
Express Volga Financial Group Life. Financial group Life: Reviews. What summed the oldest banking structure of Russia

The company Life is a well-known organization that has become public domain. Its participants are quite large banks, such as: "Express Volga", "University-Bank", an Ivan Regional Bank, "BaN22.Ru" and "Gazenergobank".

The Life Group is the largest operator in the Forex market, which has gained fame and respect for its rapid expansion and ability to work. For all the years of existence, Life began to represent the most favorable trade conditions in the Forex market. This leads not only to successful development, but also to expand the scope of activity. Since 2004, all existing Broker banks Forex Life became direct participants in the deposit insurance combination. This step has allowed to guarantee the safety of available raiders. The procedure for the commissioning and conclusion of funds takes the minimum amount of time - about a few minutes. This is a great advantage that allows you to turn out cash transactions without problems and extra time, which was not available earlier. The Life Financial Group is under the legislation of the Russian Federation, which allows you to be calm under any circumstances.

Rating position of the financial group Life

As for the ratings of this financial group, it can be said that they are high enough, which makes it possible to make competence and qualifications of the presented group. Life ranks second on the existing number of own ATMs in Russia. Also, the Life Financial Group entered the ranking of the "500 largest companies in Russia", which is held every year. Summing up in 2009, we can draw conclusions that the company is rapidly moving forward, increasing its position. Already in 2009, the financial group took the 206th place in the fundamental ranking and thus entered the top five companies that showed the most effective improvement results for the current year. If you have a comparison since 2008, then the company rose to 201 steps up - these are stunning results that are reached by a few, but only the best. In the field of association of the company there are seven influential commercial banks. This also includes many profile subsidiaries.
According to the volume of assets available in the financial group, the company is included in the Top-30 Russian banking associations, and also enters the top 5 - as the largest lender of the small business sphere.

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More than 13 years ago, the Life Financial Group was formed in the banking sector. In this material you can learn more about this financial group. Also, this information will be useful to persons looking for favorable credit conditions and placement deposits.

Financial Group Life: Development History

In 2003, the leadership of Probusinessbank decided to establish a banking association and acquiring several banking institutions. This would improve the quality of the services offered and significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bpresence.

During the activities of the financial group, Life in it included seven regional universal banks:

  • Probusinessbank. Head Bank, controlling the financial group Life.
  • University bank. The first organization entered into the fingerroup.
  • Express Volga (the company is currently purchased and controlled by Sovcombank).
  • Let's go (part of the bank's shares is at the disposal of Sovcombank).
  • Gazenergobank (the only shareholder is SKB-Bank).
  • The National Bank of Savings (the credit structure is completely controlled by the Regineewalopment).
  • Solidarity (after holding a sanation, the only owner became Zaraberenergoproekt).

Also in the composition of the association included other organizations operating in the banking sector, but performing other functions.

Important! In August 2015, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided to revoke the license for the implementation of banking functions at Probusinessbank. Controlled banking structures were acquired by other credit and financial organizations according to the terms of the competition held by the Deposit Insurance Agency. This activity of the financial group Life has been completed.

Where to get a loan?

If you want to get favorable credit terms, then we offer a small list of such organizations:

  • Alfa Bank.

Life group

The Life Financial Group (FGL) is a company that united under its brand many different financial institutions throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Its participants became the company and banks both regional and federal, as well as international importance.

All participants in the financial group Life adhere to the developed and successfully implemented by the principles of client partnerships, which allowed to create a system of powerful innovative services in the field of finance in Russia.

General Principles of Financial Group

At a certain stage of its development, the FIF financial group has decided to refuse many well-established standards of classical business, regarding customer relationship policies.

The new logical model primarily implies:

  1. Complete refusal to use credit committees:
    Maximum implementation of personalization strategy at all levels of business processes;
  2. The priority conditions of the maximum guarantee of professional capital management of both large companies and individuals are private investors;
  3. Orientation for long-term client-partnerships in all spheres of the company's services;
  4. High degree of efficiency and quality of work of financial managers;
  5. Intensive introduction of modern innovative business methods and business models.


The principles laid down in the new model of the financial activity of the Life group were reflected in its general logo. It was developed in the Moscow ka "AIS" and is a multicolor cataca of dividing cells.

