
Reso why there is a long saving. Bought E-Osago with the third attempt: Reso - Ingosstrakh - Tinkoff. Attempt to buy Polis E-Osago in Tinkoff Insurance

Insurers from the regions! For insurers are filters! I will not be able to change IP ... ..

I can not arrange an electronic policy of OSAGO, you can poke the buttons to the buttons to take a policy. Once over time to enter information, in the morning, at lunch and evening, you can get up even at night, but electronic procedure you do not formulate! And do not even hope.

From 01/01/2017, the design of the electronic policy of the OSAGO was made for insurance companies. And before that time, they made all possible actions to squeeze as much money from the insured.

You may not believe, but in the yard of 2019, and in fact nothing has changed. Problems with OSAGO online continue.

RSA has found a list of insurance organizations that conclude contracts in the form of electronic documents, but they can't buy the OSAGO online policy.

Updated list of insurers - 51 company.

None of these companies sell electronic CTP. Extend, yes perhaps, buy - no!

For instance:

SPU site

It is impossible to arrange the policy of OSAGO online in the Voice, if you are lucky you will pass on the Rs database, but this is for the "Favorites", the majority will see

And it will spin and hour, and two, and a day.

Site reso-warranty

They even have a personal account with a whole problem, I got a day later.

But even if you go further, fill in all the fields entering the data, you will calculate the cost, you will give the calculation number, you will need to save the calculation, while saving you will receive an error in the form of an expired session, you will need to update the page and here you will get a real reason.

This error says that the form is not configured to work with the database.. All this is a fiction. And you can believe me as a technician.

Site Rosgosstrakh

Electronic OSAGO Rosgosstrakh does not work. Here you will receive an unexpected mistake and all!

You can pass all the insurance companies from the list, but the result will be equal to 0.

I have all ended as the Heppi End. I bought a policy, but not online, but in the insurer's office. And as they say just lucky.

I tried many ways how to issue an Osago online!

I tried to arrange through acquaintances, but even through them it was necessary to place additional service + on top of the enynu amount "for anxiety." And I tried to just extend the policy in the same company as I bought. Nonsense.

If you simply make a policy without familiar and Bolt (I myself do not believe that it is writing), you can spend days and weeks with daily rolls. A working person has no time. And this full of essentially explains why it is impossible to arrange the OSAGO online.

This is a complete chaos, controlling organs do not make the fig. The prosecutor's office in general "scored" for everything. Previously wrote that "the prosecutor's office conducts a large-scale inspection check" and what? Never mind! Empty! A hole from the bagel!

All of their check - this is a fax to send to the insurance company. "You say you sell OSAGOs with administs", on which the answer is also received, how could you think about it! These insurers are twisted with us. Funny! To tears! But it really happens so.

If everything would be different, then they would have made a control purchase, and every insured person would help them and fined the insurers for hundreds of thousands, and even millions of rubles, each.

To make sure in conclusion.

People do not believe anyone! Free arrange the OSAGO online policy in 2019 it is impossible! The only place where the OSAGO online can be issued is Moscow and St. Petersburg, since the policies are more expensive than all and the insurers from the regions send them there.

Insurers from the regions! At your insurers are filters! It will not help either the change of IP, nor the use of a proxy, filters are configured at the place of registration.

Insurers are not just mocking over us, they do it with sadistic pleasure. To do this, they disabled the ability to save the entered data in the form. If you refresh the page you will lose all entered data. That is, you are sitting half an hour. Enter the rights, TCP, etc., at the end you receive an error, update the page and here you are clean form. Your data disappeared.

Only on the website of Ingosstrakh, after the calculation it was written that "to issue a policy of CTP in the near office". Take advantage of the Council, do not waste time, strength and nerves trying to place the online policy. At the moment it is possible to buy a policy of OSAGO only in the insurer's office.

P.S. Do not forget to check the acquired policy of the OSAGO based on the basis of Rs, regardless of where you bought it, in the office or online. In our address numerous complaints about the sale of fake policies by insurance brokers.

It's time to extend the Osago. He turned to the insurance, where the previous policy was decorated (RESO), the phone manager informed me that I could now make myself an electronic policy independently without leaving the house on the website of the insurance and is called EOSAgo.

I have such a situation that the car is registered in Moscow, and the owner of the car in another region.

It so happened that I had to test the execution of the policy on the sites of three insurers: Reso, Ingosstrakh, Tinkoff. Next comes by the resulting brief overview - comparison of the procedure for registration in the listed insurers.

Attempt to get E-Osago at reso

To register, you need to specify the mobile number on which the CMS confirmation code comes, as well as e-mail - another confirmation code comes to it (comes with a delay).

