
Errors in the design of building structures. Foundations and foundations. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Cons and pros of your houses - personal experience How not to break the law when doing the construction business

The most common mistakes when designing a house + photo


The format of our article certainly does not imply in-depth study design errors, but we, based on our experience, will try to briefly and concisely identify the main mistakes that repeat from year to year!

“What does it cost us to build a house, draw, we will live!”

Of course, we do not literally understand this phrase, and there are hardly any people in this hall who believe that they can live in a painted house. But at the same time, this expression is quite vital, because first you need to draw a house, and then build it in real size. This painted house can be called the first step to the project.

Now about the sad thing - some adults, having drawn the house of their dreams, are limited to this, naming the drawing with the proud word "Project" and giving it to the builders to work.

The next category of citizens, more advanced, along with the drawing of the external view, painstakingly draw the interior space in order to determine future usable areas. And at the end of the torment, a revelation comes to them that the entrance hall will be as much as 10 meters, the toilet 5, and the bedroom 20. Then they will write the cherished numbers in the center of these rooms in beautiful handwriting and, like the first category, they will hand over the “PROJECT” with a businesslike look builders to work.

And you say no one lives in a painted house!

But today's conversation will concern those people who understand that a project is an important and rather complex document that must be treated with all seriousness and a masterly approach. These responsible people were not afraid of the word “project”, they found out what sections and subsections it should contain and decided that they needed a full-fledged project at home. We support them because these are people who strive to get exactly the result that they planned.

Today's topic is for these people, we will analyze the most common design errors country house.

Mistake 1- A project from a friend of one friend

Of course, each of us in the environment has a friend who has a friend who made a good project for one friend. As a result, we find this friend, who was recommended by a friend, and he really does projects (but they didn’t tell you that only in electrics, and extra work won’t hurt him), and since a loyal client has already contacted him with a recommendation (this You), after a little thought, he takes on the project of the whole house (and he will learn for one thing). Loyalty from recommendations - blinds your eyes, and you resignedly go to the cliff on the lead of amateurs. This story repeats itself over and over again with different variables, but the result is always the same - loss of money, time and a lot of nerves. I do not deny that there are exceptions. We're moving on.

Error 2 - project from the Internet

There is another storehouse of projects - this is the Internet!

This is where the fantasy of a future homeowner can play out. The wonders of material savings, the wonders of project timing, the wonders of ergonomic design, and the wonders of Feng Shui. But this is not the worst thing, especially creative people take decisive steps and take the foundation from one project, the walls from the second, the roof from the third, and all this is completed by the internal layout from the fourth. Of course, it’s worth mentioning that there are worthy and even unique projects on the Internet, but without extensive knowledge in this area and experience - choose at least a normal one, we’re not even talking about an ideal project for you - this is a real lottery, sometimes at stake is the cost of an entire house .

Our advice for this situation:
Of course, you can apply for the development of a project both to a company and to an individual. The main thing is that YOU deal with real and specific people whom you will know personally and with whom you can meet on work issues at least every day. It is extremely important that those who are likely to carry out the project for you have houses built according to previously completed projects. It is best if there is an opportunity to communicate with the owners of these houses and with the builders. Because all the shortcomings of the project "emerge" at the stage of construction and further operation. It must be remembered that no matter who you work with, you must do it under an agreement with clearly defined conditions for volumes, terms and guarantees, support and responsibility.

Mistake 3 - the project is not based on reality.

Not infrequently, we hear complaints from designers that clients come and say with a straight face, “we need a project for a house located on 50 acres in the lower left corner with an area of ​​​​approximately 550 meters with three balconies and all of this is made of brick.” They are not going to provide additional data and the conversation ends there.

Here, most often, we observe such an option when people obviously consider themselves experts in suburban construction, and they were just too lazy to draw the project themselves, then they will then fit it into the landscape.

But questions on linking the project to the area are asked not for the sake of idle interest, but for the qualitative implementation of a set of design works. A good designer is interested in many issues at the location of the object, ranging from topography, wind and snow loads, soil characteristics and ending with legal issues at the location of the site.

The same question applies to the rapidly gaining momentum of the work of freelancers. For little money and in a short time, you will draw any project. But the question of tying it to the terrain and responsibility for the "curvature" take over.

What is fraught with the separation of the project from reality?
As the saying goes, "it was on paper, but they forgot about the ravines." There can be many surprises (we want to note only unpleasant ones), for example, the whole house will be designed not for your latitude, the foundation specified in the project is not suitable for your type of soil, etc.
Our advice in this situation: Provide all the necessary information requested for design work, and of course you should be alerted if the designers are not interested in the site for future construction.

Mistake 4 - make it beautiful!

Beauty and luxury are relative concepts, which is why you need to carefully approach these issues. What you consider beautiful may be mediocre for an architect, but not all ideas of an architect will suit you. Not always beautiful - practical and practical - beautiful.

It must be understood that the elements of beauty and luxury usually cost extra money and not only for the material, but also for the work of highly specialized professionals. Exclusive materials have their own delivery times, specialists have their own “busy windows”, and it is not always possible to combine these components. Also, elements of beauty and luxury can become a serious ballast.

in case of problems with your financial flow. And when the above elements are inscribed in the main design features of the house (marble columns, elevators, carved pillars, towers, pools, two-story basements, etc.), they are no longer so easy to refuse without new architectural ideas and solutions that fit into the overall concept. Houses.

