
What includes daily apartment cleaning. Cleaning an apartment and houses - make up a schedule and a plan. We start cleaning from garbage collection throughout the apartment

Cleaning in the apartment or in the house can be two types: current and general. Let's talk about . To quickly and effectively cope with this task, you need to comply with simple rules for cleaning the house, which will help finish the case in a short time and with the best result.

Rooms and corridor

By time, complete cleaning of the standard 3-room apartment, even very running, with the right approach, will take 3-5 hours. The main thing is to comply with simple harvesting rules.

Where to start:

  1. Shipping all beds in the apartment.
  2. Alternately in each room and in the corridor, spread things: Clothes into the wardrobe, put shoes on the shelves, folded toys into a large box (a large package, box under the bed, etc., most importantly - so that they do not fall under their feet), arrange Books, Combs, Cosmetics, Lucky - all in one big cosmetic bag.
  3. Along the way, we carry a large package for garbage in order to immediately throw off the trash - candy wrappers, a banana peel, unnecessary paper and other litter.
  4. If dirty dishes got under the arm - immediately carry it into the kitchen, dirty underwear first in one corner, and then put everything at once in the basket for dirty linen (wash will be later).

This moment is important here: laying out things in its place during the current cleaning of the apartment (at home), do not try to remove everything in the closet, in the dresser, paint books, photos or conservation. For this will be time later. If you get hooked for cleaning in some one place, then the whole apartment will remain unlucky for a couple of days. And our primary task is a pure dwelling! Getting to the cabinets later. This is an important rule of cleaning in the house, it must be observed.

So, I looked around - the bed is covered, everything in their places, dirty linen and dishes in the rooms are not visible. Next - to the kitchen.

Cleaning kitchen

Easier than it seems at first glance. Here will help such an order of cleaning:

  1. Free place at least on the same table, folding everything even on the floor into the angle, thoroughly wipe the table, make a clean towel or set the dryer for dishes. Workplace is ready.
  2. Remove all dirty dishes from the sink, where it will fit (you can also simply into the angle on the floor, only so that it does not come across under your feet).
  3. Wash the sink to the cleaning agent and begin to wash the dishes (better with a liquid tool from fat). Clean plates, cups, spoons and other fold on a clean table or in the dryer. As soon as the table is filled, spread the dishes in places, released the workplace again. And so until not a single dirty muddy remains. If you have a dishwasher, then everything will be easier. But the goal one is to first get rid of dirty dishes.
  4. Now we will deal with the products - that in the closet, that in the refrigerator, which is in the garbage.
  5. Thoroughly wipe all tables, wash the stove, sink. Remove the garbage, put a fresh package for garbage in the bucket.

Now the kitchen shines! Tip - Do not start to wash the refrigerator. This will select the mass of time. It is better to put it in line with cabinets, for example, for tomorrow, when you wake up fresh in a clean apartment and take the point order with new forces.


Now the rules for cleaning the apartments involve the guidance of order in the bathroom. The algorithm of action here is this:

  1. Pour the toilet toilet for 30-35 minutes.
  2. Points to decompose bathing and soap-shaving accessories.
  3. Wash the bath, sink, mirror.
  4. Relax 15-20 minutes, during which time it will time to actuate the tool, and the toilet will be easy to wash.

At this stage, you can wash the washing machine. Why not before? Because it will take care of the sorting / loading washing, and the dirty utensils in the kitchen will wait. And so at this stage you have almost a clean apartment!

The final stage

Remove from the sofa and the chairs of beds and wipe them on the balcony (it is better not to do this on the staircase, the neighbors will not be delighted). If on the street of bad weather, just walk through the wet cloth (hand) to assemble pork, hair, dust.

Come with a damp rag throughout the rooms and wipe dust everywhere - on the windowsill, tables, dressers, open shelves, shelves, TV and computer. Along the way, wash all switches, sockets, door handles. Quickly, in one squealing hand, wipe polished surfaces with a special means (if there is no funds, leave this item will be in line with cleaning in the cabinets and washing the refrigerator). Be sure to wash the mirror in the apartment! Spots on the mirror surfaces are very noticeable, and they will drive your efforts at home cleaning. But in no case begin to wash windows or chandeliers! These points refer to general cleaning. Pour flowers.

