
The electronic policy did not come to the mail. What if the electronic policy of OSAGO was not sent to the mail? Possible problems and solutions

Not loaded or hangs the calculator page

  • Update (reboot) page;
  • Close the browser tab and try to open the page again in the new tab;
  • Try to open the page in another browser (Gogle Chrome, Safari, Micrisoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera);
  • Check the Internet connection.

Not comes a message with the authorization code

The authorization code is sent by email letter. Depending on the settings of your mail client, I can enter the spam filter. We recommend checking the mail folders "Spam" or "Unwanted Mail", perhaps a code with the code turned out there.

Protective code (Capcha, Capcha) is not entered

The security code is created and checked to enter the system automatically. Therefore, enter code characters carefully.

No check in Rs

  • Carefully check the personal data you specified. Check them with the original documents. Any inaccuracy or typo leads to refusal when checking.
  • All data are valid correctly or when you design, you indicated new data (by the insured, owner, drivers), you will need to make copies of the relevant documents in the special form that the site will offer you during the design.
  • Our specialists will check your documents within 20 minutes (regardless of the time of day), after which you can continue off the opposition.
  • The status of verification of your documents can be viewed in the Personal Account → Section "Projects of Contracts" → Status.

Can't pay policy

  • Visa, MasterCard and World maps are accepted for payment.
  • Check the validity of your card and the availability of the necessary money.
  • Contact the bank that has released a card, and check if there is no restrictions on the bank from the bank.

If these recommendations do not help, then take a snapshot of the screen (screenshot) and send us it with a description of the actions you have taken to address :. Be sure to specify your name and phone number for communication. We will study your situation and answer soon.

After payment did not come Polis

  • Check the email address that you specified during registration (Personal Account → The "Insured" section).
  • Check the "Spam" folder or "unwanted mail" in your mail client.
  • Possible delay in the delivery of the policy. Wait.

If these recommendations do not help, then send us a letter with a description of the actions you have taken to :. Be sure to specify your name and phone number for communication. We will study your situation and answer soon.

Accidentally bought a policy twice

  • Check for both policies in the Russian Union System of the Russian Union (RSA) → Check
  • If both policy in the RS system with the current status, then send us it with a description of the actions you have taken to: We will study your situation and answer soon.

General issues

When does the policy begins to act?

  • According to paragraph 7 of the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 4190-from 14.11.2016 the electronic policy of OSAGO begins to act no earlier than on the third day after registration.

How is the cost calculation?

What is "electronic signature" (EDS)?

For registration of E-OSAgo to legal entities, it is necessary to obtain a reinforced electronic signature. It is possible to do this in the certifying center accredited in the network of trusted certifying centers of the Ministry of Communications and Communications of Russia, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ. The KSKPEP should be issued to the head of the organization or a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the Eagruck Organization, or a person who has a valid power of attorney with full powers. The prerequisite is the presence in the CSM INN and OGRN of a legal entity.

The Insurance Company assures the electronic policy of the OSAGO with its strengthened qualified signature. The instructions for verifying the authenticity of the electronic policy can be.

If you have other questions, you can direct them by email to the address :. Be sure to specify your name and phone number for communication. We will study your situation and answer soon.

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Ability to insure a car without leaving at the same time, - a real gift by car owners! However, unpleasant surprises arise periodically here: for example, when an inspection of the AIS RCA is not undergoing when designing an OSAO online. Is it possible to solve the problem or personal visit to the insurance company itself is mandatory?

Causes of the problem

If an AIS RCA is not undergoing when executing the OSAGO policy, the reason is always one - somewhere there is a mismatch of data. The easiest option of all possible - you simply allowed an error when entering information into the required fields. In this case, check all times, paying attention to the correct writing of words.

Some insurance companies took care of the convenience of their customers who want to issue an electronic policy: they added highlighting controversial places to the service. This greatly simplifies the process of work on errors: it is enough to try several different options - and I will definitely find the right one!

