
Stability and reliability of the bank. Financial analysis of the Bank of the Moscow Regional Bank. Reviews of Moscow Regional Bank Mosoblbank Analysis

AKB MOSOBLBANK OJSC was established in 1992. Mosoblbank had 600 offices in 60 regions. The main shareholders of the Bank are "RFC" (97.94% in the authorized capital) and minority shareholders (more than 32 thousand), which belongs to 2.06%. The main owners of the bank - Alexander Malchevsky and Viktor Yanin. The authorized capital of the bank is 3.7 billion rubles, the volume of own funds - 18.8 billion rubles.

2011: Bypassing the restrictions of the Central Bank to work with the contributions of individuals

According to the Central Bank, on May 1, Mosoblbank attracted about 100 billion rubles. Deposits of citizens and took the 22nd place among Russian banks on this indicator.

Since May 2012, Mosoblbank worked in the context of restrictions on the basis of the Central Bank for a number of operations, including work with deposits of individuals. The Bank has been writing off funds from individuals without their knowledge, followed by enrollment on the accounts of companies in the holding company "Republican Financial Corporation", and their conclusion for the bank's balance sheet.

As a result, Mosoblbank did not reflect in the reporting the excess of the contributors attracted funds over the magnitude established by the limitation of the Bank of Russia.

Technically, the write-off of funds from the accounts of investors of Mosoblbank, according to the investigators, was carried out. Every day, when a report appeared in the program with the remnants of client accounts, the VIP-Department employee allocated accounts with large sums, pressed the "OK" key - and the program wrote off the funds from the selected contributions and "translated" them to the cash register. It was a fictitious wiring, in reality, the same data on such accounts simply moved to a special program zone, visible only for the staff of the WP-Department. They were left to prepare an extract on the account and the expenditure order for which the depositor allegedly took the money at the checkout. And although the documents were fictitious, cash from the bank was completely real. Not all, of course: it is at the expense of such funds that were paid with invisible customers who needed money. Then the "VIP-Department" had to prepare an already acquired order for reporting - alleged funds were re-entered in the cashier, from where they were then "credited" to the contributor's account.


High positions in reliability ratings

As of January 1, 2014, Mosoblbank's own capital amounted to 18.8 billion rubles. At the beginning of this year, Mosoblbank entered the top 100 Russian banks in the size of assets and in the top 50 - in terms of equity. About 600 structural divisions of Mosoblbank operate in 66 regions of Russia. This is a universal bank with a developed branch network. It takes the 8th place in terms of the branch network in Russia, the 85th place in assets, the 45th place in terms of capital, 74th - by the volume of the loan portfolio (data of the portal banks.ru on 04/01/2014).

The "Profile" magazine assigned to Mosoblbank 34th place in the ranking "100 of the most reliable largest Russian banks" (as of 01/01/2014). Bank assets - 71.3 billion rubles, equity capital - 18.55 billion rubles, deposits of individuals - 19.5 billion rubles (all data as of 01.05.2014). The authorized capital of the bank - 3,739,141,000 rubles.

The DSE allocates 97 billion rubles SMP-Bank to Sanation Mosoblbank

2019: Reduction of the number of offices to 50, state - up to 2 thousand people

Mosoblbank closed 240 offices and continues to reduce them. Already completely closed in Tatarstan, Irkutsk, Samara, Krasnodar Territory, Ivanovo, Sakha, Mordovia, Orenburg, Karelia, Komi, Kirov. There are about 50 branches. The number of personnel with 8000 fell to 2000 people.

Mosoblbank was founded in 1992 in Dagestan. The finchoration was recorded entitled "Vatan". Subsequently, a transaction was held on its acquisition by companies belonging to bankers V. and R. Cestrust. "Vathan" moved to the city of Fryazino near Moscow, after which his name was changed to the Moscow Regional Bank.

In 2005, the Financial Organization was sold to a group of individuals. According to some information, the amount of the transaction amounted to about four million dollars. By the way, then the bank joined the Deposit Insurance System. However, next year, he again changed shareholders. New participants included ex-executives of the United Transport Bank.

In 2012, Mosoblbank with the Republican Bank occurred. Before the reservation by the owners of the Moscow Regional Bank, the famous entrepreneur A. Malkiev, organizer of the RFC, and V. Yanin, in the past, held the post of Chairman of the Board. In the aggregate, they owned more than 29% of the shares. Since 2009, the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank held an ex-speaker of the State Duma of Seleznev.

