
Countries leaders in tourism. The most visited countries in the world. Need help to study what language themes

There are many countries in the world representing huge tourist interest. Each of them has its own history, mentality and unique attractions. To the attention of the reader are represented the most visited countries in the world - Ranking is based on data for 2016.

10. Mexico (22 million)

Opens the top 10 of the most visited countries. On average, the state visits more than 22 million people per year.

Mexico is a bright, distinctive country, known for its festivals and unusual holidays. She is the Maja's homeland civilization, which disappeared under the onslaught of Spanish conquistadors. The most visited monument of the architecture of Maya are the ruins of the ancient city of Chichen-Itsa. In ancient times, he was political, as well as the cultural capital, but the XI century was marked for the city final decline and then the last residents left him. No less popular tourists are Yucatana beaches. Each tourist season flows there many people to plunge into turquoise water. Hotels, as well as holiday homes of this country are able to please even the most picky guests.

9. Russia (30 million)

In the top ten countries most visited by tourists enters. According to the International Tourism Organization, the Russian Federation attend an average of 30 million people per year. The most popular cities among foreign tourists are Moscow and St. Petersburg, also enjoy the demand of trips to Kazan and Sochi. Excellent popularity in tours, conducted by the route literally throughout the country, allowing to see all the beauty of the wildlife of Russia.

8. United Kingdom (31 million)

Attracts the travelers a state not only by its ancient history, but also such famous historical monuments as Stonehenge. In addition, there are a huge number of medieval castles across the country, in which various excursions are often held. London is also among the most visited cities of the world, if you consider the internal movements of citizens. One of the most interesting places can be called Windsor Castle (the old residence of the Royal Family), as well as the Westminster Abbey, where all English monarchs were crowned, starting from Wilhelm the Conqueror.

7. Germany (32 million)

It is considered one of the most expensive countries in terms of tourism, however, it does not prevent her from being one of the most popular, because it is attended by about 32 million people a year. Mostly go back from neighboring countries, since there is no need to issue a visa. Interestingly, Berlin is famous for its musical festivals, and in Frankfurt, the most interesting fairs are held. Many people from all over the world comes to Munich on Oktoberfest, which is massive folk festivities. These are not only countless tents for several thousand people, where you can taste an eminent German beer, but also a full range of entertainment events. Among the supplied rides there are American slides, the ferris wheel, as well as a flea circus.

6. Turkey (39 million)

IN Turkey More than 39 million people arrive a year, which makes the country one of the most visited in the world. First of all, Turkey became famous for the fact that the most monuments of the architecture of the ancient era were preserved here. One of the most visited cities of the country is the former capital - Istanbul, which is also the largest city in all over Europe. Following Mersin and Antalya are followed. The famous resorts and hotels are designed for a large influx of tourists to the country. Such popularity is due to a huge selection of vouchers by the type "All Inclusive".

5. Italy (48 million)

In the top 10 of the most visited countries in the world confidently enters. About 48 million tourists per year come to this state and replenish their knowledge about the history of our civilization, which combines it with an excellent rest. Vouches in Italy are available all year round. Despite the fact that this country has the status of an elite European resort that has a strong influence on prices, travelers over time becomes only more. In winter, tourists go to the Alps to go skiing, and in the summer months visited the beaches across the country. At the same time, absolutely everyone seeks to visit such cities like Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence. All of them possess their own history and unique architectural monuments of various eras. It was in Italy, one of the most vivid personalities of the Renaissance era lived.

4. China (57 million)

On average, 57 million people per year visits. First of all, tourists attract the Great Wall, with a length of about 9 kilometers. The width of the wall is that four riders can drive simultaneously. Nevertheless, over time, most of the sections of the wall began to collapse and the restoration was required, which began in the 80s of the last century. At the moment, only tourist sites have been repaired, in some places the stone from the wall is used for the construction of villages or highways. The second, the most famous monument of Chinese culture was the terracotta army. This is a huge tomb, in which more than 8 thousand statues of Chinese soldiers and horses are buried. Some, especially zealous tourists seek to obtain permission to visit Tibet, but this step requires a lot of time and material costs.

3. Spain (68 million)

Opens the top three most visited in the world in 2016. 68 million satisfied tourists confirm this fact. The main income of Spain receives from tourism, which is not surprising, given the wonderful weather, excellent cuisine and friendliness of local residents, and most importantly, pleasant prices for vouchers. Spain is going to rest literally from all over Europe, as well as from the United States. Basically, travelers go to the Canary Islands, and also seek to visit Madrid and Barcelona.

