
How to find the index of the purchasing power of money. Consumer price indices and purchasing power of the ruble. Methods of their calculation

This is one of the important economic indicators. And it is inversely proportional to the number of those moneythat are needed to buy goods and services from the consumer basket. That is, buying ability shows how many consumers can buy with the prices that installed the manufacturer in a given period of time.

Parity of purchasing power is the ratio of several different currencies, monetary units different countries. Parity is established in relation to the customer ability to the equal set of consumer basket. For example: if the same set of products costs 225 hryvnia in Ukraine and 80 dollars in the United States, the purchasing power parity will be 225/8 \u003d 2.9 hryvnia for $ 1. Such a principle of installation currency rate was developed in the 20th year of the 19th century. According to this concept, if the exchange rate has changed, the prices for goods should be changed in the same ratio. Determine money course With the help of purchasing power parity, it is possible only conditionally, because in reality there are still many factors that can affect the exchange rate.

The purchasing power of the population or, in other words, solvency shows how many goods and services can acquire the population for the money that they have, while considering the existing price level. That is, the purchasing power of the population directly depends on the part of the income that people are willing and can allocate on purchases.

Celebration index

To reflect changes in the amount of goods and services that the population can acquire the same amount in the current and study for years, the purchasing power index is used. This indicator reflects the ratio of the nominal and real wages population. The purchasing power index is the value of the reverse price index for goods or tariffs.

In order to determine the purchasing power of money, use the formula: PSD \u003d 1 / IC, where PSD is a purchasing power of money; Ic - Price index.

Due to the calculations on the presented formula, the definition of purchasing power comes down to simple actions. It can be seen from the formula that it directly depends on the welfare of a separate person, and therefore reflects the welfare of the entire people in the state. With the growth of purchasing power in the country there is a wave of deficit, so manufacturers for equilibrium should increase production volumes or raise prices.

The decline in the purchasing power of the currency is extremely negatively affecting the economy of the country in general, and then on the global economy as a whole. It happens because such a decline certainly leads to inflation. And in the future and to Complete depreciation of the currency. So, for example, if this happens with a dollar, which is a global currency, then world economy Much will suffer. There will be a decrease in the consumer ability of the unit due to increased prices, because then on the same monetary unit The consumer can buy fewer goods.

Every year B. developed countries Studies are conducted to determine inflation and prices statistics, this is done in order to be able to be able to react to possible critical situations. Conducting price statistics, an indicator of the purchasing power of money is necessarily used.

The index is a relative statistical indicator that characterizes the time and space ratio of socio-economic phenomena.

Application of indexes B. economic analysis It allows you to compare directly incommensurable phenomena, to assess the role of individual factors that form this socio-economic phenomenon.

Indices are expressed in coefficients and percentages.

All indexes in statistics are divided into classes: individual and consolidated


Individual indexes

Individual indexes are the relative amount of the dynamics characterizing the change in certain elements of a complex socio-economic phenomenon (this is the result of comparison 2 indicators related to homogeneous objects)

I.I. \u003d (ATS in the reporting period) / (ATS in the basic period)

There are generally accepted designations of economic values \u200b\u200bindexes:

q- Number, P - Product price, Z - Cost, T - Time Costs on PR. products (labor intensity), T \u003d T * Q - total costs time or number of workers, W \u003d Q / T - production of products per 1 worker per unit of time in value terms or labor productivity, V - also in physical terms, PQ - cost of products or trade, ZQ - production costs.

Index 0 means that this is the value for the base period, 1 - for the reporting. The value variable in the index is called indexed.

Individual indexes denote "I", and the consolidated "I".

Individual indexes are chain and basic. This allows on the basis of communication of chain and basic ATS to calculate some indices through others. Two nearby chain indexes with multiplication give a basic. The division of the subsequent basis index to the previous gives a chain index.

Examples of individual signs and relations between them:


Summary indexes

In economic calculations, general or summary indices are often used, which characterize the totality as a whole.

Consolidated indices are a relative indicator that allows to estimate in time and space the dynamics of complex socio-economic phenomena consisting of directly incommensurable phenomena. Most often, depending on the purpose of the study and source data in the analysis, 2 forms of constructing consolidated indices are used: aggregate and weighted average.

The use of consolidated indices is the further development of the theory of average values.

The consolidated index consists of: an indexed value and a meter called weight.

Summary indexes denote "I"

Aggregate indexes

Aggregate indices are 3 species: fixed composition, variable composition and structural shifts.

Fixed aggregate indices

Fixed aggregate indices have 2 forms:

Here x - indexed value, and f - weight, or a meter

Both indexes refer to the indices of a fixed or constant composition.

Consolidated indices show the scenario of complex socio-economic phenomena.

Therefore, the product of the indexed value on the comparable is always a real economic indicator.


railing index form selection:

  1. the indices of the fixed composition of high-quality signs (price, cost, salary, durability, labor intensity, capital student, labor productivity) have the weights of the reporting or current period - form 2

  2. the indices of the fixed composition of the surrounding indicators (produced or implemented products, the cost of production time, the number of workers, the volume, sowing area) have the weight of the base period - form 1
Deployed form of fixed composition indices:

Fixed composition indices are aggregate indices that express the dynamics of the average level of the indicator due to the indexed value.

