
Development of railway transport in Russia: history, state at the moment, development and prospects. Value of railway transport. Standard rates of railways. What belongs to railway transport

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………........................ ..2

2. Review, the role of railway transport in the economy of the country ............... 3

3. Property before other types of transport .................................... .5

3.1 Basic loads ........................................................................ 6

3.2 Basic freight traffic ....................................................................................

4. Characteristic of placement of railway transport ........................ 7

5. Problems of the development of railway transport of the Russian Federation in the conditions of a market economy ..................................................................................................... ... 9

6.Carti .................................................................................... 12.

7. Literature .................................................................................... .13

1. Introduction

Transport and market are inseparable from each other, interrelated. Their interaction accelerates the development of each of them and thus the entire economy. The emergence of markets is impossible without transport. The development of the latter favors the growth of commodity efficiency, the involvement of new territories and commodity producers in the exchanged process, causes the increase in the capacity of the domestic market. From here you can conclude that the degree of transport development determines the degree of market development, its capabilities. Transport, is the most important component of the Company's production forces, affects their development through their demand for the vehicles necessary for them instruments, mothers, components. Investments in the transport potential of the country increase not only production, but also consumer demand. The multiplicative effect of transport investments becomes then the consumer accelerator and all the aggregate demand expressed in GDP growth.

In economic relations, transport with its various species, interconnected, interchangeable and among themselves in competitive relations occupies a special place. Transport is one of the most important areas of mothers. Transportation of various products from areas of their production to consumption areas is its main function.

Transport is a motionable carrier of connections between districts, industries, enterprises. The transport factor has an impact on the placement of production, without its accounting, it is impossible to achieve the rational placement of productive forces. The importance of transport has both socio-economic problems. The provision of the territory of a well-developed transport system is one of the important factors of attracting the population and production, as well as an important advantage for the placement of productive forces and gives an integration effect. Transport provides employment 6.3% of the average annual number of all employed in the zonomics.

Transport products (transportation work) is the movement of goods and people measured in ton-kilometers (freight turnover) and passenger-kilometers (passenger traffic) The total transport costs of the national economy in the field of production and circulation are about 10% of the country's GDP.

The development of the transport system of the Russian Federation is aimed at a more complete ensuring the needs of the economy and the population of the country with transport services.

Railway transport is the main transport system Russian Federation. Without his participation, no resource can be reproduced, not a single factor of production.

2 meaning, role of railway transport in the country's economy

The main type of transport in the Russian Federation is railway. It accounts for more than 80 and about 40% of the total volume of freight and passenger traffic carried out by transport common use. Railways, being the main transport system of the Russian Federation, have an extremely important state, economic, social and defense significance. They require timely, high-quality and complete satisfaction of the needs of the population, shippers and freighters in transportation.

Rail transport is divided into:

General Transportation - Transportation

cargo and passengers, whoever they were presented.

Trunk, or external transport carries out economic

transportation between manufacturers and consumers of products and transport


Departmental transport - transport that performs its transportation

departments or enterprises.

Outdoor transport satisfies mainly

technological needs of production within selected enterprises.

Railway transport owns a primary role in transportation. Railways associate all areas and areas of our huge country, which has an area of \u200b\u200b17.8 million km, and in the conditions of insufficiency of good highways provide the needs of the population in transportation and normal appeal of the products of industry and agriculture.

Railway transport owns a leading role in the system of Russian traffic routes, railways are most adapted to massive transport. They function in the afternoon and at night regardless of the time of year and atmospheric conditions, which is especially important for Russia with its different climatic zones. Railways are a universal type of transport for the transport of all types of cargo in interdistrict and intraroneal communication.

The length of railway tracks is 7% of the world, and the share in the global railway turnover is 25%, passenger traffic - 15%. On the operational length of the paths, Russia is inferior only to the United States, and on the length of electrified roads, the electric park is ranked first in the world. Such a powerful development of this type of transport is due to the enormous sizes of the country's territories, the peculiarities of the placement of the productive forces of Russia, intensive exchange of products and resources of all its regions.

The emergence of the Railways of the National Value has become a new stage in the deployment of commodity - monetary and social relations. They accelerated the development of production, the decomposition of the natural economy, contributed to the involvement of agricultural and especially grain production areas in the sphere of commercial exchange. They belonged to them an important role in the leveling of prices in Russian regional markets. With the development of railway transport improved performance russian economy. From his work, the timeliness of the delivery of people and goods to the destination largely depends the rhythm of the functioning of the entire economy, the stability of its growth rate, the level of balance of the entire reproduction process. In today's Russian conditions, only railway transport is able to make a breakthrough, which must be strengthened and expanded, through the connection of all other types of transport.

3 advantages over other types of transport

Features of this type of transport, its advantages compared with others: all-weather, high reliability, the ability to carry out the mass transport of people and cargo at relatively high speeds and low-cost extergents. Under such conditions, only this type of communication could be the main transport, economic and national security of the country.

Rail transport has a number of advantages that also determine its preemptive development in the country. The industry is characterized by relatively free accommodation, reliability, regularity, versatility, regardless of the time of year, day, weather conditions. It makes it possible to produce mass transport of goods and passengers, which strengthens its advantages, increasing labor productivity, and significantly reduces the cost of transportation. In addition, it saves liquid hydrocarbon fuel due to the wide electrification of the thrust. Railway transport is particularly effective in long-distance transportation, and taking into account the huge space of the territory of Russia, it remains in the future the leading type of transport and mass freight transportation for long distances, and in passenger traffic on average distances, IV suburban traffic.

Railways compared with other modes of transport to a lesser extent affect the environment and have a lower energy intensity of transportation. Recognized advantages railways Before other modes of transport are economy (relatively low cost of transportation), resource-savingability, environmental preference (in terms of noise and environmental safety), motion safety.

The technical and economic features and advantages of rail transport are as follows:

The possibility of facilities on any land area using

bridges, tunnels and ferries - railway communications and with

divided, including island, territories (as, for example, between

the mainland and the island of Sakhalin);

Mass transportation and high transportation capacity of railways;

Universality of use for the transport of various goods and

the possibility of mass transport of goods and passengers at high speed;

Regularity of transport, regardless of season, time of day and weather;

The possibility of creating a direct connection between large enterprises by

driveway and ensuring cargo delivery according to the "door to door" scheme without expensive transshipments;

Compared to water transport, as a rule, a shorter way

transportation of goods;

Comparatively low cost of transportation compared with other types of transport, except for pipeline.

3.1 Basic loads

The main cargo rail transport is stone coal (23%), building loads (16.2), oil and petroleum products (15), iron and manganese ore (8,6), ferrous metals (6), forest loads (4.5) , as well as chemical and mineral fertilizers, cement, grain and feed, non-ferrous metal ores, ferrous metal scrap, coke, engineering products, etc.

