
Information about statistics on inn. Obtaining information about the code okpo SP and organization. Is it possible to find okpo by inn for free

The systematization and classification of enterprises and private entrepreneurs belongs to the competence of state statistical bodies.

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In the process of state registration, each organization and private entrepreneur receives their statistics codes, which they can later request in the form of a separate statement.

Let's consider what these codes are, what their purpose is, how to get statistics codes in 2020 during a personal visit or online.

Basic moments

In this section, we will acquaint you with the main statistics codes that are assigned to companies and businessmen, why they are required, how to get statistics codes for free, in what documentation they are used.

And also we will understand the legislative regulation of the assignment and receipt of statements by statistical codes.

What it is

Statistics codes represent data from the statistical register of economic entities of the Russian Federation.

The statistical register is a systematized information base in which organizations and private entrepreneurs are identified based on a variety of federal classifiers:

In previous years, organizations and private entrepreneurs had the opportunity to request a notification of the listed codes in paper form only during a personal visit to government agencies and after writing an application.

Also, to obtain codes, it was necessary to provide employees with a certificate of state registration from or.

In 2020, legal entities and entrepreneurs can receive online and independently print a letter from Rosstat with information about codes, while there is no need to personally visit government agencies.

Data for most classification codes are freely available, so anyone can get them on official resources by entering only the subject.

At the same time, such codes can be obtained not only for yourself, but also for counterparties, suppliers in order to verify their integrity. Codes are provided free of charge.

What are they needed for

It is mandatory for business entities to indicate statistics codes in such situations:

  • opening a bank account for an organization or entrepreneur;
  • submission of accounting and financial statements to the tax authority;
  • padding and ;
  • provision of statistical reporting;
  • conducting foreign economic activity;
  • change of the address of registration of a private entrepreneur or the legal address of the company;
  • opening a representative office, branch of the organization;
  • change of businessman's surname or company name.

Rosstat also periodically conducts selective observations, and private entrepreneurs subject to control must provide correct statistical data about themselves as a citizen and about their commercial activities in a timely manner.

In case of ignoring this requirement, the businessman is brought to administrative in the form of penalties.

Current regulations

The assignment and receipt of statistics codes by business entities is regulated by the following regulations:

  1. (on the need to provide codes when opening a bank account).
  2. FCS letter dated 12/19/2011 No. 01-18/62041 (providing statistics codes by entities when declaring products at customs).

How to get statistics codes via the Internet

In 2020, entrepreneurs and organizations have the opportunity, without leaving their homes, to receive statistics codes online and print out a notification.

Such options appeared on the official portals of state statistics bodies and on other services. To receive the codes, you only need to indicate, OGRNIP or, or OKPO.

Based on these data, a notification with statistics codes will be generated. Let's take a closer look at the procedure in this section.

What data will be needed

There are several ways to find out your statistical codes, which require different initial data.

If the state registration of an entrepreneur or organization is carried out through a multifunctional center, then you can find out information about the possibility of obtaining codes even at the stage of providing a package of documents.

The procedure for obtaining codes is simple, but requires the provision of a certain package of documentation from the LLC:

  • application for issuing a notification with a list of codes;
  • document on state registration of LLC;
  • certificate from the register of legal entities;
  • certificate of tax registration, where the TIN is indicated;
  • protocol of the founders on making adjustments to the data on the LLC;
  • charter in the latest version.

So, we have introduced you to the main statistics codes, their purpose and purposes of use, the legal regulation of the issue of registration of business entities.

We also told you in which government agencies you can get a notification with statistics codes in paper form, and on which Internet portals you can independently obtain TIN codes and print a notification.


OKPO - All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This code identifies the industry in which the organization or individual entrepreneur operates.

The OKPO code does not change throughout the operation of the enterprise, it changes only when the industry changes.

Two organizations (IP) cannot have the same OKPO codes. However, after the liquidation of the organization in five years, its OKPO code may be issued to another organization.

OKPO code is assigned:

  • Legal entities.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.
  • Organizations operating without forming a legal entity.

How to recognize OKPO?

It’s easy to find out OKPO, in the Kontur.Focus service (form below) you can find detailed data on individual entrepreneurs and organizations - a convenient search (you can find OKPO by TIN, by name, address or name of an individual entrepreneur or director of an organization). With this online service, you can find out OKPO and accounting information for free.

The service does not require registration, information on the OKPO code and other data about the enterprise can be learn for free.

If you constantly work with many partners and you need to make sure of their solvency, reliability or check their address of the organization, then you can buy the Contour.Focus service. Upon registration, you will receive month of free use, for which you can understand whether you need it or not.

Rice. OKPO search results in the Kontur.Focus database.

Using or this online service for organizations, you can keep tax and accounting records for the simplified tax system and UTII, generate payments, 4-FSS, SZV, Unified calculation 2017, submit any reporting via the Internet, etc. (from 250 r / month). 30 days free of charge, at the first payment (if you click on these links from this site) three months as a gift.

For newly created IPs now (free of charge).

