
Housing insurance. Property Insurance Insurance of Indity of Individuals How payments are made

Hello, friends! It would seem that summer has already passed, which means the season of mass vacations behind, and the issue of property insurance seems now not very relevant. But let me disagree with you. Do not forget that November is already on the yard, and after the winter. This means that we are waiting for a new series of holidays and weekends on the November and New Year holidays, new travels and travel trips.

And for the apartment vorays, as well as during summer holidays, the present "golden" time comes. In addition, for some reason, it is in the absence of owners in apartments most often happen other troubles, as, for example, a flood due to the unrelated owners or because of the fact that suddenly the pipes suddenly burst ...

The most important thing is that for some time we have to leave your property without master's supervision, and this causes a certain concern. And sometimes dark thoughts interfere to relax calmly, completely relaxing and forgetting for a while about all the problems.

You can, of course, effort the will to drive these thoughts away from ourselves. But, unfortunately, our experiences and bad premonitions can not be considered absolutely unreasonable and groundless. After all, it is time for vacation time is considered the risks, because these days the number of apartment corners and automobiles, the number of incidents and accidents increases sharply.

Alas, statistics are disappointing and sad. Every minute in Russia, someone remains without a roof above the head due to the non-convicted iron, a nonpreaded cigarette, tavering the old electrical wiring or simply because of someone's preoccupacy and criminal negligence. And someone, returning from work or from vacation, suddenly detects the loss of all valuable things, opened the door, a broken window.

But not only fires and thefts are a reason for concern. For example, in Moscow per day there are more than 10,000 accidents and bays. And this is despite the fact that Moscow communications are more modern and reliable than, say, in any small town.

And the cost of repair after a fire or flood in some cases may exceed the cost of housing itself. Indeed, it is often necessary to restore not only their housing, but also compensate for the damage to all neighbors affected because of your trouble.

How to secure your property and secure a relaxing holiday? There is an exit. And in fact it can be done much easier than it seems to us. For this, just need to contact a particular insurance company and arrange the property insurance policy.

What is property insurance and why is it profitable for us?

As always, a bit of theory. What is property insurance and why we need it is probably understandable to everyone. If short, then this is the only (and inexpensive) method for owners of country houses, cottages and apartments to reduce their expenses and incurred damage in case of any incidents, such as, for example, the bay of water, fire, apartment theft, the explosion of household gas, spontaneous Disasters.

In our country, we will voluntarily decide, insure our property or not. Such freedom in actions gives us the right to determine what we want to insure, how much and from what risks, and choose the insurance program that suits us the most.

And the second plus of this type of insurance is the low cost of insurance. This is explained low (for example, compared with transport insurance) unprofitability in this type of insurance.

What could be the object insurance object?

In different insurance companies, the conditions and objects of insurance may vary. But the basic for everyone is home, cottage, apartment, building (garage, household buildings, warehouse), furniture and interior items, finishing, as well as civil liability of those who live in the apartment.

But from this rule there are exceptions, and some of the listed objects for a certain reason cannot be insured.

For example, it can be emergency and dilapidated buildings (buildings), documents (plans, manuscript, accounting documents, drawings), technical information carriers (discs, cassettes), alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, food, explosives. As well as the property that is in the zone of increased danger due to natural disasters or hostilities, rented property with a lease term, which ends earlier than the end of the insurance contract expires.

What can I insure property (risks)?

It can be:

  • natural disasters (flood, hurricane, lightning strike, earthquake, fire)
  • bay (damage to water) due to accidents of heating, water supply, sewer, fire-fighting systems or leaks from adjacent rooms
  • fire
  • explosion (for example, household gas)
  • theft, robbery
  • falling objects

The insurance coverage is excluded insured cases that have occurred as a result of the foreigners of the insured itself or someone from his family members or if during the operation of household appliances they have violated fire safety and sanitary requirements. And also if, in the case of an insured event, the insured did not do anything to prevent further damage to the object and reduce the damage.

Basic insurance programs

There are two types of insurance programs: classic programs and "boxes" products. "

Classic Insurance It implies the individual work of the representative of the company with the client and the insurance object (its inspection, the detailed opis of the object, etc.)

"Boxes" products - This is a type of insurance with a pre-developed program and a certain set of risks, conditions and insurance sums.

The "box" product is drawn up quickly, with a minimum set of documents, without pre-inspection and analysis of risks associated with the insurance of this object.

In the "box" product, as a rule, includes the construction of the apartment construction (partitions, walls, overlap), interior decoration (floor covering, ceiling, walls, interior doors), movable property (furniture, household goods, household appliances) and causing damage third parties (civil liability).

What documents are needed during property insurance?

In each case, this is determined individually depending on the requirements of the insurance company.

