
What place in the global economy is Thailand. International trade. Foreign trade Thailand

What is the economy of Thailand? The first thing that comes to the head is tourism. The country of snow-white beaches, coral reefs, cozy lagoon and coconut palm trees.

What else to make money here? However, the first impression of the visiting tourist is deceptive. The Kingdom of Thailand is one of the fastest growing countries of the world.

Kingdom of free people

Thailand, the former Siam is the only country in Southeast Asia, which has never been a colony. On the one hand, for Europeans it was convenient to exist "drawing territory" between the possessions of Great Britain and France. On the other hand, the local rulers were strong enough to keep power in their hands, without sharing it with ingeneses (although there was a part of the lands for this). So the country could develop independently - the luxury, which was not at her neighbors.

Nevertheless, by the 19th century, English monopolies managed, in fact, to take important areas of the economy of Thailand (SIAM) to hand: For example, banking, production of tungsten and tin. By the beginning of World War II, Britain controlled up to 70% of foreign investment in the country. In general, formally remaining independent, the state actually turned into a half-colony. In the post-war period, the Center for Influence has shifted from England to America. In 1950, the United States concluded an agreement on military assistance, economic and technical cooperation with Thailand. In the territory of the kingdom there are several air and sea databases of the United States, Thailand entered the Seat-East Asia Treaty Organization (South-East Asia Treaty Organization - Organization of the Agreement of Southeast Asia). The participation in it accounted for the budget of the country in the round sum, but in return to Thailand came large-scale economic assistance, and American private companies invest capital in the development of the Thai industry.

Thieves for years

Foreign investment is a good impetus for development, and in Thailand made a bet on them. Foreign capital was welcomed in every way, and this policy remained unchanged even during the times of military coups. No expropriation and nationalization. On the contrary, the integrity of property was guaranteed by law. The authorities were generos on benefits: foreign entrepreneurs were allowed a duty-free importation of equipment, and their new enterprises were released from taxes for five years.

There is, however, one "but". Investments are not only the creation of new enterprises. The kingdom has actively accepted financial assistance from abroad. Credits, subsidies ... The external debt by the 90s was so huge that in the end the country simply failed to pay on its obligations. It is from Thailand that the large-scale Asian crisis of 1997-98 began. The government was forced to go on the devaluation of the currency: the course of Thailand Bat, overnight, collapsed almost twice, which became a very serious blow to the economy of Thailand. The kingdom did not immediately overcome the crisis and climb their feet again. And yet it happened.

Today, the country is experiencing a heyday. Modern sectors of the economy are developing rapidly. For example, Thailand produces almost half of all components for computer hard drives. He ranks third in Asia - after Japan and South Korea - for the production of cars. In terms of exports of electrical engineering, the kingdom closely approached the top ten countries of the suppliers. Many large developers, including trade free Forex programs, continue their expansion in Thailand. The policies of the openness for foreign business brings fruits: world giants of the industry are building their plants in Thailand. And every new enterprise is also jobs. The unemployment rate here is one of the lowest in the world: less than percent! (For comparison: in such countries of Europe, like Greece and Spain, this figure is now exceeding 26%. That is, without work - every fourth resident). And Thais work not only as simple workers.

In the country, 96% of the population are literate (the first six years of learning is mandatory and free for everyone). The authorities are actively promoting technical education, and now in large international companies a third of engineers come from Thailand.

Yes, and of course, it is worth mentioning agriculture - although his share in the modern economy of Thailand is no longer so great as before. Nevertheless, the kingdom remains one of the world leaders in exporting rice, and more shrimps, coconuts, sugar cane, pineapples and corn. The climate allows farmers to shoot in three crops in some crops per year.

And what about tourism? Of course, this industry also contributes to a common treasury. But 6%, you see, a rather modest figure.

Margin of safety

The climate and the location of Thailand bring not only good. With them, alas, both serious risks are connected.

The terrible tragedy occurred on December 26, 2004, when the underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused the most powerful tsunami. The gigantic wave fell on the coast, having carried out at least two hundred thousand people. Thailand was among the most strongly affected by the catastrophe of states. Nothing compares with the grief of people who have lost their loved ones. But the economy of the country was pronounced enormous damage: destroyed houses, roads, communications.

