
Who falls under a mortgage of 6 percent. A new program of state support for mortgage for families in which. Family mortgage with state support in AHML

In Russia, since 2018, a program to support the support of families with children - Mortgage with maximum rate 6% per annum. FROM unsidate Interest on the loan can a family in which from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 were born a second or subsequent child.

Recall that since January 2018, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2017 No. 1711 "On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Subsidies from federal budget Russian credit institutions and joint Stock Company "Mortgage Housing Lending Agency" for reimbursement of incomplete income on issued (acquired) housing (mortgage) loans (loans) provided to citizens Russian Federationhaving children. "

The rules involve subsidizing rates to a level of 6% at birth in the period 01.01.2018-31.12.2022, respectively, second and / or subsequent children from borrowers who will take a loan or refinance the current loan for the purchase of housing on the primary market.

The Ministry of Finance clarified the rules preferential mortgage - Families in which the child was born from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, will be able to receive assistance until March 31, 2023. In addition, changes allow to establish an interest rate on the loan provided in accordance with the rules below 6% per annum. At the same time, subsidies are provided on the basis of the level of interest rate constituting 6% per annum.

Government Decree of July 21, 2018 No. 857 amended, for which it became possible to join the family mortgage program through add. agreement. This will reduce the rate on existing loans without the conclusion of a new loan agreement. The same resolution of the loan amount for the acquisition residential premises In the regions, increased from 3 to 6 million rubles.

On April 13, 2019, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. dated 03.28.2019, according to which the rate of 6% per annum and below extends to the entire loan periodon a preferential mortgage for families with children. Previously, the period of action of the preferential rate according to the program ranged from 3 to 8 years. In addition, borrowers who already have refinanced loans will be able to refinance them again.

The state program will allow us to give citizens who gave birth to second and subsequent children, up to 600 billion rubles of housing loans with a reduced interest rate. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance, more than 500 thousand families will be able to take advantage of this program.

The Ministry of Finance selected 46 banks and distributed loan limits between them. The "Financier" portal collected the current offer from banks Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Download table with mortgage conditions with state support in Krasnoyarsk banks

Which housing can be purchased at a preferential mortgage

Mortgage loan for state. The program can be issued as for the purchase of an apartment or a residential building with land plotlocated at the construction stage and already ready housing.

Mandatory requirement - an apartment or house should be bought only legal entity (developer, investor, etc.), that is, there should be no assignment of the rights of claims with participation individual.
We note, you can refinance a mortgage loan with the objects described above, issued and earlier on January 1, 2018 (provided that the child was born during the rule of the state program).

Repayment of the "family mortgage" maternal capital

Preferential mortgage is also possible to pay off maternal capital. To wait for the three-year-old child, it is not necessary.

You can use the maternity capital and as an initial contribution - or completely (if its sums are sufficient and provided for by the terms of the program), or as an addition to its own means.

Conditions of Krasnoyarsk banks on preferential mortgage in 2019

The mortgage at a rate of up to 6% per annum for May 2019 is issued 15 banks of Krasnoyarsk: Absolut Bank, Asia-Pacific Bank, Ak Bars Bank, Bank House. RF, VTB, Gazprombank, Far Eastern Bank, credit Europe Bank, Lanta Bank, Bank Levobrezhny, Promsvyazbank, Sberbank, Communication Bank, Unicredit Bank and Krasnoyarsk Territory Housing Fund.

So, standard Mortgage Conditions with state support:

  • Rate It is established in the amount of 6% per annum and lower for the entire loan period at the birth of the 2nd and subsequent child. Note, VTB Bank issues a mortgage at a rate of 5% per annum, Absolut Bank issues 5.75% per annum at a rate.
  • Loan terms is up to 25-30 years (depends on the terms of the bank)
  • Credit amount - up to 6 million rubles
  • An initial fee - from 20% of the cost of housing.
Can be useful:

The Government of the Russian Federation for the decree of Vladimir Putin launched a new mortgage subsidy program for families with children - where the second or third child will be born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. It will be available mortgage - 6 percent. In 2018, the program starts and will act 5 years. It is planned to spend 600 billion rubles for it.

