
Such objects as industrial and. Industrial object. Classification by type of work performed

Classifications of real estate objects There are many. They can be divided into appointment and consumer functions, according to the features of the use of an object, by legal relations that occur with the object.

Conditionally, all properties can be divided into two classes of residential properties and non-residential real estate objects. The latter includes commercial real estate, recreational and institutional real estate. Each of which can be divided into another few subspecies.

In this article, let's talk about the classification of commercial real estate.

Commercial real estate includes trading and industrial facilities.

Industrial or otherwise industrial real estate is buildings and structures that are designed to carry out various kinds of processes in order to obtain a certain kind of product.

Industrial facilities include:

  • Production buildings and structures,
  • Utility premises for production,
  • Energy objects,
  • Warehouses and transport facilities
  • Auxiliary buildings.

Classification of functional objects of objects

By appointment, real estate production facilities can be divided into the following categories:

  • Production facilities that are premises for placing workshops directly producing finished products. For example, foundry, woodworking, spinning or weaving shop.
  • Subsidated objects for the production that are used to implement the functions of related primary production supporting the optimization of the production itself, repairing production equipment, engineering and technical communications. For example, equipment for repairing equipment, design bureau, experimental workshop, laboratory and so on.
  • Energy objects that are intended to provide an enterprise with the necessary energy of various purposes (light, power, steam, and so on). For example, thermal power plants, compressor stations, gas generating facilities, transformer booths, and so on.
  • Constructions for warehouses and transportation services that are engaged in the maintenance and storage of vehicles used in production. For example, garages, charging depot for electric and equipment, repair shops, warehouses intended for storing raw materials and finished products and semi-finished products of production, components and auxiliary materials, fuel and lubricants.
  • Sanitary - technical objects that ensure the functioning of water and sewer lines. These include pumping stations, cooling towers, water towers, cleaning facilities.
  • Auxiliary facilities that include household and administrative structures, such as wardrobe and shower rooms, laundry facilities, medical deposits, libraries, dining rooms, checkpoints.

The listed groups of objects are not mandatory for each industrial complex, they can be combined in various combinations depending on the specifics of production.

Specifications are subject to industrial real estate objects:

  • The design and layout of the object should provide optimal working conditions of workers who participate in the production process,
  • All equipment used on the facility must be properly, in addition, the safety of the object must be provided by the management of the enterprise in accordance with the rules of fire safety,
  • The appearance of the production facility must correspond to the location, the same applies to the inner species and furnishings of the premises, in addition, the internal interior should contribute to improving the working capacity of the workers,
  • Constructive building decisions regarding the construction and operation of the building should be economically justified.

Danger Category Classification

In the course of industrial production, one way or another, hazardous chemicals are used. Their improper use or late disposal leads to the emergence of man-made disasters and accidents, the consequences of which can seriously affect the life and health of people, as well as on the environmental state of the environment.

To reduce the risk of serious production accidents, a mandatory assessment of the industrial facility and its activities has been launched, on the basis of this assessment, the rules for the safety of the facility and behavior during the work on it are formulated. This issue is regulated by Federal Law No. 116 of 21.07.97 "On the industrial safety of production facilities".

Assessment of the degree of danger and assigning the relevant status occurs at the time of registration in the State Register of hazardous production facilities. The hazard categories of the object are determined depending on the number of hazardous substances on the object. More detailed classification is described in Appendix 2 to the above-mentioned Federal Law No. 116.

  • I. Enterprises extremely high degree of danger of the object. The emergence of accidents on a similar type of objects can lead to an ecological catastrophe of a federal or interregional level and threaten the lives of a large number of people. Such objects include buildings for the storage and production of chemical weapons, special chemistry, facilities used to destroy chemical weapons, coal mines. In addition, this category of hazards include objects in which such substances such as ammonia, ammonium nitrate, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide, phosgene, and so on (full list in Appendix 2 to FZ No. 116)
  • II. High risk enterprises, the accidents on which can lead to an emergency regional scale. Such objects include enterprises that emit more than 6% of sulfur hydrogen in the air in the air, objects engaged in transporting liquefied gas under pressure from 1.2 megapascal, enterprises engaged in melting on smelting equipment at the same time more than 10 tons of material, mines and open development of combustible Shale.
  • III. The production of the average degree of danger. Emergency situations on such objects can lead to the catastrophes of the municipal scale. Such enterprises include enterprises that can be thrown into air 1-6% sulfur hydrogen, gas pipelines transporting natural or liquefied gas under pressure to 1.2 megapascal, structures designed for the heat supply of the population, suspended cableways, elevators, mining enterprises with volumes with volumes Development of more than 100,000 cubic meters per year.
  • IV production facilities that represent low danger. At the occurrence of accidents at such enterprises, a local emergency is possible. Such objects include enterprises in open development of rocks up to 100,000 cubic meters annually, oil producing enterprises with output of sulfur hydrogen emissions up to 1%, escalators in the subway, funicular, and so on.