Our advice on this situation: As for your standard of beauty and luxury, we recommend showing it to the architect (designer) on specific photo examples or existing architectural solutions, and not in words, and even more so not “on the fingers”, and then you will definitely come to a common understanding. Further, it will not be superfluous to provide for the possibility of replacing exclusive elements with standard solutions, and possibly abandoning them. Interchangeability and versatility never hurt.

Mistake 5 - Concessions in the convenience of life

Did you know that convenience for everyone is a great rarity?

The convenience of the project is one thing for an architect, another for builders, and a third for you. For example, an Architect may have several blanks (blocks), which he, as in a constructor, uses in various ways. But this does not mean at all that such solutions will suit you. Builders have several alternative options for installation work, but this does not mean that they must agree to them without good reason.

When the customer makes concessions on all sides, he usually remains in the red himself. As a result of such concessions, we see the ridiculous geometry of the premises, uncomfortable lighting, outdated and incompatible materials. And as a result, it may look like a beautiful, but inconvenient house for living.

Our advice in this situation: Think about how any architectural or installation decisions will affect you, do not compromise with people whom you may not even remember in a year. If the proposal of the architect or builders to change the "contractual, pre-project and design" agreements do not have clear, reasonable arguments or do not have proposals for a better alternative - do not agree to them. And remember that sometimes the deterioration of one is served under the sauce of the improvement of the other.

Error 6 - materials used

Of course, until it comes to construction, you have not thought about materials and their cost yet, but in vain!

And so you were given a finished project, you invited representatives of a construction company to discuss the timing of installation work and the supply of materials. And then it turns out that the materials that are indicated in the project have not been produced for a long time, and the characteristics of the analogues are completely different and for their application it is necessary to recalculate a large part of the project - they have arrived. It is also not uncommon when the materials specified in the project have a long delivery time (from six months or more), or builders refuse to work with this material, for example, with glass wool and other abrasive or hazardous materials. There are even cases when the project contains materials that are unknown to anyone, or materials that are used only in far abroad countries. And here, as such, there is no designer error, you did not focus on the available materials.

The multiplicity of materials is not a beautiful phrase, but a literal benefit. It hurts to watch when only 1/5 of the whole sheet is used in the last row of flooring (floor, roof, walls, etc.), and the rest is thrown away. When it causes so much fuss to builders that the price tag for their work will be incredibly large.

And be sure that if they did not include these difficulties in the cost of work at the conclusion of the contract, then they will definitely “recoup” in the future.

The picture is also sad, when there are so many materials by variety and variety that, as the Russian proverb says, "the devil himself will break his leg." As a result, we have the following difficulties: ordering in small batches is always more expensive than large ones, warehousing, accounting, phasing and logistics at the facility becomes a complex and painstaking work.
Our advice in this situation: Check that modern materials are used in the project, ask the construction base for their cost and quantity in stock, delivery time. The multiplicity of materials is, of course, on the conscience of the designer, but you can hint to him that this is an important point that will definitely come up at the construction stage. Do not strive for a hodgepodge of materials; generalize each similar material if possible.

We picked up a finished project - is it just space for you!?

Do not rush to rejoice - there are a lot of building technologies and solutions, blunders imperceptible on paper - will "ring the ruble" and "an eyesore". You should not think of yourself as a great know-it-all, but an architect an angel. There are still specially trained people with extensive experience in the world (although the project itself can cost them a lot of money, but it’s enough for a consultation), who will look from the height of experience and regulatory documents and where they need to be corrected, or even thrown the project into the trash. BUT believe me, a project is better than a whole house! And remember - It's better to lose a day, but then fly in five minutes.

Our advice in this situation Conduct an examination of the project in an independent and reputable organization (or a private person), let a third party look, perhaps new opportunities for comfort and savings will be found, and annoying errors will be corrected. Architects are people too and they make mistakes too, investing money here will definitely pay off. (unless, of course, professionals look). Of course, you think that there are guarantees for all work, and if anything, then everyone will come running and immediately start correcting mistakes, but practice says the opposite.

Mistake 8 - Design and construction start together.

A hit of all times and peoples: the question - “Will we move in by the New Year?”

The most common plan is to celebrate the New Year in your home. And it doesn't matter that it's already October. The builders said - let's do it!

But as the Russian folk saying goes, “If you take nine women, then the child will still not be born in a month.” Construction technologies require a certain time frame, the order of work and even seasonality. As a rule, in a hurry, construction starts along with the design, and even earlier, as a result, confusion and discrepancy between what was designed and done in fact is inevitable.

You need to understand the consequences of your run “forward the locomotive”, a flooded foundation cannot be moved “one or two”, to strengthen it when the walls are already in place is hard, you cannot stuff materials “anyhow” into the project. Every change costs money. In general, you need to decide who is more important in this case - you and the builders or the project. If you are, then don't spend money on a project - after the end of "building by inspiration" - an ordinary student will be able to sketch a project after the work has been completed. It is also worth remembering that the rush of builders often affects quality.

Our advice on this situation: first the project, then the work.

Error 9 - everything is written in the project, so the builders will do everything right.

To begin with, an anecdote: Builders hand over the object, approach the construction site with the Customer and look into a huge well, at the bottom of which a searchlight is brightly lit. The builders say that this is the first time they see such stupidity - according to the project, it was necessary to make a well with a light bulb, but since it is written in the project, they did it. The customer looks at the project, then turns it over and says - “actually, it was supposed to be a lighthouse”

It is not true to think that a project is a document that contains absolutely all the information about building a house. Construction guides and regulations are countless.

