
Poor countries of Africa poverty. The poorest countries of the world are the least developed states. Where migrants live well

Everyone flower It smells like. And each person loves a certain fragrance. If there is no possibility to learn preferences, you can contact astrology.

Aries Love roses, and all the colors that exude a pronounced fragrance. These flowers add sharpness to their life and improve the mood.

Teltsy They love mimosa, they like flowers with a sweet aroma, but not very pronounced.

Gemini You should give flowers with fresh and invigorating odor. For example, freesia flower.

Racks Romance will also have thin and mysterious aromas - it may be lily.

Lions Prefer elegant and fresh smells that will give them confidence. They will definitely like daffodils.

Virgin will be delighted with flowers such as orchids or tulips. These flowers will allow them to plunge into a romantic mood.

Libra Preferred strong and sensual fragrances - this is Jasmine, Gardenia, Magnolia.

Scorpions - This is a passionate nature, they will have scented peonies. The aroma of this flower allows to relax and liberate, the unbridled scorpion.

Streltsov You can please lavender. She will give them an atmosphere of lightness and happiness.

Capricorn Love light and fresh smells, such as lilies. They will raise their mood and cheer all day.

Aquarius Jasmine is suitable. He will take them into the world of bliss!

Rich and diverse vegetable world Our planet. Flowers - amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing fragrance captives women and inspires perfumes around the world. We present you the favorites of the perfume industry.

Rose - Queen of Perfumery. This flower with warm, slightly spicy, sweet smell became one of the first to be used by a person for the production of essential oil. The aroma of roses combines tenderness and royal magnificence, beauty and inaccessibility. Perfumes use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grass and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

Without lavender, it is impossible to present modern perfumery. Lavender exudes an attractive pleasant smell that contributes to soothing - the aroma of serenity. An aroma of the foggy freshness of Lavender enjoys great love of perfumes in all countries.

Elegant, exquisite fragrance of jasmine makes his king of flowers in perfumery. Its fragrance floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruit nuance.

The birthplace of the flower is the Philippine and Comoros. Ylang-Ylang, which the Philipinities is called the "flower flower", is considered a flower of seduction and pleasure. The unique aroma of Ylang-Ilang is the upper notework of Chanel number 5 known to all of the spirits.

5. Orange Wood Flower or Flördrange

The sophisticated fragrance fragrance is like a jasmine fragrance, but shimmers with more honey and tart shades. Fresh, gentle and pure fragrance - aroma of happiness and love. No wonder the orange tree flower is called "Flower of Happiness", "Flower of Brides", "Flower of Innocence".

Tubery thanks to a drinking, foaming and conquering aroma is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passions. The smell is very intense, similar to sweet honey, with shades of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. The essential oil of this magnificent flower is considered one of the most precious floral oils in modern perfumery.

Gardening flowers emit a sweet, silky aroma resembling jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, volumetric, but the light and air fragrance are often used as a "heart" of floral perfume compositions.

Delicate, very fresh, tart, the cool fragrance of the valley lonely awakens sensuality, creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most spring smell; The smell raising the mood that makes confidence.

9. Lily be it Asian or Eastern

Lily flowers have a pleasant mysterious, exciting aroma. The Greeks attribute lilies divine origin, in Spaniards and Italians, as well as on other Catholic lands, Lily is considered to be a flower of the Blessed Virgin, the French in the era of cappeats and Bourbons Lily is a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet flower note. The fragrance of lily is designed for the real kings and queens.

Hyacinth - love flower, happiness, loyalty. Its fragrance is a honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a shade of lily and jasmine, he grieves his head, excites. Hyacinth flavor Perfumes are often used as upper or medium notes.

11. Plumeria or Frangipani

Plumeria - tropical plant with amazing flowers of the right shape. Warm, sweet, deep floral aroma with soft fruit notes exudes plumery, attracting perfumes all over the world.

