
How to find out the amount of payments on the CTP. How to calculate and find out the amount of insurance payment on OSAGO? How to find out how much will be paid by insurance

Turning to Rosgosstrakh, how to find out the exact amount of payment by the number of the case, it will not be possible to solve. The question remains the most important for all drivers who fell into a traffic accident. Usually, people want to restore their own car short time, so they are wondering what amount will be transferred to the bank account.

Obtaining the required amount of insurance exactly at the specified period is a difficult task. It has to face many car owners, because the procedure has not yet been established. Practical to contact the lawyer at the specified phone number. This will allow you to check the compliance with the provisions of the legislation. As a result, the authorities of the car owner will not be violated, so it will be possible to get money for car repair.

How to find out the amount of payment by the number in Rosgosstroke?

Once upon an accident, the driver is obliged to immediately apply to his own insurance company. Ideally, it is necessary to call a road expert, who will describe the situation in place, which will significantly speed up the process of assessing the damage and transfer of funds in accordance with Article 11. If there are delays, I want to immediately find out the reasons why a person goes to the official website of the insurance company.

What will be able to find out in this case?

  • Consideration status;
  • Payment order number.

Other data will not see. Knowing the specified information, you can even try to call the consultant and clarify the details. Although the data will not be replenished anyway, so it is not necessary to hope for a miracle. Anyway, no one will inform the relying amount, which will be translated into a person in the future.

Article 11. Actions of insurers and victims upon the occurrence of an insured event

  • If the insured is a member of the road accident, he is obliged to report to other participants of the specified incident at their request information about the obligatory agreement, according to which the civil liability of the owners of this vehicle is insured.
  • If the victim intends to take advantage of their right to insurance pay, it is obliged to notify the insurer on the occurrence of the insured event and within the deadlines established by the compulsory insurance rules to send the insurer a statement of insurance payments and documents stipulated by the Rules of Mandatory Insurance.

How to find out the amount of payments in Rosgosstrakh?

In Rosgosstrakh, how to find out the amount of payments by the number of the case, it will not be possible to clarify. Drivers are often trying to even personally visit the office of the insurance company, but this action will not give the result, in any case the data will remain closed information. Complex examination and long counting creates problems, but they will not get around.

The final payment of the car owner will find out exclusively at the time of transferring funds to the bank account. And no one says that after that it makes no sense to refute the decision of the insurance company. An experienced will tell you how to make an application correctly in order to request a re-independent examination and send a case to recalculate.

Preliminary counting amount of payments in Rosgosstrakh

Rosgosstrakh payment order provides without problems, but it only gives general information. If the driver wants to calculate the possible amount of payments in advance, you can try to calculate it yourself.

What parameters does it depend on?

  • Model category;
  • Engine's type;
  • The experience and age of the driver;
  • Place of residence and registration;
  • The number of driver accidents.

Taking advantage of this information, you can go to the online calculator. It makes the main parameters to get an approximate amount of money. It will not exactly coincide with the calculations of the company, but will tell you, with what error you can face.

To clarify the amount of translation on a payment order cannot be. Rosgosstrakh does not provide such information, so you can not spend your own time. Drivers After filling out the form, only general data receive, but can use an affordable calculator. Although it is more useful to use the services of a lawyer who will certainly need to re-submit an application for money repairs.

None of the parties to the conflict should not express any complaints. In this case, all issues are allowed directly at the crash site. Here it should be noted that the insurance program of CASCO implies the mandatory presence of the insurance commissioner, which should personally examine and assess the scene. After that, the protocol is filling and notifying insurance companies of the parties. With a different scenario, there is a need for the presence of traffic police officers. It is they who constitute a circuit of the accident and, if necessary, can provide this information to insurance companies. One of the participants in the accident will be fined for violation of the rules of the road. Alternative Easternative In order to obtain insurance of the CTP after an accident, a series of steps in a certain sequence should be performed. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. Step number 1.

Payment of insurance for an accident. Timing of insurance for accidents

In other cases, the traffic police officers, which will make appropriate documents to the accident.

  • Report an insurance company about the occurrence of the insured event is most convenient for the policyholder.
  • Collect all the required documents for registration of the insured event and confirm the damage received.
  • Submit a written application for compensation to which the collected documents apply. Application blank can be obtained in one of the offices of the insurance company or independently download from the Internet.
  • Select a way to get insurance payments.
  • Provide a car for examination and evaluating the damage received.
  • After all these actions, the Specialists of the Insurance Organization decide on compensation or refusal.

