
Changes in the USSR economy after World War II. Post-war Socialist economy in the USSR. Ministry of Common and Vocational Education

Ministry of Common and Vocational Education

Russian Federation

Ulyanovsk State Technical University

Department of Patriotic History and Culture

Topic: USSR Economy after World War II

Compiler: Safronov V. A.

Leader: Osipov S. V.

Signature of the head


Ulyanovsk 2003.



  1. The state of the USSR economy after the end of the war.
  2. Restoration of industry, re-equipment of the army.
  3. Economic Discussions 1945-1946
  4. Monetary reform of 1947 and the development of domestic trade.
  5. Problems and difficulties of the agricultural sector.
  6. Disadvantages of administrative and team methods of folk management.




In the life of the Soviet state after the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the surrender of Japan, on September 3, 1945, a completely new stage began. In 1945, the victory gave rise to the people of hope for the best life, the weakening of the press of the totalitarian state to the person. The potential ability to change in political mode, economics, culture has been opened.

The "democratic impulse" of the war, however, was opposed by all the power of the system created by the Stali. Her positions were not only not weakened during the war years, but it seemed even more strengthened in the post-war period. Even the victory itself was identified in the mass consciousness with the victory of the totalitarian regime. The struggle of the democratic and totalitarian trend became under these conditions by the leitmotif of social development.

The Soviet Union was a victorious, but completely destroyed country. In order to win the greatest in the history of war, I had to incur losses that exceeded the loss of the enemy and in general the loss of any nation in any war. Only by the efforts of millions could be raised from the ruins of destroyed cities, plants, restore infrastructure. This period cannot not worry us to citizens of today's Russia.

In the course of work, I considered the material of various authors not only the view of our historians, but also the work of foreign researchers.

Book of English historian Jeffrey Hosking History of the Soviet Union. 1917-1991 is an objective review of the history of the once mighty state, the look over the barriers established in our consciousness. The work is focusing on the socio-political aspect of society. The post-war period (1945-1953), according to the author, the period of the established totalitarianism, the time of the sole Stalinist rule, when the economy and policies were inseparable. This work is distinguished by simplicity of presentation and abundance of facts.

Tutorial History of the USSR (written in 1990 under the leadership of V. P. Ostrovsky) - the first official tutorial The start of the era of the restructuring in which was openly, lit the little-known events of our history, primarily Soviet.

Monogram Sergey Kara-Murza The history of the Soviet state and the right of a fresh look at the development of the Soviet state. The work critically comes to the consideration of the life of the Soviet state in the post-war period. S. Kara-Murza is not without reason, all these years in the inseparable whole, during which the country and society overcomed the legacy of the war.

Tutorial Timoshina TM Economic history Russia reveals the economic consequences of the Great Patriotic War for the Soviet state, shows the development of the national economy of the USSR after the Great Patriotic War, the processes occurring in the state and society from 1945 to 1953.

1. The state of the USSR economy after the end of the war.

The victory over fascism got the USSR expensive price. Military hurricane for several years earned over the main areas of the most developed part of the Soviet Union. The majority of industrial centers at the European part of the country were blowing. In the flame of the war, all the main residents of Ukraine, the North Caucasus, a significant part of the Volga region were also. It was destroyed so much that recovery could take many years, or even decades.

The period of the economy of the USSR from 1917 to 1991.

For the aggregate of economic and political factors, it can be divided into:

  • Early. 1918 - 1928 "Military Communism" and a new economic policy.
  • Stalinsky. 1928 - 1956 Industrialization, War, post-war recovery, development in the Stalinist model.
  • Late. 1956 - 1991 The Board of Khrushchev, the epoch of developed socialism, Kosyginskaya reform, acceleration and restructuring.

Early economy of the USSR

It was characterized by the beginning of a direct (without the use of money) distribution of products, a catastrophic drop in production volumes (for example, the production of Zinger-Stuzon plant in Moscow, renamed subsequently in Sickle and Hammer, was only 2% of the figure of 1913), worsening Railway transport, violent seizure of agricultural products from peasants, hunger among the urban population.

In order to correct the situation, the government decided to support the private initiative, which led to the emergence of NEP.

Stalinist economy

In the "Stalinist" period, the public allocation of resources and government planning has become the main economic management methods. Until 1991, 12 five-year plans were implemented.

The initial course on the industrialization is to increase the production and volumes of the production of heavy industries (for these indicators and the total volume of the USSR GDP in the 30s held 1st place in Europe and the 2nd in the World) - allowed us to create a basis for rapid economic growth and victory in the Second World War.

Interestingly, industrialization was carried out with the help of a brilliant economic invention - counting money (should not be confused with "non-cash"). In 1929, the money was divided into counting and cash rubles, and the economy, respectively, on:

  • consumer goods sector with circulation of cash rubles;
  • sector of production, infrastructure, comprehension with the turnover of counting rubles.

At the same time, the volume of the second part of ~ 4 times exceeded the volume of the first part, and the countable rubles should not be turned into cash under any circumstances. For the first 8 years of experiment industrial production It increased 4 times, 1,500 large enterprises were built (in the first three five-year plates, two enterprises were built per day), was created with almost zero machine-building, chemical, aviation and other industries - and this is all in the absence of investments.

The practice of "separation" of the economy is recognized as a unique, the only one in the world. The project ceased to exist in 1965 during the Kosygin Reform, when A. N. Kosygin, by the chairman of the Council, insisted on the transfer of a part of countable money to cash to promote employees. It was planned to increase interest in labor productivity, and there were unsecured money in their hands from the population and interest in increasing profits instead of exhausting. The reform led the country into a state that was later called "Stagnation".

During the war years, military expenses "eaten" ~ 44% national income (Data for 1943). An important role in the military period, and during post-war recovery was played by US assistance under the law of Land Lisa - the USSR succeeded to save on scientific developments By copying foreign technicians and equipment.