In the fall of 2014, in connection with the change of owners, hundreds of branches of the Moscow Regional Bank stopped work; Workers who worked in them were dismissed. Tens of branches closed in the capital. Currently, almost 98% of the shares of Finachery owns SMP Bank.

From April 25, 2016, an Inresbank was joined to the bank, which was part of the SMP group due to the rejoicing in 2014.

Mosoblbank's main office is located in Moscow. It has 25 branches in various cities of Russia, 49 additional offices and 40 operating rooms. His state in 2014 consisted of more than 3.6 thousand people.
A bank opened about 750 ATMs, over four hundred payment terminals and 3.5 thousand POS terminals. Finorganization has its own processing center, so that it can carry out transactions on third-party cards.

The Moscow Regional Bank provides services to both individuals and organizations. The number of clients among Jurlitz is about 19 thousand. For them, a standard list of services is available:

  • Plastic cards
  • Collection
  • International Financial Operations
  • Providing loans
  • Factoring
  • Deposits
  • Bills and others.

Individuals, the Bank provides the following services:

  • Contribution
  • Providing loans for the purchase of a car
  • Registration of plastic cards
  • Mortgage credit lending
  • Service of remittances (in collaboration with payment systems, such as "leader", etc.)
  • The ability to make banking operations in the Personal Account of Internet Bank
  • Operations in the foreign exchange market
  • Providing safes
  • Investment
  • Calcular cash services, etc.
FSIN commented on the death of the founder of Mosoblbank in a colony ... received two top managers of the bank - Viktor Yanin and Julia Zedin. Mosoblbank Since 2014, there was a state of SMP by the Bank, which ... The founder of Mosoblbank Andrzej Malchevsky died in a colony ... from the bank 68 billion rubles. For cash output in Mosoblbank Wip-Department was created: he made operations on deposits necessary ... Alexander Malchevsky handed over to Rotenbergs almost all their assets: Malchevsky controlled Mosoblbank Through the republican financial corporation, which included more than 30 companies ... 454%, and the loan portfolio increased by 384%. In 2017. Mosoblbank Through the court demanded almost 68 billion from its founder ... Russians fined 30 million rubles. Due to dual sanctions of the United States and FTS ... did not reach the American bank blocked the means due to the fact that Mosoblbank was under US sanctions. By that time, almost 100% of Mosoblbank ... Pack of "Ukrainian" sanctions. According to the OFAC rules, the sanctions automatically distributed to Mosoblbank As on the "daughter" of the SMP of the Bank. Standard Chartered, which in 2012 ... Ft suspected Russian brokers in the "sanctions" trading Russian BCS brokers and the "discovery" trade with shares and bonds of companies from the sanctions list, wrote FT. Thus, they may violate the sanction regime, implies the publication, but the brokers themselves refute the Russian brokerage companies "Opening a broker" (enters the "Opening" holding) and BCS (BCS Financial Group) trade in Russian securities ... Rotenberg's banks will serve calculations on the Kerch Bridge ... ", the remaining calculations will track commercial Mosoblbankreport "Vedomosti". As a result, according to the publication, through Mosoblbankcurrently held on a sanation ... Calculations for the state contract for the construction of the bridge were initially walked through MosoblbankBut in 2016 the government decided to translate the Treasury Contract ... Sanged banks showed an increase in delay in loans to 17500% ... percent - overdue debts during the reservation. Leader for this indicator - MosoblbankBehind him follows the Baltic Bank, whose sanation Alfa-Bank began ... Banks have a long period of time, the picture is unlikely to change. List leader - Mosoblbank - increased not only overdue debt, but also a loan portfolio, and ... The auditor warned Rothenberg Bank about the threat of tax claims ... with profit, but he will still have to pay for the rejoice Mosoblbank. KPMG auditor found that because of him SMP can ... he will have to pay taxes), due to the fact that Mosoblbank I hid in the reporting the actual amount of deposits. These "conditional tax liabilities ... Ex-owner of Mosoblbank received four years colony ... rubles, and the number of employees "VIP-Division" has grown several times. Mosoblbank Mosoblbank customers reported funds written off from their contributions ... hundred thousand dollars and euros. Check is planned to be completed in May. Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. The sanator was evaluated ...