12. Tiare or Gardenia Taitian

This is the National Flower of French Polynesia and Cook Islands. Graceful cream-white flowers of Tiara are endowed with a strong pleasant fascinating aroma. Sweet, the exotic smell of this flower causes a calm sea, the island of spices, and the magnificent vegetation of tropical paradise.

An extraordinary fragrance in mimosa colors, I will not confuse it with anything. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with honey bitter nota - this smell of spring, holiday.

PION in China is one of the most revered plants, they say about him: "One hundred roses in one flower." Its thin, sweet, flower flavor resembles an aroma of vintage roses. Romantic fragrance of love of this flower took a worthy place in perfumes.

Narcissus flowers have strong, sweetish with a small bitterness, fading smell. Early spring is permeated by this excuseing imagination with aroma. Absolute Narcissus is very rare and expensive, it is used only in the perfumery of the highest class.

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Flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts to people from Mother Nature. Different flowers in the culture of the peoples of the Earth symbolize love, friendship, sympathy and many other positive feelings. And if we give someone a bouquet of flowers, then we want to show their attachment or respect. In this ranking we collected dozen most nice smelling colorsSo that you can comply with the most fragrant bouquet of flavors.

This is a long-term flower from the password family, which includes over 500 species. One of the most beautiful passionwood is the passiflora blue, a plant of purple color with white stripes.

Different types of passionwood have medicinal properties, but are known more for their exotic and very pleasant smell. The plant flourishes in the rainy season, grows in places where precipitation often falls out.

Italian Jacomo Bosio described the flower of passiflore as a natural embodiment of the Passion of Christ.

  • Three pistil stilts are nails that the Son of God was nailed to the cross.
  • Stamens - five wounds of Christ.
  • The external crown is a thorns of the crown, and 72 yarn of the inner crown - its spikes.
  • Passiflora's spear-shaped leaves symbolize Lohin's spear.
  • The symbol of 30 Srebrenikov Judah became a groom on the back side of the sheet.

The emergence of this curving plant with large purple flowers with brushes - true sign Spring. Only at this time of the year it sweets sweetly, for which he is very loved by gardeners. The name of "Wisteria" is translated from Greek as "sweet".

In Russia, wisteria is found in the south, including in the Crimea. And it can be grown at home, in the form of bonsai.

This is the National Flower of Nicaragua, who was awarded such an honor due to amazing beauty and pleasant smell. It is also known as Frangipani, in honor of the representative of the noble Italian family, which created perfume with the aroma of plumeries.

The gentle aroma of these colors cannot be described in one word, because it changes depending on the conditions of the medium. Brighter, he manifests itself in the morning.

Frangipani oil extracts are often added to face creams, as well as to the skin cleansing agents. They have regenerating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

These tiny white-yellow flowers about 5 mm in diameter are growing in the Mediterranean region. In the spring season, they exude a pleasant fragrance and are perfectly suitable for creating wreaths.

You can plant a lobular sea in a pot and it will bloom in the sun and in the shade. This flower is widely used as a decorative plant, it is unpretentious and requires minimal spending time and money.

A bright decorative plant is one of the most fragrant colors on earth and is grown by over 300 years. Easy peas is of a wide variety of shades, from red to pink and from yellow to white. It can often be seen in Russian gardens and dachas.

However, there are certain types of fragrant peas, which, despite the name, do not have a pleasant smell. Therefore, before buying the seeds of this plant, carefully read the product description.

This plant has another name - Four O'Clock - which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits main feature. The flowers of the night beauties are revealed in the middle of the day and remain uncovered all night.

Usually, gardeners plant a night beauty in the patio or closer to the windows to enjoy a pleasant smell that is very felt in the evening. The plant is unpretentious, can grow both in the sun and in the shade, and he needs very little water.

If you like chocolate, then this flower is for you. Chocolate cosmos (it is a black coskey) differs from its "fellow" unique reddish brown and sweet, delicious aroma of vanilla and chocolate. And the heat makes this smell surprisingly saturated.

