
How ordinary people live in America. How do Americans live? How ordinary people live in America The life of Americans how America lives

For more than two decades in the US, I have lived in four of my own houses in different states, not counting apartments.

Let's start with houses. Most single family homes in USA two-story, although one-, three-, four-story houses and even higher come across from time to time. This is not counting the basement, which can be considered as another floor. Houses with three, four or more floors are usually found in cities. Here land is more expensive, there are fewer places, and houses are usually built in a row, that is, they have common walls with neighbors on the right and left. Often each house was built in its own way, so the residential streets of many American cities look very picturesque and partly resemble the cities of old Europe, although even here one comes across monotonous buildings. Such houses are called "city" - town house. As a rule, they stand on a small plot of land, where there is only room for a small lawn in front of the house and for a table with a couple of chairs in the area behind the house, fenced off from the street and from neighbors. In big cities - unlike the rest of America - fences are respected and they try to at least designate them.

Most townhouses have a lower floor - what in Russia would be called a semi-basement. As a rule, an apartment is made there with a separate entrance from the street, which is rented out. Downstairs are the tenants, upstairs are the owners. This is a typical city picture. The lower apartments in townhouses cost a lot: they are more interesting than housing in apartment buildings, repeat the configuration of the whole house, and are not just a set of squares, and most importantly, they are located in the old central areas of cities in beautiful houses, often unique in architecture. They are rented by well-to-do people and young families who, for various reasons, have decided not to buy their own house. According to statistics in America, about 14% of private houses were built before 1939, they can be considered antique. Among houses for rent, this figure is slightly higher - 16%. It reflects the boom in the construction of apartment buildings in US cities at the beginning of the 20th century.

Townhouses usually expensive to buy and not cheap to maintain. Many of them are more than a hundred years old - a huge time for America. They are often unique in terms of internal construction or configuration of the roof, fireplaces and chimneys. It is clear that these houses are not adapted for modern conveniences - it is necessary to build air conditioners and artificial climate systems into them, re-route electrical wiring, change pipes, etc. In the past few decades, a multi-billion dollar business has developed in the country to remodel old city houses and turn them into modern dwellings while maintaining the maximum number of original details - parts of the old parquet or brickwork, interior ornaments or fireplace decoration. The more the old style has been preserved in the house, the more expensive it is.

America, which does not have a long history, is actively drawn to the old. A middle-class American is willing to invest a lot of money and his own time in the restoration of some barn that he inherited from his grandparents and is located in another part of the country in order to periodically come there with the whole family and "breathe the air of history." I must admit that often this not only looks very beautiful as a result, but also gives the provincial corners additional grooming. This is what the Americans, for lack of their own word, call the French word chic, that is, chic.

The quality of life in the American provinces is generally higher than in metropolitan areas. However, in the provinces you will not find much architectural diversity - the houses in Saburbia are similar to each other. If you quietly move from the suburbs of one big city to the suburbs of another, you will never guess that there are hundreds of miles between them. The film "Irony of Fate" could easily have been made about America. It seems to me that there are two or three dozen architectural models of individual houses with which the whole country is built up. The only notable differences relate only to the architectural fashion that existed in a particular decade, progress in custom building technologies and materials used, and whether we are talking about whether we are talking about a southern or northern state, that is, the need to take into account average annual temperatures. In all other respects, there is a rather tedious monotony.

And this is where it comes into play location. An American always has a difficult choice - a large and expensive house in a cheap place or a small and modest house in an expensive area. I noticed that the vast majority of immigrants from the former USSR, apparently spoiled by the housing issue, first choose the first option, preferring quantity to quality. Then many of them, especially those who came from the big cities of the former Soviet Union, change their minds and run away to good areas, exchanging the number of rooms for the quality of the social atmosphere.