In addition to typos there is a chance that you wrote some information otherwise than last time. Perhaps then you wrote off the information from the TCP, and now wrote from memory, or vice versa. In any case, you must achieve complete identity with the data filed last year.
The perfect option is to rewrite everything from last year's policy, then you will probably pass the Rs.

What to do?

Poor, if not you, but an employee of an insurance company, with which the previous policy was drawn up. Now this error is attributed to you until you achieve its corrections. So what to do? Event options in this case are several.

Regarding insurance on the website of the insurance company on the Internet is very convenient - you do not need to spend time on a trip to the office. However, some users face a problem when receiving an electronic policy on an e-mail.

Different reasons may be different: the output of the system is not to the end of the well-established mechanism for the conclusion of online contracts, the unscrupulous work of the site administrator. If he did not come the policy of the CTP to the post, which make the insured in this situation where to seek help.

What if the CTP has not been sent to the mail?

What should the car owner, who issued the policy of the OSAGO on the official insurer's website, made a payment, but did not wait for the arrival of the finished document to specified when registering E-mail? If the policy did not send on time, the plan of action plan will be like this:

  1. First go to your mailbox and check the "Spam" folder. Most often, letters coming from unfamiliar addresses are sent to this folder. It is also worth checking the correct email address specified during the registration procedure on the site.
  2. If the letters among spam were not found, then call the insurer's contact center number. Ask the operator to answer, for what reason there was a delay in the delivery of the policy.
  3. Send an email with a description of the problem using the feedback form on the company's website. If during the day the answer will not be received, then you should contact the company directly or by phone.

If the insurer is conscientious, then the policy will give out the driver, albeit late. If employees of the company cannot solve this issue and say something defined, evade the meeting and explanations with the client, it means that something is wrong.

It is worth alerting when the car owner does not want to inform the Osago policy number, its series, generally refuse to help. In this situation, there will be more radical measures to influence the insurer in accordance with the current legislation.

Where to complain if the policy did not come

Send an electronic policy of the CTP to the Customer's mail Managers of the company's website are obliged immediately after receiving funds to pay. If this did not happen, the first thing to be complained of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This organization serves as a curator and supervises all insurance companies in Russia. After considering the appeal, the Bank's employees will make the subordinate company fulfill obligations to the client, if there are good grounds.

Seeing that the client is ready to take decisive actions to protect his rights, the insurance company will most likely go to the insured to meet. This will help the insurer to avoid punishment and maintain a license for the provision of services.

It is allowed to send a complaint in electronic form. Filling form usually available on the official website of the Central Bank. You can make a screenshot of the departure to have proof that the complaint against the unlawful actions of the insurer was filed.

You can use the traditional way and make a written complaint on a piece of paper. Previously reread the insurance contract with the company if it is available.

Basic rules for design complaints:

  1. Hat: The name of the organization is written here, in this case it will be a central bank. Then the name of the head of the financial institution is indicated, and below the name and contact details of the car owner itself.
  2. The bulk: clearly and summarizes the essence of the problem, it is necessary to write without unnecessary emotions, only the circumstances of the conflict situation. The text must be indicated by the full name of the unfair company, the site address and other available data. The inaction of employees is described in detail.
  3. Request for help. Here the author of the complaint sets out his request: to help in obtaining an electronic form of the OSAGO policy on E-mail.
  4. Document application. As a confirmation of the validity of its actions, the car owner must attach a copy of the process of execution of the policy, personal documents, a check of payment, payment documents to the letter.
  5. At the end, it is necessary to put a signature and date.

Additionally, you can complain to the Union of Events, which includes all Russian insurance firms. The powers of this organization are not so great as the central bank, but also help and support here. With the help of Rs, you can try to solve the auto insurance problem in a peaceful way. The opportunity to influence the unrelated insurers from the RSA is available.

It is not necessary to worry too much if the E-Osago blank was not sent to the mail. It is necessary to find out the reason for what happened, and in case of refusal of the insurance company to correct the situation, complain to the Central Bank.

