
Features of the accommodation of the composition of urban and rural population. Urban and rural population. What consequences leads false urbanization

The video tutorial is devoted to the topic "Urban and rural population". During the lesson, you will be able to form the concepts of urbanization and agglomeration. In addition, you will understand why over time people move from the countryside in the city, as the appearance of modern cities, as cities affect the economic and political interactions in the modern world. The teacher will tell about the main aspects of the geographical location of the largest cities, urban and rural population.

Topic: Geography of Peace Popies

Lesson:Urban and rural population

City - A relatively large settlement, whose residents are occupied, as a rule, outside agriculture.

History. Cities arose in ancient times, in 6 millennia BC. In the Delta Nile, Tiger and Eufrat. In antique time, the largest cities were Rome, Athens, Carthage. In the Middle Ages, the largest cities were Paris, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Ninkin, Beijing, Samarkand, Cairo. Currently, the oldest cities of the planet recognize the settlements of 8 - 7 millennia BC. E.: Jericho, Chatal-Hyuk and others.

Fig. 1. Derbent - the oldest city of Russia

The rapid growth of cities in the XIX century was caused by the industrial revolution. In the suburbs of large cities, representatives of the poorest layers first lived.
However, already in the XIX century, thanks to the development of railway transport in Europe and the United States, prestigious suburbs of large cities appeared, where very rich families settled. In the 20th century, many developing countries are distinguished by the highest pace of urbanization. In developing countries, multi-million city agglomerations are forming: Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Calcutta, Mumbai, etc. But the influx of rural population in the city, as a rule, is strongly ahead of the growth of the need for labor, and urbanization increases the amount of unemployed and semi-excursive.

Agglomeration- Compact accumulation of settlements, mainly urban, places of fire, combined into a complex multicomponent dynamic system with intensive industrial, transport and cultural bonds. The total number of agglomerations are in the United States, China, India, Brazil, Russia. At the absolute number of citizens (not in percentage ratio), China, India and the United States leading.

The largest agglomerations of the world


Number of residents

Includes (most relatively large)


Yokohama, Kawasaki, site

Puchhon, Koyan, Incheon, Sonnem, Suwon

South Korea

Nonautaalquotl, ECATEPEK, NAUKALPA

Newark, Paterson

Bhuvandi, Hookah, Than, Ulhasnagar

Faridabad, Gaziabad

São Paulo.



Los Angeles

Riverside, Anaheim

City itself and suburbs

Kobe, Kyoto.

In the XIX century, the growth of industrial cities has become massive, but it is the XX century that is considered an age of urbanization. Urbanization- Growth of cities, urban population, raising the role of cities and their population in the country and the world, the emergence and development of increasingly complex networks, cities systems and the spread of the urban lifestyle.

Dynamics of changes in the number of cities and citizens

Currently, the number of residents of cities from the general population of the Earth exceeded 50%.

Urbanization level of countries:

1. High-ribanized (more than 50%). Russia, USA, Belgium, Germany, France, Kuwait, Singapore (almost 100%), United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Monaco.

2. Middle-eurbanized (20% - 50%). India, Indonesia, Morocco, Bolivia, Guatemala.

3. Larom-free (less than 20%). Burundi, Bhutan, Papua - New Guinea, Niger.

Fig. 2. The level of urbanization. World map

Megalopolis- The largest form of resettlement, formed during the confluence of neighboring agglomerations, a solid urban settlement.

The largest and famous megalopolisms are:

- Tokaido (from Tokyo to Osaka and Kobe) in Japan. The largest (about 70 million people).

Bosvash (from Boston to Washington) in the USA.

Chipits. District of the Great Lakes in the USA and Canada.

- "Blue Banana" in Europe.

London - Liverpool in the UK.

Sansan, or California (from San Francisco to San Diego) in the USA.

In addition, Megalopolis is currently emerging in China, Brazil and India.

Rural settlements- settlements or settlements that do not comply with the criteria established in the given country for urban settlements. Rural settlements include settlements (regardless of their humanity), in which residents are occupied mainly by rural or forestry, fishing hunt, as well as settlements related to other activities (service industry, transport, construction), if they have a small population And arranged in rural areas. The people's humanity (i.e., the magnitude of them in terms of the number of residents) is associated with the production functions of the settlement, with the form of settlement, with the history of this settlement. This indicator objectively reflects the total effect of a number of factors on the development of the settlement, but in itself does not disclose these factors. At the same time, the amount of settlements creates certain conditions for their lives, to organize cultural and domestic service of their inhabitants, therefore, the allocation of a number of characteristic types of rural settlements on this basis has scientific and practical importance. The "typology of humanity of settlements" can be considered as one of the types of typology, but can most effectively be used in conjunction with other typological lines - functional, morphological, genetic.

When classifying settlements on their humanity in statistical accounting, they are all distributed to a greater or smaller number of groups, from the smallest (in 1 - 5 inhabitants) to the largest (10 thousand inhabitants or more), following the general principles of statistical groups. In typological terms, it is important to distinguish such the magnitude of the humanities with which the essential qualitative features of settlements are associated.

The greatest absolute number of rural residents in China and India, there is the greatest number of villages.

Main types of rural settlements:

1. Village.

3. Fazenda.

6. Takes.

7. Aules, etc.

2. Federal portal Russian education ().

One of the main characteristics of the population is its distribution to urban and rural.

Cities perform a variety of features in society. Citya large settlement with a developed infrastructure, which performs industrial, managerial, organizational and economic, cultural functions, which received this status is usually legislatively.