3.2 Main cargo flow

The main carbon freight traffic is formed in the Kuznetsk pool, also significant transportation from Ukraine (Dombass) and from Kazakhstan (Karaganda). Coal is delivered to the Urals, to the central regions, in the Volga region. The main cargo traffic flows are from Western Siberia, Urals, Volga, the North Caucasus. The bulk of forest cargo comes from the European North and from Siberia. The main cargo flows of ferrous metals are determined by the exchange of products between metallurgical bases of Central, Siberian and South (in Ukraine) and close connections with consumers: Center, North Caucasus, North-West. Bread goods are formed in a forest-steppe and power zones and go into densely populated consuming areas.

4 Characteristics of the placement of railway transport

The economic profile of the area, its specialization, the degree of interconnection of production is usually very strongly affected by the design and structure of the transport network, its size and technical equipment, the volume and structure of the transportation work. On the nature of transport in the area, other factors, for example, the natural conditions of the territory achieved by the level of economic development are influenced by the area. However, the influence of economic and geographical conditions turns out to be decisive for transport.

Placed railway transport unevenly. The European part of the country has a thick and branched railway network. Network configuration - radially - ring with the center in Moscow. The main highways in the direction of the Donbass, Odessa, Baku, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Baku, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Tashkent, Minsk, Riga, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and other cities are departed from the Moscow Railway Journal.

In the eastern part of the country, the railway network has a pronounced latitudinal direction with low branchiness. The main highway connecting the center with the Urals, Siberia and the Far East and having a length of 9332 km., It is the transcontinental railway: Moscow-Ryazan-Ruzaevka-Syzran-Samara-Ufa-Chelyabinsk-Irkutsk-Chita-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok. Baikal Amur Highway was built: Ust-Kut Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

South Siberian, Middle-Siberian and Turkestan-Siberian railways passing through the territory of Kazakhstan have important for Russia. In the meridial direction there is a section of Tyumen-Surgut-Urengoy.

The predominant direction in passenger traffic has two directions: southern (from Moscow towards the Crimea, the Caucasus) and the Eastern (from Moscow through the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia to the Far East).

The density of the railway network in the Russian Federation is quite low - 5 km. On 1000 square kilometers, therefore, very high freightness of railways. The most shipped railways of railways are in important areas: center-north-west; Center-Ural; Center-Caucasus; Center-south-west; Volga-Ural; Ural Siberia; Siberia-Far East. Basic powerful streams are coal streams. IN last years Railway construction in Russia is practically not conducted. In the implementation stage there are only two fairly large projects: the construction of the Arctic highway (Labytnangi-Bovanenkovskaya) continues in the north) to ensure the development of Yamal gas fields, and in the east - Amuro-Yakut highway (Bercatite-Tomot-Yakutsk) to provide mining prices of Yakutia.

At the present stage, for the development of railway transport it is impossible to do without the introduction of scientific and technical achievements: the electricity of railways, the creation of high-speed highways.

5 Problems of Development of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation in a market economy

The disadvantages should be attributed primarily

railways constructions and relatively slow returns to the advanced

capital (6-8 years, and sometimes more). Railways are large metal consumers. In addition, railway transport is a very time-consuming industry, labor productivity in which is lower than on pipeline, sea and air transport (but higher than on a car). On average, 1 km of the operational length of the railways of Russia accounts for almost 14 people engaged in transport, and in the USA - 1.5 people. With approximately close to the amount of transport work.

The disadvantages of Russian railways include a short level of quality of transport services provided to customers. At the same time, good technical equipment and progressive technologies of Russia railways allow them to remain a completely competitive type of transport.

One of the acute problems in the industry - Barter. Rail transport more than anyone receives a variety of commodity values \u200b\u200binstead of money. At the same time, there are not enough funds to pay taxes, to invest production, for calculations with suppliers, etc.

Railway transport has a complex system of cross-financing of passenger traffic at the expense of freight (passenger transportation loss), one cargo at the expense of others. It undermines the economy of the industry.

Many problems are associated with the collapse of the USSR and the rupture of transport and economic ties. The problem of irrational transportation on railway transport is relevant, it is closely related to the disadvantages in the placement and development of production in many industries of the country.

However, there are great difficulties. They are primarily associated with the deepening of the economic crisis, the fall in production volumes, and thereby transportation and profits. This undermines its own investment potential. Also, a major problem is a high degree of wear of the rolling stock with an overdue service life, which makes up about 60%, which does not allow them to be simply reproduction only at the expense of the depreciation fund. Often requires a depreciation fund of two or three units of rolling stock to buy one new locomotive, car. This situation aggravates the crisis position of transport enterprises related to obtaining the loan, mobilization and concentration of own mothers and monetary resources. A difficult task is to purchase new technique, consequently, the development of new, more advanced transport technologies, without which the exit from the crisis is impossible.

Procurement must be increased several times, since the annual need for freight cars is 75-80 thousand. Large investments are required, going to strengthen the path and its overhaul, as well as in the construction of the second routes, entrances to the terminals and ports. The path of the path holds back on a number of directions the speed of movement is not only passenger, but also freight trains. The average speed of movement of freight trains in Russia is approaching 80 km / h, while in many other countries it exceeds 100 km / h, and, in addition, they go to a high-speed system of movement of passenger trains. Any this problem and Russian railways. We need locomotives and cars that have not only higher load capacity, speed, but also cost-effective electricity and diesel fuel.

These costs in transport costs occupy a large proportion. Their decline is an important reserve of increasing the competitiveness of railways. In front of Russia there is a task not only to update the locomotives, cars, modernization of paths, but also the construction of new railways. They are too little in our country regarding the territory and number of its population.

Combining efforts requires the problem of internationalization of inter-farm relations. For this purpose, Russian Railways is building access roads to ports, acquires shares of a number of them, including the package of blocking. The same refer to ferry overpayments. One of them "Ust-Luga-Baltiysk-German ports" allows you to deliver railway formulations to Germany, and then maybe further.

An important direction in the development of international rail transport is the cooperation of countries in which the width of the track path is 1520 mm. The scale of this phenomenon, as well as orders from other states for the construction, the design of railways and the performance of other works creates the conditions for the transformation of this corporation into transcontinental.

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  • For economic Development any country important role Plays a transport system. In Russia, one of the main transport arteries is the railway (railway), since it accounts for more than 40% of passenger traffic and 80% of the total cargo turnover of the state.

    The value of railway transport in Russia is fundamental, because the country is distinguished by long distances. The level of development of the state economy depends on the efficient operation of this system. Every year due to the coordinated work of the railway transport:

    • about 98% by manganese and iron ore,
    • 92% of ferrous metals,
    • 88% of mineral and chemical fertilizers,
    • 87% of stone coal and coke.

