
Selections from magazines to the accountant. Review of the online accounting service Bukhsoft online Accounting for goods and services TradeSoft

The 1C topic does not let us go directly: all the more, when the Ukrainian accountants have something to do, the company does not shake its head to us. We decided to analyze how other accounting programs live. And are there any working alternatives to the monopolist at all now? Suddenly, and we will want to ban ... Let's be ready, at least.

We suggest in the comments to tell what problems you have encountered when using the listed programs and why you want to switch to another (or have already switched).

Recently, in the Clerk.ru group on the Facebook site, Red Corner of the Accountant, we invited our readers to take part in a survey regarding the program in which the accounting is kept.


1C won with a crushing score. The company needs no introduction. Everything is scaled up there: 1C works with users through a network that includes more than 10,000 permanent partners in 600 cities from 25 countries. Clients from another country have recently had to get nervous. Over the past week, the company has become a figurant of several important ones at once. In Ukraine, at first, commercial companies were allegedly banned or allowed to use 1C again.

I think readers will forgive us if we do not dwell in detail on the functions and features of working in 1C. Better to talk in detail about the other accounting programs mentioned in our survey.

Turbo 9

The silver in our survey was taken by the accounting software Turbo 9, which was developed by DIC (Dolgoprudny Research Center). To be honest, the site of the program looks like a relic of the days of the modem Internet. But there are online helpers, a forum, and a hotline.

Nevertheless, the developers offer a full range of software solutions: for the automation of accounting and tax accounting, and for personnel management, and for warehouse or industry accounting. There is a mini-program Accountant. It is designed for accounting "from posting", without the use of operational documents.

Here is the official price list from DIC. You can buy by calling by phone, as well as in the online store or from dealers. Everything is as usual.


In third place in our survey is the Info-accountant program. In terms of design and ease of searching for information for potential clients, the Info-accountant is not far from Turbo-9. However, the Info-accountant also has a forum and consultants who will explain everything by phone or email.

In general, it is strange why even a 1C site looks like some kind of greetings from the past.

But back to the Info-accountant. The program has the usual, that is, sufficient functionality for most companies. Introducing themselves, the developers focus on the following features (we quote):

  • Full compliance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and
  • Always up-to-date accounting and
  • All taxation regimes (ORN, USN, "Vmenenka", "Patent", etc.).
  • Automation of all areas of accounting, tax, personnel, warehouse, management accounting.
  • Keeping records of several organizations and entrepreneurs in one program.
  • Payroll of any complexity and personnel records.
  • Accounting for fixed assets and materials.
  • Accounting for works, services, trade and warehouse accounting.
  • Automation of the cashier-operator's workplace
  • Automatic generation of all types of reports.
  • Uploading reports for submission in electronic form.
  • Electronic invoices and
  • Regular free updates.
  • Ease of learning and ease of use.
The program has both paid and free versions. Here is the price list for everything that can be obtained from the Info-accountant. You can buy through their online store or from regional dealers.

For small businesses and start-up entrepreneurs, they offer a free version of the Info-Accountant 10.2 program with reduced functionality.


The next in the list of priority accounting programs in our survey is Kontur-Elba. The capabilities of the program are, in principle, similar to all those discussed above.

Here the interface and opportunities for recognizing the program are more fun.

The price can be found here. 30 days promise to give free use. There are also nice tips for entrepreneurs and those who submit zero reporting.

The good news is that you can pay directly on the site with electronic money.

My business

Service My business is positioning itself as an online accounting for small businesses. The possibilities are there to cover everything that most small companies and entrepreneurs need. The service looks modern. The prices are as follows.

The demo version is offered free of charge.


BukhSoft offers solutions for various small businesses and industries. The developer especially emphasizes: you can download the program to your computer, or you can use it online without special

The site looks modern. You can watch video tips and choose convenient options for yourself.

Prices are here.


Alive in the memory of accountants and Sail. True, in our survey he was chosen by only one respondent. In the comments, users noted that state and municipal institutions are using it now.

We asked: there are also proposals for business. But again - only for large-scale producers: from mechanical engineering, chemical sector, energy, food industry.

Who else?

Of course, we have not covered all accounting programs. Maybe your favorites are services or software - albeit not so popular, but giving the options that your business needs? Tell us. Like the 1C programs, the BukhSoft series programs are designed for complex automation of accounting in the accounting department. In addition to accounting, BuchSoft programs provide automation of tax, management, personnel, warehouse and operational accounting at the enterprise in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation. For different taxpayers, there are different BuchSoft programs - Enterprise, Simplified System, Entrepreneur.


