
Countryside map. Preferential map "Arrow. Fare cost for student

Scale 1: 1000000. The map was Professor V.A. Kamenetsky in 1932. Box: population density by districts.



A very visual understanding of the geographical location of the rural population gives a point map of population density. On it we see black clots of the population with density indicators approaching the density of industrial areas of Western Europe. At the same time, white spots on the map express rarely populated areas, wooded and swampy, with density indicators close to the density of low-voltage districts of the North.

In the insertment there is a map of the population of the city and workers' settlements marked by Punns (circles) of various sizes in the number of residents. The magnitude of the circles is determined by the scale applied to the map.

Map of population density along with other cards characterizing the social and professional composition of the population gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe socio-economic geography of the population of the Moscow region.

These cards are useful to study in connection with industrial and agricultural cards to determine the production characteristics and specialization of districts.

From the Atlas of the Moscow Region, compiled under the leadership of the Research Institute of Economics, the publication of the editorial and publishing sector of the Mosoblispolitsky, edited by Professors Kamenetsky V.A. and Baransky N.N. Printed in the 1st Exemplary Typography of the Ogiza RSFSR Trest Polygraphkniga. Circulation 5000 copies.

How to stop degradation and stimulate the development of the Russian area

Read more: http://www.ng.ru/scenario/2011-05-24/14_map.html

Tatyana Grigorievna Nefedova - Senior Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Independent newspaper"
The conversation about the countryside of Russia as a whole is meaningless. In the north and in the south, in the west and in the east of the country, in the suburbs and the periphery of the regions, in Russian and non-Russian settlements you can see completely different worlds with different problems.

The whole of the twentieth century from the generation of the village from the village was left the youngest and active people. The zone of the strongest rural depopulation covers almost all of Central Russia and part of the near North. The main problem is the departure of young people, to hold which is not possible.

Demographic factor

Especially quickly the population melted on the periphery of the non-black-earth regions. After all, not only in the cities, but next to them the arrangement, the possibility of choosing work, the conditions of self-realization are much better. And the larger the city, the wider the suburban zone of the increased density of the rural population around, the more active there is life there. Therefore, even within the boundaries of the areas of differences in the density of the rural population between suburbs and periphery reach 10 or more times. And two or four people left in the nonherninarian outback on the square. KM, old women dominate, and alcoholism is common among able-bodied.

The affected and economically active rural space of Russia has long been sulking outside the fertile south into individual aroles, and between them the socio-demographic desert arose. And it is hardly possible to turn the situation in the near future. Globalization and information permeability of space only aggravate it, exposing the inconsistency of the social environment to young people.

The rural settlement system is associated with the dynamics of demographic processes. In the south and in the suburbs of large cities, a significant part of the population lives in large villages in size over 1000 people. For the rest of the territory, especially in the nonhernochoe, was originally characteristic of the smallest. The population rises to relatively more viable central places. The number of dead small villages is growing, and the former average settlements are rapidly degraded, turning into small with the same prospects. The lack of passage roads to many settlements, closure of shops, small schools, clubs enhance the degradation of non-visual settlements in the outback and create new incentives for outflow of the population.

A strong decrease in the areas used in agriculture is largely the result of a long artificial maintenance of a collective farm-provisional economy in non-sinny remote areas that have lost most of the population, or in the range of mass unincounding and the degradation of virgin dry lands. With the termination of huge states, the destruction of state procurement, dispensatue of price and competition of imports, agriculture, accustomed to complete control by administrative and party bodies and dependent, has experienced the hardest crisis. But since 1999, the gross agrofroduction has been growing steadily and, in general, approaches the level of 1990. However, the sowing area has decreased until 2008, and the livestock CRS is still reduced. This indicates a strong polarization and concentration of agriculture.

Restore and reformed mainly southern and suburban enterprises. There is a normal territorial division of labor: agriculture is adjusted to the distribution of natural and human resources. Even the yield of such mass cultures, such as grain, or the amount of milk, which gives one cow, dependes not only from natural conditions, specialization, but also from the distance to the Big City, especially the capital of the regions - they are always higher in the suburbs.

Not only the rural population and infrastructure, but also investments, innovation and generally successful agricultural activities are concentrated around the cities, despite the high cost of suburban land, summer and cottage development. And it's not just the physical distance peripheral regions. The main thing was the state of farms to which product processors can rely. And the strengths are usually more in the suburbs.

