
Effect of HTR The structure of the world economy. NTR influence on structural changes in world economy. So, the main features of the HTR are

NTR influence on the world economy. Modern world economy varies significantly under the influence

stormy development of science and technology. This is manifested in three main directions: accelerating production rates, changes in the sectoral structure of the economy and shifts in the placement of the economy.

Changes in the sectoral structure of the economy in the period of the HTR are deep in nature.

  • First, the relationship between the production and non-production spheres has changed. The number of employees in the service sector is growing rapidly and has already reached 1/3 of all working. Together decreases employment in the production sector.
  • Secondly, in the field of material production, the proportions between its industries are changed: the number of employees in industry and transport is stabilized, it is reduced in agriculture, it grows in trade.
  • Thirdly, essential shifts also occur in the structure of each industry. Industry decreases employment in the extractive industry and grows in the processing. However, recently, the role of the "avant-garde three" of industries is growing rapidly: mechanical engineering (during the RF, it provides the economy by machines and mechanisms), electric power industry (without which there will be no car) and the chemical industry (gives production new materials). These three industries have half of all industrial production of the world.

At the same time, the newest high-tech industries are published: microelectronics, instrument making, robot construction, airfront industry, or organic synthesis chemistry. At the same time, the meaning of old industries (ferrous metallurgy, textile and forest industry) decreases.

In agriculture, the number of occupied in crop production is reduced and somewhat increasing in animal husbandry. In crop production, the Green Revolution occurred, which was the introduction of highly productive varieties of plants, mechanization of farm and land reclamation. In animal husbandry, there was a transition of some types of production (poultry farms, complexes for large-horned cattle) to industrial technologies. In these industries, not only mechanization is introduced, but automation, i.e. Management with machinery and mechanisms.

In the Epoch, RTR increases the role of the transportation of passengers and goods. The value of old modes of transport (river, maritime, rail) and the role of the newest (air, automotive, pipeline, electronic) increases somewhat. Significantly simplified the carriage containerization of goods. However, the old types of transport will undergo significant changes. New vehicles appear: the train on the air cushion and the magnetic suspension, the court on underwater wings, atomic vessels, etc. At the Aviant Kiev Plant developed a research copy of the newest vehicle, which combines the best properties of the car and helicopter. He was given the working name "Aeroauto".

The scientific and technical revolution has changed the commodity structure of trade. The purchase and sale of finished goods is growing, reduced - raw materials and food. There was a new form of trade - technologies: licenses, patents, technical experience. The main seller of technologies in the global market is the United States, and the buyer is Japan.

There are significant shifts in the placement of production: the role of some factors to which the enterprises are decreasing, others increase. Once defining the raw material factor is now a secondary value. But the role of the transport factor is growing. The economy of highly developed countries is now working mainly on imported raw materials, so business objects move in marine coasts.

The effect of such a factor as labor resources is also increasing. This is especially true of the placement of labor-intensive and high-tech industries. The role of qualified personnel increases. When placing enterprises, the environmental factor is increasingly taken into account. Increasingly, the "dirty" production is transferred to areas with a smaller population concentration. Highly developed countries make branches of their environmentally hazardous industries (in particular, non-ferrous metallurgy) in developing. Thus, we live in the period of the scientific and technical revolution, which significantly affects all spheres of human activity.

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36. World economy

36.4. Effect of HTR on the industry structure and placement of production

The HTR contributed to a significant structural modernization of world economy, a change in the ratio of the most important areas of the economy. Thus, the share of agriculture in the structure of world material production decreased from 21% in 1950 to 8% in 1990 in the structure of the global industry under the influence of HTR, the share of producing industries is gradually decreased and the role of manufacturing industries increases. If in the 70s, the ratio between them was 13: 87, then in the early 1990s - 8: 92. This is due to a decrease in the material intensity of production and the growing replacement of mineral raw materials artificial; The share of industry in developed countries is reduced, and in countries, develop - grows. It is characteristic that the advanced pace develops high-tech sectors of the economy.

