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One of the members of the family in which the child was born has the right to apply for a child care allowance, regardless of the type of employment. Guardians also have the same opportunity.

The payment of financial assistance for employees is guaranteed by Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is carried out at the place of work in the form of monthly transfers up to 1.5 years of the child. The unemployed apply to social security for registration.

Form for a working parent

When an application with a package of documents is submitted to the employer, he draws up an order and within 10 days, the employee is required to assign leave and payment of benefits. It is received on the same day when the company pays salaries.

How to get a monthly payment for a non-working mother?

For those mothers who at the time of the birth of the child do not have an official job, to apply for benefits up to 1.5 years of age, the baby is required apply to the social security service located at the place of residence.

The same applies to those who are full-time students. It is important to remember here that in this case only the minimum amount of payment established by the Government of the Russian Federation is required.

  • On the first - RUB 3142.33;
  • , as well as the following: - RUB 6284.65.

Learn more about unemployment benefits for a child, read in.

List of documents in social security for the unemployed

Before contacting social security, a non-working mother also draws up a number of documents:

  • statement unemployed mother for benefits;
  • reference, confirming the absence of receiving money for unemployment;
  • photocopy of birth certificate the child for whom state support is issued;
  • original and copy of the passport parent;
  • reference from the husband’s place of work, which indicates that he did not draw up a similar payment for this baby.

Download Social Security Application Form from idle to child allowance — :

In case of dismissal of a woman during pregnancy or caring for a baby, she must provide the following papers to the social security department:

  • an extract made from her work book, which indicates the last place of work, as well as the basis for which the dismissal occurred;
  • a copy of the order confirming the break labor relations, as well as finding the mother on leave to care for the baby;
  • payment average monthly earnings employee, on the basis of which the allowance was accrued to her.

The amount of payments due to unemployed mothers with no work experience over the past few years has.

Non-working mother can choose one type of benefit (for care or unemployment), regardless of the reasons for obtaining it. However, when raising 2 or more children at the same time, you can receive care amounts for both children, the amount of the subsidy is summed up.

Appointment to father

The process is similar the way mothers do it.

The main difference is that the package of documents for issuing a decree should additionally include a statement written by the mother about a voluntary refusal to receive a similar type of leave, as well as the corresponding allowance.

At the same time, she is also required to provide a certificate at her place of work, which confirms the absence of assignment of payments for the child.

Registration procedure child benefit for a working father is as follows:

  • Application by an employee for leave, as well as benefits, to care for a baby under the age of 1.5 years.
  • Drawing up and issuing an order by the management of the organization.
  • Calculation of the amount of payments.

After the end of the one and a half year period, the vacation continues for up to 3 years. However, in this case, there will no longer be a benefit, with the exception of a small amount of 50 rubles.

Having issued a care decree, father receives the following benefits:

  • This time is credited to the employee as , but does not give the right to leave.
  • The place as well as the position of the person is preserved.
  • It is possible to save the monthly child payment.
  • Possibility at any time, transferring the right to arrange child care to a wife or other relative, for example,.

As long as the child is under one and a half years old, the parent who cares for him, allowed to go to work part-time while maintaining benefits.

In our country, issuing a decree for a husband is not very common, not every father wants to take a vacation to take care of a baby. This is due to his uncomfortable feeling as the head of the family due to a significant decrease in income, as well as the inability to cope with the child.

Social Security also provides benefits for unemployed fathers.. Non-working husbands issue a care decree in the same manner as their wives.


Receiving this allowance is allowed, except for parents, as well as other relatives. This may be a grandmother, officially employed. Unemployed grandmothers rarely get benefits for serious reasons.

It is important that both parents work or study full-time. The head, regardless of the type of activity of his organization, does not have the right to ignore the requirements of the employee who is a grandmother, and is obliged to issue him a vacation.