We will tell you more about what goals you can get a mortgage under 6 percent, is it possible to obtain preferential refinancing on the existing mortgage, what conditions from the subsidization program ..

Mortgage since 2018 - Decree Putin and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

On the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation, a decree dated December 30, 2017 No. 1711 was published, which consolidated the rules for subsidizing the mortgage rate, as well as the mechanism of compensation to banks and the Mortgage Housing Agency (AHML) losses from the issuance of a mortgage under 6 percent per annum. The document also regulates the conditions for issuing new subsidized loans and refinancing olders.

Resolution No. 1711 is designed to fulfill the presidential order (PR-2440, paragraph 2), which was given to the Government at the end of December 2017. The purpose of the order:

  • due to the low interest rate on the loan;
  • increase the fertility, since the security of housing is one of the key factors when making a decision on the birth of a child;
  • increase the demand for the primary real estate market - a 6 percent mortgage for the birth of a child will be distributed only to the "primary".

The official text of Putin's instructions about the mortgage -

How will the program work?

The procedure for registration of subsidized mortgage will not have fundamental differences. Potential borrowers that meet the requirements of participation in the program must come to a partner bank, which has entered into an appropriate mortgage agreement under 6% in 2018 and subsequent years, and submit the necessary package of documents.

Partner banks will cover the difference between the size of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by 2 percentage points and established in loan agreement For an individual, a bet 6%.

A similar way two years ago, when the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has sharply jumped, the program subsidizing the mortgage on the primary market worked, only then it was about 12% per annum. Other differences:

  • the rate of 6% is not available for any time, but only for 3 or 5 years (more in the next chapter);
  • the right to receive a loan occurs after the birth of the second or third child.

Mortgage for families with children - Conditions

Mortgage under 6% will be distributed to several credit products, but they are all connected with the purchase of housing (possibly with the land plot) of the non-primary market.

It is allowed:

  • purchase housing under construction (the transaction must be framed under the contract participation in accordance with the requirements of 214-ФЗ);
  • registration of the assignment of the right Requirements for DDD;
  • purchase of a finished apartment or at home at the Urlitsa to the sales contract (sellers cannot act investment funds and managers).

Subsidy can be obtained on housing loanThe agreement on which was concluded after January 1, 2018. In this case, the rate of 6% will be valid:

  • within 3 years after the birth of the second child;
  • within 5 years after the birth of a third child.

If during the period of the program in the family that used the preferential mortgage on the second child, the third was born, then the effect of the preferential rate is extended for another 5 years from the end of the end previous period. That is, a maximum of 6- interest rate May act 8 years.

Refinancing mortgage under 6% in 2018 is also possible. For this service, you can contact the Bank-Partner of the program after the birth of a second or third child after January 1, 2018. Conditions are similar.

It is important to know that after the end of the grace period, the interest rate returns to the level of the key rate of the Central Bank plus 2%.

Requirements for the contract and borrower

The government regulated in detail the requirements for borrowers and credit ProductsTo which mortgage will be distributed in 2018 - the conditions are as follows:

  • the loan agreement (not counting refinancing) must be concluded in rubles not earlier than January 1, 2018;
  • loan size - up to 8 million rubles for housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions and up to 3 million in other regions;
  • borrower pays an initial fee not less than 20% (government subsidies are allowed, for example, maternity capital, as well as employer means);
  • the borrower concludes a life insurance contract and the subject of pledge;
  • the contract involves repayment of the loan with equal annuity payments.

Mortgage 6 percent on the resulting mortgage - Conditions

Refinancing is carried out if the loan was issued until January 1, 2018 on the purchase of residential premises or residential premises with land plot (ready and under construction) in accordance with the terms of the program.