Application OKPO

OKPO is used for:

  • Ensuring the compatibility of state information systems with information about business entities.
  • Identification of entities throughout Russia.
  • Information exchange between departments.
  • Classification of information, which subsequently makes it possible to make a forecast of socio-economic development in the state and improve the organization of statistical accounting.

OKPO for individual entrepreneurs and organizations

For organizations, the OKPO code consists of 8 digits, for individual entrepreneurs and organizations that do not create a legal entity - 10 digits.

The composition of the OKPO code

The first two digits define 4 activities:

  • Labor and natural resources.
  • Products of labor and industrial activity.
  • National economy.
  • Management and documentation.

The following digits are the serial number of the registration. The last digit is the control. It is calculated using a special method.

The last block is additional codes of other classifiers:

  • OKATO (since January 1, 2014 OKTMO) - All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division.
  • OKFS - All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership.
  • OKOGU - All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration.
  • OKOPF - All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms.

You can find out the statistical codes of the organization by TIN on your own and without making an official request to Rosstat. In this material you will find several search methods and step-by-step instructions for them.
The official website of Rosstat will help you find out the statistics codes for the TIN - the service for generating notifications has been launched on the state portal not so long ago.
In addition, there are programs - assistants in finding information about organizations and entrepreneurs on the Internet - services for checking counterparties. With their help, you can find out not only the details of a partner, but also check its reliability in order to eliminate risks in cooperation.
Statistical notation will be needed for:

  • submission of reports;
  • filling out payment documents;
  • opening a current account;
  • opening a separate division;
  • and in other cases.

You can find out statistics codes by TIN using the services:

The official document containing the required values ​​is the Statistical Register of Economic Entities of the Federal State Statistics Service. There are 7 codes in total:

  • OKPO - All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations;
  • OKATO - All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division;
  • OKTMO - All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities;
  • OKOGU - All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration;
  • OKFS - All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership;
  • OKOPF - All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms;
  • OKVED - All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

However, OKVED, despite the statistical function, refers to data on state registration. Therefore, it is contained in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP and is searched for in another way - it will not work to find out OKVED by TIN on the statistics website, it is better to use the official website of the Federal Tax Service (instructions for searching OKVED are given). And OKATO is becoming obsolete - instead of it, OKTMO is now indicated in all payment documents and declarations, which can be found with the help of OKATO. Therefore, there are 5 main statistical codes.

Search for statistics codes by TIN - detailed instructions

Let's figure out step by step how to get statistics codes for TIN using Internet resources.

1. Enter the taxpayer identification number in the search bar - register on the site for sure, buy a paid certificate too. You will see statistics codes for TIN online for free, but a paid service will help you analyze risks, compare information from official registers and view financial analytics.

After clicking on the search button, you will see a legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered by this number. If the legal entity has separate subdivisions, then the entire list of branches will be visible. In this case, it is better to refine the search parameter. Click on the link with the desired name and you will be taken to the organization card.

2. In the list on the left, select "Basic information", then "Details", and on the right, the tab "Rosstat data".

You will see information about the organization, including the required values. So OKOGU by TIN will not be difficult to find out online. The only value that the service does not show is OKTMO. But, knowing OKATO, you can quickly find it on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

1. Log in to your personal account on the SKRIN Counterparty website. In this way, users who have paid access to the verification system can search for information. In the "Legal entities" tab, enter the tax number in the search bar and click "Find". Use the following tab when searching for IP information.

For example, we are looking for the details of Sberbank. The program will provide links to information about the legal entity and all its separate divisions. Click on the first link if you need PJSC details, or select the required subdivision, as they have different territorial details.

2. In the card of the found organization in the menu on the left, select "Registration data". The information you need can be found in two ways. First:

  • click on the tab "EGRLE data"

In this case, the main information will open, among which all the necessary values ​​\u200b\u200bare visible. For those who are looking for how to find out their OKOGU by TIN online , this service will help.

Second way:

  • click the tab "GMC Rosstat data"

Rosstat information is also visible in this tab - statistics codes for TIN

1. Full details of the organization are contained in a business certificate, which can be purchased on the Unirate24 website for 600 rubles. In addition to the basic information, the certificate includes a financial analysis of the company's activities.

Top up the balance using a bank card or account, select the type of certificate and click "Next".

How to find out statistics codes on the Rosstat website by TIN

1. The official website of Rosstat finds statistics codes for TIN when generating a notification. There are many sites that help you find TIN statistics codes online in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other regions. However, such a territorial search comes down to the same page - the Rosstat service for generating notifications.

2. When searching for the details of a large company, the results will include the parent company and all separate divisions registered under this individual tax number. Geographically, the units are located in different places, so the data they have is different. Select the desired division or main legal entity, which will be the first in the list, and click the "OK TEI Codes" button

3. You will be able to download or open in a new tab a notification for legal entities, which lists and decrypts all the statistical data.

Thus, any necessary values, including OKOPF, by TIN can be found online for free on the Rosstat website.

