
What you need to know about blocking the bank and the Internet bank. What does Sberbank block transfers from the card to the card? How Sberbank blocks cards if the incomes are big

Last week, Herman Gref said that cash was paid by an anachronism. It is calculated by Apple Pay and much less often by the card. However, while the head of the Supper reasoned about the prospects of payment systems, many bank customers regretted that they had no cash in his pocket. As it turned out, the card may be blocked at the most unexpected moment. Life found out why this happens and how to return his money.

Andrei removes an apartment in Khabarovsk and works by freelancer. On June 7, he received from the Customer to transfer to the Sberbank card - money for the completed project. Immediately called the hostess of the apartment and said that she would now translate her rent. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. Andrei opened the "Sberbank online" ... to his horror, he could not translate the money: the card on which they had all the means turned out to be blocked.



Completely unexpectedly, Sberbank's customer from Vladimir remained without money. And also at the most inopportune moment - on the eve of a business trip. It all started with the fact that at night with her card someone removed the money. She rushed to call 900 to block the map.

"I have two Sberbank cards," explains to Litter. "The employee on the hotline asked to translate all the money to a normal card, which I did through Sberbank online. And in the end, blocked this normal card !!! I stayed without money! Called again to the hot line, for which I was told that I would consider my application on June 9. I will leave for a business trip tomorrow, and I have no money and the map is blocked !!!

Against this background, much more lucky Ivan from Moscow. He was simply tired of waiting for long transfers to the card card. Ivan says that every two weeks makes a translation from the Sberbank card to another bank card. And each time the translation is frozen as suspicious, the map is blocked. Thus, the usual translation takes about an hour. All attempts to solve this problem in the bank has not yet been led to any results.

"There are many complaints about Sberbank," Nikolay Kotov, financial expert, notes the financial expert. - The essence of complaints is extremely clear: the bank blocks translations with the wording "suspicious operations". Suspicious Operations, the Sber considers transfers to maps of other persons, payment systems, the use of Internet acquiring and replenishment of foreign electronic wallets or the purchase of goods abroad or through foreign counterparties. In general, any operation that you are being implemented is considered suspicious. To resolve the issue, it is worth contacting the hotline, confirm your identity, call code words, etc., other, so on. Of course, the security of the bank at the highest level, but sometimes the situation reaches Mazima. From July 1, 2018, all banks will be allowed to block accounts with suspicious activity.

By the way, Nikolai Kotov Kotov himself does not use Sberbank at all. Moreover, after he himself froze the translation. Blocked the map of the individual due to the translation from QUWI for 3 thousand rubles. Nikolai decided not to spend time on the proceedings and to donate these three thousand, and he himself became the client of another bank. However, not all customers can simply leave Sberbank - the largest state bank, which has the widest network of offices and ATMs. The scale of the network is especially felt in the regions and small cities, where he sometimes simply have no alternative.

"Sberbank has a monopoly position," Alexander Egorov is explained to the monetary strategist. - There is no alternative to Sberbank, neither on the coverage of the regional network, nor in terms of financial transactions. That is why most customers cannot leave the bank, even despite stories with locks. Taking advantage of his monopoly position, the Sber is often engaged in a frank "crumbling", collecting commissions for everything that is possible. And this is a fact, but clients do not become less from this.

In such a situation, the bank simply has no reason to deal with the client. As noted by the head of the Analytical Department of the International Financial Center Roman Blinov, the degree of loyalty to customers in Sber leaves much to be desired. He reminds that the bank has previously turned out to be in scandalous situations: the customer profiles with personal data were found in the garbage tanks, they completely suddenly wrote off money from cards. To improve the quality of service, the bank should feel competition.

Read 7 min. Views 99. Published 09/25/2018

Sberbank has been holding a strong position of the leader in the provision of various credit and financial services for many years. The clients of this largest Russian bank is almost every citizen of Russia. And the further Sberbank representations are located, the greater popularity they use.

But, in the last place on the network, the information is distributed that Sberbank massively blocks cards of its users. The Central Bank of Russia on the basis of the current FZ No. 115 has the right to suspend accounts and maps in individuals whose monetary transactions cause doubts about eligibility and fall under the definition of "fraud" or "money laundering".