Banks.ru analyzed the reviews in the "People's Rating" and revealed ten major techniques, with the help of which the Insurance Company avoids the conclusion of the OSAGO Agreement. Most of them are legitimate, but there are also absurd reasons for failures.

Ping pong ... client

Compulsory insurance of civil liability driver car, which was initially perceived as a powerful impetus for the development of the insurance market in Russia, after 14 years, turned into his opposite. Of the 200 auto-traching companies, less than 60 remained, even large and more or less stable companies rent portfolios on the CTP. And those who remained in the market play ping pong by the insured to protect themselves from growing losses and avoid the fate of the recent market leader.

According to the Russian Union of Insurers (RSA), in January-July 2017, the amount of accrued APHO premiums amounted to 130.242 billion rubles, decreasing by 3% of the same period last year, and the amount of payments increased by 27% to 112.545 billion rubles. The number of declared cases has increased by 62 thousand per year on the background of a decrease in the number of accidents, according to the traffic police.

"According to the information we get along the traffic police line, we see a good trend that the number of accidents decreases. However, insurers note the growth of settlement cases, which contradicts common sense. The reason we consider the activity of fraudsters in this market, which provide falsified DTP documents that were not really. Especially this practice is common in resolving cases within the framework of Europrotokol, "said Igor Yurgens, president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the Russian Union of Events.

All this suggests that the situation in Avtnitranka continues to be exacerbated and close to critical. The catastrophicity of the situation in the OSAO is already recognized not only the insurers themselves, but also the regulator, which, however, also worries the availability of services in various regions of the country.

With the introduction of the obligation of E-OSAGO with accessibility, it became better (more than 3.9 million electronic policies were sold). However, customers of insurance or those who want them to become, in one voice complain that companies use any opportunities to reduce their share in this market. And not only at the expense of unwanted customers. Former market leader - at the end of August, Rosgosstrakh's Central Bank succeeded over the year, from June 2016 to June 2017, reduce its share in the OSAO market from 31% to 12%.

So, what makes insurance companies make that you do not get the policy of OSAGO.

1. Imitation or organization of technical failures

When selling E-OSAGO insurers who are obliged to ensure the smoothness of the service, they still manage to organize "technical failures". Thus, the insured is thrown into another company. As a result, he may conclude an agreement with a chance chosen insurance company either in general leaves the insurance company website. Developed by the RS and the E-Garant system launched in July, when, with technical failures on the insurer's website, the agreement on the CTP and is paid through the Rs website, of course, the situation with the availability of policies has improved. But complaints have already appeared and the guarantee system itself.

Sometimes it comes to funny when the circle closes and the system redirects a person to the same site where he originally appealed. This, of course, is a clear system failure. Interestingly, employees of offline offices of companies - according to the reviews of failed customers, very often refer to a non-working program. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that while simultaneously handling the basis of the RSA hundred and thousands of clients, the system really gives failures: it was not originally designed for such a load.

Also, many complaints of insurers for non-passing payments that are not included in the post office, the nonconsideration of the paid treaty to the RSA base can be attributed to technical failures.

2. Unreadable captcha

In this case, there is no formally technical failure, the client does not throw anywhere. He tries to guess what symbols to enter, updates the page, try again, does not fall again. And so until patience is bursting. The most unexpected complaint on our portal left the client to which the site gave a black captcha on a black background.

3. "Sly" SMS password

Some insurance companies are collapsed to send such passwords to the client, which in principle cannot be introduced, as they have letters and Latin, and Cyrillic. Guess where which, it is impossible - only by the method of Pokka, sorry, selection. But the time of "life" of a password for bringing this fascinating process to the end is usually not enough. The type of this method is "challenge" - the client simply does not come the code for confirmation of the electronic signature.

4. Long-term car check

By law, the insurance cannot deny anyone in the conclusion of the agreement on the CTP. But it can be done so that the client left and not returned. For example, to check for a period of five to 30 days. Such a reception is practiced, for example, as applied to new customers - we all remember that without an insurance policy I will not put the car. Therefore, it is unlikely that the auto owner will wait for a specific insurer for 30 days. In the same method, insurance is dripping those who previously had even small accidents did not even in their fault and was sued for payments.