As a result of compression of agriculture to southern fertile districts and to the suburbs of large cities (more than 100 thousand inhabitants), the reference framework of the development of agriculture of Russia is formed. It consists of individual aralers and foci. Beyond their limits - zones of agricultural depression, in European Russia, especially large to the west and north of the Moscow region. They have formed a rural community with sustainably low economic results of enterprises and the lack of motivation of any activity of the population, with rejection of visitors, including farmers.

Abandoned land

The crisis of agriculture was accompanied by throwing land. Losses for 40 years in different estimates amounted to 30-55 million hectares, including only in the last 20 years - 20-45 million hectares. Huge areas have dropped out of agricultural use. However, land use statistics do not have time to fix the real situation. It is much more accurately reflected by the disposal of the sowing square, which over the past 20 years has decreased by 35%. In some areas less than half of the pashnya falls, the rest also grabs the forest.

The overwhelming part of agricultural land remains among large and medium-sized enterprises. And although after the division of collective farm assets on a share, most of the lands in Russia is considered private, land shares are usually leased or sold to enterprises and are used (or not used) them. Squares that are listed in enterprises of arable land, but not used, about 40 million hectares in Russia. The crisis of the 1990s obviously revealed that agricultural enterprises, especially in the non-black earth, kept much more land and livestock than they were able to process and feed.

And yet it develops

But do not think that all modern agriculture in Collapse. A completely different situation in the south where land is in demand, competition is competing between large enterprises and farmers, which are also a lot in southern regions. In some regions, farmers produce a third or more grain and sunflower and use quite large areas (over 1000 hectares). This new line for Russia has taken root, although not everywhere. In the southern areas, many commodity personal farms of the population, essentially shadow farmers. Personal farming almost everywhere became an important factor in the survival of rural (and partly urban) population and self-employment by major food. According to statistics, people themselves grow more than 80% of potatoes, about 70% of vegetables and produce up to half of milk and up to 40% of meat.

The preservation and development of agriculture contributes to the active formation of agro-industrial holdings - integration of food enterprises with agricultural producers, financial and trade structures. Their creation has become a all-Russian tendency since the late 1990s. The unbalance of institutional reforms and a sharp decrease in state support for agriculture demanded capital concentrations to diversify risks, improving the organization of production and management improvement. The impetus to the formation of agroholdings made a fall of the ruble exchange rate in 1998 and the associated decrease in the role of imports, and therefore, the need for a food industry support for their raw materials. By this time, the class of new managers in large enterprises of the food industry, which had dramatically dissected with weak management at agricultural enterprises in Russia. Moreover, not only the food enterprises, but also trade firms and even companies, far from agriculture (including such large, as Gazprom, the Staplensky Mining and Processing Plant, Norilsk Nickel, etc.), discovered With relatively small investments, agriculture, especially crop production, is a favorable industry with a relatively short investment turnover. Private capital from cities, including Moscow, began to spill in agriculture. City enterprises either purchased agricultural producers in different regions of Russia, including them in the total chain of production "from the field to the counter", or have concluded agreements for 5-10 years, investing in the acquisition of technology, renewal of livestock in exchange for agricultural products.

In the regions and in the cities began to occur, stimulating urban capital in agriculture. For example, in Moscow by 2010, large dairy and meat fabrics, former vegetable bases, which have become distribution centers and supported by the government of the capital have owned more than 140 agricultural enterprises in different regions of Russia from the Moscow region to the regions of the Volga region and the Krasnodar Territory. They provided about 20% of the total food needs of Moscow and about 40% of the arrival of Russian food raw materials.

The search for agricultural trees of reliable agricultural enterprises was a difficult task, especially in the non-black earth regions surrounding the Moscow region. Initially, business preferred to work with more successful suburban and southern areas, based on strong enterprises and thereby enhanced the polarization of rural space. But his exit beyond the limits of the suburbs was inevitable due to the high cost near the cities of the Earth and the extrusion of agriculture with dacha and housing construction. Therefore, agricultural holdings began to create branches, as a rule, are unemployed, in depressive areas, contributing to the secondary agricultural development of abandoned land.