Sberbank blocks cards only in the presence of good reason

Causes of mass locks of individuals of individuals

All obligations to verify the financial transfers carried out on non-cash payments are governed by the current FZ115. According to this provision, Sberbank began blocking the maps of individuals in the event of some situations. By the way, it acts so not only the Sber, but also the remaining representatives of the financial banking world.

Sberbank, like other banks of Russia, conducts blocking individual accounts and plastic client cards, acting strictly in accordance with applicable law.

Sberbank blocks individuals for transfers only if they are under suspicion of security banking service. This should be known to each plastic holder in order to avoid such an extremely unpleasant situation. All transactions that persecute one goal are subject to mandatory and careful checks: the complete output (cash flow) of large sums.

It is worth identifying the following reasons that often lead to the locking of plastic. Namely:

  1. Transfers from organizations with zero reporting.
  2. Receiving translation and removal of money occurs in one day.
  3. Removal (cash flow) of large funds on a regular basis.
  4. One-time cashing is just credited in large volume.
  5. Inspected transactions (when the sender / recipient cannot be installed).
  6. Using a business card for cashing cash arrived at it.
  7. Repeated opening of accounts and rapidly closing them (up to month) with subsequent cash custody.

News of Mass Lock Card is ordinary rumors

What to do plastic holders

Universal hysteria on mass locks began due to directional chain on the Internet on the widespread freezing. Moreover, most card holders and learned about this from other people, while calmly continuing the active use of their cards without any problems. Of course, questions began to occur whether to block the Sberbank card for translations, because why then the plastic needed if their personal accumulations suddenly be under threat.

Sberbank has repeatedly gave refutation to such rumors. It is worth recalling that in Russia for many years a FS (federal service) of finance monitoring has been operating. The work of this structure includes tracking and drawing up lists of banking clients whose work is illegal. Banks are prohibited to cooperate with this list of persons. This list is constantly updated due to the actions of the banking structures themselves.

Sberbank always carefully monitors all cash transactions on its plastic and accounts.

Within the framework of existing laws, the Bank has the right to independently impose a number of sanctions on individuals. In particular:

  1. Do not allow money transfers.
  2. Block accounts / cards without the consent of the holder.
  3. Refuse to reissue and further maintain such persons.
  4. Keep access to remote online services (Mobile Bank and Sberbank-Online).

But it is worth noting that with a sudden blocking of the card, a respectable and law-abiding bank client may face. This happens when dubious translations are held (from the point of view of security service). Namely, getting a large sum of money and its cash. This is due to the existing resolution, according to which the recipient of a large amount of money is obliged to report on income before tax authorities.

Sberbank notifies its customers about the reasons for freezing bills / cards. This is done by sms-informing or a phone call. The physical person has to confirm the emergence of a large amount and explain the source of income. In this case, the misunderstanding will be quickly settled. By the way, all banking customers should be known that the blocking of the plastic does not mean an overhang of money. The whole amount will return to the client after receiving an explanation by the Bank about the origin of major money infusion.

Sberbank warns clients about blocking

How do the procedures for identifying violations on maps

The services of the largest Russian bank actively enjoys a huge number of compatriots and, of course, to track each performed transaction is unrealistic. For this reason, financial and credit structures use an automatic system for controlling and analyzing operations. Recently, indeed, the number of occurring locks of Sberbank cards has increased. But this is explained by the growth of fraud and attempts to illegal withdrawal of citizens.

Sberbank uses a special system that analyzes all the plastic transaction and notes potentially suspicious wiring.

A few years ago, when plastic was not so common and was considered a wonder, monetary transfers' checks were engaged in manually. Now the working resources are missing, therefore a special program is used. How exactly this system is valid, sometimes they do not know the employees of the Sber. It can only be noted that this program has a certain developed algorithm, on the basis of which suspicious operations occur.

The analyzer applies such customer source data as:

  • the average cost of non-cash check and the amount of cashing;
  • what exactly is most frequently paid by the plastic holder;
  • the yield of the recipient itself and the persons sent to him;
  • in which places the client most often conducts non-cash payment.

