
Where to get 5 thousand rubles. Supplementary pension. Earnings on consultations and tutoring

The Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, proposed a lump-sum payment for all pensioners of the Moscow Region aged 70 years and over. His initiative was supported by deputies of the regional parliament. Elderly people will receive financial assistance in the amount of five thousand rubles until July 1.

A lump sum payment will be received by all pensioners near Moscow who are 70 years old. This was told by the first deputy chairman of the government of the Moscow region Olga Zabralova.

How and when you can get financial assistance

The payment will be five thousand rubles. It will be received by all pensioners near Moscow who have reached the age of 70 - and there are almost 700,000 of them in the region. For many of them, this will be a tangible material support.

Money in the amount of five thousand rubles to persons who have reached the age of 70 and older will be paid on behalf of the governor. There are almost 700 thousand such citizens living in the Moscow region

Olga Zabralova.

According to her, there should not be any difficulties with receiving payments. If a pensioner receives money in a bank account, then the promised five thousand will come there. If a postman brings a pension, then you can get material support from his own hands.

It is worth being more attentive to pensioners who turn 70 this year. To receive a lump sum payment, you must write an application to the MFC or on the public services portal to receive this money.

The only thing is that if a citizen turns 70 this year, then he must write an application either at the MFC or on the public services portal stating that he is 70 years old this year, and he will be credited with a lump sum payment of five thousand

Olga Zabralova.

With a proposal to make such a one-time payment for pensioners of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov during his annual appeal to the residents of the region. According to the governor, the older generation needs material support. This applies most of all, because it is almost impossible for them to find a job or a part-time job.

“If before the age of 70 you can often find a job, get additional income, then after 70 you are more vulnerable, you are less likely to get a job and have prosperity. Therefore, we found an opportunity in 2018 for the first time after a long break, or rather after the absence of such a practice, to pay a lump sum of five thousand rubles to everyone who is 70 years old and turns 70 in 2018,” Vorobyov said.

This initiative was supported by deputies of the regional parliament. Payment will be made by July 1st.

Sanatoriums, dental prosthetics, discounts on medicines

Retirees in Moscow and the Moscow Region have a number of benefits and benefits, including when paying for utility bills. Thus, older people do not pay for the removal and disposal of garbage, and also receive compensation for the cash costs of telephone connection within the city. Pensioners also have benefits for the purchase of medicines in several cases. Discounts on medicines are 50% of the cost, and some can even be obtained for free.

Also, for elderly citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region, there are additional measures of social support. Namely:

If there is an appropriate medical certificate, a pensioner has the right to go to a spa treatment once a year;

The pensioner has the right to social services during the day, to assistance in the form of purchasing food and medicines;

Free dental prosthetics;

For pensioners over 70 there is a 50% discount on contributions for overhaul a residential building, and citizens over 80 years of age are generally exempted from this payment.

It is worth noting that five thousand is a lump sum payment, and not the amount of a pension increase. And everyone who receives a pension from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) will receive it - that is, working pensioners, and non-working, and the military.

As specified in the Pension Fund, the cash payment will be received by elderly people permanently residing in Russia and who are recipients of pensions as of December 31, 2016. And this means that the money will not be paid to Russian pensioners living in Transnistria, Belarus and other countries. In addition, when pensions are indexed again in 2017, this amount will not be taken into account.

The payment will be made by the pension fund on the basis of the documents contained in the payment or pension file, so there is no need to specifically contact the FIU or apply for money.

"If a pensioner receives two pensions (for example, a "military" pensioner), one of which is paid through the line pension fund, the PFR will make a lump sum payment," the organization explained.

The money will come to the recipients along with the pension. Moreover, if the January pension is delivered to someone in advance, for example, in December of the current year, the payment will be delivered additionally during January 2017.

And if someone does not receive this money during January (for example, the pension and the cash payment were delivered to the house, but the person was absent), the payment will be made again - next month along with the pension.

