how, Eldorado, MegaFon, Rostelecom, Svyaznoy, Expert, Technosil, M.Video and Kari. At the same time, a commission of 1% of the payment will be charged. Payment is carried out instantly.

The terminals are available for payment: ICD, Kiwi, Eleknet, CyberPlat, Telepey and NPO leader. The Translation Commission is from 1 to 1.5%, funds are transferred on the same day subject to making up to 19:00. Payment is possible and through the site Eleknet.

Traditional ways to repay.

You can make early repayment through the Post Office of Russia. For these purposes, only those branches that carry out electronic transfers will be suitable. Payment will occur within three days from the date of funds. The Commission is 1.5% of the amount of payment.

You can make a payment through the accounting department at the place of work. To do this, you must fill out the application. The commission for such a translation is determined by the employer, the duration of the translation is several working days.

Go to the Bank's website

In this review, we will consider the terms of consumer loans in the "Russian Standard" in 2020. But before this, I must say a few words about the jar.

JSC "Bank Russian Standard" was founded in 1999. Today, the Bank has become one of the largest national financial institutions of the federal significance. He is the leading private bank in the population lending market.

The Russian Standard Bank has a wide its own client network. Today, more than 150 divisions of the bank are operating, which are not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg or Krasnodar, as well as in other major megalopolis of Russia. Russian Standard offices are scattered in many cities from Arkhangelsk to Sochi and from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

Convenience of maintenance in conjunction with favorable credit conditions and makes the Russian Standard Bank such popular among the country's population. More than 28 million individuals enjoy its services, over 2048 billion rubles of loans were issued.

Features of loans in the bank Russian standard

Among the relatives of the loan in the bank, the Russian standard can be called the following:

1. Speed \u200b\u200bof registration

Application before receiving cash passes on average 1 day.

2. Lack of commissions

For the removal of money, maintenance and repayment of the loan will not have to pay.

3. Preferential rate

Customers with good credit history can get money on more favorable terms.

4. Minimum of documents

Money is issued without collateral and guarantors on the passport and one of the additional documents (see their list below).

See, under what conditions you can make a consumer credit in the Russian standard bank today.

Credits Russian Standard: Conditions and rates in 2020

Today, the Russian Standard Bank offers individuals, including retirees, cash loans worth up to 2 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. Conditions are simple.

Loan can be obtained in just 1 day and 2 documents, one of which is a passport. But interest rates vary depending on the amount and credit period.

Let's try to figure out what conditions today will be offered to customers who will turn into this bank for money.

Product "Credit Line"

The Product "Credit Line" is provided in the amount of from 30,000 to 2 million rubles. Loan term - 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 months. Annual interest rate is established individually from 19.9% \u200b\u200bto 28%.

However, the rate of 19.9% \u200b\u200band the maximum amount of the loan of 2 million rubles is established if the borrower is an employee of the organization that has concluded with the Bank "Russian Standard" agreement on the organization of non-cash payments and / or acquiring contract. Otherwise, the maximum loan amount is 500,000 rubles.

Bank credit Russian standard under 15%

Make a loan for a minimum percentage not all customers may not. The interest rate of 15% per annum is operating according to the "loan for reliable customers for a period of 12 months." The loan amount in this case is no more than 500,000 rubles. Term - 12 months.

The final conditions for obtaining a loan are offered to each client individually.

Example of calculating the Bank's Credit Russian Standard

In this case, under the period of payment will be the following amounts:

(Calculations are informational and reference)

Russian Standard Bank Credit Calculator

Calculate the amount of monthly payment depending on the interest rate and the amount will help the credit calculator on the official website of the bank. But for prior calculations, you can use our credit online calculator.

Who can take a bank loan Russian standard

The Bank places simple requirements for borrowers:

√ Citizenship of the Russian Federation;

√ age from 23 to 70 years;

√ Permanent registration at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Learn more about consumer loans in Alpha Bank →

Documents on the Russian Standard loan: list

A package of documents that must be submitted to the Bank to obtain a loan may differ depending on the loan amount.