Now the order of cleaning the apartment suggests a vacuum cleaner or broom. After you need to wash the floor (you can add a white cap on the water bucket for disinfection of the room). Open the windows to let fresh air, and go to take a shower.

A few words in conclusion

We forgot about the washing machine: Lingerie is still spinning there. Nothing wrong. Putting its automatic, and everything can be cheated and later. After the shower, a cup of green tea with lemon is perfectly enjoyed (drinking coffee is impossible: you can't do it, you can't give extra load on the heart) and lie on the watch. You can see easy cinema - your home glitters, and you deserve rest!

And only one advice: To be more fun, put your favorite energetic music. You can make a similarity of the relay: put yourself the goal to overcome a certain stage of cleaning for one song.

As you can see, the rules of cleaning in the apartment are very simple, they will help every hostess quickly bring full order in the house.

The day off ... How much is it waiting for it. Someone will go to nature, someone will finally get enough sleep or will take their hobby. And what do many women plan to do? Proper, general cleaning. Alas, it is such a fate waiting for modern owners who do not know how to make a cleaning routine for every day. And it turns out that they are all Saturday (and sometimes even Sunday) are not with their family, but with washing, cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, and so on.

A similar approach to holding a long-awaited day off is definitely takes away the mass of the forces. To work, women have to go with a sad smile and not rested. Is it possible to change the current situation? Not only possible, but also need. You need a schedule for cleaning at home or apartment. Cleaning schedule is a pledge of the preservation of peace and rest in the family. Plus, this is a wonderful chance to reduce time for homework.

Do you still think that you don't need cleaning schedule that cleaning is not related to the organization? We hurry to disperse you. It is the right organization of the cleaning process that underlies a comfortable life. With the proper approach you can enjoy a truly clean and fresh home, an apartment. You have two options:

  • Let it be as it is. But then do not complain that you do not have time to relax on the weekend that you do not have time.
  • Learn to make the schedule of your cleaning. At the same time, you will have to abandon some of your habits and it will be necessary to work on the development of new ones.

A competent organization allows you to determine suitable places to store certain things. Therefore, take a handle, paper and start to make a plan for cleaning at home.

Schedule cleaning the apartment: why is it needed?

As noted earlier, most women leave general cleaning at the end of the week, because working days are obtained very loaded and saturated. When Saturday comes, it begins against the apartment. But why not make this process more uniform? Yes, you understood correctly: the cleaning of the apartment is quite realistic to distribute the weeks of the week. Then your hands will be confused, and you can spend your long-awaited weekend, not with a rag with a mop, but with a book, family, friends and your favorite hobbies.

If you look into history, you can find out that attempts to develop a schedule of cleaning the apartment were made quite often. Some hostesses threw the idea when they had difficulty drawing up the plan. Others, having achieved success, shared tips with girlfriends and other women. 1999 year marked the year of the appearance of an interesting concept - "Flyli". If it is deciphered, then the next phrase will be: "Love yourself, finally."

In fact, it was about the whole movement of housewives, who are tired of routine affairs. They developed a whole system to streamline homework, according to which the household should be conducted every day. A reasonable schedule for cleaning the apartment frees the weekend. They can be safely used only for recreation, self-development, pleasure.

If you really want to systematize the performance of your homework, it makes sense to make a plan for cleaning at home. Experienced housewives advise:

  • To begin with, highlight 5 zones in an apartment or house: kitchen, bedroom and dining room, children's room, living room and balconies, bathroom, toilet and hallway.
  • Determine which zones will be removed more often. For example, bathroom, kitchen, toilet require frequent care. It is necessary to decide how often you will clean them: once a day, every other day, etc.
  • Provide yourself with high-quality cleaning agents. You must have a good mop, reliable vacuum cleaner, all necessary chemistry, gloves, etc.
  • Every day you devote cleaning no more than 15 minutes. Experience shows that this time is quite enough to maintain perfect purity.

If you want to make cleaning more interesting, listen to music, audiobooks. The benefit from the process will be greater.