The following documents are submitted for registration by the grandmother:

  • Certificates and certificates confirming the relationship of the child and grandmother.
  • An extract from the place of work of the baby's parents, which indicates that they did not take vacations and did not draw up child benefits.
  • An application from parents with a refusal to provide them with a decree and a subsidy.

Grandmother has the right to work part-time and receive benefits, for this it is enough to send the corresponding to the head. This will keep your child's financial assistance payments in full.

Useful video

Learn more about applying for a grant for care up to 1.5 years, see the video:


Both parents and, if necessary, other relatives can apply for benefits after the birth of a child up to his one and a half years of age.

For this, documents are collected and submitted to the employer or social security. At the place of work, the payment is made to employed, in the USZN - to unemployed citizens in minimum size.


According to Russian legislation, parents (mother and father), relatives of the child or other persons caring for him are entitled to receive benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, regardless of whether they are subject to compulsory social insurance for temporary disability and maternity.

The forms of providing this monthly payment and its size will differ for employed citizens and unemployed persons. For a non-working mother, child care allowance for up to one and a half years is paid through the social protection authority (Sobes) in the minimum amount - 2718.34 rubles in 2016 for the first child and 5436,67 - on the second and subsequent.

Until 2007, the right to a monthly care allowance up to 1.5 years was granted only to working citizens in respect of whom the employer paid insurance premiums to the Fund social insurance(FSS).

Child benefits from Social Security if parents do not work

The state has secured the right of one of the parents (both mother and father) or another person who actually takes care of the child to receive a monthly social payment until the age of 1.5 years. For working persons, this right is exercised simultaneously with the registration of parental leave (in accordance with Labor Code provided up to 3 years of age).


Payments for several children (for ages and twins) up to 1.5 years old are summed up. Minimum allowance from Social Security is subject to multiplication by the regional coefficient of wages. The fixed amount is also indexed annually.

Regardless of the time of submission of documents, the applicant will receive payments for the entire period of time, during which he had the right to claim them (that is, for all the prescribed one and a half years). But if during the time the benefit is paid, the recipient gets a job, it will be necessary to submit a package of documents to the employer in order to receive money not from Social Security, but from the FSS.

What date does Social Security transfer benefits

Monthly allowance for child care in the form of a state social security paid by the Social Security Service through a bank or post office(at the choice of the recipient). At the same time, the deadline for accruing funds to the applicant is set - no later than 26th each current month.

However, it must be borne in mind that there may be failures in the timing of the transfer of benefits due to holidays and non-working days (especially in January due to the New Year celebrations) or due to delays in the receipt of money to the accounts of the Social Security Service from the federal budget .

As a rule, this happens through no fault of Social Security employees, who, in general, do not control and do not carry out the process of transferring budget payments. In the event of delays, the benefit is either paid a little later with a delay, or a decision is made to credit the payment in the next month immediately in double size.


Not only employed citizens can count on child benefits up to 1.5 years from the state, but also those who do not work, have been fired or study full-time in educational organization. Calculation of payments is carried out by the Social Security authorities at the place of residence and are provided by the federal budget.

Not only the father or mother of the child can apply for benefits, but also another relative or guardian who actually cares for the baby, while payments are made in the minimum amount. During 2016, the allowance for up to 1.5 years is 2,718.34 rubles. for the first child and 5,436.67 rubles. on the second and others.

Mothers and other relatives are entitled to a monthly child care allowance. A preferential payment is assigned at the place of work or by the body of social protection of the population in the absence of employment.

Benefit types

The legislation defines the procedure for calculating three types of support for mothers with children. The amount of the allowance depends on the age of the child:

  • up to one and a half years;
  • from 1.5 to three years;
  • low-income families under 18 years old, in some cases up to 23 years old.
Reference: when the child turns one and a half years old, the mother is paid compensation in the amount of 50 rubles at the place of registration of the parental leave.

Who is eligible to receive funds up to one and a half years

The purpose of the allowance is regulated federal law dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits to citizens with children”. The allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old in 2019 can be received by the mother of the child, father, grandmother, etc., if they actually take care of the child and, because of this, are deprived of the opportunity to receive wages or other income.

