
Compulsory insurance system in the Russian Federation. Compulsory insurance. Compulsory insurance fund

The norms of the law on compulsory health insurance in Russia apply to all of the following categories of persons:

  1. Citizens Russian Federation.
  2. Foreigners who permanently or temporarily reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified specialists and their family members).
  4. Refugees who are eligible for compulsory health insurance under the relevant law.

Looking at this list, it is not difficult to understand that regardless of citizenship and job availability, every person in the Russian Federation has the right to free medical care.

Mandatory pension insurance

The federal law "On State Pensions" is in force in Russia. Therefore, the system of compulsory pension insurance in the country operates on the basis of the rules and regulations prescribed in the document. There are also a number of other regulatory legal acts of an auxiliary nature that supplement or clarify certain provisions of the federal law.

The main provisions of the CHI system apply to every citizen of Russia. Citizens of the former USSR republics living on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners and stateless persons also have the right to receive a pension. The amount of the pension is determined by the nature of the disability, the amount wages and the length of work experience.

Compulsory social insurance

Mandatory social insurance- part financial system Russian Federation. The funds that are created in this segment are exclusively targeted in nature.

The high level of development of social insurance mechanisms is an inalienable proof of maturity civil society and the state as a whole.

Today, the compulsory social insurance system consists of insurers, which include: territorial and federal compulsory health insurance funds, the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance cases

System norms operation compulsory insurance from accidents in the Russian Federation applies to certain categories of citizens, including: employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of courts and law enforcement agencies, military personnel. Previously popular passenger insurance in mandatory canceled because Insurance companies switched to protecting the carrier's liability.

Upon the occurrence of an event provided for by the compulsory insurance system, payments in favor of the insured persons are transferred by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. Lump sum payments and monthly benefits due to the need for support in rehabilitation or compensation for material damage due to disability.

Federal Law on Compulsory Insurance

Today in Russia two forms of insurance are used: compulsory and voluntary. These norms are provided for by the Federal Law on Compulsory Insurance. The voluntary form is implemented through the conclusion of an agreement between the insurer and the policyholder, as well as the insurance rules, in which the order and general terms and Conditions process. The insurer shall independently adopt the insurance rules and approve them in accordance with the norms of the current legislation. Specific conditions are regulated by separate agreements, which are concluded on the basis of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.

Compulsory insurance fund

The activities of the compulsory insurance fund in the field of medicine are regulated by the relevant legislative act of the federal level. The organization performs the following functions:

  1. Provides funding for targeted government health programs.
  2. Develops regulatory documents on the basis of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance of Citizens”.
  3. Collaborates with specialized organizations on the development of insurance methods.
  4. Develops proposals for changes in insurance rates.
  5. Monitors and analyzes financial flows in its insurance segment.
  6. Organizes the work of the territorial branches of the CHI fund.

Compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation

Compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation operates on the basis of the rules and regulations of federal legislation. Separate laws accepted and valid for each existing segment of insurance. Such legislative acts the procedure for calculating the insured amount, its minimum amount, as well as a list of subjects and objects of a separate insurance process are determined.

Compulsory insurance is realized at the expense of policyholders, for budgetary funds as one of the types of state insurance. Compulsory medical and pension insurance- an integral part of the compulsory insurance system in Russia.

Types of compulsory insurance

Each type of compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation is regulated by a separate federal law, a corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of standards and bylaws. The following types of compulsory insurance have been developed and applied in the financial system of the state:

  1. Owners insurance Vehicle.
  2. Insurance of hazardous production facilities during operation.
  3. Personal insurance for passengers.
  4. Insurance for civil servants and military personnel.
  5. Compulsory social insurance.
  6. Mandatory health insurance.

Compulsory motor third party liability insurance

Every car owner on the territory of the Russian Federation is obliged to purchase (compulsory car insurance civil liability) and conclude an appropriate agreement. Registration of a vehicle without a mandatory policy is not possible. To those who neglect legislative regulations, faces a large fine, and possibly a ban on the operation of the vehicle.

With the help of drivers, they compensate for the damage caused to other participants in the accident. Insured events are not limited to the quantitative norm. The insurer fulfills its obligations to the injured party, regardless of the number of registered accidents.

