
RESO Personal Cabinet Workplace OSAGO. Personal Cabinet RESO Warranty. Filling data on TS

Insurance company RESO is one of the largest on the territory of the Russian Federation. It has been presented on the market for more than a quarter of a century and during this time managed to enter the leaders among insurance agents. Among its main services are insurance, travel, health, as well as movable and real estate. For convenience of tracking connected services, a personal account reso was developed. Consider more detailed how to register in it and what functions it performs.

check in

To access a personal page, you need to register. It is available for individuals and legal entities. To start the procedure, you need to go to the official website of the LK insurance www.client.reso.ru or www.reso.ru and choose the registration point.

For individuals. You must fill out a form that includes personal data: FULL NAME, series and passport number, contact phone number, email address, registration address. It is also necessary to consent to the processing of information and enter the code from the picture. When you click on the "Check Data in the RS" button, checking your information will begin. In case of correctness of filling and the absence of any discrepancies on the phone and email, a letter with a login and password for authorization will come.

For legal entities. When registering in the system of the company, it is necessary to specify the full name, INN and OGRN, data of registration certificates, registration address of the institution, contact details, series of the previous policy. At the end, you also need to click the "Check Data in the RSA" button. If everything is entered correctly, a letter with data for authorization will come to the phone or mail.

Entrance to LK

To enter your home office, you need to enter the form you obtained after registration login and password. The login is a telephone number in ten-digit format. Password is a conditional set of characters obtained in the form of SMS. An additional element of protection is the introduction of a disposable code that will go on mobile after clicking on the "Get Password" button. When all the fields are filled with, click "Log in."

If the client is a user of the public service site, you can make authorization through it. To do this, in the authorization window, you need to choose "ENTAGE (Public Services)" and in the form that appears to enter a login and password and click "Log in".

Important! The presence of an LC on the Public Services portal allows you to avoid registration on the RESO website and simplifies the execution of the policy by synchronizing the policyholder data.


LC RESO Ganatia makes it possible to track the details of the decorated poles online while at home or in the workplace. Need to issue a new insurance contract? Make it can also be quick and easy.

In a personal account, the user is available:

  • Tracking the timing of the insurance policy. Without contacting the company's office, the client can track all the decorated policies in the LC.
  • Full access to contracts. The client can view the text of all decorated contracts, and at any time print them. Thanks to such an option, the customer's relationship with reso is transparent and open.
  • Learn about new special offers and promotions. For regular customers, the company often conducts draws, allowing to obtain favorable insurance conditions for a smaller price.
  • Extend the compulsory insurance contract or any other. Right in the Personal Account, customers of the company can extend the current insurance contract.
  • Buy insurance. Similarly, the purchase of any reso insurance contract is available in the LC.

For a convenient calculation of payments on the site presents the calculator calculating the amount of the insurance policy.

Password recovery from LK

If the user has lost or forgot your password from the personal page, the password recovery option will help him. It is available on the authorization page. After pressing it, the client needs to enter the name, series and passport number, as well as specify the characters from the picture.

Click the "Check" button. Then it will be necessary to enter the phone number to which the SMS code will be received with access recovery.

Change data

Register in the labor system is not, so often users allow an error in personal information. This is not trouble, because they can always be corrected. So, if the phone number tied to the account was changed, you need to restart the registration procedure.

This is due to the sending of SMS messages with the operation confirmation codes.

If you need to change other information, you can do it:

  1. In any office company with a passport.
  2. Over the online execution of the auto insurance policy.
  3. Writing a letter to the address [Email Protected] With a request to get instructions for changing the data in the LC.

Mobile app

So that the data on the insurance policy is always at hand, the company has developed a mobile application of the RESO Mobile for its customers. You can download it free of charge for mobile devices on the Android and iOS platform.

The login is carried out using the same login and password as for the full version of the LC on the computer. The main features of the application are as follows:

  • All clinics are collected in the appendix, offering their services on the reso guarantee. Also, each of them describes the insurance program, which allows you to optimize the process of obtaining services.
  • Through the application, you can make an appointment with the desired doctor in your favorite clinic from the list. After admission, you can leave a review about the work of a specialist and a medical institution as a whole.
  • Call a doctor at home or challenge ambulance from the selected clinic.
  • When an insured event occurs, the application user can promptly report an incident.
  • The application allows you to track insurance payments, and you can always check how much money went to the account.
  • Residents of the capital through an application can take advantage of the service of calling a free evacuator under the OSAGO Agreement.
  • View the timing of the action of the decorated poles and their conditions.
  • The application can create a notification of the expiration of the policy or the need to make another amount of payment.
  • Keep contact with insurance directly or find the address of the nearest office.
  • Get the Agent data assigned to the user.