If two or more relatives are caring for the baby, only one of them can receive the allowance.

Support is provided to the following categories of parents (other relatives):

  1. Mothers or fathers, other relatives, guardians, actually caring for the child, subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.
  2. Mothers passing military service under the contract.
  3. Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization: mothers - during pregnancy or maternity leave, other relatives - during parental leave.
  4. Mothers or fathers, guardians actually caring for a child who are not subject to compulsory social insurance.
  5. Other relatives who actually care for the child and are not subject to compulsory social insurance.
For information! If the mother is under 16 years old, then assistance is issued to another adult relative or guardian. Download for viewing and printing:

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Benefit amount

Size monthly allowance mother of a child under one and a half years old is completely dependent on the fact of previous employment:

  1. Employees are credited with 40% of earnings for the previous two years of service, with the exception of citizens:
    • having less than six months of work experience;
    • earning less than the minimum wage (SMIC). (from 01/01/2019 - 4512 rubles).
  2. A fixed payment is established for the unemployed (from 02/01/2019):
    • for the birth of the first baby - 3277.45 rubles. ;
    • for the second and subsequent - 6554.89 rubles.

The maximum limit is determined in 2019 at the following level:

  • for employees - 26152.27 rubles.
  • for military personnel - 12,262.74 rubles. ;
  • for those dismissed during the decree in connection with the liquidation of the company - 12,262.74 rubles.

How much is paid for a child of a conscript

If the father of a child under the age of 3 is called up for military service, then the amount of the allowance increases to 11,863.27 rubles. It can be received by a mother or other relative (including a guardian) who takes care of the baby. The benefit is paid regardless of the right to other types of state benefits, i.e. a mother can receive child care allowance and such allowance at the same time.

The following rules are followed:

  1. Only one relative can count on support.
  2. It is calculated:
    • from the moment the newborn is born;
    • but not earlier than the beginning of the draft service of the father;
  3. Payments are terminated for one of the following reasons:
    • dismissal of the pope in the reserve;
    • child's third birthday.
Reference! The specified amount is indexed according to the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for assigning assistance

Parents or other relatives caring for the baby can apply for payment. An application with an application package should be submitted:

  • at the place of work;
  • at the MFC;
  • to the social welfare authorities.
For information: grandparents and other relatives can only apply to the employer. The condition for assigning benefits is the actual employment of the mother.

It is necessary to notify the body making payments within a month of the occurrence of circumstances affecting:

  • on the amount of charges;
  • for the right to receive.

The transfer of funds is terminated (or the amount changes) from the first day of the month following the date of occurrence of the circumstances. Money paid unreasonably shall be returned.

Advice! A mother receiving assistance has the right to choose one of the types of benefits if:

  • is on parental leave;
  • pregnant.

Where to apply for the unemployed

Unemployed citizens must write an application to social security. These include the following persons:

  1. Parent or guardian:
    • who is unemployed but does not receive appropriate benefits;
    • dismissed during the decree in connection with the liquidation of the company;
    • full-time student;
    • spouse of a contract serviceman (unemployed);
    • an entrepreneur who does not pay voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS);
  2. Other relatives, if parents:
    • unable to care for a newborn for health reasons;
    • have died or been declared dead;
    • deprived of rights;
    • limited in parental rights;
    • recognized as missing;
    • declared incompetent;
    • serving a sentence for a crime special institutions;
    • shy away from raising children;
    • abandoned the child officially.
Reference! If unemployment benefits are paid, then the applicant can choose one of the types of payments.

Required documents

The following documents must be submitted to Social Security:

  • application (the form is issued on the spot);
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • help:
    • about cohabitation with a baby;
    • from the employment agency about the lack of appropriate payments;
  • work book;
  • the passport;
  • account details for the transfer of benefits;
  • a certificate stating that the father of the child does not receive such benefits.