By the way, thanks to such a well-established scheme, the identification of fraud is quickly occurring. Suppose if from the client's card, there is a translation of almost all funds to someone else's account, which has not previously appeared. Sberbank in this situation also produces a locking of plastic, helping to keep at least part of the owner's money.

How to prevent blocking

In order not to be afraid of an unexpected force majeure associated with the freezing of plastic, it is worth remembering the three most frequent causes of the blocking of the card. In particular, and to do in accordance with the possible cause of hitting an unpleasant situation:

  1. Suspicion of finance laundering and aiding terrorism. Mostly, the transfers of 600,000 rubles fall into question. Customers are better to abandon the use of electronic anonymous wallets (it is precisely such sources of arrivals are drawn into dubious operations).
  2. Freeze work with a score to ensure user security. This is happening against the background of requesting an access to accounts from abroad or made pay for goods / services not in the territory of the Russian Federation. To prevent this, you should warn the bank about the preparing journey abroad in advance. Or carry out all transactions on SMS confirmation.
  3. Numerous translations to the accounts of other banking structures. Sberbank may regard such transactions as economically inappropriate. But the blocking of plastic for this reason can be taken only in the case of operating large (six-digit) sums.
  4. Fighting illegal income. Typically, this happens upon admission to the client's account of a large amount of money (for example, when selling cars or real estate). To clarify the situation, the account holder should provide all the documentation confirming the purchase / sale transaction.

To avoid the emergence of an unpleasant situation associated with the blocking card, it is necessary to foresee such an event in advance. And promptly notify Sberbank about the upcoming cash flow or the need to transfer a large amount of money. Of course, such transactions must be documented. What kind of paper will be used, it is difficult to answer - it all depends on the specific situation. For example:

  • labor contracts;
  • receipts of payment services;
  • extracts from tax authorities or PF;
  • contract lease, purchase and sale;
  • vedomosti on obtaining salary;
  • debt obligations (receipts);
  • papers indicating loans;
  • documents confirming the services produced.


Naturally, like any financial organization, Sberbank is interested in expanding the client base and does not prohibit cardholders to operate with large sums. But it is worth understanding that all restrictions and blocking exist and put into effect only one goal: prevention of the threat and identification of large undeveloped income.

Many are interested in what is meant by the word "large transactions". There is no specific digit here, and much depends on the previous testimony obtained. For example, if a client with an average supply of 20-25,000 rubles suddenly receives a sum of 3-4 times more and immediately removes it, it automatically causes suspicion. Or regular cash receipts from strangers earlier on this client have begun to occur.

It is worth remembering that Sberbank (and any other bank) carefully monitors and tracks all the monetary transactions and has the full right to close accounts before clarifying the situation. And if the client is not possible to prove the legality of obtaining large sums of money and follow the competent steps from banks and blocking bills.

In social networks with a new force, it began to disseminate reports that the credit institution was gathered in the "Crusade" to customers. Users send each other information referring to the tightening rules for the transfer of money between the individuals. But it is impossible to believe it.

Anonymous authors argue that now alleged checks about receiving money for commercial activities. Calls those who translate funds. Revisions ends both those who translated and those who came tools. Then follow the penalties and questions from the tax service.

Information attack long year

People warn it useless, anyone is just confused. Verification in all cities is very powerful. Info first-hand, - assure the authors of the stuff. They also declare that this concerns the first of the physicals and their income.

The TV presenter tells that if the client fails to explain in Sberbank the origin of the money, then they will burn in his account. " The video also refers to the FZ-115 ("On countering legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism"). By law, all operations are checked by the amount of more than 600,000 rubles.

The account can be blocked when removing or making and less than the amount or when transferring funds to it. Under the attention of the system also enter the receipts from dubious sources: anonymous wallets, frequent and stable translations from the same client, "says the video material.

Reports about "mass locks". Their reason is that Sberbank has now automated transaction check by opening the data center in St. Petersburg (CDA) in St. Petersburg. Previously, this feature was performed by hand operators, much passed by their attention. The new system promises an error of 10%.

A year ago, Sberbank has already fallen under the information attack. The text of the message of anonymous authors one in one is similar to the current one. Then the official representatives of the credit institution stated that the blocking of the sender cards and the transfer recipient is possible only if incorrect information is provided (FULL NAME, code word, passport data, etc.) with voice confirmation of the operation. In this case, the initiator of the call is only the client itself.