Finance, March 29, 2016, 10:56

"Vedomosti" described the output scheme of 68 billion rubles. From Mosoblbank ... Loads, write "Vedomosti". By the beginning of the reservation in May 2014 Mosoblbank was "on the verge of bankruptcy, because he worked on the principle of the pyramid, paying ... Submitted a petition for the consideration of the case in a special order that supported Mosoblbank, told Golovkin. When considering the case in a special order, the sentence is not ... separate production, immediately suspended due to its serious disease. Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. The sanator was evaluated ...

Business, 01 Sep 2015, 08:40

The Central Bank approved the Sanation Plan of Mosoblbank The Board of Directors of the Central Bank approved the plan of the Sanatation of Mosoblbank, which provides for the allocation of almost 43 billion rubles. In addition to the already allocated 129.2 billion rubles, writes Kommersant. This means that the newspaper writes that the credit organization will again become a record holder among private banks in terms of allocated assistance. Sources familiar with the situation reported ... The court in absentia was arrested by the former deputy chairman of Mosoblbank The Tver Court inhibited the former deputy chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank Dmitry Vasilyeva and the Former President of the Banking Holding "Republican Financial Corporation" (RFC) Alexander Malchevsky in the case of fraud for 70 billion rubles, Interfax reports with reference to the statement of the representative of the court. "With regard to Alexander Malchevsky and Dmitry Vasiliev ... The media learned about the arrest of the assets of the former owners of Mosoblbank Tver District Court of Moscow in the middle of last month in the framework of the criminal case of 76 billion rubles from Mosoblbank. Arrested property belonging to former owners and bank managers. It is reported by the newspaper "Vedomosti" with reference to the representative of Mosoblbank. As the interlocutor of the publication explained, the court arrested the assets of the former main owner of the bank ... Mosoblbank was chosen for the construction of a Kerch bridge with a violation ... List of such credit organizations published by the Ministry of Finance, Mosoblbank absent. Now it is not there too. What Mosoblbank did not cause confidence in the Ministry of Finance, no wonder ... (monitoring of calculations). General Contractor - "Stroygadazontazh" (SGM) Arkady Rotenberg - chose Mosoblbank For bank maintenance contract, Rosavtodor, the contractor's decision agreed. But 30 ... The former chapter of Mosoblbank convicted for six years of imprisonment ...., formed "as a result of the criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of AKB" Mosoblbank" Evgeny Kalyukov Ex-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank is found guilty of fraud The Izmailovsky Court of Moscow found the guilty of the EX-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank, Viktor Yanina, is guilty of the EX-Chairman of the Board of Mosoblbank, Interfax reports. The trunth of the court will announce after analyzing the materials studied during the consequence and testimony of witnesses. The prosecutor's office requested to sentence Janin to eight years of imprisonment. As follows from the sentence, Janin for theft of means ... The Ministry of Internal Affairs declared the son of the founder of Mosoblbank ... Bank Judia Zedi. Now she is also arrested. Now Mosoblbank Located on a reservation. It is conducted by SMP Bank Arkady and Boris ... Ex-head of Mosoblbank is arrested in the case of the embezzlement of 70 billion rubles .... The announcement of the decision of the court was scheduled for June 22. Currently Mosoblbank Located on the sanation, which is conducted by the SMP Bank. According to the bank estimates ... The founder of Mosoblbank was detained on suspicion of fraud ... approved the indictment in the criminal case of the former chairman of the Board of AKB " Mosoblbank"Viktor Yanina. According to the preliminary investigation, Yanin in May 2014 ...., formed "as a result of the criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of the Akb" Mosoblbank" Evgeny Kalyukov The Ministry of Internal Affairs opened the case of embezzlement in Mosoblbank by 70 billion rubles. Another criminal case was initiated about the embezzlement in Mosoblbank. This time it is about the amount of more than 70 billion rubles. According to the "Kommersant", the defendants of the new case can be the ex-owner of the bank The investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia opened a criminal case about the embezzlement of more than 70 billion rubles. From Mosoblbank, whose sanation holds a SMP Bank, writes Kommersant. By... SMP-Bank has achieved from the Central Bank of Increased Sanation Financing of Mosoblbank SMP-Bank has achieved from the Central Bank allocating additional funding for the Sanation of Mosoblbank, Kommersant writes. Nevertheless, the amount requested in the Central Bank turned out to be modestly requested. The source familiar with the situation clarified that the amount of additionally identified unaccounted deposits in Mosoblbank amounted to 9.7 billion rubles, therefore, taking into account the formula shown ... Kerch Bridge will help Arkady Rothenberg to fix things in Mosoblbank ... "- the subsidiary of the Stroygazmontazha, created for the construction of a bridge through the Kerch Strait. Mosoblbank accompanies the project until June 30, 2015 (by this deadline ... its preparation and placement of the Watching settlements began. Bank with problems Mosoblbank Complies with all the necessary requirements for maintaining the project, the representative of "SGM ... SMP Bank appreciated the damage in the case of the embezzlement in Mosoblbank in 116 billion rubles. ... formed as a result of criminal actions of the former leadership and owners of the AKB " Mosoblbank", The WMP can cause damage to the specified amount ... In accordance with ... approved the indictment in the criminal case of the former chairman of the Board of AKB" Mosoblbank"Viktor Yanina. According to the preliminary investigation, Yanin in May 2014 ... Bank May 20, 2014 picked up three banks on a rejection - Mosoblbank (Share of participation 97.96% of shares), Finance Business Bank (99.38 ... SMP-Bank rated the damage from Mosoblbank in 116 billion rubles. In a criminal case about the embezzlement of depositors of the Mosoblbank, a new victim appeared - SMP-Bank sent a statement to a consequence of damage in the amount of 116 billion rubles, Kommersant writes. The appropriate statement of the SMP-Bank, which fulfills the responsibilities for the Sanation of Mosoblbank, sent on January 15 by the head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the General ... SMP Bank found a hole in 105 billion rubles in the capital of Mosoblbank. ... Mosoblbank Not only carried out frauds with the contributions of citizens, but also used ... turned out to be more than the Bank of Russia assumed. "When we went to Mosoblbank, The Central Bank estimated that the hole is not more than 76 billion rubles ... the problem of Mosoblbank, suggested that Mosoblbank Could cease to start the assets under non-reflected contributions. Mosoblbank Known what "spent ... Mosoblbank and Mosobodbank became leaders on losses per half ... quarter. In May of the current year, SMP Bank of the Rothenberg brothers took Mosoblbank to a rejection. According to the press service of the SMP Bank, negative ... The cause of the search in Mosoblbank was embossed for tens of billions of rubles ... Prohibition of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to receive contributions from the population that applied Mosoblbank. In particular, the reception of deposits was made under the guise of the sale of shares of the bank ... An employee of the press service of the SMP of the Bank, passed "in a very correct setting." Mosoblbank Previously, he was under the control of Alexander Malchevsky and his father, Angeya ... The Bank amounted to 18.8 billion rubles. At the beginning of this year Mosoblbank