Mothers dismissed due to the liquidation of production are additionally required to provide:

  • a copy of the leave order;
  • certificate-calculation of the assigned and paid benefits.
For information! Money is transferred monthly from the date of birth of the child to one and a half years. You should apply within six months from the date of the birth of the minor.

Purpose Features

If parents have been deprived of rights in relation to older children, then they are not taken into account when processing the application.As a result, benefits may be reduced.

For example, if a woman has two minors, she relies on the youngest - 6554.89 rubles. In case of deprivation of parental rights in relation to the first child, she will receive only 3277.45 rubles.

  1. Guardians should prepare:
    • parents' death certificates;
    • a court decision to deprive them of their rights;
    • a certificate stating that the parent is in prison;
    • a court decision on the unknown absence of mom and dad;
    • a document stating that the baby was thrown;
    • act of mother's refusal of a newborn;
    • certificate of birth, in which the columns "mother" and "father" are not filled;
  2. Entrepreneurs are required to attach to the application:
    • certificate of absence of voluntary contributions to the FSS;
    • professional status document (lawyers, notaries, etc.).
Prompt! Foreign citizens are required to provide a copy of the residence permit.

Conditions for workers

Employed citizens turn to the management of the company. In this case, payments are made:

  • at the request of the employee;
  • from the end of maternity leave;
  • during absence from the workplace due to parental leave up to three years;
  • part-time:
    • part-time;
    • at home.

Prompt! It is allowed to apply for a benefit for dad:

  • at the place of his work / service;
  • in social security.

Required documents

Employed must write to the manager an application for the appropriate payment.
Attached to it are:

  • a copy of the birth certificate of the newborn child;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a certificate stating that the other parent does not receive benefits of this type at the place of employment.

For information! In practice, it is customary to submit one application:

  • to grant parental leave;
  • for the appropriate allowance.

How much will they pay

The amount of accruals is calculated using a special formula:

Rp \u003d D 2 / P x 30.4 × 40%,

  • Rp - the required amount;
  • D 2 - total income for the previous two years, which does not include accruals:
    • on sick leave;
    • related to care leave;
  • P - the number of days in the period (two years), except for the dates:
    • illness;
    • childcare;
    • forced paid downtime.
Prompt! When calculating benefits for entrepreneurs, the amount of income is not taken into account. These individuals receive the minimum amounts.

The accountant is obliged to take into account the boundary indicators when calculating benefits up to one and a half years:

  • the minimum is the amount of the benefit received on the basis of the minimum wage;
  • the maximum income for the year cannot be more installed base contributions to the FSS for the corresponding period.
Prompt! If during the calculation the amount received did not reach the minimum, then the calculation is made on the basis of the minimum wage.

Terms of registration

An application for the appointment of benefits must be considered within ten days.
Payment is made on certain days:

  • in terms of transferring salaries to other employees;
  • on the date set by the social security authority.
Attention! monthly help accrued up to one and a half years. The last month of the transfer of funds is when the child has reached the threshold age.

Working mothers are given the right to choose financial assistance. If it turns out that the allowance for up to 1.5 years is more than maternity payments in size, then it is allowed to pay the described type of allowance from the date of the birth of the newborn. At the same time, already received maternity leave will be taken into account. This can be done if a woman is on parental leave and is pregnant / has given birth to a second child.

Benefit for the third and subsequent children

Since 2013 in Russian Federation assistance program is being implemented. It was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, having signed Decree No. 606 of 07.05.2012. 69 regions joined the events. The methodology for assigning additional support to families raising children is developed and approved by the local government.

Reference! You should learn about specific conditions on the official websites of regional authorities.

In general, the programs are designed to support mothers with children up to the age of three in families with more than 2 minor children. Assistance is assigned to low-income families:

  • having average income per person, not exceeding the minimum indicator for the region;
  • who applied for payments on their own initiative.

