
The length of highways in China. China car roads. Special rules of entry into major cities

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  • China car roads

    Construction of road infrastructure prior to the start of the policy of openness reforms

    In old China, road roads and movement on them were in an extremely backward condition, in 1949 the total length of suitable vehicles of roads of the entire country was only 80.7 thousand km, the density of the roads was only 0.8 km / 100 km 2. At the initial stage of the establishment of the PRC, surviving the recovery stage, the road roads received significant development, in 1952 the length of roads amounted to 126.7 thousand km. In the middle and late 50s, based on the needs economic Development And the development of border areas, in China began a large-scale gasket of roads to the cross-border and mountainous areas of the country, the Sichuan routes were built - Tibet, Qinghai - Tibet, also, in the southeastern, coastal, northeastern and southwestern regions of the country were built For use in defense purposes, the length of roads increased dramatically and in 1959 amounted to more than 500 thousand kilometers.

    In the 60s, simultaneously with the continuing large-scale construction of roads, technical retrofit was strengthened, as a result of which the length of roads having a road surface was noticeably increased, as well as interest ratio Roads with high and high-class road surface. In the mid-1970s, the technical re-equipment of the Qinghai route began in China - Tibet, which was fully completed in the 80s, thus, an asphalt road was built with the highest height above sea level in the world. Together with the development of road construction, the development and construction of automotive bridges was developed, a whole group of bridges possessing Chinese specifics were built: stone arched bridges, arched bridges with double bend, reinforced concrete arched bridges, as well as various concrete and beam bridges with pre-voltage. In the thirty-year period from 1949 to 1978, despite the peripetics of economic development, the length of the country's roads continued to generally grow with a stable pace and at the end of 1978 amounted to 890 thousand km, which means an average annual increase of 30 thousand km; Road density reached 9.3 km / 100 km 2.

    Road Infrastructure Construction After the Openness Reform Policy

    After starting the policy of openness reforms in China, the country's economy continued to develop at high speed, which was accompanied by unprecedented growth of road transport; In the construction of road infrastructure, there was a historical fracture that was reflected in the following: road construction began to be actively supported by both the central government and the local government at all its levels, as mentioned then, "if we want to get rich, you must first build roads first; Gradually, the importance of road construction has become a generally accepted fact in the whole society. On the basis of single planning, the planned construction of road infrastructure in the whole country began. At the beginning and end of the 80s, a network of state highways and a system of national high-speed highways was adopted and began, thanks to which there was a clear common goal and purpose at each stage; Along with the continuing expansion of the construction of roads, the primary task was to improve the level of quality. The rapid development of high-speed highway and other high-end high-class roads has fundamentally changed the once-back road construction industry; Diversified road construction channels were diversified, which allowed us to gradually solve the problem of lack of funds in road construction, especially with the adoption of the State Council in 1984, the decisions to increase the size of road maintenance fees, the beginning of the acquisition of additional fees when buying a car and allowing the introduction of a highway to return a loan; Since 1985, the corresponding legislative acts, ensuring a stable source of financing for road construction. According to statistics, by 1999, the total length of roads of the country amounted to 1 million 350 thousand km, the density of the road reached 14.1 km / 100 km 2, which is 1.5 times more compared with the figures of 1978. The percentage of second-class roads among all roads of the country grew from 1.3% in 1979 to 12.5% \u200b\u200bin 1999. Especially pronounced the improvement of the state of the roads connecting the main cities, the issue of road traffic tension received permission. At the same time, the length of county and rural roads grew a rapid pace, as well as their quality improved, in some provinces there was one hundred percent laying of asphalt coating on the roads, with technologies that meet the level of second class; In the country, road laying was carried out between 100% counties, 98% of villages and 89% of administrative villages. In general, it can be said that the network of roads, consisting of rationally located connected military and auxiliary roads, has developed.