Many visitors from Russia to America immigrants, and those who are here for the first time on a business trip, are always initially confused in how Americans characterize their housing. For example, what is called a studio here would be considered a one-room apartment in Russia. A one-room apartment in the United States is called a one-bedroom apartment - although it also necessarily has a living room, which is not included in the description of the apartment. No one here ever talks about the cost per square meter of housing - or a square foot, for that matter - as everyone in Russia does. If you ask an American about the size of his house, he will name its main characteristic: how many bedrooms does this house have. Most American families live in three- and four-bedroom houses. There are, of course, houses with one or two bedrooms, but they are small for the average family. There are houses with many bedrooms. According to statistics, more than one person lives in 80% of individual houses, and about 85% of own dwellings have more than five rooms.

But don't let those numbers fool you. In addition to bedrooms, these houses have at least a dining room, a living room and a kitchen, and there may also be various other rooms. What is a bedroom in an American house is also not entirely clear. Usually this is a room with its own bathroom and a built-in or separate wardrobe - and, of course, windows. I pay particular attention to windows because so many Americans are remodeling their basement to include a few more rooms, usually without windows—or at least without full windows. In some houses, there are small windows in the basements, which, in the event of rebuilding, are almost under the ceiling of the lower rooms. You can easily arrange one or two more bathrooms there. No American will include these extra rooms in the number of bedrooms, and when asked about the house he will answer that it has, for example, four bedrooms and finishedbasement, that is, a rebuilt basement. There are a lot of such houses, the rebuilt basement increases the value of the house and its marketability.

I saw in the basements not only guest rooms. Often there is a library or study, a room for playing table tennis, a billiard room or a gym. Sometimes a large home theater or game room is built there. Some Americans put a bar in the basement, a popcorn machine, another refrigerator and a music system, thus turning it into a place for adults and their guests to hang out, while small children sleep upstairs. All sorts of nannies, as a rule, also live there, although Americans mostly make do with incoming babysitters.

It is in the converted basement that teenagers often arrange their bedrooms, moving from the second floor of the house, where they, in their opinion, are too close to their parents, to the basement, where they are separated from their parents not only by the first floor, but also by the floor of the house with additional insulation. In this case, the parents don't go down to the basement very often, which gives American teenagers a welcome sense of independence and autonomy. Often the entire basement is occupied by the rooms of growing children, who, perhaps for the sake of this, put pressure on their parents for a long time, urging them to turn the basement into a living space. Of course, in the rebuilt basement, living conditions are no worse than upstairs - this can not even be discussed. The same artificial climate system works here, the same air-purifying air conditioner, etc. I even saw basements with fireplaces that Americans love so much.

So the question of how many rooms in the house in general, or what is its size in feet, is often incomprehensible to the average American. Only after clarifying the question will he begin to remember his house, count the rooms or look for tax papers that indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. It was kind of the same with me when, at the divorce, the judge asked for the size of the house, and neither I nor my ex-wife could remember exactly. But all this, as a rule, refers to houses in the American provinces. Owners of city houses, let alone apartments, know their size, since the price of housing there is calculated in dollars per square foot, which is a little less than one tenth of a square meter. Real estate prices in cities can vary significantly depending not only on the location, but also on the quality of the house, floor and other factors that are quite familiar to Russian citizens.

Text: Nikolay Zlobin


Hello! Alexander Khvastovich is with you, host of the America for the Successful project. And today the comment “Tell me about the daily life of Americans” got the most likes, so I will talk about it. I want to say right away that everyday life in America and in Russia, by and large, is not much different. If you do not take into account scientific development and cultural differences, then people live the same way as in Russia: they fall in love, they quarrel, they give birth to children, they go to work. If in Russia someone is thinking of raising money to buy a used car, then in America people are thinking how to raise money for a more modern new car. In fact, the problems are the same, and life is the same, just a different level. If you work in America and have good friends, you will live well and with dignity. Maybe it will just be better than it would be at home, because of corruption problems or because it is difficult to find a job there, even as a qualified specialist. That is, it might have turned out worse there than here, but everyday life is the same.