Historically, certain criteria have developed, in accordance with which the settlements are ranked towards urban settlements:

  • 1) Historic - cities that have developed in the process of historical development of countries, let's say in Latin America. An example of this kind - the assignment of the status of cities in England in the process of "award" by the settlements of the rights of independence from the power of the Landlords;
  • 2) Quantitative - inclusion in the category of cities of settlements when they achieve a certain number of population. The range of individual countries of the world is extremely high: from a number of 200 people in Iceland up to 20 thousand people in the Netherlands;
  • 3) Economic - inclusion in the category of cities of settlements, taking into account employment of the population by non-agricultural labor. As a rule, this principle is used in combination with others: quantitative, density, etc. Thus, the cities in Russia include settlements with residents of at least 12 thousand people, among which at least 85% of the population are engaged in non-agricultural labor (workers, employees and members of their families);
  • 4) Legislative - inclusion in the category of urban settlements in accordance with certain legislation. It is used in conjunction with the quantitative principle, for example in Canada and the United States.

In Brazil, Egypt, Mongolia, Paraguay to cities include all administrative centers regardless of the number of residents and other signs.

In Russia, there is a system of three criteria: quantitative, economic and legislative. In addition, the legislation may take into account the administrative importance of the settlement, its economic or cultural functions. Differences are also provided with urban-type settlements, urban settlements, workers and resort villages.

Urban type settlement (p. T.) - the type of settlement, in size, occupies an intermediate position between the city and the village. Unlike the village in such villages, the bulk of the population (at least 85%) should be occupied not in agriculture. In paragraphs. In the Soviet period, the minimum number of residents should be at least 3 thousand people, and in the city - at least 12 thousand inhabitants. Often in paragraphs, there was only one main ("city-forming") enterprise. Simultaneously with the concept of "urban-type settlement", the term "working settlement" is also used. Most of these concepts (in Russia, and until 1991, the RSFSR) are identical. At the same time, the sphere of their use varies. The urban type village is a geographical term denoting the type of settlement, the working settlement (r. P.) - the concept of administrative and economic. In addition to workers, urban-type workers can be dacha and resort.

Currently, there are no single criteria for education in Russia. T., this issue is included in the management of the subjects of the federation.

In Russia, on January 1, 2008, there are 1359 township villages. The largest largest population is p. T. G. Torchivodsky in the Stavropol Territory, which has 35.5 thousand inhabitants. In 104 the smallest population in the population of urban-type settlements, less than 1 thousand inhabitants live, and at least 100 people.

In all regions of the country there has been a tendency to reduce the number of township settlements. Most settlements that have lost the status of paragraphs, were transformed into rural settlements, some became cities, in some cases the villages were excluded from credentials due to the absence of residents (most often it happened in the Far East). In Russia in the second half of the 90s. The only subject of the Federation appeared, where urban settlements were not left at all, the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous District, even the center of the district is now considered a village of a rural type (since 2008, the district is included in the Irkutsk region). An insignificant increase in the number of urban settlements (cities and paragraphs) for the same period took place only in Ingushetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Stavropol Territory, Samara region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Due to the discrepancy of the criteria, it is extremely difficult to achieve comparability in relation to the number of urban population, even within the same country. It is even more difficult to obtain comparable data on the number of city population of the world. To this end, the UN Statistical Commission recommends include in the urban population only the population of cities with a number of at least 20 thousand people.

The urbanization process is associated with the growth of the urbanization, the main signs of which are the growth of old and the formation of new cities and the complication of the forms of urban resettlement (the formation of agglomerated territories and the exclusion of them in Megalopolis). Urbanization - from Lat. Urbanus - urban - the historical process of increasing the role of the city in the development of society, which covers changes in the placement of production and primarily in the settlement of the population, its social componence, demographic structure, lifestyle, culture, etc. In a narrower, demographer-statistical understanding - the growth of cities, especially large, means an increase in the specific gravity of the urban population (the so-called urbanization of the population).

The following processes are characteristic of urbanization:

  • 1) the growth and concentration of the population in the cities of the number of more than 100 thousand people;
  • 2) the emergence of new forms of resettlement associated with them;
  • 3) the spread of the urban lifestyle.

The following factors are influenced by the development of the urbanization process: the formation of new cities, the migration of the rural population in the city, the natural growth of the urban population, administrative transformations (giving rural settlements of the status of urban).

In the XX century, the urbanization process affected almost all countries of the world, thereby acquiring a global character. In developing countries in the middle of the XX century. The urbanization process acquired a rapid nature, demographic and urban explosions began to accompany each other. In this case, the growth rate of the urban population significantly exceeds the growth rate of the entire population, which is happening both due to the migration inflow in the city and due to the high birth rate. This leads to high demographic pressure on the economy.

During the XX century. Russia became a country town center. If in general in the Russian Federation for the period from the 20s. XX century until the end of the XX century. The number of the population increased 1.6 times, the number of urban increased 7.2 times. Now 69% of the urban population live in 165 major cities.

In general, for 1989-2006. The city's city population decreased by 4.2 million people, which can be seen from the table below. 3.4. The number of rural residents of Russia for the same period decreased by 600 thousand people, i.e. the urban population decreases about 7 times faster.