How do your programs differ from 1C programs?
This question is one of the most frequently asked questions to the developers of BuchSoft programs, and this article is devoted to it.
Before you start describing the differences between 1C programs and BuchSoft programs, it should be said about their main similarities. It lies in the purpose of their development - complex automation of accounting (and not only) accounting of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur. Both programs have all the necessary functions that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting for fixed assets, warehouse, settlements with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.
However, despite the common goal, there are many differences in the programs.
1C- this is not only programs, but also a development (programming) environment with great opportunities in terms of customizing and finalizing programs by the users themselves (as a rule, by 1C programmers). Therefore, it is worth distinguishing between the "platform" - the development environment in which the "configurations" are created and work, and, in fact, the "configurations" - different versions of programs.
BukhSoft is a ready-to-use accounting program. New features, settings and improvements in it are also possible, but they are carried out only by the developer.
In fact, this is the main, fundamental difference between 1C and BukhSoft. However, based on this difference, it cannot be argued that one program is better, the other is worse. The user decides for himself whether he needs such an opportunity, or not to overpay.
In two words, this situation can be described as follows. If you need to provide for SPECIFIC features of your accounting (most of them are large enterprises), then you should think about implementing your wishes in 1C programs, but at the same time be ready for very serious costs, not always unambiguously predictable. If your accounting is standard, typical, then there are more arguments in favor of BukhSoft programs.
Thus, the competition between the 1C and Buchsoft programs is only in that market niche where the accounting is typical. This niche contains basic (typical) versions of 1C programs. For the rest, these are fundamentally different price categories. This should be taken into account when comparing programs further.


Download 1C or BukhSoft?
To get acquainted with the 1C series programs, you can download 1C demos on the program developer's website or call the 1C seller to the office. At the same time, it is impossible to download fully working programs from the 1C family on legal open Internet resources. You can buy a demo version of the 1C program with limited functionality. In this form, it is possible to get acquainted with the program and evaluate its functions and convenience. The demo is presented in a limited configuration for accounting purposes only.
The opposite approach is taken by the programs of the BukhSoft series. They are shareware. You always have the opportunity to study all the features of the program on the real data of your accounting department for free. All entered data will be saved after purchasing the program. The main slogan of BuchSoft programs is "Download and Run"!
All primary documents and accounting reports in BuchSoft programs are provided FREE OF CHARGE!

Installing 1C and BukhSoft, updating programs
Programs 1C are distributed through a network of partner organizations included in the 1C: Franchisee network. To receive the update, you need to buy a subscription to ITS (information technology support), after which users get access to the site with updates.
To become a user of programs BukhSoft, it is enough to download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet (www.buhsoft.ru). There you can also download updates that are free.

1C configuration update and BuchSoft software update
1C... Installation and updating of the 1C configuration can be performed by pre-installing the update files downloaded from the support site. Further update of the configuration is carried out according to special regulations. In some 1C configurations, there is an automatic update mechanism, which operates if there is Internet access and paid support. Often, when changing legal requirements and with a large number of differences from the typical 1C configuration, this task becomes very costly and problematic. Also, do not forget that in 1C, not only the configuration is subject to update, but also the platform on which everything works.
BukhSoft... The program is installed by running the installation file, which is downloaded from the site. The program is updated automatically from the developer's website through the corresponding program menu. Those. even for a novice user, installing and updating the program will not be difficult. In this case, no additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.


Program protection: 1C-key or registration file
1C... Several options can be used in the program. The first option is a hardware security key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. makes it difficult to use on different computers. The second option uses computer-linked electronic licensing.
BukhSoft... Thanks to the use of an electronic registration file, there are no restrictions on working with the database on different computers. And the registration process is elementary and is carried out via the Internet.

Settings in working with 1C and getting started in BuchSoft
1C... Settings in working with 1C programs allow you to take into account the complex features of most types of activities, so setting up the program is quite complicated.
BukhSoft... The program does not need any settings. All settings are provided by the developer himself in strict accordance with applicable law. All the user needs to do to get started is to enter data about his accounting policy. It is also possible to print this accounting policy for accounting and tax purposes. With any change in legislation, the developer makes the appropriate changes to the new versions of the program, after which they become available to all users to update their programs completely free of charge.

Mastering the software product
1C- the program is quite problematic to master. This is evidenced by the description of 1C, which is given along with the program and makes up several rather voluminous books. True, 1C is working on this, trying to make their programs less complex.
BukhSoft... An intuitive interface and a minimum of user settings allow you to immediately start working with the program, and mastering does not cause problems even for novice users.


The final price of the software product
1C offers a line of products for accounting, the cost of the basic version is from 3,300 rubles (technical and functional limitations) and the professional version from 10,800 rubles (no limitations) for one module (Accounting, Trade, Salary).
The pricing policy of Buchsoft.ru provides for the gradation of prices for programs depending on objective factors of activity, such as the number of employees, the volume of transactions (the number of transactions in the accounting of purchases or sales, etc.). Accordingly, the price of a full-fledged professional accounting program for a small company with a small turnover and not very large staff (up to 20 people) will be 6,500 rubles for the first year and 3,250 rubles if extended for the next years. At the same time, the cost of basic simplified versions of BuchSoft starts equal to 1000 rubles for delivery and 500 rubles for an extension. Often, with various promotions, users can get these programs completely free of charge.

Network work of 1C and BuchSoft programs
For the program to work 1C in the network version, you need to buy an additional user license, costing from 5200 rubles per user. For large purchases, some discounts are provided.
In the programs of the series BukhSoft there is a possibility of network work, while the network version of the program costs the same as the local one. The user does not pay for any additional licenses or changes in the rank of the network.