The average person gets up in the morning for work, takes a shower, eats, many here go to the gym before work, then go to work, work, some at a construction site, some in the computer industry, some in the office. After work, he comes home, if one person lives, then he spends the evening for his own pleasure - watching TV or going to bars, if with someone, he can go to eat in a restaurant, raise children. Everyday life in America is the same as everyday life in Russia, it just changes the level of wealth, the culture around and the introduction of technology into everyday life. This is probably the main difference. Because both Russia and America are developed countries. It's not some third world country where you have to look for food or water, and you live in a tent. So think of it this way, that America is Russia, pardon the pun, just with a slightly more developed level of society and wages. But despite this, there are also enough poor people in America, there are people who live paycheck to paycheck for generations, and they also have to pay for housing. Every month they have to look for money somewhere. There are many rich people here, but a rich person for us is the middle class here. He will have several cars in the family, each of its members will have a car, he will have a personal house in which he lives. This is probably the main difference. There is no such thing here that mortgages are paid until the end of life, it is quite possible to buy a house or a car on credit here, and you can pay it off within 10-20 years, earning, on average, 40-50 thousand dollars a year per family member, not including children.

So America is America. It's hard for me to add anything on this subject because it's so comprehensive. If you go into details, you can find differences, I can tell you something more specific, but everyday life in America is the same as at home, just with a different level of wealth and culture and, as I said, the introduction of technology into everyday life, which, of course, is important. A lot of people come here for this.

I hope I have answered this question. As always, put your finger up, tell your friends and wait for more releases. Thank you all, Alexander Khvastovich, host of the America for the Successful project, was with you. Everything, bye everyone!

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It's me again. I have a couple of things I would like to add. First, I think it's time for me to shave, but it doesn't matter. And the second thing I wanted to say is that the video turned out to be uninformative. I really didn't know what to say. I knew, but you can't really say anything, at least I don't think so. Therefore, as a bonus, if you watch this video on Youtube, you will see in the description of the video links below to my articles, interviews of various emigrants. There are, for example, stories about how a girl came here as a student, then went to prison in America, then got out and is now legalized. There is a story about how a pensioner came to live in America. How different people come, their impressions, how they come and stay on a study visa. In short, I will give a few links to read and you will understand a little what it is like to live in America. I hope this makes up for the lack of information. Thanks to all! Bye!

There are two myths among Russians about how ordinary people live in America. Interestingly, they are directly opposite to each other. The first can be described as follows: "The United States is a country of great opportunities, where a shoemaker can become a millionaire." And the second myth looks like this: “America is a state of social contrasts. Only the oligarchs live well there, mercilessly exploiting the workers and peasants.” It must be said that both myths are far from the truth. In this article, we will not delve into the history of the States, talk about slavery and racial discrimination that took place a hundred years ago. We will not admire the standard of living of the Soros family or focus on the homeless who sleep at the ventilation grills of the subway. We will just follow how ordinary people live in America now. Let's take an average family: two working parents, three children. Ordinary middle class. By the way, he makes up the lion's share of all US citizens.


The United States among all countries in the world can boast of one of the highest living standards of the population. But at the same time, quite a few citizens have a house in full ownership. And even city apartments Americans prefer to rent. But a family that classifies itself as a middle class must settle far from dusty megacities. White-collar workers get to work by train or car, spending an hour and a half on the road. The house of an ordinary American family is a one-story (for high middle-class - two-level) cottage with a green lawn in front and an extension garage, with a spacious backyard that houses a playground for children or a pool. The area of ​​the house ranges from 150 to 250 square meters, and its cost - from 500 to 650 thousand dollars. Not everyone can just take and lay out such things. But here are ordinary people: the standard of living in the United States allows you to pay a mortgage. A third of the amount must be paid in advance and take a loan for thirty years at 5-10 percent per annum. But! The loss of the job of one of the parents threatens the family with a catastrophe - after all, you need to pay the bank for a house at least two and a half thousand "green" monthly.

Communal payments

Now consider how ordinary Americans live in America and what they pay for their mansions in addition to a loan. The so-called townhouses (cottages) are very costly. But...how do you calculate it? Ordinary Americans do not bother with ZhEKs. In the basement of each house there is a mini-boiler room responsible for heating and water heating. The average utility bill (electricity and gas) is about three hundred dollars. Since the water is served cold, the fee for it is small - about $ 10. In addition to utility bills, you need to pay real estate taxes: $ 500 - municipal and another $ 140 - the so-called community charges (for garbage collection and cleaning the area adjacent to the house). The lawn in front of the house should be well-groomed - this is the custom here. Don't get around to cutting it yourself? Hire a student and get ready to shell out $60. Mortgage loans oblige to insure real estate. Usually it is $300 per year. Total monthly need to pay for housing about three thousand dollars.