The rapid increase in the number of citizens was interrupted several times, as well as the increase in the total population of Russia. In the second half of the century, the growth rates of urban population remained high enough until 1990, when his share reached the maximum value - 73.9%. Then the number of citizens began to shrink. For 1991-1999 It decreased by 3277 thousand people, or 3.0%. The greatest decline was accounted for in 1999, 790 thousand people, it was significant in 1992, - 752.1 thousand people. In Russia, as in most developed countries of the world, the process of urbanization ceased - the ratio of urban and rural residents has been preserved in 2002 almost at the 1989 census level.

Table 3.4.

Dynamics of the urban population in the Russian Federation

A source: Demographic Yearbook of the Russian Federation, 2007. Stat. Collection. M.: Rosstat, 2008. P. 20.

Currently there is a decrease in population in the largest cities of Russia. If more recently, there were 13 millionaire cities in the country, now they are only 10 (in recent years, the population of Volgograd, G. Perm and G. Rostov-on-Don has become below 1 million people.). But within the boundaries of the actual agglomerations, the population and the city of Volgograd with the city of Volzhsky, and G. Perm with the city of Krasnokamsky and G. Rostov-on-Don with the city of Bataysky and the city of Aksam, all the same more than a million border. In the cities millionaires, 22,384.2 million people live, which is about 40% of the inhabitants of large cities (versus 37% at the time of the previous census in 1989). In general, the bulk of the population of the Russian Federation (64%) lives in cities with a population of 100 thousand and more people. Data on the number of the largest cities of Russia are given in Table. 3.5.

Table 3.5

Population, thousand people.

Saint Petersburg


Nizhny Novgorod









A source: DATA OF THE All-Russian Census 2002, URL: http // www.gks.ru.

In Russian statistics, a number of classifications of urban settlements in humans are applied. The next group in the humanities of urban settlements are most common: 3-4.9 thousand people; 5-9.9 thousand people; 10-19.9 thousand people; 20-49.9 thousand people; 100- 249.9 thousand people; 250-499.9 thousand; 500-999.9 thousand people and 1 million inhabitants and more.

When comparing the cities, other groups are applicable. In particular, small cities are highlighted with a number of up to 20 or 50 thousand inhabitants, depending on the objectives of the study: Middle Cities - from 20 to 100 or from 50 to 100 thousand; Major cities are from 100 to 250 or up to 500 thousand, super-arsoupled - over 500 thousand. Sometimes cities with a population of over 1 million people are distinguished.

The source of the growth of the urban population is the balance of natural growth and migration and the transformation of settlements in urban settlements, as a result of which many rural residents who do not waste anywhere, became citizens. At different periods of time, each of these sources played a different role in the formation of the urban population. Natural urban population of the Russian Federation appeared in 1992, reducing the number of urban-type settlements, many of which were transformed into rural settlements (especially in 1991-1992), the ratio of entry into urban settlements and departures from them led to a reduction in the number of citizens . A particularly significant reduction in the urban population occurred in a number of regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, as well as the European North, where there was a significant outflow of the population, mainly from the cities. Data on urban settlements in the RSFSR and Russia are shown in Table. 3.6.

Table 3.6.

Grouping urban settlements in Russia (according to the data censuses)


Urban settlements

Number of urban settlements, units.

The number of residents in them, thousand people.

2002,% by 1989

1 million and more

urban Types

of these, with the number of residents, thousand people: up to 5

20 or more

A source: Data of the All-Russian Census of the Russian Federation 2002, URL: www.gks.ru.

XX century It was a century of rapid urbanization. The share of residents of the Earth living in the cities for the XIX century. It has increased only from 5% to 13%, by 1950 it rose to 29%, and by 2005, up to 49%. It is expected that by 2030 the share of the urban population will reach 60%. "

Although the world urban population has not yet reached half of the entire population, but in individual countries its share is extremely high: over 85% of urban residents in Australia, Israel, Spain, Netherlands, Germany. On another pole - with the number of residents of cities less than 25% - are Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and other countries.

Developed countries of the world are characterized by a higher level of urbanization (the shares of the urban population), developing - less high. At the same time, the dynamics of the proportion of citizens is the opposite: in developed countries, the share of citizens is growing slowly or even declining, the largest cities grow in developing countries, and the growth of the number 1 of the demoskop. Bulletin "Population and Society" // Center for Demography and Ecology of Human Institute of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007. № 273, 274.

it often overtooks economic development. The modern type of urbanization in economically developed countries is intensive processes. In developed countries, the current stage of the development of urbanization is accompanied by intensive development of the suburbanization process - the formation and development of the suburban zone of cities and education on this basis of new spatial forms of the urban population - urban agglomerations and megalopolis.

In 1900, there were 362 cities in the world with a population of 100 thousand people and more, and the cities millionaires - 10. After 100 years, the number of major cities increased to 2420, and with a million population exceeded 200.

In international statistics, the concept of agglomeration was distributed, i.e. Compact spatial grouping of settlements united by diverse intensive bonds (economic, labor, cultural and recreational) in a complex multicomponent dynamic system.

The agglomeration is characterized by pendulum movements of the population to work and study within its territory. There are differences in terminology and statistical assessment of agglomerations. For example, in the Netherlands, affiliation to the agglomeration is established on the basis of the following signs: employment outside agricultural production (at least 70% of the economically active population), the share of pendulum migrants should be at least 15%.

There are a number of definitions and statistical assessments of urban agglomerations in Russia. As an example, one of them can be given - the population in the core city of agglomeration must be at least 100 thousand people; In the zone of the central city, at least two urban settlements should be, the total number of which would amount to at least 10% of the population of the city.