Only pensioners living in Russia will receive a one-time payment of five thousand rubles

Recall that real inflation last year amounted to 12.9 percent, respectively, from February 1, pensions should have been indexed by this percentage. But due to the difficult economic situation, it was increased by four percent with a bill: if the economic results of the first half of the year allow, then in August the pension will be raised again - by the "missing" almost nine percent, or on average - by a thousand rubles. Finding money for a second increase in pensions proved difficult. And to make a one-time surcharge in January - the budget can afford. It is designed to compensate pensioners for the growth consumer prices under limited financial opportunities budget.

As previously reported, according to the calculations of the research and forecasting department of the Bank of Russia, the January lump sum payment to pensioners will cost federal budget 220 billion rubles.

Meanwhile next year pension non-working pensioners will be indexed in February in full - by the percentage of real inflation. It is expected that the size of this same inflation will be 6.5 percent.

Also, we recall that the State Duma in the first reading approved a bill according to which the financial situation of a pensioner should not worsen. And before the end of the year the document should be adopted. Its essence is that if an elderly person's pension is below the subsistence level, and he receives a social supplement, then even if living wage will decrease, the size of the surcharge should not decrease. In total, more than six million people in Russia receive this "increase".

Many people ask where you can get a lot of money for free and for free? Where can I urgently get money for a wedding, an apartment, a house or to start a business from scratch?

Hello dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the HiterBober.ru business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

I will share my practical experience and tell you where to get money quickly or borrow.

I myself found myself in such situations when a certain amount of money was urgently needed and I had to quickly move my brains and find them in just 10 minutes.

From the article you will learn:

  • Where can I get money for free?
  • Is it possible to get money for free?
  • How to get money using microloans?
  • Where to get money for a business at a minimum percentage?

Here I will also tell you how to borrow money and repay debts correctly, and what mistakes you should avoid if you urgently need money.

Get comfortable, let's get started!

1. Where can you quickly get money for an ordinary person without a job

A person may need money at any moment: you remembered that today is the birthday of a friend (girlfriends, grandmothers, aunts), a workmate invited you to a wedding, you urgently need to repay a debt, and, unfortunately, your salary is delayed - you never know situations arise in life.

Well, if up to hour X (the time when finances are specifically needed) - a few days, but if - a few hours, and there is absolutely no cash? In this article I will tell you where to get money ordinary person(not to a bank director or a businessman) in the fastest and most efficient way.

So, where to get money when there is none? The question may seem rhetorical and even philosophical.

However, when money is really needed and urgently needed, people are somehow not up to philosophy: they have to urgently find cash. If we are talking about small amounts within a few thousand rubles ( 100$-200$ ), then the most common way is to borrow from friends. What if you need more? Where can I get money for an apartment, a car, to open my own business? There are far fewer options here.

Most people will answer that they need to work harder. The remark is fair, but only partly. About that, we already wrote. But, sometimes even working, you can need money. For example, if the salary is small or already spent. In this case, you need to use imagination and mental abilities.

In fact, there is a lot of money in the outside world. Even more than enough. The problem is that they are unevenly distributed. Some people have a lot of them, others don't. What do you need to do? Go to those who have this moment there is finance. Another question is how to persuade, convince, force those people who have a lot of money to transfer them (temporarily or free of charge) to you. I immediately discard dubious and illegal ways of taking money - taking someone else's by deceit, force, theft - is absolutely not good.

This article discusses only fair and legal options.

We list the main ways of obtaining finance, and then discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

  • Borrow from friends and acquaintances;
  • Make a microloan;
  • Get a loan from a bank;
  • Urgently sell some valuable personal item;
  • Use the services of a pawnshop;
  • Urgently execute fast work and get paid immediately;
  • Repay your debts;
  • Rent out housing and temporarily live with friends (with mom and dad or other relatives);
  • Ask for a loan from criminal structures.

