
The topic is “Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy. The topic "Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy. Test on the topic of ntr

Task 1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:

1. The scientific and technological revolution is a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into the direct productive force of society.

2. Modern scientific and technological revolution is characterized by four main features.

3. Technique and technology in the era of scientific and technological revolution develop in two ways: evolutionary and revolutionary.

4. Production in the era of scientific and technological revolution develops in six main directions.

5. The geographic model of the modern world economy has polycentric character.

Task 2. Determine which of the industries serve as industries of international specialization of the countries listed below:

1. Argentina - production of cereals
2. Guinea - mining of bauxite
3. Cuba - sugar production
4 Libya - oil production
5. Malaysia - tin ore mining
6. USA - aircraft production
7. Uzbekistan - cotton production
8. Finland - paper production
9. Chile - mining of copper ores
10. Japan - car production.

Explain the reasons for this specialization.

1) for the extraction and processing of minerals, their availability is necessary;

2) for agricultural crops - climatic conditions;

3) for other industries - availability labor resources, developed science, etc.

Task 3. On a contour map (Fig. 7), draw the main integration groupings of the countries of the world:

1) European Union(EU) comprising 15 countries;
2) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) consisting of three countries;
3) the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) consisting of 10 countries;
4) The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), composed of 11 countries.

Describe the role of these groups in the world economy.

Task 4. Establish a correspondence between the following countries and the types of their sectoral structure:

Task 5. Fill in the table "Main directions of regional policy":

Prepare an oral communication based on this table.

Task 6. Find examples of developing countries:

1) where is the capital largest city and at the same time a seaport:

2) where the largest city and seaport is not the state, but the "economic" capital:

Russia (St. Petersburg), USA (New York), Brazil (Sao Paulo), India (Bombay).

Task 7. On the map (see Fig. 6), calculate how many largest cities in the world are located on the shores of the seas and oceans. What is the generalization regarding their economic geographic location, what can be done based on this calculation?

15 cities - Seaside position is a favorable feature of EGP. In the 50-70s in the location of industries and the population of many countries Western Europe, Japan, USA there was a shift to the sea. This explains the increased focus on export / import of raw materials and fuels.

Exercise 8. From the following statements, select the correct ones:

1. Modern production becomes more and more knowledge-intensive.

2. The science of control and information is called cybernetics.

3. Between the place of production and the place of sale of goods, there is almost always a larger or smaller territorial gap.

6. The ecological factor of the location of production can be called the antipode of the factor of territorial concentration.

1. The scientific and technological revolution is ..

A) a radical revolution in production based on the use of completely new technologies;

B) a radical revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of technology into the main auxiliary force of society;

C) a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into the direct productive force of society.

2. Industrial revolution in the 18-19th centuries it was a transition: ...

A) from craft to manufacture

B) from manual labor to large-scale machine production

B) from manual labor to a water wheel.

D) from a water wheel to an electric motor.

3. The scientific and technological revolution began in ..

A) in the middle of the 18th century

B) at the end of the 19th century

B) in the middle of the 20th century

D) at the beginning of the 20th century

4. What is not a characteristic feature of scientific and technological revolution?

A) the use of coal and oil as the main sources of energy

B) universality, all-embracing;

C) an extraordinary acceleration of transformation

D) changing the role of a person in production

E) the use of its achievements for military purposes.

5. What is not part of NTR?

B) entrepreneurship

C) technique and technology

D) production

E) management

6. The level (share) of expenditures on research and development in total costs for the production of products is called: ..

A) scientific progress

B) scientific result

C) science intensity

D) scientific process

7. What is not the way of development of technology and technology?

A) evolutionary path

B) the revolutionary path

C) escape route

8. What is not the main direction of production development?

A) electronization

B) complex automation

B) electrification

D) restructuring of the energy economy

E) production of new materials

E) accelerated development of biotechnology

G) cosmization

9. Cybernetics is the science of ...

A) building robots, cybers

B) management and information

C) information and television

D) scientific development and management

10 The world economy is ...

A) historically formed set national economies of all countries of the world, interconnected by world economic relations

B) a historically formed set of national economies of all countries of the world, not connected with each other by any relations.

11 The world economy developed in the late 19th - early 20th centuries as a result of the development of:

A) large machine industry, transport and world market

B) large machine industry, means of production and technology.

12 At the end of the 19th century, the main center of the world economy was:

A) North America

C) Europe

D) South America

13 Contemporary world economy polycentrically, which region or country is not the center of the modern world economy?

A) Europe

C) CIS countries

D) Japan

E) oil-producing countries

E) countries of central Africa.