The efforts of local residents and volunteers from different countries were destroyed areas managed to restore as soon as possible. Buildings on the coast from now being built only in accordance with special requirements. The best engineers carefully studied at home, which were less damaged from the blow of a giant wave to determine the most durable design options. In addition, with the assistance of foreign experts, the world's largest deep-water system for early tsunami detection was established.

Seven years later, when nothing resembled on the Thailand coast, a new attack fell to the country. The flood of 2011 was the most powerful over the past 50 years. Flooded were a significant part of crops and hundreds of large enterprises. Water reached the capital, and to other large industrial zones. And again - numerous human sacrifices and destruction. The international computer market has complied with the price of hard drives that have rushed up (you remember: half of the world production of components for hard drives focused in Thailand), but in front of the country stood a much more global problem. It was necessary to almost renew the economy.

Slowly, but the revival of the destroyed one was right. Renewed the work of the factories. Roads were tuned. And so, after a sharp drop in production, the economy of Thailand again went to growth and demonstrates a very good pace compared to many developed countries of the West. Although, according to the results of polls, Thais is now less confident in the prospects of the business in their own country than before flooding, these indicators are also gradually returned to the former turnings. No wonder Thailand belongs to the generation of new Asian tigers: strong and hardy, these countries will not tend their place under the sun.

Thailand is a developing agrarian-industrial country, the economy of which is strongly dependent on foreign capital. The basis of the economy - agriculture (gives about 60% of the gross national product) and a relatively developed mining industry.

Thailand with a large margin leads the economic power among the countries of Indochina and slightly loses Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and, if you take the whole region of Southwestern. The country is firmly on the legs and occupies the situation in the world comparable to Russia, in the list of leading countries with an average level of development.

The capital of the country is not completely glamorous as Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, but very, very seeking to fit. Thailand is the Asian Dragon of the so-called "second wave". The first were in the 60s-1970s Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In the 80? 90s, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia went behind them. The reforms of TINSUNON premium were based on low taxes and attracting investments. Therefore, with it, the production of electronics, clothing and shoes under the brand of famous Japanese and Korean brands bloomed.

As, however, the completion of the country's continuous electrification, the construction of highways, ports and terminal of Donmaang International Airport. Thailand's GDP is $ 150 billion. This is 33-EMESTO in the world, this is about a third of Russia's GDP. GDP per capita - $ 2309, PPP GDP - $ 7580. The growth rate of the economy of Thailand in 2005 slowed down, but still averaging 3-4% per year. But, as it is usually typical of countries with an average level of development, wealth is distributed very uneven: there are beggars and there are "new Thais". On the other hand, there are few completely (less than 10%). The minimum salary in the country is 150V per day (about $ 3).

Thailand's Monetary Unit - BAT (THB), consisting of 100 satangov. $ 1 \u003d 45 B, but for convenience, it is possible to round up to 50. Bats are different: 20,50, 100, 500 and 1000. There are coins of 1, 5 and 10 baht. The most running bills are 100 V (red) and 50 V (blue). In all tourist destinations, cash dollars are loved, but old, battered are not accepted. ATMs are everywhere, but cache prefers banknotes. Exchanges Many, the best course in large shopping centers and airports.

The central district of the country is richer and more powerful than the rest of the regions. In Bangkok and its surroundings, most industrial enterprises, banks, trading firms and transport facilities are concentrated. The most fertile lands of Thailand are dedicated to the central plain. Here they grow rice, sugar cane, corn, maniacs. In the area it creates a disproportionately high proportion of national income.

The economic development of the North-East is constrained due to lowland soils, a relatively arid climate and a lack of money resources. Despite the implementation of state road construction programs, improving the water supply and strengthening of social services, to overcome the backwardness of the district, and it is the most poor in the country.

In Northern Thailand, it is possible to engage in agriculture in the valleys. It has long been wood here was wood, but due to the spread of agriculture and excessive cuts, the wooded area decreased. Currently on state lands, industrial logging is prohibited.