    Special attention deserves the construction of high-speed motorways. Highway highways are a noticeable achievement of road construction in China after the start of the policy of openness reforms. In 1988, the first high-speed motorway of China Shanghai - Tsiain (length of 18, 5 km) was commissioned. After that, there were one after another, the Shenyan-Dalian highway was built with a total length of 375 km and the speed highway Beijing - Tianjin Tangang with a total length of 143 km. Since the beginning of the 90s, within general Plan The construction of high-speed high-speed highways, the construction of high-speed freeways in China began to gain the pace, the length of the annual high-speed motorways has increased from several tens of kilometers to more than a thousand kilometers. By the end of 1999, the total length of the commissioned high-speed auto accounts of China has already reached 11605 km. For some 10 years, in the construction of high-speed motorways in China, such results were achieved, which in developed countries were in general 40 years. The construction of high-speed high-speed motorways and other high-grade roads raised the technical class of road construction in China, made it possible to escape from the backward state in the road construction industry, and at the same time significantly reduced the gap between China and developed countries.

    The rapid development of high-class high-end roads has advanced fairly high requirements for the construction of automotive bridges and tunnels, and contributed to an increase in the number and increase in the technical level of automotive bridges and tunnels. In China, through the main rivers and some sheds, a number of highly complexity bridges were built with deep-water foundations and a large flight length, such as the Juan Bridge on the Yangtze River (the first large bridge over the Yangtze River, independently designed and built by China's Ministry of Transport), Vansyan Bridge on the Yangtze River, Tunlin Bridge on the Yangtze River, Bridge Jiangjin on the Yangtze River (first in China and the fourth in the world along the length of the steel suspension bridge), the second Nanjing Bridge over the Yangtze, Bridge Fengland across the Juanhe River, Second Jinan Bridge over Juanhe , Large Bridge Human in Guangdong, Nyugushan Sea Bridge in Shandong, Hayzan Bridge in Xiaman and others. These projects began to evidence that China was already among the advanced countries of the world for the construction of bridges with a deep-water foundation and a large length of the span. By the end of 1999, the number of automotive bridges in the country has already numbered 230 thousand pieces, total length was 8006 km; The number of tunnels numbered 1257 pieces, a total length of 407 km. The development of the construction of automotive tunnels in our country began practically from scratch. In 1986, the first in China was built in China a large modern automobile tunnel of advanced level on the first-class highway Fuzhou-Mave: two-band tunnel of Gushan. Following this, a number of large modern automotive tunnels were built, such as Zhonglyanshan, Jijunshan, Lupankan, Badalin, etc.

    Square coverage of rural roads has increased, after the formation of a new China, in the country, the construction of road network was continuously increased in the country, the construction of the road infrastructure was developed, simultaneously with the construction of national highways and highways, the pace of building highways and rural highways were accelerated, transport functions Automobile road networks are generally constantly improved, the overall efficiency has constantly grew. By the end of 2008, the total length of roads in China has already reached 3,730 thousand km, including the length of the high-speed motorway amounted to 60,300 km, the first-class highway - 54,200 km, the second-class highway - 285,200 km, the second-class roads and above occupy 10, 72% of the total length of all roads. The technical class of road surface and the coverage depth increased, at the end of 2008, the length of roads with a high and middleweight class of the road surface reached 1,995.6 thousand km. Road density increased from 0.84 km / 100 km 2 in 1949 to 38.86 km / 100 km 2, which means an increase of 46.26 times compared with 1949. In 1988, the Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Speedway was launched in 1988 launched a breakthrough of the zero-level in the construction of high-speed motorways on the mainland China. After that, the construction of high-speed motorways began to advance with rampant rates, creating new record marks: In 1999, the length of the high-speed freight exceeded 10,000 km, in 2002 exceeded 20,000 km, in 2004 exceeded 30,000 km, in 2005 exceeded 40,000 km, In 2007, exceeded 50,000 km, in 2008 exceeded 60,000 km, steadily entering the second place in the world; The speed of development of high-speed motorways in China attracted the attention of the whole world. By the end of 2008, the total length of rural roads in the country amounted to 3,125 thousand km, which is 4 times more indicators of 1978; The percentage of settlements, villages and administrative villages with laid roads increased respectively from 90.5% and 65.8% to 99.24% and 92.86%.

    Automobile transport from China

    Article about roads in China: History of highways, how roads in the PRC are built now, secrets of strength and durability chinese roads. At the end of the article - video about how the Chinese are building roads.

    The content of the article:

    The roads for China became a kind of symbol of a successful state policy aimed at strengthening the country. Considerable attention is paid to the quality and speed of construction of highways that permeate the whole country and make it easy to overcome rather long distances.

    Old China half a century ago was an undeveloped country, which was based on an agrarian-oriented economy. The Communist Party believed that there were a number of more urgent issues for the development of the state, rather than the construction of roads.