14 Newly industrialized countries (NIS) include four "Asian tigers", these are ...

A) Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore

B) DPRK, Taiwan, China and Singapore.

15 The international geographical division of labor is expressed in the specialization of individual countries to ...

A) the production of all types of products and services and the subsequent exchange of them

B) producing only one product or service

C) the production of certain types of products and services and their subsequent exchange.

16 Industry of the world specialization - the result ...

A) geographical division labor

B) geographical location C) geographical zoning

17 The objective process of development of especially deep and stable relationships of individual groups of countries, based on their coordinated interstate policy, is called:

A) the international economic community

B) international economic integration

C) an international economic congress.

18 EEC is ...

A) European Energy Grid

B) European Economic Community


Option I

Part 1

    The geographical division of labor is characterized by:

A - specialization

B - geographic location

B - by country type

2. Areas of new development:

A - rich natural resources

B - have access to the sea

B - convenient geographic location

3. Select the OPEC member countries:

A - Bahrain, China, Malaysia

B - Algeria, Libya, S. Arabia

B - Colombia, Nigeria, Egypt

D - Morocco, Canada, Mexico

4. Set the correspondence:

1. Japan A. Agrarian

2. Poland B. Industrial

3. Senegal V. Postindustrial

5. The post-industrial structure of the economy is characterized by the leading role:

A - production area B - non-production area

6. Distribute the countries of the world as the number of people employed in the non-productive sphere decreases:

A - USA B - Russia C - Japan

7. In the era of scientific and technological revolution among the industries, the fastest growing are:

A - Mechanical engineering and ferrous metallurgy

B - Ferrous metallurgy and polymer chemistry

B - Polymer chemistry and mechanical engineering

8. A new factor in the location of production in the era of scientific and technological revolution became:

A - science intensity factor

B - the factor of science intensity and environmental

B - the factor of science intensity, ecological, natural resource

Part 2

9. Among the listed countries, the least economically developed is:

A - New Zealand B - South Korea

B - Mozambique D - Netherlands

10. Select 3 countries that are EU members

A - FRG G - Austria

B - South Africa D - Brazil

B - France E - Egypt

11. The most highly developed countries have an economic structure:

A - industrial

B - post-industrial

B - agro-industrial

Part 3

The country is located in the southern hemisphere and is landlocked. According to the form of government, it is a republic, according to the type of administrative-territorial structure, it is a unitary state. The official languages ​​are Spanish and one of the Indian. The capital with a population of about 600 thousand people is the largest economic center.




Option II

Part 1

    As a result of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution in the sectoral structure of the economy, the role of:

A - industry B - agriculture

B - transport D - non-production sphere

2. The main features of the concept of MGRT are:

A - specialization and exchange

B - concept and cooperation

B - cooperation and exchange

D - concept and specialization

3. For countries lagging behind in their development, a characteristic feature of the economy is:

A - high proportion light industry B - import of raw materials and products

B - industrial D - monocultural specialization

4. Scientific and technological revolution influences the structure of the economy:

A - sectoral B - territorial C - sectoral and territorial

5. Set the correspondence:

1. Agrarian A. Japan

2. Industrial B. Russia

3. Postindustrial B. Ethiopia

6. Distribute countries as the number of people employed in the non-productive sphere increases:

A - Japan B - USA C - Russia

7. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, the fastest growing are:

A - electricity and textile industry

B - textile industry and mechanical engineering

B - mechanical engineering and power engineering

8. The role of the transport factor and the factor of labor resources in the location of production in the era of scientific and technological revolution:

A - increased B - remained unchanged C - decreased

Part 2

9. Which country is the following industry structure GDP production:

79% - non-production sphere, 26% - industry, 1% - Agriculture

A - China B - Sudan

B - UK D - Nigeria

10. Among the listed countries, the most economically developed is:

A - Denmark B - Belarus

B - Poland D - Romania

11. Select three African countries that are OPEC members:

A - Nigeria D - Algeria

B - South Africa D - Egypt

B - Ethiopia E - Libya

Part 3

12. The country is located on one of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean. According to the form of government, it is a republic, according to the type of administrative-territorial structure, it is a unitary state. The official language is Spanish, over 2/3 of the population are blacks and mulattos. The capital is home to 2.2 million people. It is the largest industrial and seaport in the country.

Topic: Political Map the world. The geography of the world economy. International division of labor.