In 1970 The UN suggested the term "megalopolis" (super-broom, or megaard) to designate urban agglomerations with a population of 8 million people and more. In 1990 The UN raised the threshold to 10 million people following the practice of such organizations as an Asian Development Bank.

According to UN experts, in 1950 there were only two megalopolis in the world: New York with 12.3 million inhabitants and Tokyo from 11.3. In 1975, there were three: Tokyo (26.6 million people), New York (15.9), and Mexico City (10.7), and in 2005, - 20. Figure 3.1 gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of residents of the largest Cities in the world. By 2015, the number of metropolis will increase to 22 at the expense of Istanbul and Guangzhou, and 17 of these ultrasounds will be located in developing countries. The population of the population concentrated in the cities with the number of residents of 10 mlni more has increased in 1975-2005. From 53.2 to 292.6 million people, and by 2015 up to 359.2 million people will increase.

Fig. 3.1. The population of urban agglomerations with the number of residents in 2005 is 10 million people or more, million people 1

Among the largest cities in 2005, Tokyo was especially distinguished from 35.2 million inhabitants. For Tokyo, such largest urban agglomerations are followed as Mexico City (19.4 million people), New York (18.7), San Paulo (18.3) and Bombay (18.2). Until 2015, Tokyo will remain large

neighted agglomeration of the world (36 million people). Behind him, the magnitude of the population will follow Bombay (21.9), Mexico City (20.6), Sao Paulo (20.5) and New York (19.9).

For economically developed countries, the ruganization process is characterized - the distribution of urban forms and living conditions for the countryside. This process is accompanied by the migration of the urban population in the countryside, transfer to the countryside forms of economic activities characteristic of cities.

The rural population of the world develops from the population living in rural settlements.

Despite the growth in the population of the world, its share in the total population decreases, due to significant "losses" of the rural population as a result of its migration to urban settlements. A particularly significant decrease in the number of rural population of the world occurred in the post-war period, but the pace of this process in the 70-80s. slow down. According to the Population Reference Bureau), the total population of the world was about 6.6 billion people in mid-2006, of which 48% treated the city's population, and, accordingly, 52% to rural. The main part of the rural population is 71.5% - concentrated in Asia. Africa lives 16.9% of the rural population of the world, in Europe - 5.3%, in Latin America and the Caribbean countries - 3.9%, in North America - 2.0%, in Oceania - 0.3%.

In general, in a group of developed countries, in which experts of the public information bureau include all countries of Europe and North America, as well as Australia, New Zealand and Japan, the share of the rural population is 23%, and in the rest, less developed ("developing", According to the previous terminology of international organizations) countries - 59%.

The forms of resettlement of the rural population in the world are extremely diverse. The population can live in settlements, which, according to their production functions, can be divided into three types: agricultural, non-agricultural and mixed. There is another approach to the allocation of the type of resettlement - dispersed, or scattered, resettlement, the example of which is a farm or farm settlement. There are seasonally protected items,

populated in some periods of the year, mobile settlements, changing their location in connection with the activities of residents.

The total number of rural settlements is practically impossible to establish, because in many countries a single settlement is not a separate settlement, but their association (rural commune, etc.). The approximate their number ranges from 12 to 20 million, depending on the calculation method.

Forms and types of rural settlement reflect both historical and modern socio-political conditions of the countries of the world. Developed countries in the type of rural settlement are divided into two types. In Europe and Japan, having a long history of development, including agricultural, large villages and villages are combined, single farmers houses, landowner estates with settlements of service workers. To this, resort and country villages are added, suburban non-agricultural settlements.

In the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, rural settlements have a dispersed structure (farm settlements) of land owners or tenants. The dispersed settlement spawned special villages that serve this population - villages from several houses with small shops, elementary school, etc. Often, such villages will develop into larger settlements.

In developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, rural settlements are very diverse, the village form of resettlement prevails, and many villages achieve very significant sizes. The causes of the emergence of the village can be called the need to joint protection against wild animals, community ownership of land.

According to the nature of production activities, all rural population can be divided into engaged in agricultural labor and not engaged in this industry. According to approximate estimates, almost the VS of the economically active population of the world is currently occupied in agriculture and related industries. However, in economically developed countries, the employment rate of agricultural production is small: from 2.5-3.5% in the UK and the United States to 12-15% in Spain and Portugal.

In Russia, the population of the rural population during the 20th century significantly decreased, and, as seen from the table below 3.7, currently rural residents are 27.0% of the country's population.

Table 3.7.

Dynamics of the rural population in the Russian Federation

Section EGE: 3.5. City and rural population of the world. Urbanization as a global process

Maintenance of the population - The process of forming and developing a network of settlements.

Locality - place of permanent residence of people.
Popular facilities are two types: 1) urban; 2) rural.

Urban cities and urban settlements , and to rural - villages (group form of resettlement, distributed mainly in Central and Southern Europe, Russia) and farm. (An absent-way form of resettlement, common in the USA, Canada, Australia).

IN 2009 For the first time in the history of mankind, the number of urban population compared With the number of rural, reaching 3.4 billion people. And then it is expected that the whole of the world's population will be represented by citizens (that is, the urban population will continue to grow faster than the population of the world as a whole), which is confirmed by the last (for 2013) data.

Features of urban settlement

City - The settlement, most of whose population is busy in the field of industry, construction, maintenance and other areas that are not related to agricultural activities.

The unified concept of "city" for all countries does not exist. Often the main criterion for its allocation is ludith. In some countries, cities consider settlements with more than 1000 people. In the United States, in order for the settlement to be a city, no less than 2500 people should live in it, in Russia - at least 12,000, in Japan - more than 30,000.