In this review, we will consider the possibilities that the Person-Warranty Personal Cabinet, Methods of Registration and Entry, Procedure for Registration of Insurance Policy Polls, the advantages of LC "Reso".

Registration and input

The main personal account of the insurance company is located at Client.Reso.ru.

For different types of insurance in reso, there are separate LCs. So, when insuring life, the user's office is located on the link. Access to it is possible only if there is an existing policy.

If you have an account from this page, you can log in. If there is no data, then you should go through the registration procedure and create an account. Options for individuals and legal entities are available: Next, we will consider the registration algorithm for individuals. You can also register through an account on the Public Services portal.

It is necessary to be carefully and without errors to fill the proposed graphs. After entering the information and prosthanit of the Checkbox, the consent of the processing of personal data will be active button "Check the data in the RSA".

If the check has passed successfully, the system will propose to enter additional data and download copies of documents. After all checks, the client will be available to the personal account functionality. Change the password and other data will be possible after the completion of the primary registration.

The "Reo" registration system when authorizing the client uses two-factor authentication. First you need to enter the email address to which the verification code will come, then the phone number, which is also confirmed using the code. In the future, the specified number will be used as login, and at the input to it, an SMS is sent with a one-time access code.

Opportunities LC insurer

Personal account allows you to:

  • view the list of decorated policies;
  • monitor the timing of their action and extend if necessary;
  • view information about prisoners with the insurance company of the contracts, download and print them;
  • acquire new and extend current policies;
  • receive information about promotions from "Reso", various special offers that the company regularly launches in the framework of programs to attract and increase customer loyalty.

There is also a workplace of the "Reso-Warranty" agent, enter which you can at https://wp.reso.ru/waragentresoru/. This system is intended only for insurance company agents, employees and partners. It is impossible to register independently in it, the data for the entrance are issued by the management of branches of re-or partner agencies.

You can remove the LC through the appeal to the client service "Reso-Warranty".

How to make an online policy

From the personal account of the client, an E-OSAGO auto insurance option is available: You should select the appropriate menu item and proceed to the proposed steps, which includes entry of the owner and car data, confirmation and payment.

The system uses PCA data for calculating CBM and other OSAGO parameters. The acquisition of other policies is carried out from the main site of the RESO company. However, not all products are available for online decoration, some require a personal visit or agent call.

For example, in the "Private Persons" section, you can place an online policy for travelers by selecting the appropriate option.

Also here (as for other products) there is a calculator that allows you to make a preliminary calculation of the cost. When you click on "buy an online policy", the client will be redirected to the input window of the planned trip and its parameters.

After entering information, it will be proposed to choose one of the tariff options and pay the policy. Its electronic copy will come to the mail specified in the process.

LC makes it easy and convenient to track, extend, acquire new policies as needed and makes it possible to receive operational information about promotions and discounts of the insurance company. But the extended functionality is available to existing customers who have entered into an insurance contract in the company's office.

The main purpose of the Personal Cabinet is to purchase and extend the mandatory motorway insurance.

The company's re-guarantee is a dynamically developing insurance organization that provides its customers with a wide range of insurance services.

Here you can insure your life, health, property, as well as get other banking and insurance products.

To understand all the advantages of cooperation with this company, it is necessary to devote the time to study the principles of its work, as well as suggestions.

Briefly about the company RESO-WARRANTY

The company's retail guarantee positions itself as a universal insurance agent. This organization operates in the Russian market since 1991 and managed to have a positive proven. The company is licensed to perform more than 120 types of insurance services.

And in the list of services of the company RESO-warranty you will find a wide selection of insurance. One of the priority directions is auto sphere.

The company RESO has spread its offices throughout the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries. In the state of the organization, more than 20 thousand agents are listed.

How do you evaluate the quality of the services of the company's re-guarantee?


And the network of branches is one of the largest throughout Russia. The company operates, based on international standards of insurance, is constantly being certified and licensing.

The quality level of the organization's work is confirmed by the relevant Certificates of GOST I9001-2015. If you choose on this organization, you can be confident that you have chosen a reliable partner.