Just do not eat black cosme, even if you really want chocolate. She is poisonous.

This plant was previously found only in the homeland - in Mexico - and for a long time was considered extinction. Now it is possible to buy her seeds in Russian specialized online stores. However, note that they have a bad germination and most often determine the cosmeus dividing tubers.

This genus tropical plants was named after the famous Scottish botany Alexander Garden. Gardenia flowers are a frequent decoration of weddings, as they have an important religious value, and long retain the beauty and fragrance, resembling the smell of jasmine. White Gardening color symbolizes purity and innocence, and excellently complements the bride's dress.

In large quantities, intoxicating the aroma of Gardenia can "score" all the other smells in the garden. These odorous beauty capricious are in care and susceptible to waves and mildew.

In second place in the top 10 of the most fragrant flowers is a sweet smelling white jasmine. This is a flower of tropics, but his smell is well-known to Russian women. After all, jasmine is used to make a variety of cosmetic products, from shampoos and creams for hands to perfume and face masks.

Jasmine flowers are the source of one of the most pleasant and popular flavors in the world. However, they are still used in cooking, giving a unique smell of tea and desserts, as well as in folk medicine, such as skin diseases and as an antidepressant.

1. Rose (ROSA)

There is no other flower on Earth, which can be compared with the beauty and aroma of blooming roses. Depending on its color, it is a symbol of love, passion, nobility, purity, virginity and spiritual disclosure. And the rare rose in the world is a black rose growing in Turkey in the village of Halfeti. Surprisingly, her petals first dark red, and acquire a saturated coal color only by the end of summer. This is due to the properties of the soil, which is washed with groundwater with a very high level of pH.

There are ten most fragrant varieties of roses according to the American society of risks. These include:

  1. AIDA;
  2. Duftwolke;
  3. Mr. Lincoln;
  4. Tiffany;
  5. Dublin;
  6. Captain Harry Stebbings;
  7. Royal Highness;
  8. Limelight;
  9. 'Miss All-American Beauty;
  10. Folklore.

Queen colors require a large amount of sunlight, heat and frequent trimming, but their beautiful fragrance with interest is accompanied by all difficulties in care.

No matter how beautiful flower was, no matter how much he is elegant, but if he does not smell, he loses the whole half of all his charms. The smell is a flower soul, his silent speech, which he gives to know about his presence. And as sometimes a person, a unprecedented person, has a wonderful, attracting all the soul to him, so often the flower is ugly, imperceptible, has such a wonderful, charming all the smell that becomes a universal favorite. Take, for example, a drag. Well, it can be easier and more modest of this modest out of flowers, and what divine smell it spreads! What could be modestly small violet or garden jasmine, and how they smell like! And such examples can be brought by a great set. Only rarely meets in colors combination and smell, and beauty - mostly they are given or something, or more. In general, nature seems to be triggered by the smell of flowers for a modest outdoor look, for the modesty of their coloring. It was especially good that it turned out at one of the international exhibitions of gardening conducted in Paris about 100 years ago. Then the organizers occurred to the idea to note how much of the plants exhibited is the smell and what color they are. It turned out that out of 4300 plants divorced in gardens or greenhouses possess a pleasant smell of only 420, and from 1124 white smelled only 187, out of 951 yellow - 77, out of 823 red - 64, out of 594 blue - 34, and finally Of the 308 purple only 13. In a word, the most modestly colored - white and yellow - the greatest number of plows had the largest, and the strongest, red, blue and lilac - the smallest. The smell of flowers is one of the spell, with which they are fascinated by a person and make it with their fan. Delivery of colors of any smell in St. Petersburg will provide flower delivery in St. Petersburg.