On a pre-war level economic indicators managed to go out in 1948. This was facilitated by the use of free labor of prisoners, prisoners of war and payments by German enterprises of reparations (for example, from the territory of Germany, production lines, machines and expensive equipment were exported.

In the 50s, an intensive, GDP has arrived in an extensive economy, GDP during this period, grew by 10% per year.

Late economy of the USSR

At the beginning of the late period of the USSR, he occupied the leading position in the field of heat-building, production of wool, sugar, coal mining, succeeded in the production of electricity, oil and gas production, the production of steel, cast iron, minudging. At 1/3, the income of the population increased, the collective farmers began to receive a salary, the residential foundation increased by 40%.

Since 1965, the rapid growth rates began to slow down - the acceleration braided:

  • low-performance agro-industrial complex;
  • military expenditures constituting 12% of GDP;
  • insufficient economic openness.

From the 80s and until the end of its existence, the USSR economy continued to remain the second economy in the world on gross indicators, it accounted for 20% of global industrial products, but at the same time:

  • outlined and over the years increased lag in technologies;
  • the deficit of public consumption goods has appeared and intensified (the production of goods "B" was spent only 1/4 GDP, the rest is on the goods "group A"), the distribution was conducted on coupons and cards;
  • economic efficiency decreased;
  • increased "shadow" sector of the economy;
  • overboard remained the world scientific and technical revolution With computerization, resource saving.

During the period of restructuring, significant funds were spent on hostilities in Afghanistan, the elimination of the accident in Chernobyl. The magnitude of budget revenues was also reduced by the anti-alcohol campaign and decrease in the cost of oil. GDP growth was only 2.4%. Money mass It became much higher than the production volumes, the situation of "empty shelves" developed in the stores, the allied food supplies began to be interrupted - the economy was lost for government.

Material for presentation

USSR economy after World War II

Restoration of the economy after World War II

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the surrender of Japan on September 3, 1945 began new period in the life of the Soviet state. The first years after the war, in fact, were the continuation of the "mobilization socialism" of the 30s, but on a joyful note, with the mood of the winners.

Returning to a peaceful life assumed, first of all, restoring the economy and its reorientation for peaceful purposes. Soviet people He could only count on his own strength. The energy of war was so great and had such an inertia that it was possible only to "switch" to peaceful construction. In 1948, the country reached and surpassed the pre-war level of industrial production. And in 1952 the volume of industrial production 2.5 times exceeded the level of 1940.

But the losses of the village fill it harder, as it suffered large losses in people, 70 thousand villages and villages were burned out, 17 million cattle heads were horn. At the same time, in 1946, terrible drought at a significant territory of the European part of the USSR led to the hunger, which caused the death of people, as if "continuing the war." Such a drought was not in the country for more than 50 years. Really, in the public consciousness, the transition "On peaceful rails" occurred at the end of 1947, with cancellation of cards and monetary reform. Very quickly after the USSR war restored favorable demographic situation, That is an important indicator The state of society.

The restoration of industry and cities was carried out at the expense of the village, from which resources were withdrawn from the mid-50s. Purchasing prices for agricultural products remained at the level of pre-war, and the prices of goods for the village have grown repeatedly. The collective farms have handed over half of the products in government supplies. The third war was defeated by the number of able-bodied peasants, especially with education. To strengthen the leadership in 1949-1950. The collective farms were enlarged.

Among a number of activities conducted by the Soviet government after the war, one of the largest was the demobilization of a significant contingent of military personnel. In industry was restored 8-hour working days, resumed vacation workers and employees were canceled overtime. Metal production was at the level of 1934, the production of tractors - at the level of 1930. Right and next to the post-war in the fall winter sowed manually. Equipment of all enterprises needed an update, the release of consumption items was 3/5 pre-war levels. Total losses from direct destruction by the enemy of socialist property reached 679 billion rubles.

Already in August 1945, Glav began to develop a draft fourth five-year plan - a plan for the restoration and further development of the country's farm. The main objective of the plan is to achieve a pre-level production, and then significantly exceed it. From a financial point of view, this required huge investments to improve living and labor conditions. In investments are possible only with large accumulations created by the same high rates. At the same time should be strengthened money turnover, strengthen credit relationships and raise purchasing power ruble. The second group of events was solved by the monetary reform of 1947, which I will tell a little later. And the first group of events included an integral part of the five-year plan financial support program.

Of course, it was necessary to use the accumulation methods that had already justified themselves: the cost of production, the production of reserves, the increase in profitability, increasing profits, strict economy regime, elimination of production losses, reducing non-production costs. However, if you restrict ourselves to this, I would not have enough funds. Since, due to the alarming international situation and the beginning of the "Cold War", the defense costs were declined not to the extent that the Government of the USSR was calculated. In addition, the rapid progress of military equipment required significant funds. The gigantic costs of restoring destroyed were required. The transition of the economy on peaceful rails was not cheap. The costs of further development of the economy increased and the costs of socio-cultural events and household services. In general, expenses not only did not decrease, but on the contrary - from year to year they increased markedly.

Meanwhile, some sources of income with the end of the war declined. Military tax was canceled. The practice of transferring money to the savings kiss for unused vacation was discontinued. Monetary lotteries have ceased to be held. Decreased payments of the population when subscribing to the loan. The amount of agricultural tax has decreased. The interests of Soviet citizens demanded a decline in prices for all goods in cooperative and public trade.

To sell more, you need to have something to trade. The population acutely needed clothing, shoes, objects of life.