Insurance of military personnel and civil servants

Insurance of military personnel and civil servants is one of the main segments of the financial system of the Russian Federation. The interest of the policyholder is manifested in the protection of a specific object in one of the aforementioned segments of insurance.

Servicemen are insured for funds allocated from the budget of the Russian Federation in favor of the Ministry of Defense. Many admit that at the moment the military insurance system is still far from perfect. There are a number of controversial points that clearly require improvement. For example, it is not so easy for a demobilized soldier to prove the fact of participation in hostilities and the presence of injury, as grounds for obtaining medical care or material compensation.

The essence of compulsory insurance lies in the fact that special legislative acts establish the obligation to carry out insurance for certain persons. The objects of compulsory insurance for these persons are: life, health or property of other persons, defined in the law, in case of harm to their life, health or property, as well as the risks of civil liability of insurers, which may occur as a result of harm to the life, health or property of others. persons or as a result of violation of contracts with other persons. In addition, the obligation is established, in cases provided by law, legal entities, in whose jurisdiction or operational management is the property that is state or municipal property, carry out insurance of this property.

Compulsory insurance is carried out both at the expense of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and at the expense of the policyholders themselves. According to experts financial law the first form is called compulsory state insurance, but the concept of "compulsory government insurance»Is much broader and applies to all types of insurance that are mandatory by virtue of law (decisions) of the representative bodies of state power and local self-government bodies.

Compulsory state insurance is subdivided into: compulsory personal and compulsory property state insurance.

1. established by a number of legislative acts for persons who are on the state, including on military service... It applies to judges, prosecutors, servicemen and persons called up for military training, police officers, tax office, on the officials customs authorities, on officials carrying out operational-search activities, on staff members of foreign intelligence agencies. Compulsory personal insurance is carried out at the expense of funds allocated from the budgets to ministries, federal services and agencies that act as insurers. So, servicemen of the internal troops, judges, prosecutors are subject to insurance at the expense of the Federal budget, police officers - at the expense of the relevant budgets and funds received in special funds on the basis of contracts from institutions and organizations that use the services of the police.

In the case of compulsory state personal insurance, insured events for persons of civilian departments - judges, prosecutors, officials of the tax inspection are: death (death) of the insured person, causing bodily harm of varying severity, excluding and not excluding the possibility of engaging in professional activities.

The legal basis for compulsory personal state insurance is a set of legislative acts adopted at different times in recent years. The provisions on compulsory insurance were included in the Law on Police, the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, the Law on Foreign Intelligence, etc. In each individual case, specific laws determined the objects and subjects of compulsory insurance, the procedure for concluding contracts, the system for financing the costs of compulsory state insurance. It is important to note that, in principle, these legal constructions have much in common, since they govern similar legal relationships.

The amounts of all payments for compulsory personal state insurance are established by the relevant legislative acts. So, for example, in the case of the death of a tax inspection employee, a police officer or a prosecutor's office worker, if it occurred during the period of work, or after dismissal, or retirement and occurred as a result of bodily harm or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, heirs are paid sum of money in the amount of 10-year maintenance of the deceased. In a similar situation, the heirs of a deceased judge are paid an amount equal to his 15-year salary 1. In cases where a militia or tax police officer is injured or otherwise injured in the performance of his official duties and the result is a loss of the opportunity to engage in professional activities, the victim is paid an insurance sum (allowance) in the amount of 5 years of monetary support. In the same situation, the judge receives a 3-year salary allowance.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On compulsory state insurance of life and health of servicemen, citizens called up for military training, ordinary and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and employees of federal tax police bodies." The law came into effect on July 1, 1998. This act regulates the compulsory insurance of the most numerous category of persons subject to state insurance, and its adoption contributed to the improvement of legal regulation and law enforcement in this area.

The object of insurance is the life and health of servicemen and persons equated to them in compulsory insurance. The named objects are subject to insurance from the day the service starts until the day it ends.

The insured events are: the death (death) of the insured person during the period of service or illness received during this period, as well as the establishment of the disability to the insured person due to injury or illness received during the specified period.