This means that price levels in the reporting period compared with the basic increased by 30% as a consequence of price level changes in certain types of products. This is a standard output.

The indices of fixed composition, high-quality and voluminous indicators are related - if they multiply them (only within the system of interrelated economic indicators), the index of qualitative and quantitative indicators will be.

A quantitative and high-quality index shows a change in the quantitative and high-quality indicator in the reporting period to the volume of the quantitative character in the base - due to 2 factors (here p and q)

Aggregate indexes of variable composition.

The variable composition indexes express a change in the average value of the level of the indicator in the reporting period to the average value of the indicator level in the base period due to 2 values: a) changes in the qualitative indicator; b) changes in the structure of the studied phenomenon.

Examples of variable composition indices

The index of variable price composition shows the dynamics of the average price level in the reporting period compared with the basis due to changes in price levels on individual goods and the structure of turnover.


Structural shifts

To assess the effect on the change in the average level of the phenomenon of the phenomenon structure, the structural shifts are calculated.

I page The structure of the structure shows the change in the average level of the high-quality indicator by changing the structure of the studied phenomenon.

In this case, only the structure changes, the qualitative indicator is fixed at the base level. The structure of structural shifts can be calculated through other indices:

The index shows a change in the production of average by changing the structure.

Example: There are data on the production and cost of homogeneous products produced by 2 enterprises:

Calculate the index of the cost of fixed composition, where the weight is taken at the level of the reporting period.

Conclusion: cost in the reporting period in relation to the basic decreased average by 2% by changing the cost of each enterprise.

Conclusion: the cost of production in two enterprises decreased in the reporting period compared to the basic on average by 1% due to the changes that occurred in the structure of the issue Products of two enterprises.

Output: average Cost in the reporting period compared to medium cost In the base period, it decreased by 2% due to 2 factors: by changing the cost of each enterprise and by changing the structure of products.

Conclusion: The physical volume of products produced increased by an average of 7% by increasing the volume of products for each enterprise.

Conclusion: Production costs in the reporting period compared with the basic increased by 5% by increasing production of products for each enterprise and increasing the cost to two enterprises.

Public Accounts

It is a fixed-line index.

The purchasing power index of the ruble shows the change in the volume of material goods and services that can be bought for the same amount of money. It is considered as the value of the reverse price index.

Paashe and Lassekiirass indices

Both of these indexes characterize price change on average in the reporting period compared to the baseline due to price changes.

PAISHED index is a price index with reporting weights.

Lassekirase index is a price index with basic scales

The Lassekirase index is used to assess the dynamics of prices or estimating the cost of life.

The Laspezras index is more Paashe's index, it is due to the fact that the price of Laspeyirase prices are growing faster. This first discovered Herchers Corn, and called this effect by his name.

The ideal Fisher index

The Fisher index is located as the average geometric between the indices of Paashe and Lassekirase.

It is sometimes more accurate than other indexes shows the dynamics of prices, but it cannot be interpreted economically.

The typical index index is the index of the physical volume of products. The complexity in the construction of this index is that volumes different species Products and goods in physical terms are incommensurable and cannot be directly summed. It requires the use of special techniques for the index method.

Unity different species products or different goods are that they are products public labor, have a certain value and its monetary meter - the price (). Each product also has cost () and complexity (). These qualitative indicators can be used as a general measure - the coefficient of composure of heterogeneous products. Multiplying the volume of products of each type on the corresponding price, the cost, the complexity of the product unit is obtained by comparable indicators that can be summarized.

Motion coefficients provide quantitative comparability, allow the "weight" of the product in real economic process. Therefore, their indicators are factors associated with indexed values, it is customary called. weighing indexes, and multiplication on them - weighing.

The cost of products is a product of the amount of products in physical terms on the price of a unit of products.

§ The ratio of the cost of production of the current period in current prices The cost of products of the baseline in basic prices is aggregate product cost index or commodity:

This index shows how many times increased (decreased) the cost of products (turnover) reporting period Compared to the basic, or how many percent is an increase (decline) of the cost of products.

If the value of the value of 100% (-100) is from the value of the value index value, the difference will show how much percent has increased (decreased) the cost of products in the reporting period compared to the basic.

The difference in the number and denominator of formula: shows how many monetary units (rubles) increased (decreased) the cost of production (turnover) in the current period compared to the basic.

§ If the products (goods) of the compared periods are estimated according to the same, for example, base prices (), then such an index will reflect the change in only one factor - the indexed indicator and will be present aggregate index of the physical volume of products:

where and - products in physical terms in the reporting and base period, respectively,

Basic (fixed) price unit of goods.

The index of the physical volume of products shows how many times increased (decreased) the physical volume of products or how many percent is its growth (reduction) in the reporting period compared to the base period.

The absolute change in the physical volume of products is calculated as the difference between the numerator and the denominator of the formula :.