But in most cases, for registration of an insurance contract for the classical program, the policyholder will require:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Certificate of ownership or the right to inheritance, sale contract, i.e., documents that can be confirmed by their property rights
  • Documents confirming the cost of repair work and finishing (when insuring interior decoration)
  • In case of insurance of real estate and valuable property, confirming their costs must also be presented
  • Photos of the insurance object, made on the preliminary inspection.

But if an individual declares the "box" product, only the passport of the insurer, which is a citizen of the Russian Federation will be required.

Property insurance cost

Consider how to insure property on the example of the insurance company URALSIB. Insurance policy of this company "City apartment" is an example of a "boxed" insurance, which implies protection against fires, bays (including compensation for the detriment of the neighbors you poured), from all sorts of accidents due to bursting pipes, sewers and defective batteries, from the explosion of household gas, from dangerous natural phenomena (such as, for example, a lightning, hurricane, flood), from theft with hacking and robberies.

The cost of the policy may be different. It depends on the list of insurance objects and from the sums that you choose. For example, in Uralsib, you can arrange two types of "City Apartment" policy: for 2000 and for 5,000 rubles.

Let's see what they differ.

By purchasing a policy for 2000 rubles, you acquire insurance for a year with a coating of 300,000 rubles. In this case, household property is insured (housing, furniture, valuable things) by 165,000 rubles and the decoration of the apartment and its repair is also 165,000 rubles.

By purchasing a policy for 5,000 rubles, you will receive insurance for a year with a coating of 830000 rubles, broken down on household property - 415,000 rubles and 415,000 rubles for repair and decoration of the apartment.

How to arrange policy?

Traditionally, by contacting the insurance company. Or, that much easier, via the Internet, literally in one minute. And at the same time you do not need to go anywhere. You can pay the policy in any way that is convenient for you. After that, it remains only to get the policy on your email and print it. In the event of an insurance policy online in the insurance company "URALSIB", he begins to act already 5 days after payment.

How to act if the insured event occurred?

The first thing to be done is to quickly inform the insurance company about what happened, and no later than the term specified by the insurer in the contract.

To obtain payment for insurance, you need to provide a passport of the insurer, insurance policy, insurance contract, receipt of payment of the insurance policy, documents from the competent authorities confirming the occurrence of the insured event.

Now you know how to protect your home from trouble and save your funds. This is especially true if you are often absent at home, rent or rent an apartment, just made repairs and bought new furniture and equipment.

The main thing is to choose the insurance company correctly (it is worth paying attention to how long the company has been working on the market, ratings and reviews) and carefully treat the compilation of the contract (to study the rules of insurance in this company, the insurance time, stipulate the necessary risks and insurance payments), Because it will make it possible to quickly and accurately and easily obtain insurance pay.

If you need help in making an insurance policy, please contact.

Insure property, its finish and homemade property from fire, flood, robbery, stealing with burglary. At the same time, you yourself will choose the amount for which you want to insure your property out of three available programs. Having to make sure that your fault may be damaged by the apartment of the neighbors? Property insurance policy (housing) can cover this damage. It is very easy to cover the apartment - buy an Alpharemeont online policy directly on the site. After online payment, the policy will immediately be delivered to your e-mail.

Buy Polis

Protection of liability to neighbors

Civil liability insurance programs before neighbors.

According to statistics, flexible hoses breaks about once every 2 years, leaks of household appliances (washing and dishwashers) occur once every 3 years, batteries can be broken at the first heating season after the end of the repair. All these troubles are damaged not only to the one who has occurred, but also to the neighbors, and pay not only for the restoration of their repair, but also for damage caused to the apartment and the property of neighbors. This is especially true for those who plan to pass or remove housing.

Civil liability insurance "Good neighbors" will help to avoid unforeseen expenses related to damage to neighbors .. Insurance of responsibility to neighbors per year is less than a monthly payment for utilities. Paying from 750 to 3000 rubles. per year depending on the amount you want to insure civil liability, you can safely leave to relax, take your apartment or just go to work, without fear, circumstances that can not only submit your family budget, but also harvest with neighbors

Housing Municipal Insurance Program

Preferential insurance of an apartment or room in a communal apartment located in SAO or Moscow CJSC.

Becoming a participant in this program, you will no longer need to worry about damage to the finishing, engineering communications and the walls of your apartment. You will be able to protect your housing without leaving the house by including an insurance premium into a single payment document that comes to you monthly to pay utility bills. Insurance certificate will be sent to you by mail.

Mortgage insurance programs

Comprehensive mortgage insurance

An important feature of a housing loan is a long period of payment, sometimes reaching 20 or more years. Imagine how much an unforeseen can happen during this time! After that you can not worry about loss of housing in case you will not be able to pay debt to the bank for a while.