What the company offers

Let's go to the list of proposals of the company's retail guarantee.

All organizations of the organization can be divided into two categories: it is to individuals and corporate clients.

Let's start with the first subgroup:

  • The RESO company issues the Osago policy and reissues them.
  • Gives insurance policies in the form of CASCO.
  • Insures your real estate.
  • Insures life and health.
  • Insuring trips abroad and in Russia.
  • Offers mortgage insurance services.
  • Offers services for issuing medical copies.
  • Provides services for the formation of a green card.

As for corporate clients, the RESO company cooperates with the largest corporations and legal entities, insures their activities, responsibility, property, transport, serves employees in the form of issuance of OMS policies.

Company official website: http://www.reso.ru/

What opportunities gives a personal account

Getting to the official website of the company's company, you can immediately pay attention to the proposal to create "Personal Account".

What gives such registration to a conventional citizen:

  • First of all, you can track your insurance products online, which means that you will be aware of the expiration of your insurance.
  • You will also be the first to receive information about discounts and promotions.
  • You get the opportunity to issue your online policy, which means that you will save time for personal visits to the organization's office.
  • Personal Cabinet RESO will allow you to enjoy special applications for mobile devices and tablets that will be your real virtual assistants.
  • Permanent registered customers of the company's retail guarantee always have privileges and good discounts on insurance products.
  • Personal account will allow you to purchase an insurance product in time before the expires the validity of the old one.
  • The company will remind you of the need to replace the Polis of OMS.

As you can see, a personal account has a lot of advantages.


Personal Cabinet address: https://client.reso.ru/waragentResoru/

How to register

In order to be able to enjoy all the privileges of the company's customer's customer, you need to go through the registration procedure:

  • Open any browser convenient for you and go to the official home-warranty site.
  • On the page where you are offered to go through the authorization procedure, select Registration Item for individuals. If you are a legal entity representative, select "Registration for Jurlitz".
  • Then you will open the form where you need to make personal information. First of all, these are passport details.
  • Give your consent to storage and data processing.
  • Click on the check.
  • The system will start checking the entered data.
  • In case there is a reason to assume an error, you will be offered to double them.
  • After that, the system will ask you to enter your contacts.
  • For the left coordinates you will receive a password and login.

Now you can go to your personal account and use the services of the company RESO-WARRANTY.

Instructions for use

Now that you officially have become a user of the portal of the reso-warranty, it's time to learn how to use the personal account:

  • To do this, you need to open a browser.
  • Enter the phrase "Reso-Warranty Personal Account" into the search bar.
  • The system will offer you a page that will offer two ways to enter the way.
  • You can log in to your personal account using your username and password. If you select this method on your phone, a disposable password will come to your phone. It must be introduced, and in case of conformity of all three rows of reality, you will find yourself in your personal account.
  • You can also enter your phone number and email address, and then a one-time password, which will come one of the left contacts.
  • Once you click on the "Login" key, you will automatically find yourself in your personal account.

Connecting OSAGO

  • Enter your personal account.
  • In the top line, find the inscription "individuals".
  • You will see a few points that are dedicated to services.
  • Select Osago Online Purchase Polis.
  • Now you will have a form where you need to make data about the car and its drivers. When making data, it is necessary to focus on your old policy of OSAGO, if any.
  • You indicate that you are the insured and the owner at the same time.
  • Specify the brand, car model, its type, year of manufacture, power and other specifications.
  • Mandatory indicates VIN and registration number.
  • These data from the TCP and the certificate of registration are indicated.
  • If you have passed a technical inspection in this calendar year, specify information about its results.
  • Now you go to the point allowed to control. Choose limited or unlimited insurance.
  • If the insurance is limited, make information about each person, which will be allowed to control.
  • Then, on the fact of making all the data, you click on the "Calculate" key.
  • After data processing, the system will give you the amount of your insurance policy.
  • If you have not yet decided to pay for the results and you need time to think, click on the "Save" button.
  • Re-check the data.
  • You can pay your insurance policy with the electronic calculation system or bank card.
  • Follow the payment procedure characteristic of your chosen method.
  • After the money proceeds, the policy will become available so that you download it to your computer.

Now you can print it or store an electronic version..

How to change the phone number in your personal account?

Very often our personal information is changing. This concerns not only the surname, but also contacts, such as phone numbers. And the insurer must necessarily know your actual contacts in order to report profitable services, inconsistencies, problems of the system, and so on.

