
Questions of urban planning legislation explained Gosstroy. How to extend the construction permission to the Urban Planning Code - the sample of the application is it necessary to extend the construction permit

The extension of the construction permit is necessary for those who did not meet in pre-established deadlines. For this, it is necessary to prepare documents and provide them with the department of architecture and urban planning in the area where your plot is located. What needs to be done to extend the construction time?

Those who have a construction permit can extend it. This rule is established by Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. This norm concerns those buildings whose construction has begun, but was not completed on time. To extend construction work, it is necessary to submit documents and application to the department of architecture and urban planning in its area.

The issues of granting permits are regulated by the following laws:

  • Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of 02.07.2009 No. 251 "On the organization of work on issuing construction permits".

What documents are needed?

How to extend the building permit if the construction is not yet completed? To do this, provide the following documents to the architecture department and urban planning department:

  1. civil passport of the owner;
  2. initial construction permit;
  3. act on legislation;
  4. application for the extension of the construction period;
  5. notarial power of attorney, if a trustee is valid on behalf of the owner.

The main document is an act of legislation. Without approval of the commission from the district administration, it will not work out.

If it became clear that you do not put in the time limit, you should not delay the appeal to the responsible person. According to the current legislation, a request for an increase in the term must be submitted no later than 10 days before the current term expires. If you submit an application later, you can get a refusal.

If you started construction work during the period of the current permit and submit documents to the extension in a timely manner, the authorized person will not have grounds for refusal. The main thing is that the construction is not recognized illegal.

When can you refuse?

Building passport and permits are issued for 10 years. If during this time the construction did not begin, permission to extend is unlikely to succeed. Experts take such a long time that even people with a limited budget can meet.

To extend the permits, it is necessary to prove that the work was started and underway. To do this, you need to contact the administration at the location of construction. Here it is necessary to write a special application for the formation of the Commission. Specialists from the Housing Department will arrive at the designated date to compile an act on construction.

This document is sufficient confirmation that construction work is conducted. After receiving the construction Act, you must contact the architecture department. It is applied to the rest of the documents and served along with the statement. Within 30 days you will receive a ready-made solution. If everything is in order, construction can be extended.

Features of extension of permission

To extend the permit, it suffices to submit documents to consideration. You do not need to prepare a new project on the buildings that have not yet been completed. No plans for the location of engineering communications are needed. Also does not require coordination with utilities, fire service and SES.

If these documents require from you, this decision can be challenged on the basis of current legislation. When issuing permission, a specialist relies on the project and documents submitted during the primary receipt of documents.


Consider what permission can be extended only for 3 years. During this time, it is necessary to complete all construction activities and fully enter the object into operation. And it does not matter, at what stage are construction work.

Drawing up an act on the construction began is a prerequisite for extending permission. If the Commission leaves and does not see construction works, it will be stated in the act that the construction was not started. In this case, extend permission will not work.

To start construction work again, you will have to get a new permission based on a general order and mandatory for all rules. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the following:

  • statement of the established sample
  • project and sketches of the future building;
  • communication Plans;
  • show-expanding documents.

Thus, it is important to prove that construction is started and is conducted. It is important to submit documents in a timely manner. Otherwise, you will have to receive a construction permit again.

The Office of the Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of the Novosibirsk City Hall received clarifications of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Economy - Gosstroy on 9 relevant issues of urban planning legislation that allow ambiguous interpretation.

Recall that the agency is empowered to give legal entities to legal and individuals on issues related to its field of activity. We offer to familiarize yourself with the answers that Uasi plans to be guided in their activities along with regulatory documentation.

Question 1. If the building or construction is already partially or completely lined up, but not exploited.

There must be a local governance authority when applying for a developer or technical customer application for issuing permits for the construction and documents provided for in Part 7 of Art. 51 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, give permission or should refuse to issue a construction permit?

Answer. The issuance of construction permits is regulated by Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Code).

In accordance with part 2, the construction of the Codex Codex, the reconstruction of capital construction facilities are carried out on the basis of building permits, except in cases provided for by this article.