As a rule, to get a loan in the bank, the Russian standard is enough to have:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
2. The second document to choose from: passport, SNILS, driver's license, certificate from the Pension Fund on the appointment of a pension, etc.

However, in some cases, the Bank may also request a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, as well as documents for real estate, for example, an extract from EGRN.

How to get a bank credit Russian standard

Make a consumer loan in the Russian standard is quite simple. We propose to follow the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1 . Apply for credit.

Fill out the application on the bank's website. The decision on it will be accepted on the same day.

Step 2. Submit documents.

With a positive decision, contact your nearest bank office for signing documents.

Step 3. Get cash.

Money will be listed on an open bill for you. It will only be left to remove the desired amount.

Learn more about Credit in East Bank →

How to repay Credit

Taken money, no matter how many sorry to part with them, you will have to return everything. Debt repayment occurs monthly into the dates specified in the payment schedule. You will receive this document when receiving a loan.

You can make money in cash through the cash register or ATM of the Russian standard, as well as postal translation. Cashless ways to repay loans are also a few: through the Internet bank, through the accounting department at the place of work, through the system of instant payment Kiwi, Unistream, etc.

The Internet Bank and Mobile Bank will always control the balance of debt and repay payments on time. You can receive information from the bank by any convenient way: in SMS, by email, telephone or through your personal account.


Phone: 8 800 200-6-200 (in Russia)

Site: www.rsb.ru.

Legal address: 105187, Moscow, ul. Weavka, 36.

JSC "Bank Russian Standard". General License of Bank of Russia No. 2289. Information is not a public offer and presented for reference purposes.

Go to the Russian Standard Bank website. Calculate the loan in the online calculator. To send a request, click on the "Build on the site" button:

Fill out the application - enter the name and age, select Paul. Indicate the amount and loan period. Choose the city in which you want to get a loan. Click on the "Submit" button:

An employee of the Russian standard will call and help prepare documents for a loan application.

Requirements for the borrower

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation
  • From 25 to 65 years
  • Permanent registration in Russia

Required documents

  • Passport of the Russian Federation
  • Additional document - Polis of OMS, TIN, driver's license, SNILS, military ID, Sailor certificate or military personnel, Map of Russian standard, passport, STS, PTS, certificate of registration of property ownership, certificate of service, 2-NDFL, extract Account or contribution

About Bank

Russian Standard is one of the largest private banks in the country. Founded in 1993 called "Agroopttorg". In 1998, I was purchased by Rustam Tariko, the creator of the "Russian Standard" vodka brand. The bank is one of the first to begin to navigate consumer lending and actively develop this product. Later, he also began to develop car loans and credit cards. In 2018, a Russian standard emerged large debt to investors, which led to a sharp decrease in the reliability of the bank.

Rustam Tariko continues to own all the shares of the Russian standard and does not plan to let in his capital of other persons and the organization. The head office of the bank is located in Moscow. The network of offices has more than 150 offices in many regions of the country. The number of the General License is No., issued by the Central Bank on November 19, 2014.

One of the main activities of the bank is consumer lending, loans in stores and issuing credit cards. The bank is a key partner of American Express and Diners Club payment systems in Russia. In addition to loans, the Bank offers debit cards, deposits, remittances and services for wealthy customers. The Bank serves and business entrepreneurs available, loans, deposits, acquiring, salary maps and other services.


  1. Consumer loans with lending limit
  2. List of information for borrowers for consumer loans

You will learn how to enter your personal account on the official website of the Russian standard online. Detailed instructions on a convenient and rapid access to www.rsb.ru with screenshots and video instructions. Visual guide to restore the forgotten password to the bank's personal account. We have only the most relevant information.

Answers to popular questions

How to find out the amount of the monthly payment?

To find out the amount and date of repayment of the loan, use one of the Russian Standard services - the Internet Bank, a mobile application, a telephone center 8 800 200 31 13. Refine information about the loan can be in the Bank's office.

Do I need to insure a Russian standard loan?

Insurance service is optional. Russian Standard issues loans and uninsured borrowers. Decorated insurance will protect against the need to pay a loan in an unfavorable situation. The Bank offers the "Insurance of Life and Health" and "Insurance from the Cheank Loss of Work".

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