The trends in the structural modernization of the economy of advanced countries indicate changes in the US production. The structural restructuring of the farm under the influence of the HTR in the American society is accompanied by a steady strengthening of the role of intangible elements of industrial resources - scientific knowledge, information, qualifications, actively complemented and mediated the elements of material (raw materials, energy, technological technological). The share of basic industries of material production - agriculture and forestry, mining and manufacturing industry is steadily reduced. The area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called heavy industry is largely losing their role of the foundation of the industrial economy, the "locomotive" of its growth. It should be added that it should be added that the determining characteristic of the technical and technological re-equipment of the economy of the Hayen (and not only of this country) is incompletely resource-serving orientation. This means that the overall increase in economy efficiency is provided mainly to strengthening the savings of all types of resources (labor, capital, commodity, energy, financial).

Under the influence of HTRs in the structure of the economy there are significant changes. In highly developed countries, the role of high-tech and high-tech industries increases. The specialization of countries is enhanced, on the resource-intensive and labor-intensive industries (refinery, chemical, metallurgical, light). Environmental factor acquires important, thanks to which the transfer to countries is carried out, develop, so-called "dirty industries" (petrochemistry, black and non-ferrous metallurgy).

Important factors of structural modernization are the centers of science and highly qualified personnel. Now any advanced country needs not just labor resources, but educated, highly qualified people who can control modern technician. The difference in qualifications and the cost of labor affects the placement of production. The "first floors" of the manufacturing industry are becoming more and more moved to the third world countries in order to use the cheap labor. Networkvlikvikovyanny workers in India receives $ 1-2 per day, whereas in the United States for the same work $ 66 is paid.

The new stage of the scientific and technical revolution, which turned in the second half of the XX century, led to a deep structural crisis in all countries, first of all developed. This is not an ordinary cyclical crisis, and Stadian, that is, a crisis associated with the transition to a new phase of socio-economic development. The essence of the current structural crisis consists in the transition from the period of industrialization to the post-industrial era.

As part of the Unified Global Economic System of the country and the regions are at different stages of development: post-industrial, industrial and pre-industrial. It is the risostudinality that determines the patterns of the spatial organization of the global system. Post-industrial development would be significantly complicated without moving many mining and processing industries to countries and regions with cheaper labor, especially in the countries of new industrialization.

The gap of the main socio-economic indicators between the countries of the North and the South also still reaches 10-15 and even 100 times. This is accompanied by very significant differences in the resource-position and production level.

The sectoral-territorial structure of economically developed countries is exposed to HTR. It significantly increases the importance of high-tech industries in the structure of industrial production with a decrease in the role of traditional industries, the concentration of research and development works (R & D), as well as coordination and management functions, increases.

The territorial structure of the economy (TSG) is influenced by newstructures that are formed in the R & D centers and information, that is, direct carriers of HTR. TSG changes also occur thanks to the introduction of the material embodiment of the results of the HTR. The increasing role of knowledge-intensive industries contributes to the movement of industrial production to the R & D centers, to the training centers and concentration of qualified personnel. The influence of HTR and TSG is primarily in improving and increasing the cost of infrastructure, in its sealing and improving the provision of territory. Therefore, favorable conditions for the progress of industry in most areas of these countries, including complex for development, disappears the need for tight bindings of materials intensive and energy-intensive industries to the mining centers of relevant types of raw materials and fuel, as well as the production of cheap energy. All this contributes to the further sealing and improvement of the TSG of developed countries, the economic development of new territories.

The nature of structural and spatial shifts in the economy of developed countries at the end of the XX century. It was far unchanged. One of the radical directions of shifts, which is peculiar to all countries, was determined by the cheap job orientation. The main result of this movement was the accelerated development and nomination to the first plan of countries with large resources of cheap labor. In countries with a cheaper workforce, mass types of products were concentrated, which required in the main labor of medium and low qualifications. Such sectors include light industry, the production of household appliances, mass species of office machines, agricultural and road vehicles, mass electronics.

