
What is the difference between TSN base and FER? Quotations by type of work with a breakdown to calculate the cost of services for the preparation of estimates

To determine the cost of construction of objects in the city of Moscow, Territorial Estimated Standards for Moscow have been developed and are used at the base price level as of January 1, 2000 (TSN-2001).

Drawing up estimates using TSN-2001 for Moscow has a number of features:

    The cost of work is determined according to the relevant norms and rates TSN-2001 with the accrual in the established amounts and in the order of overhead costs and estimated profit, additional costs associated with the production of work in the winter. The rates of additional costs associated with the complication of work in the winter (winter increases in prices) are calculated by type of work in the form of coefficients to labor costs, wages, machine operation, cost of materials and are "tied" in the regulatory framework to prices, that is, are taken into account in local estimates in position. separate accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit from the wages of workers and the wages of drivers. The norms of HP and SP for the salary of drivers are the same for all rates. Current standards NR, SP, memory are provided together with indices of conversion to the current price level. When drawing up estimates for repair and construction work, overhead costs and estimated profit are accrued in the amounts established for repair work (reduction factors are not used as when working with TEP and FER , with the TSN base, separate standards for repair work are provided). The rate cipher differs from that adopted in the FER (TEP). The cipher contains the chapter code (type of regulatory collection). There is no need to add a prefix to rates. Materials not included in the prices do not have an estimate code (price tag code), they only have an OKP code, which is not unique. Local estimates are drawn up according to special forms in the basic, current or two levels of prices.

To take into account the specifics of determining the estimated cost using TSN-2001 in Moscow, the local estimate provides for the attribute "TSN Methodology". If this feature is set, then an additional tab “Calculation by TSN methodology” is displayed on the local estimate form, where the parameters for applying the winter rise in price coefficients are set.

In the positions of the local estimate "according to the TSN method" instead of the "HP and SP" tab, the "HP, SP, memory" tab is displayed with the corresponding standards, which can be edited if necessary.

According to the TSN methodology, a separate calculation of overhead costs and the estimated profit from the basic salary (salary of construction workers) and the salary of machine operators (machinists) was adopted. Norms HP and SP are loaded from the external normative base of TSN when inserting positions in the estimate. The rates of overhead costs and the estimated profit from the salary of machine operators for calculating the amounts at the basic and current levels are conditionally constant values ​​and are stored in the general settings.

development of estimates and calculations, KS-2 and KS-3 in the actual bases of federal and territorial prices.

Construction contractors of the city of Moscow are offered services for budgeting according to state regulations:

According to territorial prices TSN;

According to federal regulations at base and current price levels;

Based on elemental tables of standard consumption of building resources;

We offer estimate services for the preparation of calculations in TSN Moscow, FER, GESN and industry standards. To estimate the cost of the estimator's work by email [email protected] you can send a project, drawings, a statement of the volume of construction and installation work, a specification for equipment or materials, other materials in the order of construction (tel. + 7952-827-6903). The object of construction and repair work can be buildings (production workshops, warehouses, stations, residential buildings, boilers, tanks) and structures (water intake and treatment structures, bridges, tunnels, dams, platforms, etc.) with related inventory, equipment, furniture, auxiliary premises and utilities (water, energy and heat supply, gasification and sewerage). The cost of developing estimate documentation in TSN Moscow and other bases is minimal, the ratio of price, speed and quality is optimal! about working conditions with the company ...

