
Check the policy by the number of the RSA car. Check Casco Policy by car. When you need to check the policy of OSAGO

Each policy of autocarted responsibility (OSAGO), as the type of a bilanoconse document, has its own individual number. And the number has both paper copies and electronic e-polisas. It consists of alphabetic (three letters) and numeric (10 digits) of characters: series and numbers. Knowing the number of OSAGO, one can figure out the validity of the document and its status. But it is precisely this question that needs to find out - is valid or not insurance. You need to go to the main page of the site of the RSA www.autoins.ru, where in the center of the page you will see the field of "Check the CTP Polisms". By clicking on the "Check" button, you fall to the page where you need to enter the series and the room of the insurance policy.

The result of checking the policy will clarify the information about the status of the form of the Polis. Status can be:

  • "Located at the insured" - this means that the insurance operating, is in the hands of a citizen, and the data is transferred to the RSA base (Russian Union of motorways);
  • "Located at an insurance company / insurer," it means that the document is in the insurance company, at the agent. Data is not transmitted to a single PCA base. But if the opening date of insurance is completely fresh (1-7 days), then the data may simply not updated, and the status has not changed. If the policy is open for more than a week, you need to find out the circumstances from the insurer;
  • "It has lost strength" - this may mean that the term of the policy ended or the form was invalid after making any changes. For example, he ended the semi-annual insurance period, and the extension was decorated with another letterhead. Or the insured after the sale appealed to the payment of the unused date and the policy was closed. Also cannot be excluded by mistakes of the insurance company. It happens that the agent did not pay the policy in time, or did not pay it at all, or according to its fault, the policy did not contribute to the database, or as a result of the mechanical impact, the document has lost readability, or the client declared the womb and the other, but the employee did not bring the case to end;
  • "Lost" - this status is given only to those documents about which customers stated both of lost or stolen (for example, together with the machine);
  • "Spoiled" - this means that the client declared a damage to the document. Restored policy was issued by a new form;
  • "Printed by the manufacturer" means that the form was printed and not even passed to insurance companies.

Thus, the CTP number can give the information to learn about the document, and most importantly, make sure that the insurance policy is valid.

Why do you need to check the availability of insurance for another road participant?

To buy an annual policy of Osago means to protect his budget from claims of third parties for a year in the event of an accident (in the event of your guilt) or the opportunity to obtain insurance payments for the restoration of the machine and amendment of health (in the event of the guilt of the second participant in the accident).

Not all motorists know that the OSAGO can give the following possible insurance compensation to the affected side in an accident, namely:

  • up to 400 thousand rubles. for repair to restore the car;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. on the process of restoring the health by victims as a result of injuries obtained in an accident;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles, as compensation for the acquired disability of the person affected by the accident;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. Defeats after the death of the affected person and 25 thousand rubles as a unite burial allowance;
  • a non-fixed amount for the reimbursement of all the total funds spent on the restoration of health, on the treatment process, for the purchase of drugs, prosthetics, pay for extraneous care and the payment of the rehabilitation period;
  • the non-fixed amount to replenish material damage resulting from the loss of disability and the absence of sources of income.

And if you are a culprit of "Celebrations" and you have a mandatory policy of OSAGO, then you insured against the troubles of money, that is, the claims of victims. No one will require additional money from you to repair the injured car, if it is placed in the limiting amount of the coverage - 400 thousand rubles.

Based on this, the presence of the OSAGA policy is of great importance if a traffic accident happened. Check the availability of CTP by car number, you can even do not even contact with another driver. It is important to make sure not only that there is a policy, as well as in its authenticity. By car number you can with the help of a special Internet service.

To check the OSAGO by car number, lawyers advise only to contact a proven source of information, to the RSA base. After the purchase and registration of the AUTRINTROSHI policy, the information should be made to a single base of the Russian Union of motorways. Find the policy of Osago at the car number on the official website of the RSa simple enough.