And, for example, the connection can be made in various ways using various fasteners. But which one is appropriate in your case, and which one is not applicable at all, only a specialist with specialized education and experience can answer. There is such a type of technical supervision work - this is a slang name that understands by itself. At the same time, there is a profession, which implies an engineer for the quality of construction. And when technical supervision carries out technical supervision (and not you observe with a smart look), then we can say that the construction is going in the right direction.

At what stage is technical supervision needed? It is just at the design stage that its activity begins, which will avoid the above errors. And continues until the settlement of happy tenants. There is a naive understanding that technical supervision is a shepherd for builders.

Believe me, it's not like that at all. Competent technical supervision, does not supervise the builders and does not waste time (and the customer’s money) at the facility, he initially determines with the customer and the builders the checkpoints on the work schedule, at which he will appear at the facility and accept work, sign acts of hidden work , evaluate the quality of materials delivered to the facility and methods of their storage and warehousing.

It becomes much more difficult to hide marriage and various defects, and if they are detected, installation work will be immediately stopped and it will not be difficult to determine the causes.

Our advice on this situation during construction is necessary.

Mistake 10 - Years of preparation.

This is a delay with the beginning of the realization of your dream in building your own home, justifying by the fact that not all information has been collected and everything is still not clear.

Our advice:

Everything will never be clear, there is an infinite amount of information! Look for only basic information and start decisive action now!

Thank you!

The Expert-Vzglyad company recommends timely production in construction. Only the forces of a professional can prevent the loss of money and time to remake a marriage. We wish you that the planned construction ends safely and on time!

Read in this article about what mistakes can be made at the design stage of a house and what this can lead to.

When moving into an apartment, people usually do not think about how accurate the project was. Is the house set up correctly, is the foundation strong, are the structures strong, is the layout correctly marked out, what is the condition of engineering networks and the main intra-apartment electrical outlets. Most do not see the point in thinking about such issues, because they trust construction organizations that are under the control of government agencies. Those who are involved in construction know what is the initial period, technical control, acceptance of work, and many other important points.

The first major mistake is to neglect an experienced project developer

It is a completely different matter when designing country-type houses is carried out: summer cottages or cottages. Here the customer has to be directly involved in the process. In particular, at the stage of searching for a design specialist and a professional work team. If you have a need to design houses https://planners.ru/ an important mistake that is made at the very beginning is the rejection of a professional designer and replacing him with a less experienced specialist. Or a complete disregard for the development of the project.

If construction starts from scratch, not having a project developed by a competent experienced specialist means a huge irresponsibility.

Why is it important to think about how to choose a house designer who can provide a competent project that meets all standards, conditions and requirements? First of all, because people will have to live in this house, use all the systems that will be installed in it and, accordingly, feel either comfort or discomfort.

The second, as a rule, is perceived as a consequence of mistakes made at the design stage.

My own designer

Often, customers turn to a construction organization, having in their hands a selected project from the Internet, which, in their opinion, fully meets all preferences. The foundation, the main structures of the house, an extension in the form of an open terrace, balconies, and so on are marked. At the same time, the future owner is sure that such a house will look very nice.

A specialist, developing a project, will link it with local climatic and geological conditions. He will certainly be able to explain to the customer why his opinion is wrong.

Errors at the stage of geological surveys and excavation design

What happens when non-professionals take on the design? The wrong approach to business begins to be traced at the very initial stages. The following calculations are allowed:

  1. The soil remains unexplored. Soil compositions and the level of groundwater location are ignored.
  2. The marking of the incorrect binding of the construction pit to the terrain is carried out. This is fraught with serious problems in the future related to the legality of the construction of a residential building. Here it is worth mentioning the difficulties that will arise with the organization of drainage, drainage of groundwater from the basement.
  3. Incorrectly calculated loads in the project will lead to the destruction of the foundation. There will be a need for additional strengthening of the house, which means additional expenses (usually very large).

What are the errors in the layout of the main structure and outbuildings on the site and what does this lead to in the end

Errors in the planning of the house are expressed in the wrong location of the main structure and additional outbuildings. This also includes the choice of territory for the garden and vegetable garden.

  1. The one who will design the main house, following only the wishes of the customer, will create many problems for him in the future. For example, organizing window openings in the main rooms overlooking the garden will eventually darken the rooms. Over time, the seedlings will become trees, and their crowns will block the sun. Such plantings should be removed from windows. Rooms should have good natural light.
  2. Placing a building under a toilet at a close distance from housing will create certain inconveniences due to a penetrating smell.
  3. Improper determination of the location of the sides of the house in relation to the winds present in the construction area can make the house cold.

Houses are usually placed in such a way that one side is on the shady side. To prevent the wind from penetrating the house, you need to properly position the roof. Wind gusts should not be taken over by a pediment with window openings.

Subsequent adjustment of the project

Additions or changes can be made to any project that do not contradict the basic requirements. A big mistake is a rash initial design. The situation when already in the course of construction it is necessary to resort to serious adjustments. What is the risk? The fact that you have to change not only the parameters of the assigned structures, but also other important elements associated with them. For example, expanding the area of ​​​​rooms can lead to a narrowing of the corridor. As a result, you will have to change the design of the stairs to the second floor if the house is two-level.

What is missing in the implementation of an ill-conceived project of a large house?

