
New types of insurance services in the Russian market. Exotic types of insurance in Russia. Key risks in the insurance market

At the end of 2018, the industry's growth amounted to about 15 percent, and the revenues of companies became more than 13 percent. Complaints of insurers for capital depletion, however, were not confirmed, since the numbers show a clear decline in the amount of payments for insured events - almost 7 percent. An explicit restructuring has emerged in the industry. Despite the aggressive policy of incorporating insurance in car loans, life insurance has been published on the first place for the content of this service sector.

Given the active propaganda of private financial support and powerful support for the State Institute of Industry for 2019 - growth of at least 10 percent. It is worth noting the intervention of the corporate sector. True, in companies in the insurance model look different. Part of the enterprises covers insurance remuneration due to their own profits, and part of societies shifts these expenses on their employees (for example, Gazprom).

The dynamics of the 2018 insurance market is replaced by stagnation. Consumers somewhat overestimated their capabilities, the practice of insurance payments appeared. Voluntary insurance of vehicles flowed into the discharge of mandatory CCASO, the number of CASCO treaties has sharply decreased. Life insurance is becoming more and more popular. At the same time, the insureders are increasingly seeking to include members of their families in the contracts due to instability in the crisis and deteriorating ecology. From the lower positions returns to the branch of traveling. Conclusion of this type of insurance in online financing added the consumer's percentage with increasing to the minimum 20% in the first quarter of 2019. Some invisible looks against the background of the rest of the insurance of entrepreneurial risks.

🔴 Durable risks

The unconditional attitude of insurance companies to the financial sector sets the priority task of risk assessment. Even industry giants see the main problem at undervaluation of insurance premiums on the OSAGO. The dynamics of the insurance market of insurance today shows the advantage of payments in this species of contracts over revenue. The regulator came to the rescue in this direction. At the initiative of the Central Bank in 2019, the range of basic tariffs increases. The extreme right limit is increased to 20 percent. This back sees consumers as actually another increase. For insurance companies, this is the ability to regulate losses through the adjustment of your tariffs. The operation of the regulator in this regard will continue. The increase in the number of CASCO contracts is still supported by franchise programs with compensation to 20% of the financial burden on the fee of fees.

📖Kak developed and maintained Russian insurance

In the domestic insurance legislation, the passing of experience of European countries is clearly traced. Citizens and companies should understand that the state does not have the opportunity, and it is not obliged to cover all the risks arising from the decline in the responsibility of property owners or technogenic factors. Thus, the population is increasingly translated into the Rails of Personal Finance Planning.

💻Electronic insurance

Analysis of indicators of the insurance market by types of insurance shows a new and explicit catalyst for the development of the industry. This is the conclusion of policies through deleted services. The successful practice of the EOSALO has accepted the company to issue electronic traveler insurance policies on trips. It is really fast and convenient. True, in order to compare tariffs to customers will have to go through most of the design procedure. In this regard, the "chromas" and the EOSALO, which does not represent a transparent picture for the applicant.

After launching an electronic insurance system, consumers have received operational service without queue and depending on the operation time of offices. Companies, in turn, increased revenue due to the relatively inexpensive content of cloud services.

Participants market

The assessment of the current state of the insurance market shows the active participation of the state in support of domestic companies and the sanations of unscrupulous market participants. According to the results of the analysis of the dynamics of the market in the first half of 2018, 11 companies left the industry. The elimination was independent, more than part due to the lack of equity on maintaining the reserve. Given the equal conditions for all market participants, the insurers rating in 2019 will not change seriously. According to practice, all new players have serious capital and financial support. An example of such participants is Sberbank with a dedicated mortgage insurance group. The result of the appearance of the service "Click House" is the natural, created under the realities and needs of customers.

The leader of the rating remains for a long time. SOGAZ remains a subsidiary of the Gazprombank banking structure. It follows three similar enterprises created by credit institutions. This is Sberbank Life Insurance LLC, LLC IC "VTB Insurance" and AlfaStrakhovania JSC. At the fourth and fifth places in the volume of attracted insurance premiums retain positions purely insurance companies "Reo" and "Ingosstrakh". Closes the top ten leaders of the LLC RGS-Life LLC.

The Russian insurance market by 2019 increasingly acquires the European model, comes to a single financial system. To ensure risks, citizens and business need to think independently. For this, insurers and the State Institute have developed all the necessary features and tools.

In many European countries (in particular, in Spain, France), the banking channel of distribution accounts for about 50% of insurers' fees. The structure of the sales channels of Russian insurance companies a few years ago was also beginning to shift towards banking equipment. In 2012, it accounted for 20.4% of the collected premium, in 2013 - 23.4%, in 2015 - 25.8%. The banking height jump occurred in 2016, when there were already 35.2% of fees on this sales channel, that is, he almost caught up with the agency channel, and in the first quarter of 2017 the banks became leaders among intermediaries - 37.9% of the award (against 37 , 8% of fees from agents).

