
Living wage in the Kemerovo region. What is the living wage in Kemerovo How much is the minimum size

As reported in the regional department of labor and employment, the value of the subsistence minimum for all socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the first quarter of 2019 per capita was 9 thousand 770 rubles, for the working-age population - 10 thousand 342 rubles, for pensioners - 7 thousand 913 rubles, for children - 10 thousand 172 rubles.

In relation to the previous period (IV quarter of 2018), there was an increase in the value of the subsistence minimum for all socio-demographic groups of the population.

The change in the value of the subsistence minimum was due to an increase in the cost of the minimum set of food products by 335 rubles (8.1%), an increase in the cost of the minimum set of non-food products by 148 rubles (6.5%), an increase in the cost of the minimum set of services by 130 rubles (6, 3%), etc.

In the structure of the subsistence minimum on average per capita, compared to the fourth quarter of 2018, the share of the cost of the minimum set of food products increased by 0.3% and amounted to 45.8% (4 thousand 477 rubles). The share of the cost of the minimum set of non-food products decreased by 0.2% and amounted to 24.7% (2 thousand 415 rubles). The share of the cost of the minimum set of services decreased by 0.1% and amounted to 22.5% (2 thousand 191 rubles).

The cost of compulsory payments and fees in the structure of the subsistence minimum on average per capita remained unchanged and amounted to 7.0% (687 rubles).

The average per capita value of the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region is lower than that in certain regions of the Siberian Federal District, for example, in the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the average for the Russian Federation. With unified approaches to calculating the subsistence level, this indicates that in neighboring regions the prices for food, goods and tariffs for services are higher than in Kuzbass.

According to the press service of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region

Kemerovo region, also called Kuzbass, is the center of the coal industry in the Russian Federation, and a good industrial region.

Therefore, this region is considered one of the best for life and the richest, but this is reflected in many ways by the indicator of the cost of living.

After all, people have their own basic needs, regardless of where they live, and they consist not only of food, but also payment for various services.

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Therefore, the government sets this amount at the federal and local levels, and in the future it is he who is used for the calculation and calculation of benefits.

What is it for

The subsistence minimum is the value that reflects the amount of money sufficient to meet all the vital needs of a person.

It includes several components related to both food and non-food groups. That is, this amount should be understood as:

  • food and drink, that is, any food;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • medicines;
  • utility services;
  • taxes and fees due to each taxpayer.

In Russia, there are two living wages at once, one of them is federal, which only reflects the cost of the consumer basket throughout the country, but it does not affect the social sphere so much.

The regional one is set by local authorities, depending on the internal economic situation and after analyzing the prices of food, things and other items. But in the absence of its minimum, the region enjoys federal significance.

The size of the subsistence minimum is reviewed quarterly, and the number of changes is four per year.

Only pensioners use the PM, adopted for a whole year, which is updated only on January 1.

A consumer basket is being formed, which affects the minimum indicator, mostly on the basis of the food group, which is needed for adequate nutrition of citizens for a month.

The non-food part is calculated more simply, it is equal to the indicator of food.

All regions setting their SM size should take into account the size and price of the basket in local realities, and even determine the dates when the indicator will be revised.

But you cannot violate the federal level norm. according to which the PM must be revised at least once every five years.

The list of those products, items of clothing and services that will be necessary for a person, as well as the number of such purchases, are regulated by the Russian legislation in force.

Therefore, in the Kemerovo region there are individual standards of support, and the entire population of the region lives according to them.

What is the minimum size

In Kuzbass, the size of the subsistence minimum is established by local regulations, as in many other regions of the Russian Federation.

So, the regional law of the Kemerovo region under the number 36-03 of 2013 is in force. It spelled out the basic concepts concerning the consumer basket, categories of people for whom the amount is set and it also determines the subsistence minimum for pensioners for a year.

In accordance with it, for this category, an increase in payments is calculated, which is due when such people receive the status of poor.

There is also a decree of the regional government, which determines the size of the subsistence minimum for different groups, including per capita, for the able-bodied contingent, as well as pensioners and per child.

It is already known how much PM is for a pensioner in 2020, it is agreed at the level of 7346 rubles. Thus, if a person's pension is lower than this amount of funds, then he will be paid an additional payment from the budget.

For the rest of the demographic categories, only the value of the minimum for the first quarter of the year is set, and once again the update will take place in July-August.