Schedule cleaning for every day

By making a schedule for cleaning its apartment, consider all the days of the week, except for the weekend. Still, we decided that on Saturday and Sunday we will relax. Right? So, the perfect cleaning schedule for the week:

  • Monday. We remove the kitchen. Also remove all the rooms that are located nearby: storage room or balcony. Starting with lockers located in the far corner. If you still have no jackets for bulk products, it makes sense to purchase them. Do not forget to immediately scatter a special remedy for the sink, a stove. While you will clean the lockers, wipe the shelves, detergent can clean the kitchen surfaces. You can only wipe the stove, oven, sink, etc. Cleaning in the kitchen is washing the floor.
  • Tuesday. We proceed to cleaning the toilet, bathroom and hallway. As on Monday, in advance, apply cleaning products on the surfaces that need to be cleaned. Do not forget to spray the remedy for the tile. A few minutes later you can wipe the walls with a dry cloth. As for the shelves, cranes, wardrobe handles, shower racks and other nickel-plated surfaces, they should be wiped only with a dry cloth. After you can proceed to wiping the shelves, mirrors, washing machine. If you teach your households to flush a toothpaste from the sink, wash the soap box, wipe the tile after taking the soul, then the cleanliness in the bathroom will be saved longer. From the hallway it is necessary to remove that clothes that you do not wear. In warmtime, you do not need to store coats, warm hats and winter shoes in the hallway. Everything needs to be folded in packages and remove. Be sure to thoroughly wipe all available lockers. Floor washing completes cleaning on Tuesday.
  • Wednesday. We are cleaning the dining room, bedrooms. First you should put all things into place. You need to change bedding, rub dust, thoroughly speaking carpets, polish wooden furniture, wipe chairs, picture frames. And in the end you can wash the floor. Remember, the daily rubbing of lockers will not allow dust to accumulate. You can use special means with an antistatic effect.
  • Thursday. Go to the children's room. On this day you can do washing and ironing linen. In addition, you can determine what exactly on Thursday you water the flowers, engage in the repair of clothing, cleaning shoes, etc. Experienced hostesses advise to lay underwear in a stack in a wet state, but iron the next day. Then the underwear after washing will not require a long swap. And an important point: children need to teach their toys from the earliest years.
  • Friday. We carry order in the largest room - the living room. You need to wipe the furniture, spend the carpet, wash the doors, windows, wash the floor. There is no place in the living room, and therefore they should be cleared throughout the week.

As you can see for yourself, the competently composed schedule of cleaning allows you to avoid Abral. At the same time, housewives hands are essential. And most importantly - the weekend is released. How you will spend them depends only on personal preferences. Someone wants to just enjoy the rest with the family (it is enough to make tasty dinners, dinners and just everyone to watch cognitive films, transfer, walking on the street, etc.). Someone all the weekend is engaged in your favorite hobby: knits, sews, embroiders, writes music, dancing, sings, etc.

Of course, with a huge desire, it is possible to pay a little time cleaning on Saturday. And in the evening, on Sunday, you can reconsider the schedule of your cleaning. Perhaps you want to make your own adjustments. In any case, the schedule of cleaning in the house is guaranteed to provide a quiet life. Therefore, boldly introduce the knowledge gained and enjoy the result. Believe it, it is worth it. Once I tried the cleaning schedule submitted, you can make sure that it is useful and effectively to clean up every day. In fact, it's easier. Therefore, it is better to maintain cleanliness than its global guidance.

Cleaning schedule is a real panacea from crazy avral homework. And nothing more modern women is not necessary. This is an excellent opportunity to release the time for yourself. The main thing is that you can fully rest in a legitimate weekend. And then forces for the future week you will have an order of magnitude more. Try to implement all the recommendations that were voiced in this article. If something fails the first time, do not despair.

Try again and again. As they say, the road is asset going. But in the near future you can be proud of your own power, you will enjoy the opportunity to spend the weekend as you want, and not as it is.

For a medium-sized person who has a job and a tense schedule, it is better to make a one-time cleaning of the house in a timely manner, not allowing the garbage to accumulate. Stay honest with yourself, relative to the list of services for comprehensive cleaning, which you can afford.

Make a cleaning plan

Do not try to remove the whole house at once. Divide your home on zones or individual rooms, so that you can see the progress made in the same room, which will motivate you for further cleaning.

Clean the kitchen

Clean kitchen makes cooking easier and more pleasant, daily housekeeping also contributes to sanitation basics. To get rid of dirty dishes, use the dishwasher if it is available. If you have children, wash the dishes of one of their daily duties. If you do not have a dishwasher, make sure that the dirty dishes do not accumulate, try to wash the dishes when you finish using it. Connect children to help you with routine around the house.

