
Resource method for calculating the estimated cost. Resource method for calculating estimates. Basic methods of calculating estimates

Resource Method (RM) is based on an assessment of the elements of direct costs (resources) in current market prices... The volumes of material resources are determined either from the design documentation or from the results of measurements. Labor costs and the duration of operation of machines and mechanisms are determined according to normative data, and the cost per unit volume of each resource is taken as the current market value.

In modern conditions, this method is gaining priority in construction design.

The cost of construction for the purpose of real estate appraisal is determined by the resource method according to the formula:

S p = [(S 1zp * T p + S em i T em i + S m j V m j) + NR + SP] + P p Z + CI + PP,(37)

where C p is the cost of construction;

With 1zp - the estimated price of one person-hour of labor costs in current prices (rubles);

T p - labor costs (man-hours);

With emm i - the price of a machine-hour i of a construction machine in current prices (rubles);

T emm i is the operating time of the i construction machine (hours);

С м j - the estimated price of the unit of measurement of the j-th material in current prices (rubles);

V m j - the volume of the j-th building material (m 3, m 2, kg, pcs.);

n is the number of used construction machines and mechanisms;

m is the number of types of applied building materials;

НР - overhead costs;

SP - estimated profit;

P r Z - other costs;

KI - indirect costs not included in the estimate;

PP is the entrepreneur's profit.

It should be noted that RM, operating directly with costs in current prices, gives a better approximation to the market value of a building (structure) than the basic index method.

However, RM requires a lot of labor, high qualifications and significant experience of an appraiser.

Despite the fact that at present, many software systems have been developed for the preparation and release of estimates, in the practice of appraisal activities the resource method is limitedly applicable, since it involves the laborious determination of the volume of construction and installation work, the cost of building materials, the cost and time of operation of construction machines.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the following feature of the resource method. Since he uses current market prices and prices that take into account modern work technology, modern materials and modern machines and mechanisms, it can be stated that when evaluating objects with a chronological age of at least 5 years, the resource method determines replacement cost, not the cost of restoration.

The sequence of calculating the cost using the resource method:

1. From local and object estimates (calculations), technical passports or the results of full-scale measurements, resource indicators for a given object are allocated:

Data on the labor intensity of work (man-hours) - for the subsequent determination of the size of the wages of workers (builders and machinists);

Data on the time of use of construction machines (machine-hours) to determine operating costs;

Data on the consumption of materials (m 3, m 2, running meters, t, etc.).

2. According to the RCSS, the following are determined at current prices as of the date of assessment:

Cost of 1 man-hour of construction workers and machinists;

The cost of 1 machine-hour of the corresponding machines and mechanisms;

Estimated prices of materials, products and structures (this data can also be obtained from manufacturing plants, small wholesale and wholesale trade enterprises in the region).

3. The current values ​​of resources are calculated as of the valuation date by multiplying the resource indicators by the corresponding values ​​(prices) with subsequent summation by the elements of direct costs. The result is the amount of direct costs for the facility as a whole.

The types of the resource method are:

- resource index method, characterized in that the prices of resources are taken not at the current level, but at the base level, for example, as of 01.01.84, 01.01.91, 01.07.99, or others. In this case, the cost of resources is also obtained at the base level. To go to the current price level, it is necessary to multiply the base cost of resources by the corresponding indices, and then sum up the results to obtain the value of direct costs at the current price level;

- simplified version of the resource method, characterized in that the cost of wages for basic workers and the operation of construction machines are determined not on the basis of elementary estimate norms or resource indicators, but as a percentage of the cost of building materials based on the average statistical data of construction organizations or a specific contractor (for a certain type of buildings);

- « method 50x50 ", it is recommended to use it for evaluating real estate objects built using imported, expensive building and finishing materials (cottages, mansions, etc.). In these cases, there is a practice of foreign exchange offsetting (ruble settlements at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) for work performed, which provides for the equality of the costs of wages and operating mechanisms, on the one hand, and the cost of structures, building and finishing materials, on the other hand, in the structure of all costs ... This method of determining the cost of construction and installation work was adopted by contractors as a quality guarantee for the work performed, taking into account the customer's claims (redevelopment and alterations during the construction period) and liability for possible damage to materials. The method is very simplistic, but in many cases it gives satisfactory results and can be used:

1) to determine the full cost of restoration of newly built cottages, mansions and other elite objects;

2) to determine the cost of new construction (reconstruction), in which it is planned to use expensive materials;

3) to determine the full replacement cost as the upper limit of the value of the appraised real estate object.