The bank does not block customer accounts, but may limit remote account maintenance or refuse to perform an operation if its economic meaning is unclear. Banks are required to analyze the operations committed by clients, according to the criteria that are established by the Bank of Russia, they answered the press service of Tatarstansky.

The answer is explained that information about failures is accumulated by the Central Bank in a single list and is communicated to all credit institutions and that it can be taken into account and other banks in assessing the client's activities.

Urban lines about financial horrors

Sberbank opened the data center in St. Petersburg in the distance 2011. In addition, FZ-115, which obliges to recheck transactions from 600,000 and more than rubles, in the urgent editorial office of Fedzakon was adopted back in 2010. But the amount of 600,000 rubles itself appeared in the law before - in 2002.

Rumors that Sberbank massively block customer cards, go in a circle exactly at least a year. It sometimes seems to me that this is we have such a modern content of urban legends-horror stories, because these stories are really not confirmed, - says the head of the financier portal Anastasia Potkin.

At the same time, the expert continues, there are blocking of cards, with which non-uncomfortable citizens at least without inconvenience, but they are quite simply coping - they call, time is spent and eventually achieve unlocking. Similar procedures on the same grounds (all within the framework of FZ-115, instructions and letters on its basis of the Central Bank) are committing other commercial banks.

Just under the law of large numbers, Sberbank is more visible in a general background. He really checks. All banks check. Just as long as attention is focused either on large numbers, either in frequently repetitive operations with a large number of transactions, is sure Anastasia Potkin.

The bank is not interested in blocking maps or customer accounts.

There is such a concept as bank secrecy (Article No. 26 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities"), in which banks can transfer information about operations, including individuals, federal executive bodies, such as the Federal Tax Service, IFC MARKETS analyst notes Dmitry Lukashov. According to him, Sberbank himself is not interested in deteriorating relations with its clients, so you can not believe in social networks.

If the client is interested in the tax, then exclude that certain operations will cause questions, it is impossible. However, the Bank itself, even the state, is not interested in independently carry out these functions of the FTS.

The expert leads to support two arguments.

First, the provision of information will postpone customers who are with a lot of probability, even if they have nothing to hide, will choose a commercial bank, albeit smaller.

Secondly, the Bank is not interested in blocking maps or customer accounts, since its income is formed, including, due to the commission for servicing the client's operations.

That is, to exclude that the FTS can receive data from banks on customer operations, it is impossible because the federal legislation allows. However, to say that any participant in the market, by virtue of its consciousness and independence, announced a "crusade" against his own customers, rather strange.

I would advise clients not to believe rumors, but to show vigilance on the above reasons when performing operations, Dmitry Lukashov gives advice.

Sberbank is the leader of Russia. And in everything, both in good and ... in very good. Here were the first to have learned to block the cards of their customers for suspicious operations, translating this process already in the automatic mode. We'll figure it out for which you can get a block and which operations fall under a transparent description "dubious. And also what to do if the map has been blocked?

Sberbank actively promotes the rejection of cash in favor of bank cards. What are the methods for motivating customers they do not use: and Herman Gref says everywhere that cash is "anachronism", and the Bot "Sberbot" hints that the "cash" spoils the image.

It would seem that all benefits and for the convenience of the client: contact the bank, get a map, replenish it and pay for comfort. But! Suddenly, in one "not wonderful" moment, the card holder learns that "the operation is rejected", and "your card is blocked." Sberbank-online becomes inaccessible.

What is it? Why? And what to do? Natural questions that arise at such a moment.

Why can Sberbank block a client card?

In Russia, a federal law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-ФЗ "On counteracting legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal, and financing terrorism has been operating in Russia for 17 years. The purpose of this regulatory document, as, however, indicates from the name, is to stop the legalization of illegal income and the financing of terrorism. In fact, to achieve this goal, the state has changed controls and analysis of monetary operations conducted by customers.

Any bank, not just Sberbank, must identify suspicious, not characteristic, system operations that can be defined as illegal. The criterion of "illegal" is established non-credit institutions, but a specific regulatory document of the Central Bank No. 375-P of March 2, 2012.