At the moment, for able-bodied citizens, an income level of 9643 rubles is provided, children, as a group with great needs, need a consumer basket, a monthly cost of 9646 rubles.

And for the average person, who is called “the soul of the population”, the minimum security is provided at the level of 9,131 rubles.

These figures are not among the highest in Russia, and there are regions where the size is much higher.

The regional government publishes quarterly updated data on the cost of living, and as a standard this amount increases by an average of 100-150 rubles.

True, in all regions, for some reason, between the 3rd and 4th quarter the size of the PM decreases, but otherwise it increases steadily, mainly due to the increase in prices and inflation.

Photo: living wage in the Kemerovo region

The dynamics of its changes

Before you get acquainted with the dynamics of changes in this indicator, you should understand what products are included in it.

Bread per day relies on about 346 grams, potatoes for the living wage can be bought only 275 grams per day.

A person should receive 314 grams of vegetables and melons. a day, and half the fruit - 164 grams. Sweets and sugar can be consumed only 65 grams per day, and meat and similar products - 160 grams.

Milk can be consumed, living at a subsistence level, most of all - almost 800 grams per day, but only two eggs per day are required.

Other products are relied on much less, for example, 50 grams of fish and by-products are allocated from it, margarine, butter and spreads, it will be possible to purchase only 30 grams per day, and tea, spices, salt and other products can only be 13.5 grams.

This is suitable for adults, since the needs of children are somewhat different and differ in the large amount of milk, fruits and meat, since the body must receive more vitamins and minerals.

When studying the dynamics of the development of the subsistence minimum, it can be noted that the level of this indicator practically did not rise above 10 thousand rubles for able-bodied persons, and the only moments when this happened were in the 2-3 quarters of 2017.

For pensioners, the subsistence amount is the lowest, and since 2015 it has not dropped below 7 thousand rubles, and the maximum position was about 7,700 rubles..

For all categories, growth and decline are approximately the same, but children and able-bodied persons were compared in terms of PM in 1-2 square meters. 2016, when the minimum level was about 9400-9500 rubles, now these amounts are approximately similar.

Video: how the PM has changed

Cost of living table

PM indicators differ depending on the period and mainly grow from year to year.

In 2014, according to the calculations of the authorities, pensioners had enough 5733 rubles for a normal life and the purchase of necessary items.

Children and able-bodied people could count on 7410 and 7535 rubles, respectively, but since then the PM has increased, albeit slightly.

Already in the second quarter. In 2014, the amount of these funds for adult citizens who have the opportunity to work increased to more than 8 thousand rubles, at the same time the pensioner size exceeded the mark of 6 thousand rubles.

Kemerovo residents and residents of the region expected another significant increase in the 1st quarter of 2015, the minimum amount for provision per capita grew from 7569 to 8732 rubles, able to work and children received an increase in the indicator to more than 9 thousand rubles, and approximately such indicators persisted for a long time.

PM above 10,000 rubles. only able-bodied people could receive, in the 3rd quarter of 2017 the level increased to 10,132 rubles. But now it has dropped to the level of 9643 rubles, which is the minimum required for children, which is only three rubles more.

In the 1st quarter of 2020, which is now in effect, the indicators increased by 252 rubles per capita and for able-bodied people, pensioners, as usual, received a smaller increase - only 184 rubles.

These numbers are used for many purposes, and in addition to reflecting the level of well-being of the population, they can also help to establish social benefits.

The living wage in the Kemerovo region for 2020 is as follows:

So, if a pensioner receives less subsistence allowance, then he is entitled to a social supplement, the amount of which depends on the difference between the level of pension and the established level of living.

Also, when a family has an income that is below the established norm for each category, then it is given the status of poor.

At the same time, these norms apply for groups that make up a family, that is, the benefit can be obtained if the spouses who work earn less than 9643 rubles, and pensioners who live as a family can count on income less than 7346 rubles. This also applies to children, and if the conditions are met, then people can receive benefits..

They may consist in the payment of social benefits, the opportunity to receive housing on a first-come, first-served basis from the state, and if there is a student in the family, then in some regions payments are provided before the start of training for the purchase of uniforms and office supplies.