It is told that many years ago one original Englishman was in front of these their quality, which made himself in the estate even a special garden of flavors, where they were collected and placed by groups only alone odorous plants. Broken in English style, this garden was a park with many winding tracks, ending there and Syam Polyankas, platforms, groups of flows, trolls, etc. On the sides of these tracks, fragrant plants were placed on the glades, sites and flower beds, and Every place is always alone just like, so that walking in the park, walking on one track, felt the smell only the apes, on the other - only white tobacco, on the third - only fragrant peas. Having come to the clearing, the visitor was covered by the smell of the night violet, then the valley, then tubering ... passing by the shrubs, he inhabited the smell of roses, then lilac, then a wild jasmine, etc. The effect was gained, as they say, striking. But what is this - the smell of flower, and where does he come from? To do this, it is best to consider the structure of some fragrant plant. Let's take at least a shower (ordinary soul, or as it is also called - Forest Mint) - This plant has a wonderful smell of not only flowers and leaves, but all the other parts of it. Sold by a slim piece and consider it under the microscope. And we will see that each cell contains droplets of essential, flying oil. That's exactly these droplets and serve the cause of the fragrance of the plant. In each plant, this oil has a special, characteristic of only this plant by the smell, and is placed mostly not in all cells evenly, but in some more, in others, in the smaller, in some, it is completely absent. So for what the flowers smell? And then everything is simple. Flowers attract insects with their smell, which contribute to their reproduction by pollination, and in return serve for all these insects of the feeder, providing them with a syrup, imprisoned in aromatic oils and pollen to transfer to other flowers for their fertilization.

Incredible facts

We have many good memories associated with flavors, and garden flowers are one of the sources of such memories.

You can recall the sweet fragrance of grandmother roses that grew on the facade. Or beautiful white magnolia in summer heat.

What about the drunk aroma of tropical flowers that surround us during exotic travels?

Flowers admire their beauty, exquisite forms and an infinite spectrum of various shades, but there are those that most like their unique fragrance.

There are lovers who even plan whole gardens to constantly admire such colors at home.

1. Aromat flower plumeria

The Rodina of Plumbi on the Warm Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, as well as in South America and Mexico.

© ALOHA_MaHalo / Pixabay

These beautiful flowers in the shades of pink, red, yellow and white, and in the center look like a kiss of a golden color. Plusury has a distinct tropical the aroma that is most felt in the evening, And the flowering of this plant has a charming addition.

Plusury grows large shrubs and even to small trees, with long, thick leaves on the tips of the branches. Flowers plumery contain poisonwhich can cause human irritation in humans. Plumbi trunks are used to make musical instruments, dishes and furniture.

Interesting Facts:

  • Plumeria is a national symbol of Nicaragua and depicted on some cash banknotes.
  • Flower of plumes does not burn at a temperature of less than 500 C.
  • In modern Polynesian culture, women are worn plumb , which want to point out their marital status - Over the right ear, if looking for a soul mate, and above the left, if you are already busy or married.
  • In India, the plumeria is a symbol of immortality, due to its ability to produce leaves and flowers, even after it was taken from the soil. It is often planted near the temples and cemeteries, where fresh flowers fall daily on the graves.

2. Fragrance Flower Sweet Alyssum

Flower Sweet Alissum is also called a turntable or amateur. He is a simple annual, whose seeds skin growth after melting snow. Flowers sweet allisum from early spring and to autumn. The flower itself will produce seeds and grows next year in the same place.

© akispalette / Getty Images

Sweet Alyssum is a dense bouquet of small flowers. Small efforts and minimum costs Give your garden or apartment a unique fragrance.

Interesting fact! After the flower is pollinated by insects, the plants fall into the picakers, and the flower becomes not attractive. In most plants, but not a sweet alissum.The petals of flowers with already knitting fruits are not falling, but, on the contrary, increase in size, attracting insects to the remaining blooming colors.

3. Fragrance Flower Chocolate Cosmos

Chocolate cosmos is also called black cosmy or bloody-red space.