The application must be made at the social security office at the place of residence. In addition to the above papers, you should attach:

  • certificates of income of parents and other relatives living with the family;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • others (depending on the region).

Additional support is available until the youngest child's third birthday. You can apply for a regional allowance with the appearance of a third and subsequent children.

For information! Under federal law, an applicant who has more than one reason for receiving assistance must choose only one. This does not apply to regional support measures.

Allowed to receive assistance at the same time:

  • federal;
  • local.
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Last changes

The Government of the Russian Federation has submitted relevant draft by-laws on the procedure and rules for the distribution of subventions by region for the implementation of federal legislation on payments when first-born children appear in families. Each subject of the Russian Federation in 2018 will receive its own amount of funding. Total federal budget allocates 21.4 billion rubles for these purposes. The money will be provided to the regions in January 2019.

Child allowance for the care of children under 1.5 years old is one of the main types state support women who have given birth to children. This allowance is provided to women who worked before maternity leave, and to the unemployed, and to students.

It should be noted that leave for mothers (other relatives, guardians), according to Russian labor legislation, is provided up to the third year of the baby, and child benefits are paid only up to one and a half years. In the future, a woman caring for a child of 1.5-3 years old can only count on a symbolic monthly compensation, which most women prefer not to even draw up.

To whom is child benefit paid?

Unlike those paid by the Social Insurance Fund exclusively to the mother of a newborn, other relatives of the baby (father, grandmothers and other relatives) are also entitled to receive child care benefits. This is allowed by the legislator, provided that the person claiming the appropriate monthly child allowance actually takes care of a minor child and, as a result, is deprived of the opportunity to receive earnings or other income.

When two or more relatives take care of a baby at the same time or in turn, only one of them is entitled to the child allowance. Who exactly will receive child benefits is chosen by them independently.

According to Law No. 81-FZ of May 1995 regarding state benefits Russian citizens who have children, the above-mentioned right to apply for the payment of child allowance at the expense of social insurance funds when caring for a minor child has:

  • the mother of the baby, his guardians or relatives subject, according to the legislation, to compulsory social insurance;
  • female contract servicemen who gave birth to a child;
  • citizens dismissed as a result of the liquidation of the employer. In this situation, the mother of the child has the right, by law, to claim benefits both during the period of the decree and during the period of caring for the baby that has appeared, and other relatives caring for the children - only during the period of parental leave taken;
  • mothers, fathers or guardians studying full-time;
  • relatives who are not subject to compulsory social insurance, in cases of death of the mother and (or) father of a minor child, deprivation of their parental rights and in some other cases.

If the baby's mother or other relative receiving child support goes to work full-time, social payments benefits are terminated, since it is impossible to simultaneously receive a salary and a child allowance, which is a kind of state compensation for earnings when caring for a baby.

However, the rights to said care allowance are retained while working for contract agreements and agreements paid provision services (civil law contracts) even during holidays, as well as during labor activity with part-time work (two options are possible - with part-time work or part-time work week) or at home.

If the employee (or her relative) caring for the baby was a part-time worker before the decree, who worked for two recent years that preceded the decree, with the same employers, child allowance is paid by one of them, at the choice of the employee.

It is possible that a woman is expecting a second or subsequent baby while already on parental leave. Then, if two types of the prescribed leave coincided in time at once - for caring for a baby that appeared earlier and for pregnancy, a woman has the right to choose only one type of allowance for this period.

The care allowance for women who worked before the decree is paid by the employer with subsequent reimbursement of the funds paid from Russian Foundation social insurance. and employees dismissed due to the liquidation of the employer, child allowance is paid by the territorial bodies of social protection.