Test number 4. "Geography of the World Economy."

1. Underline the countries located in Africa:

Ecuador, Guinea, Malaysia, Cote d'Ivoire, Pakistan, Gambia,

Mexico, Haiti, Denmark, Yemen, Vietnam, Algeria, Myaima, Chad,

Slovenia, Brazil, Singapore, Guatemala, Suriname. Malawi,

Oman, Guyana, Bolivia, Iraq, Gabon, Greece, Cambodia. Tunisia,

South Africa, Argentina.

2. Underline the countries located in Latin America:

(the list of countries is the same)

3. Underline the countries located in Asia:

(the list of countries is the same)

4. For each pair of suggested countries, underline one located

to the north:

Chile - Venezuela, Poland - Hungary, Zaire - Chad,

Singapore - India, Georgia - Armenia, Ireland - Iceland,

Turkey - Syria, Ecuador - Paraguay, Niger - Zambia,

Kazakhstan - Tajikistan, Sweden - Portugal,

Afghanistan - Sri Lanka, Mauritania - Zimbabwe,

Guatemala - Panama, Belarus - Moldova.

5. For each pair of suggested countries, underline one located

west (operate within the same hemisphere):

Kenya - Benin, Spain - Portugal,

Iran - Bangladesh, Peru - Mexico, Kyrgyzstan - Azerbaijan,

Republic of Korea - Papua New Guinea,

Estonia - Kazakhstan, Hungary - France, Uruguay - Chile,

Somalia - Congo, Nicaragua - Paraguay,

Uzbekistan - Lithuania, Angola - Mozambique, Jordan - Nepal,

Croatia - Belgium.

6.Which of these states does Hungary not border on:

1.Slovakia 2.Ukraine Z. Bulgaria

4. Austria 5. Romania 6. Yugoslavia

7. Find the error in the combination "state - capital":

1.Norway - Oslo

2.Sweden - Stockholm

3.Turkey - Ankara

4 Syria-Damascus



7.Romania - Bucharest

8 France - Paris

9.Bulgaria - Sofia

10. Hungary - Budapest

11.Nicaragua - Nicaragua

12.Bahamas - Nassau

13.Ecuador - Quito

14.Tonga - Nuku'alofa

15.Botswana - Gaborone

16.Malawi - Lilongwe

17.Cambodia - Vientiane

18.Thailand - Bangkok

19 Philippines-Manila

20. Indonesia-Jakarta

8. Find the error in the combination "capital-state":

1.Addis Ababa-Ethiopia


3. Cape Town - South Africa

4 Honiara - Solomon Islands


6. Madrid - Spain

7.Bishkek - Kyrgyzstan

8.Ashgabat - Turkmenistan

9.Riga - Latvia

10.Vilnius - Lithuania

11. Libreville - Gabon

12.Manrovia - Liberia

13.Harare - Zimbabwe

14.Kampala - Uganda

15 Montevideo - Uruguay

16.Asuncion - Paraguay

17 Kingston - Jamaica

18 Port of Spain - Trinidad and Tobago

19 Canberra - Australia

20.Wellington - New Zealand

9. In which country the capital is the largest city in its country:

1.Brazil 2.Australia W. USA

4.Pakistan 5.India 6.Indonesia 7.Turkey

10. In which country the capital is less than other cities in this country in terms of

population loyalty:

1.United Kingdom 2.Morocco Z. France

4.Poland 5.Egypt 6.Japan 7.Peru

11. Emphasize the monarchy:

1.Vietnam 2.Moldova Z. Italy 4. South Africa 5. Tonga

6.Liberia 7.Zimbabwe 8.Croatia 9.Finland 10.Singapore.

12. Underline the only country that does not have a monarchy:

1.Qatar 2.Thailand Z. Brunei 4.Malaysia

5. Japan 6. Great Britain 7. Sweden

8 Lesotho 9 Spain 10 San Marino

13. Resource availability is (underline the correct answer):

1.the relationship between stocks and uses

of this type of resource

2.volume of reliable reserves of this type of resource

3.scale of exploration work

14. In which country is the area of ​​cultivated land significantly exceeding

calculates the area of ​​natural grassland (underline the correct answer):

1.Sudan 2.Somalia Z. Mauritania 4.Algeria

5. Argentina 6. Australia 7. Mongolia

8.Uzbekistan 9.Moldavia 10.Saudi Arabia.