The beneficiaries for compulsory state insurance, in addition to the insured persons, in the event of their death (death), are the spouse who is in a registered marriage on the day of the death of the insured person; the parents or adoptive parents of the insured person, and in their absence, the grandfather and grandmother, if they raised and supported him for at least three years, the stepfather and stepmother - provided that they raised or supported him for at least five years. In addition, beneficiaries are children under the age of 18 or older, if they become disabled before reaching 18 years of age, as well as those enrolled in educational institutions before graduation or before reaching 23 years of age.

The insurers for compulsory state insurance are the federal executive authorities, which provide for military service, military training and service.

Insurers for this insurance act insurance organizations who have received a license in accordance with the procedure established by law. Moreover, there are special conditions for obtaining such licenses. Insurance organizations are admitted to the designated insurance activities, authorized capital which was formed without the participation of foreign investments and which function as insurers in the field of personal insurance for at least one year.

The size of the sums insured for servicemen and persons equated to them in insurance, and in the event of their death (death), the beneficiaries are determined on the basis of the monthly monetary allowance of the insured. The severity of the consequences insured event determines the parameters of payments, expressed in monthly salaries.

In the event of the death (death) of the insured person during the period of service, military fees or before the expiration of one year after dismissal from service or after the end of fees as a result of injury or illness received during the period of service, each beneficiary is paid the sum insured in the amount of 25 salaries of the insured person.

If the insured person is found to be disabled on the same grounds and within the same terms, the sums insured paid to the insured person, respectively, are for a disabled person of group I - 75 salaries, for group II - 50 salaries and for group III - 25 salaries.

The law clearly establishes the grounds for exempting the insurer from the payment of the sum insured. These are situations when the insured event occurred as a result of the commission by the insured person of an act recognized by the court as socially dangerous, when the insured event was in the line established by the court. causation with the intoxication of the insured person, and finally, when the insured event was the result of a court proven deliberate harm to his health and suicide by the insured person. From the latter position, the law provides for a significant exception. If the death resulted from the suicide of the insured person who was in the military service for at least two years, the insurer is not exempt from the payment of the sum insured.

2. Compulsory personal state insurance established also for persons affected by radiation accidents at civilian and military facilities, injured during testing of atomic and thermonuclear weapons, from environmental and other emergency disasters ... For example, all citizens of the Russian Federation who have suffered from radiation exposure due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are subject to state personal insurance. The size insurance compensation corresponds to 200 times the amount of the statutory minimum monthly wage on the day the compensation is paid. In this case, the insured event is considered the illness of the insured, the establishment of a disability group for him or death, which followed as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. All established in the law "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster", benefits, compensation and insurance payments were extended to persons injured as a result of radiation accidents at other nuclear facilities, both military and civilian, as well as civil aviation personnel and service passengers of aircraft flying for the purpose of radiation reconnaissance and scientific research in nuclear regions. tests carried out in the period from 1958 to 1990.

3. Persons living and working in the so-called "closed administrative-territorial entities" are subject to compulsory state insurance., i.e. settlements located in the immediate vicinity of nuclear and other highly hazardous enterprises and facilities and having a certain status. Insured events for insured persons are damage to property, health or death as a result of the impact of any factors in an accident at an enterprise or facility. Such insurance is provided for in the law "On a closed administrative-territorial unit".

4. Compulsory state insurance applies to persons who, by the nature of their work, provide medical and psychiatric care, as well as engaged in scientific research on the problems of virology and the production of viral drugs. ... An insured event under this type of insurance is infection with the human immunodeficiency virus in the line of duty, disability or death from the consequences of infection.

5. Compulsory state insurance is subject to persons who are members of the paramilitary mine rescue service in transport construction... Insured event - injury, disability or death in connection with the performance of official duties.

6. This type of compulsory insurance, such as compulsory personal insurance of passengers on the way , in principle, does not apply to insurance from the budget. Such insurance is carried out at the expense of contributions from policyholders. Passengers of air, rail, sea, inland waterways and road transport are subject to accident insurance. Passengers-fats of all types of international transport, passengers of intracity flights and ferries, road transport on urban routes are not subject to compulsory insurance. The amount of the insurance premium is included in the ticket price and, accordingly, is paid by the passenger, who automatically becomes the policyholder.