The key channel distribution banks are traditionally for personal types of insurance - life insurance, accident insurance (NA) and voluntary health insurance (DMS), as well as for boxing insurance, such as the property insurance of individuals. All these insurance products in 2017 show a positive trend, and, apparently, will become driver development drivers. In turn, it will have a positive effect on the growth of the importance of bank-care. At the end of the year, the share of the banking channel in the market will exceed 40%, and in 2018 it comes to the "European" 50%.

Digitalization insurance

The trend inherent in most industries is digitalization, and online penetration occurs in all segments of the market.

First, online sales are growing. Already at the beginning of the year there is an increase in their share in the charges of insurers - 1.3% against 0.5% in 2016. According to forecasts of the All-Russian Union of Insurers (WCS), in 2017 the share of Internet sales will increase to 3-5%.

Secondly, the direction of telematics (the so-called intelligent insurance) is developing. The potential for the growth of this direction is also in Avtokasko (about 10% of telematics policies are sold today), and in other types of insurance (property insurance, DMS).

Thirdly, insurers are actively implementing digital personal accounts for customers, where you can monitor the information on insurance programs, adjust the options, see the profitability of individual life insurance (sorce).

In the future, the organization of most of the stages of interaction with the client in remote mode: registration of policies, insurance claims, the processes of resolving insured cases and the implementation of payments. Again, many British and American companies have long communicated with the client online for almost all issues. For example, submitting an application on the Internet to the AUTO CASE policy, the client specifies only the basic parameters, then undergoes the database inspections, within which the insurer calculates the cost of the insurance product. In the online office, the policyholder sends a photo of an accident, if this happened, the insurer estimates the damage, coordinates and pays to pay. Simple and convenient for the client and optimally from the point of view of operating costs for the insurance company.

Market structure

The market structure also continues to change according to the model of Western markets. In 2016, the share of voluntary types of insurance has reached a maximum for 10 years (78%). At the same time, motor insurance loses in a share, the main contribution to the positive dynamics of the market makes personal types of insurance. For example: in Europe and the United States, most of the population insures life voluntarily - independently or together with the employer.

The market structure for fees for the first quarter of 2017 is as follows: the largest market segments - DMS (21.7% of the market), life insurance (18.9%), OSAGO (15.3%). The share of motor insurance - OSAGO and CASCO - continues to decline: 36.7% for the results of 2016 and 26.9% at the end of the first quarter of 2017. The cumulative share of personal types of insurance (DMS, life insurance, accident insurance) amounted to 48.3%, in 2016 - 41.8%, in 2015 - 37.7%.

Source: Institute of WRC Insurance according to the Bank of Russia; On the diagram of the OPO - Insurance of hazardous production facilities

Segments Drivers or Black Swans

Life insurance is still a leader in collecting and the main segment driver, which contributes to the market dynamics. The growth of the award in the first quarter amounted to 44% (in 2016 - over 60%). At the same time, for the first time in 12 years, the life insurance segment - No. 1 in terms of premiums (59.8 billion rubles), while on only 48.2 billion rubles were assembled on the CTP. As we see, life insurance slows down the growth rates, and, according to WCR forecasts, it will demonstrate + 15-25% of fees per year.

Life insurance can catch up with other personal insurance. Already, the segments of the DMS (+ 10.9%) and accident insurance (6.7%) have been noticeable positive dynamics. In 2017-2018, the growth rates of these species can accelerate to 15-20%. Bed insurance is also growing, in particular, the insurance of the property of individuals (+ 15.6%), which will most likely increase in about 20% at the end of the year.

Source: Institute of WRC Insurance according to the Bank of Russia

The "black swan" of the insurance market remains an ardent with its growing unprofitability. The level of payments by the results of 2016 was 73%, and in the first quarter of 2017 - 108%. At the same time, the fees decreased by 3%, and payments rose by 46.4%. According to the forecasts of the WCC, the unprofitability in the OSAGO will remain high.

Source: Institute of WRC Insurance according to the Bank of Russia

However, Osago, as well as in the car, has the potential for turning the trend. Against the background of the growth of auto selling, motor types of insurance can already go on a weak positive increase in fees in 2017.

Among the braking market segments is also the insurance of the property of legal entities, however, with the development of industry and infrastructure projects, this direction of insurance can go to zero increase (and even a small positive). Taking into account forecasts for further stabilization of the economy and positive dynamics in the corporate lending segment there are prospects for the growth of production and intensifying investment activity, which will lead to an increase in the insurance of the property of the Jurlitz.