The south of the country, which takes only 1/7 part of its territory, turned to the sea with a broader front than all other areas taken together. Therefore, there are many small fishing harbors. Through the main local ports of Songkhal and Phuket are foreign trade operations. The main products of this area - rubber and tin.

Industry Thailand

The share of the mining industry in GDP is only ok. 1.6%, but this industry remains a significant source exported foreign exchange earnings. Thailand is one of the leading suppliers of tin and tungsten to the global market. Some other minerals are also mined in small sizes, among them such precious stones, like rubies and sapphires. In the 1980s, the development of natural gas deposits began in coastal waters.

The manufacturing industry developed a turbulent pace in the 1990s and became the most important sector of the economy, in which almost 30% of GDP was created in 1996. Industry such as electronic, petrochemical, assembly of cars, jewelry are developed.

In the 1960s and 1970s, enterprises of the textile and food industries arose (including the production of soft drinks, freezing shrimps and canned seafood). The growth of the production of tobacco products, plastic masses, cement, plywood, automotive tires continues. The population of Thailand is engaged in traditional handicrafts - carving wood, production of silk fabrics and varnishing products.

Industry now provides 44% of Thai GDP. In the forefront there are technological industries: build computers, other electronics, assembly of cars. Auto plants are located in special offshore zones. In the domestic market, Toyota and Iudzov concerns are dominated. Associates of the country in Himprom (petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals), traditionally strong textile industry (Thailand is a largest silk exporter). No need to forget about tourism (6% of GDP). This industry is aimed at maximizing repaid from the visits of the Farags of Money. A variety of crafts are very developed at the provincial level. Prime Minister Taksin even put forward the slogan: "One village is one product", implying under this centralized specialization of the local industry. Thai subsoil is primarily tungsten and tin (3rd place in the world in stocks), which are famous for their cleanliness and lack of impurities. As already noted, the forests before the fig, but chopped it too intensively (27 million cubic meters annually) and eventually decided not to hack anymore, but to buy in Burma and other neighboring countries. A lot in Thailand (or rather, in the surrounding seas) also fish. And here Thailand does not miss, constantly increasing "fishing muscles" - about 4 million tons caught a year, fish canned food around the world, including Russia. There is also such a thing as precious stones - on them Thailand together with a neighbor Burma is one of the world leaders.

Agriculture Thailand

Since the mid-1970s, a decrease in the role of agriculture, in which only 10% of national income was created in 1996 against 34% in 1973. Nevertheless, the industry satisfies the internal demand for food.

Approximately one third of the country's territory is occupied by processed areas, of which half of them are assigned to rice crops. Peasant farms suffer from small-earth, however, in the period after the Second World War, they managed to achieve a gradual increase in grain fees. Since the early 1980s, Thailand has become the world's largest exporter of rice, and in the late 1990s on the gross rice collection (22 million tons) held the 6th place in the world.

State measures aimed at diversifying the industry structure of agriculture in the 1970s, contributed to the growth of yields and an increase in sales abroad of a number of agricultural goods, including maniacs, sugar cane, corn and pineapples. Lifting, although slow, was observed in rubbing. All this allowed the economy of Thailand less painfully to respond to fluctuations in world prices in Fig. In a significant amount, cotton and jute are also grown.

Livestock is plays a subordinate role. For plowing, fields contain buffaloes, which gradually displaced relatively inexpensive means of small mechanization. Most of the peasants are bred on the meat of pigs and chickens, and especially intensively growing cargo poultry farming occurred in 1970-1980. In the northeast, growing cattle for sale has long been an important source of income of local residents.

In the food diet of Thailatsev, the fish is the main source of proteins. For rural residents, freshwater fish and crustaceans are especially important, which are caught and even diluted at the filler rice fields, in canals and reservoirs. Since the 1960s, marine fishing has become one of the leading sectors of the national economy. Since the late 1980s, the dilution of shrimp on the aquafers since the late 1980s. In the late 1990s, in the catch of seafood, Thailand occupied the 9th place in the world (approx. 2.9 million tons).