2. USA (77 million)

It is a fairly extensive country, it has a huge number of attractions, ranging from the Big Canyon, ending with Yellowstone Volcano. These places attract a huge number of people who want to know all the beauty of the wildlife of the United States. In turn, Las Vegas, New York, Miami and Los Angeles became the most famous cities of America, Miami and Los Angeles. Famous worldwide parks, built entertainment industry and price variety of hotels contribute to the fact that the number of arriving tourists often comes to 77 million people per year.

1. France (86 million)

According to the World Tourism Organization, it is France He is the most visited country in the world. The number of tourists is more than 86 million people per year. For the most part, people attract the local flavor and a special atmosphere. In addition, France is famous for its beautiful wines and special cuisine. Paris is one of the most popular tourist cities in the world due to such sights as Eiffel Tower. Many people come to rest at the Cote d'Azur, and in order to enjoy first-class wine, tourists are often visited by the city of Bordeaux. In France, beautiful nature and friendly locals. After visiting this country once, many vacationers often give themselves a promise to come again.

Leaders in tourist arrivals (just around the world 880 million, 2009):

1. France - 74 million.

2. USA - 55 million.

3. Spain - 52 million.

4. China - 51 million.

5. Italy is 53 million.

Leaders in revenues from tourism (just around the world 852 billion dollars, 2009):

1. USA - 94 billion.

2. Spain - 53 billion.

3. France - 49 billion.

4. Italy - 40 billion.

5. China - 40 billion.

According to the characterization of countries, see also the ticket 9 question 1.

France. France is the most popular tourist destination in the world. Tourism brings about 6% of GDP France.

For its small territory, France is a very diverse country. Plains, Mountains, Sea coasts, 40 thousand cultural monuments, 6 thousand museums and 28 cultural heritage sites. France is one of the most economically developed countries in Europe and coins with other leading European powers: Germany and Great Britain. In addition, France is one of the few tourist destinations of the time of the Grand Tours.

The largest streams (more than 10 million tourists annually) come to France from Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Large tourist flows also go from the USA and APR. Tourists are attracted by tourists Côte d'Azur, Paris and Alps. Tourists actively penetrate the country deep into the country, first of all it is Burgundy and medieval Loire castles.

The main exit streams of the French go to European countries, former colonies (for example, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and the United States.

Moscow, April 20 - "News. Economy". The World Economic Forum published a rating of competitiveness in the tourism field of The Travel and Tourism Com Etivityless Re Ort. The WEF study is published once every two years, starting with 2007. It participates 136 countries from all regions of the world. Countries are estimated at positions associated with the reception of tourists. This includes historical and cultural heritage, the development of economics, transport, mobile communications, medicine, openness of the population and much more. The authors of the rating remind that international tourism is one of the fastest growing industries of the global economy. In 1956, 25 million people traveled in the world, in 2016 - 1.2 billion if historically tourists traveled between the northern countries of the Earth, now the fastest growing markets are located in Africa, in the Middle East and in Asia, and in the coming decades this trend Save. WEF study shows that in between 2016 and 2026, the inbound tourism in India, Angola, Uganda, Brunei, Thailand, China, Myanmar, Oman, Mozambique and Vietnam will grow faster. This year, Russia ranked 43th place in the ranking. She scored 4.15 points. It is noted that, compared with 2015, Russia rose in the ranking into two places. We present below the top 10 leaders in the ranking of tourist competitiveness.

1. Spain

Number of points: 5.43 Change since 2015: 0 As explained in the study, the first place of Spain is associated with a unique combination of natural resources and cultural heritage with developed service. It is noted that the competitiveness of Spain favors the recent mitigation of fiscal policy. The main task is currently - to improve the current position, taking into account the saturation and high development of the tourism sector. Spain was only 15th place in the ground transport category, while it is noted that he needs modernization and improvement, since the state of ground transport in the country deteriorates. In addition, the entrepreneurial environment (75th place) also needs to be improved.

2. France

Number of points: 5.32 Change since 2015: 0 France, as in 2015, ranked second, while in the category of security, she lost five points due to the terrorist attacks during this time. Despite this, the number of international tourists remained stable, experts noted. Cultural heritage (3 place), terrestrial transport (7th place) and air transport (13th place) are those factors that cause high competitiveness of France in tourism. Reducing the level of security was compensated by a significant decline in prices for hotels and taxis, which led to an increase in price competitiveness in the 21st place in the ranking. In addition, France has raised environmental stability (17th place, +6 seats since 2015). Entrepreneurial environment also favors the growth of investment in the tourism sector.