To refinance the mortgage under 6% also applies the requirement to own funds borrower. The size credit funds No more than 80% of the cost of housing can be.

The official text of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2017 No. 1711 on a preferential mortgage for families with children -.

- A new program that is available to families at the birth of the 2nd or 3rd child after January 1, 2018. The essence of the preferential mortgage lies in the fact that the program participant receives a loan in one of the banks (given below) under 6%, and the remaining means pays the state. Earlier on the network there were a lot of information about innovation, but did not provide a list of participating credit institutions. Knowing where the preferential mortgage is issued at 6 percent, it is possible to save time and immediately get a loan. As for other banking institutions (outside the list), they can be referred to with a partnership with a credit institution from the list.

Conditions for obtaining mortgage under 6 percent

It was noted above that the new program is provided for families that are suitable for the following conditions:

  • From 2018 to 2022, the 2nd or 3rd kid appeared in the family.
  • During this period, the family took a new mortgage loan or designed the dedication of an old loan.
  • Mortgage loan is issued on primary real estate, that is, the apartment can be purchased in a new house under the contract of equity participation or directly from the construction company.
  • Paid advance payment in the amount of 20%.
  • The mortgage loan size does not exceed the permissible limit of 3 million (for regions of the Russian Federation) or 8 million for St. Petersburg and the capital.

Above considered general terms and Conditionswhich are characteristic of all banking institutions. At the same time, the lender has the right to adjust the rules regarding the level of income of the family and the real estate itself. The family can fully approach the terms of the program, but to get a refusal due to the inability to confirm profits. The emergence of children in the voiced period does not guarantee benefits.

Who is the preferential mortgage under 6 percent?

It was previously mentioned that the right to obtain a mortgage under six percent had a family, in which the 2nd or 3rd child had appeared in the period from 2018 to 2022. But it is worth understanding that the mentioned benefit is not the prerogative of a banking institution, but a special state program. The lender receives the full amount and the betful bet. The difference is that the remaining part above is 6%, is paid from a special budget fund.

In this way, the preferential mortgage under 6 percent is allowed to the families that:

  • Comply with the conditions in the number of children.
  • Ready to fulfill the requirements put forward by the state and banking institutions.

The main thing is to contact those credit organizations that are in the list. If the bank is not listed, it will not be able to help with a preferential mortgage.

What papers will be required?

To get a mortgage loan at 6 percent per year, it is required to assemble a certain list of papers, which in each bank is individual. Some institutions have already formed the conditions, but many banks are at the stage of developing their rules. To obtain accurate information, it is worth going to the AHML resource.

It is expected that the list of papers will be standard, as for the usual mortgage - passport, documentation confirming the level of profit (certificate in the form of a bank, employer or tax), paper for real estate, certificate of birth of the 2nd or 3rd child, insurance, and Also a real estate evaluation report.

Often questions arise in relation to subsistence minimum or requirements for the level of profit of the family. The 2018 program does not provide clear requirements. Previously, they put forward for borrowers who made a loan in the currency. There they act until today, but in the new program do not apply.

We must not forget about banks that have the right to demand a certificate of income from customers (it was mentioned above). The lender carefully studies the client, after which it decides on the minimum level of profit and the loan amount provided.

The financial institution should not be issued a loan only because the family was born the 2nd or 3rd kid during the program period. It will carefully evaluate the borrower, study its solvency and risk levels. If for any reason the family will receive a refusal, no one will punish the lender. The only way out is to appeal to another bank, which is included in the list and has less rigid conditions.

Questions and answers

Despite the transparency of the program, customers of banking institutions have many issues regarding the nuances of participation and netwritable requirements. We highlight the most important points.

Is it possible to place two apartments under 6%?

Nobody limits the number of apartments. If the banking institution sees that the client is capable of paying a mortgage loan on two or more services at the same time, it will not refuse. At the same time, the state is forced to compensate for the difference for each of the apartments. But it is worth remembering that at the birth of the 2nd or 3rd kid maximum size The grace period is no more than 8 years. During this period, a person may have time to pay for 2-3 mortgages or, on the contrary, climb into debts. The main thing is to carefully approach the assessment of your forces and opportunities.