Individual insurance apartment or house

If you want to insure a house or insure an apartment on individual conditions, you will be suitable for the insurance program of the Alfaquarter's apartment and the insurance of the Alphaacria at home. It is enough to fill out several fields of form or call around the clock phone 8 800 333 0 999 And our real estate and property insurance specialists will help to choose the most attractive conditions and the cost of insurance.

Title insurance

Insurance of ownership (titular insurance) is the risk insurance of the loss of real estate as a result of the termination of ownership of it in whole or in part. This program protects the owner of real estate from recognizing a transaction for the acquisition of real estate invalid or the requirements of the former owner on the return of property retired from him in addition to his will.

Apartments and houses are expensive, and it can happen to them anything - fires, floodings, natural cataclysms ... Voluntary property insurance - a great way to protect your property and prevent huge financial losses.

Insurance rules

Mortgage insurance

The program from Rosgosstrakh for mortgage borrowers is guaranteed support in terms of fulfillment by you financial obligations to the banking institution provided a loan for the purchase of housing. The cost of insurance of property in this case repeatedly pays off when the main source of income is loss. And this may happen for various reasons: due to the loss of working capacity, sudden major costs, for example, for the repair of housing after damage, etc. With Rosgosstrach, you will protect your finances in the event of a loss or partial limitation of ownership.

Note! When making mortgages, life insurance is required.

Title insurance

Property insurance for this program is recommended to those who are planning to purchase an apartment, a country house or other real estate. For example, it can be a purchase of housing in the secondary market. The conditions of title property insurance allow themselves to protect themselves in case of recognition of the transaction illegal for the reasons that you have been unknown when the object purchase and sale transaction is issued.

Other rules insurance

Voluntary Insurance Rules of Property (Title Insurance)

The cost of property insurance depends on many factors, so we recommend contacting our explanations for explanations.

It is easier to insure an apartment than to take a loan or paint money out of salary for sudden repairs. Fire, flood, theft or natural disasters - troubles always occur unexpectedly. Insurance will cover the damage caused to your home, and if the problem went beyond its limits, it will help to solve problems with neighbors. All our policies include civil liability insurance.

By the way, the policy can become an excellent gift, including the housewarming! It is easy to place online, no documents on the apartment or personal inspection are required. Protection of property from any trouble sounds where the most useful set of Czech crystal is right?

What can I insure?

  • Interior decoration and engineering equipment: wall coverings, floor and ceiling, doors, windows, plumbing, ventilation and air conditioning systems, etc.;
  • Furniture and interior items, audio, video and household appliances, dishes, clothing, etc.;
  • Walls and floors: structural elements of the building, interior walls, partitions and overlap;
  • Responsibility to neighbors: for harming the life, health or property of neighbors of your fault. Even if this happens during repair and / or redevelopment.

What will the apartment be protected from?

    From most trouble. Insurance covers the cases listed below:
  • Fire: damage obtained under the influence of fire, high temperature and combustion products, including as a result of arson, undermining or short circuit;
  • Explosion: damage obtained during a gas or steam explosion, which are used for household and industrial purposes, as well as for steam boilers, pressure vessels, and other devices;
  • Lightning strike: damage to the insured property from thermal electromagnetic or mechanical damage caused by zipper;
  • The unlawful actions of third parties: damage caused by third parties, which are determined by law enforcement agencies as intentional destruction or damage to property, destruction or damage to property by negligence, hooliganism, vandalism, mass riots, theft with illegal penetration, robbery, robbery.
  • Bay with liquid: damage obtained under the influence of moisture and / or other fluid as a result:
    • pipe breakdowns or other accidents of water supply systems, sewage, heating, fire water supply and air conditioning, as well as breakdown (break) of pipes connecting washing / dishwashers with water supply and sewage systems;
    • sudden fluid yield from equipment, which is part of fire extinguishing systems;
    • penetration of liquid from the premises, including the attic, not belonging to you.
  • Natural disasters: damage caused by natural phenomena as a strong wind, flurry, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, hail, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, collapse, snowy avalanche, snow pressure, long heavy rain, union, tsunami;
  • Damage to foreign objects and animals: damage received from the effects of trees, pillars, supports, mast lighting, antennas or animals that are not contained by you;
  • Civil liability to third parties for causing harm to property, life and health (when choosing the "Responsibility to neighbors" option).

What are the restrictions when insuring an apartment?

    So that we can make an apartment for insurance, it should:
  • used for living;
  • do not have sources of open fire (furnaces, fireplaces or saunas);
  • not to be municipal; Insure the room will not work.
    In addition, there are several house requirements, where the apartment is located:
  • built or in it carried out overhaul after 1970;
  • does not have wooden and / or mixed overlaps;
  • non-demolition, reconstruction and overhaul;
  • it is not a hostel, a temporary removal fund.

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