Food spending

Here it is necessary to make a reservation. In the US, there is a big difference between so-called "healthy" foods, labeled "bio", and regular ones. Since ordinary people live in America, they tend to save on food. Yes, everyone knows about the dangers of chicken stuffed with growth hormones, as well as about unhealthy fast food. But the average middle-class American couple usually shop at a wholesale store, buy groceries with a red "Discount" mark, and eat lunch at Starbucks Coffee, McDonald's, or a similar fast food establishment. By the way, prices for some products in America are lower than in Russia (especially in Moscow). But eating in restaurants or self-respecting cafes is very expensive. The average middle-class family indulges in this pleasure twice a month. Usually about four hundred dollars are spent on food - this is if you do not deny yourself anything, and two hundred if you establish a austerity regime.

Car and spending on other devices

How do ordinary people live in America outside the city? They start their day with and then get behind the wheel of a car. Living without a car in the American outback is simply suspicious. Every adult is required to have a car - at least a used one. Leasing pays off. Moreover, in the event of a breakdown, the repair costs are borne by the company. Thus, monthly payments to a leasing company for two cars are from 300 to 600 dollars, and gasoline - 150. Cars must be insured. Usually it's two hundred dollars a month for each car. But you can reduce the cost of insurance by using a package with a larger one. For Internet and cable TV, you need to lay out about eighty-five "green" per month. No one will tell you how ordinary people live in America who do not have a mobile phone, since there are practically none there. Even a child attending kindergarten has such a device (with a beacon, just in case). The package with unlimited calls will cost about sixty-five dollars a month.


Foreigners who observe how ordinary people live in America will surely notice that they have a lot of income going to various funds. They are insured against everything: from disability, from the loss of a breadwinner, from weakening visual acuity, in case of problems with the teeth, and even for that unforeseen situation if the dog damages the neighbor's property. Sometimes the employer pays for the policy. But after the dismissal, he ceases to act. In total, about five hundred dollars should be spent on a family every month, enriching various insurance companies. But in the United States there is a practice ... of transferring pensions by inheritance. Each working person pays deductions that accumulate on his individual card. The Americans can dispose of these accumulated funds as they please. After the death of a person, the money does not burn out, but, as with a regular deposit, it is inherited.

Spending on clothes

Another discovery that foreigners can make from watching how ordinary people live in America is that they don't wear expensive things. They usually dress simply and practical. On the street, you rarely see a woman in high heels. In the winter, the typical American wears jeans and a jacket, and in the summer, a T-shirt and shorts. But this does not mean that all US citizens do not know how to dress. It's just not customary to stick out your income here. Casual style reigns here. Branded clothing is worn for the occasion. And they are easy to buy. The fact is that in America sales never stop. They are timed to coincide with some holidays, but after them prices fall even more: for a pittance they sell a collection that did not go away during the sales. A special hype reigns during the so-called Black Friday (after Thanksgiving). Then you can buy branded clothes for a price ten times lower than their usual cost. Thus, the average US citizen does not spend too much on clothes: up to a hundred dollars a month.


US high school education is free. And this debunks the myth that in America you need to shell out money for everything, and a lot of it. By the way, medicine for the unsecured segments of the population is also free here. But how does ordinary America live? Kindergarten costs about eight hundred dollars per child. Or baby sitter - $10 per hour. The income of an American directly depends on his education. Therefore, parents are trying at all costs to invest in the future of the child. To study at a college or institute, they take loans. Particularly highly paid professions in America are lawyers, managers, doctors. After graduating from a university in this profile, a young man can count on twenty thousand dollars a month. Bank employees, civil servants, junior medical staff and teachers earn a little less. But studying at an American university is expensive: from three to ten thousand dollars a year. Although here, too, there is flexible provision of scholarships.