It must be borne in mind that the use of both simplified methods requires the appraiser to additionally take into account all indirect costs, since in the methods themselves we are talking only about direct costs (materials, wages and construction machines).

According to the methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004), the following methods can be used to determine the estimated cost of construction:

- resource;

- resource-index;

- basic index;

- on the basis of enlarged estimated standards, including a databank on the cost of previously built or projected analogue facilities.

The main methods used at present are base-index and resource.

Resource method- this is a calculation in current (forecast) prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) required for the implementation of the design solution (Fig. 5.9). The calculation is carried out on the basis of the demand expressed in natural meters for materials, products, structures, data on distances and methods of their delivery to the construction site, energy consumption for technological purposes, the operating time of construction machines and their composition, labor costs of workers. These resources are allocated from the composition of design materials, various regulatory and other sources.

To highlight resource indicators, data from GESN-2001, design materials (as part of projects, working documentation) on the required resources can be used, including:

- bill of material requirements (BM) and summary bill of materials requirement (CBM), compiled separately for structures, products and parts (specifications) and for other building materials required for the production of construction, special construction and installation work on the basis of state element estimate standards;

- data on labor costs of workers and the time of using construction machines, produced in the section of the project "Organization of construction" (in the project of organization of construction - POS, in the project of organization of work - ERP or in the project of production of work - PPR).

Resource index method is a combination of the resource method with a system of cost indices for resources used in construction.

Cost indices (prices, costs) in construction are the ratio of current (forecast) cost indicators to basic cost indicators for resources comparable in nomenclature and structure, resource sets or resource-technological models of construction products, as well as its individual calculation components.

Indices are expressed in basic units.

Indices are used both in determining the cost of construction at certain stages of the investment process, and in settlements between customers and contractors for work performed.

Figure 5.6 Resource budgeting method

Basic index method- this is the use of a system of current and forecast price indices in relation to the value determined at the base level or at the current level of the previous period (Fig. 5.7).

The practice of determining the estimated cost of capital construction of objects by region shows that this method is the main one.

Rice. 5.7 Baseline - index method of developing estimates

Indexing- taking into account the factor of the rise in the cost of construction in relation to the base level caused by inflation. The system of current and forecast indices is used to determine the cost of construction at various stages of the investment process.

Regional centers for pricing in construction (RCTsS) establish monthly (or quarterly) regional indices for the respective subjects of the federation.

To recalculate the base value into current (forecast) prices, indices can be used:

- to items of direct costs (for the complex or for the forks of construction and installation works);

- to the results of direct costs or the total estimated cost by type of construction and installation work;

- by branches of the national economy.

The index consists of integers and two decimal places. To link unit prices to local construction conditions, it is allowed to develop and apply territorial coefficients to federal unit rates (FER-2001).

Method of using value banks previously constructed or designed facilities - this is the use of cost data for buildings and structures, similar to the design at the moment.

The contractor who discovered during the construction work that was not taken into account in the technical documentation and, in connection with this, the need to bring additional work and an increase in the estimated cost of construction, is obliged to inform the customer about this.

The customer has the right to make changes to the technical documentation, provided that the additional work caused by this does not change the nature of the work provided for in the building contract.

This method is used, as a rule, to determine the cost of construction of facilities at the pre-design stage.


The calculation of the estimate in a resource-based way is the summation of the cost of all the resources that are necessary for the implementation of the project.