Service and maintenance of 1C and BuchSoft users
1C... To get support, you need to buy Information Technology Support (ITS), the cheapest option costs 2950 rubles per month. User support is provided by franchisee firms and a hotline. Due to the large number of companies and the large diversification of products, responses to the wishes of users are not prompt enough. You can also contact the 1C forum, but there you can get a response from users, not from developers.
BukhSoft... All user questions are quickly and efficiently resolved directly by the developer, for the prompt resolution of issues, users have the opportunity to ask their questions through the developers' forum, by e-mail, as well as by multichannel phone. The service is free of charge.

Like 1C programs, BukhSoft series programs are designed for complex automation of accounting in accounting. In addition to accounting, BuchSoft programs provide automation of tax, management, personnel, warehouse and operational accounting at the enterprise in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation. For different taxpayers, there are different BuchSoft programs - Enterprise, Simplified System, Entrepreneur.

The main differences between 1C and BuchSoft programs

How do your programs differ from 1C programs?

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions to the developers of BukhSoft programs, and this article is devoted to it.

Before you start describing the differences between 1C programs and BuchSoft programs, it should be said about their main similarities. It lies in the purpose of their development - complex automation of accounting (and not only) accounting of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur. Both programs have all the necessary functions that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting for fixed assets, warehouse, settlements with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.

However, despite the common goal, there are many differences in the programs.

1C is not only programs, but also a development (programming) environment with great possibilities in terms of setting up and modifying programs by the users themselves (as a rule, by 1C programmers). Therefore, it is worth distinguishing between the "platform" - the development environment in which "configurations" are created and work, and, in fact, "configurations" - different versions of programs.

BukhSoft is a ready-to-use accounting program. New features, settings and improvements in it are also possible, but they are carried out only by the developer.

In fact, this is the main, fundamental difference between 1C and BukhSoft. However, based on this difference, it cannot be argued that one program is better, the other is worse. The user decides for himself whether he needs such an opportunity or not to overpay.

In two words, this situation can be described as follows. If you need to provide for SPECIFIC features of your accounting (in most of these are large enterprises), then you should think about implementing your wishes in 1C programs, but at the same time be prepared for very serious costs, not always unambiguously predictable. If your accounting is standard, typical, then there are more arguments in favor of BukhSoft programs.

Thus, the competition between the 1C and Buchsoft programs is only in that market niche where the accounting is typical. This niche contains basic (typical) versions of 1C programs. For the rest, these are fundamentally different price categories. This must be taken into account when comparing programs further.

Choice, demonstration: order a 1C installation or download BukhSoft for free?

Download 1C or BukhSoft?

To get acquainted with the 1C series programs, you can download 1C demos on the program developer's website or call the 1C seller to the office. At the same time, it is impossible to download fully working programs from the 1C family on legal open Internet resources. You can buy a demo version of the 1C program with limited functionality. In this form, it is possible to get acquainted with the program and evaluate its functions and convenience. The demo is presented in a limited configuration for accounting purposes only.

The opposite approach is taken by the programs of the BukhSoft series. They are shareware.

You always have the opportunity to study all the features of the program on the real data of your accounting department for free. All entered data will be saved after purchasing the program. The main slogan of BuchSoft programs is "Download and Run"!

All primary documents in BuchSoft programs are provided FREE OF CHARGE!

Installing 1C and BukhSoft, updating programs

1C programs are distributed through a network of partner organizations that are part of the 1C: Franchisee network. To receive the update, you need to buy a subscription to ITS (information technology support), after which users get access to the site with updates.

In order to become a user of BuchSoft programs, it is enough to download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet (www.site). There you can also download updates that are free.

1C configuration update and BuchSoft software update


Installation and updating of the 1C configuration can be performed by pre-installing the update files downloaded from the support site. Further configuration updates are carried out according to special regulations. In some 1C configurations, there is an automatic update mechanism, which operates if there is Internet access and paid support. Often, when changing legal requirements and with a large number of differences from the typical 1C configuration, this task becomes very costly and problematic. Also, do not forget that in 1C, not only the configuration is subject to update, but also the platform on which everything works.


The program is installed by running the installation file, which is downloaded from the site. The program is updated automatically from the developer's website through the corresponding program menu. Those. even for a novice user, installing and updating the program will not be difficult. In this case, no additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.

Getting started in BukhSoft and 1C: key, settings, mastering

Program protection: 1C-key or registration file


Several options can be used in the program. The first option is a hardware security key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. makes it difficult to use on different computers. The second option uses computer-linked electronic licensing.


Thanks to the use of an electronic registration file, there are no restrictions on working with the database on different computers. And the registration process is elementary and is carried out via the Internet.

Settings in working with 1C and getting started in BuchSoft


Settings in working with 1C programs allow you to take into account the complex features of most types of activities, therefore, setting up the program is rather complicated.


The program does not need any settings. All settings are provided by the developer himself in strict accordance with applicable law. All the user needs to do to get started is to enter data about his accounting policy. It is also possible to print this accounting policy for accounting and tax purposes. With any change in legislation, the developer makes the appropriate changes to the new versions of the program, after which they become available to all users to update their programs completely free of charge.

Mastering the software product


The first point is that the program is quite problematic to master. This is evidenced by the description of 1C, which is given along with the program and makes up several rather voluminous books. True, 1C is working on this, trying to make their programs less complex. The second point is a fairly frequent change in the 1C platform, and as a consequence of this, a change in the program interface, users need to re-master the program.


An intuitive interface and a minimum of user settings allow you to immediately start working with the program, and mastering does not cause problems even for novice users.