I must say right away that the last method is quite dangerous. You can use the services of “brothers” only as a last resort, if you are confident in yourself and in the people with whom you make a deal. However, if the question of where to get money urgently cannot be solved in another way (all banks refuse, not a penny from friends), then there is nowhere to go - you have to borrow from those who give.

2. Microloans - a real way to get the right amount in 1 hour

Just 10 years ago, few people heard about microcredits, but at present, the number of organizations, companies and individuals who even opened a business with the help of microloans has grown rapidly. Now the question of where to get money urgently no longer causes such a headache as before.

Microloan is a loan for a large amount(usually up to 50,000 rubles) for a certain period (usually a month from the date of the transaction).

To apply for a loan, you need only one document - a passport (plus a decent appearance). The interest rate depends on the amount you borrow and the maturity of the loan.

5 advantages of microloans:

  1. Minimum time to process a loan. The application is filled out in a few minutes, you do not need to waste time collecting various certificates and documents, as in a bank;
  2. Guarantors are not required. Usually in banks you will be asked to find at least one guarantor, because each credit organisation wants to reduce their financial risks;
  3. You do not need to state the purpose of the loan. Usually get targeted loan much easier. For example, mortgages or car loans are much more likely to be issued than consumer loans;
  4. Getting money online. Some organizations transfer money to bank cards via the Internet - you don't even have to go anywhere. You can also repay the loan through the online account of various payment systems;
  5. Ease of getting money. You do not need to "beg", disturbing friends and relatives. For a microfinance organization, you are just one of many clients.

A microloan is the most convenient and easiest option if you need money in the very near future. This is a way for those who were refused to borrow money from the bank (due to the lack of necessary guarantees) and for those who want to get finance quickly and without any questions from the lender.

Today, microcredit can be issued via the Internet without collateral, guarantors, income statements, financial history and other "bugs".

To do this, you just need to go to the site, fill out the form, indicate your phone number and enter Personal Area. After that, you need to choose the amount, repayment period of the loan and agree to the terms of the organization with which you work. You will need to send a scan of your passport (or provide passport data) and indicate your bank card number.

Now there are many companies that issue microloans via the Internet, but I recommend working only with the most trusted and reliable ones that have transparent terms of cooperation and a clear loan issuance scheme.

Among the advantages of this method:

  1. Ease of getting a loan. The process of filling out and approving the application takes no more than 5 minutes;
  2. Loan amount up to 30,000 rubles. At the first appeal up to 10,000 rubles and further higher;
  3. Convenience. There are 4 ways to get money: bank card, to a bank account, through the Contact system, and to a Qiwi wallet.

If you have a Qiwi wallet, it will be even easier: the money will be transferred to your account after consideration of the application, which must be completed in the appropriate section. True, in most cases the amount of the first loan does not exceed 5,000 (the company checks the reliability of the client), but then the amounts increase many times over. If you repay the loan early, the amount of the overpayment will be minimal.

If working with electronic systems seems difficult to you, you can make a microloan offline - that is, contact the nearest microfinance organization (MFI) from your home. Decisions on the request are made in just a few minutes.

Now about the disadvantages of this method.

The main disadvantage is, of course, the accrued interest. The rate in microcredit is much higher than when applying for a loan at a bank. The overpayment percentage will become especially noticeable if you accidentally or intentionally delay the day and hour of payment.

  1. Pay back borrowed money on time. Please note that late refunds will incur high interest. This is how you make the most of your borrowed money.
  2. Take exactly what you need. Do not give in to the persuasion of MFI employees that it is more convenient to take, for example, 10,000 than 8,000. If, again, you delay the payment, this small difference will grow into a tangible amount.

We figured out microloans, let's move on to other methods.

3. Where to get money for free for free - 10 sure ways

These methods are obvious to most people, but when money is needed right now, a person is under stress and forgets about some of them.

That is why I decided to describe them here.