Once in the personal account, which is located at https://client.reso.ru, saw the data on the current policy and the extension reference. After pressing the renewal reference, most of the previously entered data are already in their places, it remains only to specify the number of the EASTO for the diagnostic card and the date of its design / end.

When performing the calculation in a separate window, the entire algorithm for calculating the insurance premium (TB base rate is 4118 rubles, KBM Bonus Malus, FCC and other components). My amount per year came out 4982,78 rub.

After clicking "Save", the hourglass rotates for a long time and eventually a message is issued about a technical problem with a proposal to go to another SC. I decided to go later - after a few hours the problem was repeated, the next day too. Posted by the technical support:


The second day I can not arrange the policy of the OSAGO in the Personal Account.
See Screenshot Reports on Technical Problems.
Message text:
"Attention, when placing the policy, technical problems arose that cannot be eliminated quickly. Error information is aimed at developers. To preserve the entered data and the operational design of the electronic policy, it is proposed to go to the website of the insurance company "LLC NSG- Rosenergo": http://epolis-nsg.ru/osago/policy/ "

I received quite quickly the next answer:

Good day.
The Russian Union of Insurers (RSA) has developed a system of replacement of an insurance company, if the electronic policy is issued technical difficulties. In this regard, you were asked to take advantage of the design of the electronic policy on the site of another insurer. Below is a link to the official website of the RSA, where you can familiarize yourself with this explanation.
You can also issue an OSAGA agreement on a typographic form when visiting any of our branch.
Sincerely, Svetlana.
Technical Support Service Spa "Reso-Warranty"
[Email Protected]

I made several attempts - every time, reporting on a technical problem, offered a new SC as an alternative.

Attempt to buy E-Osago in Ingosstric

A couple of years ago was insured in Ingosstric, because the next step went to them at https://www.ingos.ru. During registration, it was proposed to specify the number of any previous contract. The system number found, but since the data on the owner of the car changed, she did not want to continue our relationship and had to register from scratch.

In the process of registration, three times or even four had to enter the same data: the policyholder, the owner, the driver (hard it was a tick to make "coincides"?).

After filling out the data and the execution of the calculation got the same 4982,78 rub. Pressed the next stage appeared a window that reports on obtaining data from the RSA (Russian Union of Insurers) - waited long, but the result did not wait. At the same time, on the main page of their site, I found a message:

ATTENTION! In the period from 21.03.2017 from 22:00 to 03/22/2017 00:00 Moscow time in connection with the regulatory technical work on the side of the Rs on the official website of SPAO "Ingosstrakh" the functions of the design and purchase of electronic CTP will not be available.

Despite the fact that up to 22 hours it was still far away, the creation of my policy they have never advanced on the step of receiving data from the RSA.

With the thought that today I can again do not make insurance, I decided to try his happiness in one place.

Attempt to buy Polis E-Osago in Tinkoff Insurance

In fact, in Tinki https://www.tinkoffinsurance.ru I looked first, to calculate on the calculator whether it would not be cheaper than at the reso, but having received the amount exceeding 8 thousand rubles in prior calculation., Immediately left from them.

After failure with the reso, I returned to Tinkoff again, filled the data in the personal account, access to which, as well as in other campaigns, occurs through the SMS code, but at the end of the second step it stalled because of some kind of error indicating the region which I had no idea how to fix (as I wrote at the beginning, registration of the car and the owner in different regions). Spat, closed the site, going, as already wrote, in Ingosstrakh, but after failure with Ingosstrach, he returned to Tinkov again.

I called through the button on their main site (the call from the site for some reason is not on the website of the insurance unit), I was connected to an insurance officer. For a long time, we explained to each other (I'm working crookedly, he, that I didn't point out something like that), but in the end I still painted me, where I need to make a correction (the very first step) and the miracle happened - I did it through the barriers Interfaces, I was able to pay for the card and received my first electronic policy of E-Osago, spending on all attempts not one hour of time (by the way, I paid not from the map of Tinkov, and the Sberbank card, because in Tinky, I was told that Cashbuck for this payment It will not be, and the savings in any case gives 0.5% in the bonuses "Thank you").

The final price in Tinkov was the same as in the previous two companies: 4982,78 rub.

Of the advantages:

  • promise free to deliver a paper policy in Moscow
  • it is said that with the insurance case, it will not be necessary to travel anyway, all online is solved

Of the minuses:

  • site https://www.tinkoffinsurance.ru - very slow
  • i had to load the scans of the passport, the STS (or TCP can), the driver's license (although, who knows, maybe other SK will also need to come if you reach the finish?)