However, this specific form of insurance should be attributed to the sphere of compulsory state insurance, since it is partly about the use of budget funds. Persons using the right of free travel are subject to free compulsory insurance at the expense of budgetary funds. The presence of such benefits and determined the need to include this type of insurance in compulsory state insurance. Sum insured for compulsory personal insurance of passengers - 120 minimum wages at the time of purchase of travel documents. Compulsory personal insurance of passengers is carried out through the conclusion of contracts with insurers, which are insurance companies that have licenses for insurance activities.

7. Donors are subject to compulsory insurance at the expense of a state medical institution ... In this case, the insured event is the contamination of the donor with an infectious disease while performing the donor function.

8. In addition, the state establishes the order compulsory insurance of specific activities . This type of insurance is intended to provide guarantees of indemnification by the policyholders for possible damage that may be caused to third parties in the course of the policyholder's activities. Thus, all private notaries are obliged to conclude insurance contracts for their activities. The legal content of this type of insurance could be qualified as a semblance of liability insurance. In the same way, it is mandatory by law to conclude insurance contracts for their activities for customs brokers and customs carriers, anti-crisis managers, etc. In terms of its legal content, compulsory auto liability insurance for road accidents is also close to the aforementioned types of compulsory insurance.

9. A separate branch of the compulsory state is banking insurance : insurance of deposits of individuals; protection of the interests of depositors through the obligatory reservation of funds of commercial banks in the accounts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, etc.

10. Compulsory property insurance applies to specific types of property directly named in regulatory legal acts. Firstly, federal and municipal property, which is rented out - at the expense of the lessee.

The legal and regulatory framework for compulsory insurance is constantly being improved and applies to various objects - spacecraft, personal housing of citizens, etc.

38. Legal regulation state (municipal) expenditures: concept; forms and methods of implementation government spending

State (municipal) expenses - it is continuous use by the state or municipality Money from budgets, extrabudgetary funds and own funds unitary enterprises and organizations for the purposes and objects determined by the laws on the budget, extra-budgetary funds, regulations governments, ministries, federal services and agencies and charters of enterprises and organizations.

All state and municipal expenses are subject to financing from budgetary funds, funds of state extra-budgetary funds accumulated in budget system Russian Federation.

State and municipal expenses are carried out from funds:

Centralized budgets of various levels, state extra-budgetary funds;

Decentralized - funds of unitary enterprises and organizations.

State expenditures are carried out on the basis of the current legislation in accordance with the financial and planning regulations approved by the competent authorities. Federal Treasury bodies allow only those expenses that are provided for by regulatory enactments. Also, a mandatory requirement for the implementation of public expenditures is their inclusion in the approved financial planning document: budget, estimate or balance sheet.

Government expenditures are carried out as follows ways, financing and by providing loans and credits.

Insurance has long and tightly entered our life. Everyone has compulsory medical insurance policy for those who have cars - OSAGO. If you made a deposit to the bank, then it will already be insured, and if you fly by plane, go by train, then transport company"voluntarily-compulsorily" will arrange insurance for you. Life, health and property insurance is becoming more and more common. Everything that we have listed is divided into two large groups - mandatory and voluntary insurance... Let's talk in this article in detail about both this classification and about insurance in general.

The concept of "insurance"

Insurance refers to the entire range of insurance activities (primary insurance, reinsurance, mutual insurance, coinsurance), which is aimed at insurance coverage.

A more capacious definition: the relationship that is established between the insurer and the policyholder to protect property of both private and legal entities (meaning only the insured) in the event of an insured event on account of special monetary funds... They are formed from premiums or contributions deducted by policyholders.

There are two types of insurance - compulsory and voluntary. We will talk about them further, but for now we will consider the classification of the types of this phenomenon.

Types of insurance

There is no consensus on the classification of species. In the overwhelming majority of states, only life insurance is allocated and what is not associated with it. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation prescribes property and personal. Some theorists repeat their classification according to the law, others distinguish three branches - responsibility, personal and property, and still others argue that there are already four types of insurance - property, risks, personal and liability.

Let's consider the most common classification:

  • Liability Insurance... Refers to cases when the policyholder must compensate for the harm caused to another person. This includes the civil liability of the carrier, owners of the vehicle (vehicles), enterprises with an increased level of danger, professional responsibility, and liability for failure to fulfill their obligations.
  • Property insurance... Relationships associated with the disposal, possession and use of property are included. This is insurance of financial and business risks, property of citizens, organizations, enterprises, transport. Some classifications add to this group and liability insurance.
  • Personal insurance... This includes everything related to work ability, pension provision, life and health of the insured. In particular, life, accident, disease and medical insurance.