According to WCIs, growth rates in 2017 will be 7-10%. One of the drivers will remain life insurance (by 25%), the increase from the DMS (by 10%), the insurance of the property of individuals (10-15%) and insurance against accidents (by 10%). In addition, against the background of growth of auto selling, the segment of the Avtokasko will grow. According to the estimates of the Association of European Businesses (AEB), in January - May the volume of the car market has grown by 5.1% in annual terms; According to different estimates, auto sales will grow by 4-10% in 2017, which will have a positive effect on motor insurance. In the circuit, unprofitability is not a low level - by reducing the pay ratio (about 20%) and the level of payments (about 57%), including due to the wide distribution of products with a franchise.

Ranking Top 20 largest insurers in the first quarter of 2017

Position in Ranking

Insurance Company

Company share,%


69 559 658



25 644 552


21 516 720


20 906 251

"Sberbank Life Insurance"

17 625 544


14 957 585

"VTB Insurance"

14 954 046


12 944 665


12 942 154


9 547 067


7 589 224

Renaissance Insurance Group

5 093 321

"Renaissance Life"

4 814 465

"Alliance Life"

3 628 283

"VTB Life Insurance"

3 102 388


2 859 765


2 679 737

"Sberbank Insurance"

2 588 132

Emergency insurance company

2 420 436

"VSK - line of life"

2 311 167

Source: Institute of WRC Insurance according to the Bank of Russia

Ranking Top 10 Life Insurers Insurers

Insurance Company

Insurance premiums for the first quarter of 2017, thousand rubles

Market share, %

"Sberbank Life Insurance"

17 457 737


12 041 942


9 521 816

"Renaissance Life"

4 282 688

"VTB Life Insurance"

3 102 387


2 034 989


1 658 739

"Siv Life"

1 342 691

"Suck the Generaral Life Insurance"

1 211 434

"Uralsib Life"

1 153 340

  • Case-Study: The history of bills about new mandatory types of insurance
  • Measures to develop the Russian insurance market: Short-List "Expert RA"
  • Summary

    Dangerous gift: the Russian insurance industry has a chance to achieve the level of development of Western insurance markets. It all depends on the clarity of the actions of the state and the completeness of modernizing the business of insurance companies. For the first time in modern history, Russian authorities spoke about insurance at the highest level. Insurance industry is finally supposed to entrust the protection of risks and business, and citizens. In fact, we are talking about the security of the country. In the case of introducing new types of compulsory insurance and stimulating voluntary demand for insurance, the volume of insurance premiums will increase by 2013 compared with 2010 2.2 times and will be 1.2 trillion. rubles. Incipating the proportion of contributions by type other than life insurance, in GDP (2.7% in 2013, according to Expert RA) approaching the average level (3.0% in 2009). "Expert RA" warns: in case of flaws at the legislative level and insufficient readiness from insurance companies, the introduction of new mandatory species can turn into an even more large-scale crisis.

    Do not get into the ambush: it is necessary to prevent the creation of prerequisites for the crisis in new markets . Expert RA allocated 5 threats waiting for the market when introducing new types of insurance.

    Threat number 1. Optional execution.Prerequisites: With the introduction of mandatory types of insurance, the mechanism of controlling the presence of the policy and the responsibility for its absence will not be provided. Conclusion: It is necessary to create an effective mechanism for coercion and control.

    Threat number 2. Required losses.Prerequisites: Tariffs fixed at the legislative level in mandatory types of insurance will be understated. Conclusion: It is necessary to calculate the tariffs as accurately as possible and provide for the mechanisms of their adjustment depending on the average marketability.

    Threat number 3. Non-standard insurance (for major risks). Prerequisites: Such mandatory insurance rules will be developed that will not meet international standards (example: liability insurance for state contracts currently operating agricultural insurance rules with state support). Conclusion: it is necessary to check for compliance with the rules of insurance by international standards.

    Threat number 4. "Limon Market.Prerequisites: The introduction of new mandatory types of insurance will not be accompanied by the growth of the real financial stability of insurers, the reliability of the insurer - will not be the key parameter of its choice. Conclusion: It is necessary to increase the requirements for the reliability of insurance companies, use reliability ratings when choosing an insurer.

    Threat number 5. Return to schemes.Prerequisites: When stimulating demand for insurance with the help of tax benefits, subsidies and other preferences, insurance schemes will appear (example: schemes in the life insurance of the early 2000s) or the assignment of budgetary funds (example: an existing agricultural insurance system with state support). Conclusion: It is necessary to carefully check on the scheme all the adopted laws in the field of insurance incentive. FSSN must continue to fight with circuit insurance companies, deprive them of license for financial fraud.

