
Insurance company owner max. Coursework is the main marketing channels for insurance products. General characteristics of the insurance company CJSC "Max"

General characteristics of the insurance company CJSC "Max"

Closed Joint Stock Company “Moscow Joint Stock Insurance Company” (CJSC “Max”). Main directions of activity

  • - personal insurance (including insurance of drug coverage, compulsory and voluntary medical insurance),
  • - insurance of housing stock and non-residential premises, other types of property insurance, liability insurance, including insurance of civil liability of operating organizations - nuclear facilities and enterprises - sources of increased danger,
  • - insurance of nuclear risks,
  • - auto insurance (car insurance (CASCO), compulsory civil liability insurance of car owners),
  • - cargo insurance, insurance of construction and assembly risks,
  • - agricultural insurance, insurance of pledged property.

The main products of SK "Max" are:

  • · Auto insurance: CASCO; OSAGO; DSAGO.
  • · Property insurance.

The organizational structure of the insurance company "Max" is shown in Figure 1.1.

The permanent executive body is the Directorate expressed by the General Agency.

She carries out the day-to-day management of the company's activities, is directly subordinate to the General Director and is accountable to the general meeting of shareholders.

Rice. 1.1

The management structure of SC "Max" is shown in Figure 1.2.

Rice. 1.2

Organizational and economic characteristics of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners

Auto insurance or ground vehicle insurance is an insurance contract under which the insurance company reimburses all costs associated with the restoration of a vehicle that has received mechanical damage as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, natural disaster, etc., as well as in the event of theft of a vehicle. funds as a result of theft, robbery, theft, robbery.

The essential conditions of the insurance contract are: information about the object of insurance, the nature of the events for which the insurance is made, the amount of the insured amount, the term of the contract.

The policy of compulsory motor third party liability insurance is included in the list of documents that a driver must have when driving a vehicle and present at the request of the traffic police.

An insurance contract for ground vehicles is concluded on the basis of a completed application. A policy of a single sample approved by the government of the Russian Federation and a receipt form A-7 are issued. The client is handed a receipt for payment of the fee, a policy and a special sign for the car (sticker).

Based on the data of the Statement on the insurance period and the type of vehicle, the corresponding column is determined in the previously selected table, which lists all the coefficients necessary for calculating the insurance premium. The values ​​of the coefficients that are already indicated in the corresponding column of the table are rewritten into the Application.

Arriving at the sales point of insurance policies of SK CJSC "Max", the policyholder fills out an application, and the insurance agent, based on this application, draws up an insurance policy and manually calculates the insurance premium based on the information provided by the policyholder in a written application.

The issued policy, a receipt for payment of the fee and a special sign for the car - a sticker, are given to the client, and their copies remain with the agent. All established contracts (copies) are grouped by the agent in the statement, then the total amount for each statement and the number of policies included in it is calculated.

After that, at the end of the week, the agent or courier brings the generated statements with contracts and money to the central office, where he hands over the money to the cashier, and the statements to the registration department, where they are recorded in the journal of statements.

Then the contracts are transferred to the accounting department. There they are checked, counted and payment is assigned to each policy.

Then they are handed over to the office management department, where they are recorded in the contract log, which reflects all the OSAGO contracts concluded with the insurance company.

Then the insurance policies are transferred to the archive, where they are stored until the end of the insurance period.

After the conclusion of the insurance contract in the future, the insurance policy can be:

  • · Recover if the policyholder loses the policy;
  • · Renew if the policyholder wishes to make changes;
  • · Terminate if the policyholder has sold the vehicle, that is, the owner of the car has changed, or due to the complete loss of the vehicle;
  • · Prolong (extend), if the insurance period has expired, then the policy is extended for another year.

The main direction of the insurance activity of CJSC "Max" is the Compulsory Insurance of Auto Civil Liability (OSAGO).

Insurance company "MAKS" was founded on March 13, 1992. Large universal insurer with extensive experience in the insurance market.

The MAKS brand is represented in all regions of Russia.

The total number of insured persons is 26.4 million.

The number of full-time employees is more than 6 thousand people.

The main types of insurance are - auto insurance, property insurance, voluntary medical insurance.

A large universal insurer with extensive experience in the insurance market provides services to individuals and legal entities throughout the Russian Federation. The MAKS brand is represented in all regions of the Russian Federation, and the company's client base is vast and diverse. The main types of insurance are land vehicle insurance, compulsory motor third party liability insurance, corporate property insurance, and voluntary medical insurance. CJSC "MAKS" has extensive experience in settling large claims of insured parties. In 2008, the number of clients of the MAKS insurance group (SG) increased to 26 million 400 thousand people. The experience gained over 17 years of work helps the MAKS insurance group to fully satisfy the growing demands of customers and effectively develop new insurance products.