    As a result, the state was located in the lower lines of the ranking of the countries of the world through the length of highways with asphalt coating. In 1949, all transport car artery countries in the amount were 80 with small thousand kilometers.

    The density of the road was extinctingly insignificant - per 100 square kilometers of the square accounted for only 0.8 kilometers of roads.

    In the photo: Road in China in the 30s

    After the creation of the People's Republic of China, a course was taken to restore the destroyed civil war of the economy. It was necessary to establish internal ties, and for this we needed roads.

    By 1952, the Chinese government managed to increase the length of highways up to 126,700 kilometers.

    In the 1950s, the country took the extension of suitable economic zoneThe resulting development of cross-border, previously unclaimed areas. The scale of construction was shocked - new roads were laid in the hard-to-reach mountainous areas of the country, the network of roads in border areas began to develop. In those days, the highways from Sichuani to Tibet were laid, from Qinghai to Tibet.

    The emergence of communist statehood required strengthening the country's defense capability and mobility of the movement of troops. Therefore, the construction of roads in the south-east, northeast, south-west and coastal drawing of the PRC were undertaken in defense purposes.

    The growth of the economy led to the fact that by the end of the 1950s, the overall length of roads with a solid coating increased to 500,000 kilometers.

    The 1960s were marked by the incessant large-scale construction of transport routes. The emphasis was fed to strengthen technical re-equipment, the length of roads with solid road surface continued to increase. Roads with a coating that have the highest and high classes, allowing to develop significant speeds.

    The mid-70s was marked by a full-fledged repair and expansion of the highway from Qinghaya to Tibet. As a result, the middle line has become the first asphalt road in the world, located so high above sea level.

    In the photo: Qinghai-Tibet road

    Considering the complex terrain of the Middle Kingdom and its cultural traditions, in parallel with the development of road construction, the creation of bridges that would be durable, fit into the classic Chinese canon.

    During this period, bridges of the so-called "Chinese specifics" were built - arched structures of stone, reinforced concrete and beams have double bends, withstanding pre-tension.

    Thirty years later, from the moment of the establishment of the PRC, despite the difficulties of the development of the economy, road construction developed, demonstrating a stable growth. By the end of the 1970s, the road has reached a length of 900,000 kilometers, which meant the average annual increase in the road linen of 30,000 kilometers. The density of the road rose, making up 100 square kilometers by 9.3 kilometers.

    Rethinking the role of transport arteries at the government level led to active work and on lower levels The authorities were "included" a propaganda car calling for all fellow citizens to the fact that if the country wants to become a prosperous and rich, then for this you need to build good roads.

    The government of the country has begun plan to build an extensive network of highways of nationwide and high-speed national roads. The plan was attended by a key goal, and the path to its achievement was divided into stages. At the same time, the scale of road construction increased steadily, and the quality of the roads improved.

    Developed even a special standard of quality of the roadway, compliance with which was carried out strictly.

    The emergence of high-speed high-class roads turned backward road industry in a very successful. The financing of a grandiose road project has undergone a change, additional cash sources began to appear.

    In addition to the amounts allocated from state and local budgetsThe excise taxes on fuel were introduced. In 1984, the State Council of the Republic decided to increase the fee for servicing roads and began to collect newly introduced duties for the purchase of a car. It was allowed to charge money for travel on high quality highways.

    Since 1985, legislative acts that ensure the stability of the "Building of the Century" financing, fell as out of the horns of abundance. The industry supported by the government, the industry has been able to reach a total length of roads in 1,350,000 kilometers with a total density of roads in 14 kilometers per 100 square kilometers. The roads of the second category increased from 1.3% in the late 1970s to 12.5% \u200b\u200bto the opening of the XXI century.

    The state of the central roads connecting the city has improved. The level of rural and county highways increased, the quality of them became better, some provinces proudly reported on one hundred percent laying of asphalt on all roads from the second class and above, according to new technologies. As a result, this led to the fact that in all the countries of the country, in most localities, including small villages, highways were laid.

    In the photo: Mountain road in China

    High-speed highways best sample Road construction. When in 1988 they launched the first short motorway with a length of 18.5 kilometers of Tsiain-Shanghai, she was tried, making sure the reliability and correctness of technology.