The classifier of the signs for which Sberbank should determine that the nature of a transaction is unusual, the following operations and even the actions of the client or its representative are:

  • confusing transaction that does not have an economic goal, for example, several translations between the accounts of one client for a short period of time;
  • customer's concern for confidentiality and the possibility of disclosing bank secrecy;

  • the client's refusal from obtaining a more profitable service, for example, the opening of the accumulative contribution, instead of the contribution of "to demand";
  • urgent requests to accelerate the operation without reasonable for the reasons;
  • making a major amount to the card account immediately before its transfer to another account or cash withdrawal immediately after receipt;
  • operations conducted through remote service services, if there is a suspicion that they are performed by third parties, and not by the customer or its representative;

  • unexpected and uncharacteristic, different from the usual receipt of funds to the Customer's card, including the subsequent cash, attempt to buy a foreign currency or translating;
  • regular enrollments on the map of large sums from third parties (except loans) and their further removal and / or translation to third parties in the entire or parties;
  • enrollment of one-time payment or parts to the client's account of the amount of at least 600,000 rubles for a short period of time, with the subsequent purchase of highly liquid assets, currency, or third parties;

  • a large number of remittances to an individual from other individuals with their subsequent issuance;

Signs for which Sberbank may decide that the card holder is engaged in "laundering" of revenues that are obtained by criminal means:

  • regular money transfers for the amount of less than 600,000 rubles to one or more recipients, carried out on the payment of goods or services with the provider of service provider or the seller of goods to write off funds from the Card Card;
  • regular revenues at the expense of the client, providing services via the Internet, money in the amount of less than 600,000 rubles coming from third parties.

  • other operations that may have signs of income laundering;

The list of reasons why the card can be blocked so wide that almost every client can get under the sanction. Moreover, the list indicates estimated characteristics, such as "systematic operations", "large sums", "short period", "excessive nervousness / client concern" and so on. And there is also no clarification of the exact amount of the amount "up to or more than 600,000 rubles". According to an explanation, which is given in the annex, these criteria for assessing a sign of one or another bank determines independently.

If Sberbank considers that the operation carried out by the client is included in the dubious list and may be illegal, then the bank may:

  • temporarily block the card or all client maps;
  • disable the ability to use Sberbank-online, mobile bank;
  • refuse to receive cash or in cash transfer;
  • refuse to open an account, do not give or not tolerant card.

What will be able to make a client if his account or map is blocked by Sberbank:

  • carry out operations on accounts only in the bank's separation;
  • coordinate with the bank the operation for large sums.

The powers of banks are shred

115-FZ is no longer the only legislative act gives banks the right to limit customer capabilities to use their cards. On June 28, 2018, the president was signed by law, allowing banks to block maps and electronic transfers without the consent of the client for a period of up to two days.

To bring this measure to the Bank, sufficient suspicion is that the card operation is "doubtful" and / or "unauthorized". The law is designed to protect customers from the possible predation of their funds, that is, situations where the operation is carried out without their consent.

Whether the abuse will begin and how in fact it will be in practice, time will show. So far, there were no real blocks for this law, but only because the regulatory document has not yet entered into force. However, wait for a long time, the law will enter into force 90 days after publication.

What will Sberbank make if a decision is made to block the client's map on the basis of 115-ФЗ?

If Sberbank has questions about the client in relation to the operations carried out and a decision is made to block, then he notifies it:

  • by phone by sending an SMS message;
  • by email.

Messages may contain:

  • information about the blocking of the card in accordance with the Law 115-FZ;
  • requirement to present documents and information that will be able to confirm the origin of the funds and the economic meaning of the operation.

What if Sberbank has blocked the card?

Regardless of which way, the client learned about the blocking of the card from Sberbank, the actions algorithm, the following:

  1. Carefully familiarize yourself with SMS or letter from the bank.
  2. Send documents confirming the legality of the origin of money in the way that is specified in the request. Most often it is sending scanned copies to the specified e-mail.

What documents may require a bank?

The exact list that Sberbank needs to unlock the map is not. Most often, the client independently decides which papers will prove that the money on the account is legitimate, and the operation has an economic meaning.

It can be a lease agreement, purchase and sale, loan, hiring, donation, settlement sheets, or references about the salary, extracts from other credit institutions and so on.