© Kudou / Getty Images

This flower will love lover of chocolate. Chocolate Cosmos has unique reddish brown petals that publish light flavor vanilla, remind chocolate candies. However, you should know that the mounted smell of this flower is deceptive, because in fact he is poisonous.

A native of Mexico, chocolate cosmos is a grassy perennial in warm climate, and annual in a cold climate. This flower loves sunlight, and grows up to 91 cm in height.

Gardeners advise immediately land from six to eight bushes, in order to fully enjoy a spectacular flavor. Wherein, the higher the air temperature, the stronger the fragrance becomes Chocolate space.

Interesting fact! It is believed that chocolate cosmeya has grown in ancient times in Mexico. Her chocolate fragrance attracted people, the flowers were disappeared and the plant died. In nature, chocolate cosmy germinates, Therefore, it did not have time to recreate herself. In the end, at the beginning of the twentieth century in Mexico there was one bush of this plant.

Fortunately, scientists came to the opinion on time that if not to take urgent measures, then people already they will never be able to admire these beautiful flowers. In 1902 from the only bush Botany got seeds and in the Mexican fields began to artificially plant a cosose.

That happened that all chocolate space in the world is one common ancestor. Botany scientists are very proud of their achievement, so this flower is often presented in scientific examples on the preservation of botanical genetic diversity.

4. Fragrance Flower of Wisteria

In the southern latitudes of land is true sign of spring, if the sweet smell of wisteria Feel in the air. A huge, richly blooming clusters, wisteria resembles grapes. Some varieties such clusters can grow to 92 cm long.

© BonotTomario / Getty Images

In Wisteria, purple or white shades of petals, and the petals themselves fall after full bloom for just a few days. Before the flow of petals, it is better to leave all your affairs and enjoy this beauty.

Real connoisseurs of wisteria very much like the aroma of its colors, but no less appreciate the beauty of the vines of this tree outside the flowering. Glicinia wakes its branches in a horizontal position, or around various structures: grids, pillars, houses. it wood is widely used in landscape design, Decorating facades of houses.

Interesting fact! The largest in the world of wisteria is growing in Sierra Madre (Sierra Madre), California. It covers 4000 sq. M. m and weighs 250 tons. The length of the branches is 152 m. In one year, 1.5 million flowers bloom on this wisteria.

5. Fragrance Flower fragrant peas

Famous colors with intense aroma, fragrant peas are grown already more than 300 years. Its flowers of a wide variety of shades from red, pink and white to their combinations.

© AGA7TA / Getty Images

Easy polka dot grows up to 1.8 m in height. It is planted in autumn if the winter in this climatic belt is soft, otherwise fragrant polka dots plant in early spring.

The aroma of this flower can enjoy all the spring, although the summer heat is scented peas tolerates steady. However, there are varieties that do not give aroma in general.

Interesting Facts:

  • Fragrant polka dot grows in a very wide range of colors, but only not in yellow.
  • Easy peas is not edible and a little poisonous.
  • As studies have shown, a fresh bouquet of these colors in the house improves well-being, raises the libido, both in men and in women, reduces the effects of hangover.

6. Fragrance Lily of Lily

Lilies are tiny white or pink bell colors with a bouquet of beautiful flavor.

© Julia Kornev / Getty Images

Hard, but fragile in the view of the valley are simple in courtship. They can be planted even at home and enjoy a few years in fragrant odor. This is a perennial plant and quickly multiplies, so he put fences to limit the growing.

Little lily of the valley flowers grow on the top of a thin stem, surrounded by wide glossy green leaves.

Interesting Facts:

  • In many nations lily personifies cleanliness, tenderness, loyalty and love.
  • This is the national symbol of Finland.
  • Lily of Lily of Massachusetts (USA) symbolism. Ancient Indians living on this territory worshiped the flower as the gift of the gods.
  • Lily of the village decorates the coat of arms of one of the areas of Moscow Kurkino, nicknamed for a unique climate and rare plants by local Switzerland.
  • In France, arrange an annual national holiday in honor of Lrangess. If the girl and the young man exchange bouquets of these fragrant flowers, it means recognition to each other in love.