    Natural selection: Insurance demand growth will require fundamental changes from insurers. Companies who do not rebuild their business will lose in competition. According to the "Expert RA", the changes should go at once in 6 directions:

    1. Capitalization . At the moment, the average insurance company may leave risks in their own retention no higher than 36 million rubles. Capitalization of the insurance market should be increased by an order.
    2. Reliability . Regulators need to more carefully monitor the quality of assets of insurance companies, introduce an actuarial audit. But even more effective will not external standards, but internal requirements. So far, no more than 20 insurance companies can boast the presence of at least some risk management system.
    3. Efficiency . The share of expenses for the conduct of Russian insurers is more than 2 times higher than the similar indicators for European insurance companies. The share of the RVD should be reduced at least 1.5 times. The profitability of the insurance business should increase significantly.
    4. Infrastructure . The doubling of insurance premiums in the conditions of the old infrastructure will significantly increase operational risks and reduce the effectiveness of insurers. Insurance companies can now rebuild all their business processes, taking into account the growth of the business and begin to build infrastructure for new types of insurance.
    5. Transparency . At the moment, only about 10% of Russian insurers publish reporting on their official sites. Reporting under IFRS prepare dozens, and publish - units. The level of transparency in the insurance industry should increase significantly.
    6. A responsibility . The introduction of new required types of insurance will increase the social role of insurers as defenders of citizens in case of emergency situations that will require greater responsibility. The disclosure of fraud by the leadership of the insurance company will have a much greater resonance. Companies should develop their own business on the principles of the highest inability, to the chapter of the corner to have ethics of doing business.

    Not only insurance OPO: The policy of the insurance state in the field of insurance should not be reduced to the introduction of new mandatory types of insurance. Stimulating the development of the insurance industry should be carried out on the basis of a set of measures. Expert RA allocated 10 priority areas of insurance policy in the field of insurance:

    1. Creation of a single state body coordinating the policy of the state in the field of insurance.
    2. Preservation of the sovereignty of the Russian insurance market.
    3. Stimulating the development of voluntary insurance of individuals and legal entities.
    4. Wider use of the Insurance Instrument in Industrial Policy.
    5. Improving the existing and introduction of new mandatory types of insurance.
    6. Creating conditions for the formation of the Russian reinsurance market as a major regional reinsurance center.
    7. Increase insurance and reinsurance tanks.
    8. Improving the financial stability of insurance companies.
    9. Adequate development of the infrastructure of the insurance market.
    10. Systematization of existing insurance legislation and, where possible, harmonization of it with EU directives.

    A. Dykhovichny - Good afternoon. Victor Nikolsky - Credit analyst "Standard & Poor's" Our guests. Hello.

    V. Nikolsky - Good afternoon.

    A. Dykhovichny - about insurance in the Russian market in 2012 we are talking. Maybe this year. What is new to us, a lot of everything is enough. And let's start with agricultural. That is, the insurance of agricultural producers.

    V. Nikolsky - I would like to start with some introductory concepts, which are very characteristic of all new types of insurance in Russia. If in Europe, new types and growth of existing species are determined by economic relations, the development of economic relations, the need of insurance, then in Russia historically developed in the royal and Soviet and in modern Russia insurance, mandatory insurance is introduced from above.

    A. Dykhovichny - that is, in Europe, this is courts.

    V. Nikolsky is not only courts.

    A. Dykhovichny - did not insure - you are a suit for several millions, billion ...

    V. Nikolsky is a more developed financial system. Banks will not take something in a deposit, if it is not properly insured.

    A. Dychovichny - By the way, it corresponds that mortgage that cars.

    V. Nikolsky - the ratio of loans, for example, to GDP, if we compare Russia and developed countries, in Russia much less. In this sense, this form of the introduction of mandatory species probably makes sense, because if you go along the path of developed countries and develop economic relations, the culture of insurance is a very long process. We are wearing a certain extent that development is catching in nature. And the third moment it seems to me very important, we have all impulses in the development of certain species appear after some large-scale catastrophic events occur. In particular, the agriculture received a very strong impulse after the drought last year, when about 17% of crops were destroyed. And the state allocated 40 billion rubles from the budget to support agricultural producers. As unplanned spending. As a result, the feeling that really needed to change the existing practice of insurance of agricultural producers. And just two days ago, the final text of the law was published, but from our point of view to a certain extent this law is a significant compromise from three sides: from the state, agricultural producers, and insurers. And there are essential unresolved problems. Compared with the current practice, from next year this law will enter into force, 50% of premiums that are subsidized by the state, they will be listed directly by the insurance company. If earlier this amount was brought to the agricultural producers and then he passed into the insurance company, now it will be directly.