The living wage in the Kemerovo region is
4th quarter of 2019
set in the amount (RUB / month):

Per capita

9 764 ₽ ↓ 575 ₽

For the able-bodied population

10 356 ₽ ↓ 616 ₽

For retirees

7 913 ₽ ↓ 424 ₽

For children

10 088 ₽ ↓ 624 ₽

on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass N 49 "On establishing the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass for the fourth quarter of 2019" dated 02/07/2020

Kemerovo Region is part of the Siberian Federal District. You can see and compare the Kemerovo region with other regions included in this district.

One and a half times the subsistence minimum (x1.5):

  • Per capita - RUB 14 646;
  • For the able-bodied population - 15 534 rubles;
  • For pensioners - 11 869.5 ₽;
  • For children - 15 132 ₽;

Twice the subsistence minimum (x2):

  • Per capita - 19,528 rubles;
  • For the able-bodied population - 20,712 rubles;
  • For pensioners - 15 826 ₽;
  • For children - 20 176 ₽;

Subsistence minimum for previous periods, rubles / month

Q3 2019 10339 10972 8337 10712
Q2 2019 10389 11011 8405 10778
Q1 2019 9770 10342 7913 10172
4th quarter 2018 9108 9645 7372 9476
3 quarter 2018 9476 10031 7625 9928
2 quarter 2018 9397 9925 7550 9930
1st quarter 2018 9131 9643 7346 9646
4th quarter 2017 8879 9391 7162 9306
3 quarter 2017 9561 10132 7681 9995
2 quarter 2017 9427 9981 7594 9857
Q1 2017 9019 9531 7281 9472
4th quarter 2016 8748 9260 7064 9135
3 quarter 2016 9062 9608 7293 9439
2 quarter 2016 9032 9545 7267 9516
1st quarter 2016 8917 9419 7179 9407

Accepted abbreviations: DN - per capita, TH - for the able-bodied population, P - for pensioners, D - for children.
Green color - the size has increased relative to the previous period, Red color - the size has decreased relative to the previous period, Yellow color - the size has not changed relative to the previous period

A bit of theory

The main document that establishes the legal basis for determining and accounting for it when establishing state guarantees for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive minimum monetary income and when implementing other measures of social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation is Federal Law N 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation" (01.04.2019).

It gives the following concepts:

Consumer basket

This is the minimum set of food products, as well as non-food products and services, the cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products necessary to preserve human health and ensure his life.

Living wage

This is the cost estimate of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The value of the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region per capita, for the able-bodied population, pensioners and children determined quarterly.

Main socio-demographic groups of the population

This is the able-bodied population, pensioners, children.

Able-bodied population- persons aged 16 years and up to reaching the age giving the right to an insurance old-age pension in accordance with part 1 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" (01/28/2020), with the exception of unemployed disabled persons of this age.

Retirees- persons who have reached the age of eligibility for an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law

The living wage in the Kemerovo region is
4th quarter of 2019
set in the amount (RUB / month):

Per capita

9 764 ₽ ↓ 575 ₽

For the able-bodied population

10 356 ₽ ↓ 616 ₽

For retirees

7 913 ₽ ↓ 424 ₽

For children

10 088 ₽ ↓ 624 ₽

on the basis of the Resolution of the Government of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass N 49 "On establishing the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass for the fourth quarter of 2019" dated 02/07/2020

Kemerovo Region is part of the Siberian Federal District. You can see and compare the Kemerovo region with other regions included in this district.

One and a half times the subsistence minimum (x1.5):

  • Per capita - RUB 14 646;
  • For the able-bodied population - 15 534 rubles;
  • For pensioners - 11 869.5 ₽;
  • For children - 15 132 ₽;

Twice the subsistence minimum (x2):

  • Per capita - 19,528 rubles;
  • For the able-bodied population - 20,712 rubles;
  • For pensioners - 15 826 ₽;
  • For children - 20 176 ₽;

Subsistence minimum for previous periods, rubles / month

Q3 2019 10339 10972 8337 10712
Q2 2019 10389 11011 8405 10778
Q1 2019 9770 10342 7913 10172
4th quarter 2018 9108 9645 7372 9476
3 quarter 2018 9476 10031 7625 9928
2 quarter 2018 9397 9925 7550 9930
1st quarter 2018 9131 9643 7346 9646
4th quarter 2017 8879 9391 7162 9306
3 quarter 2017 9561 10132 7681 9995
2 quarter 2017 9427 9981 7594 9857
Q1 2017 9019 9531 7281 9472
4th quarter 2016 8748 9260 7064 9135
3 quarter 2016 9062 9608 7293 9439
2 quarter 2016 9032 9545 7267 9516
1st quarter 2016 8917 9419 7179 9407

Accepted abbreviations: DN - per capita, TH - for the able-bodied population, P - for pensioners, D - for children.
Green color - the size has increased relative to the previous period, Red color - the size has decreased relative to the previous period, Yellow color - the size has not changed relative to the previous period

A bit of theory

The main document that establishes the legal basis for determining and accounting for it when establishing state guarantees for citizens of the Russian Federation to receive minimum monetary income and when implementing other measures of social protection of citizens of the Russian Federation is Federal Law N 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation" (01.04.2019).