Insurance experience

Voluntary health insurance - since 1992.

Voluntary property insurance - since 1992.

Voluntary insurance against accidents and illnesses - since 1994.

Compulsory insurance against accidents and illnesses - since 1994.

Civil liability insurance - since 1994.

Auto insurance - since 1995.

Voluntary cargo insurance - since 1995.

Nuclear risk insurance - since 1995.

Construction and installation risks insurance - since 1995.

The company's management has a high business reputation among the insurance community. MAKS traditionally complies with all the requirements and standards of state bodies in terms of the structure and quality of assets accepted to cover insurance reserves and equity funds. The amount of insurance premiums received by MAKS Insurance Group following the results of 2008 amounted to 60.5 billion rubles.

Based on the results of work in 2008, the balance sheet profit of the MAKS Group under RAS exceeds 855 million rubles.

The amount of insurance payments made by MAKS IG in 2008 was 54 billion 752 million rubles. including: for compulsory medical insurance - 50 billion 258 million rubles, for voluntary types of insurance and OSAGO - 4 billion 493 million rubles.

In 2009, MAKS won important victories by signing contracts for the provision of insurance services with federal government customers: the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Energoatom Concern, Siberian Chemical Plant and others. In the VHI segment, MAKS provides insurance coverage for employees of the Tretyakov Gallery, Maly Theater, MGIMO, MIIT. The company has completed the first year of a three-year contract for property insurance of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, having settled all the claimed losses and confidently entered the second year of work under this contract. A two-year contract was signed for the insurance of diplomatic couriers of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2009, MAKS won significant competitions for compulsory state personal insurance, insuring the employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in 24 regions of Russia.

At the end of 2008, the Expert RA rating agency confirmed the reliability rating of the MAKS insurance company at the highest possible level A ++ “Exceptionally high level of reliability”. The company has once again proved its financial stability. Analysts from the reputable rating agency state that the company's return on assets and equity capital ratios exceed the market average. The company entered into an obligatory reinsurance contract for property and construction and installation risks based on the excess of loss for 2009. Within the framework of the agreement, Western reinsurance companies bear 100% responsibility. The leading reinsurer under the contract is the reinsurance company Munich Re.

Nadezhda Vasilievna Martyanova

Everyone who has dealt with the company knows: when we say MAX, we mean Nadezhda Vasilyevna Martyanova. And, perhaps, only her. As the main beneficiary of the company, he personally signs the issuance of toilet paper to the office washrooms. Lady in diamonds and a Rolls Royce This is the main strength and the biggest weakness of the company, which once rose to the fifth place in the rating of insurers, but has since been dilapidated and slowly sliding towards a natural end.

Grandma Nadya established a total dictatorship. Comrade Kim Il Sung himself could set her up as an example for his too liberal grandson, while the Russian political regime, against this background, seems like a rampant democracy on the ancient Greek model. Dominance is clearly demonstrated at regular meetings, which are attended by a full hall of under-top managers. No action takes place without a personal visa; decisions of management at any level can be revised at the snap of a finger. There are legends about this woman in the insurance market. She is prone to a tough game, if she thinks that the loss does not need to be paid - you will change your mind.

We will not describe in detail the path of this company, there will be enough for a whole book. Let us briefly note that Mikhail Zurabov had a hand in the creation and development. Yes, the one who monetized the benefits was the Minister of Health, and then left for Ukraine as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Judging by the disasters that happened to our healthcare and relations with Ukraine exactly during the periods of his responsibility, Mikhail is a diamond in the crown of the personnel reserve. He is still one of the MAKS beneficiaries, but not only him. A couple more tops and many, many minority shareholders. By the way, this is a unique piece for the Russian insurance market. Through the legal entities-owners of the company, the shareholders are really “ordinary people” who participated in the privatization of factories. Hundreds of them! With tiny holdings of ownership, just over 2% in total. The corporation, how straight it is in these americans of yours!

The MAKS company (more precisely, a group of companies, since the key is the "business" of OMC-computers - the MAKS-M medical insurance organization) was once one of the leaders in the insurance market. There are rumors that kickbacks were loaded right in Nadezhda Vasilievna's office with bags of money, but ... almost all of the company's sales, except for unprofitable retail, were personal sales of Nadezhda Vasilievna. No one else, including his own son, Andrei Martyanov, who holds the post of the company's executive director, was allowed to take the helm, and it did not work out to build an effective structure. Everyone is accustomed to a tough ruling hand and has lost the ability to act independently and work in a market environment. Looks like something, right?