    Over the decade of construction, China has done the work on which the developed countries We spent at least forty years. The level of road construction from primitive shovels and cars attached to the bike, grew up to manufacturers of high-tech road equipment. The gap between the PRC and prosperous in terms of economic development countries rapidly decreased.

    Appetite comes with eating…

    In the photo: Modern road construction in China

    At the moment, the growth rate of multibone roads in China is about 30,000 kilometers annually, and the technology consisting in laying concrete slabs, top-free with concrete, guarantees a 25-year-old "shelf life" under continuous operation.

    Given the severity of Chinese legislation, penalties are provided for the performers of road work in the event of a violation of construction standards for the entire warranty period. Punishment is strict, but, as a result, the roads are excellent.

    The growth rate of the roads of the Middle Kingdom reached fantastic velocities. IN early XXI Centers of roads were built 10,000 kilometers. Two years later, there were already 20,000 kilometers, in 2008 - 60,000 kilometers, and in 2013 China was already the owner of 4 million kilometers of roads, of which the tenth part was modern high-speed highways!

    By 2020, in China by decision of the government, the total length of roads should be at least 3,000,000 kilometers.

    The Chinese have demonstrated a serious attitude, adopting a program of transport development (until 2015). According to the program, the whole country turned out to be permeated by a network of high-speed roads that bind all cities with a population exceeding the threshold of 200,000 people.

    To date, China has more than 300,000 bridges, of which more than a thousand have a length of more than a kilometer. Of the seven the longest bridges of the world, by the way, seven are in China!

    Often, as an example is raised, erected recently. In order for the port in Shanghai to take large-tonny ships, a special port was built on a neighboring island, to which he spent an eight-vicious road on the bridge, whose length was 32.5 kilometers! Construction lasted three years, a bridge equipped with high-quality coverage and lighting was built during these dates.

    In the photo: Donghai Bridge

    By the number of available roads, the country ranks second in the world, and this is despite the fact that all speed highways have arisen for only 20 years.

    The authorities at all levels keep construction on control, although the money comes from contractors. The state pays the work of the contractor only after the work is fully handed over. And no increase in prices and access to the limit of the established amount of the contract is not allowed.

    High construction speed - in many respects the result of such a policy, because the faster and better the road will be built, the faster the investments will be returned.

    From the sad - in ten days, the Chinese build roads about the same amount as the entire road service of Russia "caught" for 2008.

    "Secret Ingredient" of Chinese Builders

    In the photo: Multi-level junction in Shanghai

    China rotates big money masswhich is sent to maintain the necessary infrastructure. The roads try to build according to the latest technology, thus passing the investment of money in their innovation soon.

    In the period from 2005 to 2010, investing in the network of high-speed national roads was up to $ 18 billion annually, but now, when all highways act, the costs are somewhat decreased, making up 12 billion roads of the subway, which did not boast even European autobahn, In addition to Italian.

    Technological rules make China's roads the best. The main thing is to comply with a simple and efficient construction scheme:

    • puffed plump pillow from sand and gravel;
    • metal fittings are stacked on top;
    • everything is poured by concrete;
    • concrete rolled into a thick layer of asphalt.
    Roads, despite all the high-tech, still deteriorate, and then a meal repair comes to the rescue. Only it is done extremely carefully - do not even forget to blow all the crumbs on the place of laying with a special vacuum cleaner, so that the patch is better adjacent.

    How is the movement organized

    Any movement of transport and high-speed modes on the territory of the country are constantly monitored:
    • cameras are installed everywhere;
    • a single impaired speed mode adds a penalty point in the driver's dossier;
    • per year permissible to gain 12 points, if it turns out more - deprive rights and sent to retraining;
    • foreigners cannot manage cars.
    The cost of 1 kilometer of the freeway in four bands (in million dollars):
    • China - 2.9;
    • Brazil - 3.6;
    • Russia - 13.
    Such a low price of the cost of construction is made up of cheap labor, quality materials and a well-thought-out organization of road works.

    In China, it is customary to study the costs of the world road market, after which it is two times smaller in consideration within the country. Payment is made only on the fact of the work done, and the quality should even arrange the most picky commission, not acceptable any finishes.

    The contractor independently insures a built-in highway, producing repairs from insurance products.