The concept of urbanization

Urbanization - Growth of cities and urban population. Three main features Modern urbanization:

  • a rapid growth rate of urban population (especially in less developed countries);
  • high concentration of population in big cities;
  • the growing of the cities of Wishing.

Especially rapid growth rates of urban population are characteristic of XX century. If at the beginning of the century the cities lived only 14% of the population of the Earth, then by the middle of this figure rose twice.

The share of urban population is significantly different in countries and continents. In Europe, North and South America, Australia and Oceania, the urban population is about 75% of the total population, and in Africa and Asia - just over 30%.

The peculiarity of the urbanization process in developed countries was the phenomenon of suburbanization - moving part of the urban population in the suburbs. In the US, 60% of urban residents live in suburbs. This is due to the deterioration of environmental conditions in large cities, high local taxes and the increase in the cost of infrastructure.

Types of countries in the level of urbanization

  • High-grained(urbanization level\u003e 50%). These are all highly developed countries and many of the developing: Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Israel, USA, Canada, etc.
  • Medium-eurbanized(urbanization level 20-50%). The most Asian countries are Kazakhstan, China, Indonesia and individual countries of Africa - Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, South Africa.
  • Laromburganized(Urbanization level< 20 %). Относится большинство слаборазвитых стран: Афганистан, Чад, Нигер, Эфиопия и др.

Agglomeration - accumulation of small cities around large, combined in one system by economic, labor and cultural and household connections.

The growth and merger of agglomerations leads to the emergence of megalopolis (not to be confused with the word: megalopolis!).

Megalopolis - Extremely urbanized, as a rule, a spontaneous forming form of urban settlement, which arises by the captivity of several urban agglomerations in countries in which regions with large-scale urbanization. The term comes from the name of the ancient Greek city of Megalopol, which arose as a result of a merger of more than 35 settlements of Arcadia. Literally, Megalopolis translated from Greek means city of oversized sizesWhere prefix megalo It is a quantity in exaggerated amount.

The largest megalopolis of the world:

  • Mukhafase Delta Neil, Africa (Alexandria, El Buekyra, etc.) - 41 million people.
  • Delta Zhujiang River, China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, etc.) - 55 million.
  • Delta of the Yangtze River, China (Shanghai, Nanjing, etc.) - 88 million
  • Bohai, China (Beijing, Tianzcin et al.) - 66.4 million.
  • South China Coast, China - 25 million.
  • Taihai, Japan - 81.8 million.
  • Tokaido, Japan (Tokyo - Osaka) - 60 million.
  • Seoul National Capital Belt, South Korea - 25 million.
  • Maharashtra, India - 39.5 million
  • South India (Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc.) - 38 million
  • Java, Indonesia - 141 million.
  • European Interstate Megalopolis "Blue Banana" - more than 110 million.
  • European Interstate Megalopolis "Golden Banana" - 40 million.
  • European Interstate Megalopolis "Green Banana" - 40 million.
  • Megasiti Southeast Brazil (São Paulo, Campinas, Sorokab, etc.) - more than 32.2 million inhabitants.
  • Great Lakes, USA, Canada - 55.5 million people.
  • Boswash, USA (Boston - Washington) - 52.3 million
  • Megalopolis Mexico City, Mexico - 34 million
  • Southern California, USA - 24.4 million people.

In recent years, more and more distribution gets "False" "urbanization - The rapid increase in the number of urban population, not accompanied by an increase in the number of jobs. The difference from the true urbanization is that urban functions are developed, characterizing the global urbanization process. Arriving in the city rural population replenishes the unemployed army, and the lack of housing leads to the formation of unfavorable urban outflows with unsanitary conditions (slums).

"False" urbanization is distributed in Latin America and Southeast Asia.

In looked at the lesson in the geography of the city and rural population of the world. Urbanization". Select Further Action:

One of the most important tasks of the geography of the population is the analysis of its spatial placement. The degree of population and economic development of any territory is most often determined by the number of residents per 1 km2, i.e., the population density indicator.

People on Earth are extremely uneven (Fig. 11.11). Approximately 1/10 of the sushi is still uninhabited (Antarctica, almost all Greenland, etc.). About 1/2 sushi has a density of less than 1 person per 1 km2, on 1/4 sushi density ranges from 1 to 10 people per 1 km, and only the rest of the sushi has a density of more than 10 people per 1 km2. In the populated part of the Earth, the average density is 45 people per 1 km2.

Large ranges with a population density over 50 people per 1 km2 a bit: Europe (without northern part), in Asia - India-Ganga lowland, South India, East China, Japanese Islands, Yava Island, in Africa - Nile Valley and Low Niger, in America - some seaside areas in the Northeast of the United States, in Brazil and Argentina. In many urban areas of the world, the population density reaches several thousand people per 1 km2.

More than 2/3 of humanity is concentrated about 8% of the land area.

Some other features of the placement of humanity are as follows: 60% of the population live in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere; more than half of people focused on lowlands (up to 200 m above sea level); The population seems to be shifted to the sea - almost 1/3 people live at a distance of no more than 50 km from the sea (this bar takes 12% sushi).

Comparing the geography of the population density with a physico-geographical map of the world, it is easy to see that weakly populated those territories where natural conditions are minor to the lives of people. However, the influence of the natural environment on population placement is increasingly weakening as the socio-economic development of humanity. Some natural factors cannot explain those huge shifts in the placement of people in the world that have occurred in the last century. For example, the population of South and North America for 1800--1990. Grew 20 times, and his share among the inhabitants of the Earth has changed during this period from 3.2 to 13.8%.