Economically, this difference shows how many monetary units (rubles) changed the cost of production as a result of growth (decrease) of its physical (i.e. natural) volume, i.e. The number of goods sold. Changing product prices in the current period compared to the basic does not affect the index value.

Expressing the production of the baseline as we produce a replacement in the valve of the aggregate form. As a result, we obtain a general index of physical volume in the form middle harmonic suspended index of physical volume of productswhere the weights are the cost of production of the reporting period in basic (or comparable) prices ():

§ The aggregate price index with reporting weights was first proposed in 1874 by the German economist of Paasha and is his name.

Formula of the aggregate index of prices Paasha:

And substitute it in the denominator of the aggregate formula, then we get middle harmonic price indexwhich is identical to Paashe's Formula:


§ Purchasing power of the ruble Determined in the form of an index, reverse price index and service tariffs:

The purchasing power index of the ruble is applied to measure inflation: shows how many times the money depreciated.

The economic indicator "purchasing power" can characterize the currency of a particular state or the solvency of its citizens.

Purchasing power of the population

Using the purchasing power of the population (in mind income), the availability for the consumer of certain goods is evaluated. Accessibility is expressed in relation to the number of goods / services to actual profits and is calculated for a certain period (per month, quarter, year). It is also called the standard of living.

For clarity, we give an example. Nominal income (profit without paying taxes) in 2017 allowed to acquire 60 kg of beef, and in 2018 - 95 kg. Thus, the standard of living (purchasing power) by the goods "beef" rose 1.6 times (growth is due to an increase in wages and lower prices). Similarly, the indicator can be calculated on other goods, utilities, telecommunication and transport services.

For each of us, consumer ability in its unchanged average may turn out to be different - the rise in prices for vegetables and fruits while reducing the cost of meat products reduces the consumer ability of vegetarians and increases this indicator from meat lovers.

Money purchasing power

In terms of finance, the indicator is used to determine the possibilities of cash - calculating the volume of goods / services available for the purchase for a certain monetary unit (the total mass of state currency funds is divided into the amount of goods / services). The possibilities of money are closely related to:

  • the ratio of supply and suggestions;
  • the cost of goods (in proportion to price changes);
  • state regulation (excise taxes, fees, etc.);
  • inflation - strengthening inflationary processes (caused, for example, additional release bills) reduces the purchasing power of national monetary units;
  • foreign Economic Balance, etc.

The increase in the indicator leads to a commodity deficiency and deflation (for leveling the situation, manufacturers are forced to increase production or raise prices), the decline - leads to a fall in demand, deterioration in the material situation of the population, non-debuning of products, reduce interest in cash savings, inflation growth.

The value of purchasing power (PS) is calculated through the purchasing power index (IPS):

PS \u003d (1 - IPS) x 100%

the demonstrating relative increase / decrease in the purchasing ability of currency and, in turn, is calculated by the formula:

where ipp - index consumer prices.

Example. During the year, the consumer sector products on average rose by 24% (inflation was 24%, CPI - 2.4). Accordingly, the IPS \u003d 1 / 2.4 \u003d 0.42. It turns out that the purchasing power of money has decreased by 58% (today at the "yesterday's" money from the consumer will get to buy by 58% of the products less).

With purchasing power associated with such a thing as parity. It is introduced for the convenience of comparing various currencies and is a ratio (course) of the value of a single set of consumer basket. For example, the cost of a certain set of products in Russia costs 3000 rubles, in the United States - $ 100 - in this case, the purchasing power parity (PPP) will be equal to:

PPS \u003d 3000/100 \u003d 3 rubles per 1 dollar

Designation of the exchange rate using PPS conditional, as in reality it is determined by many factors. Parity serves as a certain indicator used by statistics, IMF, the European Union, the UN and other international organizations in the official calculations of contributions, quotas for comparing GDP and others.

Purchasing power reflects the ratio of the cost of products and means of payment. It is directly dependent on prices for goods, trade structures and cash in circulation.

The growth of the purchasing power of money is possible in the development of the manufacturing sector, reducing the amount of money in circulation and high level of confidence in national currency.

Due to the permanent fluctuation of prices, purchasing power in different markets can differ significantly. For convenience, analysts use purchasing power parity. To calculate it, a specific currency rate is set, the cost of a set of goods and services is taken as the basis, and after that, it is calculated which amount of goods and services can acquire citizens of different countries for the same amount of money.

Calculation of purchasing power

The purchasing power of money can be calculated in two ways:

  • Intensive. Determining the number of goods that can buy a person to meet the necessary needs. We are talking about products, clothing, payment communal services and travel in public transport.
  • Extensive. The calculation of the number of goods and services that a person can afford without taking into account its basic needs. This category includes spending on luxury items, extinguishing and recreation costs.

When analyzing overall purchasing power, both methods of calculation take into account.

Purchasing power index

The purchasing power index is used to analyze changes in the volume of goods and services that can be purchased in the same amount in the current year. To calculate the purchasing power index, the following formula is used:

IPS \u003d 1 / Consumer price index

The parameter shows the ratio between the real and nominal wages population, since its value reflects the change in the purchasing power of money.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state