    What highways are in China

    In the photo: 50-strip road in China

    Most of the triggers are free. Paid there are two types:
    • state (budget);
    • commercial (personal).
    The ordinary motorist will not be distinguished by the difference between the roads, since after a 15-year period of operation, any state highway becomes free, for commercial time increased to 25 years.


    The development of the economy is impossible without good road. China does nothing special, although economic growth is not different as a miracle. Thoughtful government program, multiplied by a system of adequate penalties and promotions, found sources of financing are composite parts of China's success in the construction of roads!

    Video about how the Chinese are building roads:

    China is developing unprecedented in history. Statistics says that over the past two years, more concrete has been made to the PRC than in the United States for the entire twentieth century. And today we will tell about 7 thingswhom China can teach Russia, America and the rest of the world.

    Active construction

    Of course, a huge amount of concrete produced in China speaks of incredible construction volumes in this country. All - quarters of the high skyscrapers, covering the horizon of the areas of multi-storey and low-rise residential buildings, government, cultural, educational institutions, industrial facilities.

    China is one of the few in modern world countries that are building whole cities. The entire People's Republic of China is the construction of new settlements. At the same time, they are often elected in accordance with the state plan near recent mineral deposits or promising industrial areas.

    Now in China already 220 million cities and 23 settlements where over 5 million people live. Beijing and Shanghai boast more than 10 million inhabitants.

    At the same time, more and more ordinary residents of China can afford their own apartment. It is believed that each family with a stable earnings can be purchased on credit, because the prices of real estate are small, and get a loan - relatively simple. It is a considerable degree and causes unprecedented pace of construction in the PRC.

    Development of ground transport infrastructure

    A separate item from the construction in general should also mention the development of transport infrastructure. The construction of a network of roads in China is carried out by a record pace. For example, in 2013, the total length of the road network in the PRC was 4.1 million kilometers, of which 104.5 thousand km were high-speed motorways. A year later, the last indicator was already 111.9 thousand kilometers, a striking growth. And because the process does not stop for a day!

    The construction plan implies that in the coming years, the network of high-speed highways will combine all cities with a population of over 200 thousand people in all regions of the state.

    It should be recalled that the development of the road network is not only the laying of asphalt on an equal terrain, it is also the construction of bridges, overpasses, multi-level junctions, as well as tunnels through mountains and water obstacles. For example, now in the PRC there are more than 300 thousand bridges, of which, at least a thousand has a length of one kilometer and more.

    The PRC also seeks to build. Over the past twenty-five years, the authorities invest enormous resources in the construction of railway lines, of which the noticeable part is high-speed.

    Railways are the blood artery in the body of any major state. Through them there is a flow of goods and resources, most of the inhabitants are moving inside the country.

    As of 2014, the total length of all lines railways The PRC was 120 thousand kilometers, of which more than 16 thousand were high-speed. Statistics says that every week in China opens an average of 40 new trains routes.

    Moreover, China in 2011 launched the program according to which he plans to excavate the entire Southeast Asia network of its own railways.

    Development of air transport infrastructure

    No less attention in China is given to the development of air transport, air transport infrastructure. This is quite logical, given the large size of the country and the huge number of inhabitants in it. For example, it was understood in the Soviet Union, where civil aviation received tremendous government subsidies, but at the same time united such different and remote regions of the country.

    Some time ago, the management of civil aviation PRC adopted a development plan, calculated for the period up to 2030. During this time, the number of airports in the state should grow to 2000 (now they are about 400). That is, for a period of one and a half decades in China, about 100 new air stations will open every year, one every three or four days!

    Diversification of resource sources

    Only three or four years ago, scientists and economists predicted a fast collapse in China. According to their ideas, such a huge economy, subject to the continuation of the current growth rates, in a few years it may start missing resources. And this will lead to stagnation and further degradation.

    But the Chinese have shown their actions that they should not bury them ahead of time. The problem of lack of resources in the future in the PRC is solved ... Investments. Businessmen from Middle Kingdom are actively buying arable land and mineral deposits around the world.

    An especially promising region for them in this direction is Africa. A huge number of resources of the black continent are waiting for a skilled owner, and the weak and corrupt authorities of African states are glad to pass the Chinese deposits.

    In Africa, Chinese petty and large business comes, there will come there hundreds of thousands or even millions of Chinese workers. And they are not working for the benefit of African countries, but for the sake of their own prosperity and the economic power of China.