Resource calculation advantages

For both the customer and the contractor, the benefit of the resource estimate is obvious, since this type of estimate does not allow you to deceive either one or the other. The contractor and the customer are united by a common goal - to build an object. The only difference between them: one determines what he wants to build and finances, the other does the work and builds. The resource estimate allows you to determine the professionalism of the contractor. In case of refusal to work according to the resource scheme, the customer asks the question: "How will the contractor work at the facility if he is not able to state the technology for performing the work on paper?" The answer is simple - the resource shift is extremely disadvantageous for the "hack". It is extremely sad, but there are such entities among the contractors.

It is advisable to use the resource method for the development of all available technical documentation for an object.

The resource method involves taking into account the following resource indicators:

  • Consumption of materials
  • Labor costs to perform work
  • Application of special tools and techniques
  • Energy costs

Determining the cost of the project, the cost estimate is calculated in projected or current prices and tariffs. The finished estimate, in fact, consists of two different documents - a local resource estimate calculation and a local resource sheet. The available indicators are calculated based on the estimated asset norms, taking into account the coefficients and corrections.

Local resource sheet

This statement lists the production resources required to complete the project's work. Resource indicators are calculated using design materials, standard indicators and GESN-2001.

The calculation of the estimate is carried out in two stages:

    • The first stage involves calculating the need for resources by items of the estimate, based on the physical volume of possible work, the list of works and the estimated rates of resource consumption.
    • At the second stage, homogeneous resources with the same ciphers are summed up, then a consolidated local resource sheet is formed.

The only drawback of the resource estimate is the high laboriousness of assessing the cost of work, as well as the complexity of justifying the current cost that constitutes the price. Therefore, most budget companies try not to resort to this method of calculating the estimate.

Local resource estimate calculation

The basis for this calculation is the summary resource sheet. The cost of the estimate is calculated at direct costs by evaluating each resource at projected prices. When working with estimate documentation, confusion often arises between the definitions - local estimate calculation and local estimate. Visually, the estimate calculation and the estimate look exactly the same, with one exception: the local estimate calculation is the usual calculation of the project cost, which is carried out “on the knee”. A local estimate is an approved document by all, which does not require additional modifications.

Funds for wages __________ thousand rubles

Table 1.3

Local resource sheet for ______________ work

Basis: drawings No. ________

Using the state elementary estimate norms (GESN-2001), local resource sheets are compiled, which contain the volumes of production resources: labor costs (man-hours), operation of machines (machine-hours) and material resources (unit of measure) - necessary for work , marked according to the local resource estimate.

Based on local resource sheets, a selection of the same type of production resources is carried out with the summation of volumes and their grouping as part of local resource estimate calculations (filling in columns 3, 4, 5) in three sections:

    workers' wages;

    the cost of operating construction machines, including wages;

    the cost of material resources.

In local resource estimate calculations, the estimated prices of production resources are used: industry average and individual (actual calculated).

Average estimated prices for the industry are presented in the collections of average estimated prices for basic construction resources. Baseline estimates can be applied with subsequent indexation to current prices or current estimated prices.

The actual estimated estimated prices are prices obtained by multiplying the wholesale actual prices by the coefficients for converting the wholesale prices to the estimated ones.

Actual wholesale prices are contained in the current information sources: in the catalogs-price tags "Stroyka", "Stroymarket"; price lists of suppliers and wholesalers and others.

Coefficients for converting wholesale prices into estimated prices are developed by the regional Center for Pricing in Construction.

Individual estimated prices of production resources are determined based on the development of cost estimates.

Determination of overhead costs, estimated profit, other limited costs is carried out in the same way as in the preparation of estimates using the base-index method.

In the practice of developing estimate documentation, local resource sheets are combined with local resource estimate calculations in one document (Table 1.4).

Table 1.4

Local resource estimate for _________________ work

Estimated cost _______________ thousand rubles.

Funds for wages __________ thous. R.

Basis: drawings No. ____________

Compiled at current prices as of _____200_.

Table 1.4 in column 8 for each job, the indicators of remuneration of workers and machinists, the cost of using machines and material resources are determined. Then the indicators are summed up according to the chosen method for determining the estimated cost: indexation of direct costs, as well as the accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit are carried out either by sections of the estimate, or by the estimate as a whole.