  1. A two-story wide house, which is being built for the future residence of a large family in it, should have two bathrooms, on the first and second floors. This will save the household from queues in the morning, respectively, help to avoid running around from floor to floor and other conflict situations.
  2. Often the importance of secondary rooms is not taken into account in non-professional design. For example, a hallway. It, like the corridor, is narrowed to make the main rooms wider. It is not right. The hallway must be properly calculated. The area should be five meters long and 1.5 to 2 meters wide. In such a territory, you can move freely, as well as conveniently arrange furniture.
  3. Errors in the planning of a country house may consist in non-compliance with the logic of placing additional premises. An experienced designer will place a pantry near the kitchen, and a dressing room near the bedroom.

What errors should be paid attention to when checking a project

  1. No signs of geological surveys. As a result, this leads to incorrect development of the type of foundation.
  2. Inconsistent placement of the structure with the general master plan.
  3. Development of the facade ahead of space-planning decisions of the building. A mistake that inexperienced architects make.
  4. Reducing the minimum size of bathrooms / nodes, boiler rooms. Development of inconvenient parameters of stairs that constrain movement.
  5. Incorrect calculation of the number and parameters of ventilation channels.
  6. Roofing limitation. A small overhang makes the house ugly, unfinished.
  7. Structural errors in the design of building structures. Inaccurate calculations of underground and surface elements (foundations, walls, roofs, and so on).

Read in the article:

It is hardly possible to find a house whose owners, after the completion of construction, would not regret that they did not take into account something, did not provide, or would not complain about the mistakes made

But the error is different error. Small ones can be tolerated or eliminated at minimal cost. Correcting the rough ones is quite difficult. But there are also fatal errors. And if they take place, the experts put an unequivocal diagnosis of the structure: "fatal". Many mistakes can be made long before construction - during the design of the building.

When to sign the project?

Defects in design are admitted not only by architects, but also by the customers themselves. One of the first mistakes that future owners of a house make is the incorrect determination of its total area. How does this happen? Customers make a list of the premises they need, but the "virtual" design of a suburban facility is carried out by them according to the principle of planning an apartment. Often they forget to calculate the area of ​​stairs, halls, auxiliary premises (boiler room, laundry, etc.) and as a result they are extremely surprised when, during the creation of a draft design, it turns out that the total area of ​​​​the house has increased by 100-200 m². Accordingly, financial costs for design and construction increase, for which customers may not be ready at all.

The development of a country house project is carried out by a design bureau or a private architect in two stages. The first is preliminary design, lasting one to two months. Its result is two or three options for a draft design. The sketch that the clients like will be finalized, and as soon as they sign it, the detailed design stage will begin, which takes two to three months. So the second most common mistake future homeowners make is that they rush to approve a draft design, and then, during the preparation of working documentation, they have new ideas that require adjustments or alterations to an almost completed project. It is better not to rush, think it over, check everything, and only then put a signature. Otherwise, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay 30-40% of the total project cost for innovations. These errors can be easily avoided, and their correction requires only financial costs.

Unfortunately, almost every project has some number of bugs. To draw a beautiful house is quite simple, to correctly develop all the structural parts of the structure is not an easy task. Design is a process of taking into account the details, during which the architect has to answer a huge number of questions. It is impossible to answer all of them at the same time with one construction. Something will remain uncovered by attention, and errors can occur here.

It is important which project you choose - standard or individual. Fewer errors are allowed in standard projects, because houses were built on them more than once, and if any defects were detected, the project was corrected. There are frequent miscalculations in the design of wooden houses with complex roofs. In structures made of wood, even dried to the indicators specified in SNiPs, there are still shifts in geometric dimensions from exposure to high or low temperatures and humidity. Wooden walls, rafters can change their dimensions by 2% during the year. If this fact is ignored during the design, then when the walls move by 5 mm on the roof in the area of ​​​​adjacencies (in particular, in the valley), wind-hydroprotective and vapor barrier membranes begin to tear, which leads to leaks. A properly designed structural part of the project (using sliding fasteners, a certain type of rafters, etc.) avoids this mistake.

What to consider in a working draft?

The working draft consists of the following documentation:

  1. AR - architectural solutions.
  2. KR - constructive solutions.
  3. VK - water supply and sewerage.
  4. HV - heating and ventilation (air conditioning).
  5. EO (electrical equipment).

Before talking about the mistakes that happen in the first section, we recall that the AP includes:

  1. General plan of the site with the planting of the house.
  2. Floor masonry plans (binding of walls, partitions, door and window openings).
  3. Roof plan showing chimneys and chimneys.
  4. Drawings of facades with the designation of dimensions and marks of openings, walls, roofs and decorative elements.
  5. Cuts.
  6. Floor units, roofs.
  7. Floor plans and explication.
  8. Specification of window and door openings.
  9. Stairs external, internal (plans, sections).
  10. Porch and terraces (detailed drawings).
  11. Calculation of volumes of building materials (number of logs, timber, bricks, cement, sand, etc.).

Let's pay attention to the first item in the list of architectural solutions. The correct landing of the house on the site is one of the most important tasks of the architect. In order to successfully cope with it, he must receive from customers not only a plan of the site belonging to them, but also, if possible, plans of neighboring properties with buildings marked on them. And best of all, if the architect himself comes to your site to understand its features and take them into account during the design.

What is it for? In order to organically fit the building into the surrounding landscape; so that subsequently the windows of your living room do not go out onto a neighbor's garage or a blank fence; so that the shadow from a nearby cottage does not fall on your house, breaking its insolation, etc. This is especially important in the case when the building density of the territory is very high. The layout of the rooms should be planned in such a way that the windows of the living quarters “do not look” into the neighboring ones.

When designing a wooden house, it is important to consider that the distance to a neighboring (also wooden) building must be at least 15 m in accordance with fire safety rules.