In the forests of Thailand, many valuable breeds of trees with solid wood are presented, including TIK. The export abroad Tika was banned in 1978, and then the contribution of a recently important industry to the creation of national income fell to 1.6%. However, the volume of logging has decreased slightly, which forced in 1989 to take urgent legislative measures on their almost complete limitation. Nevertheless, illegal logging continues, including in order to expand the areas of agricultural land and settlements. Back in the late 1980s, OK lived on the protected forest lands. 5 million people.

Foreign trade Thailand

In the period from 1952 to 1997, Thailand experienced a constant shortage of foreign trade balance, which had to be covered at the expense of income from foreign tourism and external loans. At the end of the Cold War, the loans began to come mainly from foreign private banks and investors. Until 1997, Thailand was considered a reliable and attractive country for investment, but then this reputation was undermined as a result of the crisis, the cause of which had become accumulated debt obligations, as well as export decline.

Thanks to the development in the 1990s, export industries Thailand now less depends on deliveries to the global market for their agrarian products, which forms ok. 25%. Basic Export Articles - Computers and Accessories, Integrated Schemes, Electric Transformers, Jewelry, Finished Clothing, Fabrics, Diverse Plastic Products, Tin, Plastic Plum, Zinc Ore, Agricultural Products (Figure, Rubber, Tapioca, Sorghum, Kenaf, Jute) Seafood. Import consists mainly of machinery and equipment, consumer goods, oil and petroleum products.

Exports are sent primarily in the United States, in second place is Japan. The latter is the main supplier of goods for the internal market of Thailand. The main part of the investment comes from the United States and Japan.

Thailand exports are based on two whales: electronics - computers produced under licenses of world monsters, and traditional rice. Among the counterparties are dominated by the United States (22%), Japan (14%), other Asian countries, among Europeans are the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Hermenia (4%). The main product of Thailand imports - fuel and heavy equipment. Fuel comes from Brunei and Indonesia, equipment from the USA and Japan. Thailand's external debt ($ 50 billion), but there is a tendency to reduce it. In absolute figures, the export-import of Thailand varies within $ 110? 120mld per year. The Thai army includes 300 thousand people, the Supreme Commander is the king. The army did not learn serious wars for a very long time, since the time of the Burmese invasion (the end of the XVIII century), and the principle of the country's foreign policy is to leave all conflicts from all possible. The functions of the army are more inside of the country: suppressing all sorts of partisans on the borders and the maximum participation in the Delaware of the Political and Economic Cake. Becoming the military in Thailand means in a 90% case to economically provide a family. But it is not enough for everyone, therefore, it is very often shocking, both military with civilian and between the military. In terms of weapons and joint maneuvers in Thailand, an orientation on the United States continues.

Transport Thailand

Thailand's railways have an approx. 4 thousand km and bind Bangkok with the main cities in the north and northeast of the country, as well as with Malaysia and Singapore. A developed system of highways (length of over 70 thousand km) allows you to get to any corner of Thailand. Much value for the internal message has water river transport, which provides approx. 60% of transportation. Through the International Airport in Bangkok Thailand is associated with many countries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia daily regular flights. There is regular air communication with many cities of the country. The main seaports are Bangkok, Sattahip, Phuket, Songkhala, Cantang. The most part of the import and export passes through the port of Bangkok.

The Kingdom of Thailand lives not only at the expense of tourism, as many visitors are used to thinking. The tourist industry occupies only 10% of GDP in the country's economy, while there is still a powerful energy industry complex, automotive industry and metallurgy. It is about population and the economy of Thailand that will be discussed further. After all, to someone, as not to the residents of the kingdom, to support the economy and industry.

General data on population

As of 2016, the population of Thailand is 68 million people. Most of them live in major cities. Only in Bangkok - the capital of the kingdom - more than 5.5 million people constantly live, which is about 8% of the total population of the country.

Starting from the seventies of the last century, the growth rate of the population of Thailand is gradually falling, but not lower than the negative mark. The population has continued to increase: from 27.4 million in the 60s to 47.3 million in the 80s and 62.9 million in 2000.