    Since the first construction of the railway in Russia, and it happened in 1830 this type of transport requires large investments, but, despite this, the railway has a number of advantages:

    1. functions around the clock under all weather conditions;
    2. has a low cost of transportation (especially when transporting long distances);
    3. binds all areas and areas of Russia;
    4. it has the lowest environmental impact ratio.

    The role of the railway transportation

    The role of railway transport in Russia is difficult to overestimate, because it is one of the largest in the world, thereby ensuring 25% of world cargo turnover, and about 15% of world passenger traffic.

    In Russia, railway transport - a branch of the economy, without which the uninterrupted work of all economic sectors is possible. In order to figure out more detail, what role does this transport system play in more detail its segments:

    • The implementation of passengers and cargo transportation. Product production can take place only when delivering it to the consumer. For the manufacturing and extractive industry, as well as for agricultural enterprises, railway transport (railway transport) is one of the most efficient and cheap types of delivery.
    • Developed transport system - the key to the development of the economy.
    • He serves the link between different economy systems.
    • As an independent industry, offers its products with a number of features.

    Namely, as a result of the implementation of activities aimed at improving traffic efficiency, it was possible to improve the main qualities of railway transportation indicators. So in recent years in the country:

    • the region of freight traffic speed increased,
    • the turnover of freight cars decreased,
    • increased the average weight of freight trains,
    • the average daily performance of locomotives, as well as cargo cars increased.

    All areas and regions of Russia are associated with railways, thereby providing transportation needs not only the population, but also industry, agriculture. All types of transport complement each other and make up a single transport system.

    Product transport has its own units:

    • ton kilometers (freight turnover)
    • tons (cargo number)
    • passenger kilometers (passenger turn)
    • passengers (number of passengers)

    Main performance rates of railways

    • Cargo shipping. This indicator calculates the amount of transported cargo over a certain period of time. Sometimes the lifted lifestyle can be calculated through the cargo turnover. Cargo shipping is characterized by an average number.
    • Passenger traffic of railway transport - the volume of transportation work on the transport of passengers is calculated in the passenger - kilometers per year.
    • The freight turnover of railway transport is the volume of transportation work on the transport of goods, calculated in ton-kilometers per year.

    Railway Transport Development Strategy until 2030

    In 2008, the Government developed a railway development strategy to 2030. It provides for the expansion of the railway network, the output of technical and technological railway transport to the global level, increasing the competitiveness of the country's railway transport. Over the next 14 years, it is planned to build important strategic, socio-significant and cargo lines, the total length of which will be more than 15,800 km.

    State strategy provides for:

    • enter more than 20,000 km of new railway lines,
    • organize transport support of 18 promising mineral deposits and industrial zones,
    • create lines that will ensure the movement of passenger trains speed up to 350 km / h, a length of 1528 km,
    • update the rolling stock (purchase of 23,000 locomotives, 900,000 cargo cars and 30,000 passenger),
    • increase the density of the railway network by 23.8%, while completely eliminating the limitations of the transport and bandwidth.

    More than 13 trillion are allocated for the development of goals for the development of railway transportation. rub. In addition, the plans actively use the mechanism of public-private partnership. 40% of investments will be allocated for the construction of new railway lines, the development of already existing facilities - 31%, to update the rolling stock 29%.

    When implementing the foregoing, it will be possible to provide socio-economic growth, the mobility of the population will increase, the shipping is optimized, strengthened economic sovereignty, national security, the country's defenses will reduce the total transport costs, increase the competitiveness of the national economy.

    Transport infrastructure plays one of the primary roles in strengthening and maintaining the state economy. Thanks to the development of railway transport in Russia, transporting large-sized and multi-torrent cargo, the full work of all industries is ensured. national economy, regions, industrial enterprises. Railway transport is of great importance for ensuring the economic security and integrity of the country.

    Russian Railways

    Today, Russian Railways is an all-encompassing transport system with a thousand-friendly passenger traffic and a cargo turnover. The actual technical equipment indicators indicate the real prospects for the development of railway transport in Russia. You can briefly describe it using the following data:

    • operational length - more than 90 thousand km;
    • the total length of two-way lines is more than 40 thousand km;
    • electrified lines - about 40 thousand km;
    • length of the main routes - 126.3 thousand km.

    The rolling stock and domestic railway economy allow cargo transportation on trains weighing 10-12 thousand tons.

    Railway transport network occupies a leading place among all types of transport. Despite the fact that in recent decades, bus and flights developed intensively, Russian Railways remained the main tool for ensuring the mass movement of goods and passengers both within the country and beyond its limits.

    The first railway robes

    The history of railway transport in Russia takes its beginning to the middle of the XVI century. The first analogues of modern railway tracks were arose on the territory of stone and sandy quarries, on the mining excavations and coal mines. Then the road was a puller, made of wooden bars. Through such paths, the horse could carry heavier loads than by ordinary country roads. The bars were quickly wearing, because of what the carts often went off the way. In order for the wooden beds to serve longer, they began to strengthen the hardware, and in the XVIII century - cast-iron sheets. Prevent the concentration of the wagon from the paths helped buildings on liters.

    So, in Petrozavodsk in 1778, a railway road from cast iron was built, the length of which was 160 m. At that time, the ruts were built much already modern (no more than 80 cm), and the rail itself was angular.

    For the period of development of railway transport in Russia in the first half of the 19th century, a more intense pace is characterized. After 30 years after the construction of the first 160-meter cast-iron gauge, a two-kilometer equestrian pig-iron road appeared. A significant leap in the history of railway transport in Russia occurred from the second half of the XIX at the beginning of the XX century.

    So, in 1913, the kilometer of the length of iron rail roads in the current boundaries of the country reached almost 72 thousand km. At the same time, the ways were chaotic and unevenly. The predominant part of the road was in the European part of Russia. The locomotive park consisted of low-power steam locomotives (500-600 liters.), And a two-axis cargo wagons had an average load capacity of 15 tons.

    Russian railway development strategies

    In 2008, the Government approved the Concept for the Improvement of Railway Infrastructure until 2030. The railway transport development strategy in Russia contains a description of a complex of planned activities for creating and improving rail roads, improving the current and adoption of new requirements for rolling stock.

    This program is divided into two stages. The first was carried out in the period from 2008 to 2015, the second was launched since 2016. Development of railway transport in Russia is based on the principles of increasing the resource-raw material potential of the industry and the introduction of innovative modern technologies. Actual today, the strategy implies the construction of more than 20 thousand km of roads until 2030.

    To date, the construction of railways has been completed.

    • Midnight - Obskaya - Salekhard (length of about 850 km);
    • Prokhorovka - Crane - Bataysk (the total length of the paths is about 750 km);
    • Kyzyl - Kuragino (460 km);
    • Tommot - Yakutsk, including a plot on the left bank of Lena (550 km).

