
The level of real wages is calculated. Nominal and real wages. The index of the real and nominal wage. Nominal and wage formula

Average monthly salary minus taxes workers and employees in the base year amounted to 2300 rubles, in the reporting 2500 rubles, prices for consumer goods and services rose in reporting period Compared to 25% basis. Payment of transfers (in prices of the corresponding years) per worker and employees amounted to 310 rubles in the base year, in the reporting - 480 rubles. The share of taxes in the general salary was 12% in the basic period, in the reporting - 18%.


  • the index of total revenues of workers and employees in current prices;
  • the index of real income of workers and employees;
  • nominal wage index;
  • real wage index.


  1. The index of total revenues of workers and employees at current prices is defined as:

where SDN 1, SDN 0 - Nominal cumulative incomes of the population in the base and reporting periods.

where RDN 0, RDN 1 - Real cumulative incomes of the population in the base and reporting periods.

Since the index of the purchasing power of the money is equal to the reverse magnitude of the index consumer prices (I P.) :

Despite the fact that the nominal incomes of workers and employees increased by 9.2%, real - decreased (87.4 - 100 \u003d - 12.6) by 12.6%.

  1. The purchasing power index of the ruble is:

Thus, the purchasing power of the ruble decreased by 20%.

where NOM.PP 0, NOM.PP 1 - Nominal salary of the reporting and base periods.

5. Nominal disposable salary. ( NOM.RP) equal to the nominal ( Nzp) less taxes and mandatory payments ( Np).


where d. NGOsd. NP 1 - Share of taxes in the nominal wage in the base and reporting periods.

6. Real wages are equal to nominally disposed of wages multiplied by the purchasing power index of the ruble.

The real wage index will be:

Thus, conducting simple calculations, we conclude that the nominal wage for the analyzed period increased by 8.7% (2500 - 2300 \u003d 200 rubles), and, in connection with 6% of taxes, nominal The disposable wages increased by 1.3%. Given the fact that prices for consumer goods and services also increased (+ 25%), real wages in the reporting period decreased by 13% compared with the basic. Given the payment of transfers, the reduction of real incomes of the population was 12.6%.

What makes an increase in real wages

Real wages are the amount of goods and services that the employee can purchase money to them as earning after the deduction of all tax payments.

The work of a working citizen is carried out by issuing a nominal wage that serves as a monetary equivalent of efforts attached to them to achieve a certain result. The nominal salary is not attached to the current level of prices and does not increase in proportion to their growth. The size of the real wage is taken into account and varies depending on the vibration of the cost of goods on the market.

In the event that the amount moneyreceived by the employee does not change, and the level of inflation grows, the real wage will decrease, despite nominal income Worker will not change. Moreover, the real wage can decrease in the event that the nominal salary increases - such developments is possible if the rate of growth of inflation exceeds the increasing rate of earnings.

The increase in the size of the real wage is the main sign of improving the standard of living of citizens, their welfare and purchasing power.

What is the real wage and how its size is determined

In order to understand how to calculate the real wagesIt is necessary to have information about the size of the nominal earnings, as well as the value of the consumer price index established by Federal Service State statistics for the period in which the calculation is made.

SP \u003d ZN / CPI,

Do not know your rights?

SP - the size of a real salary;

ZN - the size of the nominal salary;

CPI - consumer price index, the value of which is determined by the Federal State Statistics Service in accordance with the methodology established by order of Rosstat on December 30, 2014 No. 734.

On the state level The size of real wages is determined to identify crisis phenomena in the economy that have a negative impact on the citizens of the country, and the subsequent search for solutions to exit the situation. At the level of a separate enterprise, such an analysis can be carried out to assess the level of remuneration of workers and the possible survey of reserves for its increase.

So, the size of the real wage is an indicator that reflects purchasing power Citizen, i.e. the volume of goods and services that it can purchase on the nominal wage received by it.