The trend in the territorial and sectoral structure of the world economy is important - this increase in the territorial efficiency in the placement of industry is expressed in the further concentration of the industry in optimal clauses, primarily in seaports that have become peculiar commodity bases of developed countries. The orientation of production was intensified on highly qualified labor, which was manifested in the displacement of the industry to areas with a favorable environmental situation. In Western Europe, these are areas adjacent to the Alps, in the USA - California, South of the Mountains, Florida. Simultaneously in individual countries with a relatively low level of development (Italy, Spain, Greece and others), the orientation on cheap labor continues, which stimulates the acceleration of the economic growth of these countries. This will entail a further increase in the role of Spain in Europe. A noticeable decrease in the growth rates of industry in Japan, an increase in the economic potential of those partner-American continent, where there is an opportunity to use the cheap labor (Primexican south of the United States, Puerto Rico, etc.).

At the end of the XX century. Associates are created, even intercontinental, accommodation systems, represented by transnational corporations (TNCs). Elements of such a system have been laid for a long time since the 60s, but only now, with the subsequent internationalization of a world-economic life, have acquired a significant scale. At the current stage of the development of the technology of the capacity of individual units, the national, and sometimes continental boundaries have long since developed, and the need for optimal use requires the creation of an approximate - transnational - production area of \u200b\u200bproduction. In the process of development of technology and, the main, competitive struggle expands the product range. It encourages more and more specialized factories working for all Western Europe or the whole world as a whole.

The globalization of the world economy, everything is largely increasing the backward country and their active socio-economic space.

The areas of old development were formed in the XIX - early XX century. In the era of HTR, their reconstruction occurs, but along with this in a number of areas there is a new industrial, urban, transport construction and agricultural development. So the areas of new development arise. In the Epoch of HTR on the placement of production and its structure, new technique and technology are influenced. Thus, direct restoration and continuous casting steel led to new types of enterprises - mini-factories, automatic enterprises that are focused on areas with lack of labor resources. The general pattern of changes in the sectoral structure of the world economy is the consistent transition from the high proportion of agriculture, the producing industry in manufacturing industries that create products based on high technology. The value of the trend in the structure of the GDP of industrialized countries in the second half of the 20th century was the transformation of the scope of services (tertiary Sectors) on the predominant part of their economy industrial and post-socialist countries have about the same level of economic development both in terms of GDP per capita and in the sectoral structure of the economy in these two groups of the territory of the region remains a relatively high proportion of agriculture (6-10% of GDP) which is gradually approaching the level of developed countries (2-4%) The share of industry in the GDP of both groups of countries (25-40%) is affected at the level of post-industrial countries and even exceeds it due to a relatively low level of development of the service sector ( 45-5 5% GDPVP). In the sectoral structure of GDP of developing countries, there remains a high proportion of agriculture (20-35%) The share of industry in the GDP of these edges is often small (10-25%) noticeably higher in the Criminal RAM-exporters of mineral raw materials and fuel, whereas the share of the manufacturing industry fluctuates in the range of 5-15%. In the era of the HTR in the field of material production (primary and secondary sectors of the economy), the change in the proportions between industry and agriculture in favor of the industry, y belongs to the leading place. In the processing Industry of developed countries also occurs the process of moving the center of gravity from the material intensive industries (metallurgy, chemical industry) to high-tech (electronics, robotics, or rgicini synthesis) niche arises in production, occupy new industrial states that translated traditional labor-intensive industries in developing, secondary and lower levels . About 1.1 billion people are employed in the world agriculture (about 40% of the economically active population of the world) in developed countries, countries with economies in transition, new industrial states are dominated by commodity, mainly intensive agriculture in other developing countries (except for new industrial countries) A significant proportion of natural economy is maintained in the agro-industrial sector.