Mosoblbank, outreached in attraction of approximately 60 billion rubles. Depositors for ... RBC close to the Central Bank, says that the money was initially enrolled in Mosoblbankwhich then posted them in the SMP Bank. "The bank can ... closed," he explained. This calculation does not take into account the return of assets in MosoblbankIf this happens, the loan issued will be frightened early. "This scheme ...

Media: Rothenbergs during the Sanation of Mosoblbank will receive all the assets of Malchev ... ", told the interlocutor of the publication. Jad Malchevsky, together with his son Alexander controlled Mosoblbank through the RFC. The corporation includes more than 30 companies. Malchevsky also ... the term is 10 years. In the official report, the Bank of Russia indicated that Mosoblbank Mosoblbank He offered people not only to open contributions, but also to buy it ... if the sanctions were introduced, "says Levkovsky. Even before the announcement of the rehabilitation Mosoblbank reported that his cards (more than 260 thousand) will now serve ... - Tsea Alexei Buzdalin. Angei Malchevsky together with his son Alexander controlled Mosoblbank Through the Republican Financial Corporation (RFC). The corporation has a wide range of activities ... Shareholder Mosoblbank promises to personally return money to depositors ... which the Central Bank in the summer of 2011. allocated VTB 295 billion rubles. Yesterday Mosoblbank announced that the maintenance of bank card issued by him, and ... billion rubles. According to the Bank of Russia, on January 1, 2014. Mosoblbank He entered the top 100 Russian banks in terms of assets and ... The Central Bank will be engaged in the rehabilitation of Mosoblbank ... that the Central Bank has revealed a scheme with which Mosoblbank Disabled funds of depositors - individuals for the balance sheet. Having a restriction of the Central Bank ... citizens means, "explains one of the interlocutors of Kommersant .7 May 2014. Mosoblbank Refuted reports of fragrances with the means of depositors, and the Chairman of the Board ... an attempt to destabilize the banking system of Russia, "he stressed.13 May 2014. Mosoblbank announced the submission to the Arbitration Court of Moscow Law Claim ...