Budgeting in TSN for Moscow

Like the federal (territorial) rates of the current TSNB, the estimated standards in the TSN are considered the base level on the first day of 2000. Thus, the wages of construction workers, tariffs and prices for other resources of material and technical support are calculated at the level of Moscow prices as of 01.01.2000. Unlike TEPs and FERs, operating at the national or regional level, TSN-2001 is a basis developed for determining the cost of construction and installation work, i.e. drawing up estimates for the objects of the city of Moscow. It is noteworthy that the Moscow region, like most other regions, has its own territorial base of standards, hereinafter TEP of the Moscow region. The scope of TSN collections includes prices for repair, construction and restoration work of buildings and structures, tables for installation and adjustment of engineering equipment. In other words, the base is used to draw up estimates for social, historical, cultural and industrial facilities, technological equipment, housing and communal services in Moscow. The structure of TSN is similar to the list of collections of FERs and TEPs, it also includes price complexes for construction, installation, repair and commissioning, plus an additional collection for the restoration of cultural and historical objects of the city of Moscow. All collections consist of tables of estimated standards, supplemented by a technical part containing general provisions and rules for the use of standards. One of the basic principles of drawing up estimated standards is simple averaging, which implies that the consumption of material and technical resources required for the implementation of construction and installation work is taken as an average, and the working conditions are normal. Collections of prices for building resources: structures, materials and operation of machines are also called average. Average prices for materials TSN-2001.1 are used to assess the cost of material and technical products and structures in the price, and the average prices for the operation of TSN-2001.2 equipment fix the cost of one machine-hour, incl. the salary of drivers who deliver, install, operate, maintain, and also carry out routine repairs of construction equipment and tools.

The structure of the TSN pricing, the scope of which, in addition to construction and installation work, installation and start-up of equipment, includes tables for marking the restoration, maintenance and repair of technoparks in Moscow, festive decoration and maintenance of objects in the capital's environment, includes:

Meter of works, structures or other resource;

Workers' wages;

Operation of construction equipment (EM), incl. salary of drivers;

Materials, the cost of which is taken into account by the standard;

ЗТР - labor costs of working personnel without hours of drivers, taken into account in the cost of EM;

Consumption of materials that are not included in the price, but are indicated in natural units, etc.

The local estimate, being the basic estimate documents, is drawn up for construction, repair, restoration, installation and commissioning works, as well as for maintenance of machines and equipment, maintenance of urban infrastructure, etc. elements of the building structure. To calculate the amount of work when drawing up a TSN estimate for Moscow, you can use a statement or working drawings, according to which calculations of the main quantitative parameters of construction or repair are made. Estimates for installation in Moscow prices are drawn up on the basis of specifications, which indicate the nomenclature, basic indicators and the number of equipment units. The cost of construction and installation work is calculated according to TSN standards, taking into account the estimated profit, overhead and limited costs accrued in the prescribed manner. When using building price lists of the city of Moscow to mark reconstruction or major repairs, additional coefficients are applied to the elements of direct costs (1.15 - to the cost and physical indicators of labor costs, 1.25 - to the costs of operating equipment and tools). At the same time, the use of tables of building collections can only be due to the absence of such prices in the repair parts of TSN.

The object estimate is a combination of several local estimate calculations, compiled in a table according to a template containing construction and installation work and purchased equipment, furniture, inventory and building materials in value terms, as well as accrued VZiS - funds for the installation of temporary structures and additional costs.

The consolidated estimate calculation includes a list of chapters where construction work, objects are distributed by type of cost. The structure of a standard SSR consists of several chapters: 1) preparation of a construction site, 2) main construction projects (cost of buildings and main works), 3) service facilities, 4) energy facilities, 5) Transport infrastructure, 6) external networks: sewerage, heat, gas and water supply, 7) improvement, 8) temporary structures (buildings), 9) other costs, etc. *

* The structure and names of the chapters of the consolidated estimate calculation are painted schematically. To clarify the standard type of calculation, refer to the reference literature, where the CCP template is often added as an appendix.

Despite the fact that the Moscow region acquired its name due to its de facto center, the megalopolis itself is a separate administrative unit that is not part of the region itself. Thus, estimates for construction and installation work in Kolomna, Podolsk, Zhukovsky or Krasnogorsk are usually compiled in the TEP database of the Moscow region, and construction or repair work within the city of Moscow is estimated at TSN rates. The construction infrastructure of the region is actively developing; the region is considered one of the most urbanized and densely populated. The proximity of the capital is determined by the economic and geographical features of the Moscow region and a huge number of economic entities: more than two hundred thousand enterprises and organizations, of which about 20 thousand work in the construction sector. Budgeting, which is an integral part of construction, repair or installation work, can be done at commercial or government prices.