The issuance of building permits if there is a partially or fully constructed building (facilities), it is not provided for by article 51 of the Code.

Thus, in case of buildings, structures do not relate to objects, for the construction of which it is not required to obtain a construction permit in accordance with Part 17 of Article 51 of the Code, a person carrying out construction without specified permission to be attracted to administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 9.5. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, and the constructed object is defined as unauthorized construction and is subject to demolition in accordance with Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Question 2. According to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, making changes to the construction permit is carried out only in the case of the transfer of rights to land plots or in the formation of land divisions by partition, redistribution or separation.

Does the right of local government have the right to make changes to building permission, in case of making a change in the design documentation provided for by Art. 52 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation?

Answer. In cases of the need to obtain a permit for the construction provided for in Article 51 of the Code, to obtain such a permit, it is necessary to submit, including the materials of the project documentation.

In accordance with Part 7 of Article 52 of the Code, the deviation of the parameters of the capital construction object from the project documentation, the need to be revealed during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of such an object, is allowed only on the basis of a newly approved by the developer or technical customer of project documentation after making relevant changes.

Thus, after making changes and approval by the developer (technical customer) of the revised project documentation, its parameters do not comply with the parameters given in the construction permit issued before adjustment, which contradicts the provisions of Article 51 of the Code.

Given the above, as well as taking into account the fact that Article 51 of the Code does not contain prohibitions for making changes to the construction permit (except for the cases provided for in paragraph 3 of Part 21.15 of Article 51 of the Code), the local government can make changes to the issued permission to Construction to bring such permission in accordance with the approved project documentation on which construction is conducted.

Part 21.16 of Article 51 of the Code is provided that within five working days from the date of making amendments to the construction authority of the local government, the specified body notifies such changes to the developer.

Question 3. According to Art. 55 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Amendments to permission to commission an object of operation is not provided. Does the authority of local self-government on the objects of capital construction financed at the expense of the relevant budgets, in providing the developer of the corrected conclusion of the state examination in terms of the estimated value to make changes to the commissioning permission to enter the facility?

Answer. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 55 of the Code, permission to commission an object into operation is a document that certifies the implementation of construction, the reconstruction of the capital construction facility in full in accordance with the construction permit, the compliance of the built-built, reconstructed capital construction facility of the urban planning plan of the land plot, and also project documentation.

Thus, permission to enter an object into operation is issued only after the end of the construction of the facility. This means that any represented by the developer (technical customer) the corrected conclusion of state expertise may be issued by the state examination authority within the framework of the object's reconstruction, during which it is necessary to obtain a construction permit in accordance with Article 51 of the Code, and after its completion, permission to enter the object in Operation.

Amendments to the issued permission to commissioning facilities is not provided for by the Code.

Question 4. If the sections of the project documentation submitted by the developer or technical customer to issue a permit for the construction of capital construction facilities, the project documentation of which, according to Art. The 49 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is not subject to expertise, in its composition and content do not meet the requirements established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02/16/2008 No. 87 "On the composition of the partitions of project documentation and requirements for their content."

Can a local governance authority refuse to issue a construction permit?

Answer. In accordance with Part 13 of Article 48 of the Code, the composition and requirements for the content of project documentation sections in relation to various types of capital construction facilities, including linear facilities, composition and requirements for the content of project documentation sections in relation to certain stages of construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, The composition and requirements for the content of the design documentation sections during the overhaul of capital construction facilities, as well as the composition and requirements for the content of the sections of the project documentation submitted to the examination of project documentation and to the state-building supervision authorities are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the project documentation, regardless of the need for its submission to the examination, must comply with the requirements of the Regulations on the composition of the section of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87.

At the same time, the provisions of Article 51 of the Code do not provide for verification by local self-government compliance with the project documentation of the specified Regulation.

It should be borne in mind that, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 48 of the Code, a person who prepares project documentation, organizes and coordinates the work on the preparation of project documentation, is responsible for the quality of project documentation and its compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

Question 5. For engineering support of the capital construction facility, the developer is sometimes used by modular boiler rooms, CTPN (complete transformer substation ground) and other facilities that have factory readiness and technical data sheet of the manufacturer, according to which sanitary protection zones should be installed.