    Chinese business also looks short to some European, South American and Russian resources. Especially, to the little-saved, but rich resources of Siberia.


    In China, they understand that the country's development is impossible without the presence of a huge number of highly educated professionals. Interestingly, for two more decades ago, children from good Chinese families sought to get into foreign universities, including in Russian universities. Now everything turned over 180 degrees. More and more Chinese "golden youth" remains after school "Glashing the granite of science" in the PRC, and representatives of less secured segments of the population go to Russia.

    The fact is that in recent decades China has committed a huge horse racing in terms of education. Among the inhabitants of the PRC from the very early age is imposed a cult of studies. Near the child's child is an unthinkable matter, because it is an education that gives him a chance for the best future.

    AND public policy He strongly supports the educational system. If in 2003 its budget was about 50 billion dollars, then by 2011 this amount grew five (!) Times. At the same time there are more than two thousand universities in the country. And now students from all over the world are going to study in China. The same applies to the best teachers from Western countries whom Chinese universities are trying to attract to work.

    The ability to use other people's achievements and make them better

    The Chinese try to take the best of the world throughout the world, without losing their own achievements. This can be seen not only on the example of foreign teachers in the universities of the PRC, but also in the economy and industry internally.

    Ten still, even five years ago, the world ridiculed Chinese copies of the iPhone and other goods. But, having learned to copy other people's successes, craftsmen from the Middle Kingdom began to create their own achievements on this basis.

    An example of this can serve as an active growth in sales of Chinese mobile brands. Two or three years ago only individual fans in the West knew about the existence of a company producing cell phones. Now Xiaomi has become the most successful start-up on the planet, in the world in the world of smartphone manufacturers after Apple and Samsung.

    At the same time, the Xiaomi itself did not have to invent anything. The company uses technologies developed for large market players. But makes out of these components much more interesting, high-quality and cheap devices.

    Skill wait

    The Chinese are striking the whole world to wait for their ability. The continuous history of this state is about five thousand years. Therefore, in most of their actions, the Chinese do not seek to achieve the maximum result, maximum benefit in the shortest possible time. Their investment, their activity is designed for the future, sometimes, very remote.

    For example, the above-mentioned African lands and deposits that are purchased by Chinese businessmen are not very much needed now. But in ten or twenty years they will certainly be needed. And by the time it will already be successfully processed fields, as well as quite functioning mines, careers and plants.

    This applies not only to the economy, but also politicians. Continental Chinese did not accept the loss of Taiwan, but they do not seek to return the island by military methods as quickly as possible, although they could. On the contrary, the PRC leads to the Taiwan as a mild policy as possible, promising to him as much benefits as possible, if two China is combined.

    This will not happen in the coming years. Perhaps the process will take more than one decade. But the Chinese are able to wait.

    On the this momentThe inhabitants of many countries of the world may envy the Chinese: their persistence, their hardworking, their successes. But if the appearance of popular Russian smartphones is a matter of the future, then these.


    Road infrastructure playing important role in the development of any country, so the construction of roads is always given special attention. Build a road - not so simple, because It somehow resembles a "puff cake" consisting of various layers of building materials. In terms of its structure and laying technologies, cement concrete (hard) and asphalt concrete (rigid) roads are distinguished.

    Cement concrete road

    The service life of this road reaches 25 years. Located by calculating the concrete slabs manufactured at the factory.

    Asphalt concrete

    These roads are operated up to 10 years. The materials used in construction significantly affect the durability of each layer, from which the road consists of: ground at the base, then the sand, then a layer of rubble and the final layer of asphalt. If the cost of granite rubble, sand and other materials corresponds to the quality, then it is better not to skip in this case, and the service life will exceed all expectations.


    The best technology of laying roads in Europe is perhaps in Germany and Finland. The thickness of all layers of German roads can reach two meters. With their laying, German specialists are not in a hurry, and step by step check all materials on quality. Before laying the final layer, they cover the road protecting from the sun and the rain with a web, which helps the lower layers to frost well. Only after that the asphalt is placed or superproof concrete. In the event of a hole, they change the whole segment of the road, and not latch it.

    Finnish specialists use the same methods as in Germany. The only difference is at some points of the country the ground is unstable, so they add special impurities that stabilize the soil base.