Therefore, if you have changed the phone number, this information must be immediately reflected in the Personal Account.. How to do it?

  • First of all, you need to go to the official website of the company's re-guarantee.
  • Click on the "Personal Account" tab.
  • Enter data for authorization. It can be your old number and one-time password. Or do you remember your login and the password assigned to the site.
  • After you find yourself in your personal account, you can see several menu items. One of them is "personal data". Go through it.
  • You will see a form that reflects your passport details.
  • Also, at the bottom there will be information about your email and phone number.
  • Even below is the Edit key. Click on it.
  • The form will turn into a form where you can make your changes. Remember that the changes made must comply with real information. In case the system encourages that you make other people's data or they do not correspond to reality, your profile will be blocked. As a rule, such situations relate to changes in passport data.
  • So, correct the available phone number to the new one.
  • Click "Save".
  • Update the page and carefully read the changed blank.

How to go to the LC?

If you trust the management of your insurance affairs to the agent, then it will probably need the ability to enter your personal account to reorganize the policy, study the information on it or make changes.

In order to enter your personal account, the person should know the login and password or your phone number and email address.

In addition, with himself the agent should have your phone to which a one-time password will come when authorized and when making payments. This is necessary in order to protect your personal account from scammers. Therefore, you will always know when your agent visits your page.

If the agent is not only an official representative of the organization, but also works directly with the base of the insurance company and meets in the office, it can access your personal account for review without the need to introduce a one-time password.

But, the agent has no right to make any changes to your data.If your actions did not violate the law and existing contracts with the company.

Read 13 min.

Develop an electronic policy in the reso-warranty. Instruction

Information technology every year more and more includes our everyday life, simplify and save time to citizens when solving their everyday tasks: recording to doctors, transmitting meter readings, payment and watching traffic police fines and much more. This is largely promoted by the competitive struggle of organizations providing certain services to the population. To save and attract new customers, the company starts to simplify the process of providing their services to maximize, translating them to get into online mode.

So, from July 1, 2015, changes in the law on compulsory insurance of autocarted responsibility began to operate, thanks to which car owners can buy the OSAGO policy via the Internet. Thus, many large insurance organizations have already created platforms on their sites that allow it to do. Not exception has become a company and a resolution warranty. We are talking about the process of obtaining the Osago Polis online in this insurance organization.

It should be noted that everyone can buy such a policy, except for drivers who have just received the rights and new ones who have not yet been insured or owners under OSAGO treaties. They follow the first time to contact the office directly.

Obtaining the CTP in the re-warranty is carried out in the company's personal account. We present you detailed instructions for the entry, registration and work in your personal account.

Filling in general data under the insurance contract

Filling out the insurer data

Filling data on the owner of the vehicle

Calculator Osago

With the help of a calculator, you can effortlessly calculate the preliminary cost of the insurance premium at the OSAGA policy provided by the insurance organization of the reso-warranty. And then appreciating everything and against deciding whether to buy a policy in this insurance organization or choose another.

To go to the calculator, click on the button:

Step 1: Personal Cabinet - Login / Registration

To go to the personal account of the company RESO-WARRANTY press the button:

The following window will open in front of you:

Step 2: Personal Account - Registration

Specify your personal information:

  2. Mobile phone number, birthday, series and number of the Russian passport.
  3. Registration address by clicking on the search. Specifying addresses in the directory is made step by step by choosing a region, cities and streets.

  1. Add information about the house and apartment in the address using manually input.
  2. After reading the indication of the Central Bank No.-3648-y, we set the "V" if we agree to process personal data.
  3. We enter characters written in the picture.
  4. After filling out all the fields, click "Check Data". At this stage, your information will be tested in the RSA.

Possible errors when checking information:

To solve the error, you need to open the login form and try to re-overpay the login and password. If the input does not work out, restore the password through the appropriate function.

This error says that the data you entered do not match the data in the RSA. To eliminate the error, you need to contact the Office of the Insurance Company according to your OSAGO's last agreement to actualize personal information.

In addition, this error may mean that previously you were not the insured in any insurance organization, in other words, get the insurance contract for the first time. So you need to contact directly into the office "Reso - Guarantees" for registration of the Typographic Blanca of OSAGO.