1. Features of labor as a product.

Labor - expedient, conscious activities of people used in the production and sale of goods and services. Love works performed by people of different professions: physician or janitor, etc., in a broad sense of the word this "work" .Trud is the first and basic condition for the existence man, human society. Economically, labor is implemented in the working strength of the physical and mental ability of a person to work.

2. The unique ability of the sale of workforce and its difference from the sale of other goods.

Purchase - the sale of labor unlike other goods is not accompanied by a change of its owner, since it is not at the disposal of the buyer not forever, but only for labor time. In other words, as a result of the purchase - sales of labor to the buyer (employer), only the right to use worker's abilities for labor passes. The employer becomes the owner of the created product.

3. Why does the economic mechanism of the labor market involving a non-market relationship?

The human labor force is a product, and production relations are based on the erect purchase of workforce, where its price is wages.

4. What elements are the workforce price?

The total proposal of labor in society, according to P. Samuelson, is defined at least four indicators: the total population; the fraction that the amateur population is in the total population; the average number of hours worked out for the week and throughout the year; Quality, the number of such labor that will spend the workers.

5. What formula is the daytime cost of labor?

According to employees (i.e. labor resources) Some states know the following data:

Daily expenses related to both nutrition and other means for the life of the worker, as well as his families, are 55 dollars;

On the purchase worker spends:

Once a week - $ 90;

Once a quarter - 520 dollars;

Every six months - 1080 dollars;

Once a year - $ 6,000.


So, the calculation of the day value of the country's labor force is produced, on the basis of data on the cost of goods that consumes the employee and his family, during periods of time that are expressed in days, that is:

Week - 7 days;

Quarter - 90 days;

Half year - 182.5 days;

Year - 365 days.

from here:

Day labor \u003d 55/1 + 90/7 + 520/90 + 1080 / 182.5 + 6000/365 \u003d 55 + 12.86 + 5.78 + 5.92 + 16.44 \u003d 95.97 dollars / day.

Topic 3.

1. What does the nominal wage mean.

Nominal wages - This is a wage monetary expression for a certain period of time. In highly developed countries, the salary rate is distinguished, or the price paid for the unit of time of labor services, and the salary, common earnings, which depend on the salary rate and the amount of labor proposed on the market.

2. How the real wage is determined.

Real wages - This is the number of goods and services that can be purchased on the nominal salary. The real salary depends, firstly, from the level of nominal salary and, secondly, on the level of prices for goods and services. An indicator that allows you to determine the change in real wages for one or another period of time is the index of the real wage. The index is relative (pronounced in percent) the quantitatively characterizing the change in this process compared with a certain period of time, which is accepted for the basic one.

The real wage index is calculated as the ratio of the nominal wage index to the consumer price index.

For example, if the nominal salary increased by 15% compared with the previous year taken for 100%, this means that the nominal salary index will be 115%. Then, with a 120% consumer price index for the year, the real wage index will be 96%. This means that the purchasing power of the nominal salary of this year amounted to 96% of the previous year, adopted for the basic.

With moderate inflation, changing the level of real wages can be easily calculated by the formula:

Similarly, the indices of other real income are calculated: scholarships, pensions, benefits, etc. The dynamics of real income indices are taken into account when indexing income of the population.

Determination of the level of salary

Determine the level of salary on the basis of:




    labor productivity worker;

    working conditions;

    its duration;

    "Market Forces"; those. from the ratio of demand and suggestions for labor, such as competition in a separate labor market;

    discrimination on the floor, racial, national signs, beliefs of the employee;

    organizations and influence of trade unions;

    state regulation of salary.

For the ratio of demand and suggestions, the type of competition in the labor market in developed countries has a significant impact of trade unions. To seek increasing the level of salary, the preservation of jobs, increasing tariffs for imported goods, they influence the demand for labor to a certain extent. But more trade unions affect the proposal in the labor market, seeking immigration restrictions, determining the type of competition in a separate labor market.