Before ordering a house project, the owners of the site, as a rule, already assume where exactly the cottage will stand. Some even insist on their point of view if their opinion does not coincide with the recommendations of the architect. Alas, such perseverance can lead to sad consequences. Here is one of the real life examples. The owner of the site built the house first on the territory to be built. The building is located in such a way that it is 1.5 m away from the border with the neighboring plot. And according to SNiP 30-02-97, this distance should be at least 3 m. And now the neighbor of this homeowner, who has started building his house, is suing the first by the developer who violated the requirements of the law. It is difficult to answer what such a trial will lead to. But the court has the right to make a decision on the demolition of a building erected without taking into account existing norms. If your site is so narrow that it is impossible to comply with the requirements of the SNiPs mentioned above, there is still a legal solution to the issue. In the event that your neighbors do not mind that your cottage is 1.5-2 m from the border of the plots, their consent should be notarized. Now your construction will be protected by law.

When planning the architectural appearance of the house and determining its area, correlate them with the characteristics of the site. Often, the owners suffer from gigantomania, and as a result, a building of three or four floors grows on a small piece of land, occupying almost the entire territory. Alas, there is no beauty here. This can be understood only if the acute housing problem of several families of relatives is solved in this way. No matter how beautiful the house is architecturally, but without the surrounding trees, bushes, flowering flower beds, it will look like a box. The ratio of buildings and landscaped areas of the site should be at least 50:50. Moreover, landscape designers are advised to make an advantage in favor of green spaces.

It is better to order an interior design and landscape design project at the same time as a house project in order to avoid moving sockets and switches, punching holes in the foundation, etc. in the future.

It is also important to correctly orient the cottage to the cardinal points. If the living room windows face south, the room is threatened with excessive insolation: furniture upholstery and curtains will quickly burn out, and indoor plants will have a hard time. Sometimes a house is designed in such a way that it is dark all day long. Only in the evening the sunset ray of the sun flashes - and that's it.

Another unfortunate option for the location of the building on the cardinal points: the living room is poorly lit, and the sun is already peeking into the bedroom at five o'clock in the morning in the summer. Experts advise orienting the windows of the living room and the nursery to the southeast, bedrooms to the west. The exception is the bedrooms for "larks" - their windows can look east. The dark and cold north side is suitable for the windows of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms. Sometimes the layout allows you to do without windows on this side of the house.

Another important point when planting a house on a site is taking into account the wind rose. If you neglect this, it may, for example, turn out that the terrace on which you planned to sunbathe or enjoy morning and evening tea drinking is blown by all the winds, and staying here is uncomfortable.

Do you need copyright supervision?

If the project is drawn up correctly and thoroughly checked (for this you can involve specialists from companies involved in construction expertise), in the future it is important to protect yourself from possible mistakes of builders. Far from always they know how to read the drawings and understand the nuances of certain designs. And sometimes they simply inattentively and negligently treat their work, which sometimes leads to completely ridiculous mistakes. For example, the foundation of the house is turned in the wrong direction, as a result of which the “front entrance” looks into the garden or the neighboring bathhouse.

In order not to encounter certain construction errors, enter a clause on architectural supervision (AN) in the contract with the architect. AN is the observation of the representative of the designer (architect) over the compliance of construction with project documentation. The functions of the Academy of Sciences include: control over the correct execution of design decisions (architectural, stylistic and planning) and compliance with construction technology; assistance in choosing building and finishing materials, giving recommendations on their use, etc.

Errors in design solutions

We talked about possible mistakes in the architectural part of the project, we will consider typical mistakes in its constructive part. First of all, this is the wrong choice of the type of foundation. Competent designers will not take a step in calculations without geosurvey data. They need to answer a number of technical questions: what types of soils lie under the future building, how deep are groundwater, etc. To determine the physical and mechanical properties of soils, they invite specialists from the organization that carries out engineering and geological surveys at the construction site and issues official conclusion. Their services are paid for (30,000-45,000 rubles or more, depending on the number of wells needed to take a soil sample) by the project customers.

As practice shows, quite a few of them refuse to spend money on these seemingly completely futile work. However, in regions with difficult soils (and the Moscow region also belongs to them), without the data obtained during the survey, it is difficult to develop an optimal foundation design for a particular site, as well as answer the question of whether it is advisable to make a basement and arrange a cellar, a sauna, a cinema hall there. etc. Savings on such research can lead in the future to the appearance of cracks in the foundation, its subsidence and other unpleasant consequences.

The cost of the foundation is approximately 15-20% of the cost of the box of the house, but the cost of reworking it reaches 50-70% of the total cost of construction

The right choice of material for the walls is also important. For example, not all developers know that it is better to build a house for seasonal living from wood, and not from brick. It is very difficult to warm up a brick structure after a long absence - this will take several days. And if you come only for the weekend, then there is no need to talk about a comfortable stay in the house during the cold season. The brick is hygroscopic, and therefore the walls that have collected moisture in the fall will freeze in the winter, which can lead to the gradual destruction of the masonry. Be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the walls that the architect lays in the project. So, brick walls must have a thickness of at least 52 cm. In addition, they must be insulated with heat-insulating material (layer - from 100 mm). All wooden houses do not meet modern requirements for thermal protection of residential buildings, therefore they also need to be insulated. Otherwise, you will have to spend significant amounts on heating. Are you ready for these expenses?