Algorithm of actions:

  • we go to the main page of the site of the Rs Autoins.ru;
  • at the top there are tabs, choose "OSAGO" and press;
  • on the left there will be a list of sections, choose "Information for insurers and victims" and click;
  • next, you fall on the page where there are 10 topics that may be interested in user data, choose "information for victims and other participants in the cost of the existing CCAMAGA agreement with respect to a certain person or vehicle";
  • the system then proposes to introduce VIN, state. Sign, body number or chassis, as well as the test date, in order to break through the CTP. Please note that the search occurs only using Cappitch (graphic computer test, which allows you to identify the user: a living person or program);
  • the answer will be the following form: number and series of the CTP agreement, the name of the insurer (company) and information on what insurance (unlimited or limitations);
  • next, you can check the data on the driver, knowing the details of its driver's license.

In this way, you can get topical information about the agreement of the second participant of the accident even without his participation: whether he has insurance, whether it has a valid period, which insurance company is insured by the car. If you want to find out information about people who have the right to manage the car you are interested in, then you can only find out the number of the driver's license.

A similar method and actions algorithm makes it possible to find out about the contract of insurance policy of autocarted responsibility on the individual car identification number (VIN). At the same time, of course, the checking should know this 17-digit car code. You can only get it from the documents of the owner, subject to its consent to provide such information.

It is noteworthy that you can find out the information about the OSAGO (your own or someone else) on the RS website separately by VIN, separately according to state registration signs of the vehicle, as well as separately by body numbers or chassis.


As a rule, the need to learn the policy of OSAGO in state. The car number appears in immediately after the road accident. And if there were two cars in an accident, two cars were, and both have an active policy of autocarted responsibility, the victim can expect damages, and the guilty side can be free from financial complaints.

When you get into the road accident, and you know that you have exactly the policy of insurance, I want to make sure that the second participant he is. Therefore, seeing state registration signs of the second car, and even without contact with another driver, you can quickly find out all the information about its policy of CTP. To do this, with the help of a smartphone, you need to go to the official website of the Rs and following our instructions to check. If you are in contact with the second driver, and it is not opposed to allow you to your personal documents (STS machines and driver's license), you can find out information about the CTP by the VIN number, and information about persons who have tolerance of the driving of this vehicle . And also, knowing the number and series of the policy, you can find out its status.

If on the site you will see information about the absence of the policy, the status "is lost", "spoiled" and the other is not to panic. The system is not ideal, there may be technical errors, as well as errors in the work of insurance companies. All details can be found directly from your insurer or independently, based on the data obtained.

At present, the base of insurers allows you to check the procedure in different ways: by the number of the policy, by the number of the car, etc., and on the contrary - by insurance number, for example, you can find out the number of the car. There are three options for checking:

ATTENTION, the last weeks of the verification form work oh-very slowly, are loaded from the first time. This is a problem on the side of the Rs. If you want, you can try to download the forms of verification separately on their website: once, two, three, respectively.

1. Check the status of the form at its number. Check the paper or electronic policy of the OSAGO on the database of AIS RAS (Russian Union of motorways) and it is possible to find out the period of its action below.

This form for checking both paper policies and electronic policies of the XXX series bought via the Internet! Usually, electronic insurance falls into the database immediately after registration, but sometimes because of the base load it may take several days. The correct status for acting insurance is "located at the insured" (but if immediately after the purchase, the status is still "located at the insurer", then this may be normal - the agent could not have time to make changes to the database, wait a couple of days and only then be alarm) . Definitely the "bad statuses" of the OSAGO policy - it "has lost strength" (why it is that it is raised by the strength to see more about checking below) or "lost". The status is "printed by the manufacturer" means that such a form was not even transferred to the insurer.

Such a check does not give 100% confidence that you have a valid policy (after all, fraudsters could make a "duplicate" of the present form), but allows you to remove obvious fakes and stolen blanks. But to exclude "Dubli" need to check which car is insured according to your policy ...