More than two thirds of Thais are in working age. Pensioners account for 8.5% of the population, children account for 21%. In general, the population is quite young. The number of working bodies is more than twice the number of dependent (older people and children), which creates a relatively low social burden.

Thais themselves are a large ethnic group, which includes many small nations. Each of these subgroups has its own emphasis, culture and traditions, region of residence. In the ethnic composition of the population of Thailand, the central group is dominated, located in the Valley of the Chauphrai River.

In the mountainous areas in the north of the kingdom, half-oral peoples live, which are also divided into several minorities. Here you can meet representatives of the tribes of Karenov, Lahu, Mien, Akha, Fox. All these small nations once emigrated from the neighboring Myanmar, Tibet, PRC.

Religious belonging

The king in Thailand is not only ceremonial and representative, he is also a defender, the patron saint of all religions. Respect and devotion to the royal family among the population of the country have almost religious. The well-being of the people and the prosperity of all subjects is all attributed to the king, although in political affairs it interferes only when the risk of bloodshed arises.

The overwhelming majority (about 94%) of the population of Thailand confesses Buddhism. Temples are similar to conventional Burmese, Lao, Cambodian. Another 4% is an eslama adherents, most of them are ethnic malays.

Christianity in the kingdom began to distribute European missionaries in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries. Today, Catholicism or Orthodoxy will practice Europeans who constantly live in Thailand, and a few national minorities (only 0.7% of the population).

Common economics

The economy of Thailand is very dependent on exports, which is two thirds of GDP. According to 2016, the GDP per capita in Thailand is 5.9 thousand US dollars. In the list of countries in terms of GDP per capita, the kingdom is at 74th place, between Montenegro and Barbados.

The economy is represented by the industrial sector (about 39% of GDP), agriculture (8%), trade, transport and communications (13.5%, and 9.6% of GDP, respectively). Other sectors of the economy (education, tourism, financial institutions) bring about 25% of GDP. What positively affects the economy of Thailand, trade and services are actively developing in those places where industrial decline is observed.


Agriculture in Thailand - the area of \u200b\u200bthe economy is competitive and differentiated. The kingdom is one of the main rice exporters (rice crowns occupy a third of the land treated), also go to export seafood and fish, wheat, sugar, tapioca, pineapples, frozen shrimps, coffee, canned tuna.

More than half of the population of Thailand is employed in agriculture.

A good climate and a favorable geographical location provide Thailand high yields, but in connection with global changes in the world climate, local farmers have to make more and more efforts to save crops.


The mining industry provides a significant part of the export of tin and tungsten. Natural gas is also underway. The manufacturing industry has developed rapidly in the nineties, but the Pacific crisis in the economy, which has come for 1997, worsened the situation. Today, the petrochemical industry, jewelry, electronics, car consignment, food and textile industry are developed.

Gradually, the Kingdom of Thailand becomes the center of the automotive industry in the market of Southeast Asia. Cars manufactured by 2004 930 thousand pieces. The main manufacturers are "Toyota" and "Ford", which have been plants here.

Electronics competes quite adequately with Singapore and Malaysia, and the textile industry - with Vietnam and China.

The population of Thailand is today, according to preliminary data, seventy millions of people, and 14% of the time-bodied age are busy in the industrial sector.

Services sector

The services sector in 2007 took 44% of GDP and provided permanent employment of 37% of the population. Tourism is particularly allocated here, whose contribution to the economy is more than in any other Asian country. Tourists are resting on the coasts, but recently many are riding in Bangkok. By the way, it is in connection with the outflow of tourists from other Asian countries and an increasing number of visitors to Thailand strengthened their positions and the national currency of the country - BAT.

Energy complex

Thailand consumes about 0.7% of the global level of energy resources consumption. At the moment, the issue of creating several refineries and transport hubs in the region to ensure the needs of the central and southern parts of China are considered. At the same time, the consumption of electricity and heat by residents is reduced in Thailand itself - as a result of unfavorable tariffs to individuals. The electric power and oil companies of the Kingdom are in the process of restructuring, so it is possible that this problem will soon be solved.