An epic failure was the company's work under the contracts with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, famous in the insurance market. MAKS wins these wonderful mega-loss contracts every time in tenders in the hope that this time it will definitely get through. Alas, it doesn't. Or carries it, but in the wrong direction.

These are contracts from the same series that CSO grabbed for itself. We wrote about the sad demise of the organization as a result of this acquisition.

Expert RA evaluates the company highly: AA-.

We will also see. There are serious suspicions that the rating is greatly overestimated. We do not know whether this is charisma of a permanent leader, imperfection of the assessment method or other factors of dubious nature. MAKS is far from the standard of a reliable company.

Why a company can drown:

- unpredictable, complex, unprofitable contracts: life and health insurance for military personnel, etc. This is almost 40% of her fees last year. The five largest clients provide more than half of the contributions. Concentration! Losses! Everything we love. For any of the indicators of the risk of the company's management, we put a bold two,

- the company has a growing loss ratio. This makes it look for opportunities to increase fees, including complex or unprofitable types, in order to support the growth of premiums and cash flow, and then this further spurs unprofitability and needs to grow again. A vicious circle, trading off the wheels,

- shareholders have lost their administrative resources; the management has a somewhat archaic understanding of the insurance market. Yes, he is completely different than in 2005, Nadezhda Vasilievna! Several times stronger competitors swung at the computer in order to fill up and take it for a cheap price. It hasn’t come out yet, but taking into account the management style, sooner or later it will come out,

- the main stress factor is the complete absence of a viable internal structure. The whole company is supported by the grandmother born in 1946. As soon as she lingers on vacation in a boarding house, a complete demolition, restructuring on the scale of a separate group of legal entities, will begin.

Why the company is still alive:

- for all the oddities of management, one cannot but admit that total control has borne fruit: the company almost does not fuck. The stress can be placed on both the first and second syllables and will be equally true. Very low costs, living within their means, saving toilet paper. Due to the high workload of the management, it is not always possible to issue the issue on time, and the employees interrupt in whatever way they can.

- quality assets. Money, good papers. In terms of the reality and liquidity of assets, the order, the accumulated fat is still there, the cats approve.

- by inertia, the company keeps afloat on the basis of old achievements. MAKS has been remembered since ancient times, branches are lined up, a penny sticks.

Verdict: B. Low level of sustainability. Passion for unprofitable species will come out sideways, the loss of positions will gradually put pressure on everyone, including financial rez. Colossal risks are concentrated on the personality of the leader, partners should weekly light candles for the health of the permanent CEO. It is not recommended to work with the company. After all, 2018 is in the yard, there are much more predictable organizations.

Topic: Development of an automated information system for the insurance company CJSC "Max"

Type: Thesis | Size: 1.96M | Downloaded: 312 | Added on 02/27/11 at 16:33 | Rating: +16 | More FQPs and diplomas

Introduction 7

1. Analytical part 9

1.2. General characteristics of the insurance company CJSC "Max" 9

1.3. Analysis of the insurance market situation 14

1.4. Analysis of the economic activity of the insurance company CJSC "Max" 24

1.5. Organizational and economic characteristics of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners

1.6. Conclusions on the analytical part 48

2. Justification of design solutions for the automated solution of economic and information problems 51

2.1. Modeling business processes of compulsory motor third party liability insurance 51

2.2. Justification of the choice of tasks included in the complex 57

2.3. Justification of design solutions for information support of a complex of tasks 60

2.4. Justification of design solutions for the technology of collection, transmission, processing and issuance of information 61

2.5. Justification of design solutions for software of a complex of tasks 62

2.5.1. Justification of the need for the use of computers and the creation of an automated workplace for solving this complex of tasks 65