The goods of folk consumption was not enough. Because, for example, the textile industry was provided with raw materials, but lacking fuel and labor. The rows of textiles decreased by about 500 thousand. And coal mines are partially flooded, partially abandoned due to lack of miners. The Ministry of Finance sent its first post-war proposal to the Council of Ministers: urgently deploy personnel training for textile industry; demobilize all the attitude towards it; Realize the labor force, expanding excess from other industries and throwing them on woolen, cotton, knitted and silkobyt plant.

The second proposal concerned the mobilization of fuel resources for textile factories and plants. Due to the lack of production capacity of the light industry, large reserves from severe were transferred. The Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the CSP B (Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks) promptly managed the case, prompted the right decisions on time, attracting all parties, administrative and economic links to their implementation on top of donomis. The country was part of a peaceful life in a wide front.

Provided an increase in market funds: the normalized supply of the population has improved, the prerequisite for lower prices appeared in the "commercial" trade.

Again, the issues of improving the methods of managing industry, increasing the attention of economic workers to each penny, strengthening enterprises' finances. Up until 1951, it was not allowed to write off from the balance of even Soyuzniewlyan enterprises and organizations decreased and losses to at least 5 thousand rubles.

These examples indicate the known cruelty of the financial discipline of those years. There was a certain minus, which was found in some stiffness of action on the ground. But there was an undoubted plus that led to a tangible financial gain. The accumulations were transferred to the lung and food industry.

In order to expand the sources of income, the ministry proposed to increase the production of goods of shirpotreb, without which could not be held monetary reform and cancel the card supply system. Textile raw materials were enough, but should be purchased abroad wool. Currency resources were enough, since the gold was only accumulated.

At this stage, it was also suggested to further accelerate the restructuring of the industry into a peaceful way. Redistribute labor reserves, especially due to the non-productive sphere, and send more people In the lung and food industry. Provide increasing its fuel and restore broad specialization. Then he was proposed to establish more accurate, increased tasks for the increase in productivity and profitability, reducing the cost of production, profit in these industries.

The implementation of all these proposals brought a tangible benefit. The country received more incomeWhat was planned. The financial base for the 1947 reform was faster. By the mid-1999, the amount of money was in circulation, 1.35 times exceeded the pre-war, and retail turnover exceeded pre-war 1.65 times. This ratio of products and its commodity equivalent was justified. Improved structure of turnover. It was possible to achieve lower prices for goods. Such a decline in 1947-1954 was held seven times, and by the end of the fourth-year five-year period, public prices decreased by 41 percent, and by 1954 they were 2.3 times lower than before reform. The strength of the financial base manifested itself in the fact that the state, relying on additional reserves, could increase the planned tasks on the second (1947) and the fourth (1949) of the five-year plan. And this, in turn, has already made it possible during the fourth-five-year plan in some industries to work on the next, increasing the national income compared to 1940 by 64 percent, and the outlined investment - by 22 percent.

The victory over fascism got the USSR expensive price. Military hurricane for several years earned over the main areas of the most developed part of the Soviet Union. The majority of industrial centers at the European part of the country were blowing. In the flame of the war, all the main residents are Ukraine, the North Caucasus, a significant part of the Volga region. It was destroyed so much that recovery could take many years, or even decades.

The war turned to the USSR with huge human and material losses. She claimed almost 27 million human lives. 1710 cities and urban-type settlements were destroyed, 70 thousand villages and villages were destroyed and 31,850 factories and factories, 1135 mines, 65 thousand km of railway tracks were dismissed. Sowing areas decreased by 36.8 million hectares. The country has lost about one third of its national wealth.

In the conservation of the transition from the war to the world, questions about the ways of the country's further development of the country's economy, about its structure and management system. It was not only about the conversion of military production, but also about the feasibility of preserving the established model of the economy. It was largely formed in the emergencies of the thirties. The war further strengthened this "Emergency" of the nature of the economy and put the imprint on its structure and the system of the organization. The years of war revealed strong features of the existing model of the economy, and in particular, very high mobilization capabilities, the ability to establish a mass production of high-class weapons in a short time and ensure necessary resources Army, military-industrial complex due to the overvoltage of the remaining sectors of the economy. But the war also emphasized the weakness of the Soviet economy with all force: a high proportion of manual labor, low productivity and quality of non-military products. What was tolerant in peaceful, pre-war time, now required a cardinal solution.

The post-war period demanded to rebuild the type of work government agencies To solve two contradictory tasks: the conversion of a huge military-industrial complex, which has developed during the war, in order to quickly modernize the economy; Creation of two fundamentally new weapons systems guaranteeing the security of nuclear weapons and invulnerable means of its delivery (ballistic missiles). The work of a large number of departments began to unite into inter-sectoral target programs. It was a qualitatively new type of government, although not so much the structure of the bodies as a function. These changes are less noticeable than the structural, but the state is the system, and the process is no less important in it than the structure.

The conversion of the military industry was carried out quickly, increasing the technical level of civil industries (and thereby, allowing us to proceed to the creation of new military industries). The merchant of ammunition was rebuilt into the addict of agricultural engineering, etc. (In 1946, the addicts became referred to as ministries).

As a result of the mass evacuation of the industry to the east and destruction during occupation and hostilities in the European part 32 thousand. industrial enterprises The economic geography of the country has changed much. Immediately after the war, the corresponding reorganization of the management system began - along with the industry began to introduce the territorial principle. The meaning was the approach of the Offices to enterprises to enterprises, for which the disaggregation of ministries was happening: during the war there were 25, and in 1947 it became 34. For example, coal mining began to manage the People's Commandment of the Coal Industry of Western districts and the People's Commandment of the Eastern Districts. Similarly, the People's Office of the Oil Industry was divided.

At this wave among economic managers, economists began to appear aspirations for the reorganization of the economy management system, to mitigate those of its parties, which restrained the initiative and independence of enterprises, and in particular, to the weakening of the superchangealization post.