What if the mortgage is framed in a bank that is not in the list?

There are situations where the family issued a mortgage loan until the program entry into force and now plans to become its member. If the conditions are executed, you can fill out an application for dedication and submit it to the bank, which is included in the list. After checking the applicant, the lender decides on the possibility of cooperation and the provision of mortgage under 6%. If the client is approved, a new agreement is issued at a preferential rate, and the former loan is repaid. After all the procedures are completed, the family will repay the debt already under new conditions, and the state connects to the compensation process of the difference.

But there is a nuance that concerns the object of real estate. It is important that the apartment will be purchased on the primary market. If DDD is issued, the second participant of the contract must be a company (legal entity). In the case when the finished real estate was bought, the other side of the transaction should be developer. The transaction with the participation of physical or intermediary structures is not suitable.

Why does the country do not help families who have acquired real estate in the secondary market?

After the entry into force of the new program, there is a lot of discontent with the fact that the mortgage is available only for new apartments. It is important to understand that the state has limited budget, so help everyone cannot. In addition, the purpose of the innovation is not only the support of families, but also the revival of the primary housing. The government is planning to launch a construction business in this way to launch millions of people and activate other processes.

Is the tax deduction available with participation in the new program?

With regard to deductions, the situation of the standard. The person has the right to return the NDFL from the price of real estate and paid interest, but only the problem remains - refinancing. The tax deduction is offered even by a new loan, but only if it is provided with a banking institution with a license. It is worth remembering that the JSC AIHM does not have a bank license. This means that when you dedicate in this financial institution get tax deduction will not work. To make a deduction, you will have to take in AHML new loan. If we are talking about shifting, it is better to choose to refinance another creditor.

Getting mortgage under 6% - action algorithm

To take part in a new program for families, you need to do the following:

  • Hanging the 2nd or 3rd kid during the program is valid.
  • Estimate financial opportunities. In the case of the 2nd child, the 6-percent rate operates for 3 years, after which it increases to 9.5 percent. At the same time, the percentage may be different, because it is considered by the formula "key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" plus "2%. It is important to calculate your strength and the ability to cope with the debt burden in the presence of 2 children.
  • Arrange and send a request to one of the banks from the List of the Ministry of Finance.
  • Clarify which construction companies or LCD are accredited by the selected banking institution.
  • Collect paper on demand financial institution (Individual for each bank).
  • Conduct operation. Here are nuances with insurance, assessment or collateral.

Preparing for the next re-election acting russian president At the end of 2017, he voiced several new measures, which will really be useful for many families and enjoy voters. In particular, it was the first person that it was entrusted to declare government developments on raising fertility in the country. The situation with demographics in Russia is really unsatisfactory, and one program of maternal capital, especially in the form in which it all these years does not cost. Among the new products, in particular, one can note the appearance of which we talked a little earlier. Another innovation is a preferential mortgage for families with children. What says new law About mortgage under 6 percent in 2018, who can claim such benefit how to get it.

Preferential mortgage under 6 percent per annum in 2018 - who can get

The Russian government literally last week finally formulated the details of preferential social mortgagewhich is introduced in 2018. Prior to that, there was only the basic essence of the program, but there were no explanations for ministries and banks on the mechanism of financing a preferential mortgage. Now the mechanisms are spelled out, and families have the opportunity to begin to apply for a new loan on preferential grounds or for refinancing the previously brought loan.

What family has the opportunity to get a preferential mortgage under 6 percent on a new law? The following conditions must be observed:

  • starting January 1, 2018 and until December 31, 2022, the second or third child must be born in the family,
  • the family takes a mortgage to buy an apartment in a new building (or refinances taken before the loan, but the apartment also had to be bought in a new home).