The use of the resource method is limited by the problematic nature of the application of programs for the automated compilation of estimate calculations: it is required to enter new codes for the prices of the used production resources, which are absent in the SSC collections.

Computer programs such as A0, Bars, Estimated Calculator, WIZARD, etc. can be used to compile estimates.

The resource-based budgeting method is considered to be quite long and laborious. With this method, costs are calculated for the implementation of the project at current prices and resource rates.

The basis of calculations is made by consumers, expressed in natural units of measurement: materials, products, structures, distances and methods of delivery to the construction site, energy consumption, types and service life of construction machines, labor of workers. The choice of resources is carried out according to project documents, regulations and other sources.

Resource estimate calculation reflects absolutely all the resources involved in the implementation of the project. Such a calculation in its pure form can only be drawn up by a contractor that has accounting documents on the cost of materials, rental cars, and the amount of wages. The resource method for making estimates was developed in 1992 by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, and put into effect by letter No. BF-926/12 from November 1992.

State elementary estimate norms are used to determine the names and requirements for labor, material, technical resources necessary for the implementation of construction, repair, commissioning works on the project. HESN is used in the preparation of local estimates using the resource method, in the development of consolidated estimated standards and unit prices for various purposes. For this purpose, specially developed collections of state elementary estimate norms are used.

Resource indicators for HESN help to draw up technical documentation, determine the duration of all work and conduct analytical studies in the development of work production projects, construction organization projects. Resource indicators are useful in calculating production rates of material consumption and when writing them off. The local resource estimate can be drawn up by the investor. The resource method is used in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

State elementary estimate standards are presented separately by collections of state elementary estimate standards for construction and special construction work, collections of HPPN for repair and construction work, collections of HPPN for equipment installation, collections of HPPN for commissioning. Collections are designated: GESN, GESNr, GESNm, GESNp. When working with special technological equipment, departmental elementary estimates for commissioning are applied, drawn up by the relevant departments, sectoral structures and ministries.

The HESN collections reflect the average industry level of work in construction according to the adopted techniques and technologies, therefore, such collections can be used in the preparation of resource estimates by any organizations, contractors and customers, regardless of which departments they belong to and what form of ownership they have adopted.

HESN is not used for structures and some types of work, which are subject to increased requirements for quality, capital, accuracy class. HESN is not used when calculating work in mountainous areas at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. The local resource estimate for work in such conditions is compiled according to individual element estimate norms, correction factors, taking into account the complexity of the work.

In addition to the estimated standards, the HESN collections contain sections with the technical part, instructions for working with the collection, and appendices. The technical part includes instructions and the procedure for applying the coefficients and estimated norms, the rules for calculating volumes when drawing up estimates using the resource-index method.

Normative indicators of the HPES tables

Standard indicators from the tables of state elementary estimate norms include labor costs of workers, measured in man / hours, average rank of workers, labor costs of drivers in man / hours, duration of operation and composition of construction machines and mechanisms, tools and devices in machinery ./ hours, a list of materials, designs, products required for the production of work, the amount of material consumption in natural units. Collections of hydroelectric power station take into account the specifics of commissioning and contain information on the composition of the team of performers of commissioning, labor costs for the brigade as a whole in man / hours.

The tables of estimated standards for HPPNp do not contain indicators of the consumption of materials, raw materials, resources, semi-finished products necessary for the production of commissioning works, the labor costs of operating personnel for testing the connected equipment, the use of mechanisms, instrumentation. All these data are determined by design documents.

Hydroelectric power stations are the basis for determining the estimated prices for construction, repair and construction, commissioning, installation of equipment. All prices received are combined in the EP unit price list. Unit prices from the EP collection are used to determine the estimate documentation of direct costs, the development of consolidated estimate standards for types of work and various designs. Collections of unit rates are divided into groups according to the level of application: federal, territorial and industry.

There are no brands and additional characteristics for materials, structures and products in the tables. They are presented in a generalized nomenclature.

The planned cost for the performance of any work is included in the estimates. Incorrectly composed, from a legal point of view, the document will not be accepted for consideration. If economic mistakes are made, then the actual cost of the object will be very different from the calculated one. What methods are used to calculate the cost of work?