7. Aroma of Gardening Flower

Classic everlasting Gardening shrub with thick, white and waxy flowers, which highlight a drinking fragrance. Gardenia was named after the doctor and botany Alexander Garden.

This flower with a difficult aroma, an inspiration for spiritssuch as Chanel Gardenia (Chanel "S Gardenia) and Mark Jacobs Eau de Perfume).

© ouchi_iro / Getty Images

Gardenia reaches up to 2.4 m in height. She loves the soil rich minerals, a lot of light and moisture. Garia is susceptible to TRU, tormenting Cherweets, ticks and a blonde. This is a somewhat capricious flower in terms of care, But her rich, sweet fragrance, undoubtedly costs efforts.

Interesting Facts:

  • In the world exist 140 species of Gardenia.
  • This flower symbolizes secret love, purity, joy and beauty.
  • Gardens wear men like boutonnieres (flowers in a loaf of a suit) in France.

8. Aroma Flower Night Beauty

The English name of this flower is four hours (Four O "Clocks).

© ABU Naser Ador / Getty Images

The name of the flower Night Beauty speaks of its specifics: the funk-like flower of this perennial shrub opens in the afternoon, when the temperature and temperature begins to fall it remains in the open state all night.

It is best to plant these flowers in the yard, where you can fully enjoy the strong aroma in the evening. Night beauty of purple, yellow or white will give a special charm your garden.

She begins to bloom in the middle of the summer, continuing to surprise with her beauty to frosts. Night beauty beautiful he feels like in the sun and in the shade, Grow to 1.2 m in height.

Interesting Facts:

  • Night beauty (Lat. Mirabilis Yalapa), where Mirabilis from Latin means amazing.
  • One of the main distinguishing features of Night Beauty is that often on one plant can be seen flowers of various shades.
  • In the Krasnodar Territory, this flower is called a dawn.

9. Aroma of Flower Jasmine

The rich and sweet aroma of white or yellow jasmine made it a very popular flower worldwide. Motherland jasmine tropical and warm countries. Its essential oils are used in perfumery and aromatopia.

© G0D4ATHER / Getty Images

These flowers are closely related to the family of oline. There are more than 200 different species jasmine. These wood plants can grow to 4.6 m in height.

Jasmine appreciate his shiny green leaves and soft, gentle, perfectly smelling flowers. His flowers are a source. rose oil which is used in many spirits. From dried flowers Arabian jasmine make tea.

Interesting Facts:

  • Flowers jasmine in spring or summer.
  • Being already six-month, jasmine produces its fragrance at night after sunset.
  • Jasmine buds are fragrant than flowers.
  • Two types of this flower use for oil production.
  • The dried roots of some types of jasmine are used in drugs, although they are poisonous.

10. Fragrance Rose Flower

Probably the aroma of many modern varieties of roses grown by florists is not the same compared to old-fashioned garden roses.

Roses are decorated with strict petals of various colors. Garden roses of incredible beauty with various flavors, as a rule, with white or pastel colors.

© Kseniia Perminova.

Modern flowers are valued for rich colors and luxurious shapes with a thin aroma, which varies depending on the species. Successful cultivation of roses requires a lot of sunlight, They often need to trim and fertilize, but efforts are such a beauty and a drinking fragrance.

Interesting Facts:

  • Excavations in Colorado (USA), discovered a rose, which about 35 million years.
  • Roses can be used to show feelings and emotions. Red roses Give me in order to show a romantic mood, love or passion. Yellow roses Give me to express sympathy, happiness or love. Pink Flowers are given to show a friendly attitude to another person.
  • Sometimes you can hear the term "black rose", but in fact black roses do not exist. Such, in fact, called dark red colors that look dark and gloomy.
More 80% of the land in Zambia (South Africa), Going to growing these colors.

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