How to send documents?

Sberbank clarifies in what form and how to make an email to which the documents requested to unlock the cards are attached.

But it may be necessary to provide documents to the department of issuing a map, or sending copies with a paper letter.

By sending documents for consideration, it is important to take into account the period in which the bank recommends to provide them. Failure may affect the final result. If there is no possibility on time to fulfill the Sberbank's requirement, then it is also necessary to report, explaining the reason.

When Sberbank unlocks the card?

After receiving the necessary documents from the client from the client, Sberbank:

  • notifies about the start and timing of consideration;
  • reports about the decision. And in the case of a positive result for the client, the date of unlocking and restoring access to Sberbank-online.

The client can only wait for the successful outcome of the case. If it is decided that in unlocking it is denied, but according to Sberbank, nothing can be done. "

We will have to hope that through time the bank will revise this decision or contact the court. However, as practice shows, such claims clients won extremely rarely.

If the blocking will repeat 2 or more times within one calendar year, then the client will be denied.

Stories of Sberbank customers who blocked the map

Recently, the number of customer stories to which the bank has blocked access to accounts and cards, increased in an amazing speed. This is due to the fact that earlier Sberbank monitored suspicious operations manually, now for this purpose software is applied. A credit institution does not plan to slow down turnover, so there will be more unpleasant situations in the card holders.

Lock due to what came to the bank with friends

In 2017, the Shadrinsky District Court of the Kurgan Region reviewed the lawsuit of a citizen Petrova A.A. (Name changed), which has requested to resume the service / card maintenance and compensate moral damage. The essence of the case is, on August 10, 2017, the plaintiff opened at the Sberbank department MasterCard Standard "Youth". And on September 4, this card was blocked.

Appeal to the bank on the same day asking for unlocking and providing data on the fact that the money entering the card is wage. September 5, 2017 Petrov A.A. Received Sberbank's refusal, and without explanation of the reasons.

In court, the representative of Sberbank did not recognize the claimed claims and explained that the card was blocked as: on August 22, 2017, the plaintiff visited the Bank, accompanied by three persons, appealed to the release of Visa Classic "Youth", on which a special understated price was operating. And also consulted about other cards category Gold and Platinum. Sberbank considered that "possibly" the client is going to legalize the income received by criminal means, and decided to prevent this by blocking the card. Moreover, access to the account was not limited.

The court decision in this case cannot be called typical, as he accepted the source of the plaintiff and satisfied the lawsuit, obliging Sberbank to unlock the card and pay 500 rubles of moral damage. Read more about the case and court decision can be found.

Conclusion: Even innocent, at first glance, the action may encourage the Bank's employees to calculate the client's behavior with suspicious, and its purpose "laundering income received by illegally".

Translation from IP card on the maps of the individual

Vadim (name changed) is less lucky. His case was considered in April 2018 by the Stavropol Regional Court. Vadim translated money from the Rosbank card, which is open from him for the IP goals on the Sberbank card, open as an individual. The appointment of payment was indicated "income from entrepreneurial activity."

As a result, the Vadim map was blocked by Sberbank. He was sent a requirement to provide information to explain the economic meaning of the operation.

Vadim sent a letter to the bank with clarifications that all the funds received entered it by a legitimate way from renting property, for the provision of agency services for finding customers, legal services, for wholesale of clothing, shoes and other goods. The letter was attached: contracts with clients, bookkeeping book of income and expenses, certificate of registration with tax, certificate of state registration of IP, payment orders, receipts on paying taxes, insurance premiums and patent payments.

However, this did not affect the receipt of a positive decision, he could not prove the economic validity of his operations. The court of first instance was played, and even the appeal did not give results. The solution can be viewed.

Conclusion: Transfers from the MAP card on the maps of the saline are in the risk area.

Return of a major debt amount

A citizen turned to Nizhnevartovsky City Court of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, whose maps were blocked immediately after entering them a part of the money, which he was put on the court decision. It was the share of the amount of 20,000,000 rubles intended for debt repayment, as well as accrued interest and state duty, only more than 36 million rubles. At the request of Sberbank to unlock the card, the plaintiff provided the document, which, in his opinion, testifies to the legality of the money received: an executive list issued on the basis of a court decision. However, the received information to the bank was not enough. And cards, as well as Sberbank-online remained blocked.