    If the planned construction and commissioning activities will be implemented, the total length of ways will increase by 20-25% by expiration. The document defining the role of the prospects for the development of railway transport in Russia, attention is focused on the importance of this passenger and freight service system for solving problems in strengthening economic sovereignty, nationwide security and raising the level of defense capability. In addition, the above strategy implies a decrease in total costs in the transport segment of the national economy. An interesting detail in this context is that this kind of plan, which is implemented in parallel with the transport strategy of the Russian Federation, was approved solely for the development of railway transport in Russia.

    Real state of affairs in the railway infrastructure

    Over the past years on Russian railways notice a decline in production and a decrease in labor productivity indicators. The rolling stock used not only prevents the increase in cargo turnover, but also contributes to increasing the number of emergency situations on the kolas. Immediate reconstruction and overhaul is required for a significant number of train stations and railway stations.

    Today, trains, wagons, locomotives and special equipment produced in the USSR, Germany and Czechoslovakia are operated on the railways of our country. The issue of the release of new techniques is under the control of commercial holding companies Transmashholding, Sinara, "East" and the State Enterprise "Uralvagonzavod". Over the past ten years, the rolling stock on the most sought -led routes "Moscow - St. Petersburg" and St. Petersburg - Helsinki was replenished with high-speed trains of the German company Siemens and the French manufacturer Alstom.

    The main player, from whom the prospects for the development of railway transport in Russia, is Russian Railways. The company of this largest Holding in the country own their own railway infrastructure, a fleet of cars and rolling stocks.

    Cargo transportation on Russian Railways

    In Russia, several types of freight traffic on railways are carried out:

    • local - within one route;
    • direct - within the boundaries of one or more railway units on a single travel document;
    • direct mixed - implies a combined carriage by several types of transport (in addition to the railway, water, automotive, air, water-automotive, etc.) can be used;
    • direct international - produced during the transportation of cargo on the sections of the roads of two or several states for a single document.

    Features of the development of railway transport in Russia engaged in the carriage of goods, consist in differences in the delivery speed. Thus, the bulk of freight trains is engaged in transportation of goods for which no specific transportation conditions are required. Freight compartments in passenger compartments (luggage compartments) are intended for transportation of mail, correspondence, personal belongings. For the delivery of perishable cargo use high-speed moving formulations. The maximum permissible speed, from which the train can move - 160 km / h.

    Features of terrestrial railways in the capital

    Railway transport in Moscow may envy other regions. Despite the demand for the constantly modernizing subway lines, it is planned to build and reconstruct about 80 kilometers of rail routes over the next 2-3 years. By 2019, according to the representative of the Moscow Town Planning Complex, five new stations will appear at once.

    Despite the fact that even a few years ago, the intracity and long-distance communication of the electric trains in Moscow was considered obsolete and ineffective, today experts claim: terrestrial railways are able to provide the same transportability, the same in the frequency of movement, the volume of transportation and comfort of passenger traffic, which is Metro. In addition, the capital of the capital is confident that the construction of railways is the less expensive industry than the construction of the subway.

    The length of Moscow is more than 13 thousand kilometers of railway tracks, despite the way that this type of transport serves about 30 million passengers, and this is approximately the fifth part of the population of Russia. Another feature of the development of railway transport in Moscow is the output of infrastructure far beyond the boundaries of the agglomeration and the coverage of about ten central subjects federal District. The thing is that the Railway of the capital was originally intended as an intersubject infrastructure, which allows to solve interregional and intercity problems of the transport link. Principal changes have occurred since the launch of the MCC.

    Ring railway artery of Moscow

    The central who carried out the launch of the ICC, explained the success of the project by the emergence of the actual possibility of movement in any direction of the railway communication with a transplant. This suburban train system was created in order to integrate radial stations. Now Muscovites and guests of the capital do not have problems with travel beyond the Moscow Ring Road. So, for example, no work is not difficult to get from the Kazan direction to Northerger, recreated on the MCC on the milling or towards Yaroslavl highway.

    Since the opening of the Moscow Central Ring, almost 100 million passengers passed on it in less than a year. Despite the increased popularity of the electrics, while they are used as an alternative and additional type of railway transport in Russia. Stages of the development of MCC are implemented towards strengthening the integration of the underground with the ground railway network.

    The main problems of the railway in our country

    Along with the strengthening of the industrial economic sector, the stage of formation and development of railway transport in Russia occurs. Problems of this sphere are gaining significance against the background of global trends in technological and technical modernization, the introduction of innovative developments of railway transport.

    At the moment, it is necessary to strive to reduce the separation between the quality of Russian railways, rolling stocks and infrastructure of foreign competitors. In order to first need to consistently solve the main sectoral tasks and eliminate a number of issues that prevent the target development of railway transport in Russia.

    It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the main goal of the functioning of the System system is fast, convenient, inexpensive (that is, the cost-effective) and safe transportation of passengers and delivery of goods not only within the country, but also beyond. The main problems of Russian railways as a solid infrastructure are two negative predetermining factor:

    • lack of economic progress and efficiency of transport services, including shortage of movement speed, low level comfort with unreasonably high cost of passenger traffic;
    • low degree of technical reliability and safety of operation of compositions, railway tracks.

    The first group includes collisions of the technological and managerial sector, which reduced the feasibility of the operation of railway infrastructure and the inhibitory growth of its financial efficiency. The second category includes the complexity of technical production, equipment and operation: the problems of the safety of equipment, technical means, the absence of a fully functioning model of labor protection of employees of the industry, unfavorable environmental impact on adjacent territories. These problems will only be exacerbated as railway transport in Russia.

    Brief about ways to solve problems

    To eliminate the described imperfections of the domestic railway infrastructure, it will require a set of measures for its effective modernization, guaranteeing the integrity and strengthening of the economic space of the Russian Federation, but at the same time not infrinning the constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of movement. The current strategy implies a phased solution to the problems of railway transport by creating conditions in Russia to achieve the fundamental geopolitical and geo-economic goals of the state. It is no less important to reboot and update the existing infrastructure basis, fundamentally significant for socio-economic growth in the country. For the development of the railway industry, it is also necessary:

    • provide transport accessibility for resource provision and production progress;
    • allocate additional jobs, provide social guarantees to employees of railway transport, including the right to an annual rest, the right to treatment, education;
    • bring in line with the requirements of the population and international standards, the level of quality and safety of passenger traffic;
    • ensure maximum self-catering and reserves to create an optimal number of proposals for oscillations of the market conjuncture;
    • continue the integration into the international railway system;
    • maintain at a high level of action skills in emergency situations that meet defense and security requirements;
    • strive to increase the investment attractiveness of the railway infrastructure;
    • maintain social stability in the field and ensure a decent quality of the life of workers, to comply with the priority of youth policy and support veterans of the industry;
    • implement high productivity standards in the sustainable provision of the transportation process by qualified specialists.