The overall indicators of the population density reflect to a certain extent territorial differences in the degree of favorable the local natural environment for the lives of people and their production activities, as well as the type of farming. But there are no direct links between the density of the population and the economy, there is no public system. The high population density is most often related to the development of industry and cities, however, among tightly populated countries, both industrial, strong-rombanized countries are found (the Netherlands - 460 people per km2, Japan - 335 people per 1 km2) and agricultural countries with a sharp advantage rural population (Bangladesh - 960 people per 1 km2, Nigeria - 130 people per 1 km2). Among the rare-depleted states are such developed countries as Canada, Australia, Russia (respectively 3, 2, 8 people per 1 km2).

It is important to indicate that the density indicator does not give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the specific placement of people. Answer this important question helps the analysis of the settlement, i.e., the distribution of people on the settlements of different types.

The nature of the settlement of people, the settlement systems (settlements) is continuously developing and complicated in the process of human society. Each social formation and the level of development of productive forces are characterized by its own peculiarities. But since socio-economic changes occur faster than the material funds of vital activity change, each territory usually combines different elements of the settlement, characterized by different epochs, both rudimentary and new types of settlements. In addition, natural and demographic factors affect the settlement.

There are many millions of settlements in the world - group or isolated, isolated habitats having their geographical name. They are extremely diverse: there are settlements only temporarily (seasonally) inhabited, settlements, periodically changing their location, etc., but it is especially important to the classification of settlements on their "magnitude (number of residents) and functions. It is on these signs that all settlements are divided into two main types - urban and rural, and the cities should consider large settlements with mainly non-agricultural functions. However, there is still no single accurate quality criterion for the urban settlement for the whole world. In many countries, when determining cities, the main sign of the city is ignored - the concentration of non-agricultural functions - and the cities are considered to be all settlements, the number of residents in which has reached a certain amount; This criterion ranges from 200 people in Iceland and Denmark to 20--30 thousand people in the Netherlands and Japan. In the UK and Sweden, legal signs (acts) are taken as a basis for the assignment of the status of the city status, often inherited from the Middle Ages. In many countries, Africa are administrative centers regardless of the number of residents.

All this greatly distorts the picture of the actual distribution of the population of the world between the city and the village, makes the comparison of these indicators in different countries a very conditional. Therefore, to compare the level of urbanization of different territories, it is more correct to consider the share of the population in larger settlements (for example, from 10--20 thousand inhabitants), whose humanity itself indicates that most of them are genuine cities, although this approach, of course, conditional.

Nowadays, more than half of humanity live in rural areas, however, cities play a leading role in the economic, political and cultural life of peoples, are focus of economic relations, and their importance in society continues to grow. Therefore, the study of the process of the development of cities (urbanization) and the already established system of urban settlements (urbanization) is a very relevant and complex task of public geography.

The most ancient of the existing cities of the world, apparently, Jericho (in Arabic Aiha) in Palestine, famous for biblical legends. Its urban "experience" - about 5 thousand years, a modern number of inhabitants - 30 thousand people. The rapid growth of cities began with the end of the XVIII century. - with the development of machine production, which resulted in the territorial concentration of production, and with it of the population.

In the XIX century The number of residents in cities with more than 5 thousand people increased almost 10 times; In 1800, 3% of the population lived in them

1. Geographical name and administrative-territorial status. 2. Physical and economic and geographical position. 3. Territory (area, configuration, natural conditions, etc.). 4. The history of emergence and development. 5. Population. Labor resources and their use. 6. Settlement functions. 7. Characteristics of housing stock, improvement, level and quality of life. 8. Internal layout and microgeography (territorial organization of the settlement). 9. Settlement of the settlement. 10. Prospects for the development of the settlement.

To identify the main defining functions of settlements are often not easy, as among cities, especially large, few highly specialized centers, most of them have a versatile value. The leading group of functions can be judged by the structure of the employed population, according to the sources of means of the existence of residents, by the nature of the external economic ties and the role of the settlement in the geoffic division of labor. At the same time, it is important to identify the functions that determine the very existence of each city or rural settlement, separating them from serving industries.

Particularly often found cities with a combination of industrial, trade, transport and administrative functions, but there are many centers and a narrower profile, for example industrial (Duisburg, Hiroshima, Kimberly) or transport centers (Rotterdam, Singapore, Suez). There are cities - Political and administrative centers (Washington, Canberra, Abuja, Brazilia), military bases (Sevastopol, Pearl Harbor), Culture Centers, including University Cities (Cambridge, Heidelberg), Resorts (Nice, Miami), Religious Centers (Mecca, Lourdes), etc. New important type of cities - Technopolis, where all conditions are created for the accommodation and work of research centers and design bureaus. The largest cities of the world are characterized by the most complex combination of functions, and unproductive functions are clearly dominated. Thus, New York, London and Tokyo are leading centers in the world at the concentration of financial activities.

Rural settlements include all settlements that have no urban status. Due to the intensive migration of rural residents in the city (as well as due to the administrative transformation of a part of rural settlements in the city), the population in the world grows 2.5 times more slowly than urban, despite a higher natural increase in rural families. In many developed countries, the number of rural residents is reduced not only relatively, but also absolutely. However, in a number of Afrian countries, especially in Africa, the number of residents in rural settlements continues to grow rapidly (see Table II.9).

