
Account 16 Account 16 “Deviation in the value of material assets. Accounting for business processes


There are three business processes in accounting:

1. Accounting for the process of supply (procurement) of inventory items.

2. Accounting for the production process.

3. Accounting for the process of implementation (sale) of the manufacture of products of the work performed (services rendered).

The supply process is a set of operations to provide an enterprise with the items of labor necessary for the manufacture of products.

The enterprise purchases materials, fuel and other items from suppliers at the wholesale price, which is purchased for the enterprise.

The purchase price may include VAT, which must be accounted for separately.

The enterprise bears the costs associated with the transportation of acquired values, their loading, unloading, etc. Such costs are called transport and procurement costs (TRC).

Purchase cost + TZR = actual cost of purchased items of labor.

Tasks of the procurement process accounting:

Determine the actual volume of supply;

Calculate the actual cost of purchased items of labor;

To solve these problems, accounts are used: 15,16,19,10.

Account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets"

Active; costing.

The debit reflects the cost of acquiring materials without VAT (for VAT, account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values" is applied)

The loan shows the formation of the actual cost of material assets and its write-off for each type of material assets.

The following entries are made in the accounting:

Dt 15 Kt 60-materials purchased from suppliers at purchase price excluding VAT;

Dt 19 Kt 60 - VAT is reflected on purchased values;

Dt 15 Kt 20 (23) - materials from production are received;

Дт 15 Кт 71-materials are prepared with payment from the accountable amounts;

Дт 15 Кт 76-materials purchased from other organizations and enterprises; reflects the costs of transportation, loading, unloading of material assets;

In warehouses, materials are accounted for at discount prices, therefore, if, upon receipt, there are discrepancies between the discount price and the actual cost of purchase, account 16 is applied.

Sc.16 "Deviation in the value of material assets"

Active-passive; regulatory; contrarian,


Records are made in the accounting:

Dt 16 Kt 15 - if the actual cost exceeds the book price (by the amount of the deviation, when the debit turnover on account 15 is more than the credit one) - overrun;

Dt 15 Kt 16 - when the actual cost of the acquisition is lower than the accounting one (by the amount of the deviation, when there will be an excess of the credit turnover on account 15 over the debit one) - savings.

At the end of the reporting period, a special calculation is drawn up, according to which the amount of deviations that have arisen is revealed.

The calculation is done like this:

1) Determine the% deviation:

Sn.sc16 + D.ob. sc16. / Sn.sc10 + D.ob.sc10 * 100%

2) Determine the amount of deviations:

% deviations * cost of materials consumed

Dt 10 Kt 15 - reflected book value purchased materials

Account 16 is closed and deviations are written off to cost accounting accounts.

Dt 20 (25.26) Kt 16 - deviations written off.

Accounts 15 and 16 are not shown in the balance sheet.

Sc. 10 "Materials" Basic, material, active

Subaccounts are opened for him:

1.Raw materials;

2.Purchase semi-finished products and components;


4.tars and container materials;

5. spare parts;

6. other materials;

7. materials transferred for processing to the outside;

8. building materials;

9.inventory and household supplies;

10.special equipment and special clothing in stock;

11. special equipment and special clothing in operation.

In synthetic accounting make the following entries:

Дт 10.1 Кт 60 - received materials from the supplier excluding VAT and O&M;

Dt 10.tzr Kt 60 - the TZR are reflected (a separate subaccount is opened to account for transport and procurement costs);

Dt 19 Kt 60 - VAT is reflected on the received materials;

On the credit account 60, the amount owed to the supplier is collected.

Dt 10 Kt 20 (23) - received materials from the main or auxiliary production;

Дт 10 Кт 71 - materials were accepted with payment from the reported amounts;

Дт 10 Кт 76 - received materials from other organizations or enterprises;

Дт 10 Кт 91.1-surplus materials were recorded during the inventory;

At the end of the month, a special calculation is made for the amount of TOR to be written off.

The calculation is done in the following form:

1)% TZR = Sn.10tzr + D.ob. sc10tzr / Sn.sc10.1 + D.ob.sc10.1 * 100%

2) Sum of deviations =% TZR * cost of materials consumed

Dt 20, 23, 25, 26, 28 Kt 10 - materials written off for production costs;

Thus, all the materials received and the share of TZR falling for this month are written off to the costs of the main or other production.

Дт 91.2 Кт 10-materials were sold to other organizations (on the side);

Дт 94 Кт 10-shortage of materials for production was revealed;

At enterprises with a large nomenclature of material values, a nomenclature-price tag is kept.