Elements of cells mean multiplicity and development of the group, and the general picture resembles a human fingerprint - talking about the fundamental personalization of work with the company's clients. The entire drawing on the macro level consists of a set of zeros, which hints at the progressive capitalization of the entire structure of the financial group.


All structural components of the Life group, companies, banks, firms and other institutions are functioning on the basis of the center-corrected independence. The financial institutions lead their work, respectively with the conditions of business for their niche and their territory, but with control of management, through group-department group developing the main lines and financial policy strategies for each unit in accordance with the information flowing towards them.

FGL is structured into separate conditionally independent financial institutions with accountability of the main management office. In the main office of the company Life for each of the key business areas, special profile subgroups are organized, each of which has its representative top management in the company.

At the moment, the Life group has the following profile business units - Departments:

  • Express lending;
  • Middle and small business;
  • Retail business;
  • Corporate business;
  • Finance markets.

Such a structure meets the most advanced business management schemes and brings tangible results in its practical application.


For each structural division of the FGL, as well as for each individual employee, the company has developed value guidelines to adhere to which is necessary in the priority.

Among other things, these guidelines include the following:

  • Effective teamwork with a priority of mutual assistance and mentoring;
  • Full responsibility and deep trust in customers;
  • Client loyalty and business partnerships, providing long-term and obligation of joint business;
  • Openness, honesty and constant improvement of professionalism give a group Life team composition of the highest level and excellent business reputation.

Fire Ratings Life

Currently, the global financial markets and markets of Russia continues a protracted recession, often complicating many financial transactions and increasing multi-level risks. However, despite all this, the leading world rating business agencies, the Life Financial Group is recognized as a fully economically valid institution.

FLG is estimated in a common perspective as a completely reliable institution:

  • The quality of the assets of the group is assessed as "good";
  • Liquidity level estimated as "sufficient";
  • The level of debtful perception, estimated as "moderate."
  • High level diversification of the factoring portfolio and its quality;
  • Established structure of work and the main lines of its development;
  • The overall profitability and positive balance of the company.

Of course, such a success in unhealthy economic times when there are serious problems with many powerful companies, could not appear nowhere. In this regard, the Polystructurality and the quality of the components of the bones of financial institutions became part of the FGL, allowing beneficial and minimal risks to redistribute business loads within the entire system.

The business basis of the company Life is:

  1. OJSC AKB Probusinessbank (Mother's Company);
  2. OJSC Gazenergobank;
  3. OJSC KB "Solidarity";
  4. CJSC Accord "Express Volga";
  5. Probusified development;
  6. Collector Agency Life;
  8. Factoring company Life;
  9. ZAO National Bank savings;
  10. JSC KB "Let's go!".

System from these and other financial institutions:

  • Covers around 70 and regions;
  • Has almost a thousand offices;
  • Has about a quarter of a million client composition of legal entities;
  • Has more than 4 million client composition of individuals;
  • Has almost 20 thousand employees and staff;
  • Enters the top 30 by the number of ATMs;
  • Enters the top 10 banking groups;
  • Successfully present over 20 years in the market.

FG Life has the following officially approved ratings:

  1. Top 50 from the Expert RA Agency on loans and deposits of individuals of the maternal company;
  2. Credit rating on factoring from the agency "RRUSRATING": "Stable (BBB)" - on the national scale and "stable (explosive)" on the international scale;
  3. Online banking rating from Markswebbrak & Report Agency - 8th place.

Terms of cooperation with Life Company

FG Life owns a complete set of all major services and products in the field of finance and offers them on the most favorable terms for most of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the structure of the financial group Life carries out the full range of classical and innovative banking:

  • Investment services;
  • Money transfers;
  • Take deposits of legal entities and individuals;
  • Factoring and leasing;
  • Cash operations are carried out;
  • Provide remote banking;
  • Development services;
  • Credit both large, so medium and small enterprises and companies;
  • Make issuance of debit credit cards and consumer loans;
  • Produce loans to state employees;
  • Collective services.

The main distinguishing condition for cooperation with FGL is deep personalization in the client-manager work scheme. The decision on lending no longer accepts little-dynamic credit committees from several dozen participants. Instead, a personal highly professional manager is provided to the client, which himself determines the degree of credit confidence of the client and is fully financially responsible.