Is it necessary for the specified objects in accordance with Art. 51 Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation to receive construction permits?

Answer. In the case of use for the engineering provision of the object of modular installations of the factory readiness, manufactured by the manufacturer's technical documentation, such installations are considered as equipment.

At the same time, if their installation is provided in the general project of the capital construction object, their parameters are included in section 5 "Information about engineering equipment, information networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions" Regulations on the composition of sections project documentation and requirements for their content. In this case, construction permission is issued in relation to the entire object of capital construction.

If the modular installation of factory readiness is installed independently, outside the site allocated for the construction of an overhaul object, the project documentation should be developed for the production of earthworks, the foundations, engineering networks, and technical conditions for joining the available networks of engineering support are substantiated. boundaries of sanitary protection zones, etc.

In this case, the need to issue a construction permit is determined by the requirements of Article 51 of the Code.

Question 6. Permission for the construction of capital construction facilities is issued for the period specified in the project of the construction organization, which, in accordance with Part 20 of Art. The 51 city planning code of the Russian Federation, according to the development of the developer, can be extended.

How many times at the statement of the developer a construction permit can be extended if construction started?

Answer. Article 51 of the Codex ^ is not regulated by the number of extensions of the construction permit, provided that the construction of the facility has begun.

Question 7. According to the instructions (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2006 No. 121) on the procedure for filling out the form of permission to commission an object of commissioning indicate the design characteristics of the capital construction object.

However, authorities authorized to exercise state registration of property rights to real estate objects refuse to register the ownership of objects, since the design characteristics of the object and characteristics of the object, after the technical inventory, the authorized bodies in most cases do not correspond. The technical plan stipulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.03.2013 No. 175 for issuing permission to commission the Object situation, does not fully contain information specified in the resolution, namely, no:

- the number and area of \u200b\u200bembedded non-residential premises in apartment buildings,
- the number and area of \u200b\u200bapartments in type (one-room, two-bedroom and t. d.),
- Construction volume, including the aboveground part of the building, and so on.

Can a body that issued permission to enter the object into operation according to the design characteristics, make changes to it if the characteristics of the object specified in the technical plan prepared by the cadastral engineer will not correspond to the actual characteristics?

Answer. The position of the Gosstroy on the specified question is that in permission to commission an object, the parameters of the object defined by the conclusion of the body of the State Construction Supervision of the Conformity of the Constructed Project Documentation facility are indicated.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the formal approach to the issuance of conclusions on the compliance with the bodies of state construction supervision, as well as to establish possible errors in determining the parameters of the object, which will be taken into account by the relevant authorities under the state registration of property rights to real estate facilities.

Question 8. When issuing a permit for the commissioning of capital construction facilities, the project documentation of which in accordance with Art. The 49 town planning code of the Russian Federation is not subject to state expertise, and the state supervision is not carried out, the local government authority is authorized to inspect the object, for compliance with the requirements established in the construction permit, urban planning plan of the land plot, as well as the requirements of project documentation (which is confirmed by executive documentation) . However, the powers to check them for compliance with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), including the inspection and compliance of the executive documentation, the requirements of regulatory documents on the facility during construction, nor with its commissioning, local governments are not endowed.

Does the authority of local self-government have the right to inspect the capital construction object to conduct an inspection of executive documentation confirming the compliance of the object with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation?

Answer. In accordance with Part 3 of Article 55 of the Code, to make a decision on issuing permission to enter the Object to operation, the developer (technical customer) sends a package of documents to the authorized local authority, including:

a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and signed by a construction person;

a document confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed object of capital construction of project documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of the capital construction of the accounting devices of the energy resources used, and a signed by a construction person (face engaged in construction and the developer or technical customer in Cases of construction, reconstruction on the basis of the contract, as well as a person carrying out the construction control, in the event of a construction control on the basis of the contract), except for the implementation of the construction, reconstruction of individual housing construction facilities.

The provisions of Article 55 of the Code do not provide for verification by local self-government agencies of executive documentation confirming the compliance of the object with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation.