Cottage and dackets are so important

Another way to preserve and even the secondary development of the remote countryside, losing its population, is govery of citizens. Usually they are associated with suburbs. But in addition to the near-tightly mastered dacha zone, it is possible to highlight the zones of the average (100-300 km) and the distant (300-600 km) of cottages. Country zones of Moscow and St. Petersburg have already closed in the south of Pskov and Novgorod regions, capturing and neighboring. For example, 400 km from Moscow in the Valdai district of the Novgorod region in the summer period the population increases 3-4 times, and the border of the Moscow and St. Petersburg dachaniks passes along the Lake Valdai.

In the depopulizing areas of non-black earth in scenic places, even in such remote, as the peripheral regions of the Kostroma region, from 30 to 90% of the real, although not year-round, population are urban dacities, mostly intelligentsia of medium wealth. Can they save dying villages? Sades retain at home, give work to local residents, buy their products, create a new social environment that contributes to the detention of the younger generation. But they will not save overgrown agricultural fields. And nevertheless consider the modern village, even remote, without citizens-summer residents is illegally. Dachits are not implanted into local life as alien elements, they actively participate in it. Traditional agriculture becomes in areas of packed, not the main, and the additional industry.

Levers that could delay in such remote villages or attract young people in them for permanent residence, not visible. At the same time, the country's caravan of Moscow and St. Petersburg continues. It is these processes, and not the restoration of the disintegration in the taiga or other grand projects can save small villages. This should be an important signal for federal and regional authorities, creating concepts and programs for the development of rural areas. This is a signal for local authorities, who are not very rejoicing in the influx of the chained formed Moscow dachensors. They are difficult to manage, but with them you can cooperate fruitfully.

And yet - is it possible to do something to help developing rural areas and stop the degradation of rural areas in depressive places?

Agribusiness is not a panacea

In recent years, the government has taken measures to support agricultural producers within and national project, and the APC development programs. Import regulated, grain interventions were carried out, almost interest-free loans and subsidies were given to combat fuel monopolists, etc. The main problem remains the widespread loss of beef production, leading to the further degradation of animal husbandry. One of the measures may be not so much restriction of the import of beef, how much improvement of the pricing policy and state subsidies to procurement prices for meat with economic stimulating the increase in the livestock of productive livestock.

However, development is always uneven and leads to economic inequality. The process of territorial division of labor in large and medium agribusiness, its adaptation to natural and socio-economic conditions and restrictions lead to modernization and improving the effectiveness of agriculture, the emergence of successful manufacturers and entire districts. Investments in the agriculture of areas that have retained labor resources are becoming the basis for strengthening state food security. But at the same time, the strong polarization of the countryside and the compression of the mastered space occurs.

At the same time, developed agriculture does not guarantee the development of rural areas. Agricultural "re-assistance" in areas with complex natural conditions that have lost 50-80% of the rural population as a result of urbanization has become apparent. Reasonable social policy in such conditions is necessary, but it also does not lead to equality. It is always a competition of different territories and different social groups for finance. The task is to find your way with the possible development of the possible development of different territories, and not "sculpt" identical strategies for all.

Universal strategies

But there are generally in-departments capable of supporting rural areas.

Small business. The problems of economic inequality that arise during the polarization of large and medium-sized enterprises can be solved with the help of special support for small business support in the form of not only available loans, but also tangible subsidies for goods products (partially it is done at the regions level), as well as economic stimulating the processing of agricultural , forest products in rural areas and development there are any activities. The main task is now to return to the village at least part of the pests.

Sales products. Many manufacturers noted that if they knew where to sell products at reasonable prices, they would produce much more. It is necessary to economically and administratively stimulate in the regions to expand the network of municipal and regional wholesale and retail markets, conscription items available to all manufacturers. A system of information alerts about prices in different markets is also needed.

Budget replenishment. It is necessary to change intergovernmental policy (including for FZ No. 131) not so much in the direction of the redistribution of transfers, as in the sense of increasing its own tax base of municipalities and rural settlements. Redistribution from the Center does not lead to development, but to dependency or deposit in the official pockets. In order for the local authorities to have a stimulus to develop something, it is necessary to leave more funds on the ground with partial redistribution of taxes at the place of residence, and not work.

Land. To find its own funds, it would be necessary to establish state subsidies to the prices for cadastral services, facilitate land survey and achieve the design of all private land plots so that taxes for them and the rent replenish local budgets, as well as taxes on residential buildings. Now unformed PAIs are transferred to municipal property.

