
Budgeting services. Costing prices Costing consulting

Budgeting is an integral part of the preparation of construction documents. Therefore, the accuracy of determining the price of construction depends on the quality of the work and the professionalism of the estimator.

There is now a large number of personnel on the market who offer their services, both privately and from an organization.

How to choose a competent specialist
who will quickly and efficiently make an estimate for you?

Budgeting is a creative process on the one hand and very laborious on the other. Correctly drawn up estimate documentation is the key to success in the preparation of tender documents, as well as in payments for the work performed.

After all, everyone is waiting for payment for their work!

Our guarantees:

  • Experience in budgeting;
  • The presence of a regulatory framework, indices, current prices;
  • Ability to read drawings, knowledge of work technology;
  • Price.

The desire to save money usually wakes up in everyone, and the poster immediately comes to mind, in which: “We will do it efficiently, quickly, inexpensively. Underline the required 2 positions. "

Creating an estimate "for 2 kopecks" can turn into a serious blow to your reputation, and the need to pay more and look for another contractor.

Surveyor services in Yaroslavl, Moscow, and throughout Russia also require control and expertise.

What can we offer that others cannot?

We offer you high-quality and fast creation of estimate documentation starting from local estimates ending consolidated estimate, and unloading additional materials, be it a catalog of prices (price lists) used in the estimate, for your further use, accounting, transfer of estimates from one estimate program to another, as well as the release of any printed form (even if it is not in the estimate program, we we will create it for you).

Years of experience with organizations such as Gazprom and Russian Railways, and many budget customers, shows that we can make an estimate taking into account the internal specifics of the customer.

Drawing up, approving and maintaining budget estimates also has its pitfalls.

Where did we get this experience?

We can draw up estimate documentation for any type of work, in any regulatory framework: TEP, TSN Moscow, FER 2017, MRR, PIR (SBC), departmental collections (Gazprom, Russian Railways, etc.), even if it is a base of -84 years! (Yes, they still use it! Nobody has canceled the base for restoration yet).

Estimates for:

  • Construction works;
  • Overhaul of ZiS;
  • Dismantling of equipment;
  • Road construction;
  • Commissioning (we cooperate with Kalinnikov himself, who wrote a book on budgeting for automated process control systems, you can not only draw up, but also learn from him);
  • Installation of equipment;
  • Security and fire alarm;
  • Design and survey work for construction and so on.

A specialist in the chosen type of work will personally work with you!

We are always aware of changes in the estimated legislation, as we are representatives Union of Estimating Engineers, we participate in the competition announced by the Ministry of Construction for the best estimator in the country, and we have certificates .

In what estimate programs do we make estimates?

In all. We are the only company that deals with all budget programs! Participates in tenders for the supply of budget programs, training to work in them and drawing up estimates.

In addition to one-time work on the preparation of estimate documentation, you can conclude an agreement with us to support the estimates of a specific object, or for a certain period (for example, when the estimator is on vacation, and the estimates are already burning), or if it is not profitable for you to keep the estimator on the staff.

What is the cost of calculating and budgeting?

One-time budgeting depends on the number of items in the defective list, or the completeness of the documentation provided (project, troubleshooting, technical assignment, etc.).

Economy tariff drawing up estimate documentation and making amendments to it after the examination one-time.

Tariff "Standard"- the composition and support of the estimate documentation with the introduction of all amendments during the examination. Drawing up KS-2 and KS-3!

"Premium" tariff- a full package of documentation support from the examination, and the protection of estimates, the creation of individual forms for issuing documents to the help of entering the m-29 into the accounting department of your company. In this tariff, a specialist consultant is assigned to you, who will help you throughout the entire contract.

In order to order the preparation of estimates from us, whether it is estimates for construction work, estimates for repairs, estimates for dismantling, commissioning (and we cooperate with Kalinnikov himself, who wrote a book on drawing up estimates for the process control system, you can not only draw up, but also learn from him), estimates for the installation of equipment, OPS, design or any other, you are required to provide a technical assignment, in which you must specify:

  • Region and regulatory framework;
  • The method of calculating the estimate - resource or base-index, with recalculation for what period it must be done;
  • Draft / defective statement or background information you have;
  • Terms of work (especially if it was necessary "for yesterday");
  • Contact information to contact you.