Question 9. According to SNiP 21-02-99 "Parking of cars" Underground parking lots are allowed to be placed on unanoxided territory (under drives, streets, squares, squares, etc.), which is a common area.

Can a local governance authority refuse to issue a permit for the construction of an overhaul object, if the main building is posted in accordance with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, and the built-in and attached underground parking is posted under the territory of general use beyond the boundaries of the land plot?

Answer. Article 51 of the Code determines that the issuance of building permits provides for the presence of guidelines for the landlocked documents for land.

The local government authority has the right to refuse to issue permits for the construction of an object outside the land plot allotted for construction.

According to current legislation, construction permit is issued for a limited period. For ILS objects, it is up to 10 years, and for the rest of the facilities of the caption - for the time provided for in the project documentation. If during this period the construction of an object is not finally required to take action. Below will look at how to extend the permit for the construction (including a private house), in which sequence to act, and that from the papers will be required to solve the task.

Extension of permission begins from the moment of the transfer of the application to the authorized territorial body. When solving the issue associated with an increase in the term of the document, its suspension or suspension of the action takes into account the laws of the Russian Federation and the current adminurgulation.

The extension statement is issued in the following ways:

  • Personally.
  • With the help of the representative (notarial power of attorney).
  • By e-mail.
  • Through the Russian Post.
  • With the help of the public service.
  • Via MFC.

Before extending the construction permit (including private house), it is required to know the exact address of the municipal authority, where the application is sent. At the same time, the application is issued in electronic form or filled from hand. A statement is allowed using electronic documentation, but then do not do without the use of EDS.

Terms of extension

The permission is extended for the period up to 1 year (by decision of the authorized body), if the physical or company issued and submitted a statement for 2 or more than a month (no later). If the new term is not enough to solve the task, it is possible to renew again by its expiration. At the same time, the conditions and order of registration are identical.

The authorized body will refuse to extend the deadline if the construction or reconstruction of the facility has not begun until the date of completion of the application.

Documents for the extension of building permit - List

Statement is the main, but not the only paper required for the passage of the state procedure. The list of documents required to extend construction permits includes:

  • Application decorated taking into account the requirements of legislation.
  • The original of the previously granted permission.
  • Project organization of construction work (copy). It should have an explanation of the reasons that caused the need to extend the permission (this requirement does not concern IZh objects).

If you need to make a change in the permission issued earlier, the following papers are transmitted to the authorized body:

  • Statement.
  • Construction permit (original).
  • GPPU site where object is planned.
  • The right-point packet of papers (if you need to make changes to the name of the company of the developer).
  • Decision on the formation of the memory by separation or union.
  • A positive examination solution confirming the compliance of the corrected project with the current requirements and the possibility of its application.
  • Order of the Address Change (if there is such a situation).

Documents to extend construction permits are accepted provided if they are transmitted in full. In the absence of any paper in the reception refuses.

The authorized body for ten days from the date of reception should give an answer (in case of refusal) with an explanation of the cause of such a position. If a positive decision is taken, the preparation of a new permission (taking into account extension) also gives marked above 10 days.

Termination of action

If in the process of the permit, the right of ownership of the memory passes to another person, the period of the document issued earlier remains the same. But there are situations where construction permit loses force. This happens in the following cases:

  • Termination of the right to use subsoil (including early).
  • Ignoring the need to transfer originals within 60 days from the date of notification of the possibility of obtaining a construction permit.
  • Upon completion of the scope of the document and in the absence of an application for extension (re-registration) of the existing permit.
  • If you refuse to develop or a private person from the construction of the facility of the facility.
  • In case of seizure, taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • In violation of the requirements prescribed in building permit.
  • By decision of the judicial authority.
  • When changing the characteristics or type of structures, as well as the conditions for their erection (recovery) allowed for a particular memory.

The procedure for providing the service

Extension of construction permits occurs as follows:

  • The necessary documents are collected (indicated above).
  • The application is issued and transferred together with the papers with one of the available ways to the authorized body.
  • Application, notification, as well as transmitted documentation registered by the authorized body.
  • Documents are checked on the fact of the possibility of extension or applying to the already issued construction permit.
  • The decision to extend or refuse to provide the service is made.