How to get child support

To receive child benefits provided by law for citizens caring for children 1.5 years old, the following documents are submitted to the employer:

  • a free-form application that contains a request for appropriate leave from the employer;
  • children's birth (or adoption) certificates of the baby who is supposed to be cared for, and the applicant's previous children (if any), as well as copies of these documents;
  • a certificate from the accounting department from the work of the second parent, indicating that the latter does not receive this child allowance;
  • if necessary, to calculate the allowance - a document from the previous employer on the actual amount of salary for the required period (such a certificate will be needed by the accounting department if the applicant applying for child allowance changed jobs during the 2 years preceding the decree).

If a woman is a part-time job, she additionally needs to submit a document from another employer (employers) confirming that the employee was not assigned benefits for other jobs.

When applying to the social security authorities, unemployed mothers must submit an additional identity card of the applicant, a certificate or diploma (for previously unemployed citizens) or a work book.

Amount of child allowance

By general rule, the amount of the child allowance for caring for a baby for women who worked before the decree is 40% of the average earnings calculated in a certain order.

In 2015, the following legal limits on the minimum and maximum child benefits were established:

  • the minimum amount of the child allowance assigned when caring for the first baby is set at 2,718.35 rubles;
  • the minimum amount of the child allowance assigned when caring for the second, third and subsequent babies is set at 5,436.67 rubles;
  • the maximum possible amount of the specified child care allowance in the coming year 2015 is 19,855.82 rubles.

The calculation of the care allowance is as follows: the average earnings of a woman who applied for the appropriate care leave for the previous two years is divided by the number calendar days for these accounting years (excluding days of temporary disability, taken maternity and care leave, the period of forced release of the employee from work with full pay).

The result will be average daily earnings employee, which then needs to be multiplied by 30.4, and then by 40%. Average earnings women, taken for calculations, according to the rules, cannot exceed certain values ​​\u200b\u200bthat make up the maximum allowable base for transferring insurance premiums from the salary to the Russian Social Insurance Fund. So, in 2013 this limit value amounted to 568,000 rubles, and in 2014 it increased to 624,000 rubles.

Payment terms

A woman who has taken advantage of the right to leave when caring for a small child and wants to receive the child allowance due can apply for the calculation of the appropriate payments at any time after the employer grants her leave to care, but not later than six months after the birth of the child reaches one and a half years.

At the same time, the due child allowance, regardless of the date of submission of the relevant application to the employer, will be accrued and paid for the full period - from the date the employee is granted parental leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age (or until the employee leaves early for workplace on a full time basis).

According to the regulations, child benefits must be assigned and accrued within a ten-day period (calendar days are taken into account) from the date the applicant provides the employer (or social protection authorities - in the case provided for by law) with the necessary documentation.

When the accrued allowance is paid to an employee by the employer, the payment of the accruals will be timed by the accounting department on the day the salary is issued to other employees of the enterprise.

When the allowance is paid to a woman caring for small children directly from the funds of the territorial Social Insurance Fund, then the accrued cash will be sent to the applicant by post or transferred via credit organization to the applicant's current account, indicated when submitting the corresponding application to the FSS branch.

Such direct payments from the FSS are possible in two situations. Firstly, the legislator granted the mother (another relative of the baby) the right to apply for the prescribed child allowances directly to the branch of the Russian Social Insurance Fund, if the employer organization where the woman worked before the birth had already ceased its activities by that moment, or did not have financial resources on the accounts, or available means, it is impossible to determine its current location.

Secondly, in some Russian regions (for example, in the Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan, Novgorod regions and some other regions of the Russian Federation), a pilot project was launched, according to which mothers in all cases receive the due child allowance when caring for a baby directly into their accounts. from the territorial Social Insurance Fund.

Non-working mothers receive child benefits, as a general rule, in the social security agency related to their place of residence.

As a rule, with the birth of a baby, a young mother is interested not only in how the payments are made, but also who pays the child care allowance. Currently, one of the main problems of the Russian Federation is the demographic issue. The solution was found in the form of material support for families who decide to have a second child. At the same time, the state takes care not only of successful, but also of future mothers. Several types of assistance are now offered for families with children and single parents. However, in order to make the most of the state support program, it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge.