Prices and maintenance of 1C and BuchSoft

The final price of the software product

1C offers the following line of products for accounting: the basic version of 1C costing from 4,800 to 7,400 rubles (has technical and functional limitations) and the professional version costing from 13,000 rubles for one Accounting module (without restrictions, but with rather weak functionality for the Salary and Personnel block ).

By purchasing the PROF version for 13,000 rubles. the functionality of the Salary and Personnel Management block is limited to the calculation of salaries. Moreover, purchasing the Prof version without ITS makes no sense, therefore we add the cost of ITS Prof - 35,592 rubles per year. However, this information is often silent about for the purpose of upselling then 1C Salary and Personnel Management (basic - 7400, Prof - 17400 additionally). Without this acquisition, in the PROF version, it is impossible to automatically calculate travel, sick leave, vacation, in general, everything related to average earnings. The frames are also pretty truncated. You will not make vacation orders, you will not print out the staffing table, the employee's personal card, and this must be kept by every organization.

The opposite is the complex programs of the Buchsoft series. In them, the Salary and Personnel block (with persuasion, sick leave, vacation pay) is already built into the accounting program and interacts with it automatically, no settings are required. The program makes accruals, calculates taxes and contributions, and then automatically generates transactions in the Accounting block.

In the 1C version of PROF there is an opportunity to manage several organizations in one program, this, at first glance, is a plus, but only at first glance. After all, if you need a database for one of the companies, you will not be able to unload it separately from all the others, at least on your own. Perhaps the franchisee's programmer will help you, but how much will it cost ?!

And one more thing, you won't be able to remove from the database a company that for some reason you don't want to see in your program anymore. It is worth noting the fact that 4800 and 13000 are only the basic cost of the so-called "box"; for updating the program and technical support, you will have to pay at least two more program costs.

BuchSoft pricing policy is completely transparent

It is very easy to compare the initial costs for Buchsoft and 1C. So, we take in 1C the cost of basic accounting (4800), add the cost of basic 1C: ZUP (Salary and personnel management - 7400), it turns out 12200. Of course, you will be told that paying 4800 is enough, once and forever, this is the kind of information that will be heard and director of the company, however, then there will be surprises. The solution is either to pay constantly and a lot, or to sacrifice the convenience of work: look for free programs, contact "craftsmen", sometimes paying out of pocket, try to solve their problems with the help of friends (after all, many have 1C). And sometimes people do this only because they do not know that an analogue of two basic versions of 1C from Buchsoft costs 1,838 rubles. Moreover, it always includes timely updates, a multi-user program that works with Salary as a single program, and not two different ones, like 1C: Accounting and 1C: ZUP. This is the unaccompanied price, as in basic 1C, the difference in price is 7 times !!! If the User needs full support with the involvement of specialist accountants seeking to resolve issues in the shortest possible time, then the prices will be in the range from 5,000 to 16,000 rubles. For example, the price of a full-fledged professional accounting program without any restrictions on technical support for organizations on OSNO will be 16,000 rubles, while at the disposal of the user there are specialists who are ready to answer any questions about the program, who understand the specifics of accounting, and are ready to promptly suggest an answer on phone or show the solution using remote access. If the user does not apply often and is satisfied with the support within the framework of regulated correspondence, then the price for the Organization on OSNO will already be 10,000 rubles. For any other organizations and entrepreneurs, the prices for supported programs are even lower. We cannot evaluate the receipt of a similar service from 1C, since in fact we did not meet 1C partners who really help with both accounting and technical issues. With technical - yes, real support of a 1C client with the solution of technical issues can cost from 80 to 200 thousand rubles a year, while it is not a fact that the user will receive a service that reaches the level of Buchsoft service for 14-16 thousand rubles ...

Service and maintenance of 1C and BuchSoft users


To receive support, you need to buy Information Technology Support (ITS), the standard cost is 35,592 rubles per year. User support is provided by franchisee firms and a hotline. Due to the large number of companies and the large diversification of products, responses to the wishes of users are not prompt enough. You can also contact the 1C forum, but there you can get a response from users, not from developers.


All user questions are quickly and efficiently resolved directly by the developer, for the prompt resolution of issues, users have the opportunity to ask their questions through the developers' forum, by e-mail, as well as by multichannel phone. The service is carried out according to one of the selected tariffs, which differ only in the method and volume of consultations. The quality of the advice itself is excellent at any rate.

Network work of 1C and BuchSoft programs

For the 1C program to work in the network version, you need to buy an additional user license, costing from 6300 rubles per user. For large purchases, some discounts are provided.

BukhSoft series programs are multi-user. The user does not pay for any additional jobs, changing the rank of the network, and more.

The programs are made for your convenience - as many jobs are needed - there will be so many. No additional cost. With a simple and intuitive setting of access rights.

Demushkin Yu.V.

Choosing a computer program for an accountant in full compliance with the requirements of accounting, tax and labor laws is not easy.

Moreover, one trade mark, 1C, as a monopolist of the accounting software market, as it were, “overshadows” all other, sometimes quite successful, developments.

Let's remember how accountants worked in the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. Not all accountants have yet acquired personal computers, but spreadsheets have already been introduced wherever possible: SuperCalc, Quattro and Excel. They have successfully replaced large paper bills and reports.