Living and income of the population

The average salary in Thailand is much lower than Russian. The minimum wage is about seven thousand baht (12 thousand rubles), the average - nine thousand (15 thousand rubles). At the same time, the minimum level of payment is not always respected, so many thais work for a penny, and the government closes his eyes to the arbitrariness of employers.

But low salaries are not equal to the low level of life. Most Thais has their own land on which they grow vegetable cultures and even engage in cattle breeding. You can easily live for five thousand baht (about 9 thousand rubles) per month, and in the provinces - and at all for two thousand (approximately 3.5 thousand rubles). Of course, if you do not remove housing in the city center, but to have your own.

Despite numerous errors, tourism is not at all the main article of the income of Thailand. According to various statistics, tourism brings only 2-5% income to the treasury.

The country's economy largely depends on exports - it is about 2/3 of GDP. Thailand is characterized as a second economy development Country in Southeast Asia.

On the wealth of mineral resources and the development of industry, he ranks 4th in the region. But, according to Thai legislation, all oil deposits are inviolable stocks of the country. Thailand is actively developing fields of natural gas, precious stones (the so-called "ruby belt" passes through the territory of the kingdom, also great deposits of the sapphires and let's not forget about the pearls).

Thailand has always been one of the main suppliers of tin, but today its main export natural fossil is Gypsum, and Thailand is the second largest gypsum exporter in the global market. Among the minerals mined in Thailand, fluorite, lead, tin, silver, tantalum, tungsten and brown coal are considered major. In total, Thailand is developing more than 40 mineral types, since 2003 the government looked more loyally to attract foreign investment in this sphere: softened the rules for foreign companies and reduced the deductions in favor of the state.

Receipts in the treasury of the state from fisheries make up for about 10% of all export products today, and it is in foreign currency. Therefore, the authorities pay great attention to the development of fishing fishery and the preservation of the purity of waters and ocean flora and fauna. Thus, with the introduction of industrial fishing trawl way, the maritime catch was already 1 million tons against 146,000 non-technological fishing. Today it allows Thailand to occupy the third place in the world among the suppliers of ocean and sea varieties of fish.

Traditionally, seafood and fish are the basis of the national cuisine of Thais, like fig. Naturally, the biggest development fisheries has acquired in coastal cities, as well as the extraction of shrimps sold to export. The largest suppliers of ocean fish and today remain the coast of the Siamese Bay and the Andaman Sea (Phuket and nearby Islands).

Thailand occupies a leading place in the world to export shrimps, coconut walnuts, corn, soybean and sugar cane. Despite the solid profit from the trade in the gifts of nature, the government of the country adopted a law on which 25% of the forest on the territory of the country is subject to protection, but only 15% - the production of wood. Forest-protected forests are declared national parks or recreation areas, and those affordable for cutting - are actively used in the woodworking industry. Ticky furniture, woven rattan furniture, cutlery from bamboo or pressed coconut, a huge selection of souvenir products from various types of trees - this is only a small part of production, but a noticeable component of tourist souvenir shops.

In the south of the country, the cultivation of the trees of Brazilian Geyey flourishes, the juice of this tree provides Thailand 1 place for the export of rubber and latex. Also, part of income provides agriculture (65% of the population is still involved in this area). Thailand is a leading rice supplier to the world market.

But the lion's share of revenues brings the automotive industry and the manufacture of electronics. The industry of Thailand is about 43% of the gross domestic product, and this is despite the fact that it employs only 14.5% of the workforce. The expansion of automotive production has a positive effect on other industries - for example, the production of steel has increased dramatically. To date, Thailand occupies 3rd place after Japan and South Korea in Asia for the production of cars. And on the production of pickups on the basis of Jeeps, Thailand ranks second in the world (after the United States). Almost every car on the roads of Thailand is assembled (and very often and fully produced) in this country. Exports of cars reaches 200 thousand per year.

Other industry industries undergo serious competition from manufacturers in similar segments - the electronics of Thailand withstands tough competition from Malaysia and Singapore, but, nevertheless, Thailand is firmly standing on the 3rd place in the world for the production of hard drives and chips.