    Should I develop railway transport?

    The age of all-consuming integration processes, the railway infrastructure acquired the status of the mechanism, a peculiar lever of the division of labor. In addition, the railway area can be viewed as a strategic object of impact of globalization processes in the world. Russian railways are also a high-tech theoretical region of the economy. To hold the reached positions and continue to improve the infrastructure, it is important to create all the conditions for the newest scientific and technical developments in the country.

    Railways in Russia increased by several thousand kilometers each year. The area of \u200b\u200brailway transport is an integral segment modern economy developed states.

    Railway transport plays an important role in the functioning and development of the country's commodity market, to meet the needs of the population in movement. It is the main link of the transport system of Russia and most CIS countries. Special role The railways of the Russian Federation are determined by large distances, the lack of inland waterways in the main messages of the East-West, the cessation of navigation on rivers in the winter period, the remoteness of the placement of the main industrial and agricultural centers from the sea routes. In this regard, their share accounts for almost 50% of cargo turnover and more than 46% of the passenger turnover of all types of transport of the country.

    The main sphere of railway transport is the mass transport of goods and passengers in interdistrict (interregional), long-distance and suburban reports, while the freight transportation is dominated, which give over 80% of income. Transportation in suburban and local communications predominate in the transport of passengers on railways (about 90% of the total number of passengers). Far passenger transportation is over 40% of passenger traffic.

    The value of Russia's railways is great in the development of interstate relations with the CIS countries and international transport. Historically railway transport of Russia, and then the USSR, developed as a single structure with the same, different from the Western, rail wheel width (1520 mm) and the rational placement of technical means and auxiliary industries throughout the country. The total operating length of the USSR steel highways in 1991 was 147.5 thousand km. After the collapse of the USSR, almost 60% of the total railway network or 87.5 thousand km departed to the Russian Federation. The material and technical base, in particular the repair service, locomotive and car building, turned out to be broken. Currently, the domestic production of hardware for railways (electric trains, cargo and passenger cars) is being established, cooperation and mutually beneficial cooperation with the CIS countries and other states on these issues are developing. The density of the Russian railway network is 0.51 km per 100 km 2, which is significantly lower than the density of the railways not only developed countries, but also most of the former republics of the USSR (in Ukraine - 2.76 km, in Belarus - 2.77 km, Latvia - 3.60 km, Georgia - 2.2 km, Uzbekistan - 0.79 km, Kazakhstan - 0.53 km 100 km 2). Obviously, in Russia it is necessary to build new railway lines, especially for the development of large fuel and raw materials in the country's east.

    The technical and economic features and advantages of rail transport are as follows:

    The possibility of facilities on any land area, and with the help of bridges, tunnels and ferries - the implementation of railway communications and with divided, including island, territories (for example, between the mainland and the Sakhalin Island);

    The mass of transportation and the high transport capacity of railways (up to 80-90 million tons of cargo in two-way or 20-30 million tons per one-lines per year);

    Universality of use for the transport of various goods and the possibility of mass transport of goods and passengers at high speed;

    Regularity of transport, regardless of season, time of day and weather;

    The possibility of creating a direct connection between large enterprises on access railway routes and ensuring the delivery of goods according to the scheme "from door to door" without expensive transsment;

    Compared to water transport, as a rule, a shorter way of transportation of goods (on average by 20%);

    Comparatively low cost of transportation compared with other types of transport, except for pipeline.

    Railway transport will continue to be the leading transport of the country, however, the pace of its development may be smaller than the automotive, pipeline and air, due to their insufficient development in our country. In addition, increasing competition should be taken into account in the transport market, technical progress and some drawbacks of railways - the capital intensity of the structure and the relatively slow return of the advanced capital (6-8 years, and sometimes more). The construction of 1 km of the Single Railway (in prices of late 1995) in the average for difficulty conditions costs almost 7-9 billion rubles, and in difficult climatic and geological conditions in the east of the country - 2-3 times more expensive. The cost of building a two-way line is usually 30-40% higher than uninterrupted. Therefore, the payback of capital costs to railway construction largely depends on the power of the cargo and passenger traffic on the new line. Usually, the unit of capital investments in the development of railway transport accounts for more products (tonet kilometers) than on other types of transport (with the prevailing distribution of traffic).

    Railways are large metal consumers (per 1 km of the path requires almost 200 tons). In addition, railway transport is a very time-consuming industry, labor productivity in which is lower than on pipeline, sea and air transport (but higher than on a car). On average, 1 km of the operational length of the railways of Russia accounts for almost 14 people engaged in transport, and in the United States - 1.5 people with approximately close to the amount of transport work.

    The disadvantages of Russian railways include a short level of quality of transport services provided to customers. At the same time, good technical equipment and progressive technologies of Russia Railways allow you to remain a completely competitive type of transport.

    The main elements of the technical equipment of railway transport are a railway with artificial structures, stations and separate items with appropriate arrangements, rolling stock (wagons and locomotives), power supply devices, special means regulation and ensuring the safety and management of the transportation process.

    The railway track is an earthen canvas with ballast prism of rubble or gravel, which contains reinforced concrete or wooden sleepers with steel rails attached to them. The distance between the inner edges of the heads of two parallel rails is called the rut width. In Russia, the CIS countries, the Baltic States and in Finland it is equal to 1520 mm. In most European countries, USA, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, the width of the railway ross is 1435 mm. This is the so-called normal or Stephensonian. In some states (India, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Portugal), railways have a wide range of two types - 1656 and 1600 mm. In Japan, for example, the middle and narrow gauge is used - 1067, 1000 and 900 mm. Uzpocole railways of a small length are also available in Russia.

    The length of the railway network is compared, as a rule, on the operational (geographical) length of the main routes, regardless of their number and length of other station tract. The deployed rail length takes into account the number of main ways, i.e. the geographical length of the two-way area is multiplied by 2. Also, two-way inserts are taken into account on single lines. The total detailed length of Russian railways as of January 1, 1995 amounted to 126.3 thousand km. More than 86% of this length occupy the paths with heavy steel rails of type P65 and P75, laid on wooden (75%) and reinforced concrete (25%) sleepers and, mainly rubberous, gravel and asbestos (on the main ways) ballast. All tracts have more than 30 thousand bridges and overpasses, a large number of tunnels, viaducts and other artificial facilities. The length of electrified railway lines is 38.4 thousand km, or 43.8% of the operational length of the network.

    There are over 4,800 railway stations on the railway chains of Russia, which are the main load and passenger-forming points. Large passenger, cargo and sorting stations have capital buildings and structures - train stations, platforms, cargo areas and platforms, warehouses, container terminals, loading and unloading mechanisms, branched rail tracks and other devices and equipment.