Payments on OSAGO: How to find out the amount of compensation?

Useful advice to the driver should be aware that in addition to the obligations of the insurance organization, it also has responsibility. It should not be thought that by causing harm to another person or even its car for some reason, he can count on repayment of damage to the insurer. In fact, there are cases when payments do not rely, namely:

  • The traffic accident was not registered in the traffic police.
  • The driver deliberately caused damage to the transport medium (participation in races, competitions, etc.).
  • The car received damage as a result of hostilities or spontaneous events.
  • Driver's fault in an accident.

In the event that the driver was drunk, he does not need to pay insurance for an accident.

How faster getting insurance payroll on OSAGO

Even if the owners of the "steep" cars will pay the cost of CASCO, the insurance company will still put forward the regression requirement to the perpetrator. Further events can develop in such scenarios. 1. The culprit can always challenge the claimant declared by the plaintiff, demanding additional examination.
Most often, the court takes new calculation. But it is not always possible to "knock" the amount up to 400 thousand rubles. - The limit that is covered by the insurance company. But if the affected car was warranty, then challenge the amount of damage will be extremely difficult. 2. Sometimes it is worth going to the global agreement. For example, if the amount of damage exceeds 400 thousand
rub., The culprit recognizes his mistake, ready to compensate for the damage, but not immediately, but in parts. The appeal to the court will only increase the cost of the plaintiff, but no other result will bring. 3.

Payments on the CTP at an accident. Size and terms of payments

Thus, the Parties to the accidents are recognized in equally guilty and victims. But 50% is just half the amount. And how much is the insurance company pays for an accident if only one side is guilty? The answer is contained in Article 7 of the Federal Law "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners" N 40-ФЗ: "Insurance amount, within which the insurer at the occurrence of each insured event (regardless of their number during the term of the compulsory insurance contract) undertakes to compensate The victim caused damage is: - in terms of compensation for harm caused to life or the health of each victim, 500 thousand rubles; - In terms of compensation, harm caused by the property of each victim, 400 thousand rubles. " The legislation of the Russian Federation constantly undergoes changes.

Terms of Insurance Payments on OSAGO


In this case, you can go to court with a claim for compensation for a loss to those face, because of which an accident happened. The timing of compensation depends on the speed of consideration of the case. The total death of the car described the order of insurance payments is relevant only under the condition if the vehicle is subject to recovery.

However, sometimes there are situations in which the car repair is inappropriate. In this case, the insurance company may raise the issue of constructive destruction of the vehicle. In this case, the client remains without paying and deprived of the car.


When assessing the state of the machine, everything resumes in the initial cost of the car. Most often, total death is voiced if the restoration takes from 60 to 80% of the car cost. Much depends on the results of the examination, which is determined by the final cost of repair work.

How to get insurance by middle after an accident

And for harm to health, 475 thousand rubles and 25 thousand for burial in the event of the death of the victim are paid. 500 thousand rubles

  • get compensation can both the owner of the car and other persons acting by proxy. In the event of death, compensation payments are obtained by close relatives.
  • insurance payment is made on the basis of a submitted statement to which documents established by law are attached.
  • compensation of the damage obtained can be paid in the form of money or replacement repair. The insured has the right to choose the method of receiving the payment.
  • if compensation is paid in the form of repairs, the insured has the right to independently choose the repair organization from the list offered by the insurance company.
  • The insurer to pay compensation is given to 20 days.

Insurance payments after an accident on CTP

Notification of the insurance company and the traffic police if it is impossible to resolve the situation through Europrotokola, then it is necessary to immediately report an incident in the traffic police and the insurance company. At this stage, contacts with other participants in the accident should also be exchanged. It should be noted such moments:

  • passport details;
  • insurance Policy number;
  • a series of insurance;
  • number of special sign.

A special sign is mainly attached to the windshield.

After that, the train of the traffic police officer and the representative of the insurance company should be waited. Step number 2. Receiving a certificate from the traffic police then you should visit the traffic police department and require a reference of the road accident. The body of the document should be marked as many details regarding the nature of the damage to the vehicle. Step number 3.