When making materials as a contribution to the authorized capital, the following is made:

Дт 10 Кт 75.1-contributed to the authorized capital by the founder in the form of materials;

Upon receipt of materials under a donation agreement or free of charge, an entry is made:

Дт 10 Кт 98.2-received materials free of charge.

The main regulatory document governing the accounting of materials is PBU 5/2001 "Accounting for inventories".

PBU 5/01 shows ways to write off materials for production:

1) At the cost of each unit (jewelry).

2) According to the FIFO method

3) At the average cost

Each organization chooses one of the proposed methods and

indicates it in the accounting policy of the organization.

The FIFO method is an assessment of material assets at their original cost.

With this technique, the rule is applied: “first batch on receipt - first on expenditure” (“first purchase price - first on vacation”; “first to stock - first to production”).

Score 16 implies there is a deviation in the cost criterion of materials... If it exists, it is necessary to detect and display the fact in business transactions for the simplicity of subsequent settlement actions.

Purpose and use

Account 16 is used in order to summarize information about the differences that have arisen between the values ​​of the acquired material assets. They are calculated in terms of the actual cost of procurement or purchase, as well as accounting prices.

It is applied by enterprises that account for materials on account 10, and also use low-value items with instant wear and tear by reflecting on account 12 at accounting values.

The amounts of differences in the values ​​of purchased values ​​calculated in the actual cost of purchase and procurement, as well as discount prices, are subject to debiting to Debit or Credit of account 16 from account 15 "Procurement and purchase of materials". These values ​​may include following headings and units:

  • fuel resources;
  • fertilizers of a mineral nature;
  • stern;
  • seeds;
  • planting materials;
  • construction tools, etc.

The accumulated differences in the account related to the cost of the purchased values ​​are written off to the Debit of accounts related to accounting for production costs, as well as other areas in proportion to the values ​​at the book prices of materials that have gone into the production process.

Analytical accounting activities within this account are carried out by groups of material resources with approximately the same degree of deviation.

Thus, it turns out that account 16 is traditionally used in order to account for the difference between the book value and the actual cost of inventories. This direction is often used by organizations that reflect the cost of inventories within the accounting values. Traditionally, they also take into account the purchase of material and production assets using account 15.

Complete correspondence with examples

In the course of performing accounting transactions, account 16 is large-scale, therefore, is widely used along with the following areas.

By debit

On a loan

  • 08 - investments in long-term assets;
  • 15 - procurement and purchase of materials;
  • 20 , 23 - basic and auxiliary production, respectively;
  • 25 - costly areas of general production nature;
  • 28 - marriage;
  • 29 - service farms;
  • 44 - costs of the implementation plan;
  • 60 - settlement transactions with suppliers;
  • 76 - Carrying out settlements on accounts receivable and payable;
  • 79 - on-farm operations;
  • 90 , 91 - receipts and costs for current and other activities;
  • 97 - upcoming expenditure directions.

Key transactions and business transactions

If we consider the basic postings within the framework of account 16, they look like this.

  1. Dt 16 Kt 15- reflection of the fact of deviation between the cost of materials and the actual cost.
  2. Dt 16 Kt 15- reflection of the deviation in the cost of materials.
  3. Dt 15 Kt 16- the fact of deviation between the cost indicator of materials and the actual cost parameter is reflected.
  4. Dt 20 Kt 16- there was a direct accrual of the amount of deviations.

Deviation write-off, calculation and other operations

The write-off measures are displayed under the following records.

  1. Dt 08 Kt 16- write-off at the end of the monthly period of the deviation of the actual cost indicator.
  2. Dt 20 Kt 16- writing off deviations in the value of tangible assets.
  3. Dt 23 Kt 16- write-off based on the deviation of the actual cost rate.
  4. Dt 29 Kt 16- the same as in the previous case.
  5. Dt 44 Kt 16- an operation in which the identified deviations in the value of materials are written off at the expense of sales costs.
  6. Dt 91 Kt 16- writing off the amounts of deviations for the materials sold.
  7. Dt 26 Kt 16- there was a write-off at the end of the month in relation to the deviation of the actual cost of materials from the book prices.
  8. Dt 25 Kt 16- write-off based on the deviation of the actual cost.

Vacation measures in relation to production resources should be subject to registration through the documentation adopted by the company in accordance with the specifics of the production process. For example, it can be an invoice related to the internal movement of goods, a pick-up sheet, a route map, etc.