After an enterprise or entrepreneur completes the state registration procedure, specific statistics codes are assigned to it. Registration of a registered person is recorded in a notification provided by Rosstat.

Typically, such a notification is issued when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, but if necessary, statistics codes can be obtained online for free on the official website of Rosstat, and then print the notification yourself.

Statistics codes

Economic activity within the Russian Federation is divided into types. Each direction receives one number. With its help, there is a classification and systematization of information regarding a separate entity engaged in entrepreneurial activity. The assignment of codes occurs immediately after the state registration procedures.

Types of classifiers

The types of classifiers include:


By this eight to ten digit number, it is easy to determine which industry the company belongs to.


It is easy to find out the place of residence of the enterprise. The number contains from 8 to 11 digits, with the help of which the territorial affiliation is gradually indicated.


These numbers help speed up the processing of the information received.


Here, 5 characters serve for the hassle-free systematization of information about government departments.


This combination is intended to determine the legal form. It facilitates the analysis of information, serves as a basis for forecasting economic processes and developing proportional recommendations.


It is necessary to determine a specific type of activity of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

The main purpose of the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity (this is how OKVED is deciphered) is to classify and encode the economic direction in which the activity of the registered person will be carried out.

Such a number is needed when collecting and analyzing information about activities in a particular area, to calculate the rates of taxes collected. Unlike other classifiers, legal entities and entrepreneurs select OKVED at the same time with the collection of a full package of documents for registration.

Statistical codes are a specific digital combination from which you can get comprehensive information about the enterprise (as well as about the individual entrepreneur). All codes, grouped by class, are in the same registry. Each number contains 5 or 6 digits. By codes, you can find out the main and additional types of work, adjust the spheres of the economy, and conduct a statistical study.

What are they needed for

Statistics codes may be required when performing various actions, for example, such as:

  • participation in state tenders;
  • opening of new branches;
  • changes in information about an individual entrepreneur (full name, registration);
  • obtaining documents of the customs department;
  • change of legal address;
  • company renaming;
  • passing audits;
  • obtaining licenses;
  • opening a current account;
  • and others.

The database of statistics codes is updated regularly, usually twice a month. If notification was required earlier, even before the necessary information was entered into the database, you can act through the local division of the State Statistics Service. It must be located in the same territory where the applicants were registered.

Statistics codes are required to track the registration with Rosstat of each business entity. Based on these codes, the areas of operation of enterprises are determined, classified and grouped.

Where and how to get

Getting the information you need is easy. You just need to choose one of several options:

  • Simultaneously with state registration. An entrepreneur or legal entity receives a notification with statistics codes immediately, along with a package of other documentation.
  • By contacting the territorial office of Rosstat. If the specialists of the tax inspectorate did not issue the necessary notification, it is allowed to write a corresponding application to the statistics agency. It should be accompanied by copies of documents on state registration (it is not required to certify them), on the assignment of a TIN, as well as information from the USRR. The duty of the founder is to submit a copy of the Charter of the enterprise. With this option, the notice will be issued within a period not later than five working days.
  • If you want to avoid unnecessary hassle, you can entrust obtaining information about the codes to a specialized law firm. True, a preliminary agreement is required.
  • On the official website of the department, there is an online service that allows you to receive and print a notification with statistics codes for free.

How to get statistics codes for TIN online on the official website of Rosstat (step by step instructions)

In order to obtain statistics codes, you should perform the following steps on the official website of Rosstat of the Russian Federation:

Step 1. Go to the main page of the site - www.gks.ru.

Step 2. In the right sidebar of the site, click on the tab called "Notification of codes for all-Russian classifiers"

Step 3. A message will appear that the organization or individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to print out information about codes according to the all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information (OK TEI) directly from the site when specifying the TIN or OGRN / OGRNIP in the search engine. To do this, go to the specified link - statreg.gks.ru.

Step 4. To generate a notification, enter the TIN of the organization, captcha and click on the "Search" button

Step 5. In the search results, click on the button "OK TEI Codes"

Step 7. The received notification with statistics codes can be printed

Another option to get statistics codes by TIN on the official website of Rosstat implies the following procedure.

Step 1. On the site, go to the section "About Rosstat" - "Territorial authorities (TOGS)" - "Togs sites"

Step 2. Find on the map (or through a search) the required territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service and get a link to its website

Step 4. Click on the tab "Find out your OKPO code"

When generating, you need to select the desired type of notification, which can be for:

  • legal entities;
  • branches, representative offices, organizations that operate without forming a legal entity;
  • individual entrepreneurs, heads of peasant (farm) households;
  • lawyers and private notaries.

This algorithm is suitable for all subjects. However, please note that this online service may not provide the corresponding service on weekends and holidays. Make sure you get information ahead of time.


Since the notification with statistics codes is an information and reference document, you can print it yourself. It does not require a special form of the organization, the signature of an official and certification with a seal.

All legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must receive this data on time. It is not necessary to delay this procedure. Such information will be required immediately after the start of business.

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