An explanation of such sentiments can be sought in the situation that has developed during the war. The country's economy during the war, the population, the organization of the work of local authorities acquired peculiar features. With the transfer of the main industries to ensure the needs of the front, the release of peaceful products to ensure the livelihood of the population has sharply decreased, the supply of its necessary goods and services began to engage in predominantly local authorities, organizing small production, attracting the necessary goods and artisans to the release of the necessary goods. As a result, the handicraft industry was developed, private trade and not only food, but industrial goods revived. The centralized supply was covered only by a small part of the population.

The war taught to a certain independence and initiative of many leaders of all levels. After the war, local authorities are attempts to deploy the production of goods for the population, not only on small handicraft workshops, but also at large plants subordinate directly to the central ministries. The Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, together with the leadership of the Leningrad region in 1947, organized a fair in the city, on which enterprises not only in Russia, but also of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other republics, sold the materials that did not need them. The fair has opened up the possibility of establishing independent economic ties between industrial enterprises bypassing the center. She to a certain extent contributed to the expansion of the scope of action market relations (A few years later, the organizers of this fair paid their lives for the initiative).

Hopes for transformations in the field of economic management were uncomfortable. Since the end of the 40s, a course has been taken to strengthen the previous administrative and command methods of manual, to further develop the existing model of the economy.

Stalin's position became decisive - all attempts to change in this area came up on his imperial ambitions. As a result, the Soviet economy returned to the militaristic model with all the disadvantages inherent in it.

Also during this period the question arose: what is the Soviet system of the economy (it was called socialism, but this is a purely conditional concept that is not responsible for the question). Until the end of the war, life put so clear and urgent tasks that there was no big need for theory. Now it was necessary to understand the meaning of the plan, product, money and the market in the economy of the USSR.

The country began to restore the farm, during the year of the war, when in 1943. A special party and government resolution was adopted "On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation." The colossal efforts of Soviet people by the end of the war in these areas managed to restore industrial production by one third of the 1940 level of liberated areas in 1944 gave over half of national grain blanks, a quarter of cattle and birds, about a third of dairy products.

However, as the central task of recovery stood before the country only after the end of the war.

At the end of May 1945, the State Defense Committee decided to translate part of the defense enterprises to the release of goods for the population. A law on the demobilization of the thirteen age of the army was adopted somewhat later. These decrees marked the transition of the Soviet Union to peaceful construction. In September 1945, GKO was abolished. All functions for the management of the country focused in the hands of the Council of People's Commissars (in March 1946, transformed into the Council of Ministers of the USSR).

Measures were made to resume normal labor at enterprises and in institutions. Mandatory overtime was abolished, 8-hour working hours were restored and annual charged holidays. The budget for the III and IV quarters of 1945 and 1946 was considered. Allocations were reduced to military needs and increased the cost of developing civilian sectors of the economy. The restructuring of the national economy and public life in relation to the conditions of peacetime was completed mainly in 1946. In March 1946, the Supreme Council of the USSR approved the plan for the recovery and development of the national economy for 1946-1950. The main task of the five-year plan was to restore the areas of the country undergoing occupation, to achieve a pre-war level of development of industry and agriculture, and then surpass them. The plan provided for the priority development of the industries of the hard and defense industry. Significant funds were sent here, material and labor resources. The development of new coal regions was planned, expanding the metallurgical base in the east of the country. One of the conditions for performing planned tasks was put forward to the maximum use of scientific and technological progress.

1946 was the most difficult in the post-war industry. To switch enterprises to the release of civil products, the production technology was changed, new equipment was created, retraining of personnel was carried out. In accordance with the five-year plan, restoration work in Ukraine, in Belarus, Moldova, unfolded. The coal industry of Donbass revived. The "Zaporizhstal" was restored, DniproNes entered. At the same time, the construction of new and reconstruction of existing factories and factories was carried out. Over the fifth anniversary, over 6.2 thousand industrial enterprises were restored and again. 1 Especially much attention was paid to the development of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy and military-industrial complexes. The foundations of the nuclear energy and the radio electronic industry were laid. The new giants of the industry arose in the Urals, in Siberia, in the republics of the Transcaucasia and Central Asia (Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-zinc plant, Kutais car plant). The first foreign gas pipeline of Saratov - Moscow came into order. The Rybinsk and Sukhumskaya hydroelectric power station began to operate.

Enterprises were equipped with a new technology. The mechanization of labor-intensive processes in ferrous metallurgy and coal industry increased. The electrification of production continued. Employment of labor in the industry by the end of the five-year plan 8 times surpassed the level of 1940.

The work on the restoration of the industry was mainly completed in 1948. But at individual enterprises of metallurgy they continued in early 50s. The mass production heroism of Soviet people, expressed in numerous labor reasons (the introduction of high-speed methods of work, the movement for metal savings and high quality products, the movement of multi-axle, etc.), contributed to the successful implementation of the planned tasks. By the end of the five-year plan, the level of industrial production by 73% exceeded pre-war. However, the priority development of the heavy industry, the redistribution in its benefit of funds from the light and food industries led to the further deformation of the structure of the industry towards an increase in the production of the group "A".

Restoration of industry and transport, new industrial construction led to an increase in the number of working class.

After the war, the country was in ruins, and the question of choosing the path of economic development was acute. An alternative could be market reforms, but the existing political system was not ready for this step. The directive economy still retained that mobile inherent in nature, which was inherent in the years of the first five years and during the war years. Millions of people were organized for the restoration of Dneprognes, Metallurgical Plants of the Cryerozen, Donbass mines, and for the construction of new plants, hydroelectric power plants, etc.

The development of the economy of the USSR rested in its excessive centralization. Everything economic questions, large and small, were solved only in the center, and local economic bodies were strictly limited in solving any affairs. The main material and monetary resources, necessary to fulfill the planned tasks, were distributed through a large number of bureaucracy. The departmental disunity, mismanagement and confusion led to constant downtime in production, attachment, and huge material costs, AB-SERVING transportation from the edge to the edge of an immense country.