3. Germany

Number of points: 5.28 Change since 2015: 0 Germany is estimated as one of the safest tourist destinations in the world. Germany is the third most visited country in Europe. Studies have shown the following reasons for recreation in Germany: culture, outdoor activities / countryside, city, cleanliness, security, modernity, good hotels, good cooking / kitchen, good accessibility, cosmopolitanism / telecommunications, good shopping opportunities, breathtaking night Life and good price / quality ratio.

Number of points: 5.26 Change since 2015: +5 Japan became the leader among the Asian countries, and since 2015 it rose in ranking 5 seats. In addition, Japan became a number of those countries that showed the greatest growth of tourist attractiveness over the past two years. Tourists choose Japan, thanks to its unique cultural heritage, as well as making business trips. Japan has a highly developed infrastructure system (10th place), which guarantees a high level of internal accessibility and access to information and services. There is also a high level of operation of air transport (18th place), high quality of services provided (24th place).

5. United Kingdom

Number of points: 5.20 Change since 2015: 0 Due to its geographical position, historical prerequisites and special temperament of the British, England has always occupied a special place on the map of Europe. Tours to England are inextricably linked with the study of her rich history. Tourists who come to rest in London are glad to visit the mysterious fortress of the Tower, visiting the residence of the English nobility, and its place of conclusion. Also, tours to England are not bypass without visiting numerous museums, cathedrals, castles, parks, as well as photos on the background of Big Ben - the main symbol of Misty Albion.

6. US Number of points: 5.12 Change since 2015: -2 Tourism in the United States is a major sector of the economy, which every year provides services to millions of tourists both from abroad and from the United States. Tourists come to the United States to look at cities, nature, historical monuments, as well as visit various attractions and entertainment sites. The same is interesting for the Americans themselves, which, among other things, are often visited by recreation areas.

7. Australia

Number of points: 5.10 Change since 2015: 0 Tourism in Australia is one of the largest sectors of the country's economy, accounting for about 3.9% of GDP. In recent years, Australia has visited up to 4 million foreign tourists every year. In general, the main countries whose citizens choose Australia as a place of their holidays: New Zealand, Japan, United Kingdom, USA, China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Germany. All foreign citizens in Australia, with the exception of New Zealand residents, are obliged to pre-obtain permission to enter the country. The exceptions are some countries of East Asia and the Member States of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with which Australia has simplified visa regime.

Number of points: 4.99 Change since 2015: 0 Tourism in Italy - the rectic sector of the economy of Italy, based on the use of recreational resources. The country, which became the heir of ancient Rome, involves foreign tourists to an extraordinary journey into the ancient world. Italy - the cradle of European civilization - retained how much it could, its past and put millions of euros in the reconstruction of architectural monuments. The length of the coastline of Italy is 7455 km. If you add islands, then the picture of beach italy becomes just an immense. No state in the Mediterranean basin cannot boast of such a variety of sea landscape, climate, seas, local traditions and customs. Italy over several decades has opened for mass beach tourism.

Number of points: 4.97 Change since 2015: +1 The only neighboring country with Canada is the United States. Since this is a multi-depleted and rich country, it is obvious that it is she who supplies the largest number of tourists to Canada. Despite the fact that the regions of the country are distinguished by cultural and natural diversity, they are combined by the high quality of the services provided.

10. Switzerland

Number of points: 4.94 Change since 2015: -4 Being a traditional tourism country, Switzerland keeps strong position in Europe in this area. The presence of a developed tourist infrastructure, network of iron and highways in combination with picturesque nature and advantageous geographical position provides an influx into a significant number of tourists, primarily Germans, Americans, Japanese, and in recent years also Russian, Indians, Chinese. 15% of national income comes at the expense of tourism. The Alps occupy 2/3 of the entire territory of Switzerland and annually attract thousands of outdoor activities to Switzerland. The highest point of the country is located in the Penni Alps and is called Pefour Peak (4634 m). Also in Switzerland are the most highly mountainous railway station of Jungfrauiok at an altitude of 3454 m above sea level and the most highly mountainous brewery in Montstein at an altitude of 1600 m

\u003e\u003e International tourism

§ 5. International tourism

Nowadays, tourism is one of the most massive forms of services. In recent decades, the world has a real tourist boom. In turn, such a traction for tourist trips is due to the rapid development of the productive forces, which entails the growth of the well-being and cultural level of people, improving transport, and the creation of other prerequisites for tourism. An important stimulus of tourism development should also be considered the global process of urbanization.

And now let's consider the dynamics of the world tourist boom, using three main indicators for this, which are well presented at the next travel reference book MapMe.Club

The first one is the number of international tourists, the growth of which can be judged by Figure 50. It is not difficult to calculate that for the second half of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century. The total number of international tourist arrivals has increased 36 times! In 2005, it first exceeded 800 million people, and in 2007 amounted to 900 million.