  1. Click to register.
  2. Click to return to the login form in your personal account.

Step 3: Register a new user after successful data verification in step No. 2

  1. Login - is displayed by an automatic phone number entered in step 1. Login can be changed to any acceptable combination of English letters and numbers.
  2. Enter the password to be used to log in to your personal account.
  3. Re-enter the same password as in paragraph 2.
  4. Specify e-mail (you will send the Osago policy number.
  5. Click to get a disposable password by SMS.
  6. Specify a one-time password sent by SMS.
  7. Click to confirm registration.
  8. Click to change the previously specified data.

Step 4: Form of the list of policies in the Personal Account

Daana about the relevant policy of Osago:

Attention! OSAGO prolongation is made at least 60 days before the expiration of the insurance period, but not later the date of its end.

If you are not a client of the company, you can make a new policy of OSAGO by clicking "arrange the policy" ().

Step 5.1: Extension of the OSAGA Agreement Spa «Reso-Warranty»

Attention! In the prolongation of the policy, you can edit only the period of using the car, the diagnostic card data and the drivers list ().

Data on is insured barely, the owner and the vehicle is transferred from the prolonged policy and you can only change them using the appeal to the nearest office "reso-guarantees".

Step 5.2: The list of fields available for editing when extending the OSAGO Agreement SPAO "RESO Warranty"

When prolonging the contract, you can specify no more than 3 years of using the vehicle.

  1. The default is the annual period of insurance.

To extend the policy, if necessary, you need to specify information about the current diagnostic card.

  1. Select the type of document.
  2. Enter the number of the diagnostic card.
  3. Choose DC Date
  4. Select DC Date.

In addition, it is possible to change the list of persons admitted to the control of the vehicle.

  1. To add a new driver, click Add.
  2. Specify the driver's name.
  3. Specify the driver's name.
  4. Specify the patronymic of the driver.
  5. Specify the date of issue of the first driver's license.
  6. Specify a series of driver's license.
  7. Specify the driver's license number.
  8. Select the driver's floor.

Step 6.1: Registration of the OSAGO electronic policy for new customers

Filling in general data under the insurance contract.

  1. Calculation number. Forms after entering all application data when you press the "Calculate" button.
  2. The date of conclusion is today's date.
  3. Specify the date of the beginning of the term of insurance of the contract (the insurance period is one year).
  4. The default insurance period is equal to the insurance period. Insurance period cannot be less than 3 months. No more than 3 periods of insurance can be established in the contract.

Filling the insurer data.

The policyholder data is filled automatically, on the basis of the information specified by the insured at the time of registration in the Personal Account.

Filling data on the owner of the vehicle.

If the owner of the car, refers to the insured, the section "owner" is not subject to filling. Look at whether the checkbox "V" next to the string is "is the insured".

If the vehicle owner is not an insured, you need to remove the "V" in the relevant field and fill out the data on the owner of the vehicle:

Filling occurs almost completely identical way, as is the introduction of data during registration.

The only difference is not available to fill the fields and in the possibility of choosing the form of the owner (highlighted by color).

  1. Specify personal data of the formality (FULL NAME, date of birth and floor).
  2. Specify a document certifying the identity of the owner by filling out its series and number.
  3. If desired, add contacts of the owner.
  4. Specify the address of the registration of the owner by clicking on the search. The choice of address with the help of the reference book is made step by step by choice of the region, cities and streets.

  1. Finance the address of the owner of the house and apartment with an input to manual.

Filling data on TS.

  1. Select the vehicle brand (TC) from the directory.
  2. Choose a car model. If there is no desired option in the list of models, specify "other" and enter the full name of the TCP vehicle.
  3. The TC type will automatically be displayed depending on the specified vehicle model. Slip "v" If the vehicle is used with a trailer
  4. Specify the year of the TC.
  5. Specify the power if the TC type is "passenger". If "cargo" - fill in the "Allowed Max. weight".
  6. Select the location of the steering wheel.
  7. Fill in the VIN number of the TC, consisting of 17 characters. If the characters are less, then this is the body number - make it in the appropriate field, and "VIN" fill in the word "missing". When making the VIN number, filling out the "rods / chassis" is not necessary.
  8. Fill in the TC registration number. If the car is not registered with the traffic police - do not fill this field.
  9. Select the purpose of using the vehicle.
  10. Fill out the TC passport data (use English letters in the TCP series).
  11. In the presence of the submitted PTS, the registration certificate is not necessary.
  12. If necessary, fill in the diagnostic card data (DC) by selecting a diagnostic card in the "document type".
  13. Fill in the DK number, most often consisting of the 21st digit (card number in EAOSTO).
  14. Fill out the DC date.
  15. Fill out the date of the DC

Step 6.2: Adding / Deleting Drivers

If the list of drivers allowed to control is limited, then select the appropriate value from the list:

  1. Specify the driver's name.
  2. Specify the driver's name.
  3. Specify the patronymic of the driver.
  4. Specify the dates of the driver.
  5. Specify the date of issue first driver's license.