The Soviet Union received from Germany to reparations in the amount of $ 4.3 billion. At the expense of reparations from Germany and other defeated countries, industrial equipment was exported to the Soviet Union, including even the factory complexes. However, the Soviet economy could not really manage this wealth due to general mismanagement, and valuable equipment, machines, etc., gradually turned into scrap metal. The USSR worked 1.5 million German and 0.5 million Japanese prisoners of war. In addition, in the Gulag system, during this period, it was contained at 9-9 million prisoners, whose labor was practically not paid.

The placement of the world into two hostile camps had negative consequences For the economy of the country. From 1945 to 1950, a foreign trade turnover with Western countries decreased by 35%, which was noticeably affected by the Soviet economy, deprived new technique and advanced technologies. That is why in the mid-1950s. The Soviet Union was before the need for deep socio-economic and political change. Since the path of progressive changes in political nature was blocked by narrowing up to possible (and not very serious) corrections for liberalization, the most constructive ideas appearing in the first post-war yearsconcerned not policies, but the spheres of the economy. The Central Committee of the WCP (b) considered the time-personal offers of economists on this. Among them - the manuscript "Post-war domestic economy" owned by S.D. Alexander. The essence of his proposals was reduced to the following:

transformation of state-owned enterprises in joint-stock or mutual partnerships, in which workers and employees themselves speak in which shares holders, and manages the Plenipotentiary Election Council of Shareholders;

decentralization of the supply of enterprises with raw materials and materials by creating regional and regional promsnabs instead of supplying with drug addicts and heads;

cancellation of the State Preparations of Agricultural Products, the provision of collective farms and state farms of free sale in the market;

reform monetary system taking into account the gold parity;

liquidation of public trade and the transfer of its functions by trade cooperatives and pay-out partnerships.

These ideas can be viewed as the basis of a new economic model, built on the principles of the market and partial denationalization of the economy, is very bold and progress-syruple for that time. True, ideas S.D. Alexander had to share the fate of other Ra-dical projects, they were attributed to the category of "harmful" and written off in the "Archive".

The center, despite the well-known fluctuations, in fundamental issues relating to the fundamentals of building economic and political development models, preserved a persistent commitment to the same course. Therefore, the center was susceptible only to those ideas that did not affect the OS-new carrier structure, i.e. They did not attempt to the exclusive role of the state in the management, financial support, control and did not contradict the main postulates of ideology-gia.

Under these conditions, the nomenclature was ready to agree to reforms in the deferred limits, then whom she could not and did not want to go. During the reforms, it was necessary to reorganize or abolish the system of the Gulag, to stimulate the development of the agricultural sector of the eco-nomication, to carry out transformation into social sphere, reduce the voltage of constant "mobilization" in solving business problems and in search of internal and external enemies.

Political changes in the USSR were required to consolidate changes and in the economy. You, stepping in August 1953 at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, G.M. Malenkov clearly formulated the main directions of economic policy: a sharp rise in the production of consumer goods, major investments in the light industry industry. Such a root turn, it would seem forever changed fundamental guidelines for the development of the Soviet eco-nomika, established in previous decades.

But this, as the history of the country's development showed, did not happen. After the war, various administrative reforms were held several times, but they did not contribute to the essence of the planned administrative system. In the mid-1950s, it was made to torture the refusal to apply mobilization measures in solving business problems. After a few years it became clear that this task is insoluble for the Soviet economy, since economic incentives of development were incompatible with the command system. In the past, it was necessary to organize masses of people to perform various projects. As examples, you can bring calls for young people to participate in the mastering of the virgin, in the construction of the grand "projects of communism" in Siberia and the Far East.

As an example of not very thoughtful reform, you can try to rebuild the management of the territorial sign (1957). In the course of this reform, many sectoral allied ministries were abolished, and instead the territorial councils of the national economy (sovarnarchose) appeared. It was not affected by this restructuring of the ministry who made military production, the Ministry of Defense, Foreign and Interior and some others. Thus, an attempt was made to decentralize management.

In total, 105 economic administrative districts were created in the country, including 70 in the RSFSR, 11 - in Ukraine, 9 - in Kazakhstan, 4 - in Uzbekistan, and in the rest of the republics - on one compublic. In the functions of the USSR, only general planning and coordinations of territorial and sectoral plans remained, the distribution of the most important funds between the Union republics.

The first results of the reform of the control were quite successful. So, already in 1958, i.e. A year after it began, the growth of national income amounted to 12.4% (compared with 7% in 1957). The scale of production specialization and intersectoral cooperation increased, the process of creating and implementing new techniques in production was accelerated. But, according to the specialist, the result obtained is a consequence of not only the restructuring. The fact is that for ka-one period of the enterprise turned out to be "unlikely" (when the ministries were actually no longer functioned, and the Councilshotos have not yet been formed), and it was during this period that they began to work noticeably more productive, without feeling no leadership "Top". But as soon as a new management system has developed, the former negative phenomena in the economy began to increase. Moreover, new moments appeared: locality, tougher administration, constantly raised "own", local bureaucracy.

All reorganization, ultimately, did not lead to noticeable successes. Moreover, if in 1951-1955 Industrial production increased by 85%, agricultural - by 20.5%, and in 1956-1960, respectively, 64.3 and 30% (and the growth of agricultural products was mainly due to the development of new lands), then in 1961-1965 These figures began to decline and co-set 51 and 11% of our fatherland. The experience of political history. T.2 - M., 1991, p.427.

So, centrifugal forces weakened noticeably economic potential Countries, many of the joints turned out to be incapable of solving large production tasks. Already in 1959, the consolidation of the joints began: weaker began to join more powerful (according to anal-gia with the consolidation of collective farms). The centripetal trend was stronger. The previous hierarchical structure in the country's economy was rightly recovered.