    A. Dykhovichich - not everyone read this law, the main essence of this law is subsidization, assistance, additional money. Any agricultural producer can come to any insurance company where there are problems in agriculture and not asking for a permit from the state, insure their crops, animals.

    V. Nikolsky - quite right. The state wants to help the agricultural producer to do this, relieve it from the point of view of insurance premiums.

    A. Dykhovichny - so that in the event of some kind of natural cataclysms, do not pay 40 billion.

    V. Nikolsky - to remove responsibility to further respond to losses ...

    A. Dykhovichny - and 50% ours.

    V. Nikolsky - and the state will pay directly insurance company. That is, earlier there was also subsidization, but it turned out that the state says, I will pay, not now, closer to the end of the year. That is, the agricultural producer was forced to take a loan, pay for this interest, usually signing the agricultural project of spring. When agricultural producers have a lot of spending. And it was very difficult, the vicious was practicing. In the existing scheme, this will not happen, on the other hand, a more significant question arises, in case of non-payment of the awards under the insurance contract, it does not take effect. For example, if our budget is not very good to comply with the payment discipline ...

    A. Dykhovichny - Is it possible?

    V. Nikolsky - this may be.

    A. Dychovichny - It can be purely hypothetically or there are some specific facts that suggest that it is quite likely.

    V. Nikolsky - In fact, it is quite likely. And as insurance companies will be approached by this, as long as there is no current practice, not very clear. And the insurance contract will not enter into force or payments will be carried out only after full of prizes. That is, there is such a nuance that is completely incomprehensible. Another point. Since 2013, there will be a state support for the insurance of agricultural animals, which was not before. The concept for the development of animal husbandry in this law is reflected. On the other hand, those restrictions that are entered into the insurance contract itself, they suggest that it is probably despite the fact that this law was enthusiastic accepted by everyone, there were very significant problems. For example, a loss that considers insurance, it is more than 30% crop. That is, we have the largest crown of 2010 was 17%. It is clear that they were somehow distributed, someone has 10%, and someone has 50-60. But the problem is that the figure is 17% it is indicative. This is the average temperature in the hospital. But here if the agricultural producers are 17% loss, then no indemnity insurance receives. If he insured within this program and did not purchase additional coverage at the insurance company for completely different money.

    A. Dychovichny is such a franchise.

    V. Nikolsky - Yes, even I would say, there is a reservation about the franchise in the law, that is, 30% of the lack of town, then the insured event occurs. So, within the limits of this insured event, the agricultural producer can choose a certain franchise. That is, even reduce the possibility of obtaining compensation.

    A. Dykhovichny - these 30% also franchise and it is probably ...

    V. Nikolsky is the unaccompanies of the insured event.

    A. Dykhovichny - I suppose it is done in order to reduce the bet.

    V. Nikolsky - yes.

    A. Dychovichny - and it probably significantly reduces the bet.

    V. Nikolsky - absolutely. If you insure the shortage in general, with the minimum 5% fault and more insurance case, then the bet is very significant. Up to 10% of the volume of the insured sowing.

    A. Dychovichny - And here?

    V. Nikolsky - Evaluations are different. But about 2-3% plus 50% subsidized by the state. That is, it turns out in the end of 1-1.5%. This is a big difference. But as a result, the protection that the agricultural producer receives for these 1-2%, by and large, that is, imagine 17% of faults, well, it is unlikely, in all farms, significant losses, really this defense will not cover this loss that was in the past year.

    A. Dychovichny is very much with a big stretch, because it is still the average temperature in the hospital. But it is clear that losing 25, even 28 and 29%, and when such numbers, another question how to count. When everything was disappeared, and when it was 29, or 31.

    V. Nikolsky - expertise will now be paid by the insurance company, this is a significant change compared with previous practice. When the agricultural producer itself was to prove the insurance company, as he really died. There are no current practice, as it will work, how these insurance examinations will work, but now it will be clear at least who will pay. Insurance companies retreated in this regard. There is a feeling of this law that he rather proceed from the amount as the state is ready to spend on subsidizing agricultural producers, now it costs 5 billion in the budget, at least this opportunity to develop, somehow put it, let the initial development stage, but Here we at least somehow move towards the fact that the agricultural producer itself will understand.

    A. Dychovichny - I'm afraid that everything can happen exactly the opposite, when agricultural producers lose 10-15-20% harvest and come to the insurance company, nothing will get completely and completely disappointed.