Rosgosstrakh Payments on OSAGO

If any controversial situations occur, the insurance company has the right to carry out prolongation - the extension of the period during which the payment should be made. If the IC without explaining the reasons refuses to pay the funds due to the victim, then a rather serious penalty will be imposed on it. The necessary documents for the timely receipt of payments must be provided in the SC of the following documents:

  • certified by a notary copy of the identity card (passport, driver's license);
  • a document containing bank details for the transfer of funds;
  • certificate of accident (original, taken into the traffic police);
  • a copy of the administrative offense protocol;
  • original certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • tC passport;
  • documents confirming the ownership of the car;
  • original Polis Osago.

Certificate of accident.

Osago, which protects in road accidents. Avtitrolling is regulated by Federal Law No. 40 (the law "On OSAGO"). The document regulates all the rules for the acquisition and use of the mandatory auto insurance policy, including the rules of insurance payments. What changes occurred in 2018, in the case of the road accident, the affected party has the right to receive insurance payments, provided that each participant has an acting autocarter. Currently, compensation for damage caused by the auto transportation can be obtained:

  • in the form of monetary compensation, which, at the request of the driver, can be aimed at restoring the damaged vehicle;
  • in the form of repair work, which are produced at the expense of insurance company.

In 2018, global reform of mandatory auto insurance is expected.

How to find out when insurance for accidents will be paid

Arriving in place of the accident, the traffic inspector will be a protocol and engage in clarifying the circumstances of the road accident, and a company representative - an assessment of damage caused. If the insurer is reliable and conscientious, he must independently deal with what happened, giving victims to their affairs. In the event that the driver is not confident in his company, it is better to calculate independently, which will be the payment of insurance for an accident, so that there are no controversial issues in the future.

An independent examination is sometimes there is no possibility, time or knowledge in order to find out how much damage is caused after an accident. If the reliability of the insurer also leaves much to be desired, then it will be more correct to conduct an independent examination. Typically, insurance organizations undertake the cost of damage, as they cooperate with certain experts.
Payments for insurance after an accident Despite the fact that the OSAGO has been valid for a long time, many motorists did not understand the basic meaning of this type of insurance. This is that the responsibility of the car owner is being exposed to the third party for the damage caused to them. That is, the money will be paid to you, as a culprit of an accident, but the face victim from your actions.

But! In this norm, you can find "Lazeka": if the wine is proved by both parties in an accident, then the payment on the OSAO will be implemented in proportion to the damage. Insurance payments are carried out in the amount of which the car is insured. If we are talking about a precipitation within 120 thousand rubles.

Accordingly, the rest of the damage must be recalled from the culprit of an accident. In this case, a culprit of an accident must be present during the examination so that he does not have any doubts about the authenticity of the conclusion.

Rosgosstrakh is one of the five largest insurance companies in Russia. It was formed in 1992, and if we consider a story from Soviet times, it began in 1921. By now there are almost 80 branches and over 3,000 offices and units. The company specializes in citizens, property and responsibility.

Rosgosstrakh consists of a leading open joint-stock company and includes several other products with narrow specialization, such as SC "RGS Life", "RGS-Medicine", PF "RGS".

In the article, consider how the payments of Rosgosstrakh are produced. Are insured with this problem, and if so, which are what they are connected with and how to solve them.

Auto Insurance

Many Russians trust this type of insurance by Rosgosstrah. In order to arrange insurance on the CTP, a passport will be required from the citizen, check-in vehicle, a driver's license and a document confirming the passage of technical inspection.

In any of the company's offices, as well as on the site you can arrange, and extend the insurance policy, which is issued for three, six or twelve months. Of course, insurance policies for 1 year enjoy the greatest popularity.

The document may apply to all persons who will drive a car, or be limited to specific people admitted to driving this vehicle. Not only the amount of the policy, but also the payment of "Rosgosstrakh", but if they are required.

The cost of insurance may depend on the following factors:

  • car categories;
  • his motor;
  • driver's experience and its age;
  • place of residence and registration;
  • Accident, in which recently the car owner fell.

Depending on the specific persons and their TC, there are objective reasons affecting the cost.

Payments "Rosgosstrakh" in 2016

Data at the beginning of 2016, published showed a disappointing result for this major company. It turned out that Rosgosstrakh payments on the OSAGU amounted to 8.5 billion rubles, while the fees numbered less: only 7.7 billion rubles. It should be noted that the minus figure happened for the first time in the last 13 years.