Traditionally weak was the so-called low planning, i.e. Compilation of plans at the level of enterprises. The lower scheduled tasks were often corrected, so the plan was pre-rotated in a purely nominal document, which is directly related only to the pro-Cēsis accrual of wages and premium payments that depended on the percentage of execution and over-fulfillment of the plan.

Since, as noted above, the plans were constantly corrected, they were carried out (or rather not carried out) not at all the plans that were initially made at the beginning of the planned ladded (year, five-year plan). Glav "traded" with ministries, ministries - with enterprises about the way they could fulfill with the available resources. But the supply of resources to such a plan was still broken, and again "trading" began on the numbers of the plan, by the magnitude of supplies, etc.

All this confirms the conclusion that the Soviet economy depended in more than Not from competent economic developments, but from political decisions that are constantly changing in directly opposite directions and start-up most often in a dead end. In the country, there were progenuous attempts to improve the structure of the state apparatus, to submit ministers, on-khalnikov masterkiv, directors of enterprises with new rights, or, on the contrary, to limit their half-nomoca, divide the existing planned authorities and create new, etc. There were many such "reforms" in the 1950-1960s, but none of them brought a real improvement in the work of the co-mandose system.

Basically, when determining the priorities of the post-war economic Development, When developing a fourth-five-year plan - a recovery plan - the leadership of the country's actual-ski returned to the pre-war model of economic development and pre-war methods of economic policy. This means that the development of industry, primarily difficult, should have been carried out not only to the detriment of the interests of the agrarian economy and the scope of the requirement (that is, as a result of the corresponding distribution of budgetary funds).

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was victoriously completed by the full defeat of Hitler's Germany. Following the cessation of war in Europe, the war and the Far East ended with the defeat of the Japanese imperialism. World War II ended. The transition from the war to the world began. In capitalist countries, this transition is usually completed with a crisis and mass unemployment. The Soviet economy has that happy feature that the post-war restructuring of the national economy excludes both the crisis and whatever unemployment.

The transition from the military economy to the peaceful economy in the USSR is carried out without crises and depression by the Soviet state by the Soviet state of the following tasks of the post-war restructuring of the national economy.

First, by defining new proportions in the development of the socialist economy compared to the proportions of the period of the military economy. It is clear that the proportions in the development of the national economy of the USSR, which established in the pre-war peaceary years, will not exactly repeated in the post-war period, but the basic laws of expanded socialist reproduction are mandatory for post-war recovery and development of the national economy of the USSR. They mean the need for first priority and faster recovery and development of the metallurgical, fuel and energy industry, railway transport USSR, as well as domestic engineering, ensuring the technical and economic independence of our Motherland.

Secondly, the transition to a peaceful economy is carried out by the redistribution of labor, as well as the main and current funds between the sectors of the national economy.

This means the need for the balance of national economy of the USSR in comparison with the period of the military economy of the specific gravity industry and rail transport, as well as to create in the national economy, primarily in industry and transport, material reserves and reserves that ensure the elimination of seasonal rates in growth Production and preventing the emergence of partial imbalances in the national economy.

Thirdly, the transition to a peaceful economy is carried out by using most military and production facilities for the restoration and development of the national economy.

This means that many hundreds of the largest enterprises employed during the Patriotic War of military orders are switched to the production of heavy industry and transport equipment, for the production of tractors, agricultural machinery and fertilizer and for the production of widespread items.

Fourth, the transition from the military to a peaceful economy is carried out by increasing the share of accumulation in folk income, without which the rapid recovery of the national economy and its forced growth is unthinkable.

This means an increase in the share of the social product, which goes for the goals of accumulation and reproduction, due to the reduction of military spending. The post-war development of the Soviet economy is far overwhelming the scale of accumulation and capital constructionhaving occurred during the military economy.

Fifth, the transition is carried out by increasing the level of consumption of workers and the transfer of workers' factories and plants to the normal working time of the peaceful period.

This means the abolition of mandatory overtime works, restoration for workers and employees of a normal recreation and an increase in the Fund of the public product coming into consumption.

In the structure of the USSR budget, the post-war restructuring of the national economy of the USSR is shown in the general form. If in 1940 a pre-war year costs armed forces The USSR was 32.5% of all budget expenditures, then in 1944, they increased to 52%. Since then, the share of military expenses in the budget of the USSR decreased and in 1946 it was only 23.9%.

In connection with the restructuring of the national economy, the Soviet state bears the well-known costs caused by the fact that when transferring enterprises from the production of military products to the production of peaceful products, a known time is required, during which many workers do not give full performance, and the machine is complete production capacity. Unlike capitalist enterprises, which during the restructuring of production thrown out workers and drive them into the army of the unemployed, the socialist enterprise helps the worker to retracted and pays him in the period of restructuring the production average wages.

The task is to minimize the costs associated with the restructuring of the national economy, and the restructuring time to shorten as much as possible and ensure high rates of reproduction. The high growth rates of the production of socialist products largely depend on the correct relationship (proportions) between the various industries of material production, between production and consumption, accumulation and folk income, between industry and agriculture, production and transportation. Disproportions in the development of the national economy lead to a decrease in production rates and reproduction. For example, the disproportion between the production level and the size of transport transport could lead the folk economy in a dead end. To prevent such disproportion, it is necessary to take care of transportation, build new transport routes, Create and enlarge the rolling stock, improve transport technique.

To quickly eliminate the resulting disproportion or economic difficulty, it is necessary to have serious material reserves in the national economy. It would be naive to deny the possibility of partial imbalances or difficulties in the development of the Soviet economy. The guarantee from such partial imbalances and difficulties is the presence of material reserves in the national economy. The promising plans and balance of the USSR national economy should take into account the accumulation of such material reserves and reserves.