And returning to tourism, mainly this income of residents of tourist zones. The government is actively developing this direction of the economy, according to Thailand's tourism department, for 2011 Thailand visited about 20 million foreign tourists, which is 19.84 percent more than in 2010. The Russian tourist is not the leader in this statistic, but it takes a confident 4th place after Malaysia, China and Japan.

Tourists from Asia, first of all, attract historical and natural attractions in Bangkok and its surroundings, while residents of Western countries prefer the southern part of Thailand (Phuket, Samui) with its beaches and islands.

A peculiarity of tourism in Thailand is an ever-increasing number of people coming from northern latitudes for long-term "wintering". Usually they remain in Thailand from November to April, that is, the most climatically beneficial time of the year.

The most developed in economically, the central district. In Bangkok and its surroundings, most industrial enterprises, banks, trading firms and transport facilities are concentrated. The most fertile lands of Thailand are dedicated to the central plain. Here they grow rice, sugar cane, corn, maniacs.

Economic Development of the North-East It is contained due to lowland soils, a relatively arid climate and a lack of monetary resources. Despite the implementation of state road construction programs, improving the water supply and strengthening of social services, to overcome the backwardness of the district, and it is the most poor in the country.

In Northern Thailand Only in the intermore valleys there are conditions for agricultural production. Wood has long been published here, but due to the propagation of agriculture and excessive cuts, the wooded area has been significantly reduced. Currently on state lands, industrial logging is prohibited.

In the south of the country There are many small fishing harbors. Through the main local ports of Songkhal and Phuket are foreign trade operations. The main products of this area - rubber and tin.

Since the 1970s, the average annual growth rates of the country's economy were about 7%, and in some years 13% reached. The gross national product per capita in 1997 was estimated approx. $ 2,800 In 1997, the BAT rate decreased due to excessive debt of the state, which led to a significant decline in production.

Energy It strongly depends on the import of oil. In 1982, the proportion of oil was 25% of the import value. This indicator decreased to 8.8% in 1996 due to the overall importation. The energy crisis associated with the increase in prices for liquid fuel, forced the Government of Thailand to look for alternative approaches. The most significant results brought the discovery of natural gas deposits and the development of hydropower energy. In the mid-1990s, dependence on oil imports has risen again.
Most settlements in Thailand are electrified (except those located in remote areas). In the consumption of electricity, the hegemony of the Metropolitan Arala Bangkok is clearly expressed.

Agriculture. Since the mid-1970s, a decrease in the role of agriculture, in which only 10% of national income was created in 1996 against 34% in 1973. Nevertheless, the industry satisfies the internal demand for food. Approximately one third of the country's territory is occupied by processed areas, of which half of them are assigned to rice crops. Peasant farms suffer from small-earth, however, in the period after the Second World War, they managed to achieve a gradual increase in grain fees. Since the early 1980s, Thailand has become the world's largest exporter of rice, and in the late 1990s on the gross rice collection (22 million tons) held the 6th place in the world.

State events Aimed at diversifying the industrial structure of agriculture in the 1970s, contributed to the growth of yields and an increase in sales abroad of a number of agricultural goods, including maniacs, sugar cane, corn and pineapples. Lifting, although slow, was observed in rubbing. All this allowed the economy of Thailand less painfully to respond to fluctuations in world prices in Fig. In a significant amount, cotton and jute are also grown.

Livestock is plays a subordinate role.For plowing, fields contain buffaloes, which gradually displaced relatively inexpensive means of small mechanization. Most of the peasants are bred on the meat of pigs and chickens, and especially intensively growing cargo poultry farming occurred in 1970-1980. In the northeast, growing cattle for sale has long been an important source of income of local residents.

Fishing. In the food diet of Thailatsev, the fish is the main source of proteins. For rural residents, freshwater fish and crustaceans are especially important, which are caught and even diluted at the filler rice fields, in canals and reservoirs. Since the 1960s, marine fishing has become one of the leading sectors of the national economy. Since the late 1980s, the dilution of shrimp on the aquafers since the late 1980s. In the late 1990s, the catch of seafood Thailand occupied the 9th place in the world (about 2.9 million tons).