A bit of history

In 2008, the government of the Russian Federation approved the requirements for the preparation of project documentation. Then resource and budgeting were legalized. Later, other expenses were developed and implemented. Let's consider them in more detail.

Basic method

It provides for the use of norms (FER, TEP) at forecast prices, taking into account indices. Bringing costs is carried out by multiplying the items of expenditure by the corresponding index (rate). The basic method determines the current cost of work.

Prices can be multiplied by:

  • An estimate as a whole. This method is used to define one type of work.
  • For each item of expenditure. If the estimate consists of several stages (repair, installation, etc.), then a separate index is applied to each type of work.
  • Elements of direct costs. The rate is applied to each item of the rate. The results are then summarized to determine the total cost estimate.

Estimate = (salary x tariff + machine operation x tariff + materials x tariff) x amount of work.

This methodology allows you to approximately calculate the construction prices on average for the region, since the cost of resources is determined based on the results of the monthly calculation of the weighted average prices carried out by the CSO at the regional level. This methodology allows investors to focus on reasonable costs.

Other methods

The resource-based costing method provides for the calculation of resources at current prices and tariffs. The calculation is based on the need for materials, the cost of delivery and installation of equipment.

Resource index the budgeting method is used in construction. It is a combination of a resource method and an index system. It was developed in the early 90s of the last century with the aim of planning in an inflationary environment. Its advantage is the correct calculation of the cost of work and the ability to use real prices. Due to its high labor intensity, this method is less popular than the basic one.

In the method of hardened standards, data from previous similar projects are taken as the basis for calculations.

If the compensation method is used, then the price of work, calculated in basic prices, includes additional costs associated with changes in resource tariffs. These costs are specified during the design and construction process. The customer reimburses all the actual costs of the contractors, provided that they are confirmed. These include:

  • overspending materials;
  • low labor productivity;
  • intermediary services.

This method does not allow you to compare prices with optimal (market average) prices. The contractor will benefit from an object with a high material consumption. He will no longer want to use new technology, progressive construction methods.

Resource budgeting method: description

The calculation is carried out at the current prices of the cost elements required for the implementation of the project. The calculation takes into account the cost of resources, logistic information (distance and methods of delivery of materials), energy consumption, equipment operating time.

In the process of calculations, the following indicators are distinguished:

  • labor intensity of work (man-h) required to determine the amount of remuneration;
  • the number of hours of equipment operation;
  • Consumables.

The calculation is carried out according to the data of the specification of products and parts - a sheet, which indicates the rate of use of the resource for the manufacture of a unit of production. The resource method of compiling local estimates is based on the real cost of materials. Despite the high accuracy of calculations, this method is rarely used due to the large amount of time required for the calculation. In addition, it is very difficult to justify the market price of the resource.

The classic resource method of making estimates implies a calculation according to the following formula:

Cost = labor intensity x cost per person / hour + number of mash / hour x cost of mash / hour + number of materials x cost.

Advantages and disadvantages

The issue of estimated pricing in construction has always been taken seriously. The increase in requirements on the part of investors, especially government customers, for the quality of documentation and accuracy of calculations has led to the fact that, in practice, the resource method of budgeting is increasingly being used. Since the current is used in the calculation process, the main principle of the state pricing policy is being implemented - the formation of the necessary costs. This method has established itself as the most active and mobile. The customer can see the actual cost of all types of work. You can always assess the impact of certain design decisions.

The resource method of budgeting for the state customer allows:

  • determine the economically justified cost of work;
  • calculate the initial price of the state contract for the auction by placing quotations;
  • faster to find suppliers, developers and contractors who are ready to fulfill the order at the market price.