2. Find out what car is insured by a specific form. In addition to the state person, a wine code or body number, in the results you can learn more detailed status of the form, for example, why it is not the insurance (could continue to terminate the contract or the policy could be lost in the insurance):

3. Find out the Osago Polis number according to Gosnomer, VIN or body number + Check if the driver entered into insurance. This is the check of the previous one, here according to the car you will learn in which insurance company it is insured, the policy number and its type (with limitations or unlimited). Wine check is the most complete. According to the Gosner, it is searched only if the insurer handed out this information (they do not always do it).

If the insurance with a limited list of drivers, then the system will offer to check the number and series of a driver's license, whether a certain driver in insurance is inscribed (this option appears in the second step after).

If you recently entered someone in your policy policy or made other changes to the data, then insured regulations are obliged to make changes to the RCA base within 5 days. Therefore, do not be afraid if after a couple of days the changes have not yet been displayed in the basis of AIS RCA.

The last check is also useful in checking before buying a used car. After all, the presence of two simultaneous segregates of the CTP on one VIN number (or PRS) may be a "call" that the car is "double". In this case, I also recommend (in this case there is a bad sign that the machine regularly passes in one region, then in another).

4. Help Abyssurist on OSAO issues:
If you are faced with the fact that your policy judging by the database is fake or you have other legal issues related to the CTP, then you can get a free response of a lawyer in the form below.

Car insurance and drivers have been held for a long time. In Russia, the insurance market is also developing dynamically. Registration of insurance for drivers has become a prerequisite for the legality of admission to the management of the vehicle.


Now we will analyze the most highlights that relate to the policy - the essence, to whom its action is distributed and how the process of registration of the insurance document is underway.

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What it is

The insurance policy of OSAGO is a guarantee that the driver does not have to pay for the cost of repairing the car and the treatment of victims in a traffic accident, which happened precisely by his fault.

We decipher the full name of the document - the general insurance of civil liability.

Prior to the introduction of the norms of legislation that regulate the accounting insurance procedure for an accident responsibility, the guilty should have completely compensated for damages at his own expense.

Of course, if there was a small collision on the tangent and the car of the affected side just a little scratched, it would have to lay out a relatively small amount.

But often more serious accidents occur when some part of the car is damaged so seriously that it requires replacement.

The cost of such repairs will be expressed in tens of thousand rubles and not every driver will be able to pay such repairs of the affected part.

Introduction Polis Osago greatly facilitated the life of motorists.

Yes, it is periodically necessary to update the policy and pay for money for it, but the sum of these contributions cannot be compared with the possible compensation that will have to be paid to the victim in the event of an accident.

The legislation provides that the OSAGO is issued for one year, although in some cases it is allowed to draw up a contract for a period of three months.

Today, the policy of DSAGO also becomes popular (additional civil liability insurance).

The essence of this insurance product is as follows:

Note that it is not possible to receive compensation for the repair of your own car.

For confidence that you do not have to spend huge funds, you can purchase other types of insurance policies, the topics of coverage of which concerns precisely compensation for the repair of your own car.

Who extends to

The insurance policy of the OSAGO applies to the entire territory of the Russian Federation, including:

  • routes within settlements;
  • long-distance and international transport highways;
  • support and purchase territories;
  • side seals and other zones.

The policy should acquire the owner of the vehicle for 10 days from the moment of the machine.

Of course, the action of insurance primarily applies to it as on the main driver of the car.

Of course, no one has the right to prohibit the owner to transfer the car to or simply to make on the use of a car to relatives and other persons.

Operations who wish to manage the machine by proxy or even in the presence of the TC host, but are not inscribed in the policy, they do not have the right to sit behind the wheel.

The question is solved only after making information about them into insurance.

The CTP policy applies exclusively to persons who are made to this sheet.

Where to turn

The driver's account insurance policy is acquired exclusively at the insurance company.

There are two ways to buy such an important document for each driver in the Russian Federation:

In the Russian Federation, more than a hundred insurance companies have been working, which provide services for insurance for the driver's responsibility.

Each of the companies has:

The process of choosing an insurance company to purchase the policy is the most difficult task for each owner of the car.