In these spreadsheets, all transactions were sequentially entered into the so-called business journal. Information about the date, Debit, Credit, amount and content of the operation was entered there. In the future, it was possible to obtain samples from the journal to fill in regulated accounting reports.

But everything has its limitations, and this convenient technology for input and output of accounting documents began to be transferred into separate accounting programs written by enthusiasts. The very first were Ukrainian programmers with a product called “ Finance without problems "(1990, Mariupol). Soon there were programs 1C(1991), Turbo-Accountant (1991), Info-Accountant(October 1992), and “it all started ...”.

More than twenty years have passed since then. The author of the article, working as an accountant in commercial companies, as a leading IT specialist at the State Research Institute for the Development of the Tax System of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, during this time tested in practice most of the accounting computer programs presented on the Russian market.

All of them are designed for complex automation of accounting, tax, management, personnel, warehouse and operational accounting. At the same time, the following almost opposite paths are very clearly visible along which the developers of accounting software go

Franchising trade (trade and implementation network)

Selling software through a network of organizations certified under one brand, very widespread and promoted. The most striking example is the trade and implementation network for the provision of integrated services for the automation of accounting and office work, operating under a very well-known brand 1C (1C: Franchising)... The largest of the firms included in the franchising network are 1C-RARUS, 1C: First BIT, 1C: Accounting and Trade, 1C-Business Architect and others. They work under a single brand and provide consulting services in the choice of programs (more precisely, the choice from various configurations performed on the same 1C platform), as well as delivery, installation, implementation, after-sales service and training.

This is the so-called INDUSTRIAL QUALITY OF SERVICE, when 1C stands behind the backs of small companies dealing with the specific needs of a particular client. At the same time, 1C itself sells some of its "boxed" software products, but in a basic configuration, which has significant limitations, through its head office in Moscow and a dealer network in Russia and the CIS.

For a full-fledged work, end users still have to turn to franchisee implementers on a paid basis, which greatly slows down the process of implementation and the start of full-fledged use of accounting programs.

Own software development for accountants

Selling programs by the developers of their own software.

The sale is carried out through an office and dealer network in Russia and the CIS, through Internet trade.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous and successful programs of companies following the second path, which have won well-deserved popularity among accountants in the Russian market.


According to analysts, the Info-Accountant program is distinguished from others by the broadest functionality, ease of development, amazing elaboration of the smallest aspects of the program. The ability to conduct all types of accounting for small and medium-sized businesses.

Info-Accountant is the main competitor of 1C, almost in no way inferior to him.

Family programs "Info-Accountant" appeared on the market in October 1992. They make it possible to comprehensively automate accounting at enterprises of various forms of ownership and types of activity. They are easily adjusted to the peculiarities and specifics of the company's activities and do not require any further development by programmers.

At the moment there are two main versions of the program Info-Accountant implemented on the platforms Info-Accountant 8 and Info-Accountant 10.

Professional version of the program Info-Accountant 8.8 is intended for complex automation of accounting and tax accounting of companies of various types of activity (production, trade, services, catering, education, etc.) of any form of ownership. All sections of accounting and tax accounting are already included in the standard delivery of the professional version. She fits perfectly for small andmedium-sized enterprises applying ORN, STS and other special regimes, as well as for non-profit organizations. And, according to users and many authoritative experts, it is considered most easy to learn and use among other accounting and tax accounting programs, so that absolutely any user barely familiar with accounting can master it.

Functional features of the program Info-Accountant 8.8

    full compliance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service;

    all taxation regimes (ORN, USN, "Vremenka", etc.);

    coverage of all areas of the accounting;

    parallel accounting and tax accounting;

    automatic generation of all types of reports;

    accounting for several organizations in one program;

    uploading reports for submission in electronic form;

    regular free updates;

    ease of learning and ease of use;

    data conversion from any accounting program.

Program version Info-Accountant 10.2 is based on 20 years of successful experience of the company. This modern high-tech program allows for complex automation of accounting, tax, warehouse, personnel, management and other types of accounting. Its flexibility ensures accounting in organizations of any form of ownership. She fits best medium and large enterprises, although it can be successfully used by small businesses.

This version has the broadest functionality and powerful analytical tools. Works on client-server technology. At the same time, it has not lost its simplicity and usability, which are typical for all programs in the family. "Info-Accountant".

By the way, a fully functional free version of the program Info-Accountant 10.2, which includes all blocks: Accounting and reporting, Salary and personnel, Warehouse, works and services.

By installing this version, users can immediately work in it and appreciate all its advantages over competitors.

The only limitation free version of Info-Accountant 10.2 - the possibility of simultaneous processing up to 1000 business transactions. Each transaction can have an almost unlimited number of transactions. This is enough even for a small accounting department.

This is the only and unique offer among the accounting software presented on the Russian market. The powerful functionality and sophistication of all even the smallest details of the program are striking. And it's in the free version!

More information about the program can be found on the website


The company is known primarily for its software package "Balance-2 / Balance-2W ", used to automate the preparation and submission of reports (to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS, Rosstat, FSRAR), preparation for reconciliation with regulatory authorities, preparation, storage and exchange of legally significant primary electronic documents.

The company offers separate standalone programs such as:

    Salary (payroll automation).