How to extend the construction permit through the State Service portal?

Getting a service via the Internet saves time. To extend the permission, it is worth following such instructions:

  • We study the subtleties of receiving the service on the site.
  • Authorizes on the portal.
  • We make a statement in electronic form. To do this, make information from the previously issued permission to build, indicate the name of the structure and data on it. Here we prescribe information about the memory, the reason for the extension, the option of obtaining the result (in electronic form or on paper).
  • Attach the scanned documentation that is required by an authorized body to extend. It is important to consider the requirements for the format and the size of the attached files (as a rule, the latter must be size up to 1 GB).
  • We subscribe an application and documentation with an electronic digital or regular signature.
  • We send a completed application after consideration using a special button.
  • We wait for the message by e-mail or notification in the Personal Account on the reception of documentation for consideration. Here is the number of the adopted electronic statement.
  • Control the process of registration of the service. This can be done through the information that passes by e-mail, through the personal account on the site, in the status check section or through a mobile application (here you can choose the suitable option for yourself).
  • We receive a message about the result of extension, as well as the necessary document. It is issued in electronic form and in PDF format. Documents are signed by EDS. At the disposal of the applicant, building permission (there is a mark on the extension) or a refusal of the reasons for reasons.

If a paper version of obtaining documents was selected when applying for an application, a notification comes to the mailbox or in the personal account when and where to come behind the papers.

When is it possible to fail?

The grounds for refusal when extending the permission to build through the State Service portal are as follows:

  • Lack of information or documentation necessary for the service.
  • Construction (reconstruction) was not started before the deadline for completing the statement.
  • There is no agreement of the guarantee of a financial institution for the conscientious fulfillment of the construction company of the obligations assumed (for developers working on DDU).

The applicant has the right to appeal against the decision of the authorized body when violating the extension or request for the request, with the requirement of additional papers (if any in the list), in case of refusal to provide the service, as well as in other cases provided by law.

The complaint can be served in writing personally, go to mail or go electronically. In the first case, you need to have a document confirming the identity. If the papers are transmitted in electronic form, they will need to approve with the help of EDS. The document needs to specify the name of the executive body, the name and applicable data, information about the decisions and arguments. As a result, a decision is made to satisfy the complaint or refusing to satisfy it.

Extension of construction permit - a service providing for an increase in the deadline for the implementation of construction (restorative) works provided for by the authorized body. We are talking about a period allocated for the construction of a specific object in case of termination in the past issued permits. The applicants may be developers who have previously fulfilled the requirements of the legislation and received the service. The result of the appeal is to increase the period allocated for work, or the termination of the previously issued document. For how long is the construction permit extends? What is the feature of this procedure? When is it likely to fail or cancel?

In the RF GKK (Article 51, part 20) states that permission is extended when applying for 2 months and more than a day of completion of the designated period. If the developer has never proceeded for the allotted time (reconstruction, overhaul) of the structure, the service refuses to provide.

If the application for the extension is applied by the developer engaged in the construction of apartment buildings, the guarantee of a banking institution is applied. The authorized body must be sure that the company cope with its obligations within the prescribed period.

Thus, to obtain a permit requires the execution of two conditions (if you do not take into account the factor with the transfer of housing on DDU):

  • The application is filed within up to 60 days and earlier until the completion of the last permissive documentation.
  • Work is underway on the construction of the facility (at the time of the transfer of the application to the authorized body).

When performing conditions, the authorized structure has no reason to fail.

For how long is the construction permit extends?

The provision of municipal services, as a rule, takes up to ten days, and the waiting time of the queue does not exceed half an hour. In case of receipt of the finished documentation, the client spends no more than 20 minutes. In a situation where the authorized body terminates the action of a document issued earlier, information is transferred to the applicant on time up to a month from the date of termination of the rights to the memory.

The maximum validity of the construction permit differs depending on the object:

  • For IZhS - 10 years.
  • For apartment buildings and other facilities of the caption, the document is issued for the period specified in the project.