15. Underline a country with an extremely large (relative

population) with hydropower potential:

1.Saudi Arabia 2.Mexico Z. Norway

4.China 5.Namibia 6.Mongolia 7.Poland

8.Turkmenia 9.Egypt 10.India.

16. Which of the following countries has the highest forest cover?

1.Russia 2.Sweden Z. Tunisia 4.Australia 5.Canada

6.Spain 7.Finland 8.Surinam 9.Brazil 10.Iran.

17. Which of the following types of production is a branch between

popular specialization of Guinea:

1.automotive 2.processing of wood H. growing grain

out 4.electronic industry 5. growing olives

b. production of animal oil 7. cultivation of soybeans

8. copra production 9. bauxite mining.

18. Underline the most important direction of oil cargo flows:

1.Middle East - Japan

2.Middle East - USA

3.Caribbean - Australia



19. Ferrous metallurgy in many developed countries gravitates towards sea

ports. The reason for this is (find the correct answer):

1.the need for production in a large amount of water

2. switch to cheaper imported ore

3.development of such a metal-intensive industry as shipbuilding

20. Which three crops provide more than 75% of the world's grain harvest:

1. corn, oats. millet

2.corn, wheat, rice

3.year, rice, corn

4.wheat, rye, corn

5.barley, corn, wheat

21. Select the group of the world's largest wheat producers:

1.Russia, Canada, Argentina

2.Russia, China, USA

3.India, China, USA

4.India, Japan, China

3.Canada, China, Japan

22. Choose an area of ​​developed plantation economy, specialized

produced in the production of coffee, bananas and sugar cane:

1.Central America,

3.north coast of Africa,

4. La Plata lowland,

5.Malacca Peninsula

23. Select an area specializing in the production of peanuts,

cocoa beans, palm oil:

1.Central America,

2.the coast of the Gulf of Guinea,

3.the east coast of Africa,

4.La-Carnal Lowland,

3.Malacca Peninsula

24. The largest cattle breeding area is:

1.Argentine pampa

3.the territory of the Amazonian lowland

4.Central Canada

5.Australian steppe and semi-desert

25. Choose from the proposed list the largest in terms of cargo turnover

sea ​​port:

1.Kawasaki 2. Vancouver Z. Hong Kong 4. Tokyo 5. Marseille

6.Singapore 7.New York 8.Shanghai 9.Genoa 10.Gaohsiung.

26. In the electric power industry of which European country a particularly important role is played by

1.Switzerland 2.France Z. FRG 4.Norway 5.Spain

6. Finland 7. Ukraine 8. Estonia 9. Bulgaria 10. Malta.

27. The economically most developed part of Japan is:

a) Hokkaido island,

b) the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan on the island of Honshu,

c) the Pacific Ocean regions of the islands of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.

28. Indicate which districts or points the placement is aimed at

refineries in Romania.

1.areas of oil production

2.the route of the oil pipeline from Russia

3.sea ports

29. Which country uses the Danube waterway?

1.Moldova 2.Albania Z. Poland

4.Macedonia 3.Greece 6.Bulgaria

7.Spain 6.borders by land with 12 countries

Geography grade 10. Test on the topic "Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy"
1.Scientific and technological revolution is ..

A) a radical revolution in production based on the use of completely

new technologies;

B) a radical revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on

the transformation of technology into the main auxiliary force of society;

V) a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind,

based on the transformation of science into direct productive

strength of society.

^ 2 ... The industrial revolution in the 18-19th centuries was a transition: ...

A) from craft to manufacture

B) from manual labor to large-scale machine production

^ B) from manual labor to a water wheel.

G) from a water wheel to an electric motor.

3 ... The scientific and technological revolution began in ..

A) in the middle of the 18th century

B) at the end of the 19th century

V) in the middle of the 20th century

G) at the beginning of the 20th century

4 ... What not is the characteristic feature of scientific and technological revolution?

A) the use of coal and oil as the main sources of energy

B) universality, inclusiveness;


^ D)

D) the use of its achievements for military purposes.

5 ... What not is an integral part of the scientific and technological revolution?

A) the science

B) entrepreneurship

V) technique and technology

G) production

D) control

6 ... The level (share) of research and development costs in the total costs of

production of products is called: ..

^ A) scientific progress

B) scientific result

V) science intensity

G) scientific process

7 ... What not is the way of engineering and technology development?

A) evolutionary path

B) revolutionary way

V) escape route

8 ... What not is the main direction of production development?

A) electronization

B) complex automation

V) electrification



E) accelerated development of biotechnology

^ W) cosmization

9 ... Cybernetics - this is the science of ...