All of the above, in turn, is broken down into compulsory and voluntary health insurance.

Compulsory insurance

OS is a prescription of state legislation for insurers, forcing them to make insurance payments. It applies to those objects and cases where the level of compensation for harm affects not only a specific person, but also a number of public interests. Compulsory state insurance, carried out at the expense of the state budget or other sources, stands apart.

The main difference between a compulsory contract and voluntary insurance is that a citizen cannot refuse from the first one. At the same time, he personally draws up only an OMI and OSAGO policy (if there is a car), all other insurance coverage works automatically.

The provisions on compulsory insurance policies can be found in Art. 927 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to them, the insurer is obliged to insure certain objects, and the insured - to make the payments due. The law on voluntary and compulsory insurance provides for:

  • list of objects that must be insured;
  • insurance coverage rates;
  • tariff rates, their differentiation;
  • scope of responsibility;
  • the rights and obligations of the two parties - the insured and the insurer;
  • the frequency of making payments.

OS: types of insurance

Compulsory and voluntary insurance within themselves have a number of smaller varieties.

So, insurance is dictated by the law:

  • Military personnel.
  • Passengers.
  • SRO (self-regulatory organizations).
  • HIF (hazardous production facilities)
  • Civilian.
  • The responsibility of some specialists in the implementation of professional activities.
  • Medical (compulsory and voluntary insurance).
  • Bank deposits.

Compulsory insurance principles

Compulsory insurance is characterized by five principles:

  1. Obligation... It is dictated by the relevant legislative act.
  2. Full coverage of the population... For this, the registration of the insured takes place, certain terms for the payment of insurance premiums are established.
  3. Independence from making payment... If the insured person has not made the due payment, the compulsory insurance does not expire. Insurance premium will be charged in judicial procedure with the accrual of late payment interest.
  4. Indefinitely. The insurance period ends only with the death of the policyholder or his property.
  5. Fixed rate insurance coverage. The cost of compensation is either an absolute value or some clear percentage of the insured sums paid.

Voluntary insurance

The second type of insurance is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis. The law defines for him only general provisions, and the specific conditions are set by the insurer. It should be noted that voluntariness here is the prerogative of the policyholder, since a broker cannot refuse to conclude an agreement with his client.

DS (voluntary insurance) is characterized by the presentation of certain requirements that the policyholder must meet in order to obtain a policy. The latter is always issued only for a certain period. You can extend the policy by concluding a repeated contract. Sometimes auto-renewal also works. Failure to pay the insurance premium during the specified period leads to the termination of the contract on the DS.

Varieties of DS

Not all types of insurance contracts can be clearly distinguished. For example, social insurance is voluntary and compulsory, like medical, one of its varieties. But specifically, the following applies to DS:

  • Life insurance - payment of certain amounts to the relatives of the insured after his death.
  • Pension - offers a citizen to accumulate certain amounts for his future pension.
  • From accidents - disability, illness, injury, disability.
  • Housing - apartments, rooms, private houses, summer cottages.
  • Animals - typical for owners of expensive pets and livestock. In case of injury or illness of the pet, compensation is paid.
  • Mortgage - protects those paying the mortgage from unpleasant circumstances.
  • CASCO - compensation in the event of any accident, theft, fire and other misfortune that may happen to the car.
  • VHI is medical insurance that partially or fully compensates for the cost of treatment.

DS principles

The principles of compulsory and voluntary insurance are different. DS characterizes:

  • Voluntariness... As we mentioned, it only concerns the policyholder, not the insurer.
  • Selective coverage... Not all citizens consider it necessary to conclude a voluntary insurance contract. In addition, insurance companies themselves impose restrictions on policyholders - age, state of health, accident rate of property, etc.
  • Urgency... The DS agreement always has a certain period of validity.
  • Contribution dependence... The insurance agreement is canceled if the policyholder has stopped paying the insurance premiums.
  • Rolling insurance coverage... The amount of the insured amount is established in the contract as a result of an agreement between the insurer and the policyholder.