The plaintiff appealed to the court, where he was forced to re-prove the legality of obtaining these funds. But it did not allow to achieve unlocking cards. The court considered that Sberbank's actions are substantiated, as he acted within the framework of the legal norms adopted and on the basis of the internal rules. Everything remains to be satisfied with the plaintiff - this is the ability to conduct account operations in the bank's office, as the blocking concerned only the card and Sberbank-online, and access to funds was not limited. The original court decision can be found.

Conclusion: Getting large amounts to debt account, even if there are all the necessary documents, does not guarantee that the card is not blocked.

Strange reasons for blocking the card

Sometimes the reason for blocking the card looks simply absurd.


Customers of Sberbank complain that their cards and bills are blocked even because of the word "agent" or words containing this combination of letters, for example "counterpart", "reagent", "agency contract" and so on.

The fact that the card can be blocked due to such a reason confirmed other users of the social network.

Moreover, customers actually have to prove the legality and legality of their operations.

In this case, the comments of Sberbank is not.

Devil Nag Ruble

The second reason that seems strange to block the map is a translation of the number of beast, that is, 666 rubles.

Bank customers shared in the network with the stories of their unsuccessful experience to replenish the phone for this amount. After trying to translate, Sberbank, according to them, blocked the work of the mobile bank.

In the credit institution did not refute the possibility of such a blocking, but simply missed, describing the reasons for refusing to translate even on the sums of "333", "444" ... and "999".

In fact, according to a savage, this can only happen because, according to the bank, an attempt is not typical of this translation client.

Conclusion: If someone has always replenished a mobile phone from a card per 100 rubles, it is better not to experiment, throwing at the expense of extra 566. And also, doing payment, hope that the Sberbank program does not consider any words in his appointment "dubious" and testifying to financing terrorism.

News and reviews that "Sberbank massively blocks user cards", appear on the network with an unenviable regularity. Some of them are confirmed, and the part is refuted by the Bank itself as a fake.

But one thing is clear: according to the law, the Bank may and must check operations on customer cards. Therefore, the number of such reviews, as well as the stories unpleasant for card holders, will only multipliate. The question remains: how to minimize risks and not to get under the blocking of the card and online banking?

How not to get under the suspicion of Sberbank and avoid blocking the card?

Sberbank instructed his clients, explaining the rules for the use of maps and accounts to help not get to the blocking:

  1. Do not grant third parties to use maps or accounts for transit money to which the client has no relationship. And also you can not remove this money in cash.
  2. Do not transmit your maps to other people, even if it is relatives, since they can use them to cash out illegal amounts.
  3. Try to pay non-cash. It is less likely to remove cash, even if this contribution.
  4. Do not use a bank card of an individual for entrepreneurship.
  5. Do not undertake as an official organization (director, accountant) or as an IP, if there is no goal to actually participate in business.
  6. Have a document confirmation of all card operations.
  7. Collaborate with the bank, provide the requested information, answer questions, not ignore.
  8. In case of blocking a map, confirm the legality of the money received, the economic meaning of operations. Send the required bank information at the specified time limit and the specified way.

Locking cards and accounts for which suspicious operations were conducted - this is the responsibility of banks, which is given by the law "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of the income received by criminal, and the financing of terrorism".

Such tough, and in the opinion of some clients unjustified measures, should be applied by a credit institution, otherwise it risks losing a license. According to experts, the blocking of maps is not only negative, but also a positive character for the consumer themselves. This applies to those cases where fender measures from the Bank make it possible to prevent fraudulent actions and theft of funds from the account.

To customers, if their card is blocked, it is recommended not to nervous and fulfill the requirements of the bank. And the mass lock is considered to be something similar to the passage through the metal detector at the airport: uncomfortable, but you need for overall security.

Some Russian experts predict that Sberbank's bankruptcy can happen already in 2020. How such a prognosis is real, and that people can expect people who receive salary on Sberbank cards, keep their accumulations there or related to the migracks with this institution?