The next important element in the design of the house is the roof. Of course, the complex geometry of the roof makes the architectural appearance of the house more interesting. But this is only one side of the coin. And here is the second: the likelihood of leaks increases, pockets are formed for the accumulation of snow, installation becomes more complicated and, finally, the cost of the project increases significantly. Experts in the field of building expertise unanimously argue: the simpler the shape of the roof, the better.

The more complex the geometry of the roof, the more protrusions and breaks on it, the higher the likelihood of leaks and the more difficult it is to maintain gutters

What to consider in the project of a wooden house?

When working on a wooden house project, it is very important to take into account the shrinkage processes that will occur to it over several years. For example, the nominal shrinkage for a wall beam (any) is 25-30 mm per floor. So, when designing a truss structure, rigid fastening of the rafters to the walls of the house is unacceptable - in this case, sliding supports are used. If this is not done, then the rafters will burst the walls or the truss structures will bend, and the roof may leak. Rigid fixation of support pillars is also unacceptable, but meanwhile this can often be found. For their fastening, jacks should be used. Otherwise, the doors on the upper floors will stop opening and closing, or the wall beam will “open”. One of the typical mistakes is the incorrectly chosen distance between the beams of the interfloor floor (should be no more than 65 cm), as a result of which the floor turns out to be “unsteady”, weakened

Continuing to talk about the shortcomings in the constructive part of the project, let's focus on the toughest nut to crack - the stairs. The main error in the design of stairs is associated with non-compliance with the parameters of the angle of ascent and descent. on which the ease of use of the design depends. The slope of 30 ° is considered optimal, the width of the tread (the horizontal plane of the step) is 34-37 cm, the height of the riser (the vertical part of the step that closes the gap between adjacent treads) is 14-17 cm.

For those who are planning a pool in the house, we advise you to contact only highly qualified specialists who have been designing pools for at least five to seven years. Among the mistakes made when creating the design of these hydraulic structures, the most common is the violation of the organization of heating, ventilation, drainage, and power supply. Illiterately calculated air exchange system leads to mold and streaks on the walls, fogging of windows. And leaks in the pool can even destroy the foundation of the building. But there are some silly mistakes too. One of them is the organization of pool lighting with the help of lamps mounted in the ceiling above it. How to change a burned out light bulb? This will be possible only once every three to five years, with a full descent of water.

In addition to aesthetic advantages, your future home should be functional. Therefore, before signing the sketch, try to revive the picture created by the architect. The more such “revivals” occur, the fewer errors and rework you will encounter in the future.

Why forget about the tambour?

One of the most common mistakes is the lack of a vestibule. It seems that they simply forget about it when designing. But for a house, especially a wooden one, the presence of a vestibule is very important, since it prevents the main rooms from cooling down. Its depth should be at least 1.2 m. Do not confuse the vestibule with the hallway or combine them. These two rooms serve different functions. There are no trifles in designing a cottage. Any oversight, flaw can lead to inconvenience. So, for example, for some reason, quite often they forget to arrange a canopy over the porch. As a result, when it rains, water fills the steps, in winter - snow falls asleep. And if the building has a low base, then the front door can also fall asleep with snow.

10 most common mistakes in the structural part of the project



Consequences of a mistake

Insufficient area of ​​foundation vents

SNiP II-3-79

The risk of moisture in structures and thermal insulation of the basement and the occurrence of mold. Subsequent destruction of the floor

No openings

in basement partitions

SNiP II-3-79

The same risks due to lack of ventilation, as well as difficulties in maintaining the underground space

Location of beams close to parallel walls

Not regulated

Difficulties in sealing - a “cold bridge” will inevitably arise

Lack of a hatch for access to the underground space

Not regulated

Difficulties in maintenance - there may be a situation when you have to urgently disassemble the floor

For wooden houses: shrinkage during design: ignoring the properties of the truss system, junctions of log and frame structures, junctions of stairs with ceilings

Not regulated

The appearance of gaps after a relatively short period of operation. Roof leakage. In some cases, structural deformations

Lack of attic space ventilation (in case of a cold attic)

SP 31-105-2002

Risk of moisture and subsequent destruction of structures. The appearance of condensate leaks. Deterioration of thermal insulation properties

Lack of sealing instructions in the design documentation. First of all, this applies to vapor barrier films.

Not regulated

Incorrect vapor barrier device inevitably leads to loss of thermal insulation properties of the insulation

Lack of instructions on antiseptics and the use of certain protective and decorative coatings for wood

Various SNiPs give only general instructions about antiseptics.

The risk of biodestruction of wooden structures and loss of decorative effect

Lack of key solutions in interfaces with equipment elements (ventilation, heating, large-sized devices)

Not regulated

For example, due to the banal forgetfulness of the designers, there are no ducts for the passage of ventilation ducts or there is no additional reinforcement of the wall at the place where the storage water heater is attached.

When building a private house, most developers most often make the same mistakes. In this article, we have collected 9 of the most common construction mistakes, avoiding which you can build a cottage without any problems.

Start of construction without a competent project

Many developers prefer to skip this stage and immediately start construction without a quality project. But construction does not begin with laying the first brick, but with transferring the idea to paper. Only a high-quality project will make it possible to calculate the estimate, deadlines, and the number of specialists involved as close as possible to reality.

The choice of low-quality building materials

The second typical mistake that customers make is the choice of low-quality building materials. More precisely, even so. Take good cement, but use dirty sand. Buy a heater from a trusted company, but save on glue for it. Ultimately, this leads to double spending. And it’s good if the shortcomings have to be eliminated even when creating a house, and not during its operation.