Classification by construction capital

Capture production facilities are customary to share for 4 main classes, the first class includes buildings with the highest requirements for strength and durability of the construction (service life of at least 100 years), and the fourth grade is subject to minimum requirements (the established norm of operation does not exist).

For each class of strength of the Oppia construction, certain quality of operation is established, the degree of durability and fire resistance for the main supporting structures. Operational qualities are determined by the established sizes of the spans and steps of the columns, as well as the installation and convenience of installing the necessary technological equipment, the quality of finishing, the ergonomic environment for the workers and the quality of the technological processes occurring.

In order to ensure the durability and fire resistance of the main designs during construction, special materials and structures are used, which are protected from destruction during operation. The class of capital performance is established taking into account the following factors: the designation of the building, the size and capacity of the industrial facility, which includes a specific building, the uniqueness of the technological equipment, which is installed in the building, the degree of moral depreciation of the construction and urban planning destination.

As part of one complex of industrial enterprises, there may be a building with various grades of capital.

In terms of fire resistance, structures are divided into 5 main degrees. Under the degree of fire resistance means a group of ignition and the limit of the resistance of building structures in front of the fire.

The following types are allocated for fire resistance of structures and building materials:

  • Non-aggravated, such as brick or concrete,
  • Empty, for example, asphalt concrete or fibrololite, such materials under the action of high temperatures are quite difficult to ignite, and can be tweaked and charred,
  • Bore, for example, a tree, rubberoid, only, such materials are quickly flammable, burn and smashed.

Fire resistance is measured as a duration of the duration of the material resistance to fire without manifestation of signs of destruction, as a rule, the bill goes on the clock.

Classification of buildings on a geometric basis

  • Volumetric structures (most of the buildings, regardless of the functional purpose),
  • Playing facilities (facilities such as playground or field filtering field),
  • Linear structures (roads or lines of various types - power transmission, ground pipelines),
  • Regarding the planning marks of the territory, overhead structures are distinguished (for example, towers), ground (roads and pipelines) and underground (basements, storages, wells and wells). Different categories of structures can be combined with each other, for example, pipelines can be ground and underground and above-ground actually simultaneously on one object.

Industrial object - Property complex used by the subject of industrial activities for its implementation

Source: Law of Moscow dated 06/16/1999 № 21

"On industrial activity in the city of Moscow"

Industrial object - Enterprise, workshop, plot, unit and other production units used for industrial activities

Source: "Requirements for assessing the safety of the operation of production buildings and structures of supervised industrial industries and objects (examination of construction structures by specialized organizations). RD 22-01-97"


References to the definition of the concept of "industrial object"

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Maintaining the vital activity of human society at the present level would be impossible without the achievements of industrial economy. This is the most important segment of the production of labor tools, raw materials and materials on which the global market is based. At the same time, there are many aspects that must be taken into account when determining the term "industry". From the point of view of an ordinary person? At least a means of producing products, without which he today does not represent his life. But there is also a lot of production areas, which at all do not affect the lives of certain groups of people. Therefore, this concept requires more detailed decryption.

Industry definition

In a broad sense, under industry, one of the sectors of the national economy should be understood. If we talk about its tasks, then the provision of manufacturing industries by technical means and materials will be provided, allowing to maintain the performance of enterprises. The manufacture of goods for personal use is also an important part of the production activities that the modern industry covers. What is from a technological point of view? This is a combination of enterprises provided by technical means and materials for the issuance of a product. At the same time, it is necessary to share the processing and this economy. In the first case, enterprises involved in the processing of already received raw materials or billets can be considered. In the second - directly producing activity is carried out. And far from always processing objects at the output provide more prepared to final use, rather than mining.

Types of industries

Industry covers many industries from traditional extractive areas to high-tech areas. More familiar and classic can be attributed to woodworking, mining and food industries. In XX, in the rise against the background of intensive technological development, such areas as metallurgy, mechanical engineering, energy, the production of building materials, etc. Against this background, the bunch in which the industry and production played a complementary role was strengthened. The current stage is characterized by the development of specialized industries. This include electric power industry, chemical and microbiological industry, instrument making, etc.

Many areas can be divided according to the signs of light and heavy industry. The first group will include destinations in which fine-format products or products are available - mainly for personal consumption. Enterprises from the second category produce machines, aggregates, turbines, structures and raw materials in large volumes. This includes a heavy engineering industry, which is closely related to metallurgy and metalworking. In essence, this is a small conglomerate of industries, resources and power of which allow to produce not only machines with metal rolling, but also high-tech equipment, materials for the research complex, etc.