Wipe the countertops before leaving the kitchen. Short-term cleaning will help you keep bacteria in fear. Do the same with the kitchen sink, pre-wash the dishes, of course. Do not forget about the microwave oven and oven if used them. Wipe when they are no longer needed. You will find that timely removal of any shed drinks when it happens, will save you a sea of \u200b\u200btime and effort, which, otherwise, would turn around complex and long-term cleaning of dry spots.

Clean bath

To make it easier for life when it comes to the bathroom, rinse the shower and bathroom regularly after use, work out the habit of doing this with the whole family. Remove your hair from the drain holes, wipe the walls, for this you can store a scraper directly in the bathroom. You can also store children's wet wipes in the bathroom to wipe the chairs and sink daily. This solution takes a little time and gives an excellent result.

Similar little things strongly help when the time of general cleaning comes. Concerning regular cleaning, spray in the bathroom, shower and toilet universal cleaning agent, leave it for 15 minutes. While the tool acts, slowly wipe the sink, worktop and mirror. Now back to the sections treated earlier. Then wipe the floors or speuthes.

Do not forget to use gloves when you wash a toilet and toilet brush to brush under the brine of the toilet. You can also use a cleaning agent for a toilet that is attached under the rim to contain a toilet bowl between regular cleaning at home.

Cleaning in the bedroom

The simplest way to save the bedroom clean, will require only fifteen minutes a day to guide the order. Your bedroom, especially if there are children, one of the few places where you can lie down and relax after a long and difficult day. The dirty bedroom will not be able to provide a relaxing situation.

Start the daily cleaning of the bedroom with a filled bed. The bed dictates the appearance of the whole room and makes it carefully. Align the sheet, the blanket and bedspread, gently fold the pillows. Do not leave dirty clothes in the bedroom, consider it in washing in the morning. When you take off your clothes, put it in the basket for linen. Clothing, which is considered clean, should be folded and removed into drawers or is hosted in the closet.

When you remove shoes, put it in the closet. Get a special place for those pieces of paper that come back with you home from work or from school. The garbage baskets are great for this task, with their help you can quickly get rid of garbage in the room, which will help clean the house faster. Make sure that you do not forget to remove all the flat surfaces, at least twice a week and do not forget about the back of the bed, vacuuming behind it, at least once a week.

Other rooms

For the hall, dining room and patio, make sure that you vacuum, wash the floors at least once a week and clean the dust from flat surfaces on the same schedule. Nevertheless, the most important thing you can do to preserve the house clean, and life is less intense, remove the day during the day. This decision will reduce the cleaning time of the house more than half, when the time of general cleaning is coming.

Olga Nikitin

Reading time: 9 minutes


Performing homework, a woman has to be considered with his interests, hobbies and desires - washing, cooking and cleaning it is impossible to postpone, these things require a lot of time and effort on their decision daily. It is even more difficult for those women who work, or who have a small child, requiring constant attention. How do routine home cleaning make a lung, phased?

Is it possible to do without the general cleaning of the apartment?

So the apartment is more likely to leave at the end of the week. Since most women on weekdays work, most often cleaning occurs in free days, which would be good for recreation - on Saturday and on Sunday. How to make sure that the housing is cleaning uniformly distribute weeks, spending not so much time?

Attempts to create cleaning schedules, a certain order for home affairs were always. In some hostesses, this took this particular algorithm and was part of everyday life, and other hostesses, without achieving success, threw this idea and returned to their old habitual schedule. IN 1999. in the West, even such a thing appeared as "" ("Finally Loving Yourself" - or "Finally, Love yourself!") which marked the whole movement of home owners who did not accept the routine home affairs, and trying to give them some Ordered system uniform in the week and easily performed. This progressive model of housekeeping began to immediately conquer the world, and today many households are happy to use it to organize such uninteresting, but always necessary work.

So that the housing has become clean and cleaned, it is necessary a lot of work one day a week or little household employment every day . With a reasonable and thoughtful schedule of apartment cleaning, weekends - Saturday and Sunday - you can exclude from them at all, leaving them only for rest and your favorite affairs. Below we present to your attention Approximate schedule of apartment cleaning which will help you unload your free time at the end of the week, devoting to his more enjoyable classes.