In order not to spend more money at the stage of acquiring building materials, you need to complete the project estimate in advance. A competent specialist calculates everything down to the number of nails. And this will save money without sacrificing quality.

A competent builder will not make mistakes and will make sure that materials arrive gradually. This

  1. Will not force the construction site to stand idle without work.
  2. Will not allow the weather to degrade the quality of materials.
  3. It will give you the opportunity to perform all the work in stages.

Wrong timing to start construction

The fourth common mistake is to start building a private house in spring or even summer. In the warm season, concrete for the foundation will dry many times faster. But this does not mean that it will be better. It should be clearly understood: you can’t rush when building a house!


You can not build a house on a foundation that has not yet "settled". The concrete solution fills all the voids, spills over the allotted space. This takes time. The optimal time for the foundation to be ready is 1-2 months.

The larger the cottage, the stronger the foundation. One of the most common mistakes you should not make is to start building walls over a foundation that was poured less than a month ago. Experienced builders say that the foundation should be poured in a warm autumn. The natural drying of concrete will allow you to get the strongest foundation for the future home.

Construction without the use of reinforcement

Increasing the strength of a building material is possible only with the use of reinforcement. The house is being built for years. Precipitation, wind and operation reduce its wear resistance. And only reinforcement can slow down this process.


It is possible to reinforce an already operated building. But this is difficult and worsens the appearance of the house. Do not make a common mistake of illiterate builders. The best option is to produce reinforcement during construction.

Need to reinforce

  1. Foundation. Reinforcement can be transverse or longitudinal.
  2. Walls. Reinforcement will additionally fasten the walls of any material.
  3. Overlappings. The beams will increase their wear resistance and allow them to withstand additional loads if reinforcement is made during their installation.

The reinforcement process will not take much time and will not increase the cost of the project too much.

Construction without wall insulation

The house needs to be insulated. This is an unbreakable dogma. It is a mistake to rely on the heating system or mild winters. The best option is to insulate the walls outside the house. The installation of a heat-modernizing system can be started immediately after the walls have been erected.

If you plan to finish the exterior of the facade, then you can not adhere to the ideal evenness of the walls. This will save time. And the arrangement of the facade can be performed immediately after strengthening the insulation to the walls.

The use of low-quality double-glazed windows

Under thermal modernization, any specialist assumes wall insulation and installation of “correct” windows. Even the thickest insulation will not fully retain heat if it does not have good double-glazed windows. High-quality windows are a guarantee of heat preservation, as well as good sound insulation.

In order to avoid a common mistake, you need to consider how many shutters there will be in each double-glazed window. And also whether windows are needed that can be ventilated. You can install double-glazed windows as soon as the walls are erected, as well as after the “box” is ready.

Roof installation mistakes

Most modern roofing materials are of high quality, however, a common mistake is not to pay due attention to the roof. All problems arise most often precisely because of installation errors. For example, some, when buying high-quality materials for the roof itself, install it on cheap fasteners, which in general makes such a roof short-lived. Or they use materials that are not suitable for the installation of a particular type of roof. That is why, when installing the roof, this process should be studied in detail in order to prevent annoying mistakes.

Incorrect interior arrangement

The house must be comfortable. A common mistake is the layout of rooms without taking into account the needs of residents. If there is not so much space, you can:

  • donate a guest room;
  • make a small dressing room;
  • do not make a big living room.

But there are things that even a small house should have. This

  1. Children need their own rooms. If it is not possible to make rooms for each child, zoning should be done in the common nursery.
  2. The kitchen should have a dining area where the whole family can fit.
  3. If the house has more than one floor and the bedrooms are, for example, on the second, there should be a bathroom.

A good layout will make the inhabitants of the house feel comfortable. And the house itself will be cozy.

Selection of unqualified personnel for construction

And the last. It is impossible to build a good house if random people are involved in this process. A well-coordinated team must work. It needs a backbone of specialists, a good leader, who is also a person who controls every stage of the work.

Choosing builders is by far the most difficult aspect of building a home. The best option is one company does all the work. So there will be more responsibility for the performers. At the same time, an experienced company with a well-coordinated team can always give timely, competent, necessary recommendations.


You need to control all stages of construction yourself. It's best not to let the next step start without checking the previous one. Builders may well hide their mistakes. And those, unfortunately, can then be incorrigible.

In fact, advice on how to avoid mistakes during construction can be continued for a very long time. But the 9 listed are the most typical and difficult to correct. Therefore, it is better to know in advance what will help prevent them.

The idea of ​​building your own home, according to your taste and your ideas about the ideal home, is so tempting. It seems that there is nothing easier, you just have to look at the proposed options, which can be easily found in specialized publications or by visiting the office of a construction or design office, and you will immediately understand whether the project is right for you or not.

Indeed, there is nothing difficult in mentally transferring yourself to the space of such bright and alluring pictures, seeing yourself and your family in a picturesque garden or by the pool drawn by an illustrator, imagining yourself next to this house decorated in a rural style, or your guests admiringly looking at your own castle, decorated with not banal design delights. You already mentally imagine how pleasant it will be to spend summer evenings sitting on the terrace or what a wonderful view will open from the window.

But we will have to stop such tempting dreams and take a more realistic look at a colorful picture in a glossy magazine. And the first thing to remember is that such projects are specially created to capture the imagination of a potential customer, attention is paid to secondary things that are the first to catch the eye, but the really important fundamental and fundamentally important aspects of the project remain in the shadows.