It gives the following concepts:

Consumer basket

This is the minimum set of food products, as well as non-food products and services, the cost of which is determined in relation to the cost of the minimum set of food products necessary to preserve human health and ensure his life.

Living wage

This is the cost estimate of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The value of the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo region per capita, for the able-bodied population, pensioners and children determined quarterly.

Main socio-demographic groups of the population

This is the able-bodied population, pensioners, children.

Able-bodied population- persons aged 16 years and up to reaching the age giving the right to an insurance old-age pension in accordance with part 1 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" (01/28/2020), with the exception of unemployed disabled persons of this age.

Retirees- persons who have reached the age of eligibility for an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law

Living wage in Kemerovo, Kuzbass, is used to assess the standard of living of the population in the development and implementation of social programs. Based on this indicator, the amount of social support for low-income citizens is calculated.

The subsistence minimum is the value of the consumer basket; it is determined for each region of Russia and for the Russian Federation as a whole on a quarterly basis. It is set separately in each region (annually).

According to Art 2.14-FZ, the subsistence minimum for the whole of the Russian Federation
at the federal level intended for:

  • assessing the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of social policy and federal social programs;
  • substantiation of the minimum "size" of wages established at the federal level;
  • determination of the amount of scholarships, allowances and other social payments established at the federal level;
  • formation of the federal budget.

at the regional level, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is intended for:

  • assessing the standard of living of the population of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of regional social programs;
  • providing the necessary state social assistance to low-income citizens;
  • formation of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For example, a family (or a lonely citizen), whose average per capita income (income) is lower than the subsistence level established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is considered poor (poor) and has the right to receive social support. In this case, you need to submit documents to help financially. The conditions and procedure for providing social support to low-income families (citizens) are established in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Those. each region has its own rules.

The procedure for calculating the average per capita income of a family (a citizen living alone) is established by Federal Law 44-FZ of 05.04.2003.

Official subsistence minimum for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass

DECISION dated October 31, 2019 No. 642
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass for the third quarter of 2019

In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass, the formation of social policy, the development and implementation of social programs The Government of the Kemerovo Region-Kuzbass decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value living wage in the Kemerovo region as a whole - Kuzbass for the third quarter 201 9 years per capita - 10,339 rubles, for the working-age population - 10,972 rubles, pensioners - 8,337 rubles, children - 10,712 rubles.

Table with the Subsistence minimum Kemerovo region quarterly 2019 - 2020

Per quarter, yearPer capitaFor the able-bodied populationFor retireesFor childrenResolution
Q4 2019

Q3 2019
No 642 dated 31/10/2019
Q2 2019
No. 476 dated 08/13/2019
Q1 2019
No 268 on 29/04/2019
4th quarter 2018
No. 68 dated 02/07/2019
Q3 2018
No 446 on 10/26/2018
Q2 2018
No. 304 dated 25/07/2018
Q1 2018
No 164 dated 04/05/2018
4th quarter 2017
No 31 dated 06/02/2018
Q3 2017
No. 569 dated 26.10.2017
Q2 2017
No. 377 dated 18.07.2017
Q1 2017
No. 194 dated 03/05/2017
Q4 2016
No. 32 dated 26/01/2017
Q3 2016
No 421 on 10/25/2016
Q2 2016
No 291 on 22/07/2016
Q1 2016
No 159 on 04/27/2016
4th quarter 2015
No 26 on 26/01/2016
Q3 2015
No. 236 dated 22/07/2015
Q2 2015
No. 236 dated 22/07/2015
Q1 2015
No 113 on 21/04/2015
4th quarter 2014
27.01.2015 № 10
Q3 2014
17.10.2014 № 433
Q2 2014
22.07.2014 № 283
Q1 2014
18.04.2014 № 163
4th quarter 2013
30.01.2014 № 25
Q3 2013
24.10.2013 № 455
Q2 2013
17.07.2013 № 304
1st quarter 2013
31.05.2013 № 225