A) construction of robots, cybers

B) management and information

V) information and television

^ D) scientific development and management

10 The world economy is ...

A) a historically formed set of national economies

all countries of the world connected by world economic relations

^ B) the historically formed totality of national economies of all countries of the world, not

connected with each other by any relationship.

11 The world economy took shape in the late 19th - early 20th centuries as a result of the development of:

^ A) large machine industry, transport and world market

B) large machine industry, means of production and technology.

12 At the end of the 19th century, the main center of the world economy was :

A) North America

B) Asia

V) Europe

G) South America

13 The modern world economy is polycentric, which region or country is not the center of the modern world economy?

^ A) Europe


V) CIS countries

G) Japan

D) oil producing countries

E) countries of central Africa.

14 Newly industrialized countries (NIS) include four "Asian tigers", these are ...

^ A) Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore

B) DPRK, Taiwan, China and Singapore.

15 The international geographical division of labor is expressed in the specialization of individual countries on the…

A) production of all types of products and services and their subsequent exchange

^ B) producing only one product or service

V) production of certain types of products and services and their subsequent exchange.

16 Industry of the world specialization - result

^ A) geographical division of labor

B) geographic location

V) geographic zoning

17 The objective process of the development of especially deep and stable relationships of individual groups of countries, based on their coordinated interstate policy, is called:

^ A) the international economic community

B) international economic integration

V) international economic congress.

18 EEC is

A) European Energy Grid

B) European Economic Community

The main terms and concepts of the topic "Scientific and technical revolution and world

farm "Geography Grade 10
1. НТР- a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into the direct productive force of society.

2. Industrial revolution in the 18-19th centuries it represented a transition from manual labor to large-scale machine production.

  1. Scientific and technological revolution (STR) began in the middle of the 20th century (in the 50s of the 20th century).

  2. ^ Specific traits NTR :1) versatility, all-encompassing 2) extraordinary acceleration of transformation 3) changing the role of man in production 4) the use of scientific and technological revolution achievements primarily for military purposes.

  3. ^ Components of scientific and technological revolution : 1) the science 2) technique and technology 3) production 4) control.

  1. Science intensity Is the share of costs for scientific developments in the total cost of producing a unit of output

  2. Technique and technology have two development paths: 1) evolutionary 2) revolutionary

  1. Main directions of production development in the era of scientific and technological revolution: 1 ) electronization 2 ) complex automation 3) restructuring of the energy sector 4) production of new materials 5) accelerated development of biotechnology 6) cosmization

  2. Cybernetics Is the science of information and management development

  1. World economy- This is a historically formed set of national economies of all countries of the world, interconnected by world economic relations.

  1. The world economy has taken shape at the end of the 19th - at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of the development of a large machine industry, transport and the world market

  1. At the end of the 19th century, the main the center of the world economy was Europe, then she lost the championship. Currently, the world economy polycentrically, i.e. has many centers.

  1. ^ World Economy Centers : 1) Europe 2) USA 3) Canada 4) Russia and CIS countries 5) Japan 6) China 7) OPEC countries - oil-producing countries 8) countries of East Asia - the so-called newly industrialized countries - NIS.

  1. Newly industrialized countries (NIS) include: 1) Republic of Korea (South Korea); 2) Taiwan 3) Singapore 4) Hong Kong. They are also called "Asian tigers".

  1. International geographical division of labor is expressed in the specialization of individual countries in the production of certain types of products and services and in the subsequent exchange of them.

  2. Industry of the world specialization - this is the result geographical division of labor.

  1. International economic integration - it is an objective process of development of especially deep and stable relationships between individual groups of countries, based on their pursuit of a coordinated interstate policy.

  2. International economic integration is of two types: regional(For example, EEC-European Economic Community) and branch(e.g. countries OPEC- oil exporting countries).

Geography grade 10. Test on the topic "Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy"

1. The scientific and technological revolution is ..

A) a radical revolution in production based on the use of completely new technologies;

B) a radical revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of technology into the main auxiliary force of society;

C) a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into the direct productive force of society.

2. The industrial revolution in the 18-19th centuries was a transition: ...

A) from craft to manufacture

B) from manual labor to large-scale machine production

B) from manual labor to a water wheel.

D) from a water wheel to an electric motor.

3 ... The scientific and technological revolution began in ..