Attraction of the population. In the areas of depopulation, where investors do not include manufacturers, it is necessary to create conditions for attracting both migrants for permanent residence and summer residents, including by providing land for at least 10 years or property. When making land plots to persons not registered in this area, including dachensons, tax and rent must be increased.

Infrastructure. At least a minimum level of infrastructure and social furnishings at the expense of federal and regional funds should be achieved: roads with solid coverage and bus service from the center to all populated and lured village villages, street lighting, gas, cellular communication and the Internet. At the same time, given the increased unemployment rate in rural areas, the mechanism of public works can be used for arrangement. Malocomplete schools, libraries, medical care centers, autochets must be maintained and maintained, otherwise from the village will leave not only young people, but also the middle generation with children. Infrastructure development will strengthen the attractiveness of the countryside for migrants from other regions and even cities and dacities that will preserve the villages.

The preferential map will allow you to travel on the tariffs of the "Arrow" card with a 50% discount.

(from the 36th trip to schoolchildren and students of the Moscow region - 99% discount)

"Single transport card trip" , To make trips on regular transport routes for students in general education organizations studying on full-time education in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education, as well as for children enrolled in organizations of additional education of any form of ownership in urban and suburban report.

Where can I get a preferential ETC "Arrow", ETC "Arrow" of a student and ETC "Arrow" of the student of the countryside?

You can buy an "Arrow" card with preferential charges in the box office of GUP MO MOSTRANSAVTO addresses of items in the Internet portal sectionwww.strelkacard.ru.

"Where to buy and replenish" (https://strelkacard.ru/about/map/ )

What documents are needed in order to get the ETK "Arrow" of the student?

The design of the ETC "Arrow" student occurs on the basis of the following documents:

. certificates of training in an educational institution or student ticket;

. an identity document (for a student under 14 years old is granted a birth certificate).

The cost of the preferential card "Arrow" - 200 rubles. This amount includes a deposit for the map- 80 rubles, and 120 rubles are credited to the balance.

Tariffing of travel on the map "Arrow" student

and student countryside

Since February 1, rates have changed to pay the passage of the "Arrow" map of the student and the student of the countryside. Now, with the 36th ride, schoolchildren and students of the Moscow region are given a discount of 99%.

When paying the roads of the "Arrow" cards for students on the routes of urban communication with the adjustable tariff, the cost of the first 35 trips will be 15 rubles (50% of the tariff of 30 rubles). Starting with the 36th trip, the passenger will pay 30 kopecks (1% of the tariff of 30 rubles).

On suburban routes with adjustable tariff, the cost of the trip depends on its distance. Thus, 35 trips will cost a passenger 50% of the base tariff established by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 16, 2015 No. 1234/48. Next, with the 36th ride, schoolchildren and students will pay from 30 kopecks to 1.58 rubles. At the same time, the passage on the "Arrow" map of the countryside of the countryside within 30 km will be paid at a fixed value: 35 trips - 15 rubles, with the 36th ride - 30 kopecks.

Accounting for the number of trips is carried out within 30 calendar days from the date of the first payment of the trip. During this period, the passenger can pay no more than 200 trips. The system takes into account the routes on routes with both adjustable and with an unregulated tariff. It is important that the benefits act only on routes with adjustable tariff.

3 April 2016 New Discount on travel on the "Arrow" map in the amount of 99% from the 36th trip for Schoolchildren and Students near Moscow will begin to be provided since February 1, 2016.
The schoolboy will buy a student "Arrow" student, which will put money on. According to the "Arrow" map, 50% is already provided for it. That is, if initially a ticket on the map "Arrow" costs 30 rubles, then for schoolchildren and students it costs 15 rubles. From the 36th trip, the discount is already in the amount of 99%. "
The cost of a trip to the terrestrial public transport of the Moscow region on routes with adjustable tariffs, with the use of preferential ETC is now from 15 to 79 rubles, depending on the distance. And after the introduction in February 99 percent discount, schoolchildren and students, starting with 36 trips, will pay from 30 kopecks to 1.58 rubles per trip.
The design of the Single Transport Card "Arrow" of the student is carried out on the basis of a certificate of training in an educational institution or a student ticket, as well as an identity document (for a student under 14 years old, a birth certificate is provided) and copies of this document. It is also necessary to present a document confirming registration at the place of residence in the Moscow region, if this information is not contained in a person certifying the person.
List of documents provided to obtain an ETC student
1) an application for issuing a map;
2) identity document;
3) insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
4) a document of an educational organization confirming the fact of learning (certificate or student card);
5) certificate of registration at the place of residence (for students in educational organizations located on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation)
6) certificate from the administration of the municipality on the absence of educational organizations at the place of residence (for the acquisition of a partner's single transport card by students living in the rural settlements of the Moscow region and developing basic general education programs in municipal general education organizations in the Moscow region located in another settlement, Due to the lack of relevant educational organizations in their place of residence).
7) Receipt of payment of the collateral value of the card (80 rubles), making money on the personal account of the card (120 rubles)