More than half of the world's population still lives in rural settlements, therefore, naturally, the study of the dynamics and composition of rural residents, as well as types and functions of rural settlements, which are extremely diverse, depending on the socio-economic environment, Afar relations and natural conditions . For example, for countries with a high level of capitalism in agriculture (USA, Great Britain, Australia), the settlement is typically dispersed (individual farms), and where more community land use is preserved or large cooperative farms prevail - the placement of rural residents is mainly in large villages (many areas of Western and Equatorial African, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine). Some types of settlement have developed in agricultural areas, others in areas of pasture animal husbandry, etc.

In most rural settlements, residents are occupied mainly by agriculture, but the rural and agricultural population is unlawful to identify. In terms of production, all rural settlements can be divided into three types: a) agricultural; b) non-agricultural and c) with mixed functions. The fact is that in rural areas, especially in highly developed countries, there are many people who are not related to agriculture. There are many settlements serving the needs of farmers, transport and forestry, resorts, "bedrooms", etc. Improving the means of transport allows many people to live in rural areas, and work in cities. In the US, less than half of the rural population work in agriculture, in the UK - only a quarter. On the contrary, in economically backward countries (especially in Africa), even in the cities there are many residents engaged in such activities. Thus, there is a complex dependence between the types of settlements and the economic activities of people, determined primarily by the specifics of socio-economic conditions.

In the future, the evolution of the settlement system in the world will be characterized primarily by the further urbanization of the planet, a gradual reduction in differences in the degree of urban regions and countries, an increase in importance in the system of settlements of large forms of group urban and mixed settlement, strengthening links between urban and rural settlements, increasing influence non-production functions on the formation of the entire network of locations, the introduction of rural residents to the city's lifestyle and the strengthening of the outflow of urban workers in rural "bedrooms".

In the 90s, more and more attention to the monitoring of the state and trends in the development of the world's population, its regions and countries is justified by the UN. The importance for the progress of mankind decisions of environmental conference conferences and development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) and on the problems of population (Cairo, G.), the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, G.), Conferences on settlements (Istanbul, 1996) and other international forums organized by the UN. The most important of global tasks requiring attention and urgent decisions are recognized by the formation of effective demographic policies, problems of poverty and unemployment, social contrasts and ethnic conflicts, deterioration of the environment. It is considered appropriate to develop a scientific concept of determining the potential population (optimal population) in different parts of Okumen, based on the assessment of the maximum number of residents, which can be sustainably self-sustained by means of existence at the expense of local economy, taking into account both natural and socio-economic prerequisites for production .

A look into the future

Large social importance is predicted by the development of the population, changes in its number, composition, etc. Such forecasts are usually compiled in several embodiments, taking into account the different possible changes in the fertility and mortality rates in new generations of people, the evolution of the social infrastructure, welfare and culture of the population. Main attention is attracted to average forecast options as the most likely. This uses different mathematical formulas.

The long-term UN forecasts predict a decrease in the total birth rate and the reproduction coefficients of the population to the level of simple substitution of generations. At the same time, a decrease in mortality and the growth of average life expectancy will occur, the proportion of people in a childbearing (fertile) age will decrease. The most important demographic parameters for the year will be in 2040--2050.: The total fertility coefficient (OCD) is 14.3% o, the total mortality rate (OCC) is 9.5% o, the natural increase will be 4.8 %about; The coefficient of total fertility in women - 1.01; Net-coefficient of reproduction of generations - 0.99. Infant mortality will decrease to 17% o, and the average life expectancy of people will increase to 76 years. In the second half of the XXI century. The growth rate of the population will fall, and at the beginning of the XXII century. On Earth will be approximately 10--10.5 billion people. At this level, it is possible to expect the stabilization of humanity.

Significantly change the geography of the settlement of people. According to the middle forecasts for 2050, the population of the Earth will be about 9330 million people, of which 58% will live in Asia and 22% in Africa, and the share of Europeans (including Russia) will decrease to 7%. In terms of the number of residents, leaders will (million people): India - 1535, China - 1523, Pakistan - 380, USA - 350, Nigeria - 340.


1. What factors affect the placement of the population?

Factors affecting the placement of the population:

1) Factor of natural conditions: proximity to the sea, plain territory, favorable climate, fertile soils, abundance of natural resources, etc.

2) Historic factor: long-lived territories - these are areas of education of ancient states - Egypt, Rome, Greece, China, India.

3) Demographic factor: high or, on the contrary, a low natural population growth is able to significantly affect the placement and density of people by region.

4) Socio-economic factors:

Employment of the population in agriculture;

Industry development;

Compact and trading paths.

2. What is the city and rural lifestyle characterized?

Features of the rural lifestyle are associated with the peculiarities of there and the life of residents: labor subordination to rhythms and cycles of the year; heavier than usual in the city, working conditions; low opportunities for the labor mobility of residents; a large luminarity of labor and life, indisputability and labor-intensity of labor in home and subsidiary farms; A set of lessons in your free time is pretty limited. In the lifeguard of rural settlements, elements of the traditional neighbor community have been preserved. They have a fairly stable composition of the inhabitants, the weak of its socio-professional and cultural differentiation, typical of close related and neighboring connections.

For the city are characteristic: the concentration of a large number of residents and the high density of the population in a limited territory; high degree of diversity of human livelihoods (both in labor and outproduction of spheres); Differentiated socio-professional and often ethnic population structure.

The city has a number of features that create special conditions for the socialization of its inhabitants, especially the younger generations.