    In large technical stations, locomotive and car depots are located, enterprises of the road service, alarm and communication, cargo and commercial work, centers of corporate transport services for the clientele. Cargo stations of cities and industrial centers are usually associated with rail rings with numerous access railways of industrial, trade, agricultural and other enterprises and organizations, as well as with existing marine and river ports, oil refuses, etc.

    Railways of Russia have a powerful park of modern locomotives - electric locomotives and diesel locomotives, mainly domestic production. They are performed by almost the entire volume of cargo and passenger traffic, including 72.7% electric and 27.3% diesel load. The overall fleet of locomotives in the IPU system in 1998 was about 20 thousand units. Among them are such powerful cargo and passenger six- and eight-axis electric locomotives, like VL60, VL80, VL85, as well as emergencies7 and CHS4 Czechoslovak production; two-, three- and four sectional diesel locomotives, TE116, TEP60, TEP70, TEP80 and others

    with a capacity from 3 to 8 thousand kW and more, maneuver diesel locomotives TEM2, TEM7, CMEZ, etc. In the suburban passenger traffic, electric trains type ER2, ERZ, ER9P and ER9M, as well as the diesel train D1, DR1 and DR2 are used. To master the high-speed passenger movement, an ER200 electric train has been created, which develops a speed of 200 km / h. Work is underway to design and produce new locomotives and electric trains capable of providing a technical speed of 300 km / h (for example, the Sokol speed train). The operating locomotive park provides an average precinct speed of passenger trains 47.1 km / h, freight 33.7 km / h. The average technical speed of trains is higher than the precinct, taking into account the time of intermediate parking, about 15-20 km / h.

    The fleet of cargo wagons (more than 700 thousand units) consists mainly of four-axle cars of a predominantly metallic design with a carrying capacity of 65-75 tons. In the Park structure predominates the collures (41.7%), platforms (10.8%), tanks (11, 9%), including eight-axis, and covered wagons (10.2%). The share of specialized rolling stock is insufficient and is 32% of the park, including refrigerated wagons and tanks. The container system, especially heavy-duty containers for intermodal transportation, is not well developed.

    Passenger car park consists of all-metal cars equipped with four- and double coupes, second-hand shelves or sofas for seating with combined (electro-coal) heating, fluorescent lighting and air conditioning.

    All cargo and passenger cars are equipped with auto utilities and automatic brakes, over 60% of freight and all passenger cars have wheel trolleys on roller bearings. In recent years, due to the economic crisis, the replacement and renewal of the rolling stock of railways slowed down, as a result of which there are many cars and locomotives that have developed their resource.

    On the railway network there are a large number of power supply devices (contact network, traction substations), alarm system, centralization and blocking (SCB), telemechanics and automation, as well as communications. On all roads there are information and computing centers. The main information and computing center of the MPS is located in Moscow. Transportation management centers (PC) are being created, in large transport nodes - automated control centers (Adtsu) by the transportation process.

    The total value of the main production Funds Railways of Russia as of January 1, 1999 amounted to more than 230 billion rubles, of which

    59% is the cost of constant devices and 34% of the cost of rolling stock. Share current means Nearby: Approximately 3% (in industry

    25%). The predominance in the structure of the railway funds of the cost of permanent devices reflects the specifics of this type of train, the complexity of its financial position during the decline in the volume of transportation and reducing income revenues insufficient to keep a significant constant part of the resources.

    Railway transport of Russia is in the state (federal) property and is managed by the Ministry of Railways, in the subordination of which there are 17 railways, which are state transport enterprises. MPS and territorial management of railways carry out the operational and economic management of the activities of the lower structures: departments of roads and linear enterprises, locomotive and car depots, stations, distance tractures, communications, power supply, etc. In addition, the industry has a large number of industrial, construction, trading, scientific, design and training organizations and enterprises, a solid social sphere (hospital, pre-lactium, residential foundation, etc.). In recent years, the railways have received greater economic independence, and many of their industrial and subsidiary enterprises (car repair plants, industrial transport, construction and supplying organizations) have been separated from the MPS system after incorporation and privatization (Zhertarremash, Carontamas, Remboat, RoszheldorSnab, ZheldorStrestRest, PromventorTrans, Transrest PanelsVervis, etc.). Created commercial centers and rental enterprises, banking system, insurance Company (Jaso) and other market infrastructure organizations.

    Despite the difficult financial situation, a sharp decline in transportation volumes, the limited budget funds, due to the preservation of the integrity of the industry for the main activity (transportation), the Railways of Russia consistently satisfy the demand for transport services of cargo owner and population. In fact, they work on self-financing, bringing into the state budget Solid tax contributions and ensuring the profitability of the industry at 27.9% (1998). Mostly hold on average without sharp fluctuations and many technical and economic performance of railways (Table 4.1).

    As can be seen, Russia's railway transport in general is the revenue industry in the country's national economy. However, the decline in traffic raises the railways into difficult conditions. It should be noted that the recession is connected not only with economic crisis and a decrease in industrial production, but with increasing competition from other types of transport, especially automotive.

    The result of a decline in transportation volumes is a sharp decline (almost twice) qualitative performance of railways - the performance of rolling stock and productivity (see Table 4.1). Despite the decline in the volume of work, the number of workers employed on transportation during this period did not decrease and is almost 1.2 million people. Caring for the preservation of qualified personnel and social protection of employees is, of course, an important circumstance. However, the economic situation requires a more flexible approach to the cost-effective work of the industry, especially since labor productivity on domestic railways is several times lower than in developed countries.

    From table. 4.1 It can be seen that for the period of market reforms, the costs of railways increased without taking into account the ruble denomination of 4260 times, and income from the main activity was only 3936 times. This indicates the unreasonableness of the reproaches of some cargo owners, especially the fuel and commodity complex, on excessively high railway rates that restrain the development of these industries. However, B. lately Through the conclusion of inter-sectoral business agreements and the introduction of flexible tariffs that take into account the cost of goods

    and the transport component in the price of products, this problem is solved positively.

    Despite financial difficultieson railway transport

    technical reconstruction continues, electrification of individual

    Table 4.1.