It is necessary to take into account such highlights:

To conclude an insurance contract, the following documents are needed:

Check the OSAGO policy by car

Some network services allow you to check the CCAMAG policy by car, you can also conduct feedback. What is necessary to carry out similar actions?

For what is needed

You can select several options for situations under which the check of the OSAGA policy will be checked by car:

Indicators Description
The need to verify the validity of the policy, that is, there is a question of the integrity of representatives of insurance companies the fact is that often insurance agents give out policies to motorists, but do not register them in the database of the traffic police. In such a situation, it turns out that a person paid the cost of the policy in the insurance company, but it is invalid. Money is wasted, protection if necessary there is no. Unfair insurers take their money, not even worrying about the reputation of the prestigious insurance company in which they work
Check by traffic police officers. Of course, the driver must have all the documents (passport, driver's license, the policy of the OSAGO and the policy, the technical passport for the car) is always with you, but sometimes some or all documents forgets employees of the traffic police can stop the driver to verify the documents either due to the violation of the rules of the road. When checking it turns out that the driver does not have one of the obligatory documents - the OSAGO policy. Of course, the traffic police officer has the right to finfing a person for the lack of a policy with him, but there is an opportunity to prove that the policy of man is decorated
The need to find out the number of the Polis itself by the traffic police officers in order to verify the presence of a person in a person who became a member of an accident (even before establishing guilt or innocence of the person in a particular accident)

this necessity may occur if:

  • especially escaped, leaving the car at the crime scene;
  • man refuses to show the policy;
  • the culprit or the participant of the accident no insurance with them

The necessary conditions

No special conditions are required for checking the policy.

Checking is possible at:

Indicators Description
Personal appeal to the office of the insurance company to do this, you need to know the work schedule of the insurance company and have time to visit the company
Be sure to know the car number it is quite natural for the owner of the car, because he always knows the number of the car. But there may be such a situation - the car is damaged as a result of an accident and the number is impossible to recognize either it is visible only partially. In this case (if there is no driver either, it cannot provide the Policy to the traffic police officers) will have to first restore the vehicle number, and then to learn the data about the driver's civil liability insurance policy
Have access to the Internet such a condition is mandatory for the inspection procedure online, as it is possible only through special services (including traffic police)


It is important to deal with the procedure for applying for the insurance policy of the OSAGO.

It can be done:

  1. By personal circulation.
  2. With the Internet.

For personal contact

If the client who acquired the policy of Osago, suspicions arose about his reality, it is necessary to immediately contact the office of the insurance company.

The reason for suspicion may be such facts:

Indicators Description
Cheapness of the value of the received policy
Active imposition of registration of insurance by representatives of the SC during the presentations of products is not in the office of the SC for example, in enterprises (large accumulation of potential customers) or on the street, where fraudsters are very often found
The client did not inquire the presence of the SC license for the provision of services for the registration of policy policies at the representative of the company, who concluded a contract with him
There are suspicions about the invalidity of the OSAGO form

The algorithm of actions is:

If it turns out that the information about this form of OSAGO is included in the base, this means that the insurance policy is not counterfeit.


There are several basic services that allow you to check the information about the status of the OSAGO policy, its presence or absence of the vehicle.

Consider the PC user actions algorithm (how to check the presence of the OSAGO insurance policy at the car number) on the main services that allow such an inspection.

For the analysis of data on the service in special lines, the following data is entered:

After entering all data, the user presses the "Find" key.

The search displays all current information about insurance:

  1. Series and polis number.
  2. Maximum amount of insurance coverage.
  3. Document validity.
  4. The list of features of drivers who are insured (have the right to manage a specific vehicle).

The portal provides the ability to check all the data about the policy in the official base of the Russian Union of motorways.

To obtain information, it is necessary to own the same information that is entered into the above service.

The main advantages of clarifying the reality of autocaretries in real time:

  • fast obtaining relevant information;
  • there is no need to visit the office of the insurance company;
  • the service is provided absolutely free;
  • the minimum amount required for information analysis is introduced;
  • the ability to visit the SC can fall out after some time. Before that, the driver can definitely not know the "fate" of his polis. Suppose the machine falls into an accident and the need to pay compensation. If you check the online policy, then in case of detection of problems, the CC client will go to the SK on the next business day without using its own car and starts find out the essence of the situation.