End products

Most often, the industrial sector provides only the workpiece for subsequent processing at highly specialized enterprises as its product. It can be the same lumber, ore, coke, plastic, etc. That is, by the time they are release, they are not ready from a consumer point of view by goods. Nevertheless, in the same industrial sector there is a considerable percentage of enterprises that the production cycle is completed, the release of the final product. These can be cars, machine tools, building materials, glass and porcelain products, devices, etc. The separate segment is the fuel and energy products of the industry, under which coal, oil, gas, and some biomaterials are understood. Energy generation in different kinds is also a kind of products that ensures the performance of the same industrial enterprises as the most demanding consumer. In this area, thermal, atomic and hydrological stations are distinguished.

Industry facilities

The concept of the object is also quite extensive. In this capacity, it is possible to consider both the enterprises (factories, combines, factories, processing complexes, workshops, etc.) and components that form an industrial infrastructure within the framework of one organization. From a technical point of view, aggregates, conveyor lines, equipment and structures can act objects, thanks to which the production or processing of the product is performed. But most often the machines, press and conveyors determine only the powerful potential on which the enterprise of the industry is based. What is an object of industrial economy in terms of construction? It can be a whole range of designs, premises, shops and hangars, in which diverse processes are implemented. Again, an energy generation station can be attributed to a separate category of objects of such. Hydroelectric station, for example, is a capital structure, the result of which is transported by power lines.

Impact on the economy

The development of the economy of the modern state directly reflects the state of the industrial sector. Moreover, the most influential industries include electric power industry, engineering and chemical sphere. And quantitative, and manufactured by such enterprises, they are characterized, in turn, their competitiveness in the conditions of the market - accordingly, this affects productivity and economics. Of course, the value of the industry for a particular economy can wear a negative shade. This mainly concerns industries with a bias on the commodity sector. As a rule, they are characterized by a low level of technical base and modest industrial funds.

Future industry

Like the construction, industry brightly reflects the advantages that modern technologies give. The introduction of new ideas and solutions contributes to improving the performance, optimization of logistics processes and reduce costs. Already in the near future, technologies predict a full-scale transition of most enterprises to computer-automated operations management. Thus, heavy engineering can fully switch to robotic maintenance of conveyor lines, and energy stations will receive an intelligent control system for transportation, distribution and energy conversion.


Despite the intensive development in different industries and directions, there are many factors that constrain this growth. Such can be attributed to the problems of environmental safety and lack of finance. After all, what is the industry in modern understanding? This is necessarily a competitive, safe and viable enterprise in the market, which can provide a quality product to the consumer. Accordingly, it should not harm the environment, seek the possibility of applying alternative technological solutions and, of course, to cope with the excess of expenses due to the transition to new technical means.

The industrial sphere of the countries of Russia and Ukraine is extremely differentiated after all in these countries have all possible organizational forms of business introduction and all different activities.

The industrial sector of the CIS countries are inherent in many areas of activity, and not specialization in individual industries. If we take into account the received programs on the priority areas of the country's activities, then with the multi-directional industry of the industry, you can disagree!

The existence of a variety of forms and enterprises of industry is associated with no possibility to carry out activities to the priority areas of national economy without infrastructure, which ensure the smooth functioning of the industrial sphere and each individual object of production in the country. Therefore, under production facilities, not only industrial business entities should be understood, but also small private enterprises, state, utilities, without which the industrial sphere could not function normally and efficiently.

In the CIS countries, in particular, Russia and Ukraine are presented to a large degree of production facilities, as the depths of these countries are unusually rich in natural resources. As for the processing industry, its facilities have a narrow specialization in the CIS countries, while they are in an unfavorable competitors regarding EU countries, Asia and the United States. This is primarily caused by the great wear of buildings, structures and equipment of business objects. Depreciation of fixed assets of enterprises, organizations and institutions reduces the efficiency of industrial enterprises and objects.

Industry facilities are concentrated in three main areas: the raw material base, labor resources, sales markets. In this way, economic entities seek to reduce their costs and costs for the relevant elements (transport, wages, advertising). It should be noted that producers of industrial goods and products are in an uncommon, due to the large existence of intermediaries, which the price of these goods are overestimated in the form of trade premises at each stage of the delivery of the GP to the buyer. To get rid of this contradiction, the small businesses should be connected to the industry, which works with smaller trade margins and can reduce the price of goods, products that will lead to an increase in price competition of goods.

If Ukraine goes into the EU, it will have to lose almost all priority production areas, since there is a clear specialization in the EU, for example, wine production, originated in France, thus Ukraine has the right to produce this type of product if it becomes a participant in the EU. Creation of close relations with a variety of countries will give much greater CIS countries than cooperation with one of the organizations of the countries of the world. For example, cooperation with a large number of countries to increase the sales market, as well as the ability to attract cheap resources for industrial areas, new

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