The second indicator is income from international tourism. Since tourist business - One of the fastest growing industries of the world economy is, it is natural that it brings large incomes that grow even faster than the number of tourists. In 2007, they reached $ 850 billion.

The third indicator is employment in international tourism. According to the existing estimates in the sphere of tourism, there are approximately 500 million jobs, including in the sector of international tourism - at least 150 million.

By targets International tourism is divided into: 1) tourism for recreation and entertainment, 2) Cultural - informative (excursion) tourism, 3) medical and wellness Tourism, 4) Business tourism. Recently, other types of its species have appeared, for example, environmental tourism or the so-called extreme tourism - sea travel to the Arctic, Antarctic, jumping with a parachute on the North Pole. It should be the beginning of space tourism.

According to methods of movement distinguish automobile, rail, sea, aviation, river tourism. The main role in international tourism is played automotive (passenger cars, buses) and aviation tourism. But recently, marine cruise tourism began to grow rapidly, for which special comfortable courts are being built. At the same time, the "tourism industry" (or the "hospitality industry" is growing - a chain of hotels, motels, campgrounds, tourist firms, information and advertising services, enterprises for the production of souvenirs, etc.

For geographymodern international tourism is characterized by significant territorial unevenness. In the most general form, it reflects the different levels of the national economic development of the North and South (center and periphery) world economy. The North takes about 70% of all international tourists, and the south is 30%. This is reflected in the international tourism countries (Table 45).

Table 45.

The first ten countries in the number of arrivals of foreign citizens, 2007

But most often for the characteristics of geographical features of international tourism, the world's division into six tourist macroregions allocated to the World Tourist Organization is used. These macroregions: 1) European (54% of tourists), 2) Asia-Pacific (20%), 3) American (16%), 4) African (4.5%), 5) Middle Eastern (4.5%) and 6) South Asian (1%). The main ones are the first three regions.

In the European Macro Region 4/5 of all international tourists make up the inhabitants of the region and only 20% come from other tourist macroregions. In international tourism, all the countries of this region are practically involved. However, among them there is a "big three" tourist countries, in which France, Spain and Italy traditionally come in: only these three countries take about 1/2 of all tourists visiting foreign Europe. And if you add to them and "the second triple" - the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria, then this share will increase even more. These countries are leaders in the size of revenues from tourism. In addition, international tourism in the European region It has the greatest variety of forms. The main areas of recreation and entertainment here are the Mediterranean and Alpine, and cultural and educational tourism is primarily associated with the cities of the arts and monuments of the World Cultural Heritage. The European Macroregion includes Russia, which in 2007, 20 million foreign citizens visited.

The second place in the number of tourist arrivals occupies Asia-Pacific Macroregionwhich in 2006 visited 160, and in 2007 - 185 million people. This is a relatively new region of inbound tourism, which began to develop only in the 1980s. But since the pace of its development was the highest, this macroregion, overtaking the American, went to second place. In the ATP region, as in European, 3D all tourist flows are intraregional and only] / 4 tourists come here from Europe, America and other regions. In the "big three" countries of this macroregion include China, Turkey and Malaysia, and in the "second triple" - Saudi Arabia, Japan and Singapore.

American macroregion
Until recently, in terms of the number of tourist arrivals, she held second after the European, now departed to third place. Nevertheless, in 2006, it was visited by 135, and in 2007 - 142 million people, and in terms of the amount of income from tourism (primarily due to the US), it is still inferior to Europe. It also approximately 3/4 of all foreign tourists make up residents of America countries, the rest come mainly from Europe and APR countries. In the "big three" tourist countries of North America, the United States, Mexico and Canada, and South America - Brazil, Argentina and Chile. According to the forecast of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the role of these three leading macroregions will continue in perspective. It is assumed that in 2020, the European Region will take 715 million tourists (46% of their total number in the world), APP - 400 million (25.5%) and American - 280 million (18%).

Questions and tasks for exam preparation

1. Call the main types of worldwide economic relations.
2. Give the speaker characteristic and structure of world trade.
3. Name and explain the shifts that occurred in the world trade geography over the past 40 years.
4. Give the overall characteristics of the global capital market.
5. Describe the main regions of financial activities in economically developed and developing countries.
6. Give examples of various forms of international production cooperation.
7. Give examples of international scientific and technical cooperation.
8. Describe the dynamics of development and types of international tourism. List the leading top five tourist countries.
9. Give the characteristic of the main tourist macroregions of the world.
10. Give examples of "free economic zones" in Russia and foreign countries.

Maksakovsky V.P., Petrova N.N., Physical and Economic Geography of the World. - M.: Iris-Press, 2010. - 368C.: IL.

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