To prevent disproportion in the development of national economy and solving new economic tasks, promising state plans have the greatest importance. For the Soviet economy, this is a tested and proven path of planned expanded reproduction of the national economy, the path of organized and powerful development of productive forces.

The five-year plan of post-war recovery and development of the national economy of the USSR provides for the full restoration of the national economy of the USSR regions undergoing German occupation, and the elimination of losses caused by Hitler Germany, the national economy and the peoples of the Soviet Union. Throughout the national economy of the USSR, based on the restoration of production in the liberated areas and the further development of all regions of the USSR, especially Siberia and the Far East, the post-war five-year plan is planning to significantly exceed the pre-war level of development, including in the production of industrial products, 1.5 times.

The task is to ensure the first priority restoration and development of the heavy industry and rail transport, without which the rapid and successful restoration and development of the entire national economy of the USSR are impossible. It is necessary to overcome the lag of railway transport from the growing needs of the national economy of the USSR and eliminate seasonal (winter) difficulties experienced by rail, by technical re-equipment of transport and the introduction of diesel locomotives and electric locomotives at the most important railway areas.

The task is to widely deploy the restoration and construction of Soviet cities destroyed by the Hitler's Germany, creating a high-infusion production base of the factory production of residential buildings and individual building structures and details for this.

The post-war five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR provides for the rise of agricultural production and the consumption industry, and on this basis - an increase in the pre-war level of public income in the fifth anniversary of 1.4 times and the creation of the abundance of food and widespread consumption in the country, ensuring the flowering of material well-being The peoples of the Soviet Union and the abolition of the normalized supply of the population by goods.

Based on the growth of the material well-being of the people, ensure the universal education and development of material production technology on the electrification and automation technology, we must make a further step forward towards improving the cultural and technical level of the working class, the advanced and leading forces of the socialist society, to the level of engineering labor workers. .

It is necessary to organize further technical progress in industry, in transport and in agriculture The USSR based on the high mechanization of labor-intensive industries, further electrification of the national economy and gasification of the city life and industry. It is necessary to ensure the widespread development of advanced modern technology for the national economy: the transfer of direct current of high power to long distances, the introduction of oxygen and electric current into the technological processes of production, the use and development of reactive and atomic equipment, the all-effective development of radar and television, the use and use of infrared technology, Development of synthetic production types.

"Having finished the victory over the enemies, the Soviet Union entered a new, peaceful period of its economic development. Currently, before the Soviet people there is a task - consolidating the conquered positions, move further forward to a new economic lift. We cannot be limited to securing these positions, because it would lead to a stagnation - we must move further forward to create conditions for a new powerful rise in the national economy. We must in the shortest possible time to heal the wounds inflicted by the enemy of our country and restore the pre-war level of development of the national economy in order to significantly exceed this level in the near future, to increase the material well-being of the people and further strengthen the military-economic power of the Soviet state. "(Stalin) .

The experience of planning the national economy of the USSR has repeatedly tried and are trying to adopt foreign capitalist countries. It is difficult to call any country where there were no attempts to plan their national economy. The persecution of planning in foreign countries is not random.

It follows from the lessons of the First World War and industrial crises, which are periodically repeated in capitalist countries. The principal difference in the planning of the national economy of the USSR from the "planning" of the national economy in foreign capitalist countries is that in the Soviet Union, planning relies on a public method of production. Here, the people organized into the Soviet state mastered the public laws of development; Planning the economy is scientifically substantiated and has the power of the law. "Planning" in foreign capitalist countries based on domination private property On the means of production, is a wish not based on any actual economic forces.

The fate of "national management of resource planning of the United States of America", which during 1941-1943 has developed the plans of the post-war US economic device. In 1943, this department ceased to exist, since the Congress of the United States of America refused financial appropriations to its content, and the main reason for the termination of the work was not so many considerations of financing, as discontent with the direction of his work. The National Department proposed to develop a six-year public work plan, according to which it was meant with an increase in unemployment, as a result of the economic crisis, immediately deploy social work on pre-planned objects. This was to provide the population of work. Thus, the National Management Plan of the US resource planning did not eliminate the crises of overproduction, depression and unemployment / on the contrary, this plan assumed crisis, depression, unemployment and sought only to soften these inevitable phenomena of capitalist production by public works and social insurance due to the workers themselves. However, this plan for the congress of the United States of America seemed excessive, the management was denied financing in favor of capitalist aclaus, and in 1943 it died. After the end of World War II, the state of the United States of America, fulfilling the will of the rulers of the American monopolistic capital, ceased any attempt to plan production and appeal. Instead of planning, President of the United States began to exhort monopolist capitalists to reduce overly high and continuously rising prices for goods, unbearable for the American people. When these admonitions were exposed as hypocritical and came the end of the demagogue, the rulers of the United States of America began to demand from the people to reduce their needs and tighten the belt.

During the Second World War in foreign countries, a state-capitalist trend that rests on monopolistic capitalism increased. In the United States of America, three quarters of the value of all military orders were concentrated in the hands of hundreds of capitalist corporations. These orders who have had a guaranteed market in the face of the US government, temporarily restrained the contradictions between production and consumption. However, the government military orders and state-capitalist "regulation" of production during the war came end in the post-war period. Orders of capitalist enterprises and concerns again begin to be difficult to regulate the elemental laws of the average rate of profit, the law of natural demand and supply, the law of crises.

Despite the many "plans" of post-war development, in the capitalist United States and England, people with a large share of skepticism looks in their post-war future. Many talk and concerns in these countries about the post-war crisis, depression and an increase in unemployment. The serious post-war problem of the US industry is the reduction in the overall level of industrial production, since the purely US military production during the World War was estimated at $ 60 billion a year. This reduction can deprive work of at least 10 million US workers if the US industry will not ensure the restructuring of military production to civil products and will not find new markets for this products.