    V. Nikolsky - there is still such a moment and the legislator to pay attention to this, the fact is that even if you look at the company that we are rating in the Russian market, ratings are not very high and it is clear that the company turns to us the best of the largest companies . And the law is actually registered on a very developed insurance market. That is, the high consciousness of the insurance company. Among the major insurance companies, this consciousness is really high, among small, which are actually engaged in pseudo-building, here the question is not providing an insurance service, but to master some finance. I will explain. The fact is that the major insurance company in Russia is still forced to use reinsurance in the West because capital does not allow to keep substantial risks, and here the law does not describe what part of the risk the insurance company can leave, and what is obliged to transfer to the West. Here arise certain opportunities, as there were cases when the insurance company insured a giant risk, nothing passed anything and then simply did not pay. In a certain sense, the law suggests that funds will be created as in the aircraft industry union. Which in case of non-fulfillment of obligations by one company will be paid. But it actually leads to the opposite. Since if there is a fund that guarantees, I will choose the smallest rate and may be the worst company that provides me with absolutely the same compared to all types of insurance. In general, problems and in this law and the sector, unfortunately there are still a lot of left.

    A. Dykhovichny - If I know correctly, I used to have a certain limit and if the agricultural producer came too late, and the limit was already selected, he could not use the subsidization program. Today, as the law comes into force ...

    V. Nikolsky - this question is not resolved. That is, the question of 5 billion is resolved, that is, this amount is ready ...

    A. Dychovichny - But this is also distributed somehow by regions. And the agricultural producer comes, and the amount is already selected. What then?

    V. Nikolsky - then apparently, it is necessary to acquire the insurance product for its own agricultural producer money.

    A. Dykhovichny - You do not consider this law step forward.

    V. Nikolsky - Probably, this is so very compromised as it seems to us, step forward. It really will allow developing the relationship of agricultural producers, insurance companies, states, but as it seems to us, the conceptually problem of the administrative settlement of damages of agricultural producers did not decide. That is, I think that of course he will change, in the next two years we think that it will be modified, to adapt to the existing practice.

    A. Dykhovichny - Let us build our ether as follows. The first part to dedicate to companies, and the second to people. If we talk about companies, this is a law on insurance of particularly dangerous objects. Here you would like to mention?

    V. Nikolsky - as well as with agriculture, OPU after an accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, people died, the largest payment was made to the detriment of Rosno, about $ 200 million. And after that, really actively earned the legislative process in relation to the OPO. The law is adopted, next year it will actually begin to work. Insurance coverage is quite different, that is, depending on the danger of the object, from a potential threat to people varies from 10 million to 6.5 billion rubles.

    A. Dychovichny - these are payments to people for the loss ...

    V. Nikolsky is a limit. A large enterprise, who has dangerous production, if the damage estimate may be more than 6 billion rubles, limit, the responsibility will be at this level. And insurance will be at this level.

    A. Dykhovichny - But this is the payment of damage to employees, third parties, the property of third parties.

    V. Nikolsky - quite right.

    A. Dykhovichny - without ecology.

    V. Nikolsky - ecology, yes. The average amount for the calculations of the Union of Insurers of Responsibility of about 260 million rubles. That is, the average dangerous object is dangerous for these 260 million rubles.

    A. Dyadovichny - especially dangerous objects of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP and elevator in the house.

    V. Nikolsky - quite right. Total numbered individual dangerous objects, estimates from 330 thousand to 365.

    A. Dykhovichny - especially dangerous objects. Several objects can be on the balance of one enterprise. Let us complete the topic of insurance of particularly dangerous objects. More precisely, the civil liability of the owners of the OPO. Because according to the law, the property itself is a separate story. And the civil liability is insured ...

    V. Nikolsky - insured at the discretion of the owner. As we said about 365 thousand valuable dangerous facilities in Russia. Expectations on the insurance premium for the coming year from 20 to 30 billion rubles. This is how much will gather. So as to approximately compare with the market, we have the entire market in the end in 2010 we are predicting 630-680 billion.

    A. Dykhovichny - What does it mean to be predicting in 2010?

    V. Nikolsky - I apologize at the end of 2011. Somewhere 650 average estimate.

    A. Dychovichny - But it's all together.

    V. Nikolsky is all risky insurance. In addition to OMS. Accordingly, this is quite a significant amount. Somewhere 5% of the risk that can give a significant growth in the market in 2012. We expect that in the next one or two years the law will start working. And accordingly, some practice will accumulate on its use. What will inevitably lead to the fact that it will be adjusted.

    A. Dykhovichny is a premium. Excluding payments.

    V. Nikolsky - but there are no pay statistics yet, it's hard to say here what they are. If you look at the practice of the same CTP, at the time of the introduction of the CTP, it was very profitable, the first probably two years old, on the third year actually caught losses, began to catch up with the awards, in some regions he had already started to be unprofitable. But the OSAGO is a massive type of insurance, where the referredation is very high. By OPO, there may be one significant any insurance case here, as a result of which, that is, there may be a situation here, it can almost not be large losses for the whole year. And maybe one, but essential large. And as a result, the pay ratio and premiums will be very volatile.