In one ether of the RBC TV channel Stepan Demur predicted the possible collapse of Sberbank: " Another package of sanctions, which was announced by Americans, put two banks at once - VTB and Sberbank ". The expert also stated that Sberbank would be forced to recapalize his subsidiaries abroad. In addition, Stepan Demur noted that "the bank lies not when he has exceeded the liabilities over the assets, and when the cash gap comes."

Being a recapitalization of foreign branches, Sberbank can begin large currency problems. Therefore, Sberbank due to the lack of currency funds will be very difficult to pay off its current obligations.

It should be noted that despite the solid portfolio, the proportion of bad assets at Sberbank with each crisis increases. In the early years, when the ruble reached the bottom, revenues compared to the crisis 2014 fell 2.3 times (profit of 112 billion versus 253 years ago). Interest income fell by 25%, but interest expenses increased more than 80%. Now the situation has changed a little, but the next fall of the ruble and periodic shocks on currency exchanges cause concerns.

At the form of ownership Sberbank is a common financial institution, no different from any commercial bank, although most of its shares belong to the state. However, the fact that power will save it at any cost is a myth.

In the conditions of the crisis and intense political situation, any scenarios for developing events are possible. For example, in Moldova, where the local Sberbank functioned in the same scheme as in Russia, he fell under bankruptcy and was eliminated.

Therefore, the bankruptcy of Sberbank of Russia is a completely real event of the future. And it is rather strange that many people believe that the authorities will save it at any cost.

What happens to Sberbank now in 2020?

Even in the most crisis and heavy 2015, Sberbank did not fall below the level of profitability, and showed a small profit for the chief bank a large bank in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 3.65 billion. Does this mean full security?

Net profit. By 2017-2018, the situation stabilized, the leadership skillfully reoriented to other markets and took advantage of state support (the same mortgage lending). Last year, it was possible to earn even 12.82 billion dollars, which is higher than in the pre-war 2013. In 2019, the next recession is already promised, the Ministry of Economic Development plans to reduce GDP by 2 times, profits, respectively, can occur by 20-30%.

Operating expenses. By optimizing expenses, it was also possible to achieve increased profitability. Of course, the fall of the ruble rate also lowered the costs of schedule. In rubles, the dynamics of the state of the Russian bank, of course, show no sense, and with an increase in the course costs will grow.

Operating income. And here, solid optimism, of course, each round of crisis is asking them, but not so much to fall below the profitability.

Will Sberbank Saving Sanctions in 2020? Of course, the organizations in which Sberbank has a proportion of assets or which he credits will strike in total profits. According to IFRS, the risk share is about 2.5% or 10 billion dollars. But all these losses Sberbank are able to easily cover from reserves.

Analyzing the official reporting on profit and loss from 2018 to the current moment of 2019, you can see an increase in the net interest income of Sberbank of Russia from 337 to 359 billion rubles. Operational and commission income, income from insurance also showed growth. However, until the end of 2020, the picture can spoil the devaluation of the ruble.

In 2020, bankruptcy Sberbank does not threaten. However, the strengthening of sanctions and the continuation of the series of falls of stock markets, the deterioration of the ruble position (which increases costs) may worsen its financial position.

What threatens the bankruptcy of Sberbank?

In the event of a complete collapse of the economy, Sberbank's elimination will entail the consequences of sad, but not catastrophic.

Sberbank abroad gives cheap loans

The worst thing that can happen during bankruptcy is freezing salaries and pensions in accounts. Considering that the cards of this institution, there is almost a major part of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, for 2-3 months, people will not be able to use the cash outwards. In this case, a new bank will be created, or customers will be given to another current credit and financial institution.

Shocks will take no more than a few months. Immediately business, debtors on mortgage they will give other banks, collectors or power departments that will accumulate money from them.

It remains to hope that a similar scenario will never happen, Sberbank will be, and Stepan's predictions will not come true. This expert quite accurately predicted the 2008 crisis, as well as the growth of dollar and prices over the past few years, but its prophecies often turned out to be empty shock.

As can be seen, in 2020, the bankruptcy of Sberbank cannot be, but if the trend of income falls will continue (after all, the costs will not be reduced infinitely), after some time the main bank of the Russian Federation may arise certain problems. And if further overseas activity adds sanctions, the process can accelerate.

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