Everything that will be necessary for us in the process of working with you in case of cooperation will be discussed additionally.

The Galaktika IT company has been on the market of estimated programs for a long time, helping you with their choice, maintenance, and packaging. And of course, with the preparation of estimates, in Moscow, Yaroslavl and throughout Russia. We are confident that we can help you!

P / p No. Units price, rub.
1 Drawing up a local estimate for any type of construction and installation work according to a bill of quantities, a defective bill, a list of works with volumes. position 170
2 Calculation of physical volumes for the project (if the data is not provided in the form of a bill of quantities) position 200
3 Estimation of design and survey work (for the design section) estimate from 1500
up to 2000
4 Checking the estimate of the design and survey work with the provision of an opinion estimate 5000
5 Checking the estimate of construction and installation work with the provision of an opinion position 100
6 Cutting the estimate of construction and installation work into the estimated program position 70
7 Recovery of the estimate in the form of KS-6 position 90
8 Drawing up individual forms (commercial offers, deciphering estimated prices, other documents) document from 500
up to 7000
9 Drawing up estimates using the resource method position 150
10 Calculation of the coefficient of appreciation document 1000
11 Drawing up KS-2 according to the Customer's estimate position 70
12 Drawing up KS-6 according to the estimate compiled by the Contractor position 70
13 Drawing up acts in the form of KS-2 according to the estimate made by the customer document from 500
up to 3000
14 Drawing up acts in the form of KS-3 according to the estimate compiled by the Customer document 1000
15 Drawing up a defective statement according to the estimate compiled by the contractor document 300
16 Measurements of the object (internal) with the subsequent drawing up of those. job or defect list 1 hour 1000
17 Departure of a specialist estimator (up to 3 hours) 1 exit 3500

The estimated item means the line of the estimate document with the cost of work, either the price of the material, or the line in the KS-2-3 act. If you need the services of a estimator, or you have a question, you can leave right now and make sure that you can make an estimate with us quickly and profitably!

Price number 2. Cost per estimate for a cottage

Price number 3. Cost as a percentage of construction and installation work

Option 3 (there are design solutions, but there is no certainty about the number of possible positions in the future estimate and there are no analogous objects in cost from option No. 2)

P / p No. Name of the estimate document Estimated cost of an object or work Price,%.
1 up to 5 million rubles 1
2 The cost of a local estimate for any type of construction and installation work from 5 million to 10 million rubles 0,8
3 The cost of a local estimate for any type of construction and installation work from 10 million to 15 million rubles 0,7
4 The cost of a local estimate for any type of construction and installation work over 15 million rubles from 0.6
5 up to 5 million rubles 0,3
6 The cost of a local estimate for design and survey work from 5 million to 10 million rubles 0,2
7 The cost of a local estimate for design and survey work from 10 million to 15 million rubles 0,18
8 The cost of a local estimate for design and survey work over 15 million rubles from 0.16

Price No. 4. Cost for PIR

Option 4 (10% of the cost of design work, the cost of design work is determined based on the area on the website http://trusteng.ru)

P.S. The minimum order value for the development of any estimate document is 3,000 rubles.

Of course, using our services for the second, third and so on, you get a discount.

Estimate urgently

If you find it difficult to independently determine the cost of the estimate in your particular case, and it is urgent to hand over the estimate, then just call us (contacts) or leave it to our estimate services, and you will soon be able to find out how much the estimate costs.

The cost of the estimate depends on the complexity of the work performed (in simple terms, on the number of man-hours required to provide the estimate services). It seems to be clear that a person's norm-hour will cost a certain specific amount, as, for example, in the production of car repair work, but there is one catch, different initial data can significantly affect the estimate and its cost of work and differ from each other. For example, for a project, before making an estimate, you need to determine a list of works, then calculate the volumes, again, not all projects have calculated specifications and PPR in their composition, and sometimes it can even be sketch sketches, according to which it is sometimes difficult to understand what kind of work are planned to be carried out at the facility and here it is more difficult to make an estimate and name its price. But according to the list of works with volumes, you can immediately determine the cost of estimate services for the preparation of estimates. In this connection, in order to determine the complexity of the development of one or another estimate documentation, you just need to be an expert in the estimate business, and also be well versed in construction and design. As you can see, there are many factors to consider to determine the cost of a budget.