ETC "Arrow" student (color card - green) is intended for trips on regular transportation routes in urban and suburban communication for students in educational institutions studying for full-time education in professional educational institutions and educational institutions of higher education, as well as children learning In the institutions of additional education of any form of ownership.

Registration of a single transport card "Arrow" The student of rural areas occurs on the basis of a certificate of training in an educational institution, a certificate certificate (for a student under 14 years old, a birth certificate is provided) and copies of this document, as well as a document confirming living in rural areas Moscow region.

ETC "Arrow" of a countryside student (color card - blue) is designed for trips on regular transportation routes in urban traffic, in a suburban message within 30 kilometers inclusive and over 30 kilometers away, for students in municipal educational institutions for full-time learning, living in rural settlements.

The preferential map "Arrow" is implemented in all cash registers of the largest regional passenger carrier of the State Unitary Enterprise Mo "Mostransavto".
Detailed information about the design, use and points of sale of the ETC "Arrow", including the ETC with preferential tariffing, can be found on the site "Arrow" site in the "Frequent Questions" section.

Map arrows

Instructions for updating the firmware of the student of the countryside

To the attention of passengers! For correct accounting discounts on the "Arrow" map of the countryside, the student of the countryside must be updated the firmware.

From February 1, tariffs have changed the passage of the "Arrow" map of the student of the countryside. Now, from the 36th trip, the Moscow region schoolchildren is provided with a discount of 99%. For correct accounting, a discount on passage to the passenger needs to update the card firmware, adding it to contact in any self-service device of the Sberbank of the Moscow region.

To update the firmware "Arrow" of the countryside, the user must select the Sberbank Self-Service Device in the Main Menu section "Transport Card" in the main menu, then specify the "Arrow" card replenishment service. Then insert the map into the terminal or an ATM, replenish its balance in cash to any amount and wait for the check. The minimum amount of replenishment is 10 rubles. IMPORTANT, Keep the check before crediting funds to the card.

Recall when paying the passage of the "Arrow" map of the student of the countryside on the routes of urban communication with the adjustable tariff, the cost of the first 35 trips is 15 rubles (50% of the tariff of 30 rubles). Starting with the 36th trip, the fare is reduced to 30 kopecks (1% of the tariff of 30 rubles).

At the suburban routes with adjustable target on the "Arrow" map of the student of the countryside within 30 km paid at a fixed value: the first 35 trips are 15 rubles, with the 36th ride - 30 kopecks.

Over 30 km: the first 35 trips are 50% of the base tariff established by the Resolution of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 16, 2015 No. 1234/48. Next, from the 36th trip, students pay from 30 kopecks to 1 ruble 58 kopecks.

Instructions for updating the firmware of the Card "Arrow" Student Countryside

Background information about the design of the "Arrow" card of the student of the countryside

Unified Transport Card "Arrow" Student Countryside it is drawn up for children who are educated in municipal educational organizations for full-time education living in rural settlements.

Registration of the transport card occurs on the basis of a certificate of training in an educational institution, an identity document (for a student under 14 years old, a birth certificate is provided) and copies of these documents, as well as a document confirming the residence of the countryside of the Moscow Region.

The cost of the "Arrow" card student of the countryside is 200 rubles, 120 are immediately credited to the balance, 80 rubles - a deposit for the map.

Detailed information on points of sale of ETC "Arrow" student of the countryside and their presence can be foundon the website of the GUP MO "MOSTRANSAVTO", As well as around the clock, the hotline of the GUP MO "MOSTRANSAVTO".

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