Video: Checking Osago Polis

Important nuances

For visual determination of the authenticity of the insurance policy, it is important to know the main signs of the form of insurance companies:

Indicators Description
The paper sheet should be wider than the standard A4 sheet by 10 millimeters
If the form of the old sample is considered, then the title page should be viewed by a green-gray microse. since 2016, a new format ispacked forms were put into effect. They are in stock Pink microsecake (shade)
The total color palette must clearly close to the left from yellow to lilac and pink
It is necessary to check the presence of watermarks of the Rs the procedure is also conducted, as monetary bills are checked (the form form is raised and visible)
In the paper blank on the back side is a metallic thread this applies to old blanks
If the policy is printed at an official enterprise that has a license for conducting such works, then the paint will not be transmitted from paper on the hands of the person who holds the blank
The policy series should be only her
The number and series on officially approved blanks are printed only by red paint. if these details are printed in other color, then the insurance document is fake and it is necessary to urgently apply to the insurance company or in police bodies
Documentation with errors is not allowed any blot in the form makes the policy automatically invalid, so the buyer has the right to demand replace the document

How to behave at the suggestion to arrange the policy not in the CC office?

The procedure for action is:

Only in the presence of a copy of the license, power of attorney and properly decorated blanks can be carried out.

By the way, modern technologies make it possible to test the license to have a license from an insurance company that offers its auto insurance services.

This section of the site do the following:

After that, the following information will appear:

The legislative framework

To date, the Civil Liability Insurance Procedure in the Russian Federation is regulated by the following regulatory and legal acts.

Indication of the Bank of Russia:

In conclusion, it can be said that each acquired insurance policy must be checked as much as possible.

To date, special services are also developed with which the Osago Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Policy takes place within 1 minute.

Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

Do you want to pass the test on the materials of the article after reading it?


If you insure a car on Casco - this is a matter of purely voluntary, then the policy of the OSAGO is required for each motorist. After all, in the absence of a document, all compensation for the harm that was brought by the other party will have to reimburse themselves. That is why you need to know how to check in place insurance to avoid problems related to this issue.

Check insurance according to TS

So, you fell into an accident, but the culprit of the accident does not remember the number of the policy. How to find out the car insured at all? You can check the insurance and the drivers inscribed in it can be online, having found information on VIN in the database and by car number. Thus, it will be possible to find out the number of the insurance document, so that after contacting the company for reimbursing losses arising from the accident.

To check the OSAGO according to the state number, you must follow the link to the special section of the RCA and enter the necessary information about the car into the dedicated windows. It will take:

  • Wine code (available both in the registration certificate and in TCP);
  • automatic registration sign;
  • chassis and body code.

How to check the vehicle if you do not know the body number or chassis? Or maybe a vehicle and there are no wines at all? In this case, enter the data that you know, leave the remaining empty. Very often, the system finds the necessary machine already when specifying the VIN and state sign. It will only be necessary to write a date at the time of which the policy of the OSAGO is checked. This will allow to see whether insurance is valid at all or it has long been canceled.

In this way, it will be possible to learn all the required information only by car and wines.

Checking OSAGO for authenticity

In order to check the document transferred to you, you should go to the RSA website and enter:

  • osago Polis number;
  • its series (every document has 3 letters in format, for example, XXX, EEE);
  • date of an accident on which data is requested.

After confirming the security code, wait for the test results. Be careful: if the system does not find the necessary information, it means that the error has grown in the data you enter (it happens, simply check the numbers before re-administration), or the auto insurance document is invalid. If the insurance policy of the OSAGO ended the period of action, then a message appears that it has lost strength. However, in some cases this does not occur, so you need to pay attention to the columns with information about the date of concluding and the period of action of the document - if the accident occurred much later, it is already invalid.