This is how ordinary people actually live abroad. Huge spending every month. Where do they get such money from? The answer is trivial: they don't drink and work hard. They don't go out for a smoke break every hour. They are paid not for sitting in the workplace, but for a specific result. And the better it is, the higher the wages will be. This motivation makes Americans work hard. At the same time, the minimum wage is seven and a half dollars per hour. That kind of money is paid to teenagers or students on vacation just to walk your dog when you're at work. Cleaning by a visiting housekeeper will already cost a hundred dollars a day. But for that kind of money, you need to not just vacuum the carpet: wash, stroke, polish.

How do self-employed Americans live?

Private activity in the USA can provide a good income. The country is so large that if you wish, you can find a niche in any field. The government encourages starting your own business and supports it in every possible way, especially if you create new jobs. There should be no bureaucratic delays when registering your business. Doing business in America is easy, as long as it is honest.

Most of the inhabitants are in some kind of illusory world, regarding how people live in the United States.

In fact, the level of poverty in America has reached unprecedented heights. The middle class is slowly dying. Unemployment is at a fairly high level. Most Americans live in very poor conditions. Does this mean that the US economy is going through the hardest times? Let's try to answer this question, relying solely on the facts.

The facts of catastrophic poverty in America

  1. 47 million Americans now live below the poverty line. This was reported by the US Census Bureau.
  2. Almost one in five children in the United States is fed by food stamps. Back in 2007, every 7th child lived on the “coupon system”.
  3. There are about 1.5 million households in the States whose daily income does not exceed $2.00. Since 1996, the number of these farms has only increased.
  4. 46 million US citizens survive thanks to food banks. At 6 a.m. a queue begins to form. After all, everyone wants to have time to get their rations before their number runs out.
  5. Over the past 6 years, the number of homeless American children has increased by 60%.
  6. Over the past year, 1.6 million children in the United States have been staying overnight in night shelters.
  7. The New York police found 80 special places where homeless people can spend the night. The rise in the homeless is now being called an "epidemic" in America.
  8. The overwhelming majority of schoolchildren are so poor that they have no money in school canteens.
  9. Approximately 65% ​​of children living in orphanages receive various financial assistance from the state.
  10. Approximately 33% of children live in families whose average income is less than 60% of the average annual income in America.
  11. The United States ranks 41st in the UNICEF ranking of the richest countries. Previously, this country was in 36th place.
  12. Since 2000, the number of the poorest districts has doubled.
  13. 48.8% of 25-year-old Americans still live in the same home with their parents.
  14. Less than $30,000 is earned annually by 51% of American workers.
  15. 7.9 million able-bodied population is not officially employed anywhere, 94.7 million American citizens are unemployed for one reason or another. If we sum up these two figures, we get 102.6 million. That is how many of the able-bodied population are currently unemployed.
  16. The "middle class" in America refers to the owner of houses. Over the past 8 years, the number of homeowners has been significantly reduced.
  17. 70% of Americans are sure that they simply have to get into debt (loans) in order to survive.
  18. A quarter of the American population owns "negative capital." In other words, what they have in the house does not match the amount of money in their wallet.

US residents may claim that they live better than other countries and that they have an economic paradise. However, the fact that the number of American poor is growing every day makes us “take off the rose-colored glasses”, and it is really very difficult to understand that life in America is really very difficult.

America is a huge country with a high economic level and comfortable living conditions. Everything seems so attractive that many migrants dream of staying in the US. But how do ordinary people actually live abroad? It is generally accepted that in America they earn a lot, and life is simple and pleasant. In order to figure out whether everything is so rosy, it is worth considering different aspects of life in the United States.

The nature of Americans

How do ordinary people live in America? Basically, they are united by national traits - ease of communication, openness and friendliness. Americans are very polite, and in order not to offend another person, they can simply remain silent. Residents of America are free in their movements around the country, they easily get to know each other and make friends. Although there are certain invisible boundaries. Houses are separated by small fences, and friendship does not imply interference in the affairs of a neighbor.

The conversation cannot discuss political, religious or financial matters. Mentioning social status is considered indecent. Americans are very fond of humor and practical jokes, but they are quite specific and not always clear to foreigners. With the help of jokes, US residents smooth out conflict situations. They often use humor to express their own opinions.