Attention! In the "Date Wu" field (driver's license), make the date of receipt first driver's driver's license. If only the year of receiving the first Wu is known, then fill in the field as follows: "31.12.ХХХХ", where xxxx is the year of receipt.

  1. Specify a series of driver's license.
  2. Specify the driver's license.
  3. Select the driver's floor.
  4. To delete the driver from the list allowed to manage individuals, click "Delete".

Step 7: Calculation and Saving Polis

  • After filling out information about drivers, click "Calculate".

  • After reviewing and agreeing with the cost of the policy, click "Save". When you press the Save key, the intention to conclude a contract is confirmed.

After you clicked on the key "Save" Outputs a window with information according to your policy - carefully read them and, if there are no errors, click "Save".

Possible errors when checking the RSA data:

Such errors suggest that you are not filled with all the necessary data. To correct the error, fill in the missing data.

One of the stages of the design of the OSAGO electronic policy is the reconciliation of the data specified by the customer about the policyholder, the owner, the driver and the vehicle, with the data stored in AIS RCA. If the check is completed successfully, then you can go to the next stage of the execution of the policy. If data verification is not passed - the design of the electronic policy is impossible. In this case, you can contact the nearest office of SPAO "RESO-WARRANTY" for registration of a typographic form climbing, or send a letter to the address [Email Protected] For a possible solution to this problem.

  • After you have saved the electronic policy, the "Pay" button becomes active. If you click, then you will go to the payment system page.

Step 8: Payment System Selection Form

  1. If the form is not correctly displayed, not as shown in the figure, or the payment key does not function, use the instruction.
  2. Specify, provided if you pay the VISA card.
  3. Specify, provided that you will pay the MasterCard card.
  4. Press the "Pay" key. Policy purchased.

Step 9: Payment form

  1. Specify the card number.
  2. Select the card validity period.
  3. Enter the cardholder (as written on the map).
  4. Enter CVV2 code (indicated on the back of the map).
  5. Click to make payment.
  6. Click if you decide to refuse payment.
  • After you have paid, you need to return to your personal account and update the page (F5), after the update, a link to downloading an electronic policy will appear, and then the user comes with SMS and E-mail where the number of the medal number is specified.
  • If you want to dissolve or make changes to the policy you will need to go to the office and write a written application.
  • Online Polis is available for downloading and viewing in your account. We advise you to print it on the same day. It should be carried with me and show in case of the requirement of the traffic police inspector.
  • If you do not pay the created policy using the payment system (step 7-8) during the day from the time of execution of the policy, the system will consider that you abandoned the prolongation of the CTP agreement. No method of payment is not allowed than specified in step 7.

Step 10: Getting an Insurance Policy

Link to downloading an electronic policy will be available after payment, that is, the field of how you bought the policy, to do this should be updated page (F5). The file in the PDF format is downloaded to the computer and can be printed from any program supporting this format, for example, Adobe Reader.

Appendix 1: Login / Password Restore

Step 1.

  1. Specify the name of the policyholder.
  2. Specify the series and the passport number of the policyholder.
  3. Click to check the entered data.

Step 2.

In case of successful verification of the data specified in step 1:

  1. The specified field is automatically affected by the insured login.
  2. Specify the new password that will be used to enter your personal account.
  3. Confirm the password specified in clause 2.4. Press the SMS one-time password tool.
  4. Enter a disposable password received by SMS.
  5. Enter the characters specified in the picture.
  6. Click to restore the password.
  7. Click to return to the input form.

If the data specified in step 1 did not check:

  • Check the correctness of the data specified in step 1;
  • If the correctness of the data is verified and the error is not installed, - to recruit the user.

Appendix 2: Checking Electronic Digital Signature

The OSAGO Electronic Agreement was signed by a qualified electronic digital signature SPAO "Reso-Warranty".

To verify its authenticity, you will need the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader program, as well as the installation of additional software care.

You can find out details by proceeding by reference

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