The same way will allow you to see which car is insured on the CTP, because you can transfer a completely different policy (or formerly valid) to hide what is missing for this vehicle. In addition to the fact that this method can be determined, the car is insured on the CTP or not, it will be possible to determine which insurance company he was insured. This will require all the same information. The insurer data will be contained in one of the columns of the table, which will appear after verification. In addition, data will appear on a certain circle of persons who are allowed to control the vehicle or can be seen a mark that the insurance policy is decorated without limiting the circle of persons.

Having determined whether the insurance works and this is the same car that participated in an accident, the affected side can calm down, because if everything is in order, there will be no problems with compensation or repair cars. It will only be left to contact the insurance company of the culprit, insuring responsibility.

Even if the other side introduced you a document, you should still check the policy of compulsory civil liability insurance to find (or not) data about it in the RCA basis. After all, the very presence of the policy does not yet mean that he is genuine. Such a check will take only a few minutes, but you will definitely recognize whether the car or insurance is really insured and, in fact, is just a piece of paper, and not a state-owned strict reporting form. After all, no amounts cannot be recovered from the insurance company.

Casco policy on modern standards is quite expensive. And many representatives of insurance companies offer a good discount on insurance. Having received such a document on the hands, you need to check its authenticity - there is a possibility of buying a fake.

The second reason to check the Casco Polis - to confirm its originality when buying a used car. In the case of the sale of the machine to which voluntary insurance is issued, there is an opportunity to change the beneficiary. At the same time, the seller increases the cost of the car to justify the cost of the policy.

Why need to check the CASCO policy

Casco is a voluntary insurance of movable property from risk of hijacking, embezzlement, complete destruction and damage. Polis costs owners is quite expensive, if compared with the CTP. Insurance will cost you 4-12% of the car market value, while mandatory insurance has a framework established at the state level. Therefore, when selling your vehicle, which is still valid by Casco, the seller wants to return at least some of the money spent. So the cost of the car is too high, the buyer is warned of existing insurance. At the same time, this provision is beneficial to the buyer - the design of the new policy will cost much more expensive than the seller offers.

Buying a used car often causes a question - how to check whether there is a chance. The reason for the occurrence of a banal - a potential buyer wants to make sure that the authentication of insurance is not to overpay for the missing or fake document. Casco can significantly increase the sales value of the machine.

Often, the sellers themselves are not aware of what they have a fake policy. By purchasing insurance in agents, and not directly through the insurance company, there is always a risk of getting a falsified document that has no legal force.

What is needed by checking the CASCO:

  1. By a fake document it is impossible to pay the payment upon the occurrence of the insured event. And to deal with the insurer in court will be meaningless - the law will remain on the side of the company.
  2. On the insured, which uses a fake document, may complain to court about the appeal of falsified documents.
  3. The insurer can blame the insured in the fact that he is in collusion with fraudsters who spread fake casco.
  4. The presence of this policy gives a guarantee of receipt of a payment for the restoration of the car. Otherwise, it will have to assume the costs of reimbursement of damage caused.

How to check the CASCO

Casco policy can be checked independently, revealing the external signs of the fake. What to pay attention to:

  1. The document should not contain incomprehensible numbers and letters, broken numbers. Eyes pass throughout the policy, make sure that the font is the same everywhere.
  2. The absence of a hologram is one of the signs of a fake document, and very poor quality. On the policy, there must be protective fibers and watermarks indicating the authenticity of the form.
  3. If the policy is in the seal of the insurer and the signature of the head, then this is one of the confirmation of the authenticity of the document.
  4. Together with the policy, the policyholder is issued a contract in which the conditions of insurance are prescribed in detail. Both documents should have the same number and date of issue.
  5. Carefully check your data on the policy so that they match reality.

How to check the CASCO policy by number

To make sure the authenticity of the document is worth checking the CASCO policy by number. You can do this in that insurance company where the document is issued. You need to call the phones specified on the organization's website (not on the policy) and ask for checking. Also this feature is available online on the site of some companies.