The essence of the program of the preferential mortgage in this case is that the family for some time (more about this is slightly lower) will make contributions to the mortgage loan at the rate of 6% per annum. The percentage of over will pay the state.

For example, if the bank offers a loan under 11% per annum, then you pay 6%, and the remaining 5% will make a budget for you.

Benefit will act throughout the entire period on which a loan is taken?

No, the state will not help you with a mortgage always. In the event that you have a second child, the benefits will act three years After the start of payments or after the start of the refinancing period. If the child is the third, then the state support will continue five years.

Please note that in the amount you can get a benefit of eight years. This is not at all rebel. Just an example - your second child was born on July 1, 2018, and on September 1, you issued a preferential mortgage at 6 percent. For three years, until September 1, 2021, the state will help you with interest in the mortgage loan. Then the help should cease, but if approximately the same, in August-September you will have a third child, you can extend the benefit for five years due to its appearance. Subsidizing mortgage percentage will be in your case until 2026.

Nevertheless, it should be understood that, since the state does not intend to subsidize your mortgage loan constantly, you need to carefully approach the choice of the bank and the conditions of the loan. Even if the first 3-5 years you will not worry very much, under what percentage you took a loan, after that the payment of interest will fully fall on you, which you need to remember now.

Are there any restrictions on the cost of new housing

There is. The program can only be used if housing you take in the mortgage is not more than three million rubles. For Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions The amount is higher - eight million rubles. This is due to the high cost of real estate in these regions.

In principle, such a limitation is quite reasonable, and for the specified amounts, the family can acquire at least two- and three-room apartment In its region.

Of course, no loans in foreign currency In this case are not allowed.

How relevant the new Law on Preferential Mortgage

The novelty, apparently, is quite relevant. At least, if you believe the government. According to social stresses and research, which were carried out, about 620 thousand families are ready to take a mortgage on such conditions, and another 630 thousand already taking mortgage loans - to take advantage of the possibility of restructuring it under 6 percent.

Based on these data, the Ministry of Construction was calculated that the program of preferential lending mortgage would cost the Russian budget of 600 billion rubles. It is referred to in mind 2018 or the entire period of the program, they did not specify the Ministry of Economy.

What if the mortgage percentage in Russia will decrease?

Indeed, in the last couple of years there is a decline in mortgage loans. So, in 2017, for the first time in history, the cost of the mortgage decreased on average in the country to marks below 10%. Against the background of a record low inflation and a constant decline in the central bank of the key rate value (and percentages on any loans depend on it directly), it is quite reasonable to expect that the standard rates on the mortgage in the same 6 percent in the coming years.

Minstroy himself believes that such a situation may arise just by 2022, and after that the need for credit subsidies for young families will disappear by itself.

At the same time, independent analysts believe that mortgage rates of 6 percent can expect us much earlier.

Obviously, if after two or three years, interest on mortgage in Russia will decrease for all to a level of six percent, in the government will think about making preferential percentage For families with children even lower. However, while reasoning about it sooner. In early 2018, the average mortgage rate is slightly lower than 10 percent, and a 6 percent loan is a fairly profitable option.

Directly at the end of 2017, a number of highly interesting measures were adopted as part of the fertility stimulation program. Among them now we will consider a preferential mortgage at 6%. Let's turn step by step how to get this preferential mortgage, who can do it and what are pitfalls.

At a meeting with the governor of the Samara region D.A. Medvedev said, and reducing mortgage rates, and that in general the country's economy is ready for such a bid.

If you look at the same countries in Europe or the United States, then there you can see this picture:

Sberbank without any benefits gives a mortgage to a little less than 7% in the Czech Republic. In general, the middle rate in European countries by mortgage varies within 2-4%. So we are quietly moving towards improving the position of people who enjoy loans. Maybe ever and without benefits will get ... Well, it's all the lyrics. Return to the case.

Briefly about the main thing. What is the essence of mortgages under 6%?