Immediately after receiving the policy, two SMS came, one from Tinkov, the second from the Rs with the number of my policy and its validity period.

Those. If you have a situation that urgently needs a policy (you need to present right now), then theoretically you can make it for 15-20 minutes, using any device with the Internet and immediately present it in electronic form.


This is how the unsuccessful work of competitor interfaces and my loyalty to the banking product helped Tinkov receive another client in the field of insurance services. I hope I do not have to find out how Tinkoff makes payments on CTP.

On a note:
By phone, I was associated with all three SK in the process of attempting the policy. The quality of service in Tinkoff has long been used to, because I use their debit, but from the other two I liked the consultation in Ingosstrak.

Here is the policy that in format.pdf immediately after payment:

If you are a representative of the insured or you just have something to say on the topic of this review, I invite you to the comments below.

  • What is an electronic procedure? From January 1, 2017, amendments to the Act on the Mandatory Insurance of Autocarnate Liability, which give drivers the opportunity to issue a policy of OSAGO online on the sites of all insurance companies.
  • Can I buy an electronic procedure if I'm not a customer reso-warranty? Anyone can arrange an electronic policy of OSAGO.
  • How much is the electronic policy of OSAGO? The calculation of the insurance premium is made in accordance with the established tariffs. The cost of the electronic policy does not differ from the value of the "paper" policy of the OSAGO.
  • Is it possible to make changes to the Tiographic Policy of OSAGO through the site? Not. The procedure for making changes to the CTP Agreement is established by the Rubles of the OSAGO, which are approved by the indication of the Bank of Russia. So in the OSAGO policy, which is compiled in the form of an electronic document, changes can be made after receiving the statement from the insured in electronic form (Claim 1.11 of the Rules of the OSAGO). In the Typographic Policy of OSAGO, the changes are made by making an appropriate entry to the "Special Marks" section indicating the date and time of making changes and the certification of changes in the signature of the insurer's representative and the seal of the insurer or by issuing a reissued (new) policy of the OSAGO for two working days from the return date The insured of the previously issued OSAGA policy (Claim 1.10 of the Rules of the OSAGO). To make changes to contact the office of the insurance company.
  • How to check the authenticity of the OSAGO electronic policy? You can check the validity of the electronic policy on the website of the Russian Union of Motorovshchikov - http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm
  • Is it possible to replace the electronic policy on "paper" in the office? Is it necessary? No, the law on CTP does not provide. The electronic contract is equivalent to the Typographic forms of the CTP and must be replaced only in the case of changes to the parameters of the policy. Initially, you can purchase a contract on the basis of the Goznak, contacting any disc-warranty office.
  • How to confirm the traffic police officer that I have an electronic policy? It is necessary to print the resulting electronic policy and have it in the machine when you are driving. Checking the electronic policy is carried out by DPS employees using a special resource in the NTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the event of unavailability of a special resource in the NTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the traffic police inspector may check the validity of the OSAGO electronic policy on the website of the Russian Union of motorways - http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm
  • If there are problems with checking my data in Rs, how can I place a policy? If the data is not confirmed, then you need to provide copies of documents by posting them in the appropriate section of the personal account. After checking copies of documents on email, recommendations will be sent for further action.
  • What policy is it costs cheaper, electronic or decorated from the agent? The cost of the OSAGO policy does not depend on the method of its design. The price will be the same.
  • Why when paying the policy I "throws out" on a third-party site, how safe is it? Enumeration of funds for the policy occurs through the partner payment system, which uses protected personal data transmission channels.
  • Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat reports that the status of the signature is uncertain (Unknown). How can I check the signature? The reason for such a message is that to test a qualified signature in Adobe Reader or Acrobat requires additional software (cryptopro website) and installing root certificates
  • Where to go to design problems? For emerging issues, please contact
  • Why can't I log in in the Personal Account? Most likely, the browser "remembered" data fragments sent by the web server. You need to delete cookies in the Internet browser and repeat authorization.
  • What will happen if I specify in the e-osaago policy of unreliable information about yourself or your car? In the event that the data specified in the electronic policy is not reliable and led to a decrease in the cost of the policy, according to the CARGO law, regardless of the occurrence of the insured event, the insurer has the full right to recover from the unscrupulous insured the "saved" amount. In addition, the insurance company has the right to submit a regressive requirement in the amount of the insurance payment made if the accident occurred due to the client's fault.
  • When making an agreement in the Personal Account, there are freezes or errors. In the event of problems when making an electronic policy of the OSAGO in the Personal Account, we recommend resetting the browser cache.
I apologize that I can not help you. However, you can familiarize yourself with this article, perhaps the proposed algorithm of actions will open you on some original idea.