    Enterprise (complex automation of the entire enterprise as a whole).

    Entrepreneur (automation of accounting and reporting of individual entrepreneurs)

    Simplified SSS (automation of enterprises on the simplified tax system).

They are designed for complex automation of accounting, tax, personnel, warehouse, managerial and operational accounting at the enterprise in full compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Extra grade (BC)

Company "Top grade" specializes in the development and implementation of software for automating the activities of small and medium-sized businesses.

Releases programs:

    VS: Accounting. This is a software for accounting for small and medium-sized enterprises using general and simplified taxation regimes. It contains additional modules "Salary and Personnel", "Warehouse", "Trade"; the so-called "wizards" for step-by-step calculations and filling out reports. The program supports various taxation systems in one database. In addition, it allows you to create your own charts of accounts.

    VS: Enterprise. This is a software package designed to automate business processes in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    VS: Retail. A universal software product for automating the work of a retail network or one store.


Program Buchsoft is a single program for all accounting tasks from entering primary documents to generating reports.

The main versions of the program:

    STS: Based on the results of the reporting period, the program generates a cash book, a book of income and expenses and an organization's balance sheet, and for the tax period - a declaration according to the STS.

    OSN: Based on the results of the reporting period, the program generates tax accounting, income tax declaration, VAT, purchase and sales books, cash book, balance sheet, reports to the FSS and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The Salary block is integrated into the accounting program, where accruals are entered, and the program itself calculates salaries, sick leave, vacation pay, calculates insurance premiums and taxes, and generates personnel documents (orders, staffing, employment contracts, timesheet). At the end of the reporting and tax period, the program will prepare a report on personalized accounting and personal income tax, test it with verification programs before sending it to the regulatory authorities (IFTS, FSS, PFR).

SKB Kontur

Programs Kontur-Accounting Asset, Kontur-Accounting USN, Kontur-Accounting Budget, Kontur-Salary make it possible to solve all the tasks of automating accounting and tax accounting at an enterprise, of any form of ownership and any taxation system (OSN, STS, UTII).

In particular "Kontur-Accounting Aktiv" is:

    Accounting, tax and warehouse accounting

    Working with documents and automatic generation of transactions

    Explanation of reporting indicators down to the level of accounting entries

    Intuitive interface

    Formation of all types of mandatory reporting

    Formation of files for transfer to the tax office

    Simultaneous accounting of several enterprises or separate divisions in one program

    Multicurrency accounting

    Regular program updates and operational technical support

Turbo Accountant

Program Turbo 9 Accounting contains all the main sections of accounting and tax accounting. It is designed for the complex automation of such accounting at enterprises of any form of ownership and any taxation system.

The features of the Turbo 9 Accounting program are:

    All system settings are combined in an accounting policy.

    Unlimited number of analytical features.

    Flexibility of building reports.

    Possibility of multidimensional analytical and multicurrency accounting.

    High speed of building reports in real time.

    Maintaining management, operational and accounting records in a single information base.

    Work with large amounts of data (up to 20 million accounting movements, i.e. records) without noticeable slowdowns.

    Quarterly updates, (more frequent updates are possible if legislation changes).

The program is not demanding on resources - human, money, time and digital. The user does not have to invest in expensive equipment and hire a staff of programmers to maintain it in good condition.


Enterprise Management Information System BEST-5 system appeared on the market in 1995 and has all the necessary means for effective accounting and making verified management decisions in all areas of activity of a modern trade or industrial enterprise, service sector enterprise, state (municipal) institution: budgetary, state-owned or autonomous. For these purposes, there are basic functional blocks (application groups) that cover each area of ​​accounting and management.

The company has developed and is successfully implementing a large number of application function blocks. These applications can work both offline and together with each other. They form a single information space of the enterprise.

The set of functional blocks is as follows:

    A group of applications designed for accounting, tax and management accounting. Solves the problems of financial planning of economic activities, accounting for cash, maintaining contracts, settlements with partners and employees, accounting for property, generating financial and tax reporting of an enterprise

    Logistics A group of applications for efficient procurement, inventory and sales management. Realizes full-volume accounting of goods, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Provides sales management for wholesale and retail trade, as well as mobile trade. Solves the problems of accounting for the implementation of works / services and management of the work of the transport services of the enterprise

    Manufacturing A group of applications for planning and accounting of production activities in assembly and complex industries (woodworking, dairy industry, meat processing, oil refining, etc.)

    Personnel A group of applications that solves the tasks of personnel records, time records and payments to personnel for wages.

Other accounting software

The accounting programs considered below have very little circulation on the market (according to the author's estimates, less than 0.1% of the market), of which we can note, for example:


The SIBUS accounting program is designed for accounting at enterprises using a simplified taxation system.

All functions are available in the program for the first 30 days. After 30 days, the program switches to limited use mode. This means that all reports become unavailable. But your data will remain with you - all documents and directories will work without restrictions. The installer also runs in update mode, so you can update the program regularly, even in limited use. It is very easy to start keeping records - just create a clean database.

Accounting for goods and services TradeSoft

This program, developed by TradeSoft, is focused on the complex solution of such tasks as: automation of a warehouse / store through the introduction of accounting, payroll and taxation, as well as personnel training, employee performance assessment, analysis of the receipt and sale of products, etc.