Scientific and technical revolution.Unlike scientific and technological progress (NTP), accompanying the development of humanity, the scientific and technical revolution (HTR) is a period of time during which a qualitative leap occurs in the development of science and technology, in a decisive measure of the transformative productive forces of society.

Modern HTR is characterized by four main features:

1) the rapid, accelerated development of science, a sharp reduction in the time between the scientific discovery and its introduction into production;

2) versatility, i.e. NTR covered all branches and spheres of human activity in all countries of the world;

3) increasing the qualifications of people;

4) NTR military-applied orientation as a consequence of its origin during the Second World War.

The HTR is a complex system in which four components interact.

1. Science.There was a system "Education-- Science - Production". An important indicator of the country's development was the costs of research and development and development (R & D). A huge share of such expenses (85%) is accounted for by leading developed countries: the United States, Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. R & D costs in them are 2--3%, and on education - 4--7% GNP. In most developing countries, the share of R & D costs is an average of 0.4%.

2. Technique and technologyimplement scientific knowledge and discoveries. With the help of technology, new products are created, butwith the help of technologies - new methods of processing and processing of raw materials and materials. The most vivid expression transition to the latest technique and technology is in the manufacture of electronic technology. That is why the last wave of HTR is called the "microelectronic revolution."

3. Production.Electronization and automation of production are the most important consequences of the "microelectronic revolution", which led to the reinductitia of advanced countries on a completely new basis. Other directions can be considered the rearrangement of energy based on energy saving, wider use of new energy sources, in particular atomic; Production of progressive structural materials, biotechnology and microbiological industry and, finally, the development of the aerospace industry. The most important feature of all these directions is their high-capacity, that is, the proportion of R & D costs in the total costs of producing a product.

4. Management.The science of managing, on the general laws of obtaining, storage, transmission and processing of information is called cybernetics. The "cybernetic revolution" was marked by the transition from paper computer science to the machine. She also created a complex information infrastructure that includes ACS, data banks, information bases, computing centers, video terminals, national information systems, etc. Ahead of other countries in the development of computer science and cybernetics are US, as well as Japan, Canada, Sweden, Austria.

World economy.The formation of the world economy occurred throughout the history of mankind. At the turn of the XV - XVI centuries. As a result of great geographic discoveries, trading between countries covered almost the entire globe, which led to the birth of the world market. The next stage was the industrial revolution of the XVIII - XIX centuries., Sharply pushed the development of primarily transport and the entire machine industry, which required the import of tremendous masses and food for the fast-growing urban population. Thus, the world economy was finally formed by the end of the XIX century. As a result of the occurrence of the global market, the development of a large machine industry and transport.

In the early 90s. Socialist camp ceased to exist. As a result, the world ceased to be split into two types of farms and acquired a polytristian character, although the main economic power still possess the three main centers - Europe, the USA and Japan (28%, 26% and 10% of world GDP, respectively). Today, the main "watershed" takes place not between East and the West, as it was before, but between the North (Center) and the South (periphery), and the gap in the level of socio-economic development continues to grow. On the entire periphery of the world economy by the beginning of the 90s. there was only 15% of world GDP.

Geographical separation of labor. International Geographical Separation of Labor(MGR) - the most important concept of economic geography, is expressed in the specialization of the economy of individual countries at the production of certain types of products or services and subsequently exchange them. In order for such a specialization in a particular country, certain conditions are needed:

a) the country should have any advantages, such as resource, in front of other states in the production of appropriate products, and these benefits must be maintained for a long time;

b) there must be countries experiencing the need for this product;

c) costs for the production and delivery of products to the consumer must be lower than that of other countries;

d) the country should produce this product more than it is necessary for it.

As a result of these conditions in the country, the sectors of international specialization focused on exporting products and determining the "face" of the country in MGR.

In turn, international specialization makes it necessary for international exchange of goods and services that contribute to the development of international economic relations, an increase in cargo flow, and a certain territorial gap is formed between the place of production and the consumption location.

In this way, world economy- This is the historically established system of interrelated national farms, which is based on the international geographical separation of labor, various economic and political relations.