The state subsidizes the bank to the banks up to 6%. This means that in fact you take a housing loan under such a percentage, and the credit organization makes a bet that will be comfortable to her. The difference between your sum and disadvantaged income credit organization compensates for the state. Very soon there will be a circle of banks that participate in this program. The program is valid until 2022. 600 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes.

Who has the right to get a preferential mortgage?

  • For a family with 2 children (the second child should be born after January 1, 2018 and until December 31, 2022) - the subsidization period will be 3 years;
  • For a family with 3 or more children - the preferential rate will act 5 years.

It is possible to get a mortgage under 6% only for new housing purchased from a legal entity. Similar conditions apply to refinancing current mortgage loans in the fulfillment of the two conditions we have considered in paragraph above. Obtaining calculated only on citizens of the Russian Federation. According to the estimates of the Ministry of Finance, up to 500,000 families can take advantage of this program.

In my opinion, the reasons for the introduction of such a preferential mortgage for large families several:

  • Become stimulation. Banally, but it really is. The calculation of the state here is not with the position that children are flowers of life, but with the one that the larger in the country of the working-age population, the more taxes, fees in the FIU and other things are expelled. On the this moment We have a rather high indicator of demographic aging of the population. This means that a thousand able-bodied citizen accounts for quite a few pensioners, who are essentially able-bodied citizens at the expense of deductions to the FIU.
  • Low inflation and stabilization of the economy. This means that the Central Bank can still reduce the refinancing rate. Loans will become more accessible, but also contributions less profitable. It seems that oil prices are slowly growing ...
  • Low risks for banks. Mortgage is one of the most low-tank products for banks. Also, also one of the most profitable. Profit is ensured and not colossal, but for a long period of time, and the share of overdue over mortgages is no more than 3% of the total market volume.
  • Stagnation of the construction industry. Real estate prices have fallen greatly. People began to shoot housing more often, and mortgage with state support ended. This froze the new real estate market. This, in turn, provokes bankruptcy situations construction companies. Their projects turn into a long definition, and the dissatisfaction of the population is growing. This situation is not beneficial to anyone. And so ... the state receives taxes, developers profits, and the people of housing.
  • Elections 2018. Well yes…

What are the conditions for obtaining a preferential mortgage under 6% for families with two and more children?

Everything is quite simple:

  1. Treaty mortgage lending Must be concluded in rubles not earlier than 01.01.2018 (for a new loan).
  2. The size mortgage loan does not exceed 3 million rubles. For regions of the Russian Federation and does not exceed 8 million rubles. For Moscow, MO, St. Petersburg and Lo.
  3. The initial contribution of at least 20% of the cost of housing.
  4. The rate is 6% for the subsidization period. It should not exceed by more than 2%, the rate of the Central Bank at the date of issuance of the mortgage, after the end of the subsidization period.
  5. Mandatory insurance of the life of the borrower and the facility after the completion of its construction.
  6. Annuity payment. This means that the borrower pays the same amount of the entire period of repayment of the loan (amounts do not change). Payments These contain both the loan body and interest.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential mortgage under 6%

Absolutely the same as for obtaining a standard mortgage. The difference is only that you must provide documentary confirmation of the birth of the second (third and further depending on your particular situation) of the child. When contacting the bank, you can always clarify whether the bank in the new program of preferential lending and under what conditions can be clarified. The year has already begun, and the largest russian banks Already aware of the specifics of the procedure for this procedure.

How to refinance a loan at a preferential rate under 6%?

If you have such a situation that you are already paying a mortgage, and after January 1, 2018 you have a child born, then you can contact the bank in order for you to refinance the current mortgage loan under the current rate, taking into account the preferential mortgage lending program. This means that the rate will decrease, and payments will become less.

Underwater mortgages under 6%

Everything as usual. Do not believe in fairy tales, do not be borne on low interest, and work only with those banks who have already earned themselves name and authority. Mortgage is a thing that requires stability from both participants in legal relations. Then everyone will be fine!

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