The modern city objectively - the focus of culture: material (architecture, industry, transport, monuments of material culture), spiritual (educationalness of residents, cultural institutions, educational institutions, monuments of spiritual culture, etc.). Due to this, as well as the number and diversity of layers and population groups, the city is a focus of information potentially affordable to its inhabitants.

At the same time, the city is the focus of criminogenic factors, criminal structures and groups, as well as all the type of deviating behavior.

3. What is the city?

The city is a major settlement, the inhabitants of which are occupied, as a rule, not agriculture. It has a developed complex of farm and economy, is a accumulation of architectural and engineering structures that provide life support.

4. What are the types of rural settlements?

Rural settlements are divided into two types: group (village, settlement) and multiple settlement (farm, farm).

What do you think

Is there an existence of only urban or only a rural form of resettlement?

The existence of only urban or only a rural form of settlement is impossible. Food or base for them is grown, as a rule, outside the cities, as large areas of lands are required for their production. In the city, this production will cost very expensive.

Food is the first thing to people. There is still a forest industry, oil - these are branches that cannot be produced within the city and therefore without the help of the village, villages and even temporary towns of the city simply will not be able to support their existence.

Also on the contrary.

Check knowledge

1. What are the forms of resettlement of people?

Since ancient times there are two forms of people's resettlement: nomadic and settled.

2. What are the forms of rural settlement?

There are two forms of rural settlement: compact (rustic) and scattered (farmer).

3. What cities are called megalopolis?

The megalopolis is called the city whose number exceeds a million people.

4. What is urbanization?

Urbanization (from Lat. Urbanus - urban) is the process of increasing the role of cities, urban culture and "urban relations" in the development of society, an increase in the number of urban population, compared with rural and "broadcast" formed in the cities of higher cultural samples beyond cities.

5. What is false urbanization?

False urbanization (english "SHAnty Town" is a "flourish city") - a type of urbanization, in which the rapid increase in the number of urban population is not accompanied by the commensurate growth of urban functions capable of ensuring an adequate level of incorporating new citizens to the city cultural and economic environment.

And now more complex questions

1. Why is the urban form of settlement it is customary to be the main?

The cities became the main form of the settlement of people, since it is in them that the industrial production and infrastructure is concentrated, they are scientific, administrative and cultural centers, the main transport routes are intersect.

2. What is characterized by the modern stage of the urbanization process?

The main feature of the current stage of the resettlement process is urbanization, which is a historical process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society, causing changes in the socio-professional and demographic structure of the population, affecting its culture, lifestyle, psychology, etc.

In the second half of the past and the beginning of the current century, it was gradually (in developed countries) a face between urban and rural settlements began to be covered, solid urbanized territories appeared, urban agglomerations came to change the city as a point-in-form settlement. The processes of agglomeration and conurbation continue, the formation of multi-million megalopolises. At the same time, the nature of urbanization in developed and developing countries is spilled. In developed countries, the urbanization process, in its former understanding, is actually completed and smoothly transforms into the processes of suburbanization (the growth and development of the suburban zone of large cities), the counterurbation (the process of erosion, reducing the number of cities) and rugurbanization (the process of distribution of urban forms and living conditions on Countryside).

3. What is the difference between the terms "megapolis" and "megalopolis"?

Megapolis is a city whose population exceeds a million people. Megalopolis is the largest form of resettlement, which is formed during the captivity of a large number of neighboring urban agglomerations.

4. Why did the urbanization rates slow down in developed countries?

The urbanization rates are directly related to its level. In developed countries, the level of urbanization is high, the share of urban population in many countries reaches 80% or more, so the further increase in the downtown share is practically impossible. Moreover, in many developed countries there is a suburbanization process (relocation to suburbs).

5. What consequences give false urbanization?

The effects of false urbanization:

The rapid increase in the number of urban population, not accompanied by a sufficient increase in the number of jobs (in developing countries).

Arriving in the cities of the village population replenishes the number of unemployed, and the lack of housing causes the appearance of unfavorable urban outflows with unsanitary conditions of life.

From theory to practice

1. Using drawing data 18, determine the three countries with the largest and three countries with the smallest urbanization level?

High-ribanted countries - Kuwait, Belgium, Venezuell.

Larombanized countries - Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda.


2. Compare the number of the urban population of Brazil and France. Word the conclusion about the ratio of the city's population of these countries. The missing data necessary to perform the task, find in additional sources of geographic information.

The number of the urban population of Brazil - 125 million people.

The number of the urban population of France - 43 million people.

In the number of urban population, Brazil occupies 4th place in the world, France - 9th. The share of urban population in the countries under consideration is 73% and 72%, respectively. The almost identical share of the urban population with a different indicator of its number is explained primarily by socio-economic development, as well as occupied by the area and number of the population.

Final tasks according to the end of the section

* Answers to test questions

1. For developed countries of Western Europe, the index of natural increase is

B - about 0

2. The predominance of women in the sexual structure of the population is characteristic of

In Denmark

3. Which of the listed countries in the age structure of the population dominate persons under 15 years old?

B - Nigeria

4. The number of labor resources primarily depends on

B - age composition of the population

5. The highest average population density is characteristic

A - Mongolia

6. The center of the attraction of migrants is

B - Germany

7. Arrange the listed countries in order to increase the number of people in them, starting with the smallest value.

Norway, Russia, Brazil, India

8. Install the correspondence between the country and characteristic of it by the type of population reproduction.

9. Install the correspondence between the race and the historic residence of its representatives.

10. Install the correspondence between the world religion and the region of its origin.

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