Familiar asked to help make a friend care insurance through the Internet-Osago. "Okay, - I say, - Let's try ..." Here he adds: "... on the back of the reso!" I have recently as I hear about the reso, so hands and sink ...

Good was a year ago - there was no such malicious Capp. It was, however, another trouble - when the data input entered users in a personal account with the data that the insurance company website keeps or gets from RSA - registration of insurance was impossible. However, from January 1, 2017, insurance was forbidden to deny the OSAGO insurance for the reasons of data discrepancy in the documents: when registering or at the time of registration, the site can request copies of certain documents for reconciliation. Record is relatively long - on sites of various insurance companies - from half an hour to several hours. And this is much better than just a refusal of design, isn't it!

The first half of 2017 was quite good to obtain insurance on the back of the reso. However, from some moment, I do not remember when accurately - the programmers of the reso-warranty introduced a "impassable" captcha, which practically tightly began to block the ability to get insurance online. On the Internet today, there are already many angry reviews about this company and its "cunning trick". But first things first. For confidentiality in the pictures, personal data of the insured is hidden.

I will not talk about how to create a personal account now. It is possible that this will be a separate entry, although in general I consider the Cabinet creation process quite simple. Imagine that the office has already been created, the user has already entered all the necessary data to create a new policy. After that, the following actions are expected:

First stage - calculate then - save and after that - pay . "Design" - occurs automatically when the policy is saved. A "Upload Documents" may be required when confirming the data for which there are discrepancies - that is, only three buttons will be involved in the very best situation. So, after entering all data, click "Calculate". In case all data coincide with the available data from the insurance company, we see the calculated amount of the award (cost) of the OSAGO, in the message window you see the information that the calculation is made successfully, as well as the parts - the coefficients from which such a corresponding formula has developed Insurance costs:

But now the most interesting thing begins - that for which this article was written. Click the "Save" button:

As we see, the policy is saved. But this is a complete deception! We are waiting for and get instead of the normal preservation of an unpaid policy - a practically impassable quest from the reso - "Enter the code from SMS and guess the super captcha!" That is, to save the data - you need not just click the button, but also correctly enter the secret code and captcha - check from robots.

In this situation, it is incomprehensible - why apply a capping? - A person registered a personal account using a mobile phone, which is a simple electronic signature, since the SIM card was issued on the passport, registration of the office and the entrance to it is carried out using SMS, which sends the site of the insurance company to the insured number. The lifetime of the session of the personal cabinet is also limited, so it can be argued that the insured person who wants to insure his motor vehicle is sitting at the keyboard.

Why complicate? Well, let's say, the SK DO wants to check again, who sits at the keyboard, so asks to send "The code that is directed to your The phone number specified during registration. "(In between the case, I note - the word "your" they have written with a small letter, therefore it is not a polite appeal to one person, but simply appeal to the crowd of insurers.) Let's limit ourselves to this code! By the way, who remembers the code obtained during registration? No one, so you have to click the "Get Code" button. After that, something unimaginable comes to the phone. I will give an example of actually received messages:

Application Code App: P ^ 7CLCTO (D6A

Application Code App: _CS% M # 42A ~ | U


App confirmation code: Arroll "ES2A0T" ^

Here are 4 different messages. The degree of grace of inventing confirmation codes is simply genius! It would be possible to limit ourselves to numbers only - let's say 8-10 digits. Quite just? Well, let's add letters. In my opinion - a mixture of numbers and Latin letters, you can even uppercase and lowercases, it would be quite good for a very secret code that you need to enter only in order to save the entered data in your account.

But no, there are still specialimilles, which some people do not even know where they are, because they never use them. And this is not the worst ... The main secret mechanism is that the code is used as a latice, so Cyrillica ! Boldly, boldly, unexpected! From whom does such code protect? From the insured, not otherwise. Try to enter the code if it presents the characters that are in Latin, and in Cyrillic: A, B, C, K, E, H, X, R, O, M, T, A, E, X, R, Oh, s.

A separate topic is "zero" and the letter "O". Although, looking attentively, you can find the difference - the letter "O" is more round, and "zero" - stretched out: o0oo00oo0. Although when there is no zero, the letter "O" can be mistaken for the figure - and it will be already "Incorrect code!" (see Figure below)

In addition, the message of this type comes to SMS: App confirmation code: (SCNMAM [% WX ^< What do you need to enter? Do I need to enter an APP? There is no need. You must enter characters after a colon. In this case - (SCNMAM [% WX ^<

And last. Since the password and captcha are entered - how to find out where the error? This also causes complexity. At least until yesterday, I did not know whether it is possible to delimit the entry of this data to know where the error.