1938 in the United States of America was the year of the next economic crisis, and this year the production decreased compared to 1937 the pre-crisis year "A 21% and in 1939 - by 4%. In relation to this reduced level of 1939, the USA index in 1943 grew up to 219. However, in 1945 it fell to 186, and in 1946 - already up to 156 and continues to decline in the situation of the growing antagonism between the social character of production and the capitalist method of assignment Production results.

In England, a well-known popularity has acquired a plan of V. Baveryja, which the author is highlighted as a way to "eliminate the need." This plan was founded, as declared in his article "Elimination of the needs" V. Baveridge, "on the principle of issuing benefits following the right to compensation for the contributions, and not on direct issues from the state treasury." This means that workers and employees at work pay a uniform contribution by purchasing an insurance brand weekly or for a period of several weeks. From these contributions, the insurance allowance for workers and employees on unemployment is paid, with dismissal loss and retirement pension, medical assistance is provided and the burial allowance is issued.

Consequently, the plan of "social insurance" V. Beverjeza is based on a delay of workers and serving, which are at work, spending its wages before the period when they lose; Works will become unemployed or lose work to achieve disabled age or illness. By reducing its current consumption, the working and employee creates an opportunity to have a minimum of existence during unemployment, illness or old age. This is a peculiar installment of needs for the entire period of life of the English worker. It turns out that the plan of V. Beverjez is designed to reduce the subsistence minimum of workers and serving during their work and maintain a half-starving minimum during their unemployment.

The "Social Insurance" plan V. Baverja proceeds from the fact that the need for England, as shown by his own observations of social conditions in a number of main cities in England, usually arose due to a break in work, that is, unemployment. The main purpose of this plan is to establish and maintain the subsistence minimum for the worker and serving England for the period of his unemployment. Thus, the "elimination" plan comes from the presence and conservation of unemployment in England for significant aspects of the English working class, instead of finding ways and means of destroying the crisis, impoverishment and the unemployment itself as the main basis of social needs in England.

The working class and all workers of the Soviet Union are difficult to carry on the "elimination of the needs" of Sir William Baveryja, since it is founded "and preserving private ownership of the means of production. Ensuring the living standards of the working class and all the working people of the Soviet Union is based on the elimination of the foundation of the people's "needs" - exploitative classes and private ownership of the means of production. It is based on the destruction of industrial crises and the reasons for their generating, on the destruction of unemployment in the city and the impoverishment of residents in the village. It is based on the general lifting of the material production and culture of the peoples of the Soviet Union. It is finally based on the state guarantee medical care population, state benefits of large marries and state aid workers in old age or temporarily deprived of working capacity.

The peoples of the Soviet Union on the basis of the restoration and further, even more powerful, post-war development of the national economy resumed their movement chopped by the Great Patriotic War, towards the completion of the construction of a classless socialist society and the gradual transition from socialism to communism.

The USSR will safely go forward on the path of the heyday of the productive forces and the construction of a communist society, without fear of overproduction crises. From the restoration of the national economy of the USSR and the achievements of the pre-war production, we will turn on a higher level of development to the implementation of the General Economic Task of the USSR - to catch up and overtake economicly economical, i.e., in terms of production per capita, the main capitalist countries, including the United States of America.

The peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics confidently solve their historical tasks, despite the new military provocations of imperialist states. Contradictions among the allies in the war against Germany and Japan regarding the goals of the war and the post-war device of the world (between the USSR on the one hand and the United States of America and England on the other side) in the post-war period, the two opposite political lines were turned into an open struggle.

The USSR in alliance with other democratic countries leads anti-imperialist and democratic policies, designed to undermine imperialism, strengthening and developing democratic orders and eliminating fascism residues. The capitalist United States in the Union with their Vassals lead imperialist and anti-democratic policies, designed to conquer world domination by American imperialism and the defeat of democratic orders around the world.

The monopolistic capitalism of the United States of America is now standing on folk blood during the Second World War, now standing at the head of the imperialist and antidemocratic camp and became a shotger of imperialist expansion in all parts of the world. The imperialist expansion of the United States is aimed at unleashing a new war as a way to conquer world domination, as a way to suffocate democracy and prevent the economic crisis and the opposition of the working class in its own country.

The anti-imperial and democratic camp led by the USSR is fighting against imperialist expansion and the threat of a new war. From the strength and cohesion of the democratic and anti-imperialist camp, the undermining of plans of aggressors and provocateurs of the new war depends. As a result of the First World War and the Great October Socialist Revolution, capitalism lost power in Russia, a system of socialism emerged in the face of the USSR, a general crisis of capitalism appeared. As a result of World War II and democratic transformation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, new People's Republic appeared, the countries of the People's Democracy. World capitalism has lost power in a number of democratic countries. The forces of democracy and socialism have grown, the overall crisis of capitalism aggravated.

The development of the socialist economy in the USSR cannot not take into account the post-war change in the international situation. Features of socialist reproduction in the USSR, which develops next to the countries of capitalism, obliges the Soviet state to preserve the necessary level of military capacities in production and strengthen their military economic power. While the capitalist environment remains, it is necessary to keep powder to keep dry. While there is imperialism, the danger of attacks on the USSR, the danger of the emergence of a new third world war remains. Only an armed person with powerful productive forces can warn it.

Thus, the task of the post-war development of the Soviet economy is that in the coming years the farm destroyed by German occupiers in the liberated areas of the USSR, and significantly surpass the pre-war production level throughout the Soviet territory. By solving the task of restoring and further powerful development of the USSR national economy, we make a significant step forward in the construction of a communist society and in the implementation of the general economic task - to catch up and overtake in economically the main capitalist countries.

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