Method 1. Borrow from friends and acquaintances

Borrowing money from acquaintances or friends is an obvious option, but not always convenient.

  • Firstly, it is unlikely that your friends will be delighted with your proposal (remember the proverb: “ The best way to lose friends is to borrow money from them”);
  • Secondly, You have to take someone else's money, and give your own. However, this method is chosen by a significant percentage of people who urgently need finances.

According to statistics, borrowing from friends is preferred by people of the old school - aged 40 to 50 years. Young people prefer more creative options.

Where to get money if all banks and microloans refuse?

You will have to borrow from friends even if all banks and microloans refuse due to poor credit history or other reasons.

Well, if you have rich friends for whom the return period is not of fundamental importance. In other cases, you will need to inform creditors of the approximate date of repayment of the debt. The method has its advantages: friends will not take you by the throat if you do not get the money within the promised time, and no interest is required to be paid.

But on the other hand, although friends are more tolerant and loyal than financial institutions You shouldn't take advantage of their kindness.

If you are delaying a refund, it is better to warn about it right away: going underground with your phone turned off is not the best way to behave. If you're being honest, most people will get in on the act, and perhaps help with good advice.

By the way, it’s right to borrow money from friends - whole science. There are even special strategies that allow you to do this operation most efficiently.

For example, experts advise that it is better to borrow small amounts from several people than large amounts from one. So the probability of receiving money will increase many times over. Indeed, for a person, 1000 rubles is not money, but 10 people for 1000 rubles each ... Already a decent amount is obtained.

Method 2. Get a loan from a bank

Where to get a lot of money at once? For an apartment, house, car, opening a store or business? Serious amounts can be obtained from the bank. Consumer and business loans are a fairly popular way to get finance. Interest rate on loans in a bank is much less than in MFIs, and the repayment period sometimes stretches for years. Another thing is that not everyone can take advantage of this opportunity.

In order to receive money from a bank, the borrower must meet certain conditions. It is with these banking obstacles that a large percentage people who want to get a loan.

The main requirements of the bank to borrowers:

  1. Proven stable income. If you do not have a formal job and 6 months of proven income as a salary, then the chance of getting a loan is reduced;
  2. Positive credit history. It’s good if you don’t owe anyone or have already borrowed money from banks, but returned it right on time;
  3. The presence of a guarantor (in some cases). Guarantors are people who have signed your name loan agreement and will pay your debts if you can't.

Of course, if you want to take a loan from a bank, you will be asked for identification documents and income statements. Sometimes banks require collateral in the form of valuable property, such as a car or an apartment.

In other words, the bank wants to be sure that you will repay the debt in any case. No one will physically knock money out of you in which case, but they can easily take your property on account of debts.

The main advantage of getting a loan from a bank is the ability to take quite an impressive amount. You can repay a loan in small installments every month: psychologically it is much easier than dealing with big money.

Among the popular banks at the moment are the following:

What can be sold through online ads:

  • collectible clothes (in good condition);
  • antiques;
  • gramophone records;
  • stamp collections;
  • books;
  • old or Soviet coins;
  • modern Russian commemorative rubles.

Sometimes in the attic, on the mezzanine or in the pantry, you can find a thing for which collectors can give quite decent money.

An extreme way to get money for women and informals!

Some hairdressers buy hair dearly (minimum length 20-25 cm). A haircut is often to the face - young and diversifying.

In the East, they believe that by cutting hair, a person renews his karma.

You can also sell scrap metal. If you live in a private house, have a dacha or a garage, then unnecessary metal trash is probably lying around somewhere, if you look closely. Non-ferrous metals, by the way, cost a lot of money.

Maybe you have bronze or aluminum figurines, non-ferrous metal paintings or just pancake copper wires - all this is potential money today!

Method 7. Rent out your housing and temporarily move out to friends

2 is enough for a man to live square meters area. Another question is whether such a life will be comfortable, but for the sake of a great goal, one can endure.

