
Company codes for inn. How to find out okpo organizations for free by inn and what services are best to use. Can I print myself

According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation N 297, each enterprise is assigned an OKPO code upon opening. It determines what activities the company is engaged in. You can find out OKPO by TIN for the purpose of:

  • clarification of company data;
  • exchange of information between different departmental organizations;
  • company differences;
  • conclusion of agreements;
  • drafting invoices;
  • filling out paperwork;
  • references.

If there is a code, then you can clarify whether the company has tax debts and whether there is a lawsuit.

OKPO of legal entities is preserved for the entire existence of the enterprise. The reorganization does not affect the data in any way. The code will only be removed if the company closes. But another 5 years OKPO will be assigned to a company that no longer exists. There cannot be 2 identical OKPOs, a change occurs only when switching to another type of activity.

How to get information

In order to find out OKPO by TIN, it is not necessary to request information from Rosstat or contact companies that can collect all the necessary information on a paid basis. This can be done for free with the Internet. If only the OKPO number is required, then you can find it by TIN through the Internet portals:

  • Federal Tax Service;
  • Rosstat;
  • OKPO.RU;
  • K-Agent;
  • Screen.


You can find out the OKPO code by sending a request to the tax office. It is required to fill out an application to the Federal Tax Service by going to the address https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/service/obr_fts/. After 5 working days, information about OKPO will be sent to the mail. The application must be submitted personally by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The following documents are required:

  • identification;
  • IP certificate;

You can find out the codes on the tax website - Nalog.ru. On this Internet resource, a legal entity is provided through the search. company address. To do this, you need to have a personal account on the portal of the Federal Tax Service, and then with the data received, you should visit the local administration, where they will give information on OKPO codes.

On the website of the tax service, it is possible to get the OKPO code for free for small, medium and micro businesses for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons. For this:


On the statistics website, you can quickly get information. It is required to indicate the type of notification in the upper field. That is, for whom it is specifically needed. For example: individual entrepreneur, lawyer, organization. Then the TIN and captcha are found.

If you need to get information with all statistical codes online, then you need to go to the Rosstat website and go to the Kodyrosstat portal. To print a notice:

  1. On the indicated portal, determine the subject of the Russian Federation in the left field.
  2. Click on "Individual Entrepreneurs".
  3. Or choose "Legal entities".
  4. Enter TIN.
  5. Download notice.

All information on the Internet resource is updated every 2 months. The notice with codes is fully valid. To fill it out, an official form is not required and it is not necessary to certify the received document in Rosstat.


You can find your OKPO or counterparty code on the OKPO.RU resource. But this method is a little more complicated than the others. When accessing the site, requests for data are generated. As a result, you can get all the information on the enterprises. The peculiarity of the site is that it is allowed to leave an application for the assignment or change of codes.

Procedure for OKPO.RU:

Information changed within 2 months is not displayed on the site.


You can get the codes for free on the K-Agent website, for this:

You need to select the desired company and enter the TIN.

It is on this site that you can get OKPO codes for individual entrepreneurs. It is required to enter the full name of the IP and TIN data.


To get OKPO for free at http://skrin.ru/, you need a TIN, company name or PSRN. The site has a "Reporting" tab where data is entered. All information is displayed exclusively about those who have entered into an agreement for disclosure.

Step-by-step instruction:

You can quickly get the code without leaving your home. The easiest way to do this is online. A large number of Internet resources provide such an opportunity on a completely free basis. In this case, the notification is not required.

After an enterprise or entrepreneur completes the state registration procedure, specific statistics codes are assigned to it. Registration of a registered person is recorded in a notification provided by Rosstat.

Typically, such a notification is issued when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, but if necessary, statistics codes can be obtained online for free on the official website of Rosstat, and then print the notification yourself.

Statistics codes

Economic activity within the Russian Federation is divided into types. Each direction receives one number. With its help, there is a classification and systematization of information regarding a separate entity engaged in entrepreneurial activity. The assignment of codes occurs immediately after the state registration procedures.

Types of classifiers

The types of classifiers include:


By this eight to ten digit number, it is easy to determine which industry the company belongs to.


It is easy to find out the place of residence of the enterprise. The number contains from 8 to 11 digits, with the help of which the territorial affiliation is gradually indicated.


These numbers help speed up the processing of the information received.


Here, 5 characters serve for the hassle-free systematization of information about government departments.