After the tariffs on the CTP rose at the end of last year, the awards were more payments for almost two billion rubles. But at the beginning of 2016, the market share has sharply decreased almost ten percent.

Rosgosstrakh himself, insurance payments do not comment. However, the company is confident that this indicator does not at all indicate that the organization may leave individual regions. Payments were more awards for the reason that they were calculated on the tariffs that were formed last year. At the same time, at the beginning of 2016 in Rosgosstrakh, they already announced that the OSAGO ceases to interest the company. And at the end of March, the company even suspended electronic sales of insurance. According to RC, as many as two thirds of the electronic policies belong to Rosgosstrah. Losses have become somewhat less, but still continue to grow. In addition to this company, beat the alarm and other insurers. Many, however, bind the crisis also with the actions of the Saviorist.

Company losses - Profit of autory

In some insurance companies, they are confident that it is precisely the incompleteness of car units lead to the fact that the crisis crisis in the system. Therefore, they plan to even make draft laws with changes in order for tariffs to all insurers enough for their normal functioning.

But, if the insurance companies bake their profits, simple car owners expect that they will receive such compensation for an accident, which will cover all costs of repair of the vehicle.

After examining the thematic forums, it turns out that, according to many car owners, Rosgosstrakh payments at an accident undertakes. It is for this reason that they are forced to address the help of professionals - lawyers to "knock out" the amount of insurance company necessary for repair. As can be seen, many of them achieve success in court. As a result, insurers suffer losses and, in turn, bring payments. It turns out a vicious circle. But back to the insurance.

Voluntary insurance

In addition to OSAGO, there is also a hull. It differs from the OSAGO with the fact that the payments of Rosgosstrakh with an accident on it produces in case of damage to the car during the attack, accident, hijacking and other situations. For experienced drivers, there is a separate type of policy called "Anti-Crisis Casco". Its value, compared with the usual, two times.

As a supplement to the OSAgo, you can purchase DSAGO or the GEAs, in which the damage is reimbursed if it is caused by the fault of the car owner.

OSAGO: payment for insurance

Insurance company pays funds when an insured event occurs if:

  • the car of the participant of the accident, which is innocent in what happened;
  • traffic lights or DD signs are damaged;
  • the driver or passengers suffered.

Compensation of damage to life and health can be up to five hundred rubles, and property - up to four hundred. Payment can be made both in cash and through repair work. In the latter case, if the damage is caused more than a company can pay, the missing amount must reimburse the culprit of an accident.

In the insurance company no later than 15 days after what has happened, it is necessary to provide a passport, certificate, a vehicle vehicle, a certificate and a copy of the protocol.

What to do if the amount of payment is understated

So, the documents are filed, and you expect the payment for the implementation of repair work. But suddenly it turns out that the amount received by the account is clearly understated and will not cover all the costs when bringing the vehicle in a normal form. What can be your actions?

Someone will take what they offer, and will stop. And others will seek fair payments. If you have chosen the second way for yourself, then you will have to order an independent expertise, so that in the future it was possible to prove the underestimated amount, is right with Rosgosstrakh. The amount of payment is disputed by the following preliminary actions:

  • applying an application in that office where the policy was drawn up;
  • a call to the hotline;
  • appeal to the manual.

It happens that such actions are enough to revise the payment. However, if the company continues to be refused to increase the amount, it is possible to file a complaint to the RSA, then apply to legal advice and after the remedies recommended there are a statement of claim.

Independent examination

Almost all consultations will tell you that it is necessary to order an independent examination. This service is popular with car owners. After all, the appraisers of insurers are usually not so independent. For example, they may not notice hidden defects that will be detected only during repair. And then this breakdown will have to be paid from the pocket of the victim.

An independent examination ordered independently must be paid. But if the results of the examination will not coincide with the one that is carried out by insurers, and you will challenge it in court, in the claim you need to specify the costs of an independent examination by the insurer to be reimbursed.

Moreover, if the amount of CASCO payments is challenged, experienced autory includes a requirement to compensation for moral damage, which in the case of voluntary insurance by the court is often satisfied, and insurance companies do not object.

Implementing independent examination

So, independent examination is carried out as follows. A traffic accident orders the service and pays for it, receiving a payment document (on the basis of which expenses will be charged). It is advisable to describe the nuances that they seem controversial in the assessment of the insurance company. For example, hidden defects were not identified.