Checking the CASCO is not available through the RCA. Through the Union of motorways, you can only get information about the accuracy of the OSAGA policy. With voluntary insurance, the information is not transmitted to the PCA database.

How to check online

Many insurance companies provide the ability to check the number purchased policy. To obtain information about the authenticity of the document, you must specify the document number in a special form and send a request. It is quite convenient - allows you to get information about insurance from home.

But this method has its drawbacks:

  1. Nursing companies did not equip their sites with this feature. Therefore, to verify you will have to personally contact the office of the organization.
  2. For information you need a CASCO policy or at least its number. With personal contact with the insurance company, the presence of the insured is also required. The seller may refuse to provide information.
  3. Polis can be original, but decorated for several cars immediately. In this case, it is also impossible to use it. And when you request, you will receive information that the policy is valid.
  4. The service can work with errors.

For the reasons listed, checking on the number is not always possible. And if the transaction "burns", then you need to look for another way to obtain information so as not to lose the favorable option, but also do not overpay for fake insurance.

Check through third-party services

Another way to check the car policy is to contact third-party services. For a small fee you will receive information on the authenticity of the document and other important information about the acquired machine.

The main advantage of using this method is the ability to check from home. For information, you will need only access to the Internet and a few minutes of free time. You do not have to contact the insurance company and call them, waiting for the working hours.

It offers a large number of organizations, but we recommend paying attention to the service of auto studies. If you are interested in the rapid receipt of information for a small fee, please contact us.

Check Casco Polis by Car Number

Our online inspection service of the history of vehicles in the territory of the Russian Federation offers to check the CASCO policy by car or wine code. It is quick and convenient - you do not have to even leave the house. Moreover, the request can be done without departing from the car. While you inspect the body and the inner parts of the car, our service will handle information and you get a full report.

How to check:

  1. In a special form, enter the state number of the car or wine code.
  2. Specify the email address where the report formed will be sent.
  3. Pay a report. The cost of the service is only 199 rubles.
  4. Get a ready-made email report.

The request is processed within 15 minutes. This time the system spends on checking the car immediately in several bases.

Advantages of accessing the service of the autoistor

We recommend that you must check the CASCO policy to make sure of its authenticity even in the absence of a surcharge by the car. Remember that the use of a fake document is prohibited - for this, administrative and criminal liability faces. Therefore, it is worth spending a little less than 200 rubles to make sure that the authenticity of insurance and calmly use it without restrictions.

Why it is worth contacting the auto studio service:

  1. We have a reliable search for information about any vehicle registered in Russia.
  2. To verify, the presence of the owner is not required, and even documents for the car. It is enough to know the state of the car.
  3. Report You will receive in online mode for a link protected from hacking, as well as email.
  4. The search is carried out in several public, private, commercial and social sources.
  5. Information is relevant at the date of appeal. Databases are updated daily.
  6. Constantly working to expand the number of sources for which the auto check is carried out.
  7. It is convenient to send a request via a mobile application - you can do it at the site of the car inspection.

On our service is available not only checking the Casco Polis, but also other information about the car:

  • The number of owners since the car is released. Getting data on the exact number of former owners is not always possible through the TCP. If the passport of the car was replaced due to the lack of space for the new owner, then a duplicate is issued with clean fields.
  • Finding a car wanted in hijacking. If the car was pregnant and is in the regional or federal wanted list, then you will learn about it from the report.
  • The presence of encumbrances and restrictions. It is impossible to transform the machine with encumbrances, so it is necessary to obtain information about the presence of restrictions on the implementation of legal transactions to refuse to purchase.
  • Equipment, factory options and other basic information about the machine.
  • Number of accidents with their description. Information is important that allows you to make sure that the car did not receive serious damage.
  • Penalties. If the current owner often broke the traffic rules, exceeded the speed, it could have a negative impact on the engine state.
  • Information about the CASCO and OSAGO policy.
  • The other information passed.

The report consists of 5 pages and contains only the necessary information.

Buy a report and make sure that the car has a challenge. All information received will be useful for a potential buyer and a new owner.

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