This combination is intended to determine the legal form. It facilitates the analysis of information, serves as a basis for forecasting economic processes and developing proportional recommendations.


It is necessary to determine a specific type of activity of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

The main purpose of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (this is how OKVED is deciphered) is to classify and encode the economic direction in which the activity of the registered person will be carried out.

Such a number is needed when collecting and analyzing information about activities in a particular area, to calculate the rates of taxes collected. Unlike other classifiers, legal entities and entrepreneurs select OKVED at the same time with the collection of a full package of documents for registration.

Statistical codes are a specific digital combination from which you can get comprehensive information about the enterprise (as well as about the individual entrepreneur). All codes, grouped by class, are in the same registry. Each number contains 5 or 6 digits. By codes, you can find out the main and additional types of work, adjust the spheres of the economy, and conduct a statistical study.

What are they needed for

Statistics codes may be required when performing various actions, for example, such as:

  • participation in state tenders;
  • opening of new branches;
  • changes in information about an individual entrepreneur (full name, registration);
  • obtaining documents of the customs department;
  • change of legal address;
  • company renaming;
  • passing audits;
  • obtaining licenses;
  • opening a current account;
  • and others.

The database of statistics codes is updated regularly, usually twice a month. If notification was required earlier, even before the necessary information was entered into the database, you can act through the local division of the State Statistics Service. It must be located in the same territory where the applicants were registered.

Statistics codes are required to track the registration with Rosstat of each business entity. Based on these codes, the areas of operation of enterprises are determined, classified and grouped.

Where and how to get

Getting the information you need is easy. You just need to choose one of several options:

  • Simultaneously with state registration. An entrepreneur or legal entity receives a notification with statistics codes immediately, along with a package of other documentation.
  • By contacting the territorial office of Rosstat. If the specialists of the tax inspectorate did not issue the necessary notification, it is allowed to write a corresponding application to the statistics agency. It should be accompanied by copies of documents on state registration (it is not required to certify them), on the assignment of a TIN, as well as information from the USRR. The duty of the founder is to submit a copy of the Charter of the enterprise. With this option, the notice will be issued within a period not later than five business days.
  • If you want to avoid unnecessary hassle, you can entrust obtaining information about the codes to a specialized law firm. True, a preliminary agreement is required.
  • On the official website of the department, there is an online service that allows you to receive and print a notification with statistics codes for free.

How to get statistics codes for TIN online on the official website of Rosstat (step by step instructions)

In order to obtain statistics codes, you should perform the following steps on the official website of Rosstat of the Russian Federation:

Step 1. Go to the main page of the site - www.gks.ru.

Step 2. In the right sidebar of the site, click on the tab called "Notification of codes for all-Russian classifiers"

Step 3. A message will appear that the organization or individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to print out information about codes according to the all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information (OK TEI) directly from the site when specifying the TIN or OGRN / OGRNIP in the search engine. To do this, go to the specified link - statreg.gks.ru.

Step 4. To generate a notification, enter the TIN of the organization, captcha and click on the "Search" button

Step 5. In the search results, click on the button "OK TEI Codes"

Step 7. The received notification with statistics codes can be printed

Another option to get statistics codes by TIN on the official website of Rosstat implies the following procedure.

Step 1. On the site, go to the section "About Rosstat" - "Territorial authorities (TOGS)" - "Togs sites"

Step 2. Find on the map (or through a search) the required territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service and get a link to its website

Step 4. Click on the tab "Find out your OKPO code"

When generating, you need to select the desired type of notification, which can be for:

  • legal entities;
  • branches, representative offices, organizations that operate without forming a legal entity;
  • individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant (farm) households;
  • lawyers and private notaries.

This algorithm is suitable for all subjects. However, please note that this online service may not provide the corresponding service on weekends and holidays. Make sure you get information ahead of time.


Since the notification with statistics codes is an information and reference document, you can print it yourself. It does not require a special form of the organization, the signature of an official and certification with a seal.

All legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must receive this data on time. It is not necessary to delay this procedure. Such information will be required immediately after the start of business.

After opening an individual entrepreneur and registering with the tax authorities, information about the activities of the entrepreneur is transferred to the state statistics authority. The next step he has to take is to get the special codes. They are needed for paperwork during business activities.

For each type of activity, you should choose your own number series, which will later need to be indicated in tax returns and other calculations. Not all users know where they can be found for free. A convenient service is Rosstat.