  1. The methodology for calculating the subsistence minimum per capita is given: a pensioner, a child, etc.

Archive Subsistence minimum Kemerovo region

Government of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass Resolution of August 13, 2019 No. 476
"On establishing the size of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the second quarter of 2019"
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Government of the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum for the Kemerovo Region as a whole for the second quarter of 2019 per capita is 10389 rubles, for the working-age population - 11011 rubles , pensioners - 8405 rubles, children - 10778 rubles.

Resolution of April 29, No. 268
"On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the first quarter of 2019"

1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum for the Kemerovo Region as a whole for the first quarter of 2019 per capita is 9770 rubles, for the working-age population - 10342 rubles , pensioners - 7913 rubles, children - 10172 rubles.

DECISION of February 7, 2019 No. 68
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the fourth quarter of 2018

1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo Region as a whole for the fourth quarter of 2018 per capita is 9,108 rubles, for the working-age population - 9,645 rubles , pensioners - 7372 rubles, children - 9476 rubles.

Kemerovo Region Administration Board Resolution No. 446 dated October 26, 2018
"On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the third quarter of 2018"
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum in the Kemerovo Region as a whole for the third quarter of 2018 per capita is 9476 rubles, for the working-age population - 10,031 rubles , pensioners - 7625 rubles, children - 9928 rubles.

Kemerovo Region Administration Board Resolution No. 304 dated July 25, 2018
"On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the second quarter of 2018"
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum for the whole Kemerovo Region for the second quarter of 2018 per capita is 9397 rubles, for the working-age population - 9925 rubles , pensioners - 7550 rubles, children - 9930 rubles.

RESOLUTION dated May 4, 2018 No. 164
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the first quarter of 2018
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24L0.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo region", to assess the living standards of the population of the Kemerovo region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region, the value of the subsistence minimum for the Kemerovo Region as a whole for the first quarter of 2018 per capita is 9131 rubles, for the working-age population - 9643 rubles , pensioners - 7346 rubles, children - 9646 rubles.

DECISION of February 6, 2018 No. 31
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the fourth quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region (E.I. Stepin) and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region (I.Yu. per capita - 8879 rubles, for the working-age population - 9391 rubles, pensioners - 7162 rubles, children - 9306 rubles.

DECISION dated October 26, 2017 No. 569
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the third quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence level in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the living standards of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region holds:
1. To establish, upon the submission of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region (E.I. Stepin) and the Territorial Body of the Federal Service of State Statistics for the Kemerovo Region (I.Yu. per capita - 9561 rubles, for the working-age population - 10132 rubles, pensioners - 7681 rubles, children - 9995 rubles.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region (for economic development) DA Shamgunov.

DECISION dated July 18, 2017 No. 377
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the second quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region (E.I. Stepin) and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region (I.Yu. per capita - 9,427 rubles, for the working-age population - 9,981 rubles, pensioners - 7,594 rubles, children - 9857 rubles.
2. The Main Directorate for Work with the Mass Media of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region (AV Dorongov) shall publish this resolution in the Kuzbass newspaper.
3. This Resolution is subject to publication on the website "Electronic Bulletin of the Kemerovo Region Administration Board".

DECISION of May 3, 2017 No. 194
On the establishment of the value of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population of the Kemerovo region for the first quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Federal Law of 24.10.97 No. 134-FZ "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Kemerovo Region of 03.04.2013 No. 36-OZ "On the consumer basket in the Kemerovo Region", to assess the standard of living of the population of the Kemerovo Region, formation of social policy, development and implementation of social programs The Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region decides:
1. To establish, upon the proposal of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Population of the Kemerovo Region (E.I. Stepin) and the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Kemerovo Region (I.Yu. per capita - 9,019 rubles, for the working-age population - 9,531 rubles, pensioners - 7,281 rubles, children - 9,472 rubles.
2. The Main Directorate for Work with the Mass Media of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region (AV Dorongov) shall publish this resolution in the Kuzbass newspaper.
3. This Resolution is subject to publication on the website "Electronic Bulletin of the Kemerovo Region Administration Board".
4. Control over the execution of the resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region (for economic development) DA Shamgunov.

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