Top 50 banks in Russia in 2020 in assets will help depositors to identify the largest banks of the country and compile their own rating of reliability of organizations.

When planning to make a contribution to any of the banks, customers try to learn as much as possible about the organization that they want to entrust their money. Depositors, of course, pay attention to interest, which the bank offers on deposits, but also check the ratings of reliability of financial organizations.

First of all, they are looking for the reliability rating of banks, according to the Central Bank - so it is quite possible to name the list of systemically significant banks in Russia. But still the Central Bank of the Russian Federation officially does not rank banks precisely on reliability, but only assesses certain indicators.

In particular, the indicator of the sufficiency of equity capital is calculated. It is believed that what he is higher, the bank is more reliable.

In addition, when choosing a bank for the deposit, it makes sense to pay attention to such an indicator as the value of assets. The principle of evaluation is simple: if the assets are more than liabilities, then such a bank can be considered more reliable.

Top 50 banks in assets in 2020: the largest banks of Russia

RAEX Rating Agency (Expert RA) is the ranking of Russia's banks in assets. For most depositors, perhaps the most interesting is the upper part of it, where the largest and there are most popular banks. This page presents the top 50 largest banks in Russia in 2020 on assets.

Name of the bank

Assets on 01.01.2019, million rubles.






Bank "FC Opening"

UniCredit Bank

Back in 1992, under the name "Vathan" in Dagestan, a bank was created, which was subsequently bought and moved to the city of Fryazino in the Moscow region. Then he was renamed Mosoblbank. In November 2011, the Central Bank of the Federation banned him for half a year to make deposits from individuals who are not shareholders of the bank. But this financial institution went around the specified prescription. It gave each contributor to his own share, not explaining to anyone what was happening with Mosoblbank.

Start problems

The improvement of the liquidity of the bank, which was achieved through the funds raised, attracted the attention of the Central Bank of Russia and the Agency, which guarantees the preservation of deposits. In January 2012, a large-scale verification began there, which helped to identify these fraud. Subsequently, the bank continued to attract customer funds by offering them some of the most attractive rates. In 2013, Mosoblbank, according to one of the authoritative print publications, was able to enter 30 reliable banks.

But at the beginning of May 2014, the press appeared information that about 60 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bills, for this, fraudulent schemes were used. Despite the fact that the leadership filed to court in order to protect his reputation, problems with Mosoblbank have already begun. May 19, it became known that the CBR decided to interfere with the bank's business. Already on the 21st of the same month, it was decided to conduct the procedure for its healing.

Bypassing sanctions

Even in early 2013, Mosoblbank issued an order to restrict activities - he could not open new offices for three months, and for six months, activities with individuals and cash was limited. Despite this, the management of the financial institution created a special system, thanks to which two accounting was conducted, there were two parallel balance sheets. That is, all the activity has been hidden from the Russian Central Bank, the problems of "Mosoblbank" managed to hide a long time.

As a result, this financial company was able to attract 100 billion counts from individuals to his accounts, in the reports provided only 1/5 of this amount was visible. It is almost impossible to deal with the remaining funds. Money was invested in utilities, clinics, various enterprises. The bank had almost 70 thousand square meters. M real estate in the capital and regions, large put on the earth, mansions in the very center of Moscow.

Causes of reasons

Many at that time it seemed that there was no point in disassembling all the problems of Mosoblbank, it was much easier to withdraw with his license. But the owners of this institution have invested stolen funds into assets such that is difficult to implement. Agency, which is engaged in the refund of deposits of individuals, would have to return to depositors a rather solid amount in rubles - 100 billion, and it would hardly be possible to compensate for it.