The number of materials that were transferred should be reflected in the unit in which the operational accounting is carried out. It can be pcs., Kg., M., L., Sq. m.

In the process of issuing materials to the production process, their assessment is carried out by using one of the following methods:

  • at the cost of each of the commodity units;
  • by the parameter of the average cost;
  • at the price of the first stocks (at the time of purchase).

These rates are defined within the Inventory Accounting Instruction. It is approved by the Ministry of Finance and allows significantly simplify accounting activities.

The firm should apply one of these methods for a group of commodity stocks during the reporting period. The chosen method should be fixed in the accounting policy of the company.

As for the calculated actions, they are carried out quite simply. The grouping of costs reflecting the cost is carried out by elements:

  • material expenses;
  • remuneration of personnel;
  • deductions for needs of a social nature;
  • depreciation of fixed assets;
  • other expenses.

These costs are the prime cost. The variance is calculated as the difference between the actual cost, which includes surcharges, taxes and other additives, and the amount received.

Legal and regulatory framework

Accounting for material and production values ​​is carried out on the basis of various documents. For ease of understanding, they are subdivided into several levels.

  • First level... Legislative acts, administrative documents and decrees adopted by the President.
  • Second level... Generally accepted accounting standards.
  • Third level... Various guidelines.
  • Fourth level... Documents adopted within the framework of the enterprise itself.

Thus, account 16 plays an important role in accounting and is used to reflect a large number of transactions.

To reflect generalized information about the amount of the difference between the book price and the actual cost of goods and materials on the balance sheet of the enterprise, use account 16. Our article will acquaint you with the features of accounting for the cost differences of goods and materials, and also, using the example of typical transactions, will help you understand account transactions sixteen.

Account 16: accounting of transactions

Account 16 is used in enterprises reflecting the amount of incoming / outgoing goods and materials at the book price. Upon the revealed deviation between the book price and the actual cost of goods (production costs, sales costs, purchase price from a supplier, etc.), the amount of this deviation is reflected in account 16:

When reflecting operations on cost overruns accumulated during the month on account 16, enterprises in the manufacturing sector use the following records:

Accounting for the positive amount of deviations (savings) on the received goods and materials is reflected in the records:

In case of liquidation of goods and materials as a result of force majeure (natural disaster, accident, nationalization, etc.) or in case of shortage, the amount of deviations on account 16 is written off with the following entries:

Reflection of the cost differences of goods and materials on account 16

Consider an example of the excess of the book price of goods and materials over their actual cost.

The trading company "Monolit Plus" purchased a batch of auto parts (315 units) at a price of 984 rubles / piece. The total cost of delivery was RUB 309.960, VAT RUB 47.282. The accounting price of auto parts is 1018 rubles.

The Monolith Plus accountant made the following notes:

DebitCreditDescriptionSumA document base
10 15 The batch of spare parts is reflected at discount prices (315 units * 1018 rubles)RUB 320.670
15 60 The actual cost of the received spare parts is taken into account (309.906 rubles - 47.282 rubles)RUB 262.624Purchase Invoice
19 60 VAT charged on deliveryRUB 47.282Invoice incoming
15 16 The difference between the book price of auto parts and the cost of purchasing them has been written off (320.670 rubles - 262.624 rubles)RUB 58.046Accounting reference-calculation

Consider a case in which the purchase price of a product is greater than that recorded in the accounting records.

The production company "Beloshveika" purchased a batch of cotton fabric (418 meters) at a price of 189 rubles / m. The total cost of delivery was RUB 79.002, VAT RUB 12.052. The discount price of the fabric is 154 rubles / m2.

Upon receipt of the fabric, the accountant of “Beloshveika” made the following entries:

DebitCreditDescriptionSumA document base
10 15 The consignment of cotton fabric was registered at the warehouse at discount prices (418 m * 154 rubles)RUB 64.372Receipt invoice, Accounting reference-calculation
15 60 The actual cost of the received fabric was taken into account (79.002 rubles - 12.052 rubles)RUB 66.950Purchase Invoice
19 60 VAT charged on deliveryRUB 12.052Invoice incoming
16 15 The difference between the price of auto parts for accounting and the cost of purchasing them has been written off (66.950 rubles - 64.372 rubles)RUB 2.578Accounting reference-calculation

Account 16: writing off the amounts of deviations of goods and materials

In March 2015, the metallurgical enterprise Factorial purchased sheet metal (650 tons) for the subsequent sale to OOO Bazis:

  • sheet metal cost - 1,418,300 rubles, VAT 216,351 rubles;
  • the cost of delivery of a consignment - 371,000 rubles, VAT - 56,593 rubles;
  • discount metal price - 1800 rubles / t.