If necessary, appraisers independent examination agree on the place and time of inspection with third parties. In case of inspection, all the damage to the vehicle obtained during an accident is carefully recorded by photographing and detailed description. Next, accurate calculations of the necessary spare parts and restoration work are carried out. The current amounts of official dealers are taken into account if the car is serviced by him, or the average market. Also important factor of wear. Information at prices is taken from large Internet portals or shops in the region where an accident occurred. It is often prepared in such organizations offering further legal support, that is, doing business in court.

Compensation payments

Does not produce "Rosgosstrakh" payments in the case of the compensation plan. This is engaged in RSA. For compensation requires the following grounds:

  • bankruptcy SC;
  • the end of its license;
  • the culprit is not determined in causing damage to the victim;
  • the culprit has no insurance policy of any SC, including Rosgosstrakh.

It concerns insurance on CTP. They depend on the salary and other income of the injured person, as well as expenses for the treatment of injections obtained at an accident. Compensation payments relating to the life and health of the insured persons vary from 24 to 60,000 rubles.

The amount of payout

After in "Rosgosstrakh" the application for payment, together with other documents, is filed, it remains to wait for the decision of the insurance company. Of course, many want to quickly find out the amount that will be called. But, entering the company's website, nothing but the status of the case and the number of your payment order, you will not recognize.

On email and message on the phone, information about the solution that was accepted is sent. You will be informed about you if you call Rosgosstrakh's contact telephone. Find out payment in cash equivalent, no of these methods will fail.

How to find out the amount of payments, and what time do you go to the account?

Are there any ways to find out this information by the service number? Not. The amount will be known only when the case is considered and the money will be transferred to the bank. The listing after making a decision is made within three working days. However, the timing of the payment of "Rosgosstrakh" does not relate to this. The case, according to the regulations, is considered 30 days. In addition, the deadlines can be individual.

At this time, you can calculate an approximate amount of payment yourself. On the official website of the company there is an online calculator, with which you can also focus on a certain size. But in it, rather, you can learn about the sum at the occurrence of an accident. But according to OSAGO and CASCO will have to wait for which the payments "Rosgosstrakh" will decide.

Reviews: agree with the decision or apply to the court

Many in their sad experiences were convinced that in most cases underestimated. Sometimes the misunderstanding can reach 80%. What to do in such cases by car owners, to solve only them.

Some want to quickly understand everything and take the amount that they give them. Others seek help in legal advice and are shipped with the company.

As practice shows, even the management of the SC confirms this, the Savior of the "Grab" insurers, if they take it. And this means if the participant in an accident still decides to sue, that is, a good chance of achieving a positive result.

Judging by the reviews that the drivers who have already passed these tests have already passed, more and more people make a decision not to agree with the right payment, but to deal with such an amount that will fully reimburse the repair work on the car. However, even if "Rosgosstrakh" objectively should not increase the amount of payment, it can be required from the culprit of an accident.


Thus, things are currently at Rosgosstrakh, these are his payments to insured. Of course, any company faces disgruntled customers. And if the initial reason is very nervous and unpleasant, then positive emotions are far from always born.

But, on the other hand, paying insurance properly, the car owner is entitled to count on the payment promised under the law. Therefore, if an accident occurred, it is worth seeking a fair solution in their work. After all, the payment of insurance "Rosgosstrakh" should cover the repair of a car that has fallen into an accident is not the fault of the owner.


Insurance consisted little on CCAMA or CASCO?! Find out the fair payment amount!

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Tell the car owners about the way to get your insurance payments in full! Help others not be deceived insurance!

The company "UTEK-service" employs experienced experts appraisers who have long-term wholesale work! The reasons may be a huge set and listed not the limit. It happens that our company faces non-standard situations that we, of course we successfully decide and help our customers get 100% of payments from the insurance company. If the insurance is trying to deceive you and paid little on the CTP? You turned to the insurance and filed all the necessary documents and the insurer promised you payments within 20 days to the requisites attached. After these 20 days, you received money on a map and decided to find out at the cost of repair, or have already learned and came to the conclusion that the amount catastrophically lacks for repairs. Not rare cases when a person lacks even half of the spare parts.