If you have real estate and have the opportunity to temporarily move to relatives, good friends or acquaintances, you can rent an apartment and take money from the tenants in advance. Especially in metropolitan areas, this option can bring good profits. The same can be done in the resort areas during the season (summer and early autumn).

If you are a happy owner of a two-room (or more) apartment, then you don’t even need to move anywhere: just rent a room to a student and take payment from him for several months in advance. Here is the amount to open small business. If you are looking for where to get money for a business, then having received it, read the article "" - this will help you properly manage the funds received.

Method 8. Find a “coven” or do a one-time job

Temporary work for students and all comers is a popular heading on job sites. One-time work that is paid daily can be found in any city. This is the work of a "barker" in some boutique, and the position of a delivery courier, and writing articles by freelancers, and a part-time job as a waiter for students.

Girls can get a job as a nanny or a one-time housekeeper with an hourly pay.

Even better, if you are a narrow specialist in some field - for example, you can quickly translate text from Chinese into Russian.

Are you afraid of hard and "dirty" work? If you are a strong guy, hire a loader (unloading wagons and other one-time events are well paid), a cleaner, a laborer at a construction site. Such work is estimated by employers, of course, not too highly, but you don’t need to borrow from anyone.

Method 9. Return the money of your debtors

Where can I get money “for free”, that is, without having to give it back after a certain period of time? Of course, from their debtors. If you are a sociable person and have many acquaintances and friends, one of them probably owes you money. Think about whether the time has come to pay off, and unobtrusively remind debtors about the return of loans.

It happens that people themselves call and remind you that they owe you, but as a rule, as a creditor, you yourself have to chase after debtors and remind them of the return of money.

Method 10. A dangerous way - to ask for a loan from the "brothers"

You can get involved with the world of crime only in special, completely hopeless situations - when loans are denied, no one gives money against receipt, friends hide, and the MFI runs out of cash.

Of course, this situation is possible only if you have the appropriate contacts - it's good if, for example, your classmate has become a major crime boss. However, in this case, it is worth thinking 100 times before making such a risky decision.

4. Donation as one of the non-obvious ways to receive money

Being a donor is not only honorable, but also beneficial. But donating blood too often is harmful and dangerous to health, and they won’t give much in one serving. In addition, not everyone is ready to donate their blood for ethical reasons. And one more nuance - only an absolutely healthy person can become a donor.

Although, if you become a professional donor, then for donating blood in the amount of 40 times or plasma in the amount of 60 times, you get the title of “honorary donor” and then you are entitled to monthly payments, visits to doctors without a queue, travel compensation and even rest in a sanatorium 1 once a year.

By the way, you can become not only a blood donor, but also a sperm donor (for men) and even organs.

For example, kidneys are highly valued in the medical market.

For women, using their body to carry children (surrogate motherhood) is suitable.

Science and progress are advancing and donation can be a good source of income for some people, although in some cases this money will not be available immediately.

5. How to borrow money and repay debts - 5 useful tips

Before you borrow money or start paying it back, I recommend reading my advice. They work, proven by experience!

Basic rules for loans and repayments:

  1. Borrowing and repaying is better in the morning, because in the evening people accumulate fatigue, which negatively affects all financial transactions.
  2. Learn the conditions repayment of loans and repayment of debts in advance.
  3. Assess all risks financial transaction before signing the contract, not after.
  4. Money has a time value: if friends are dear to you, repay debts on time.
  5. Don't forget to give thanks those from whom you borrow.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, it is better to give money on a falling moon, and to take it on a growing one.

Even using the "magic of money", it is unlikely to get them for free. It is better to rely on your mind and common sense.

How to pay off a loan

If you take a loan, then take it for as long as possible!

Many are afraid of this, because the amount of the overpayment in this case will be greater. However, most loans can be repaid early, which means that you can repay the debt as soon as you have the money.