As of 03/01/2015, Factorial's accounts included:

In March, Factorial sold 420 tons of metal to OOO Basis at a price of 1,722,000 rubles, VAT 262,678 rubles.

"Factorial" reflected the receipt and write-off of goods with the following entries:

DebitCreditDescriptionSumA document base
16 60 Sheet metal is accepted for accounting (1,418,300 rubles - 216,351 rubles)RUB 1.201.649Purchase Invoice
19 60 Reflected VAT amountRUB 216.351Invoice incoming
68 VAT19 VAT on the cost of delivery is accepted for deductionRUB 216.351Invoice incoming
41 16 Sheet metal was capitalized at the book price (1,800 rubles * 650 t)RUB 1,170,000Accounting reference-calculation
15 60 The cost of delivery of a consignment of metal is reflected in the accounting (371,000 rubles - 56,593 rubles)RUB 314.407Certificate of services rendered
19 60 Reflected the amount of VAT from the cost of deliveryRUB 56.593Certificate of services rendered, Invoice incoming
68 VAT19 VAT on delivery accepted for deductionRUB 56.593Invoice incoming
16 15 The amount of the difference between the book price and the cost of metal is reflected in the accounting (RUB 1.201.649 + RUB 314.407 - RUB 1.170.000)RUB 346.056Accounting reference-calculation
62 90.1 Sheet metal sold by Basis LLCRUB 1,722,000Delivery contract
90.3 68 VATVAT charged on metal soldRUB 262.678Receipt invoice, Outgoing invoice
90.2 41 The book value of the sold sheet metal is reflected as an expense (420 t * 1,800 rubles)RUB 756,000Accounting reference-calculation

Writing off the amount of deviations, Factorial's accountant made the following calculation:

  1. The book value of sheet metal in March (including the balance) as of 03/01/2015 - 1.755.000 rubles. (325 t * 1.800 rubles + 650 t * 1.800 rubles).
  2. The amount of deviations in March 2015 (including the balance) - 378.056 rubles. (32.000 rubles + 346.056 rubles).
  3. The share (percentage) of deviations for the goods sold - 21.55% (378.056 rubles / 1.755.000 rubles * 100%).
  4. The deviation indicator for writing off in March 2015 is 162.918 rubles. (756.000 rubles * 21.55%).

The following entry was made in Factorial's accounting:

Reversal of account balances 16 at the end of the reporting period

As of 08/01/2015, the balance sheet of Workshop No. 1 JSC included:

In August 2015 “Workshop No. 1” purchased a batch of materials from LLC “Stroitel” for the amount of RUB 61,400, VAT RUB 9,366, the book price of which was RUB 68,300. Construction and repair materials in the amount of 59.500 rubles. were written off to production.

At the end of August 2015, the accountant of Workshop No. 1 JSC made the following entries:

DebitCreditDescriptionSumA document base
10 15 A batch of building materials was delivered to the warehouse of JSC “Workshop No. 1 at discount pricesRUB 68.300Receipt invoice, Accounting reference-calculation
15 60 The cost of a batch of materials is reflected in the accounting (61.400 rubles - 9.366 rubles)RUB 52.034Purchase Invoice
19 60 VAT included for the supply of materialsRUB 9.366Invoice
15 16 The amount of the deviation of the accounting price and the cost of construction materials (68.300 rubles - 52.34 rubles) is taken into account.RUB 16.266Accounting reference-calculation
20 10 Building materials transferred to productionRUB 59.500Consignment note, Limit pick-up sheet
20 19 Reversal of the deviation indicator at the end of August 2015 ((RUB 3.850 + RUB 16.266) / (RUB 42.700 + RUB 68.300) * RUB 59.500)RUB 10.783Accounting reference-calculation

That accounting for the acquisition of materials, goods or equipment for installation is not always kept directly on accounts 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods" and 07 "Equipment for installation", respectively. organization, for accounting purposes, it can be provided that all actual costs for the acquisition of these valuables are preliminarily collected on account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material valuables". Usually, when using account 15, it is assumed that the organization reflects in accounts 10, 41 or 07 the acquisition of property at discount prices. Accordingly, a separate account is required to account for the difference between the acquisition cost and the carrying amount. The chart of accounts of accounting and the Instructions for its application for these purposes provides for active account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets" (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

Accounting on account 16

Recall that when an organization uses accounting prices for inventories (inventories), all costs for their acquisition are reflected as follows:

Account debit 15 - Credit of accounts 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", 71 "Settlements with accountable persons", 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", etc.