    A. Dykhovichny - for example, on Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP.

    V. Nikolsky - 75 people died there, if we proceed from the cost of life in two million, then in fact responsibility only in life would be 150 million rubles.

    A. Dychovichny - But it is not in the center of the city.

    V. Nikolsky - if there would be no damage to the destruction of the dam, I think that payments would be completely different. In general, I can say that on the reconstruction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, the repair work of about 40 billion rubles was spent. Again, this property that is not included in the OPO. But it's hard to talk here. If payments on the OPO were in life, it would be 150 million, plus costs extra.

    A. Dychovichny - And what is the general limit of responsibility?

    V. Nikolsky is the highest or general.

    A. Dykhovichny - in general.

    V. Nikolsky - the amount is very large - about 7 trillion rubles. We compared it with OSAGO, again in a situation, if everyone comes and take a maximum. This is comparable to the OSAGO responsibility, also about 7-8 trillion. But it will not happen because it means that everyone is at the same time come and ask for payments.

    A. Dykhovichny - that is, if all millions of owners ...

    V. Nikolsky - all 13 million car owners.

    A. Dykhovichny - We considered 30 more.

    V. Nikolsky - yes, yes. Accordingly, this situation is unlikely. Just like the use of the entire limit on the OPO.

    A. Dychovichny - It did not work on two parts to break the ether. And let's very briefly comply with the liability of transport workers in passengers.

    V. Nikolsky - Effectively we are moving towards the amount of 2 million rubles. Evaluation of life, as well as we have been done in the aircraft. It is assumed that it will spread on all carriers, bus, minibus, river vessel and railway. Now after the disaster with the Bulgaria, the work was intensified and it is expected that it will be made very soon. So far there are certain problems in the law related to the terms of the contract, for example, are not very clear how it will be charged. There is practice in aviation, but you understand that aviation and minibus are different degrees of some clashes, accidents. Aviation is controlled, a minibus to a lesser extent. There are certain positive shifts. It is clear that the law may allow to filter the market from unscrupulous carriers. Create a single carrier database. Really protect passengers. But while this is a thing that is in work.

    A. Dykhovichny - that is, you surprised me a little, saying that a lot of all questions is not allowed. It seemed to me that everything was already decided, the law enters into force.

    V. Nikolsky - the issue of tariffing in the OPOO it is discussed so far. Although there are already suggestions on tariffs. There are different lobbies from industrialists, insurance companies that are constantly in a clinche regarding how much this tariff is economically justified. We assume that in terms of insurance of the carrier, the situation can be very similar, because the extensive layer of companies can be completely different.

    A. Dychovichny - That is, the question of tariffs is a matter of principle. While this question is not resolved, talk about insurance ...

    V. Nikolsky is effectively he is resolved in aviation. And in fact, there are also disputes so far, what tariffs are justified, whether it does our carriers non-competitive compared to other companies. That is, there is a very large layer of economic relationship, which will affect this law.

    A. Dykhovichny - And while these questions are not solved, it is about the fact that the law ...

    V. Nikolsky - will enter and start working to work ...

    A. Dychovichny - Wound.

    V. Nikolsky - Yes, it seems to us that it will still require some time.

    A. Dykhovichny - the so-called fire insurance, mandatory insurance of its property. Not responsibility, but your own property, their apartments, houses, and so on, from the fire, how much is it really real?

    V. Nikolsky - So far, according to the norms of the GC, it is impossible to impose the obligation to insure our own property by the owner. This norm can be changed theoretically, but the law is very socially significant, even more than the OSAGO. Most likely this is not this year.

    A. Dykhovichny - that is, it is not necessary to scare when various departments say that we will introduce.

    V. Nikolsky - Most likely, this will not happen in this, next year.

    A. Dykhovichny - Victor Nikolsky, the credit analyst of the rating company Standard & Poor's was visiting our guest. Thank you.

    V. Nikolsky - Thank you.

    Russians try exotic types of insurance

    In the Russian insurance market today there are less than 200 types of products. For comparison, in the USA they are about 3 thousand. Large insurance companies are so conservative and careful that they offer one or two new types of insurance per year. There are also non-standard risks, such as household health insurance. Experts assess the share of Russians ready to buy such a product, 1-5 percent.