Accounting program of intangible assets

This project offers a free version of the IA accounting software designed to automate accounting in small and medium-sized enterprises. The basis of the program is the automation modules of the main sections of analytical accounting: warehouse accounting of goods and materials and finished products, combined with the sale and execution of the necessary primary documents, accounting of banking operations, maintaining cash transactions, settlements with accountable persons, accounting and tax accounting of fixed assets and MA, calculation of Salaries and Personnel accounting, settlements with suppliers and contractors.

Online service or Internet accounting

All accounting programs listed up to this point belong to the type of software product that is now called Offline service. Although, without an Internet connection, it is no longer possible to consider a software product as something completely professional. In this case, the program itself and the databases are traditionally located on the computer or on the customer's own network.

Recently, many of the listed accounting programs have versions in the form Online service or Internet accounting, according to technology fromremote access Is the ability to work with software products WITHOUT INSTALLATION on your own computer. Your data is not stored with you, but somewhere in the “clouds”, on the Internet. All calculations go there. And how long and in what quality they are stored, it no longer depends on you. But the companies providing such a service convince that they are doing everything to minimize the risks of losing data from all kinds of hardware and software failures, "force" and unauthorized access.

But do you need to give others "tools" against yourself and your cause?

It turns out that with the "opening" of the Internet we are doing just that ...

Do you urgently need to submit a report, and you do not have access to the Internet?

But it's up to you, users!


In the BuchsoftOnline service, all warehouse accounting, comprehensive automation of the sales department, a full set of opportunities for accounting and tax accounting, personnel accounting and payroll accounting, complete and timely reporting, and its sending to all authorities are presented.

And all this is not on a separate computer or workplace, but on the BuchSoft website. Login / password is entered and you can already work in your account program.

All possibilities are provided online.

Accounting, contour

Bookkeeping Contour is a simple web service for simple bookkeeping:

    Primary accounting documents: invoices and acts of acceptance of services, invoices, etc.

    Support for basic business operations

    Analysis of turnover and state of accounting accounts, quantitative and analytical accounting

    Invoices, automatic creation of purchase and sales books

    Import of contractors, goods, services, fixed assets from 1C at the start

    Book of accounting of income and expenses for the simplified tax system, calculation of UTII

    Accounting and maintaining employees

    Calculation of accruals and deductions: the system will calculate wages by itself, and you will only have to approve the calculations or change what you want

    Automatic calculation of taxes and contributions

    Quick calculation of vacation pay, sick leave, maternity benefits and travel allowances.

Extra grade (BC)

Features of the program Top grade (VS) in remote access:

    Any desktop or laptop with Internet access can be used

    No need to install anything else

    You can start working remotely in three mouse clicks: "Start" - "Standard" - "Remote Desktop Connection"

    Remote access to the program is carried out under an individual username and password.

My business

One online service My Business has everything you need to work with accounting: help, accounting systems, sending reports via the Internet and expert advice. The program helps to keep accounting records, calculate taxes (contributions) and pay them on time, as well as submit electronic reports.

All the possibilities of modern accounting in one service:

    system of related questions and answers

    autocomplete unified and non-standard document forms with examples and tips

    an up-to-date base of regulatory documents with the ability to track changes

    formation and submission of electronic reporting

    professional expert advice

There is even My Business TV, where you can watch video clips explaining how to work in the service.

AUBI Center

AUBI Internet-accounting allows enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, under any taxation system, to maintain accounting records and submit reports on the Internet without buying an accounting software. Includes:

    Accounting and tax accounting

    Accounting for goods, finished products and materials (warehouse, trade, production)

    Personnel accounting and payments to personnel (wages), payments to accountable persons

    Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

    Exchange of electronic documents with counterparties and banks

    Transfer of electronic reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, FSS, Rosstat, RAR

    Teamwork in a single information environment

    Real-time consulting and technical support

We have considered many of the most famous accounting automation programs, both of interest in connection with their original solutions, and in terms of technical and marketing moves. This is a franchisee network, for the first time honestly and brilliantly used in Russia by Boris Nuraliev, and a parody of other people's names, similarity to well-known trademarks. This is also a kind of marketing move, although it may not be entirely marketing, but some other ... Since copying a part of someone else's name, it seems to us, is far from the best move ... Although it can bear its commercial fruits. ..

If, after reading this article, the choice of an accounting program is still difficult for you, the author strongly recommends that you pay attention to the well-known and most popular programs among accountants BEST, Buchsoft, Info-Accountant and Turbo Accountant, and before making a final decision, try them in their work. free versions.


Why is the company that developed the Info-Accountant program not afraid to publish on its website an overview of accounting programs created by its competitors? Only developers who are confident in the high quality of their software product - the Info-Accountant program can take such a step. It is no coincidence that one of our users, having carefully compared 14 accounting programs, opted for the Info-Accountant program.

Info-Accountant 8 program

Download demos:

Another review on the most famous accounting software can be found in the business magazine Thirst:



Let's register in the system. To do this, go to the Buchsoft Online page.

Push the button registration.

We enter the information that is asked of us and click Register again.

A few seconds later, a confirmation letter was sent to the mailing address registration in the service.

Now we will use the login and password sent to the mail and enter the system. To do this, click Log in online.