Therefore, we offer our customers to use our indicative prices for estimates, depending on the type of initial data that you have at your disposal.

We have tried to reflect the essence of the formation of the price for the estimate, if you need a construction estimate, an estimate for repairs or you have questions!

In addition, the production of estimates is not the only direction of our activity, you can also order from us a check of the estimate documentation, design, engineering surveys, and so on.

Estimator service cost for the most part depends on the quality of the documentation provided by the Customer, as well as on the urgency of preparing the estimate. In some cases, it becomes necessary to receive customized commercial offers from Suppliers or Price lists, which also affects cost of services of the estimator... We are ready to carry out any amount of work: from an estimate for a simple renovation of a room to the development of estimate documentation for the development of a microdistrict. The professionalism of our employees allows us to make estimates at any stage of design, incl. at the stage of the appearance of the initial TEP or draft design.

Estimated cost of cost estimator services

(high-quality documentation is presented, containing all the necessary data):

Estimated services provided



Cost, rubles **

Budgeting for construction and installation work (specification, worksheet)

from 50 to 150

Estimated calculation

Filling an existing estimate in any estimate program (For example, from Excel / PDF to Smeta.ru, Grand estimate, GOSSTROYSMET, etc.)

Transfer of estimates to another estimate base

(for example, from TSN to FER, or from TSN to SN-2012)

Object budgeting

Preparation of a consolidated estimate calculation

Cost of services of the estimator for checking the estimate documentation

* - estimated price or separate material

The cost of the service for the preparation of estimate documentation in the pricing is not clearly regulated. Each project, client's requirements are individual, therefore the price of a construction estimate, its volume and level of registration are negotiated separately.

Standard price

No. Service Price, rub.GENERAL1 The minimum order amount for all types of services is from 4000 rubles.2 Departure of a specialist for measurements from 3500 rubles. for 1 trip3 Urgency + 30%DRAFTING ESTIMATES Drawing up estimates for all types of construction and installation work (CMP), including engineering from 100 rubles. per position Drawing up estimates for all types of construction and installation work (CMP), including engineering with fuzzy data from 120 rubles. per position3 Drawing up estimates for design and research work (R&D) from 4000 rubles. for estimate4 Drawing up estimates for design and research work (R&D) with fuzzy data from 5000 rubles. for estimate5 Protection and approval of the estimate (by phone) is included in the price6 Protection and approval of the estimate (with the departure of a specialist) from 3500 rubles. for 1 tripCHECK ESTIMATES1 Checking the estimate from 80 rubles. per position2 Checking the estimate for fuzzy data from 100 rubles. per positionESTIMATES MISCELLANEOUS1 Calculation of physical volumes according to design documentation from 100 rubles. per position2 Correction of the existing estimate from 80 rubles. per position3 Re-stuffing the estimate into the estimated program from 60 rubles. per position4 from 80 rubles per position5 Drawing up an object estimate from 1500 rubles. for estimate
Re-stuffing the estimate into another estimate and normative base
6 Drawing up a consolidated estimate calculation (SSR) from 3000 rub. per calculation
7 Drawing up acts in the form of KS2, KS3 from 1500 rub. per set

Price used for the aggregated cost calculation in the presence of a project

No. Service Price, rub.Drawing up estimates in the presence of a project (except for the sketch)1 Drawing up estimates for the construction of a building with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 from 9,000 to 19,000 rubles.2 Drawing up an estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​100 to 250 m2 from 9,000 to 29,000 rubles.3 Drawing up an estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​250 to 1000 m2 from 19,000 to 49,000 rubles.4 Drawing up an estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​over 1000 m2 by agreementChecking estimates in the presence of a project (except for a sketch) Checking the estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​up to 100 m2 7500 - 14000 rubles. Checking the estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​100 to 250 m2 14,000 - 24,000 rubles.3 Checking the estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​250 to 1000 m2 22,000 - 39,000 rubles.4 Checking the estimate for the construction of a building with an area of ​​over 1000 m2 by agreement