Being along with entrepreneurs and the state of one of the parties of the "triangle" of labor relations, trade unions in individual professional markets can fully control the proposal, often reducing it and seeking raising payroll rates. This method of its increase was called "closed thread-unionism" (open or sectoral trade unions). Tred-Unionism is a situation where almost all workers in this industry are combined into a trade union. In this case, the trade union can achieve the salary rates at employers above the competitive level. With a bilateral monopoly, the monopolist-entrepreneur seeks to undertake the salary rates, and the trade union monopolist in the labor market seeks to overstate them. The result is obtained intermediate and depends on the ratio of the forces of the parties.

3. How the cost index is displayed.

The cost value index is a statistical indicator that estimates the dynamics of material well-being of the population under the influence of price change. Expresses the relationship of the "consumer basket" of material goods and services adopted in the basic period, estimated at current prices, to the "consumer basket" of the goods and services of the base period, estimated at the prices of the base period.

Life value index \u003d Consumer basket of the base period at current prices / consumer basket of the baseline in basic prices

It is calculated by government statistical authorities monthly on the basis of the market price of a consumer basket consumed by a typical consumer (or a typical representative of a particular social group). Consumer basket includes food, clothing, shoes, medical care, education, transport, etc. In Russia, 70 main food products include 20 non-food products, a set of paid services.

4. What does minimum wage mean.

The minimum wage (MZP) is the state established by the state the amount of wages, below which the full monthly (day or hour) labor (working time) may not be paid for a full-time employee (working time) to minimal wages do not include additional payments, and incentive and Compensation payments.

5. Present the concept of the subsistence minimum.

The subsistence minimum is the cost of a set of goods and services necessary to meet the priority needs of a person for the year, on average. Appointment of the subsistence minimum cost of living as a whole Russian Federation It is intended for: * estimates of the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of social policies and federal social programs; * Justles set at the federal level of minimum wage and minimum old-age pension, as well as to determine scholarships, benefits and other social payments; * Formation of the federal budget. Subsolution minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is intended for: * estimates of the living standards of the population of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of regional social programs; * providing the necessary state social assistance to low-income citizens; * Formation of budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. What dependences reflect the phillipps curve.

In the short term, the Phillips curve reflects the inverse relationship between the level of inflation and the unemployment rate. The dependence initially showed unemployment relationship with changes in wages: the higher the unemployment, the less the increase in money wage, the lower the rise in prices, and vice versa, the lower the unemployment and higher employment, the greater the increase in the money wage, the higher the price increases. Subsequently was transformed into relationship between prices and unemployment. In the long term, it is a vertical direct, in other words, shows the lack of dependence between the level of inflation and the unemployment rate. However, modern economists. Including American, believe that today this addiction is much weaker than 30 years ago.

Wage - the most important element Life supports of most citizens. For Russians, it is often the only source of income. But not everyone understands the difference between the number and quality of the money received. To understand this, it should be understood that such a nominal and real wage, and how they are interrelated with each other.

Nominal wages: concept and calculation of the index

Nominal wages displays the number of money received for the completed work. It is a quantitative indicator. When calculating the value of the nominal salary, the following components are taken into account:

  • payment for spent time, performed work (depending on the form of wages);
  • surcharges for work in the night and overtime;
  • premium and stimulating payments;
  • compensation;
  • hospital;

The size of the majority of wages or the rate (the cost of the labor day, an hour, which made% of profits) is indicated in the employment contract and an order for employment. Monthly sumHolds, and will be a nominal wage. This indicator is used by statistical authorities to compare the level of wages.

To determine the quantitative wage gain, a special indicator is used - the nominal wage index. For calculation, the formula is used:

And NWP \u003d average monthly zp forn. year / average monthly zp fork. year * 100%

The final value shows how much% increased or decreased wages. For clarity, we give an example of calculation.