- I won this captcha. Here is written 1FX81G7.

- But this and many others could not.

  1. When you do everything right, you will finally see the "pay" the cherished button:

That's all guys!

Comments: 123.

1 Ivan.

2 Alexey Osago

3 Nikolay

4 Alexey Osago

5 Irina

6 Alexey Osago

7 Dmitry.

8 Alexey Osago

9 Alexander

10 Andrey

11 Alexey Osago

12 Elena

13 Alexander

14 Alexander

15 Alexey Osago

16 Alexander

17 ttt

18 demon

19 Alexey Osago

20 Dmitry.

21 1Tar

22 Alexey Osago

23 Alexander

24 Ivan.

25 Olesya

26 Olesya

27 Dmitiy

28 Galina

29 Mikhail

30 Julia

31 Aleksey

32 Dmitry.

33 Alexey Osago

34 Customer RESO

35 Anton

36 Marina

37 Elebou

38 Anna

39 Aleksey

40 Evgenia

41 Alexey Osago

42 Alexander

43 Igor

44 Igor

45 Igor

46 Alexey Osago

47 Alexander

48 Sergey

49 Alex

50 Ivan.

51 Ivan.

52 Fedor

53 Ilya

54 th further

55 Vladimir

56 Yuri.

57 Alexey Osago

58 Julia

59 Victoria

60 Dmitry.

61 Vlada

62 Aleksey

63 Evgeny

64 Mikhail

65 Max

66 Marie.

67 Vadim.

68 Marina

69 Mikhail

70 Dmitry.

71 Anastasia

72 Paul

73 Pavel

74 Alexey Osago

75 Igor

76 Ivan.

77 Konstantin

78 Yaroslav

79 Artem

80 Ibrahim

81 Aleksey

82 Mikhail

83 Anastasia

84 Anton

85 Alex

86 Nikolai

87 Aleksey

88 Vladimir

Twice extended the policy of OSAGO on the product of the reso-warranty. I certainly did not like that 2 times it was necessary to enter the code from SMS, but it all the little things compared to how the reso now began to prevent the receiving policies online. Surely they want to make at least a diagnostic card or some additional services.

For new customers put an additional barrier. They will be asked to send a scan of a passport, which can check for several days. It is recommended to make a policy on the website of the Russian Union of motorways. But the scottle attitude towards old customers is simply infuriated.

After filling out all the data on the CTP policy, you need to click on the "Calculate" button, after which it is proposed to save Polis. But before saving you need to enter the code from SMS, as well as characters from the picture. It would seem that there is nothing terrible. But SMS characters cannot be copied and pasted. And here we are waiting for the first catch. Okay, the letters also added in addition to numbers. Okay, the specialists also added. After all, it is necessary that it is difficult to understand this letter O or Figure 0, this is the letter L or a figure 1. But the developer from the Gestapo decided to mix the Latin with Cyrillic. Can you distinguish on Cyrillic from A on Latin? Or in Cyrillic from B on Latin? Here are a couple of real codes from SMS:

RDO) D "\u003e, a0eq
k! K_LAV (; NWN
But this is the smallest of the troubles in this case. You can use one of the services that finds Cyrillic or Latin in the text. Here is one of them, which highlighted Oh, and in Cyrillic for my passwords:

Moreover, the frame around the input field was earlier than gray when the SMS code is entered correctly and red when incorrectly. But today I did not have such a prompt. Well, God with him.

Introduce the characters from the picture correctly I did not succeed, although I carried more than an hour. Of the 20 pictures on a couple, there is something more or less readable, but even an increase in the size of the text and the pictures on the web page did not help me.

Of course I am not the only one who has encountered such. On the Internet, it is full of comments about the design of E-Osago on the site of the reso-warranty, but the company's employees continue to argue that there are no technical problems, and tens of thousands of customers successfully draw up the polis.

A typical and useless answer from the reso-warranty, which I received:

Good day.

The requirement for entering a password and capping is protection, we must make sure that the execution of the policy is not made by a robot.

In order to prevent unauthorized access to the personal account of the insured and their use in order to unauthorized concluding a contract using automatic information systems, it is necessary to confirm that the execution of the policy is made not a robot. Signs of the inoperability of the site have not been detected, everything works correctly.

Yours faithfully,
Technical Support Service SPAO "RESO-WARRANTY"

I would be grateful for the reposit and distribution in social suites, because I do not see other ways to pay attention to the problem.

p.S. In which insurance company E-Osago can no problem? And after all, I do not want to insure the first incurred, as payments are more convenient anyway to receive with your own, and even in fair volume.

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