Due to the highly qualified labor potential and powerful scientific and technical potential, the Moscow Region occupies one of the leading positions in terms of production indicators among other regions. Historically, the industrial segments were dominated by mechanical engineering and metalworking, to which today the food, construction and furniture industries can be added to the number of priority sectors. High indicators of demand for real estate in Moscow determine the rapid development of the construction sector, incl. production of building materials: bricks, insulation, ceramics, dry cement mixtures, etc. Integrated urban development, mainly in the format of multi-storey construction, is actively continuing, despite the high level of housing stock for Muscovites. The territorial standards of the Moscow region and the TSN of Moscow contain a comprehensive list of prices for preparing estimates for new construction, overhaul of existing housing, landscaping, connection to utility networks, and road construction. Competent work of a specialist in estimated pricing, correct use of regional price bases and state standards is an important part of any construction and overhaul. A professionally compiled estimate is an integral part of any project for construction, installation, commissioning or repair work, expressing their cost in monetary terms and helping to accurately estimate the costs required for the production of construction and installation works in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Estimates TSN and FER are used in the construction of facilities, other work that is carried out at the expense of budgets (subjects, federal, respectively). Consider the main features of these estimates.

TSN estimate

Such estimates are used to determine the exact cost of construction, repair work, as well as restoration, installation and maintenance of equipment. They are also relevant for the development of the most important documentation for tenders and other works. Special standards are introduced for the implementation of construction with funding from the budget of a certain subject on the territory of the Russian Federation. The organizations carrying out capital repairs or construction have the right to use the estimate documents, regardless of the purpose of the object, the source of funding.

An estimate of TSN is required if necessary, in exact knowledge of the real cost.

FER estimate

Such estimates are used for those objects that are being built at the expense of funds received from the main link of the budget. Federal rates regulate certain cost elements: labor, consumption of building materials and time.

The collection of prices FER indicating the estimated standards becomes the basis for determining the cost of the main structures, buildings, certain types of work.

TSN are used to determine the estimated cost of new facilities, reconstruction, technological re-equipment directly for the city of Moscow. Estimating TSN is similar to other programs and has the same methodology for calculating the amount of work in prices. How to read the estimate according to TSN rates in Moscow?

The heading is filled in according to the Contract Agreement:

  • I affirm
  • Agreed,
  • Base,
  • Compiled as of ...

Decoding of the TSN estimate. The main data table consists of 10-11 columns:

  • № п / п - number in order;
  • Price code and resource codes (coefficient justification) - used from ready-made estimate collections;
  • Name of work and costs - explanation to the code with a detailed description of the type of work;
  • Unit. - natural value corresponding to the meter;
  • Quantity - by project or volume sheet;
  • Unit price, rubles - base price according to TSN in Moscow in 2001, excluding VAT;
  • Correction coefficients - in the presence of tightness at the facility, the base price is adjusted with a special coefficient taking into account the special working conditions of the personnel;
  • The coefficient of winter increases in prices - if the work is performed in a cold period of time;
  • Conversion factor - inflation index to the estimated prices of TSN in current prices (added from a monthly calculation by cost items);
  • Total costs, rubles - multiplication of columns: 5,6,7,8,9 is the current price at the time of the estimate with the current translation index;
  • When reading the TSN estimates for Moscow, it should be borne in mind that there are works and materials. Additionally, the overhead costs of HP and the estimated profit of the joint venture are charged from the wages of the main workers of the WTP, and the NR and the joint venture from the wages of the machine operators of the WTP. Their value is fixed as a percentage for each type of work. This can be clearly seen under the name of each rate.
  • ZTR is the labor input of workers per person hour;
  • "Supplier's price" - this wording means that the price is accepted in the estimate for the invoice, price list, commercial proposal (which must be attached to check the set by the Customer) without VAT (VAT is charged separately at the very end of the document, therefore it is initially removed from the unit cost ). The Customer is not always allowed to accept such a price, since in the collections of estimated prices there are ready-made items with such materials.

We read the results of the TSN estimate:

  • For each section, the results of the TSN collections are summed up (it is necessary to read from top to bottom);
  • The results of the Moscow TSN estimate are read in the same way as the results of the sections, having previously summed them up.

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