Why do they recognize OKPO by TIN

OKPO is the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. Each type of activity is assigned its own classification number. This simplifies the further structuring of organizations in a single system.

The system was first launched in 1994. The number consists of eight digits. It must be indicated when submitting declarations to the tax authorities. OKPO defines the type of activity that a businessman carries out.

Throughout the existence of a company, organization or firm (IP), the assigned number does not change until the completion of work. In order to change it, you must contact the relevant authorities.

How to find out OKPO by TIN through the Rosstat online service

Information. There are other sources of OKPO, OKDP codes for TIN except for Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service. For example, the site "Klassinform".

Assignment of codes

To be able to carry out a number of certain actions related to taxation, conclude contracts, etc. you can’t do without OKPO, OKDP codes for TIN. You can find them online - through Rosstat. With their help:

  1. The ability to automatically process information is available. No need to spend a lot of time searching and calling various services.
  2. All important information will be processed automatically by the departments of the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other similar organizations.
  3. Statistical data in the country will be formed more accurately. This will make it possible to make social and economic forecasts for the Russian Federation.
  4. All information is automatically grouped according to certain criteria.
  5. With the help of codes, you can find out the exact data about the company, about the payment of taxes and various contributions, participation in litigation and the fulfillment of other obligations.

In what documents should the above codes be indicated:

  • for registration activities;
  • in the preparation of financial statements;
  • when maintaining accounting records of an organization, company or firm;
  • if necessary, issuing various certificates (to employees);
  • when concluding contracts with organizations, legal entities and individuals;
  • for filing and processing papers to the committees of statistics and the Federal Tax Service;
  • if a license is required.

In some companies and organizations, OKDP is printed.

Reference. In banks, when opening a current account, you must also provide a code. With its help, employees will be able to obtain data on the presence of debt, including taxes. Or inquire about participating in lawsuits.

OKPO code structure

The Rosstat website contains only two main sections:

  1. For individual entrepreneurs.
  2. For legal entities with a list of branches and divisions.

For each of the subsections, there are detailed blocks described:

  1. For identification - eight digits, with the help of which complete information about a registered entrepreneur or legal entity is available.

With the help of the first two digits, the type of activity is determined (production of goods, sale of products, management or national economy). The rest of the digit from the common number is the serial number.

  1. For information - in it you can find out the exact name of the organization or company in Russian. If the name contains characters from foreign languages, they must be indicated in an additional field. For entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the full reference to the full name of the owner.
  2. For classification, it may contain additional codes.
  3. OKFS - issues information indicating the form of ownership.
  4. OKVED - helps to determine and recognize the type of economic activity.
  5. OKAGU - must be assigned to government bodies. The numbers in the number allow you to accurately determine which department the company belongs to.
  6. OKATO - to determine the location of the organization.

Fact. The Russian database of individual entrepreneurs is regularly updated with the help of information that Rosstat periodically contributes.

After an individual entrepreneur has been registered and documents have been submitted to the tax office, employees of the institution send a notification within five days. It will list all the required codes.

For legal entities - OKPO is maintained throughout the entire time that the person is working. If a reorganization has occurred, OKPO does not change.

If an organization or enterprise is liquidated then the number is excluded from the general list of the classifier. For five years he will be registered with the enterprise.

OKPO IP request by TIN on the Rosstat website for free

To find out this digital series, you should click on the tab - "Information for respondents". In the window that opens, information will appear that not all browsers will display the complete data from the page. After the link has been clicked, a form for the question will appear.

You can get information about the organization number for individual entrepreneurs or a legal entity. To do this, you must fill out a form. The form must be filled out carefully, without errors, otherwise the information may be unreliable.

In the TIN line - you can get all the statistics. After filling in the details and the number encrypted in the picture, in a few seconds the service will provide information and the name of the company. The site has a download function for all statistical numbers.

After pressing the "OK TEI" button, the pdf file will start automatically loading. All data can be opened with a special program for reading such formats.

Healthy. On the service you can get not only a list of all the digital series, but also detailed information about what they mean. The function of checking the number by TIN online is available.

OKUD code - how to find out by TIN through Rosstat

To access the All-Russian Classification of Documents (OKUD), you must select the tab - "List of Forms". With this option, it is possible to obtain a complete list of securities that must be provided.

Each legal entity registered with the tax authority has a number of its own details. One of them is OKPO.