In determining the period of extension of building permit, a number of factors are taken into account:

  • At what stage are the work.
  • What time frames are provided for by the project.
  • The developer explains the delay in solving the task and so on.

That is why the extension period depends on individual aspects. Most often, the document is extended for that period, which was provided earlier.

What papers are needed?

For registration service, the applicant collects the necessary packet package, after which it transfers the documentation to the authorized body for consideration. In 2018, the extension of the construction permit is possible when transferring the following papers:

  • Application (issued taking into account the established form).
  • Previously issued permits (script),
  • Decree on the formation of incident by separation (partition) or association.
  • GPPU (for that put on where the work was started).
  • Order of data change at the address (if any).

Paper should be provided in full. Otherwise, the documentation together with the application is returned when the fact is detected.

Features of the provision of services

Extension of construction permit takes place in three stages:

  1. Reception and registration of the statement, as well as transmitted by the developer of securities. As noted, the application is transferred on time from 60 days and more until the end of the action of the permitting document available on the hands. At the same time, applications and package papers are made with mandatory description.
  2. Check the transmitted documentation. Within 4 days, the employee of the authorized body studies the composition of the papers on the fact of compliance with the current regulations, planning scheme, project and working parameters. To make sure at the beginning of construction work and determine the time to extend the construction permit, the representative of the authorized body personally leaves the object.
  3. Deciding on the extension of the service or termination of the document issued earlier. The recording on the extension of the service is carried out on all compounds of permission.

If the applicant's agreed period did not appear for permits, then the latter is sent by mail. This uses the address specified in the application.

Causes of refusal

In the GRK of the Russian Federation (Article 21, Part 20) it is indicated that when extending permission to build a refusal is possible only in one case. We are talking about the situation when the applicant did not start the implementation of the planned events on time. As for the refusal due to a delay in submitting an application, such a feature is not stipulated in the RF GKK. If the authorized body still refused for this reason, the applicant has the right to extend the action of the document by applying to the judicial authority.

In addition, in judicial practice, the situation was known when the resolution was able to extend, the term of which has expired several years ago. In this situation, the plaintiff transmits documents to the court confirming the cause of the delay. It is worth considering that after the completion of the old permissive documentation, we are talking about obtaining a new document. The maximum term for building permits in this case is established taking into account the current legislation. We are talking about 10 years or the period specified in the project - depending on the object.

How to act when making changes?

There are situations where for various reasons the developer makes edits into project documentation. We are talking about changes that directly affect the technical and economic indicators of the erected object. In such a situation, it is necessary to appeal not to extend the period, but for the design of a new building permit. At the same time, the applicant applies standard rules, including in relation to refusal.

At the stage of acceptance of the application, the authorized body has the right to refuse due to the lack of documents stipulated by law. This is possible when inconsistent with the transmitted GPPU securities or other documentation.

Another option for developing events is the abolition of the current permit for construction without extending the service. In the GRK of the Russian Federation (Article 51, Part 21.1) indicates the rules of cancellation. Permits documentation is canceled in such situations:

  • Forced loss of ownership of the memory.
  • An independent refusal of rights to put on the ground, where work is planned or underway.
  • Rent a lease agreement or other documents that confirm the right of a person to the site.
  • The ban on the right to use subsoil (if such was provided when issuing permission).

The authorized body may cancel the action for building permission only if there are any of the listed factors. In the process of issuing a corresponding decision, employees of such structures are obliged to refer to a specific PCC of the Russian Federation.


Thus, in case of extension or issuance of a new development permit, the term is determined taking into account the type of object and the current legislation. Under the law, the authorized body may refuse the provision of the service only in one case - when the developer for the time allotted time did not begin to fulfill the planned work.

As for the violation of the 60-day term, this is not a sufficient basis for refusal. In the case of this developer, it is entitled to appeal against the authorized body through the court. Before filing the claim, the applicant issues a complaint with the administration for certain actions (inaction) of employees. Paper is considered within a month, after which the solution is made. If the questions set in it, the appeal is successful. Also, explain is essentially taking into account the requirements of the legislation.

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