"Subsidies Mortgage Agency Ugra Payments 2012"

Who is paid compensation when mutual accidents? Both affected parties receive 50% of the damage received. What maximum amount of payout can the victim can count? - upon compensation for harm caused to life or the health of each victim, 500 thousand rubles; - When compensating for harm caused by the property of each victim, 400 thousand rubles.
The risk of getting into the road accident is always present. Even the most careful and cautious driver due to the human factor may allow an error.

In addition, there are other participants in the movement on the roads, which can also become the culprits of an accident for a number of reasons - ranging from simple inattention, and ending driving driving. To compensate for damage arising from the accident, the Russian Federation provides for both mandatory and voluntary auto insurance.

How much is insurance for insurance?

How to compensate damage if the perpetrator does not have an Osago Polis? Harm reimbursement on CCAMAGO is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Reimbursement of harm caused to health. That is, the damage is understood that people are injured in an accident and they have the right to pay from the insurance company if the culprit has an OSAGO policy;
  2. Damage caused property, that is, in this case, your car;

In the compensation for each type of damage, there are payments limits.

Each injured in the accident on health will receive payments, the maximum amount of such a payment is 500,000 rubles for each victim (paragraph "A" of Article 7 of the "Law on CTP"). Payments for compensation for damage caused to your car make up a maximum of 400,000 rubles.

In whose insurance to contact the accident to compensate for damage?

Of course, if you use the services of a lawyer, it will be easier to do, especially since they usually insist that the victim gets from the guilty of the accident all in full. All actions related to the compensation of damage to the OSAGO are governed by certain rules and legislative acts.
If you do everything correctly, you can avoid large material expenses. The procedure for compensation for damage by the insurance company for an accident How does the procedure for compensation for damage during the accident on the CCAMA? The action plan is extremely simple.


Immediately after the accident, report to your insurance company about the insurance case. Next prepare the necessary documentation. Having all the documents, write to the insurance company a statement about damages, and pass it together with the package of documents and the auto insurer.

Let's look at each action separately.

Payments on the CTP at an accident. Size and terms of payments


If, according to the results of the examination, the reimbursement of insurance for an accident (the amount of compensation) will cause differences between the parties, the insurer, according to paragraph 11 of Article 12, in the right to conduct a re-independent examination: "Independent technical examination or an independent examination (evaluation) is organized by the insurer in case Detection of contradictions between the victim and the insurer relating to the nature and list of visible damage to the property and (or) circumstances of harm due to damage to property as a result of a road accident. " The purpose of the examination is to determine the amount that will be enough for the restoration of damage caused by the traffic accident. To understand how the insurance company considers damage to an accident, you need to know the factors to which it pays attention.

How to find out how much the victim paid my insurance

In addition, a prerequisite is a technical inspection of the car. Often there are cases when it is quite difficult to get insurance.

Insurers are delayed with deadlines or underestimate the size of payments. If the driver falls into an accident for the first time, he does not always understand who should pay for the damage - the culprit of the accident or the insurer? What is worth paying attention to this situation?

  • Two or more cars became participants in the accident;
  • Cars are damaged in several drivers;
  • The presence or absence of an insurance policy.

So who should pay? By and large, it is not always easy to deal with this question. Even the presence of auto-trap does not guarantee compulsory payments to the victim, since too many nuances can prevent this.


According to the law, the company has 20 days to make a decision. In addition to monetary compensation, it is also possible to pay for a hundred service a hundred to restore the car.

Upon receipt of the direction for repairs, the Client confirms the possible increase in the timing of the fulfillment of obligations by the Company. If the insured does not agree with the dedicated amount of compensation and the quality of repair work, it may challenge the decision.

To do this, it is necessary to implement an independent examination as soon as possible (it is desirable that the culprit of the accident is present on it), to obtain a conclusion and provide it to the company together with a new statement. If in this case the SC will refuse to compensate for the repair of the vehicle, you need to go to court.

If there are victims, call "ambulance", call the traffic police and insurance. Try to find the witnesses of the accident, take contact data and readings.

Try to get traffic marking and signs in the frame. While expecting, make a certificate of incident and a statement about the occurrence of an insured event on the CCAMA.
Dates of treatment after an accident are governed by the Treaty. Just like the form of filing notification (in writing, by phone, fax, etc.). Upon arrival, traffic police officers actively follow in all clarifications.
Describe in detail how an accident occurred. Make sure the scheme of the scene of the incident is drawn up correctly.

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