OKPO is an all-Russian classifier of all enterprises and organizations. The OKPO code serves as the main code for organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the Rosstat databases. Its main purpose is to simplify the search for enterprises or individual entrepreneurs in the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, EGRIP and EGRPO and obtaining all the information about them.

With it, you can easily systematically maintain statistical records and prepare reports.

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The OKPO classifier is conditionally divided into two blocks, each of which reflects the correct data on all business entities:

  1. The first block includes information about all legal entities, their branches and representative offices.
  2. The second is only about individual entrepreneurs.

Obtaining information about OKPO on the Rosstat website

More recently, it was possible to find out the OKPO code only by personally contacting the state statistics authorities, providing them with an extract from their Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP. The response to this appeal was provided on paper.

Today, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can obtain statistics codes without visiting any government agencies. To do this, go to the GMC Rosstat website at .

In the lower left corner, in the "Statistical Authorities" section, select the desired tab and go to the page of the subject in which you are registered. To get their details, legal entities need to enter the OGRN, individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP. The information received in the form of a Notice can be printed and used for the desired purposes.

This notice can be characterized as an information and reference document that is not named in the system of organizational and administrative documentation (it is determined by the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents (OKUD)), and therefore it should not meet the requirements for the preparation and execution of documents that are established by GOST R 6.30 -2003 “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation”.

The notification does not have to be signed by an official and there is no need to affix the seal of the organization on it in the generally established manner.

OKPO code of an individual entrepreneur

Any individual entrepreneur, as well as organizations, is assigned an OKPO code. Initially, it is indicated in the USRIP extract issued during the registration of an individual entrepreneur. But there is a slight difference between these OKPO codes.

So, the OKPO IP code contains ten digits, a legal entity - eight. Moreover, the first nine characters in the OKPO IP code indicate the type of activity of the enterprise, while the structure uses an ordinal numerical coding method. The tenth digit is considered to be the control one and it is determined using the calculation that is carried out using the developed algorithm (it is specified in the current Standardization Rules No. PR 50.1.024-2005).

In the event of a change in the IP of the direction of activity, the classifier code will also be changed.

In the code part of any reporting form, fields with personal unique codes of an individual entrepreneur must be filled in, among which OKPO is important.

An individual entrepreneur can find out the OKPO Code in several ways:

  • The first option involves a personal application to the Rosstat department. This application has an appropriate form, by filling out which you can receive an information letter with the details and data you need. When filling out the application, you will need to indicate your passport details, IP registration certificate and TIN number. A response will be provided within five business days.
  • The second option for obtaining an OKPO code is to contact the Central Department of the Federal Tax Service of the region where he lives. By filling out the required application, you can receive the requested information after 5 days on purpose (that is, personally appear for it) or at the postal address that you will need to indicate in the application.

OKPO code of a legal entity

The easiest way to find out the organization's OKPO is to look at the registration documents, which contain all its details and data. Each legal entity after state registration receives a notification of the assignment of the OKPO code, which is sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

The OKPO code is a mandatory requisite in accounting and tax reporting (it is always affixed when filling out the code zone for reporting legal entities in the upper right corner), so these documents can also be opened.

If this is not possible, then you can get the OKPO code from the statistical authorities. Before applying, you need to prepare copies of the following documents: TIN; OGRN; Charter. It is also necessary to bring a "fresh" extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. After you submit a completed information letter application, you may receive a response within five business days in person or by mail. The method of obtaining a response must be indicated when submitting an application.

Free receipt of OKPO by TIN

You can find out the OKPO code by the TIN of the enterprise.

First option

You must go to the website of the Federal Tax Service at.

In the column "Search criteria" select the section "Legal entity" / "Individual entrepreneur / peasant farm". Then select the search by "OGRNIP or TIN". Enter the appropriate value. Then the system asks you to enter the numbers from the picture, after entering them, press the "Find" button.

The result will be the information named in the columns of the table below.

In the first column, a PDF Document will be attached to the name of the organization, which is an extract from the UNIFIED STATE REGISTER OF LEGAL ENTITIES, which contains all information about the legal entity, including OKPO.