That is why for saving funds it was decided to better sanitize Mosoblbank. The license's review was not able to solve all the problems. But in the process of recovery, management obliged to return assets to the real balance.

Sanation procedure

By decision of the Central Bank of Russia, a "SMP-bank" should be engaged in the process of recovery of the problem financial institution. It will work in a couple with agency engaged in the way, "SMP-Bank" entrusted not only the specified financial company, but also Inresbank, and Finance Business Bank. The owners of all these institutions were the Malchevsky family.

For the procedure for the improvement of the "SMP-Bank", which belongs to the Rotenberg brothers, it was planned to highlight a loan by 98.6 billion Russian rubles for ten years. According to the TSB plan, all Mosoblbank problems should have started to decide after the SMP-Bank had a sufficient number of shares to make key decisions.

Of course, a sanator would like to be the liquidity of the bank at the time of the start of the recovery procedure, it was a huge amount of obligations and dubious assets in the bank, the cost of many of which turned out to be overstated. But, on the other hand, the SMP-Bank has written guarantees from some former shareholders of Mosoblbank about the presence of their property that can be covered by part of the obligations.

Fate customers

Of course, learning about problems, depositors began to be interested in what will be with Mosoblbank. By investing funds under an attractive percentage, they began to be afraid that they would not be able to return their deposits. Most of all began to worry new shareholders. When opening deposits, the Bank's employees proposed to buy and shares of this institution, about 3% of their total number was sold according to such a scheme. And 97% is owned by SMP-Bank. The citizens are most frightened by the fact that no one is obliged to redeem the shares acquired by individuals.

But the usual contributors there are no special reasons for concern. The problems of Mosoblbank are gradually solved, payments in this financial institution have already begun.

Stop activity

The main reason why clients are interested in what is happening with Mosoblbank, has become temporary suspension of payments and issuing deposits. However, she lasted long, already in June, the operations resumed. True, many customers are unreasonably experienced due to the closure of a number of AKB offices. It does not matter what kind of division of the bank, the contribution was opened, the money will be returned to the relevant attached units.

Moreover, the client should not disturb the problems in Mosoblbank, they can choose any office suitable for them (though he must be within one branch). Each citizen according to the application can change the place of its service.

Regulation of activity

To normalize the work by the sanator, a special program was developed, which Mosoblbank should be guided. Problems Today, of course, still remained, but the rehabilitation procedure will help to remain this financial company in the market. A special work schedule has been introduced in the bank, which provides, as in which sizes can be issued to depositors.

Thanks to the procedure for issuing deposits and restricting the size of the daily payment, the leadership wants to prevent panic and not allow citizens to remove all available funds from accounts. Also in the problem bank stipulated a list of documents that must be provided to pay. So the guide wants to protect the financial institution from possible claims from unscrupulous citizens who want to take advantage of the critical position in which Mosoblbank is now. The problems of 2014 touched many, because in total he has more than 300 thousand depositors.

Procedure for obtaining funds

Temporary leadership of Mosoblbank says that money is paid at office offices on the day of circulation. But in practice it turns out that it is better to leave an application for payment and agree in advance the amount and date of its receipt. For a day, you can get no more than 100 thousand. Larger amounts will be issued by parts.

For payments in rubles in the amount of up to 100 thousand. It is enough to present a passport. To get an amount exceeding the specified limit, it is necessary to provide the original contract that was concluded with the bank, and documents that can confirm the deposit. But if the client wishes to remove more than 700 thousand with accounts in the bank, he needs to prepare all the documents described above, apply and be prepared to wait a few days. Do not worry about what will be with Mosoblbank, and think why he does not give the whole contribution at a time. Large amounts are issued gradually, to receive funds in full will have to come to the bank several times.

Features of the crisis period

Currently, physical persons are issued loans, and for June 2014 they were issued by 35% more than in the same period last year. True, the issuance of loans to legal entities has not yet been renewed, although the settlement and cash service is carried out in the same volume as before the start of the problems.

In the future, the temporary administration expects to expand the client base of Mosoblbank Akb. The review of the license is not threatened with the license of the license. The Bank is planning to improve the quality of services for various categories of both individuals and legal entities, increase the total amount of operations, reduce possible costs and increase its level of manageability. But it is not planned to carry out the procedure for joining other structures or mergers with other banks.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state