Compulsory and voluntary insurance, although they overlap with each other, have many fundamental differences. In addition, the same type of insurance can be both OS and DS.

Compulsory insurance of social and property interests is one of the features of the welfare state, and it arose back in the century before last in a country considered to be the leader in terms of the degree of development of social security of the population - Germany. This tool exists to ensure that people have an airbag when circumstances arise that everyone usually faces.

It is needed not only to protect an individual, but also the whole society as a whole - for example, someone who is unable to cure an infectious disease for free poses a threat to others, and civil liability insurance protects health and property from the actions of negligent drivers.

The state is not indifferent to the state of its citizens, because if the overwhelming majority of them are in a disadvantageous position, it simply will not be able to function. For this reason, compulsory insurance in one form or another exists in any developed country.

Consider the types of compulsory insurance:

  • compulsory health insurance;
  • compulsory social insurance;
  • insurance for the carriage of passengers by land, air or water;
  • insurance of military personnel and civil servants;
  • compulsory motor third party liability insurance;
  • civil liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous facility.

Compulsory health insurance

No matter how many discussions have been conducted about the uselessness and quality of medical care provided for it, it is difficult to imagine a more necessary phenomenon. Let's make a reservation that we are not talking about emergency medical care, in the Russian Federation everyone has the right to receive it, regardless of the presence or absence of a compulsory medical insurance contract.

The compulsory medical insurance policy guarantees the provision of medical services free of charge under the insurance program. Therefore, those who are outraged that some kind of doctor's service is not provided free of charge, simply do not understand the mechanism and meaning of this type of insurance. The goal is to provide ample opportunities for access to medical institutions for treatment for the entire population. However, broad does not mean everything; not a single budget of the world is capable of providing absolutely all types of drug and clinical therapy. Russian system compulsory health insurance, no matter how criticized it, actually provides patients with quite ample opportunities, and regardless of their status.

Sometimes users of medical services under compulsory health insurance are outraged that if they want better quality Consumables for example, thin syringes, more expensive and softer bandages, thin catheters, they have to pay. However, they do not think about the fact that at present state medical institutions are forced to purchase all this within the framework of the budget allocated to them and in accordance with the procurement legislation. Accordingly, they have to use what they have, and the patient has a choice: use what is offered for free, or pay extra for more comfortable conditions.

Compulsory health insurance assumes that everyone has the opportunity to get help in the most common situations that are provided for by the program, and not in any case and under any conditions. Usually those who have the opportunity to compare the quality and volume of the received software OMS treatment with the same characteristics of many European countries, this system is no longer criticized.

Compulsory social insurance

This type of insurance is a "safety cushion" in case the financial and / or social situation changes, including due to circumstances that cannot be influenced.

Types of compulsory social insurance:

  • compulsory pension insurance;
  • accident insurance;
  • job loss insurance;
  • temporary or permanent disability insurance;
  • insurance related to the death of a citizen.

In a broad sense, this includes all types of compulsory insurance, this point is not fundamental, in in this case the essence of the phenomenon matters.

Designed to provide citizens with a livelihood in old age. Discussions are also underway around the currently existing system, but there is no talk of a complete abolition of this type of protection. Citizens can choose where and how their pension savings will be stored and accumulated.

Compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases it is necessary in case something happens in the process of performing a person's professional duties, as a result of which he cannot continue to do his work for a certain period of time or cannot work any longer at all. If this happens, the victim will have the right to receive benefits, which to some extent compensate him for the loss suffered. However, this type of insurance only applies to workplace accidents in work time... If a person is seriously injured at work, his treatment and rehabilitation will be carried out not only under the compulsory medical insurance, but also from the payments of accident insurance.

Job loss insurance means that if a person loses workplace due to circumstances beyond his control, for example, for layoffs, he will be paid a certain amount and, if by the time he finishes working, he does not find a new job, he can officially register his status as unemployed and receive very little, but help. In practice, few people use this, but nevertheless such a mechanism exists.

Compulsory insurance should not be confused with voluntary - you can voluntarily insure yourself for other cases; as well as voluntary-compulsory insurance, when the bank obliges the client who concludes loan agreement, insure against job loss.

Temporary disability insurance means that an employee under an employment contract has the right to be paid according to the so-called sick leave.