Second option

  1. It is supposed to use the Internet resource "". The data requested on it can be obtained at any time convenient for you after the formation of the request. On this site, you can freely access data from the EGRPO, EGRIP, EGRUL. The resource provides an opportunity to obtain information about OKPO, having at hand only the following data: the full name of the company, PSRN, address, TIN, passport details and full name of the representative in whose name the company is registered. Such services are provided for a fee.
  2. This data can also be obtained for free on the resource "". Here, the OKPO code of the required enterprise is provided only after making a contribution, which can be sent via SMS, electronic payment systems or payment through Sberbank of the Russian Federation. In addition, in order to provide information about the OKPO code, it will be necessary to enter the TIN or OGRN data. The received statement is stored in the system for 30 days.
  3. The site "" can also help if necessary. The user must enter the "Database Search" section and enter the full name of the organization of interest and click the "Find" button. Next, the user opens the entire information card of the company. Among the data presented will be the required code of the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations.

Finding OKPO by TIN is not only easy and is very fast, which is extremely important in conditions of limited time resources. All that is needed for this is access to the Internet.

This article tells about what OKPO is, why it may be needed and how to find it out, having only the Internet at hand. Let's take a closer look at the options for obtaining information from state statistics bodies.

What is OKPO and who needs it

The literal decoding of the abbreviation OKPO sounds like this - the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This classification system has been implemented for all legal entities since 1993, and for all "IP-shniks" since 1999. According to it, each business entity corresponds to a certain number, which is assigned at the time of registration of the enterprise.

OKPO has a different number of characters depending on the legal entity or individual it is assigned:

  • Legal entities, that is, all organizations have eight digits in the value of the classifier;
  • Individual entrepreneurs have ten digits in the classifier value.

How to find out OKPO

There are three ways to find out your OKPO, including: (click to expand)

  1. OKPO is indicated in the letter from the statistics that you received after registering your activity;
  2. OKPO can be obtained by contacting directly the territorial body of statistics to which you belong;
  3. OKPO is easy to find on the Internet.

Important! Keep all the documents issued to you by government agencies when registering an individual entrepreneur.

The OKPO number is public data that anyone can find out. It is not a trade secret.

Contacting the Statistical Authorities

This option for obtaining information about OKTMO is perhaps the most inconvenient. In order to get the code, you need to write an application to the Statistics Authority. After consideration of your application, within five working days, you will be sent a letter containing your OKPO. It is much faster to get the code yourself using the Internet.

How to find out OKPO for an entrepreneur via the Internet

If you have the Internet at hand, then it will not be difficult to find out OKPO and other statistics codes for your enterprise. To do this, you need to have information about:

  • Either your Taxpayer Identification Number (abbreviated TIN);
  • Or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (shortly OGRNIP).

To perform a search, you need to go to the statistics website in the section for generating notifications. After filling in the appropriate fields and sending the request, you will see two forms:

  • List of forms required for submission by your economic entity to Statistics;
  • Codes OK TEI.

To find out your OKPO, you need to open the document “OK TEI Codes”, which is a kind of Notice in which you can find out codes such as: (click to expand)

  • OKPO;
  • OKTMO;
  • OKFS;
  • OKATO;
  • OKOGU;
  • OKOPF.

In addition to the codes in this section there is a list of forms. This is an information letter that lists the names of the forms that your organization must submit to the Statistics Department and the deadlines for submitting these reports.

How to find out OKPO if neither TIN nor OGRN is known

Imagine a situation in which you want to find out your OKPO, but unfortunately you do not know either the TIN or PSRN of your individual entrepreneur. What to do in this case? There is a way out. To find out your TIN and PSRN, you need to go to the tax website in the section where there is information about the state registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs. In the search criteria for individual entrepreneurs, you must indicate that you want to find data by Surname, first name, patronymic and place of residence of the individual entrepreneur. After entering the full name and region of residence of the entrepreneur, the system will find the right one and give you information from the unified state. register of individual entrepreneurs.

This information will include: (click to expand)

  • TIN of the entrepreneur;
  • OGRN;
  • date of registration of IP;
  • the body that registered it;
  • tax, in which the entrepreneur is registered;
  • types of activities that the entrepreneur can engage in.

Now, by going to the statistics website, you can enter either the TIN, or PSRN, or both, and get a complete list of statistics codes for your particular individual entrepreneur.


The easiest way to obtain information about the OKPO code, if you do not have the documents issued during the registration of an individual entrepreneur, is to obtain the code through the state statistics website. It is important to note that you can get the OKPO code even if you do not have information about either the individual taxpayer number or the ORGIP. Searching for a TIN will take three minutes, searching for OKPO after you have found a TIN or OGRN will take even less.

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