Basic principles of cleaning schedule for a week - what needs to be considered

In the preparation of the cleaning of the apartment for the week the most important thing - to achieve uniform distribution of work On the days of the week, otherwise the whole organized order is sooner or later "breaking", having ceased to exist.

An ideal schedule for cleaning an apartment for a week that takes up little time

On Monday we have - cleaning kitchen. If the kitchen has a balcony or storage room - these places also need to do
clean. We begin cleaning the kitchen from the farthest lockers, locker under the sink, for . Initially, it is necessary to scatter the detergent powder on the surface of the plate, on the sink - this will help the old fat easier to "move away". Rearing the jars and dishes in the lockers, you need to wipe the shelves under them, the door of the locker. Once a week you need Wash trample , and once every two weeks - clean filters on it. It is necessary to start cleaning in the kitchen with cleaning of lockers, then you need to wash the oven, plate and sink, complete the cleaning of floor washing.

Tip: To clean up in the lockers, as little time as possible, and all the products and things were ordered and stood in sight, it is recommended to purchase banks for storing bulk products, and do not store cereals, pasta in bags from which they can easily wake up.

On this day we remove hallway, toilet and bathroom. Initially, it is necessary to apply the cleaning agent on Enamel bath, on the sink, toilet, to start acting. Then need splash On the walls of the bath, toilet, wipeing them with a dry cloth, rubbed to the shine. Washing the plumbing, do not forget to wipe with a dry cloth nickel plated surfaces - shelves, cranes, cabinetchers, shower rack. If there are a lot of plates on them, it is recommended to use a remedy for a limescale in a spray or gel. Having finished working with plumbing, you need wipe the mirror in the bathroom, washing machine, shelves , wash the floors. In the hallway, you must first clean up the closet in front of the door, on the hanger - remove that clothes that no one puts on, Put in packages and remove the winter hats, sort the things that need to be wrapped before storing in the closet. Shoes need to wipe, leave the doors only those pairs that you and your homemade, the rest of the shoes must be removed into the closet. In the hallway you need to wipe the furniture, do not forget about the entrance door - it must be wiped from the inside, and with the outer. At the end of the cleaning it is necessary to wash the floor, cut out on the street and lay mats at the door.

Tip: So that cleaning in the hallway, and also in the bathroom did not take a long time, teach your households to wipe the tile in the bathroom after the shower, clean the sink from the toothpaste and wash the soap box, wipe the shoes daily and remove it on the storage time, without accumulating .

On this day you remove Bedroom and dining room. In the bedroom it is necessary, first of all, remove things into place , Change bed linen, store bed. Since there are always a lot of things in this room, dust must be wiped very carefully, the carpet is vacuuming. On the lacquered surfaces, the dust must first remove with a dry cloth without any means. Then the same places to handle a napkin with a special means for lacquered surfaces, polishing furniture to shine , achieving its complete drying to avoid divorces. In the dining room it is necessary to wipe the furniture in which the dishes, backs and crossbars of the chairs, frame frames, swipe carpets. As a result, you need to wash the floors.

Tip: In order for dust to not scare within a week, the furniture in the bedroom must be wiped daily. It will be good to work for furniture with an antistatic effect - dust will be less. Things need not to dump in the chair, but hang into the cabinets or send to the basket for washing.

On Thursday you need to remove in children's room, and then you can do washing laundry in a washing machine, ironing dried linen. On this day, you can take a rule water indoor plants , wipe furniture and floors on balconies, clean shoes, repair clothes.

Tip: So that the lingerie after washing did not have to disappear for a long time when ironing, it is necessary to shoot it slightly wet, fold in the stacks, and stroke - the next day. So that cleaning in the children's room did not occupy a lot of time, you need to teach the child during the week to clean up all toys and things in our place. At first, this process will not be very fast, but then he will be honed to automatism.


On the last day of the working week, it is necessary to clean up living roomFor this you need to wipe all the furniture, equipment, spending carpets, wipe the windows, wash the floors. Everything extra things must be removed from this room in a week And then the order in the living room will always be. If there is little cleaning in the living room, then on Friday you can wash the floors, stove, sink in the kitchen, wipe the plumbing, mirror and floors in the hallway, toilet and the bathroom.

Tip: In order for you on Friday you did not have to literally straw out of the living room, abandoned by households, toys, set the rule that during the week all these things should be distributed in their place.