But if, for example, you took 100,000 rubles for 1 year, then on average you will pay 10,000 rubles a month, but if you took the same amount for 5 years, then your payment will be about 2,500 rubles.

What do you think is the easiest amount to pay per month: 2,500 rubles or 10,000 rubles? - the answer is obvious.

Repaying loans in the smallest possible amounts is recommended by Robert Kiyosaki, a world-famous investor, businessman and teacher in the field financial literacy, the author of the game "".

6. Conclusion

As you can see, there are enough places where you can take money if you are smart and turn on your intellect. The main thing is not to panic (or, conversely, into a stupor) and act calmly, confidently and consistently. And do not be afraid to operate with large amounts of money, especially if all the risks are calculated in advance.

You can get money for free only from friends and relatives.

In other cases, interest will drip on your loans, somewhere more, for example, in the case of using microloans, somewhere less: if you took a loan from a bank.

So there are practically no freebies in the world of finance.

How to make money as a beginner - 10 simple ways for those who want to learn how to make money

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Getting 1000 rubles on the Internet for free is quite difficult. There's a tougher task to complete here! For example, write an article to order or make a translation of the test. Such tasks can be taken on special sites:

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Working on the Internet has become the main and stable source of income for many people. In addition, it is much easier to “get a job” here than in real life!

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For those who make money on the Internet, it will be useful to read the following page:

How to earn 5000 rubles a day? And is it realistic to achieve such an amount? As it turned out, in theory this is quite possible, and the most different ways. Another thing is that not everyone succeeds in practice. Let's look at the options that allow you to earn 5,000 rubles a day, using examples.

The first option: earning money on your own website

If you know how to make websites, are ready to spend several hours or more every day, then such earnings are a good option for you. You can get money for placing links, articles, banners, for clicks and much more. And you do not even have to specifically look for customers. To do this, there are exchanges where it is enough to register a site. And you can start earning on placement! But it is important to understand that not every site brings 5,000 rubles a day - first you need to make the resource popular and visited.

This is data from the Miralinks exchange as of August 24, 2017. On the right is the price per accommodation. Tariffs are very different, but there are enough options for more than 1000 rubles, as you can see. Of course, getting such 5 orders to the site every day is unrealistic. But no one says that you need to stop at one project!

Most of the time the site requires at the launch stage. But then it becomes much easier to maintain it. And if you understand such projects, then you can even not invest anything.

Of course, not a lot of money is given for posting material on every site. There are certain requirements for the TIC and PR, topics, promotion, attendance, etc. And over time, they become more and more stringent.

But at the same time, there are programs that make life easier for webmasters. They suggest what the length of the title should be, count the number of keys in the text, and do much more. Process automation saves time and allows you to support more projects at the same time.

The second option is to work as a web designer

If you are well versed in current trends and you know design well, know how to quickly set up sites, then another path is open for you. True, for this you need to master a number of programs at a decent level (Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator - as a base, as well as additional ones, for example, Sketch 3).

In addition, there is software for raster graphics: GIMP, Corel-Paint and others. To create vectors, CorelDRAW, Xara are usually used, but in general there are quite a few options.

Please note: a good web designer should not only own a number of programs, but also follow the trends. For example, now they are massively switching to HTML5. And if you have some kind of video in Flash, then there may be problems with displaying it.

You don't become an experienced designer in a day or two. And besides the time to work, you will need a powerful laptop or even a desktop computer from which you can process images at high speed. But what awaits those who have achieved a certain level?

Good income. The same 5,000 rubles a day become quite achievable. Rather, you can find a project for a large amount and complete it in a few days.

And there are quite a lot of such offers on the exchange. This option can not be called particularly profitable, rather, it is standard. But it allows you to make good money in a short time.

The third option - Earnings on translations

Freelancing today brings together the people of the most different professions, and not the last niche is occupied by translators. Russian - English translation remains the most popular destination (and vice versa.) There are enough orders, but the competition is high, so the prices are quite low.