Most questions expectant mothers have about payments maternity benefits and design maternity capital.

Maternity allowance

This type of state support is a kind of insurance payment for citizens of the Russian Federation. Many are wondering about the procedure for assigning benefits, as well as who should pay money to a young mother. Payments can be made at the expense of the state or the employer, if any. A lot depends on what kind of support you are talking about. If maternity payments are drawn up at the enterprise or in social security, then the issue of maternity capital is dealt with exclusively Pension Fund RF.

A young mother should remember: if the situation has developed in such a way that she has the opportunity to receive social benefits and maternity money, you must choose one type of benefit. Double assistance from the state will not work.

It is also necessary to take into account such a moment as the possible refusal of maternity leave. One of the types of benefits is assigned only if a woman cannot go to work due to looking after a small child. In cases where the mother decides to end parental leave and return to work, the cash benefit will be terminated. In the period until the child is 1.5 years old, the allowance is paid by the employer. He cannot make double payments, so one employee is entitled to either a salary or an allowance.

There are several nuances to child care payments. It is especially worth noting the situation when, during maternity leave, a woman was fired or was laid off. In this case, the allowance will be paid to her not by the enterprise, but by the state. To do this, you will need to contact the department of social protection at the place of registration of the mother and apply for benefits. In addition, it is worth mentioning separately about those young mothers who are officially employed in 2 jobs at once. In this case, the allowance is paid in both enterprises.

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According to the laws of the Russian Federation, in order to apply for child care allowance, one of the parents must provide the employer or social services employees with a certain package of papers. It includes a certificate of income (for officially employed women), sick leave and an application for child support.

As a rule, documents are considered within 10 calendar days. After that, benefits are calculated. An officially employed mother can receive the money due as soon as other employees receive their next salary.

If a young mother was not officially employed before she left for maternity leave, she applies for child support at the local social security office. After registration and assignment of payments, the money will go to the card, which must be obtained from the bank. Funds paid by the state as support for mothers raising young children must be credited to the account no later than the 26th day of each month.

As for the amount of payments due, it all depends solely on the type of activity of the woman in the prenatal period. If a young mother officially worked at an enterprise before going on maternity leave, then she is entitled to an amount of 100% of the average salary for the last 24 months. For students, maternity allowances are calculated depending on the size of the scholarship, and for the military - from the amount allowance. If a woman's work experience before giving birth does not exceed 6 months, or she did not work officially at all, she will be assigned a minimum allowance. On the this moment this figure does not exceed 6 thousand rubles.

Childcare benefits have both minimum and maximum limits. So far, the maximum amount of child payments is 624 thousand rubles. If average wage women over the past 2 years has been more, maternity pay is exactly in this amount.

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Who pays benefits and where?

Depending on the occupation of the parent, child benefits are issued at the enterprise, at the place of service, at the social security department at the place of registration, or at the Social Insurance Fund of Citizens of the Russian Federation.

If a young mother worked simultaneously at 2 jobs before the birth of a baby, she has the right to choose where exactly she will draw up her child care allowance. The main thing is that the amount of payments should not exceed the limit of 624 thousand established by the state. A woman can write an application for the payment of children at once to 2 organizations, and each company will be obliged to pay benefits, depending on the size average salary for 24 months.

If before a woman went on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, she worked at the same enterprise where she had been for the last 2 years, then there should be no problems with calculating payments. Another thing is when a young mother worked in one company, but went on maternity leave as an employee of another. IN this case payments will be made by the employer with whom the woman was officially employed at the time of the birth of the baby.

In order to issue child benefits in such a situation, it is necessary to provide a certificate of income from another place of work to the accounting department of the enterprise. In addition, you will need a document stating that the woman was not previously assigned such an allowance for this child. If an employee does not have the opportunity to provide a certificate of income in other organizations, the company that will make payments can send a request to the Pension Fund. Here you can get detailed information about a person's earnings, which is taken from personal credentials in the PF.

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