Impact of HTR on the world economy. INXX century Thanks to the RF growth rates of world economy were very high. This process was called third industrial revolution, or reinductitia.

In the history of the development of the economy, three historical and economic structures can be distinguished. Until the XVIII century. In the world economy dominated agrarianstructure. After the industrial revolution in economically developed countries, industrialstructure. From the middle of the xx century. After the start of the RTR began to form post-industrial (informational)the structure for which the change in proportions between the production and non-production spheres in favor of the latter is characteristic. So, in the United States, Canada, Norway in the service sector employs more than 70% of labor resources, while in Russia - 31%, in Burundi - 6%.

IN production sphereThe HTR touched first of all changes in the ratio between industry and agriculture in favor of the first. This is explained, on the one hand, the most important role of industry in supplying the population by goods, in increasing labor productivity, and on the other - intensification of agriculture, its industrialization. Currently, in developed countries in agriculture, only 2--7% of the economically active population (in industry - 25%), in Russia - 13% (31%), PRC - 73% (14%), Nepal - 93% (1%), respectively.

IN industry Structureindustry of developed countries increased the role of manufacturing industries and primarily high-tech: mechanical engineering, chemical, as well as electric power industry. The share of the extractive industry drops sharply - up to 2--3% of total industrial production. The structure of agriculture increases the role of animal husbandry that gives in developed countries to 75% of all agricultural products.

No less influence of the HTR also territorial structurefarms. Many of the old production factors have acquired a new content, the emergence of others is directly connected with the HTR.

IN economically developed countries The territorial structure of the economy with a high level of "maturity" was formed. Here there was a system of economic areas of three types:

a) highly developed areas where there are largest scientific centers, high-profile production, the non-production sphere is well developed;

b) depressive areas that are old industrial, where the impact of the HTR is very weak;

c) backward agrarian districts, generally touched by industrialization.

IN developing countries The territorial structure of farms has developed in a colonial era. It is characterized by a low level of "maturity" and at the same time a very high degree of territorial concentration of production and population. The role of the main center of the whole territory is usually fulfilled by the capital, which is very often the main seaport of the country. The role of the auxiliary centers of the territory can perform areas of export specialization - mining industries or plantation agriculture. These two or three center are contented, as a rule, the only railway on which the mineral or agricultural raw material is exported to the port of export. The role of the periphery is played by extensive territories with traditional consumer agriculture.

The general pattern of changes in the sectoral structure of the world economy is a consistent transition from the high proportion of agriculture, the extracting industry in manufacturing industries that create products based on high technology.

The most important tendency to change the structure. GDP of industrialized countries in the world in the second half of the 20th century was the transformation of the scope of services (tertiary sector) on the predominant part of their economy

New industrial and post-socialist countries have about the same level of economic development as indicators. GDP per capita and in the sectoral structure of the economy. In these two groups of the region, the Institute remains a relatively high share of agriculture (6-10%. GDP), which gradually approaches the level of developed countries (2-4%). The proportion of industry in. The GDP of both groups of countries (25-40%) is affected at the level of post-industrial countries and even exceeds it. This is due to a relatively low level of development of the service sector (45-55%. GBPVP).

In the industry structure. GDP of developing countries remains a high proportion of agriculture (20-35%). The share of industry in. GDP of these edges is often small (10-25%). Noticeably above it in the cr. Rams-exporters of mineral raw materials and fuel, while the proportion of the manufacturing industry in them ranges from 5-15%.

So, in the era. The HTR in the field of material production (primary and secondary sectors of the economy) continues to change the proportions between industry and agriculture in favor of the industry, y belongs to the leading place.

In the manufacturing industry of developed countries, the process of moving the center of gravity from the material intensive industries (metallurgy, the chemical industry) to high-tech (electronics, robotics, etc.) niche occurs in production, occupy new industrial states by translating traditional labor-intensive industries in developing, secondary and lower level.