Nevertheless, when translating 25,000 characters a day, it is quite possible to earn those same 5,000 rubles. Of course, much depends on the complexity of the text. But for a difficult task, a freelancer can up the ante.

Rare languages ​​are noticeably more expensive. It is very easy to verify this: just go through the exchanges.

500 rubles for 1000 Chinese characters is far from the limit. And the number of orders in last years increases as the volume of trade between Russia and China increases.

However, Chinese was this case taken for example only. Of the relatively rare languages, translations from Turkish, Arabic, Kazakh, etc. are in great demand (and well paid). And polyglots earn the most.

Fourth option - Forex trading

Making money on stock quotes is just as real as losing here large sums money. The specific profit depends on the size of the initial bet, on how many points the price has changed, on the time of the transaction, and other factors.

Many people think that Forex is a scam. In fact, everything is not entirely wrong, just playing on the stock exchanges requires long and serious preparation (preferably having a financial education), the ability to quickly analyze incoming data, and knowledge of a number of programs. Moreover, only the minimum requirements are listed, good traders they are also developing towards a common understanding of the world market, knowledge of the rules of operation of all the largest exchanges, etc.

Forex assumes the presence good health. therefore, it is not suitable for people with a weak heart or with a bad nervous system. In addition, perseverance is needed here, it is important to constantly monitor changes in quotes.

And, of course, not only to observe the numbers, but also to understand what they really mean. Only in this case you can count on success.

Can a copywriter get 5000 rubles a day?

If everything is clear with designers (they, like programmers, are considered a kind of “freelance elite”), then what about those areas where prices are initially lower? On the exchanges you can find many projects for copywriters with a rate of 30-50 rubles per 1000 characters. And it is clear that it is impossible to write 100,000 characters without spaces per day.

But this does not mean that the idea of ​​​​earning more should be immediately put an end to. Firstly, you can increase the quality, fill your hand, try your hand at different areas of copywriting - over time, the price tag will also grow. Professionals have completely different stakes.

If you write 300 rubles for 1,000 characters, then it is enough to write 17,000 characters a day to earn 5,100 rubles. Simple and impressive mathematics. But who are willing to pay that kind of money?

As a rule - experts who understand narrow topics, as well as good SEO copywriters. Traditionally, computer hardware, sports, online games with a deep knowledge of the specifics are in great demand. If the author by profession is a lawyer or a doctor with a diploma, then he can be paid several thousand rubles for one article.

Secondly, a copywriter can get into the state to big company which provides comprehensive services. However, we are interested in writing different texts. The data can be viewed below, they were taken on August 24, 2017.
Of course, the author himself receives less, but still pretty good. And the amount of earnings can be adjusted by changing the ratio of price, the number of written characters and the complexity of the task.

Earn more copywriters helps:

  1. Ability to type quickly. The less time you spend on a simple set of material, the more time you will have for collecting and processing data, proofreading a finished article, and also searching for new orders.
  2. Literacy. Rosenthal should be a better friend, at the very least, because it's profitable. Copywriters who write without errors and the need for revisions are paid more and are more likely to be given more expensive assignments. In addition, you yourself will spend less time correcting texts. Therefore, you can earn more!
  3. Information processing skills. The faster you can learn new material, delve into an unfamiliar realm, the better for profit.

Of course, there are other secrets as well. But common sense clear: over time, reaching 5,000 rubles a day is quite realistic. Many copywriters claim that they get it in practice.

Earning 5,000 rubles a day is real, but for this you need to be a good specialist and have in-demand skills, or be a born trader. For everyone else, the option “sell something unnecessary” remains, because otherwise you won’t earn such an amount.

Ways to make money on the Internet - how to find the one that suits you personally

Would you like to learn more about how to achieve stable income online? Great suggestion: 50 original ways to make money! Don't miss out on valuable information!


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