So, the working week is completed, the order in the house is supported properly. Two days of the upcoming weekend you can dedicate rest, hobbies, cooking delicious dinners and dinners, walks with a child . Products can also be products buy among the work week in one of the evenings So that on the weekend you did not spend time for standing in the queues. Here. The smallest cleaning cases can be performed on the weekend - for example, remove in the toilet table, in a closet with toys, stroke with wiping clothes, repair that clothes that requires repair. IN saturday needs to thoroughly wash shoes Well, dry it and get it with cream suitable for this type of material. Wipes for wiping dust need to rinse well in water and dry - for cleaning next week.

Traditionally, spring begins with cleaning. It is logical: there were times when people in winter mostly sat down at home. Of course, we went to visit each other, went out into the courtyard, but the main activity focused around a warm hearth in the house. Naturally, the space gradually bored with mud, which there was no strength (winter!), No opportunity (in the house, closely, constantly someone does something), no sense. Yes, and a constantly working focus or a furnace was also added their contribution. In addition, the purchases on the winter were added to the house and in general everything that could spoil from the cold or need to be in winter, they could have newborn lambs with calves to keep in the house.

And here is spring. For those who are not engaged in the house, things appear outside the house and the opportunity to do them. The space around the house becomes suitable for life and activity - you can carry something there at least on the day, there you can get driving up lingerie. You can open all the windows and doors and ventilate the house, it is to ventilate, and not to take. And it's time to hide winter clothes and the tools of the winter craft and get the fact that it was hidden from the autumn.

Even in urban life, this memory makes itself felt. Moreover, the same ventilation was not anywhere, because in winter it is really difficult to qualityily air the apartment. But the reality has changed somewhat. If earlier, a large spring cleaning was the main thing to the hostess, or rather, all the inhabitants of this house, now nobody has canceled the main work, and the spring decline too. Perhaps, in the city it is even more noticeable, because the winter is taken not in hibernation for calm work and fairy tales, but as the most productive season.

Compile a cleaning plan

Yes, you can hire a cleaning lady, or, as they now call them more often, an amateur assistant. Sometimes it is really a way out: such an assistant usually knows how to wash it and it can even come with their detergents and appliances. But folded things to store or disassemble them, it is unlikely to be able, because a stranger will not be able to solve for you where to put your things.

You can cope and yourself. And this will be helped by some ideas of Flyweni, adapted to our reality and our task.

First of all, we need a plan. Take a notebook and handle and go around the apartment, writing all those places that scratch your eyes, all those places where we usually do not look out, all those places where something is stored or will be stored. No need to rely on your memory - write down.

We combine the same type of problems (for example, the shaped switch in the room, the shaped switch in the kitchen, the shaped switch in the toilet turn into the "stipulated switches", the benefit of their apartment is not so much). If possible, we try not too much to consume: Ideally, each individual problem should be solved in 10-15 minutes.

On a separate sheet (you can on a smartphone or any suitable computer program), we discharge the tasks that are clear how to make and set to do. Touch all switches in the apartment - a good example of such a task (tackle - loudly said. We take a cleanser for windows and a rag from the microfiber, splashing the remedy for a rag - and for several movements, the switch is clean. The switch is better not to splash - the fluid can be required to the contacts ). Small trick: tasks better to write immediately in the format "What exactly needs to be done." Not just "mirror", "but" wash the mirror in the hallway. "With such a list it will be easier and more pleasant to work.

Separately write large spaces with which it is not very clear what to do. For example, under the bath we look rarely and do not know what they will come together. Maybe there is already new life. In the same list, those problems with which it seems to be needed to do is, but it is completely incomprehensible that it is.

What makes the storage faces

We work with storage places. Can you say that not looking there, what exactly is kept there or at least objects of what kind? Or is it a "black hole" with a sign "trash" and there can be anything? As practice shows, it is in such "black holes" things are lost, it is from there that the dirt is spreading around the house and it is with them the worst thing to dealfully. Consequently, their cleaning gives a special spring feeling of breathing at home. To begin with, we simply note the "black holes" in your list, and for the rest of the places, we leave the mark that it is concrete there whether it is necessary to get it on a warm season, whether something should be hidden there with the end of the cold.