Everyday life

Is life difficult for people in the US? The history of all families is approximately the same. The life of Americans is mainly concentrated around their own home. The lawn in front of him is brought into perfect condition, even if there is not enough time for household chores. Americans do not make daily shopping trips, but stock up on food at once for a long time.

They pay mainly by credit cards and rarely by cash. Once a week, the whole family always gathers for dinner together, discussing the news. Parties are held on the lawns to socialize with the neighbors. Children are obliged to help their parents with the housework - to clean the snow, mow the lawn, vacuum, etc.

For this, their parents pay them small fees. American teenagers often earn extra money at car washes, supermarkets, etc. Such an experience is considered mandatory, since grown children immediately leave their father's house after school and they need the skills of physical labor and earning money for a living.

Life style

How do people live in America? The day starts like in other countries. In the morning, parents leave for work (mainly in private cars), and children go to school on special buses. Housewives are engaged in housekeeping. Many teenagers drive their own cars, even though their insurance is much more expensive for adults.

Almost all Americans attend different clubs, golf, bridge and other entertainment. Some US residents are members of public organizations and are involved in charity work. Church members organize lunches. Dishes for them are prepared at home and then put on a common table. Children are engaged in different circles: ballroom dancing, tennis, etc.

Americans love to talk on the phone. Almost all families have notes posted on refrigerators reminding who in the family is and what exactly needs to be done. Americans are distinguished by their smiling, cherish personal and other people's time. They prepare carefully for important negotiations, they value punctuality very much. Almost all US residents follow a strict schedule, many use diaries.


How do ordinary Americans live in America? Their lifestyle is quite dynamic. All week they are constantly in motion - work, business. Only weekends are left for rest. These days, Americans go out with their families to the parks, for walks or to meet friends. Vacations and holidays in America are much less than in Russia.

The average US citizen takes only one vacation a year. During the holidays, they prefer family trips to other states, to the countryside, to the mountains, etc. Wealthy Americans mostly vacation in Hawaii or the Bahamas. Residents of the United States are very fond of discounted goods; purchases are rarely made without them.

All services, including medicine, are quite expensive, so a salary of several thousand dollars is considered low. You can only live on this money with great difficulty. To support a house, a family, pay taxes, for education, etc., an American needs to receive at least 20 thousand dollars a month. Smoking in public places in America is prohibited.

Alcoholic drinks are consumed in small quantities and mainly in the form of cocktails. Because of the addiction to fast food, most Americans are prone to obesity. Sports are promoted to lose extra pounds. There are many lonely elderly people in the USA. They are rarely visited by children and grandchildren. Residents of the United States invite only relatives or close friends to their own home, they prefer to meet with everyone else on neutral territory.

Real estate

The American way of life obliges to have your own housing. But since it is not possible to save up for it, most often houses are purchased on credit or taken on a mortgage. The most popular are small one-story cottages from 150 to 250 square meters. Such a house costs an average of $150,000.

The cost of housing may be higher, it depends on its area, location of the block and building material. In modern American homes, a spacious living room, children's and dining rooms are required. Americans buy houses on credit (usually at 10 percent per annum) for 30 years. The period, terms and amount of payments depend on the level of salary, advance payment and the cost of the cottage.


How do ordinary American hard workers live? They have an eight-hour working day and two days off weekly. Employers offer different schedules. Americans can choose to work part-time, work from home, etc. For a stable and high standard of living in America, you need to have a college degree. In the United States, you can’t get a job “by pull”. The standard of living depends on the annual income of the whole family. Salary depends on education and profession. Highest Paid Professionals:

  • television workers;
  • managers;
  • doctors;
  • lawyers.

Their income can be from 15 to 20 thousand dollars a month. Teachers, junior medical personnel, employees of state structures have lower wages. In America - hourly pay. The minimum wage is approximately $7.5 an hour.

The level of income largely depends on the state. In them, the same position can be paid differently. The highest income of Americans is provided by their own business or private activities. Any US resident can become an entrepreneur. The state supports the development of small businesses.