Price, used when you want to get from us a vision of the composition and scope of work

No. Service Price, rub.Budgeting with significant uncertainty in the initial data1 Budgeting for all types of construction and installation works up to 5 million rubles. - 0.6%2 Budgeting for all types of construction and installation works from 5 to 10 million rubles. - 0.45%3 Drawing up estimates for all types of construction and installation works from 10 to 20 million rubles. - 0.3%4 Compilation of estimates for all types of construction and installation works over 20 million rubles. - by dog.Checking estimates with significant uncertainty in the initial data Checking estimates for all types of construction and installation works up to 5 million rubles. - 0.3% Checking the estimate for all types of construction and installation works from 5 to 10 million rubles. - 0.22%3 Checking the estimate for all types of construction and installation works from 10 to 20 million rubles. - 0.15%4 Checking the estimate for all types of construction and installation works over 20 million rubles. - by dog.

How much do the services of an estimate company cost

The cost of making an estimate directly depends on the labor costs of a specialist. Naturally, the more complete the amount of information provided to the estimator, the faster and cheaper the price of services. Initial data for calculations can be:

  • Full. They clearly show technical solutions and detailing. When working, it is easy for an engineer to understand the amount of materials and the scope of the planned work. This can be project documentation at the stages "Working draft", "Working documentation" or an electronic file with a model of the investor's estimate for calculating contract prices (acts KS2, KS3), a defective act.
  • Partial, not high quality. This may be a technical assignment without specifying grades and types of materials, an incomplete scope of work in a defective act, a bill of the amount of work, flow charts or design documentation at the "Project", "Pre-project proposal" stage.

In the absence of ready-made volumes of work or design documentation, it is possible for our measurer to go to the construction site, agreeing on technological solutions with the Customer. The cost of departure is negotiated individually and depends on the distance of the object and the number of measurements.

The price of the service is from 100 rubles per price or item for materials. The cost of budgeting depends on many factors. This:

  • quality and completeness of source data;
  • type of work (for example, an estimate for plumbing is more laborious than an estimate of general construction work);
  • the amount of work (the calculation of the construction of a multi-storey building is more diverse and labor-intensive than the determination of the price for apartment renovation);
  • urgency of order fulfillment;
  • individual requirements of the Customer (an additional package of documentation, calculation of several design solutions, the use of non-standard or unique technologies).

List of services and cost per position:

  • calculation of estimates for any type of work in capital construction from 100 rubles / position;
  • preparation of commercial calculations for any work from 100 rubles / position;
  • calculation of investor documentation, contract prices, acts of completion KS-2, KS-3 - from 100 rubles / position;
  • re-set of local estimates, acts, etc. from one program to another (Def-Smeta, Grand Smeta, STS-Smeta, RU, Smeta-Bagira, WinSmeta, etc.) - from 60 rubles / position;
  • matching the cost of materials with accounting software - from 60 rubles / position;
  • drawing up a consolidated estimate calculation, object estimate calculation - from 1500 rubles / calculation;
  • drawing up the cost of the project from 4000 rubles / calculation;
  • calculation of estimates for surveys (geology, geodesy) from 4000 rubles / calculation;
  • audit of estimate documentation at any stage from 80 rubles / position;
  • timing and calculation of calculations for products (metal structures, manufacturing of electrical equipment, etc.) from 100 rubles / line;
  • determination of the cost of a machine-hour of mechanisms or machines from 1500 rubles / calculation;
  • departure to the construction site in Moscow - from 3500 rubles;
  • departure to the construction site in the Moscow region - from 4000 rubles.

Why you should contact us

The staff of our company employs certified estimators with vast experience, who are always aware of changes in pricing. We carry out a set of estimates of any complexity with a full package of documentation for the commercial or state budget. Our clients can be individuals (for example, to calculate the cost of home renovation) or legal entities of any form of ownership.