    Featuring Economic Railways

    Indicator 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
    Transported goods, million tons 2140,0 1024,5
    Cargo turnover, billion tariffs km 2523,0 1213,7
    Middle range of transportation, km
    Middle Cargo Protection, Million mk / km 25,2 16,0 15,0 14,8 . 13,5
    Average. Lockomotive performance, thousand m km gross 802,0
    The average performance of the freight car per day, m km, net for 1 tons of carrying capacity 134,9 116,4 121,5 120,2 121,0
    Weight cargo. trains, t grotto
    54,8 56,9 57,3 57,5 57,8
    Middle population pass. G.Ch. 32,0 29,4 29,0 28,8 28.2
    The number of workers in transportation, thousand people. 1119,2 1158,5
    Revenues from transportation, billion r. 25,0 2,7 91511 721 98,4* 1,1*
    Revenues from other types of activities, billion r.
    Expenditures of the foundation. Deat. billion r. 18,2 77,6*
    Profit for all activities, billion r. 7,6 -1247 21,9*
    Cost of transportation, r. / 10 properties. T km 0,044 390,5 635,6 661,9 0,596*
    Profitable rate on shipping, r. / 10 tk km 0,060 420,8 627,2 714,9 0,757*
    Profitability,% 40,7 26,1 -1,5 9,7 27,9

    * In denominated calculus

    plots on a small scale and new construction of railways. The Amuro-Yakut highway from Berkakita to Yakutsk (500 km) is being built, Labytnangi line to Bovanenkovo \u200b\u200bon the Yamal Peninsula, et al. The construction program for the construction of high-speed high-level line of St. Petersburg-Moscow parallel to the current line has been developed. A lot of work is carried out on the reconstruction and construction of railway stations, the creation of the corporate transport services for cargo owners, an increase in the number of branded passenger trains, the development of suburban transportation, the introduction of two-storey passenger cars, etc.

    States undertaken measures to improve the economy will contribute to the stabilization of the volume of transportation and improving the performance of Russian railways. This will also be promoted by the closer interaction of roads of the CIS countries, developing many decades as a single infrastructure complex. Currently, active work on the integration of railways former USSR leads the CIS rail transport board.

    Transport plays a greater and important role in the system of social production. The transport system is a complex complex of different branched ways of communication, conditionally divided into two types: a trunk and intra-produced. Railway transport, undoubtedly, is the leading link in the transport system and is in the first place among other types of cargo-passenger traffic.

    Railway transport in the Russian Federation is an integral part of the Unified Transport System of the Russian Federation. Railway transport is one of the most important basic sectors of the economy. It plays a key role in ensuring the needs of the population and in the movement of products of economic activities of enterprises. With tremendous Russian spaces, railways are the guarantor of the economic and social development of the country, economic transformations, strengthening the administrative and political integrity, the normal functioning of the complex economic complex of Russia.

    The leading importance of railway transport is due to two factors: technical and economic advantages over most of the other types of transport and the coincidence of the direction and capacity of the main transport and economic interdistrict and interstate relations of Russia with the configuration, bandwidth and transport ability of railway highways (in contrast to the river and maritime transport). It is also due geographical features our country. The length of railways in Russia (87 thousand km.) Less than in the United States and Canada, but the work performed by them is more than in other countries of the world. The main task of railways of Russia is to ensure reliable transportation of the European part of the country with its eastern districts.

    Railway is the main shop in industry Structure railway transport. Its functions include developing planned tasks for transportation, as well as financing and development of the material and technical base of sectoral production associations in order to qualitatively satisfying the needs for the transport of goods and passengers, improving the efficiency of transportation on the basis of updating machinery and reduce material, labor and financial resources .

    The economic and technological efficiency and operation of industries, agriculture, activities of all structures with a different form of ownership depends on the well-coordinated work of railway transport. Ultimately, transport provides the viability and vital activity of society, the state and its economic relations and interactions with transport and national economy of neighboring countries and far abroad.

    Railway network of Russia is divided into significant over longness and at the same time interrelated areas - 19 railways, which, in turn, consist of offices. Moscow is the largest railway assembly of the country. In the European part of Russia, powerful railway rates with high technical equipment are diverged from Moscow, which make up the "main transport skeleton".

    To the north of Moscow, such highways are: Moscow - Vologda - Arkhangelsk; Moscow - S. Petersburg - Murmansk; Moscow - Arkhangelsk with a branch from Konosh to Vorkuta - Labnyangi, as well as Konosh - Kotlos -Vorkuta. South from Moscow, the most important railway highways are: Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov - on Don - Armavir. To the east of Moscow, highways are run: Moscow-Yaroslavl - Kirov - Perm - Ekaterinburg; Moscow - Samara - Ufa - Chelyabinsk; Moscow - Saratov - Sol - Iletsk. Within the western Siberia and part of Eastern Siberia, the lifting highways dominate: Chelyabinsk - Kurgan - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk - Chita - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok. From Samara - Kinel - Orenburg - the branch takes place in independent states Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. In the south, the highway passes through the Armavir-Tuapse and further to the Transcaucasian independent states.

    For rail transport characteristic permanent growth Cargo and passenger traffic, which significantly reflects the increase in the length of the railway network. In the structure of transportation of railway transport, freight transportation is dominated. The range of cargo transported by railways includes several thousand items. Railway transport accounts for 37% of the country's cargo turnover.

    For comparison:

    Pipeline transport 24.0%

    Sea transport 2.3%

    Inner water transport 5.9%

    Automobile transport 30.5%

    Air transport 0.3%

    In many indicators, Russian railways are not inferior, and in some and exceed the railways of other countries. An extremely important role of railway transport plays in providing expanding foreign economic relations of our country.

    The current trends in the global turnover, the growth of the country's economy and the active exit of Russia to the world markets predetermined the high growth rates of foreign economic relations with foreign countries and increased the role of rail transport in their provision.

    Of the total volume of transportation of export cargo by all types of transport, railway transport accounts for about 40%, and imported - 70%. At the same time, the transportation of export cargo in direct railway reports is 60% of the total volume performed by rail, and in mixed railway-water -90%.

    From the total volume of railway transport in 2003 transported through Russian ports of 125.3 million tons of export cargo and 7.7 million tons of imported, through the ports of the Baltic States and Ukraine, respectively, 83.8 million tons and 2.1 million tons, Live report 97.9 million tons and 08.3 million tons.

    Significantly increased the volume of transportation of foreign trade cargoes in containers. In 2003, 241.7 thousand DFE were transported in the export direction and 173.8 thousand DFE - in imported.

    In recent years, measures have been taken to an increase in the carriage of goods in containers, by 2010 they will increase to 32 million tons, i.e. will increase more than 2 times. The main indicators of the work of railway transport are: satisfaction of the needs of the national economy in transportation for a certain period of time, compliance with the timing of cargo delivery, a turnover of a car, separating and technical speed, a precinct coefficient, a medium-sized wagon under one cargo operation.

    In transportation, such indicators as compliance with the schedule and the schedule of motion are most important, the implementation of the passenger traffic plan. The schedule of movement is the basis of the organization of the movement of trains, it combines the activities of all divisions and expresses the operational work plan of railways. Train schedule The immutable law for railway transport workers, the execution of which is one of the most important qualitative performance of railways. Train schedule should provide: satisfying the needs for transportation of passengers and goods; Train safety; most effective use throughput and transported ability of sites and processing capacity of stations; The rational use of rolling stock.

    Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of the railways are important for the awareness of their role and the development of an optimal development strategy. They are also important for the right, unpredictive idea of \u200b\u200bthe place of railway transport in the common transport system, and in particular the relationship between railway and road transport.

    The transportation process on railway transport is regulated approved Federal law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" of January 10, 2003

    The scope of the charter of railway transportation applies to relationships: arising between carriers, passengers, shippers (senders), consignees (recipients), owners of general use railway transport infrastructors, owners of railway tracks not general use, other individuals and legal entities using rail transportation services The use and railway transport is not general use, and establishes their rights, duties and responsibilities. The management of the transportation process at railway transport is centrally carried out and refers to the competence of the federal executive body in the field of railway transport.

    The choice of an effective type of transport in competition is made on the basis of technical and economic calculations, taking into account the specific requirements of the market for transportation. When using railway transport, it is necessary to take into account the following features and advantages of technical and economic characteristics.

    The advantage of rail transport is:

    1) independence from natural conditions (construction of railways is almost on any territory, the ability to rhythmically carry out transportation at all times of the year, unlike river transport). Modern technique allows you to lay railways in any areas, however, the construction and operation of roads in the mountains is much more expensive than on the plains. About 70% of railways in the country have lifts from 6 to 10%. Large raises - from 12 to 17% - on trunk roads are found in the Urals (especially on the line Perm - Chusovskaya - Yekaterinburg), in Transbaikalia and in the Far East. Direct route and a gentle railway line profile from an operating point of view effective. However, when designing the route, the path is often lengthened to approach large cities and industrial centers located away from a straight line. When choosing the railway route, the possibility of shots, collaps is taken into account. Adverse climatic conditions make it difficult to build and operate roads.

    2) the efficiency of railway transport becomes even more apparent if it takes into account its advantages as high speed of mobile car vehicles, versatility, the ability to develop cargo traffic virtually any power (up to 75-80 million tons per year in one direction), i.e. High throughput and transportable ability calculated by tens of millions of tons of cargo and millions of passengers per year in each direction.

    3) Rail transport provides the possibility of relatively fast delivery of cargo over long distances.

    4) Railway transport makes it possible to create a convenient direct connection between large enterprises, which reduces the number of expensive freight transport.

    5) high maneuverability in the use of rolling stock (the ability to adjust the car park, changes in the direction of freight traffic, etc.).

    6) Regular transportation.

    7) the ability to effectively organize the execution of loading and unloading work.

    8) The essential advantage of rail transport is a relatively low cost of freight transportation. Of the factors affecting the cost of transportation of goods by railway, stand out:

    a) the direction of transportation;

    b) accommodation of cargo turnover (lifestyle per 1 km of way);

    c) technical equipment equipment (number of ways, the size of the rise, the genus is a steam, diesel, electric locomotive);

    d) line location area;

    c) season of year.

    All of these factors depend on economic and geographical conditions. Economic and geographical features of districts that determine the types of goods, the direction and size of their export or delivery, cause transport links.

    9) Availability of discounts.

    The disadvantages of railway transport include:

    1) a limited number of carriers.

    2) Low delivery to consumption items, i.e. In the absence of driveways, railway transport should be complemented by car.

    3) a significant need for investment and labor resources. Therefore, given the big capital investments When building railways, they are most effectively used with a significant concentration of freight and passenger fluxes.

    4) In addition, railway transport is a major consumer of the metal (1 km of the main line requires 130-200 tons of metal, not counting the rolling stock).

    Specific quantitative and qualitative indicators of the work of railways include the volume of freight traffic by rail by type of messages: import, export, transit and local messages.

    Transportation is an indicator that determines the volume of production of transport. Transportation is distributed by type of messages:

    1) Local message - transportation between stations inside the road;

    2) export - the departure of goods to other roads (defined as the difference in departure and local communication);

    3) import - the arrival of goods from other roads (defined as the difference of arrival and local communication);

    4) Transit - transportation of goods received from other roads and follows through this road to other roads. Transit can be determined in several ways: receiving minus import, or the delivery minus export, or the overall dimensions of transportation minus other types of communication (importation, export, local).

    Transportation, export and transit are called transportation in direct message. Two or more roads are involved in their implementation. Transportation planning by type of messages is necessary for the correct calculation of the turnover of cars, as well as operating costs and incomes of the road, because the road performs the same number of operations related to the carriage of goods in different messages.

    When developing a traffic plan, such quantitative and qualitative indicators are also taken into account as:

    Mileage of breast cars;

    Mileage of empty wagons. Empty mileage depends on the placement of productive forces in the country, in particular areas of loading and unloading, uneven movement in the directions, kind of cargo and the specialization of the car park. Reducing the percentage of empty runs reduces the mileage of rolling stock, as well as work in gross ton-kilometers per unit of transport. Therefore, it achieves savings on the maintenance of locomotive brigades, fuel, electricity, the maintenance and repair of cars and locomotives, the demanding capital investments in the rolling stock and development of the network are reduced;


    Mileage of cheap trains, mileage of empty trains, general mileage of locomotives, locomotive-hours, gross turnover - all quantitative indicators. Quantitative performance of rolling stock is used when calculating the need for carriage and locomotive parks.

    Qualitative indicators are:

    The coefficient of empty mileage of the wagons (to reduce the coefficient of the empty mileage, it is necessary to use the loading of empty wagons as much as possible to load the empty wagons to the direction.);

    The coefficient of empty mileage to loaded;

    Dynamic load of a loaded or empty wagon (dynamic load depends on the structure of cargo turnover, car park, as well as from the distance of the mileage of cars with small and large loading). A decrease in the average dynamic load negatively affects the work of the road. This leads to the fact that a larger number of workers in the working park are used, hence more repair costs, maintenance. To increase the average dynamic load and, as a result, cost reduction should be used cars with the maximum permissible load, which allows transportation with a minimum working fleet of cars;

    The average daily routing of the car, the average daily performance of the car. Reducing the average daily productivity of the working cargo car negatively affects the work of the road. To increase the productivity of the wagons, it is necessary, on the one hand, to reduce downtime, increase the speed of movement of wagons and, on the other hand, improve the use of its lifting capacity. And the measures to increase the productivity of the wagons must comply with the economic efficiency of transport teams;

    The attitude of the auxiliary run to the runway at the head and linear run of the locomotive, the average mass of gross and net trains, the average daily mileage of the locomotive, the performance of the locomotive.

    Qualitative indicators characterize the degree of use of rolling stock for lifting capacity, power, time and completed work of work per unit of time.

    The magnitude of quality indicators depends on the technical equipment of railways and their enterprises, the use of progressive technology, the organization of transportation, maneuver and loading and unloading work and other factors.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state