5. "Handling" price tag in the company's office

Visitors of the site banks from Yekaterinburg left in the "People's Rating" is not a review, and literally a cry of the soul: the insurance company in which it was the client since 2014, when trying to extend the policy of OSAGO "bombed" the price of 35 thousand rubles (with the calculated On the PCA website of insurance at 8,400 rubles), explaining that "the system thinks so." (In principle, with a certain combination of increasing coefficients, this is possible.) The client, naturally, refused such a service and then for a month unsuccessfully tried to issue an electronic policy. "Though with the tambourines go near the company, everything will be unsuccessful! In offices, the price tag is cooled at times. What to do and how to make a policy, I can't imagine! " - wrote the reader.

6. Ended blanks

Both paper, and electronic forms can really end, as the Russian Union of Motorovshchikovs issues quotas (limits) insurance companies (limits) on paper and electronic policies, thereby controlling the amount of insurance of OSAGO insurance. This is done so that the forms of strict reporting are not "lost" and did not occur later in the form of fake policies, which will have to pay the same Rs.

The theoretically, the company can ahead of schedule to exhaust the declared quota for the sale of E-Osago policies and not to notice this. Check if it really is in your case, unfortunately, it is impossible.

7. Limited work of the representative / recording a month ahead

This is, perhaps, one of the most common "chips" of insurance, which do not want to give up a master license, but at the same time do not seek to type a new portfolio. Client from Magadan after multiple attempts to buy E-Osago in Rosgosstrakh, VSK, "Ingosstrakh", "Soghaz," Energogrant "," Geopolis "," Sterhae "," AlfaStrakhovania "found the company's office in which the blanks were And the program worked, and it was possible to arrange the policy without recording. But it was necessary to appear on a weekday from 10:00 to 12:00. As the insurer from Krasnodar found out, for money in the manager's pocket, you can agree on a convenient time for you.

It turned out that two working hours a day are still a humane option. Sometimes, insurance company managers can be at all "elusive Joe" from the old joke - with the difference that there are many who are trying to catch them all the same. The policyholder from Khabarovsk complains that the office "works at the request of employees" and is often closed "for technical reasons" - she never managed to catch living people there. It is also almost impossible to reach the office. The client ordered a callback, but no one called back.

8. "Where they concluded a contract, and go"

Similar "Argument Sberbank" use employees of insurance companies when trying to extend the policy of CTP or go from another company.

The variation on the topic may be the direction to inspect the car at the place of registration or simply where the insurer will do. "With a personal appeal to the specified office of the company received a proposal to make a car for inspection ... in Troitsk !!! What's this?! In Troitsk, a super earth compete center?! " - Posted in the "People's Rating" banks.ru insured from Moscow. Another client living in the Michurin district of Moscow (in the West) was aimed at examining the Fergana Street (Far East of the Capital). But he was not lucky there.

"I am going to the office on Michurinsky. There, the most impulse says that since yesterday came from the central office of the Bo-O-Olshaya package of orders and now all domestic machines are insured only in the central office. But the office on Fergana is not central, but the usual extra. Office, "says the client. - They answer that who wrote SMS - Rolling. I did not think what he writes. I call to the hotline. They answer that they know anything if the central wrote to the Fergana, there and go. I say that the Fergana officer sends to the office to Michurinsky ... can not answer anything. Although if there is a decision not to inspect, then, it means, the design should be in any office. "

The law states that "the place of inspection of the vehicle is established by agreement of the parties." That is, you may need to inspect the place of residence. If the agreement is not achieved, then inspection is not carried out. It should be borne in mind if you too will be sent to ... Troitsk.