    Most of the insurance in Russia are similar, and the list of insurance products is small. In this case, part of standard types of insurance recently demonstrates a decrease. "In auto insurance, in the OSAGO sector at the end of 2017, there was a fall of 5.2 percent (12.3 billion rubles), in the CASCO segment - by 4.8 percent (8.2 billion rubles). In the insurance of other property of legal entities. amounted to 10.7 percent (11.5 billion rubles.). Therefore, in recent years, insurers actively create new product niches to achieve competitive advantages. The trend will continue in the future, "the director of the" Assessment and Financial Consulting "Group of Companies SRG Ekaterina believes Grigorieva.

    According to the National Rating Agency, at the end of 2017, the share of other types of insurance in the structure of insurance premiums was no more than 3 percent. "There are about 15-20 non-standard risk insurance offers on the market. These are insurance of pets, as well as the civil liability of their owners, insurance of riding horses, insurance hunters - including their civil liability. For Russia, it is still an exotic risk, although in many European countries are compulsory insurance. Some companies voiced the plans for launching the civil liability insurance of cyclists, "says the managing director of the Department of Mass Assessment of the Renaissance Insurance Group of Artem Spark. Charges for such types of insurance are difficult to assess, since the official statistics of the Central Bank does not highlight them separately, with detail.

    Given the niche demand of serious impact on the insurance market, exotic segments do not provide. It is more likely to just increase the existing client base. "Our company plans in the winter of this year to start selling pet insurance products. Before the adoption of this decision, we have appreciated the potential sales volumes for more than six months, discussed the implementation with partners," said Artem Spark. - We expect to come out for household insurance fees in 10- 15 million rubles every year after about 1-2 years after the start of the program. "

    Any such launch is an insurance company's investment associated with the risks of error in the calculations of tariffs and volume of demand, considers the general director of Mains Insurance Brokers & Consultants Sergey Khudyakov. There are examples of how insurers in Russia received substantial losses from the introduction of a new product solution due to the underestimation of the frequency of insured events. Some products are unprofitable only due to the fact that no one is buying them, and the administrative costs of their maintenance are high. "By the way, the insurance of animals is not a new product, he repeatedly appeared earlier, but the demand for him was low and often closed him," Sergey Sudyakov drew attention.

    According to experts, there are about 15-20 proposals for insurance for non-standard risks on the market.

    The difference between the behavior of the Middle Russian consumer from the overseas is that in our country the overall level of confidence in the Insurance Institute is lower. The consumer often considers insurance not as a useful protection tool, but as a load. This causes the fact that many insurance products in Russia are launched with a huge creak. Example - life insurance. About 20 years left for the fact that there is no growth in this segment, however, not everything is so unequivocal - good dynamics are provided mainly by sales through the bank channel, and not always the consumer in this case makes aware of the purchase.

    An expert of the Ingosstrakh Medical Insurance Department Oleg Baryshnikov says that the veterinary insurance of animals (URW) is the only similar product on the Russian market. Previously, there were attempts by some insurers to create such insurance, but they were unsuccessful. "The product was created less than a year ago. Several months ago, it was upgraded in the direction of expanding the possibility of a greater choice of various options by the insured. According to the survey results conducted by the NAPI analytical center in June 2016, half of Russians keeps pets. Pets on average spend on their own. Pets are 4.5 thousand rubles per month. Unlike DMS, where the clinics have long and successfully cooperate with insurance companies, everything is only gaining momentum, "says the lamers. The readiness of the veterinary clinics to cooperate will continue to be strengthened by the fulfillment of contractual obligations by the insurance company, he added.

    4 billion dollars is estimated by KPMG, the global circulation of Cyberskov insurance

    Some types of insurance have been answering the insurance industry to customer requests. "Three years ago, the first funeral policies appeared. Insurance provides for posthumous compensation for burial costs. Such policies were still during the USSR and enjoyed popular with those who did not want to keep money on the" black "day. Recently also appeared policies To protect the tombstones. They suggest, including compensation for the expenditures on the restoration of the tombstone, spoiled by vandals or thoroughrs, "says an insurance expert, the co-founder of the online financial freedom of Finffree Alexander Knyazev. According to him, there are still insurance of a personal brand or company for the purpose of PR. In the West already dozens of years ago, show business stars use insurance in order to attract attention to their person. You can insure the most outstanding part of the body or a memorable "highlight". In such insurance, as a rule, non-insurance companies are involved, but large international syndicates, and tariffs for such policies are usually cosmic.

    There is another area of \u200b\u200binsurance, which in Russia can be attributed to exotic. According to the results of a survey conducted by Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty in 2018, the majority of world and Russian risk managers include cyberitiscides for a key threat in risk ranking, leaving behind natural disasters, fires, market volatility, etc. At the same time, the insurance segment in the USA and Europe It grows rapidly from computer problems, and in Russia the number of policies sold is calculated by units. There is not a single major contract.

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