Such a scheme gives the best performance, is widely tested in practice with the most positive results for both customers and FG Life.

Reviews about cooperation with financial group Life

Employee reviews

Igor, employee of the company.

  • pros: The salary is fully official, paid on the European system - every two weeks. Everything fully complies with the contract concluded. An ordinary working team is very friendly and responsive.
  • Minuses: No quarterly premiums and thirteenth wage. Sometimes the new year premiums are distributed extremely biased.

Catherine, employee of the company.

  • pros: The bosses are not particularly strictly and picky into small disabilities of labor discipline (for infrequent desection words will not say, if only the work went). The company does not scatter corporate standards. On birthdays, be sure to congratulate. Labor code is fully fulfilled: payments, leave. There is a real career growth.
  • Minuses: Do not pay for processing, the salary does not increase from the length of the years. The authorities sometimes directly executes the promises.


Dmitry, employee of the company.

  • Pros: Creative potential does not clamp - you can implement and try your own customer attraction schemes. Gorgeous high-rise office with a stunning panoramic view through the fiberglass. Friendly and decent team. Pretty high level of professionalism.
  • Minuses: The client composition mostly comes across small because large customers are all go through a factoring bank. It will be very much a guy staff, and unhealthy teaching is observed in the state of the main workers.


Anna, employee of the company.

  • Pros: Very friendly and young team. Big level of ambitious youth. The company does not happen a set of inexperienced professionals or without experience at all. All payments are made on time and in full. Strong labor discipline.
  • Minuses: Some incomprehensibility of the workload system of correlated salary: the workload is constantly increasing, and there is no salary. In general, for an increase in salary without loved ones and friendly relations with the boss is better not to talk.


Customer reviews

Maxim, entrepreneur.

  • Pros: Loans I did not take loans in this company, but in terms of trading service all at the height: in the medium-term framework there were never any linings or office wires - everything is placed simply and in the established framework. About loans still check, but friends do not complain.
  • Minuses: Sometimes some minor errors occur in online banking (notifications of non-existent operations).

Mikhail, entrepreneur.

  • Pros: Self-contact trade in repeated introduction of funds. Managers are distinguished by great attentiveness and politeness. The percentage of slippage into peak loads is quite normal and no more than others. The quality of trade for all time did not deteriorate - stability is obvious.
  • Minuses: There are some technological maintenance problems, but they are never critical.


Elsa, depositor.

  • Pros: The Life group suits me in terms of reliability. The composition of the group of banks providing its liquidity is quite solid. Also inspires confidence in the insurance capital and funds. Managed staff - just a miracle, very responsive people, always seeking to help. It even creates the impression that they pay the major salary for politeness, and not for attracting customers.
  • Minuses: have not found yet.


Alexander, Investor Depositor.

  • Pros: Always in stock very favorable offers, you can give the least time for the optimal search for Malorisk and profitable investments. Personal service at altitude - competence and care in work, interest in the positive result. We work with a manager of one team. Very satisfied.
  • Minuses: Once a failed SMS has come about some delay that did not exist. The call to the manager instantly solved the problem, plus polite apologies.


What summed the oldest banking structure of Russia

In the Russian banking market there was a collapse of another bank, and not one, but a whole banking group from seven credit institutions - Life Groups. The group of old, existing on the market for more than 20 years - its head structure, Probusinessbank, was founded in 1993, and since then the bank has not changed the owners. Perhaps this is exactly the risk factor - in the modern market there are less and fewer banks that are not part of large business alliances and non-external sources of funding in crisis situations.