This is how a personal account looks like in the BuchSoft service.

Let's go to the Accounting section. As you can see, free access is provided within 90 days after registration.

Desktop of the module Accounting Accounting.Oline

Let's check out how it works. For example, click on the link Products and services.

Click Add and add information on the product.

Information is added very conveniently and easily. Just a couple of clicks - and a new product is added to the system.

This is how the transaction log looks like in the BuchSoft system.

Let's go back to the Salary and HR section. This is how it looks:

Let's go to the Personnel section. Click on the Add button. In the same way, in the window that appears, fill in the information about the employee and click Add. Note! If your settings are incorrect and can negatively affect the reporting, the system will prompt you again.

After that, we can see the employee's personal card. Information is easily entered into the appropriate section: personal card, personnel actions, transfers, taxation, accruals, debts.

The other work in the system is based on the same principle. Everything is convenient and easy.

Functional assessment

Type of ownership All forms of ownership
Taxation scheme OSNO, USNO, Patent, UTII, combination of taxation schemes
Personnel accounting Creation of a detailed employee profile; accounting of dismissed employees; accounting for freelancers; all types of personnel documents. SZV-M report to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Not on all tariffs.
Tax accounting Profit, VAT, 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, any types of taxes for commercial organizations. Not on all tariffs.
Inventory control Main and retail warehouse; materials and goods. Online cash registers. Not on all tariffs.
Cash accounting Receipt, write-off, movement. Not on all tariffs.
Payroll preparation Prepaid expense; salaries; awards; GPA; other charges; absenteeism: vacations, business trips, other absenteeism; benefits: sick leave, one-time benefits, maternity leave; Holiday to care for the child; contributions; Personal income tax, any charges. Not on all tariffs.
Electronic dispatch Sending reports in electronic form to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, FSS, Rosstat, RAR, reconciliation, letters, requirements, EDF (legally significant document flow) with counterparties (depending on the tariff). Not on all tariffs.
Analytics The ability to keep a book of income and expenses or a book of purchases and sales, many printed forms, the ability to keep a book of income for patents, keeping a journal of accounting operations, keeping a cash book, registering retail sales, creating cash documents, keeping stocks, the ability to keep personnel records. Automated generation of standard and simplified financial statements. Not on all tariffs.
Forms Dozens of printable templates
The documents Invoice for payment, contract invoice, invoice, invoice, act, advance report, orders, UPD and other new forms of documents from 01.07.2017
Electronic signature in the cloud Provided
Online data exchange with banks Provided
Expert advice Depending on the tariff
Employee Sharing Provided
Double entry Provided
Checking counterparties Provided
Number of companies in the profile Unlimited quantity

Such a number of marks “not on all tariffs” is due to the fact that BukhSoft's tariff policy is based on separate modules that can be assembled at will.

What's included in the modules?

Accounting department
Automation of accounting and (or) tax accounting for organizations on OSNO or STS and individual entrepreneurs in a simplified mode. Bank, cash, purchases, sales. Automatic generation of transactions, auto-completion of the book of income and expenses, other features of professional accounting. Based on the credentials, it is possible to automatically generate all the reports provided by the legislation in the areas of the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other regulatory bodies.

Service for conducting operational accounting on behalf of several own organizations. Formation of primary documentation. Integration with an offline version of a similar program.

Salary and personnel
A universal service for maintaining salary and personnel records (any organization or individual entrepreneur). Sick leave, vacation pay, any work schedule and complex charges. Based on the entered data, reports are automatically generated to state non-budgetary funds and the Federal Tax Service in the form of 2-NDFL. Formation of timesheet and personnel documents.

Reporting preparation
Allows you to automatically or manually generate statutory accounting, tax reporting, reporting to state non-budgetary funds and other controlling organizations. Report files are uploaded in hard copy or in formats established by law for their subsequent transfer via secure TCS channels (reporting via the Internet).

Electronic dispatch
Allows you to send generated reports to regulatory authorities in the areas of the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, FSS, Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Includes reconciliation and informal exchange of documents. Includes legally significant electronic document flow with counterparties. The service is a joint development with the Certification Center of ZAO Kaluga Astral.

Task Manager
An online module that allows you to set reminders and tasks, monitor the progress of their implementation, analyze the effectiveness of the use of working time by performers. The user has the ability to involve both his own employees and external executors with various access rights to perform tasks.

Online checkout

Online module that allows you to create a virtual cashier workstation and print receipts

In accordance with the new requirements of Law 54-FZ.

Comparison of tariffs

The tariff grid is built according to the principle of separate modules, which can be assembled depending on the needs and form of ownership.

* Description of modules - in the section "Assessment of functionality"

With a one-time payment of more than 14,000 rubles. - license for the BuchSoft reporting module for 12 months. (FTS, Pension Fund, FSS, Rosstat) - provided free of charge.

License extensions, unscheduled certificate replacements and additional related services are charged separately. Contact consultants for details.

You can pay for any program by bank transfer or by other means: electronic money, transfer to a card, Robokassa. The minimum payment is for a year.

Additional discounts are possible when connecting several organizations. Yes

Technical support

The quality of the responses pleased us, but not the speed. The email was only answered after re-sending. We were pleased with the quick answers in the personal account. In general, the level of support is average. Not as sad as the service

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