The average value of zp

And NZP to the previous year

And NZP by 2014

45 000/35 000*100% = 128,57%

45 000/35 000*100% = 128,57%

40 000/45 000 = 88,89%

40 000/35 000 = 114,29%

Conclusion: In 2016, the salary decreased by 11.11% compared with 2015, but increased by 14.29% compared with 2014.

But the calculation of this indicator does not allow to qualitatively assess the level of wages in different years. For this purpose, the concept of real wages is used.

Real wages: what is it for what is it necessary for?

The size of real wages displays the volume of goods and services that can be bought on the money received in the form of salary. A similar definition is given in the decision of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 148 of September 12, 1995.

Such a type of wage is a qualitative indicator. It demonstrates the purchasing power of the money received from the employer. But the head of the organization does not displays a real wage, so the calculation should be made independently. For this, the following indicators will be required:

  1. And NZP;
  2. CPI - consumer price growth index or inflation rates.

The formula for calculation will be like this:

And RZP \u003d and NZP / IPTS x 100%

If in the given example, take the CPI for 2015 at the level of 110%, then compared with the previous year, the index of real wages will be equal to:

And PPP \u003d 128.57/110 x 100% \u003d 116.88%.

This suggests that the real wage increased by only 16.88%, and nominal at 28.57%.

To calculate the level of its well-being compared with the previous year, it is necessary to take not nominal, but real wages. Only so you can understand whether a person has become more actually.

Dependence between the nominal and real salary

There are no conceptual and real salaries in the tax and accounting records. They are used in general economic and statistical purposes. Comparison of indicators may be interested in an ordinary person, because nominal and real wages are important criteria for assessing the level and growth / decline in wages. The main difference between them is that the real value is calculated taking into account inflation, and the nominal nominal. The values \u200b\u200bof these indicators are closely linked. The following dependence may be established between them:

  1. Straight. It is characteristic of a situation where the size of the nominal salary is growing faster than consumer price growth index. For example, labor payment for the year increased by 15%, and the rate of inflation during this period is 5%. Then the real salary will increase by 9.52% (115/105 * 100% \u003d 109.52%). This will allow the citizen in the current year to acquire 9.52% of goods and services more than in the previous one.
  2. Inverse. Reflects the situation when the nominal wage is growing slower than inflation rates. For example, a salary for the year increased by 20%, and inflation increased by 25%. In this case, real labor pay will decrease by 4% (120/125 * 100% \u003d 96%). Even despite the growth of the quantitative indicator of salaries, a person will be able to buy goods and services less than in the previous year, which signals a reduction in living standards.

Salary in statistical reporting

Nominal and real salaries are used to obtain statistical indicators. Formulas for their calculations are used not only on the state, but also at the international level. The results obtained provide states that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, to compare the standard of living of the population of different countries.

Nominal wages characterizes the amount of money accrued for the work performed, and is determined on the basis of the accrued wage fund and the corresponding number of employees.

Considering the fact that lately In a number of regions and industries, the problem of timely payment of wages was aggravated, the accrued, paid and detained wages should be distinguished. IN current reporting In terms of work, an exponent "Overdue wage arrears" was introduced - these are accrued, but not paid in the amount established by the collective agreement.

Real wages reflect the purchasing powerfulness of the nominal wage and is calculated on the basis of the nominal wage, reduced to the amount of taxes and mandatory payments and divided by the consumer price index for goods and services.

The real wage index is calculated by the formula:

Real wages are the number of goods and services that can be purchased for a nominal wage. It depends on the price level. So, if prices for goods and services increased by an average of 1.5 times, and the nominal wages for the same period increased by an average of 1.35 times, then the real salary was 0.9 from the level of nominal (1 , 35 / 1.5), i.e. decreased by 10%.