Forestry. In the forests of Thailand, many valuable breeds of trees with solid wood are presented, including TIK. The export abroad Tika was banned in 1978, and then the contribution of a recently important industry to the creation of national income fell to 1.6%. However, the volume of logging has decreased slightly, which forced in 1989 to take urgent legislative measures on their almost complete limitation. Nevertheless, illegal logging continues, including in order to expand the areas of agricultural land and settlements. Back in the late 1980s, about 5 million people lived on the protected forest lands.

Mining industry. Its share in GDP is only about 1.6%, but this industry remains a significant source of export currency revenues. Thailand is one of the leading suppliers of tin and tungsten to the global market. Some other minerals are also mined in small sizes, among them such precious stones, like rubies and sapphires. In the 1980s, the development of natural gas deposits began in coastal waters.

Processing industrydeveloped a turbulent pace in the 1990s and became the most important sector of the economy in which almost 30% of GDP was created in 1996. Industry such as electronic, petrochemical, assembly of cars, jewelry are developed.
In the 1960s and 1970s, enterprises of the textile and food industry arose (including the production of soft drinks, freezing shrimps and canned seafood). The growth of the production of tobacco products, plastic masses, cement, plywood, automotive tires continues. The population of Thailand is engaged in traditional handicrafts - carving wood, production of silk fabrics and varnishing products.

International trade. In the period from 1952 to 1997, Thailand experienced a constant shortage of foreign trade balance, which had to be covered at the expense of income from foreign tourism and external loans. At the end of the Cold War, the loans began to come mainly from foreign private banks and investors. Until 1997, Thailand was considered a reliable and attractive country for investment, but then this reputation was undermined as a result of the crisis, the cause of which had become accumulated debt obligations, as well as export decline.
Thanks to the development in the 1990s, export industries Thailand now less depends on deliveries to the global market for their agrarian products, which forms ok. 25%. Basic Export Articles - Computers and Accessories, Integrated Schemes, Electric Transformers, Jewelry, Finished Clothing, Fabrics, Diverse Plastic Products, Tin, Plastic Plum, Zinc Ore, Agricultural Products (Figure, Rubber, Tapioca, Sorghum, Kenaf, Jute) Seafood. Import consists mainly of machinery and equipment, consumer goods, oil and petroleum products.

Exportheads primarily in the United States, in second place is Japan. The latter is the main supplier of goods for the internal market of Thailand. The main part of the investment comes from the United States and Japan.

Transport.Thailand's railways have an approx. 4 thousand km and bind Bangkok with the main cities in the north and northeast of the country, as well as with Malaysia and Singapore. A developed system of highways (length of over 70 thousand km) allows you to get to any corner of Thailand. Much value for the internal message has water river transport, which provides approx. 60% of transportation. Through the International Airport in Bangkok Thailand is associated with many countries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia daily regular flights. There is regular air communication with many cities of the country. The main seaports are Bangkok, Sattahip, Phuket, Songkhala, Cantang. Most of the import and export passes through the port of Bangkok.

Cities.The country's largest city is Bangkok. In his Metropolitan area, in addition to the very capital, located on the eastern coast of R. Schao Praia, the city of Thonburi on its West Bank and several suburban areas. In 1995, 6547 thousand people lived here, or over 60% of the country's urban population. Unusually rapid growth is experiencing the city of Chonburi, the center of ferrous metallurgy and sugar industry, located on the coast of the Siamese bay in comparative proximity from the capital. Chiang Mai, inferior by the population of only Bangkok, is the center of the political, economic and cultural life of Northern Thailand. Especially popular among investors today real estate in Pattaya. The city is the administrative center of the province of the same name and in the past was the capital of the ancient Thai kingdom. Nakchonratchaxima, also known as the coat, is the largest economic and administrative center of the East of the country, an important node of railway and roads. Another successfully developing shopping center in the East - Uconfaratkhani. In the south of Thailand, not far from the border with Malaysia, the city of Khatyay is highlighted. It is located on the railway line Bangkok - Singapore and is a transshipment item for the production of local rubber plantations exported to Malaysia.

| Property in Pattaya

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