Resource-based budgeting: an example

NameUnit rev.NeedCost, rub.
Per unitGeneral
1 Draining1000 m 3 buildings6,27 61,2 383,85
2 Installing valves1 PC.4 7942,2 31769
3 Laying of pipelines100 m pipeline0,33 29919 9873,2
4 Steel transitionsPC.4 39,98 155,92
5 Steel rampsset8 44,92 359,36
6 CranesPC.28 186,95 5234,6
7 Balancing valvePC.8 2610 20880
8 Nipple 20 mmPC.8 29,66 237,28
9 ValvePC.10 1859 18590
10 Nipple 15 mmPC10 23,73 237,3
11 Installation of branch pipes100 pieces.0,54 14449 7802,3
12 Branch pipe 15 mmPC.38 6,23 236,74
13 Bends with a diameter of 15 mmset10 30,68 306,8
Construction works49444
Materials (edit)46622
Machines and mechanisms17933
Estimated profit13100

Invoices for payroll and estimated profit can be broken down separately for each type of work.

Where to get the data?

Resource index the budgeting method, an example of which was presented earlier, is applied at all stages of design. In the process of developing the working documentation and the project, the method of strengthened norms is additionally used.

The estimate is made according to the following data:

  • list of required materials;
  • list of required work;
  • expenses for payment of personnel services;
  • the cost of operating the equipment;
  • normative profit.

The data of the first three points are entered in the process of drawing up project documentation. The remaining items of expenditure are calculated according to fixed and variable costs. Material prices include the cost of purchasing from suppliers as well as logistics services. The resources are determined according to the data collected by the GESN-2001.

As additional sources of information, you can use the local statement (form No. 5). It calculates the need for labor costs (man / h), the time of using mechanisms (mash / h), the consumption of materials (in physical meters). According to the prices for resources, the cost of direct costs in the forecast period is calculated.

Price for government orders

The initial price of the state contract for the auctions is calculated by the customer according to the approved project documentation. The customer sends the calculated estimate for examination. The checking organization, according to the estimates and current prices, as of the date of drawing up the document, verifies the compliance of the calculated cost with the current standards. Based on the results of the check, a conclusion is issued on the total cost of the object, calculated in basic prices and at the time of the estimate.

Converted to inflation index. The indices are developed by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation by industry. The final decision is documented by the protocol of the initial price and approved by the customer. The latter can independently calculate the costs of building an object using the resource method. If a significant difference between the results of calculations by the resource and index methods is determined, then the customer can turn to the investor for the approval of an individual index.

At budgeting for construction work different methods can be used by the investor and the contractor, which are chosen depending on the terms of the contract and the general economic situation. It is worth highlighting the following methods that determine budgeting procedure:

  • resource;
  • resource-index;
  • base-index;
  • basic compensation;
  • time-based;
  • analog.

1. Resource budgeting method is the summation of the resources required for the implementation of the design solution in current (forecast) prices and tariffs. The calculation is carried out on the basis of the need for materials, structures and products shown in natural meters, information about the distances and options for their supply to the construction site, energy consumption to achieve technical goals, working hours and composition of construction equipment, labor costs of workers. The types and consumption of the listed resources are allocated from the project documentation, GESN-2001, regulatory and other sources. Resource method of making estimates allows the most accurate determination of the estimated cost of construction products at any time. It takes into account, among other things, additional costs for resources arising during construction. Resource budgeting method recommended for any of the stages development of design and estimate documentation.

At the same time, with the high accuracy of the technique, many experts note that it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • labor intensity and the total volume of estimate documentation increases many times over. This is what makes it possible to achieve the highest possible accuracy in calculations;
  • serious work related to the analysis and registration of all construction resources in the RCTsS (regional center for pricing in construction). The most difficult task for estimators in this case is the need to put down the cost for thousands of items of material resources that have main and auxiliary purposes;
  • labor intensity drawing up complete estimate calculation at the design stage, since both the customer and the designer do not have information about the cost of each type of resource in the region;
  • complex and constant recalculations of the cost resource estimate due to rapid changes in prices in the market;
  • difficulties in accounting for increased tariff rates if the work is performed in difficult or hazardous conditions, since the share of such work has to be allocated both for individual items in the estimate documentation, and in general;
  • resource methodology for drawing up estimate documentation for large objects with an extensive range of resources can be used only if computers and special programs are used;
  • the difficulty of the customer's control of the construction cost due to the fact that there is no way to track prices at regional levels.