Then, at the discount prices, inventories are credited to the debit of accounts 10, 41:

Debit of accounts 10.41 - Credit of account 15

But the sum of the difference in the cost of the purchased inventory, calculated in the actual cost of acquisition (procurement) and accounting prices, is reflected by the following accounting entry:

Account debit 16 - Account credit 15

The amount reflected in the debit of account 16 is subsequently debited to the debit of the same accounts to which the inventories themselves, for which such deviations were recorded, will be attributed. For example, when materials are issued for production (Debit of account 20 "Main production" - Credit of account 10), deviations will also be written off to the debit of account 20:

Account debit 20 - Account credit 16

Accordingly, if the inventories are disposed of otherwise, the deviations can be written off as follows:

Debit of accounts 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General business expenses", 44 "Sales expenses", 91 "Other income and expenses", etc. - Account 16 credit

The deviation between the actual cost of inventories and the book price can be either positive or negative. In the latter case, the amounts in the above entries on the credit of account 16 are indicated with a minus (reversed).

To determine the amount of deviations to be written off, the average percentage of deviations is calculated in the same order as the average percentage of TOR, which we talked about separately.

As for analytical accounting on account 16, it is carried out by groups of inventories, which are characterized by approximately the same level of deviations.

Is the account 16 active or passive (and what is it for at all)?

First of all, let's answer the question: account 16 is active or passive , to determine what kind of accounting object is reflected on it.

Account 16 takes into account a special type of assets of an economic entity - the difference calculated in monetary terms between:

  • the actual cost of material assets (goods, materials, equipment), according to which they are registered under account 15 upon acceptance from the supplier;
  • the book value of these values, according to which they are credited from account 15 to the main active account for inventories (goods and materials), for example, account 10.

Thus, account 16 is active. But why is it needed? In this connection, it is required to abandon the scheme in which goods and materials are registered on account 10 directly at the actual cost (using, for example, a typical wiring Dt 10 Kt 60)?

There is a widespread point of view among economists that the use of discount prices is most justified in large-scale industries - with a large range of used inventory items taken from a wide range of suppliers.

For the same goods and materials, purchase prices may be different and vary depending on the exchange rate and the conditions for renegotiating contracts with a specific supplier. Due to their instability, fixed (determined according to fixed principles, which are reflected in the accounting policy) discount prices are applied. Alternatively, as a guideline for concluding long-term contracts with suppliers that provide stable supplies at an affordable price.

Inventories are written off to production (account 20) both at discount prices and by difference, and at the same time. Consider the main postings on account 16 in accounting (and the accompanying ones on other accounts).

Apply account 16: transactions

Let us agree that goods and materials have been received at our enterprise. Let it be a water-based paint, its volume is 1 ton. The book value of 1 liter is 70 rubles, the actual price from the supplier is 75 rubles per 1 liter.

Don't know your rights?

It turns out that:

  1. We receive paint from the supplier for 75,000 rubles and reflect the fact of purchasing goods and materials in the accounting by wiring: Dt 15 Kt 60 (75,000).
  2. We capitalize the paint at a discount price - 70,000 rubles - to account 10 "Materials": Dt 10 Kt 15 (70,000).
  3. To account 16 at the end of the month, we attribute the difference between the actual and book prices for the purchased paint: Dt 16 Kt 15 (5000).

The difference can be negative. In this case, reverse wiring is used: Dt 15 Kt 16.

The release of paint for production is reflected:

  1. Posting indicating the fact of paint consumption at the book price: Dt 20 Kt 10.
  2. Accompanying wiring for the difference: Dt 20 Kt 16.

In case of a negative difference in the cost price reflected on the credit of account 16, in paragraph 2, the posting Дт 20 Кт 16 STORNO will be applied.

The amounts for the specified two postings on account 16 are proportional to the ratio of the actual and accounting cost. For example, if 100 liters of paint were dispensed to the workshop, then the amount for the first wiring will be 7,500 rubles, and for the second - 500 rubles.

Account 16 reflects the difference (positive - on debit, negative - on credit) between the actual and book value of goods and materials received from the supplier for the billing period. This difference, along with the book value, is written off to the debit of account 20 when goods and materials are released into production.

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