We offer our clients:

  • Competently selected prices from the current estimated standard (GOS, OSN, FER, TEP, TSN), as well as commercial calculation, individual estimated standards in the case of innovative construction.
  • Reasonable calculation according to the specified final cost at the request of the Customer. We are ready to increase or decrease the price within the framework of the current Orders of the Ministry of Regional Development, Resolutions of the Ministry of Construction and the Laws on pricing of Russia.
  • Any advice on the performed calculation and protection of the estimate when checking by the customer, expert examination or other inspection bodies. In case of disputable situations, we correct the calculations for free according to the legitimate comments of the inspectors. If additional requirements of a third party arise, for example, to provide a breakdown of costs, cost estimates for the manufacture of metal structures, special documentation, we immediately follow up on the comments.

The estimate documentation drawn up by the company's specialists is in demand and respected in the most pedantic budgetary organization. We guarantee:

  • Correct use of indices, coefficients for any estimated articles.
  • Optimal selection of TEP price groups, because one and the same amount of work can be regarded as a different number of prices or pick up a similar group.
  • Correct calculation of the scope of work, materials, taking into account the peculiarities of their application, overhead costs, determination of travel expenses, profits, etc.
  • Commercial prices at the level of the construction services market.
  • Current market prices for the cost of materials and equipment. Optimal selection of brands and types of material resources.
  • Absolute compliance with modern standards and 100% legitimacy of calculations.

After the terms of reference have been agreed, our company concludes an agreement where the deadlines for the execution of calculations, a package of ready-made documentation, provided initial documentation, conditions and form of payment (non-cash payment, cash, electronic payment to a bank card) are specified.

We are ready to thoroughly study the problem and issue competent documentation, which is most often needed "for yesterday". To estimate the cost of services, it is enough to provide the initial data in a way convenient for the client. Our managers will promptly contact you, and the estimators will immediately get down to work.

Contact us! We will count everything down to the last bolt.

We work seven days a week, around the clock. Send us your order by email on Saturday, and you will receive the finished document on Sunday!


Estimator services- a demanded activity, which is carried out by professionals with higher education. Without this document, construction cannot begin, electrical installation and other works are not carried out. The estimate is a determining factor when choosing construction technologies, materials and even a contracting team. It is necessary to control costs at all stages of construction, therefore, the result of work and the safety of operation of the future facility depend on its quality. On the basis of the previously developed documents, an act on the performance of work KS-2 is drawn up and a certificate of expenses of the form KS-3, work logs in the form KS-6 (KS-6a) are issued.

Organizations providing estimator services, every year it becomes more and more. They offer the preparation of one-time estimates or a set of estimate services, however, not every company can guarantee the quality of the documents developed and not everyone is ready to bring the matter to the end, that is, to defend the estimate in front of supervisory and departmental bodies. You should not focus only on services when choosing a estimator, because due to poorly done work at the initial stage, it will not be possible to meet the existing budget, build an object or make repairs that comply with the regulatory framework.

What do we offer?

Our company has been developing estimate documentation for over 12 years. During this time, with our help, a large number of private houses, office, industrial and social facilities were built. Estimator services are provided by specialists with experience and a high level of knowledge in the field of design and other areas of construction. Each employee regularly undergoes training so that any innovations do not come as a surprise, but are taken into account and considered. We work with all existing regulatory frameworks.

If necessary, we are ready to check and correct the finished estimate. Particular attention is paid to:

  • The correctness of the indication of prices and the correspondence of the scope of work to the project documentation;
  • Verification of commercial expenses for materials and use of construction equipment (if necessary).

We will help you sort out any issues related to construction or renovation, as well as check how accurately the existing document is optimized for the specified budget.

Most often, unprofessionally developed estimates have a significant overstatement, errors in the accounting of indices, coefficients and amendments. In many ways, unscrupulous general contractors are to blame for this. They deliberately plan to change the estimate documentation to get the most benefit for themselves. Without building experience and special knowledge, it is very difficult to independently consider the catch and exclude all possible "pitfalls".

You will never have such problems with us. We guarantee the high quality of the estimate documentation, because we are confident in the competence of our employees.


How do we make estimates?

For each customer are provided estimator services individually. This allows all customer requirements to be taken into account. You will need a package of documents with initial data (project, bill of quantities, etc.). Based on these data, within an hour, our specialist will voice the exact order and its implementation. If necessary, we will visit the facility ourselves, assess the amount of work to be done on site and take all the necessary steps to collect the initial data. Thereafter estimator services will consist in the formation of a commercial offer, in accordance with the information received.

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