The employer's obligation to pay the sick leave and keep a job for a woman on parental leave actually works against the most vulnerable category of citizens - young women who may have a baby in the near future or have already given birth to one. As a rule, employers try to either refuse to hire them, or do not formalize them in order to avoid providing them with the guarantees they are entitled to under the law.
However, many still manage to successfully use this social protection mechanism, and the need for its presence is hardly questionable.

Insurance for military and government employees is associated with the special conditions of their work, which imply an increased risk of injury or death.

In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, disabled members of his family, who were on his support, have the rights. This pension is assigned to one of the parents or the husband / wife of the deceased, regardless of whether he provided them with material assistance or not.

Insurance for the carriage of passengers by land, air or water

Individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the carriage of passengers (with the exception of passenger taxis and subways) are obliged to insure the risk of harm to the life and health of passengers. The absence of such insurance is punishable by a fine and the imposition of an obligation on the carrier to independently pay insurance sums to all victims. The carrier is obliged to place information about the insurance contract so that it is available to those who use its services. If this has not been done, the entrepreneur again risks paying a fine.

Compulsory civil liability insurance

Sitting behind the wheel, everyone runs the risk of getting into a traffic accident with any outcome or becoming the culprit himself. If this happens, insurance for, limited to a maximum of 160 thousand rubles, can pay for the treatment of the victim and the repair of the vehicle. If before the obligation of compulsory insurance was approved by law, its introduction caused an active protest from motorists, now it becomes clear that often one compulsory insurance cannot cover all losses and there is a real need to complete insurance voluntarily.

Liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous facility

Causing harm during the operation of a hazardous facility is more than a real risk, and civil law obliges building owners to take this hazard into account. The concept of such objects and their classification are exhaustively given in the corresponding law. If an organization has similar characteristics, it must be identified and receive this status, if such, and conclude an appropriate contract.

Thus, one should distinguish compulsory insurance from voluntary and those cases when it is compulsory not because it is legitimately established as such, but because it is necessary condition to perform an action, for example, to obtain a loan. The mechanism of compulsory risk insurance is very important for building a competent social policy, but needs constant adjustment to reflect changing realities.

Insurance (in the proper sense), depending on the object of insurance, is divided into two main branches - property and personal. The legislation distinguishes the following main types of insurance: property insurance, personal insurance, legal liability insurance and, finally, business risk. In addition, special types of insurance are highlighted: pension, medical, marine, deposits and foreign investments against non-commercial risks.

Property insurance objects there may be property interests related, in particular, to:

  • ownership, use and disposal of property (property insurance);
  • the obligation to compensate for harm caused to other persons (civil liability insurance);
  • carrying out entrepreneurial activities, that is, insurance of entrepreneurial risks (Articles 929, 931, 932 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 2 of Article 4 of the Law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation").

Object personal insurance are the personal benefits of a citizen associated with his life, health, ability to work (clause 1 of article 4 of the specified Law). The state has banned the insurance of certain interests (for example, unlawful, losses from participation in games, lotteries and bets, as well as expenses that a person may be forced to in order to free hostages).

The Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" (Art. 3), like the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 927), provides for two forms of insurance: voluntary and compulsory. The first is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer and insurance rules that determine the general conditions and procedure for its implementation. The insurance rules are adopted and approved by the insurer independently in accordance with the legislation. Specific insurance conditions are established when concluding a separate insurance contract in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Issues related to the procedure for the formation and use of a reserve of preventive measures for voluntary types of insurance are regulated by the rules of financial law (see the Approximate provision on the reserve of preventive measures for voluntary types of insurance, approved by Rosstrakhnadzor on January 18, 1995).

Compulsory is insurance carried out by virtue of the law. For each specific type of compulsory insurance, a federal law must be adopted, containing the elements established by law, including: subjects; objects subject to insurance; the minimum amount of the insured amount or the procedure for determining it, etc.

Compulsory insurance can be in the form of:

  • compulsory state insurance carried out at the expense of the budget,
  • compulsory insurance carried out at the expense of the policyholders themselves.