Knowing the dynamics of nominal salary and consumer prices, it is possible to calculate how real payments have changed in a certain period. The nominal salary index is defined as the private sequity of earnings in the current period by earning in favorites basic period, expressed as a percentage:

Similarly, the price index is set. If you use the specified indexes, you can calculate the real salary index as a percentage:

Based on this formula, in practice there may be four options for the dynamics of the level of real wages depending on the ratio of the inflation rate and the rate of change of the nominal salary.

First option: Nominal earnings increases with the same pace as consumer prices are growing. In this case, the level of real salary is stable. This option is possible if the monetary salary indexing occurs, that is, its increase in accordance with the rise of the official price index. IN Western Europe Such a provision was in the 70s, during sufficiently strong inflation: in collective trade union agreements with entrepreneurs, the "automatic" indexation of remuneration was provided. The first option is a rare phenomenon. It, of course, does it economically protect against inflation, but the production of employees is not accompanied by an increase in real earnings.

The second option: the nominal salary grows faster than inflation. Then the value of real remuneration increases in absolute sizes. This case is even more rare and usually concerns privileged groups of workers (using the company's monopolous position in the market, higher officials Some enterprises and institutions). Interesting experience in Japan. Here, in the 90s, attempts were made to reduce inflation rates so that the nominal earnings increase the faster increase in consumer prices. In this case, more efficient work is stimulated.

The third option: at low rates of inflation, it is usually not a nominal wage indexing. IN this case The value of real wages is gradually decreased in absolute sizes. This happened in the second half of the 80s. In Western Europe, were dismantled national Systems Salary indexing, and in the United States in enterprises entrepreneurs have ceased to enter into contracts with trade unions on automatic indexing of earnings. As a result, the level of wages in its real terms in 1990 was lower compared with 1985. on 4-6 percentage points (94-96% to the level of 1985). On the one hand, entrepreneurs received an additional means of economic coercion to improving the productivity of workers (they increase the development to compensate for the losses of real income). On the other hand, employees began to strive to prevent the decline in welfare to increase the duration of labor time (resort to overtime works), look for "second employment" (set up for additional work in other places).

Fourth Option: Inflation Spiral. This is that if at a high rate of inflation, the "automatic" wage indexing is not carried out, the workers still often achieve an appropriate increase in money income. When the government and businessmen establish a higher level of earnings, then the cost of products occurs. And this, naturally, leads to a new increase in consumer prices. It became, everything is repeated on the new twist "Spiral".

This option is dangerous in that it is able to unwind the "flywheel" of inflation and conduct a case to hyperinflation. At the same time, the losses of workers in the real magnitude of revenues are usually not reimbursed by the belated allowance for the salary, as a result of which a systematic decrease in the living standards of workers occurs. This trend took place, for example, in Russia in 1992-1995.

Naturally, inflation gives more benefit to businessmen who pay the price of labor established in the contract of employment by incomplete money. In this case, the working persons are forced to fight for a fair wage corresponding to valid value work force.

If you compare the tables of applications 4 and 5, it will be understood that despite the continuous increase in the nominal wage in Russia since 1990, the real average wage until 1999 has decreased. The growth of real wage began only in 2000, but by 2006 the level of real average wages amounted to only 91.5% of the 1991 wage level. However, it is impossible not to note the stability of this growth.

The application table 6 demonstrates in comparison the dynamics of indexes of the average nominal wage, consumer prices and the real average wage. The fact that the consumer price index is always above 100%, and the medium nominal wage index is quite often reduced, sometimes up to 72.5%. Naturally, it leads to a decrease in the real wage index. This is an explanation.

The need to transition to K. market economy In Russia, as a rule, justified primarily by the fact that new production relations will be able to reveal the potential of each person, since wages will be more increasingly dependent on labor efficiency. However, on the way to this, new problems arose, the solution of which should not be considered extremely necessary.

First of all, we are talking about the fall of real wages. Protracted transitional period The market economy is accompanied by its decline in almost all sectors of the national economy. The reason for this is the deepening of the socio-economic crisis, the fall in production volumes.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state