The procedure for drawing up estimate documentation the resource method is most convenient for the design organization, since any types of resources and their consumption are stored in the project database. This is most relevant for projects that are developed electronically. It is recommended that the design organization initially require the compilation of a local resource sheet, in which the resource consumption for the project will be determined, after which you need to go to compiling local resource estimate calculation at current prices or base values. If there is a resource sheet, then according to it count local construction estimate the estimator working both for the contractor and the customer will be able to.

Many experts believe that the resource preparation method estimates for repairs and construction is limited to facilities with a small range of resources and, as a rule, of a specialized nature. For example, such estimates are popular at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex and in the road construction industry.

2. Resource-index method drawing up project estimates combines a resource methodology and a system of indices for resources that are used in construction. In this case, it means the use of monthly updated information on the cost of resources, coming from the centers for pricing in construction. Some experts are encouraged to apply this method. preparation of estimates for repair work and construction with direct tracking of current prices not for all types of material resources, but only for representative materials and leading machines, the number of which is limited. This is justified, since the system for tracking the composition of representative materials in construction, the procedure for registering their value and statistical reporting in our country are based on the use of this technique. For the rest of the resources, the transition to the current price level is carried out through the use of regional (territorial) indices.

3. Base-index method of development estimates for repair and constructionwork is based on the application of a set of current and forecast indices in relation to the value, which is determined at the base price level, or at the current level relating to the previous period. Bringing to the level of current (projected) prices is carried out by multiplying the base value in the lines of the estimate and each of the elements in the investment structure by the corresponding index for the region, territory, industry or type of work, with the further addition of the totals in the estimate document according to the corresponding columns. This technique making estimates for building a house allows you to bring the determination of the construction price closer to the average level for the region, because the cost of all resources for the current price level is determined based on the results of tracking and calculating the average and weighted average prices carried out every month, which are given by the DCS at the territorial (regional) level. When determining the cost using this method, the customer guarantees that his costs will not exceed the average level for the region. This methodology allows subjects of investment activity to focus on those levels of expenses that are predetermined and justified.

4. Basic compensation method calculation of construction estimates is a costly method. It sums up the price of costs and works calculated at the basic price level and determined by the calculations of additional costs that are associated with changes in prices and tariffs for the resources necessary for construction (energy, technical, material, labor, inventory, equipment, services, and so on. ).

Further, these calculations are refined in the course of design and construction, and here everything is determined by real changes in prices and tariffs in the construction market. The customer when using such costing techniques makes reimbursement of all those actual costs incurred by contractors (if confirmed by relevant documents). This will also include:

  • overspending material resources;
  • low labor productivity;
  • loss of working and machine time;
  • payment for the services of intermediaries.

The customer when using a costly cost estimate method cannot exercise control by comparing with the optimal (average) price level. For the contractor, an object with a higher material consumption will be beneficial, and in the case of focusing on paying actual costs, he discourages the desire to use new equipment, introduce progressive technologies and methods of organizing construction.

5. Time-based preparation method construction cost estimate assumes that the cost will be calculated in terms of prices per unit of labor time. This technique can only be used for small amounts of work, for example, when repairing or performing a household contract.

6. Analog design method estimates for the construction of the building it is used in the event that there is a data bank with the prices of objects that were built or designed earlier. Naturally, in this case, those preparing and taking the starting point of the object should be similar. The analogue method is used in the early stages of project implementation (feasibility study, investment estimate, development of tender documents), when specific aggregated cost indicators can still be used (for pipelines - 1 running meter, for area - 1 square meter, and so on).

At preparation of estimate documentation investor, it is advisable to indicate the cost of construction in two levels:

  • base (constant) price level, determined on the basis of existing estimated norms and prices;
  • the current or forecast level, which is determined on the basis of prices that have formed at the time of preparation of estimates or are forecast for the period of the project.

In an unstable economic situation and the unfinished formation of market structures and pricing systems, it is most preferable of all the listed methods calculating the estimated cost use resource-index and basic-index.

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