Schools are divided into elementary, middle and high schools. And they are all in different buildings. Senior students start studying at 7 am, and kids - from 8:30. Education in many schools is paid, the cost depends on the area of ​​​​residence. Payment is made once a year. The amount is included in the total tax. Further funds are distributed by the state.

Education can be obtained in both public and private schools. Education in universities takes place mainly on a paid basis - from 3-10 thousand dollars annually. In colleges, education lasts four years. Part of the payment is borne by the state. Foreign students are allowed to enter US universities. There is a special visa for this.

food prices

How do ordinary people live in America? Not all Americans can afford to go to restaurants and cafes. In the United States, it is customary to buy food from wholesale stores, as it is much cheaper and saves time. Prices in supermarkets can be much lower than, for example, in Russian ones. But the low cost of goods is often associated with poor quality.

Grocery items may have an expiration date, good-looking meats are full of hormones, and fresh and beautiful vegetables are full of pesticides. Cheap and lots of quality products. The US supports farms, the cost of land and taxes is quite acceptable for small businesses. Accordingly, all this is expressed in low food prices.

Social security and taxes

How do ordinary people live in America? The standard of living directly depends on the annual income of the family. An important condition for a comfortable existence is insurance. This usually applies to real estate, cars and health. Retirees over the age of 65 are eligible for health insurance from the state. This category also includes children under 19 years of age.

Each company provides its employees with insurances on which you can receive payments. Some large organizations issue them not only to their specialists, but also to their families. Small companies that cannot provide insurance to employees often offer discounts on various products.

Free medical care is provided for low-income citizens. Americans spend 30 to 50 percent of their income on taxes. The largest deductions:

  • state taxes;
  • federal;
  • sales taxes;
  • for real estate and property.

Low-income citizens, pensioners and students are not subject to taxes.

How life is in America: a look from the inside. Credit "trap"

Almost all ordinary people are gaining loans. Cards are opened even in childhood and adolescence. Almost all US residents have savings accounts. This is insurance for a rainy day. Savings are used in extreme cases (job loss, etc.). Americans have to do financial planning in advance.

Kindergartens are paid. Approximately 700 dollars are paid monthly for one child. Expensive are sports, dance and other sections, in which it is customary to give kids and schoolchildren. Against the backdrop of all payments, even a week of illness and disability can lead the middle class to bankruptcy.

Payment of bills

How does the average American middle class live? Almost every second family pays a mortgage or rents a house. A small two-story cottage costs about $5,000 a month, excluding utilities. Medical insurance, car insurance, student loans, etc. all cost a lot of money.

Cars are most often rented, bought - less often. But almost every adult family member has a car. Monthly payments on a car range from 200 to 400 dollars per month. If family members do not have a good credit history, then one can only dream of their own home and a cloudless life.


How do ordinary people live in America? They prefer to shop at sales. Americans dress simply, they try not to spend a lot of money on clothes. When things wear out, they are taken to a humanitarian aid center. In America, there are many stores with discount branded clothing. What in other countries can cost thousands, in the United States can be purchased at sales for $50.

Discounts are made in stores all the time. Many sales are organized in honor of holidays. After them, the remaining things come true at even lower prices. At big sales, queues begin to line up a few hours before the store opens, and some even set up tents on nearby lawns in which they spend the night. Most often this happens at supermarkets with household appliances.

Coffeemania and fast food restaurants

How do ordinary people live in America? They spend a lot of money on coffee. Long queues form at the coffee shop in the morning. Then they repeat during lunch and after work. Despite the fact that coffee can be made at home and it will cost much less, millions of Americans spend hundreds of dollars annually on the purchase of an invigorating drink. No less popular are bistros with fast food and frozen convenience foods for microwaves.

How Americans live: interesting facts

Many Americans consider it their duty to have a gym membership. Even if they don't go there at all. In America, it is not customary to borrow or lend money. If a person cannot take out a loan for his needs, then he is more likely to miss the semester, refuse to travel, but never ask for a loan of money. This is considered indecent.

All three emergency services always come to calls. Moreover, firefighters are most often the first to provide first aid. There are many toll roads and tunnels in the USA. Medicine is very expensive, but it is at a highly professional level. Americans call skyscrapers towers.

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