Probusinessbank today is a rather rare example of a business created by a little-known entrepreneur in the early 90s and since then a linearly developing, almost without expansion to other industries. The founders of the bank are two school friends Sergei Leontyev and Alexander Zheleznyak. The current president of Probusinessbank Sergey Leontiev finished the Economic Faculty of MGIMO in the 80s, then for 5 years he headed the foreign economic center "Probusiness", which was engaged in intermediary services and consulting. 10 years after the base of Probusinessbank, in 2003, the Life group was created at its base, and the purchase of other banks began - "Express Volga", university bank, "Let's go!", Gazenergobank and Solidarity. Probusinessbank with assets of more than 130 billion rubles. It was in the ranking of the largest banks in the sixth ten, but if all the banks of Life joined him, he would have risen to two dozen positions and stood next to those leading credit institutions as "revival" and "Absolut Bank". In the ranking of the largest banking groups of Russia at the beginning of 2015, the Life Group ranked 15th. The group covered almost all regions. At the same time, Sergei Leontyev's growth financed by the same way as Oleg Tinkov: Keeping control over the bank, he gradually let down all new portfolio investors in his capital - such as the Swedish East Capital Foundation, CJSC Ing Bank (Eurasia) and BlueCrest Strategic Limited Foundation. There was never a particularly negative news about the group "Life", the crisis of 2009. It passed relatively successfully and even herself took up in 2014 to sanitize the Samara Bank "Solidarity", receiving a loan in the amount of 6 billion rubles for this. Sergey Leontiev had only one oddity - he considered Sking Anti-scientific and believed that only a credit inspector based on intuitive impressions from the borrower could be issued on the issuance of a loan. In the Novosibirsk "Investment City Bank" (IGB), Laife's leadership, who dismissed all employees, gained women consultants without experience in the financial sphere - psychologists, sociologists, teachers - as a woman knows better scoring, who will issue money.

Now, however, it turns out that the loan policy was not enough correct - the Central Bank recalls the license from the head Probusinessbank, guided by the fact that Probusinessbank "conducted a highly adjacent policy associated with the placement of funds in low-quality assets", as a result of which a credit organization fully lost its own funds. At the same time, as clarified for "Co.", the head of the information and analytical service of the portal "Bank.Ru" Sabina Khasanova, the main problem of Probusinessbank was the presence of a number of different fictitious financial assets, including a portfolio of securities located in the Cyprus depository, unsecured letters of credit, Presumably fictitious urgent transactions, overdue debts, as well as an insufficient level of providing reserves. In the case of the rest of the banks of the group, an important role was played by the fact that the funds of individuals who act as the main source of funding were headed by the main source of funding. Almost a third of Akivov Probusinessbank is investing in securities (46.2 billion rubles). According to the Moody "S, 28% of corporate and 20% of consumer loans of the Bank were problematic. That is why, according to the results of 2014, the Bank recorded a loss of 3.2 billion rubles according to IFRS standards. Against 2.4 billion rubles. A year earlier - the cause Losses were impairment of the loan portfolio, as well as financial guarantees and development projects.

What does such a strange loan policy mean? Deputy chairman of the Central Bank Mikhail Sukhov said that we were either withdrawal of money from the bank, or camouflage of missing assets. "Investing in such assets may indicate either the incompetence of the decision of the personnel, or about the intentional withdrawal of funds," Sabina Khasanova agrees. "I believe that while we are talking about these abuses, namely, the creation of" linden "assets in the bank, which would formally be the basis for additional obligations," the partner of the law firm YUST Alexander Bolomatov suggested.

Sergei Leontyev himself categorically denies, it offendedly stated that Russia was still "didn't grow up" before it could normally work such a financial group, like Life: "Apparently, the time" Life "in this country has not yet come . Therefore, in the next 50 years I will do "Life" in other parts of the globe. "

It is interesting, it is at the Life "Life", the Central Bank tests two new algorithm for working with distressed banks. First, the Megasanator will be put into effect - the Russian Capital Bank owned by the ASV, which, according to information, will be carried out to sanitize the secondary banks of the group. Secondly, for the first time in the newest years, a new algorithm will be tried - the transfer of part of the clientele of the problem bank to another bank. The last decision is intended to save the funds of the ASV, the implementation of the Bank's obligations on individual deposits will be sold to another bank, which will take on all obligations to depositors, and in return to the reimbursement of funds to consumers will provide certain financial assistance to a credit institution that buys these assets. As Nikita Kulikov (Consulting Group Heads), the former team "Bank24.ru", which, before the license, was published in the Life Financial Group, now it works under the brand of the Online Point Bank, which is part of the Opening Group "Already invites everyone to leave Probusinessbank Opening of current accounts on preferential terms. Thus, the "Opening" group will expand its client base, and the former customers of the Life Financial Group will be able to painlessly change the bank with a similar service and a set of services. To participate in the Sanation "Life" also proposed to the Bin group and Sovcombank. If the group "Life" would go bankrupt - this would devastate the QA fund, demanding about 100 billion rubles. expenses.