About 1.1 billion people are employed in global agriculture (about 40% of the economically active population of the world)

In developed countries, countries with economies in transition, new industrial states are dominated by commodity, mainly intensive agriculture. In other developing countries (except for new indices, industrial countries) are maintained by a significant proportion of natural economy in the agro-industrial sector.

Agriculture of almost all countries of the world consists of two large interrelated industries: crop and animal husbandry, the ratio between which changes significantly under the influence. HTR. In the viscosity of the zvinutih countries, it led to the preference of animal husbandry over crop production.

. One of the manifestations. HTR - an increase in the share of employees in the service sector (tertiary sector of economy). On average in the world in the tertiary sector, about 1/4 operating, and in. USA - 75%. The branches of the tertiary sector general for this group is that compared to many of the other sectors of the service sector (transport and communications, logistics, sales and blanks, lending, finance and insurance) Vonnie

more focused on the production and dissemination of knowledge and maintenance of the population than to maintain material production industries

HTR has made noticeable changes to the work of world transport, in particular the structure of its cargo turnover and passenger traffic. In the cargo turnover, the first place is occupied by sea transport (more than 60%), which serves before the international trade, the share of rail transport (12%) has significantly decreased, the share of pipeline transport (13%) is growing rapidly.

A lot of distribution is obtained by transportation in which two or more types of transport

In passenger transportation, the leader remains automobile transport, whose share has increased to 79%

Significant changes have undergone world trade, which ensures the exchange of production results - various products and products. Its volume increases with high rates, leading the growth rate of production: on the basis of the decade for every 10% of the production growth accounts for 16% of the growth of world trade.

Effect of HTR on the territorial organization of production

Various factors affect the placement of various industries. Some of these are traditional since the occurrence of these industries, some have gained importance to the era. HTR, and separate actually generated scientific-tech night. Revolution.

Thus, the placement of the industry at the end of the XIX early XX centuries was determined before the resource, primarily natural, factors. Coal and iron ore pools became nuclei of industrialization in. England, nor have it,. Russia (Midland, Rur ,. Donbass). In the era. HTR industry is less and less to mineral resource bases. The orientation of developed post-industrial countries on the cheap import raw material turned the bug of the coal and iron ore areas of these countries for depressive (economically decadent), giving rise to unemployment and outflow of the population in other regions.

In the era. HTR is the most dynamically developing countries and areas that do not have their own raw materials bases. So,. Japan, which imports up to 95% of raw materials and fuel, managed to become a highly developed post-industrial edge in a way. In other states, there was a movement of enterprises of the metallurgical industry from raw materials and fuel bases to new areas where the modern industrial structure has developed (from. Northeast. USA. Lifornia, from. Rura. The production industry is the basis of production only in new resource areas of developed countries (Northern and Western territories. Canada, Alas K. USA, Northern Territories. Australia, shelf zones. World Oceanana).

In developing countries, mineral resources remain the most important factor in the development of industry and continue to significantly influence the placement of production.

One of the most important factors for placing production in the modern world becomes demographically social. A special place among them is occupied by the centers of science and education (institutions of social infrastructure. Uri, who concentrate the labor resources of high qualifications - scientists, engineers-designers, etc.). First of all, this indicator determines the geography of high-tech industries.

In placement of many industries, decisive is not only the qualifications of labor, but also II cost. This is due to ?? and the situation, more and more industries are moved. TNK in countries is either the third world to use cheap labor.

Not lost its value in the era. HTR Consumer, energy, transport factors, etc.

The factor of the geographical position of individual countries and districts began to play an increasing role.

An environmental factor was one of the decisive to accommodate a number of industries in post-industrial countries. Since they have very rigid environmental legislation, many. TNCs are trying to move production, strongly pollute the environment (enrichment of ore and concentrate production, basic chemistry, forestry, etc.), in the third world countries, and sometimes to states with transition economies.

The modern stage of development of the world, economy led to a high territorial concentration of production and population

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