A) in the middle of the 18th century B) at the end of the 19th century C) in the middle of the 20th century D) at the beginning of the 20th century

4. What is not a characteristic feature of scientific and technological revolution?

A) the use of coal and oil as the main sources of energy; B) versatility, inclusiveness;

C) an extraordinary acceleration of transformation

D) changing the role of a person in production

E) the use of its achievements for military purposes.

5. What is not part of the scientific and technological revolution?

A) science

B) entrepreneurship

C) technique and technology D) production E) management

6. The level (share) of research and development costs in the total costs of production is called: ..

A) scientific progress

B) scientific result

C) science intensity

D) scientific process

7. What is not the way of development of technology and technology?

A) evolutionary path

B) the revolutionary path

C) escape route

8. What is not the main direction of production development?

A) electronization

B) complex automation

B) electrification

D) restructuring of the energy economy

E) production of new materials

E) accelerated development of biotechnology

G) cosmization

9. Cybernetics is the science of ...

A) building robots, cybers

B) management and information

C) information and television

D) scientific development and management

10 The world economy is ...

A) the historically formed aggregate of national economies of all countries of the world, interconnected by world economic relations; B) the historically formed aggregate of national economies of all countries of the world, not connected with each other by any relations.

11 The world economy developed in the late 19th - early 20th centuries as a result of the development of:

A) large machine industry, transport and the world market B) large machine industry, means of production and technology.

12 At the end of the 19th century, the main center of the world economy was: A) North America B) Asia C) Europe D) South America

13 The modern world economy is polycentric, which region or country is not the center of the modern world economy?

A) Europe B) USA C) CIS countries D) Japan E) oil-producing countries E) Central African countries.

14 Newly industrialized countries (NIS) include four "Asian tigers", these are ...

A) Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore B) DPRK, Taiwan, China and Singapore.

15 The international geographical division of labor is expressed in the specialization of individual countries to ...

A) the production of all types of products and services and their subsequent exchange B) the production of only one product or service C) the production of certain types of products and services and their subsequent exchange.

16 Industry of the world specialization - the result

A) geographical division of labor B) geographical location C) geographical division into districts

17 The objective process of development of especially deep and stable relationships of individual groups of countries, based on their coordinated interstate policy, is called:

A) the international economic community B) international economic integration C) the international economic congress.

18 EEC is

A) European Energy Network B) European Economic Community

Basic terms and concepts of the topic

"Scientific and technical revolution and world economy"

Geography grade 10

1. Scientific and technological revolution is a radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into a direct productive force of society.

2. The industrial revolution in the 18-19th centuries represented the transition from manual labor to large-scale machine production.

The Scientific and Technological Revolution (STR) began in the middle of the 20th century (in the 50s of the 20th century).

Characteristic features of scientific and technological revolution: 1) universality, all-embracing 2) extraordinary acceleration of transformations 3) changing the role of man in production 4) using the achievements of scientific and technological revolution primarily for military purposes.

The constituent parts of scientific and technological revolution: 1) science 2) engineering and technology 3) production 4) management.

Science intensity is the share of research and development costs in the total cost of producing a unit of output

Engineering and technology have two development paths: 1) evolutionary 2) revolutionary

The main directions of production development in the era of scientific and technological revolution: 1) electronization 2) complex automation 3) restructuring of the energy economy 4) production of new materials 5) accelerated development of biotechnology 6) cosmization

Cybernetics is the science of information and control development

The world economy is a historically formed aggregate of national economies of all countries of the world, interconnected by world economic relations.

The world economy took shape at the end of the 19th - at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of the development of a large machine industry, transport and the world market.

At the end of the 19th century, Europe was the main center of the world economy, then it lost the primacy. Currently, the world economy is polycentric, i.e. has many centers.

The centers of the world economy: 1) Europe 2) USA 3) Canada 4) Russia and the CIS countries 5) Japan 6) China 7) OPEC countries - oil-producing countries 8) East Asia countries - the so-called newly industrialized countries - NIS.

Newly industrialized countries (NIS) include: 1) Republic of Korea (South Korea); 2) Taiwan 3) Singapore 4) Hong Kong. They are also called "Asian tigers".

The international geographical division of labor is expressed in the specialization of individual countries in the production of certain types of goods and services and in the subsequent exchange of them.

The industry of global specialization is the result of the geographical division of labor.

International economic integration is an objective process of development of especially deep and stable relationships between individual groups of countries, based on their pursuit of a coordinated interstate policy.

International economic integration is of two types: regional (for example, the EEC-European Economic Community) and sectoral (for example, OPEC countries-oil exporting countries).

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