As for the reservation of secondary banks of the group, they did not have problems in themselves: as they specified the analyst to "FINAM" Anton Sorok, the problems of banks included in the Life group, result from the fact that they all used the head bank as a settlement center And, therefore, they kept their correspondent accounts. After the license revocation, access to them was blocked, and the banks of the Life group were collided with the lack of instant liquidity for operating activities and with the influx of depositors.

According to Sabina Khasanova, the review of the licensibant license will not have any influence on the banking market. The policy, which is conducted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen the banking market, will continue further. Market participants understand this, as they understand that there is no inviolable. As for customers, it is also likely to change here too: those who are configured to receive profits will continue placement of funds in banks offering increased interest rates, hoping for the DR. Those who want calm will go to large banks.

Each second Russian knows what uses by credit funds.

Loans go on debt repayment, as funds for buying cars and housing, to pay training, recreation or treatment.

In the Russian financial market, there are many credit institutions offering citizens to issue a loan on interesting and favorable conditions for them.

Financial organization loan programs:

Financial Group Life is a whole holding from regional banking institutions that successfully operate in the financial market of the Russian Federation since 1993.

Branches of banks belonging to this financial group are located in 200 cities and 48 regions of the country. In the Life group included such banks:

Bank "Express Volga";
"University Bank".

The total number of branches of the above banking institutions across the country there are more than 400 offices. According to the RBC rating, the Life group ranked in the number of decorated non-tax loans in 2011, 14th place.

Note that in addition to ordinary credit programs, the financial group is actively engaged in the issuance of microloans.

Life Credit Programs:

The Life Financial Group offers citizens to issue loans without guarantee and collateral for several programs:

"Cash Express". Under the terms of this program, the borrower can receive credit funds in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles within 2 hours;

"Personal loan." The amount is issued in the amount of from 5,000 to 1,000,000 rubles for one day;

"Trust loan." Permanent clients of Life GK on this product can get a loan on preferential terms;

"Pension Credit." The program implies the issuance of credit funds to pensioners and military.

For all products, the loans are issued for up to 10 years with a grace lending period - 55 days at a rate of 40%. Debt repayment occurs with equal payments.

You can apply for a loan on the Life group website in online mode. The application will be considered within 15 minutes.

Electronic Bank from Life Group:

Becoming the client of the Life group, you get the opportunity to use the electronic bank, which gives the opportunity without leaving the house:

Discover deposits;
Control all account operations;
Receive account statements;
Calculate for purchased services, goods;
Pay Internet, utilities and communication services;
Make money transfers;
Making insurance;
Submit applications for credit funds;
Draw up virtual cards;
Draw credit cards;
Analyze your expenses using the "Card Use Diagram";
Open the GIS accounts;
Work on forex;
Buy, sell securities;
Repay debt;
Pay for commissions and fines;
Receive reminders of the upcoming mandatory payments;
Receive professional support around the clock in online mode, in Skype and by phone;
Keep abreast of all new products of the Life group;
Use mobile banks: "SMS-Bank", Life-Banking for Android and Life Banking for iPhone.

Cash loans from the Life group:

Each client of the group may, when issuing a loan to obtain credit funds in cash according to programs:

"People's loan without guarantors and references." Funds are issued in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles. Help 2-NDFL is not required. Money can be obtained within 2 hours;

"People's Credit Cash". The loan amount ranges from 5,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. Credit term - 5 years. Guarantee and provision is not required;

"Social Credit." Under the conditions of this program, cash can be obtained by citizens working in educational, low-rate medical institutions.

Citizens from 23 to 80 years can become a borrower, which are citizens of the Russian Federation. Upon receipt of a loan, the group takes into account the income of the borrower's family, which allows to obtain funds in more large size. For cooperation with the Bank, it is necessary to provide a passport, the Inn, the driver's or retirement certificate, for men under 27 - a military ID or a certificate confirming the delay in the service in the army.

Based on the stated material, it can be concluded that the Life group offers its potential customers favorable and interesting credit products.

Having received a credit card of this group, the client automatically becomes a member of various programs and has the ability to receive bonuses and substantial discounts when calculating a card for purchased goods, services.

Also, the Life group appreciates its regular customers, offering them more favorable loans, rather than newly minted customers.

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