9. "Life" with underwriting in the load

The policyholder from the city of Kirzchacha Vladimir region specially arrived at the place of registration of the previous policy to extend it (see the previous paragraph). As a result, she was sent to "his" manager, who last year graduated from polis, but, alas, no longer works in this office. During a telephone conversation with "his" manager, the client found out two busy things: she needs to come to another time (from another city!) And she is obliged to acquire a "in the load" of life insurance policy. "The manager said that if I refuse, she would not make me polis! Other employees reported that if I declare a policy of another manager, my policy would go to the underwriting (ridiculous !!), "the visitors of the portal Bankers writes.

Most customers are probably clear that in this case he is not obliged to anyone: neither contact the same manager, nor come on the other day, neither more to purchase additional services of the insurance company, no place to buy - undergo scoring or underwriting. Since the basic tariff varies within a rather narrow corridor, and then adjusted by several coefficients that cannot be interpreted in two ways. View the tariff corridor according to your car and allowed to manage faces can be on the website of the Rs. Refuse to the client, referring to the fact that he is "bad", the insurance company has no right.

10. No reference from the place of work

The user from the city of Seversk collided with a completely unexpected problem: a specialist of the insurance company refused to extend the contract, demanding ... Help from the place of work. Thus, violating paragraph 3 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 40-FZ "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners", where the list of documents provided is indicated. A complaint came from the head of the department to the head of the department to contact the branch of another city or to issue an online contract.

The first thing is verified by the "Spam" folder, the letter may be there. If there are no letters there, the car owner is associated with the contact center of the insurance company. You can write an email if during the day, the answer did not come, you need to call the company's office. When operated up to the operator, it is refined, what is the reason for the delay of the letter.

Feed a complaint to the Central Bank

Complaining a complaint to the central bank is an effective pressure method on an unfair insurer. Supervision of insurance companies in the Russian Federation is carried out by the Central Bank. If there is grounds, then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation obliges an insurance company to stop violation of the rights of the insured.

In writing

Before you write a complaint, an insurance contract is carefully read (if it is available). To take a timely decision on the complaint, uncomplicated recommendations are followed:

  • In the header of the complaint, the name is obtained, the FIO of the head and contact details of the car owner.
  • In brief form, clearly in the case, the conflict situation is described, not allowing emotions. The reasons for the appeal to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are indicated, the name of the unscrupulous insurance company, its details and all data that are available.
  • The actions (in this case are inaction) of the insurance company are described in detail.
  • Indicate which results are expected from the Central Bank (receiving the OSAGO policy by mail).
  • Attach documents confirming the legality of the policyholder's actions (copies of the policy, copies of the car owner, copy of payment data). The date and signature is set.


It is permissible not only to send a complaint to the Central Bank in writing - you can file a complaint on the official website of the Central Bank. There is a form on the official site if you fill it, it is equivalent to written handling.

The term of consideration is the same as with a letter sent. But when contacting the site, there is no copy of the document on the hands of the car owner. Nothing confirms that the complaints in the central bank went. But in this way it is impossible to neglected.


The third option is filing a complaint - sending fax. Fax number is easy to find out on the official website of the Central Bank. Reliability is the same as when contacting email. But there are minuses - there is no guarantee that on the side of the fax will be taken into account. And the appeal by fax has no confirmation.

Personal appeal

Suppose a personal arrival in the receiving bank of Russia. But this option is supposed if all previous methods have not led to a positive result. Another personal appeal is suitable for residents of the capital, to visit the reception center of the central bank in non-resident from the first time it is not always possible.

If the complaint complaints complies with the rules, its consideration does not take much time. And the legal rights of the insurer are restored.

Some car owners who paid and not received it, immediately go to court. Such actions are legitimate, but first it is better to contact the Central Bank, if the situation does not change in a positive side, then you need to go to court. Appeal to courts implies the payment of state duty. And the appeal to the Central Bank for citizens is free.

Where else to contact?

When filing a complaint to the Central Bank, legally in parallel to file complaints to other organizations. It is recommended to complain with a complaint to the Russian Union of Motorovshchikov.

PSA's powers are not so significant, but the possibility of influencing insurance companies, the organization has.

If the insurance company sees that the car owner makes legitimate measures fully, there is a high chance that it is discontinued to violate the legal rights of the insured.

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