Yes, it's nice to imagine yourself living in such a nice house, with turrets, painted in perfect colors, covered with ivy. But do not forget that such details can easily fit into almost any project, you can decorate a building, place plants or choose the colors of walls or roofs exactly with the wishes of the future owner of the house, any project can be equipped with turrets and unusual flowerpots you like and other details.

So, choosing a project, focusing only on external details, you can make a mistake. It is much more important to pay attention to the general layout of the house, the communications system, the gas and water supply system. That is, to those fundamental points that form the basis of the project and which will subsequently be difficult to change or modernize if something does not suit you during the operation of the house.

Common Mistakes

Usually, all errors when choosing a project for a house and a personal plot arise from the fact that developers simply do not imagine all the moments that residents of country houses face. And those who develop the project do not always consider it necessary to inform the customer, not wanting to waste time and trying to close the deal as soon as possible.

When choosing a house project, it is better to consult with those of your friends or acquaintances who have already taken such an important step and acquired a country house, which means they know firsthand about those potential domestic difficulties that homeowners can, and most often inevitably face. In addition to the general layout, which should suit the owners of the house, you should think about all the potential amenities of utility systems, because these problems will inevitably confront you if the purchase of a house is nevertheless made.

Unfortunately, cases have become frequent when, having chosen a project only according to a sketch, the buyer cannot even formulate what exactly he liked so much in the proposed version. And if the specialist embarks on further inquiries, it turns out that the house depicted in the project simply looked “beautiful” and “comfortable”, near such a house it was pleasant for the customer to present himself and his loved ones, pictures one more tempting than others swarm in his imagination .

But the customer cannot correlate the project with real conditions, weather surprises, terrain conditions, etc. Often, even their own needs are not clearly formulated, which means that the solution is not sought in one of the project options.

One of the most important conditions that should be met before choosing or designing the type of future home is a clear statement of all the needs and requests that the house must meet. And these should not be requests, such as “beautiful”, “delightful”, “should immediately please” and so on. The more specifically and correctly the goal and the criteria that it must meet are formulated, the easier it will be not to make a mistake and correctly determine the project.

Choosing a project

The first rule for choosing a project should have been - "do not believe your eyes." In a serious interpretation, this advice sounds like this - you should not rely on the first impression of the visual image of the future home. It is not so easy to do this, because the customer is usually an inexperienced person in drawing up projects and chooses more guided by emotions, and not by sound calculation.

If you are looking at a picture, a visual image of your future home and it seems to you that this is your ideal home, then take your time and try to take a sober look at the proposed project or several projects. What you see on paper will not always and not 100% correspond to the real state of affairs, the project was specially created based on your first impression created by specialists who know perfectly well what to emphasize and what, on the contrary, to skillfully hide from perspective of a potential buyer.

Remember that external elements and architectural delights only divert all attention to themselves, while the basis of the project - in fact, the box of the house itself, can go unnoticed. It is paradoxical, but exactly what distinguishes one project from another, what is worth paying close attention to, eludes the future developer. Another reason why you should not attach great importance to the style decision of the house, which is attractive and detailed in the project, is that any style decision, any element of the exterior design can be adapted to the project of your choice.

In other words, choose your base, the box of the house, and an experienced architect or designer, listening to your wishes, will make your ideal home out of it. And surprisingly, the same project will become a medieval castle or a modest village dwelling, or maybe a modern cottage, designed in a minimalist style. Choosing a project only by external signs, the buyer runs the risk of eventually getting something that will not meet his needs, and far from what was shown in the picture.

Guided only by the principle of "like - dislike", you run the risk of missing a really interesting project, not noticing and not appreciating the house of your dreams, and only because the facade of the house in a particular project was made in an unsuccessful style.

I would like to draw the attention of buyers to one more nuance, it would seem quite obvious. The project of the house will most often be presented to you, inscribed in a certain, undoubtedly very attractive landscape. It is understandable, architects strive to show their work in the best possible light, and what can decorate a house better than a well-drawn landscape. The buyer, looking at the project, will imagine how great it is to go out on the porch in the morning and admire the pine forest or look out the attic window and see a picturesque hillock or river there, and how cute these two turrets will look next to an unusual hill.

But in reality, the area on which the house will be built may be very far from the one drawn in the picture, it is even possible that a good project on your site will not look advantageous at all. Ideally, a house of a talented architect should fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape and at the same time demonstrate its advantages and strengths.

"Ready" projects - a good solution or a scam?

Today, many publications, both paper and online, offer a large number of so-called “ready-made” projects for the developer to choose from. It seems that there is nothing easier than choosing a house project already created by a specialist, having studied all the details in advance, and then buying this project, significantly saving on the individual work of an architect.

But such a solution still has pitfalls and there are many of them. Firstly, such projects are often unsuitable for work, with seeming diversity, it is not so easy to choose the option you need, looking closely at the details here and there, a discrepancy, ill-conceivedness, lack of reference to real conditions is found.

And even if everything suits you in the project found in the magazine, most likely it will turn out that such a project was only a bait that pushed the customer to contact a certain company, where he would be offered to develop a more individual and, of course, more expensive version of the project.

But even if direct deception does not take place, then it is worth doubting the viability of the option of choosing a “ready-made” project. After all, any project must take into account a lot of nuances of the area, from climate and soil type, to communication infrastructure and the proximity of other objects. All this should be taken into account at either home, which means that an individual approach still cannot be avoided. By devoting more attention to the details of the project and spending more time and effort on it, you will eventually get a house that will satisfy all your needs and will delight you for many years to come. .

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