    Along with Europe there is China. However, the Chinese laying of roads differs not only by quality, but also speed - 750 m / h. The construction technology of roads is to cover the asphalt of the main canvase consisting of concrete slabs. This method allows you to achieve the operational period lasting 25 years.


    Today in Russia in 98% of cases an asphalt concrete method of laying is used. Only in comparison with other countries - the construction technology in most cases remained the same as in the past century. In less than 20% of cases, new materials (geogmes and geotextiles) are used in construction. It is often trying to save on the materials, so the roads fall within a couple of years after laying.

    If you are engaged in construction in the Moscow region, and want to buy crushed stone with the best quality delivery, the company Yamskaya field is what you need! We guarantee the quality, and long service life of your roads!

    Mounted by the Chinese bridge construction records and roads are impressive. The other day they laid the junction for the new railway station in 9 hours.

    1.5 hours - and the bridge is ready

    1500 workers and 23 excavators overnight connected 3 large railway branches with a new Nanlong line in southern China. At the same time, not only paved the road, but also installed traffic lights and other means of control. As explained tiesiju Civil Engineering Group: Chief Builder of Railways in China Zhang Tao'unThe project managed to fulfill in record time due to the fact that the workers were organized in 7 brigades, which simultaneously performed various tasks. But it is obvious that the secret chinese success Not only in sensible control.

    The case is also in technology. So, in 2016, the Chinese unfolded two bridges with a length of 100 m per 90 degrees in 1.5 hours. Huge designs were collected along the railway canvas, and then installed perpendicular to the prepared supports. At the same time, the live road under the railway paths did not overlap - everything happened right above the cars.

    And in 2015, the Chinese for 43 hours dismantled the old one and collected a new car 6-band bridge in Beijing. During this time, they had time to put markup. For the new surface of the bridge, a 1300-ton design was needed, which was transported already in the finished form. As the representative of the contractor explained, a new technology "integrative replacement" was used. Reconstruction with a familiar way would take at least 2 months, but the key transport transition to the northeast of Beijing, connecting the 3rd rounded road, the high-speed highway to the airport and the track-101 could not be broken so long.

    They build a week what we are in the year

    750 m per hour - at such a speed today are built into the subwayed new roads. All high-speed routes were built in the last 20 years! How did the "Chinese Road Miracle" happened and why can't we take this experience?

    "In terms of construction, China has long been overtaken not only us, but the whole world - explained" AIF " president of the Union of Smoother Engineers Pavel Goryachkin. - According to the volume of production of building materials, it is just out of competition, even Americans are far behind. A simple example: we produce 79-80 million tons of cement per year, and the Chinese are more than 1 billion tons! This is a serious indicator, especially since the cement they do not export. They have the road for a week so much as we have for the year. We used to laugh at Chinese fakes, and they, like a sponge, absorb all new technologies. Now we are talking about manual work, when a million Chinese chasing and they shovel some knotted shovels. Not! We are talking about high-tech construction. Today, the Chinese produce almost the entire spectrum of the necessary construction equipment and equipment on their territory. Chinese engineers learn in the best universities of the world are inhabited on the best construction sites, and it is in every way to be supported by the state. They understand that construction is one of the locomotives of the economy, therefore invested. The Chinese are the people are very hardworking and talented. The technological solutions can be seen as they progress.

    And even with the number of money that we will run into our construction sites, for some reason it is not possible to work like that. Of course, something and we can: the technique there is a modern, and the market of building materials is developed, and the engineers are, but ... In China, construction is a priority for the state, and in the last two years we, builders, who hear only threats And insults from officials: Say, share building We do not need, all developers are Throw and Zhulo. Rosstat fixes a decrease in volumes of manufactured building materials by 10%. According to the Supreme Arbitration Court, in the number of bankruptcies, builders in the forefront. What could be the development of the industry?! "

    We add that in China, government and regional officials plan how the transport network should grow - taking into account the development of the economy, the direction of cargo and passenger traffic, the growth of the number of cars. This highlights a lot of money. But, although the cost of 1 km of the highway in our countries is approximately comparable, in the subway, build several times faster and better - the agreed lifespan of the highway is 25 years.

    It pleases only that our builders already have joint projects with the Chinese. The largest road construction corporations of the Middle Kingdom want to invest in Russia, and therefore, it is necessary to learn, adopt their experience. And not only engineers and builders, but also managers.

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