The main list is one that is understandable and accurate tasks. In it, we note those tasks that appropriately to do only after the rest: wash the floors, hang clean curtains, etc.; Clean the bath, if it is assumed that it will still be watched winter shoes, vases with plants, etc.

In the same list, we will add tasks from other lists.

So, large incomprehensible spaces. Right now, with a piece of paper in hand, we go and look there. Typically, the task is to "wash", can still be "to revise what is worth it, and throw out overdue." Or it can be found that this space is clogged by some incomprehensible trash and turned into a "black hole", then it remains only to send it to the list of "black holes".

To solve the problems that are incomprehensible to how to deal with, you can search for answers on the Internet and ask a question in specialized communities. But do not rush to do it right now! We write to the list of tasks "Google / Ask, how to wash this thing." Then, when you perform this item, do not follow or the words "google / ask", or the whole line if the found ways you do not like and you decide to leave everything as it is.

Another option is to make a separate list of such problems and invite the assistant to aimally deal with them.

Further. The storage location with which everything is in order. It is usually enough to walk with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth - it is written in the list. If somewhere you need to get something, write to the "get x from the Y" list. If something needs to be hidden, we write to the "Hide in place y" list (if you first need to do something with a thing - to stroke - write and it too). Grouping tasks not to climb many times in the same place.
A small trick: It is convenient to immediately write a list of everything that is stored in a particular place if it is not very convenient to get there. Then the list will be able to quickly understand, look for the desired here or somewhere else.

"Black holes" remained. Here you have to work your head.

For each "black hole" you need to understand what kind of things it would be convenient to store here. Otherwise, even if you disassemble everything, this place will again become a "black hole."

It is also convenient to leave one of the storage locations, it is better to easily accessible, for those things for which there is no other place. Yes, it may again become a "black hole", but because it is only one, it will always be clear that the lost need to look here is here.

For each "black hole" we write your chain tasks:

  • Remove everything from some part of it (if this is a wardrobe, then one shelf, not the whole cabinet).
  • Wash this part.
  • Fold there, then from the outstanding, what is there now (if necessary, wash it out).
  • Fold out of the removed (and from the "heap"), which can already be put in place.
  • Send to "Pile" what we can not find a place. You can sort, and you can not do this.
  • And so for each logical part.

"Pile" - some buffer for things. Maybe the truth is a bunch in the middle of the room.

I like to lay more in a large trash package, if there are many things, or in a basin, if there are few or small. The main thing is not to try to hide it all right now. Incidentally.

Once again about the task list

Finally, the list is ready. Write it again.

Is everything clear in it? Is there any particular task ranks? Maybe you need to buy any detergents or something else to buy?

If some tasks look unpleasant, maybe you can ask someone? Or you can not do this at all? Or somehow make this task not so nasty? In front of such tasks, add "google / ask how to make it easier".

And we check separately, did not fall into this list of cases related not to evening cleaning, but to everyday life. The same washing dishes, for example. Wash dishes, of course, it is necessary, but in this list it will be better to let only those cases that can be made once now and another year or at least half a year about them not remember.

Now it remains to do it all. Most likely, the list turned out to be long, and from one glance at him you can feel myself a cindering.

But we are not at all necessary to do all this one day!

Everything is much easier.

If every day is solved by one task, how many days is the list stretch? And if two? And if on a weekday one, and on the weekend five? There is no mandatory rhythm, each mistress chooses his own. Personally, I like the principle of "one thing is necessarily, on - by the mood." It happens that you will do one - and I want to continue right there: to disassemble the second shelf or wash something else.

Separately, we note on the list what is difficult to make the most, for which you need either the second pair of hands, or male power. And on occasion, just handing a list with marks to someone from close men with a proposal to choose a sore case. At such requests they react better than the vague "help around the house", because it is clear what exactly needs to be done.

Part of the tasks can be deleted just like that because we changed my mind.

And the main trick: no need to go through the list sequentially. We run a list of eyes and choose exactly the task you want to do right now, which can be easily done right now. We have different tasks, so under any mood there will be your own. From bad mood it perfectly helps when you rub out something wide movements or endure the trash from the house. If there is no strength to move, you can google something or ask the thematic community, you can also wash some trifle, delete it from the list and calm down on that. If you want to remember, you can disassemble some bunch of forgotten things - the inhabitants of the "black hole". You can also include music or audiobook - who is more like.

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