Among characteristic features legal relations arising from compulsory insurance, allowing them to be attributed to the circle of financial legal relations, can be called the following:

  • firstly, the establishment by the state of the types, procedure and conditions of compulsory insurance, carried out at the expense of the policyholders themselves, the presence state supervision in this area or the direct participation of the state (its authorized body) as obligatory subject relationships;
  • secondly, the use of the imperative method in the regulation of the emergence, change and termination of these legal relations.

Compulsory insurance is subdivided into compulsory state, compulsory (non-state) insurance. In the first case, insurance premiums are paid at the expense of the corresponding budget (or off-budget funds), in the second - at the expense of the insured or other persons.

Compulsory (non-state) insurance, in turn, can be property and personal, as well as paid and free.

To the main types compulsory and compulsory state insurance applies the following.

  1. Civil liability insurance of vehicle owners introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation since January 1, 2004 by the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” 1. Carried out at the expense of vehicle owners. The insured amount is 400 thousand rubles, including 240 thousand rubles. - for compensation for harm caused to the life or health of several victims and no more than 160 thousand rubles. - for one victim. In terms of compensation for damage caused to property - 160 thousand rubles, respectively. and no more than 120 thousand rubles. (when causing damage to the property of one victim). The state regulates insurance rates on this kind insurance.
  2. A type of compulsory property insurance is fire insurance of property managed, used or at the disposal of enterprises (including foreign legal entities) operating on the territory of Russia entrepreneurial activity, at the expense of the abovementioned enterprises (Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 "On Fire Safety").
  3. The main type of compulsory personal insurance is compulsory personal insurance of passengers, carried out on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1992 "On compulsory personal insurance of passengers" (as amended on July 22, 1998) 2. At the expense of the insurers' contributions, insurance is provided against accidents of passengers of air, rail, sea, inland waterway and road transport, as well as tourists and excursionists who make long-distance excursions on the line of tourist and excursion organizations during a trip or flight. The amount of the insurance payment is included in the cost of the ticket (voucher). The sum insured is set at 120 minimum sizes wages at the date of purchase of travel documents. In some cases, free compulsory insurance is provided. For example, compulsory insurance at the expense of the funds of the relevant enterprise (association) in case of death, injury or other damage to health in connection with the implementation of detective and security actions is subject to citizens engaged in private detective and security activities, employed (Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation").

Mandatory conclusion of insurance contracts is provided by law in a number of cases. These include:

  1. insurance of certain types of activity, provided for in order to guarantee compensation by the insured for possible damage in the event of damage to third parties in the course of the policyholder's activities: for example, notaries engaged in private practice, a customs broker, a customs carrier (Article 18 of the Fundamentals of Russian Legislation on Notaries; Article 95 , 140 Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  2. compulsory conclusion of insurance contracts in favor of other persons "for example, the donor is subject to compulsory insurance at the expense of the blood service in case of infection with infectious diseases while performing the donor function (Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 9, 1993" On the donation of blood and its components " );
  3. compulsory insurance of some cultural property and other property: for example, in the case of temporary export of cultural property by state museums, etc. (Article 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 "On the export and import of cultural property").

The legislation provides for compulsory both personal and property state insurance. The list of cases of compulsory personal insurance is wider than compulsory property insurance... Compulsory state insurance, in addition to the general classification of personal and property, can be subdivided into:

  1. established for persons in the civil service (see Article 15 of the Federal Law of July 31, 1995 "On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service" 3 (valid until the entry into force of February 1, 2005 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 "On State civil service of the Russian Federation "4) and the Federal Law of March 28, 1998" On compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, persons of ordinary and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system and employees of federal tax police ”);
  2. established for persons affected by radiation accidents at civilian and military facilities, from environmental and other emergency disasters (see Art. 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster") ;
  3. established for persons engaged in medical and other scientific research in the field of virology, providing medical, psychiatric and other types of assistance, as well as persons engaged in various rescue operations (Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 2, 1992 “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision ").

All these types of compulsory insurance (including state) are carried out regardless of the agreement of the parties (insurer and policyholder) on the conditions established by the state. The importance of compulsory insurance lies in the fact that it makes it possible to provide substantial material assistance with relatively small insurance premiums, which becomes possible only with the widest possible circle of persons participating in legal relations on compulsory insurance and, in addition, guarantees the use of part of insurance premiums for creation of reserves for financing measures to prevent accidents.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state