3. Project part 67

3.1. Information support of a complex of tasks 67

3.1.1. Infological (information) model (data schema) and its description 68

3.1.2. Used classifiers and coding systems 74

3.1.3. Reference information. Characteristics of input and output information 81

3.2. Formalization of calculations (algorithms for calculating and solving problems) 85

3.2.1. Block diagram of the use of a complex of programs (dialogue tree) 87

3.3. Technological support 91

3.3.1 Organization of technology for collecting, transferring, processing and issuing information 92

3.3.2. Diagram of the technological process of collecting, transmitting, processing and issuing information 93

3.4. Tasks complex software 94

3.4.1. General 95

3.4.2. Block diagram of the package (tree of calling procedures and programs) 95

3.4.3. Description of program modules 95

3.5. Selection and justification of technical means 111

3.6. Conclusions on the design part 116

4. Economic justification of the project 118

5. Life safety 132

Conclusion 137

Bibliography 140



Insurance as a system for protecting the property interests of citizens, organizations and the state is a necessary element of modern society. It provides guarantees for the restoration of violated property interests in the event of natural and man-made disasters, and other unforeseen events. Insurance allows not only to reimburse the incurred losses, but also is one of the most stable sources of financial resources for investment. All this determines the strategic position of insurance in countries with developed market economies. In modern Russia, an important task is the formation of a civilized insurance market.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, insurance belongs to the most rapidly developing sectors of economic activity. The market economy, and, first of all, the state sector of the national economy, presents a demand for various types of insurance, since private property, unlike state property, needs comprehensive insurance protection. She does not have financial guarantees from the state behind her back and wants to protect herself from the consequences of possible risks.

At its core, insurance is the creation of targeted funds of funds intended to protect the property interests of the population in private and economic life from natural disasters and other unforeseen, accidental in nature emergency events, accompanied by damage.

At the macroeconomic level, insurance has the following functions:

  • Ensuring the continuity of social reproduction;
  • Exemption of the state from additional costs;
  • Stimulating scientific and technological progress;
  • Protecting the interests of affected persons in the system of relations
    civil liability;
  • Concentration of investment resources and incentives
    economic growth.

In Russia, despite all the difficulties in the formation of market relations, a circle of large insurance companies is being formed. Until now, the trend continues to increase their share in the Russian insurance market. One of the leading places among the top 100 largest companies is occupied by the Moscow Joint Stock Insurance Company CJSC "Max". When carrying out insurance activities, CJSC "Max" pays special attention to an individual approach to each client and strict fulfillment of all obligations assumed. When developing and introducing new insurance products, the company's specialists are guided by the principle of their compliance with the client's needs in terms of convenience of conditions, availability of tariffs and quality of service.

The aim of the diploma project is to increase the efficiency of the insurance company CJSC "Max" by creating an information system for collecting, accounting, storing, transferring, processing, issuing and issuing insurance documents. And also to create an information client database.

Since IC "Max" strives to take a leading position in the Russian insurance market. It is planned to develop a software product for civil liability insurance aimed at improving the quality of work with clients by automating the sales of insurance policies, as well as automating the accounting of contractual activities.

The methodology for designing an information system for the Max insurance company will include the following steps:

  1. Statement of technical specifications for the creation of an information system for storing and processing data;
  2. Analysis of the subject area of ​​the insurance company "Max" in order to highlight the business processes selected for automation;
  3. Modeling business processes and information structure;
  4. Development of a database structure for storing information about customers who have insured their vehicle;
  5. Creation of a program with the help of which data management is carried out;
  6. Determination of the characteristics of the information system and its effectiveness;
  7. Information system testing;
  8. Drawing up user instructions.

The developed information system of IC "Max" should eliminate all the shortcomings of conducting insurance activities by reducing costs and increasing the volume of insurance.

Analytical part

General characteristics of the insurance company CJSC "Max"

Closed Joint Stock Company Moscow Joint Stock Insurance Company (CJSC Max) was registered on March 13, 1992, registration number - 9055 according to the register of the Moscow Registration Chamber, license № 0950-D of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the right to conduct insurance activities. The main areas of activity are personal insurance (including insurance of drug coverage, compulsory and voluntary medical insurance), insurance of housing stock and non-residential premises, other types of property insurance, liability insurance, including civil liability insurance of operating organizations - nuclear facilities and enterprises - sources of increased danger, insurance of nuclear risks, auto insurance (car insurance (CASCO), compulsory insurance of civil liability of car owners), cargo insurance, insurance of construction and installation risks, agricultural insurance, insurance of collateral.

CJSC "Max" is a universal insurance company with a 14 - year history of work in the insurance market. Today the Max company is one of the largest insurance companies in Russia with its easily recognizable business style. An impeccable reputation, financial reliability, commitment and professionalism of staff, uniqueness of insurance programs and projects make cooperation with the company the most optimal and justified.

Moscow Joint Stock Insurance Company CJSC "Max" from 1993 to the present time has invariably been included in the ten largest, most steadily developing insurance companies in Russia. It is actively developing its activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Currently, 66 branches and 132 representative offices of the Max company operate in almost all major cities of Russia. Well-functioning regional ties, highly qualified specialists, and technological insurance programs allow the company to provide its clients with insurance coverage in any region of the Russian Federation and accompany insurance contracts throughout Russia.


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  3. GOST 12.1.003-83. SSBT. Noise General safety requirements
  4. GOST 12.1.005-88. SSBT. Work area air
  5. GOST 6.0.11.- 87. Unified system of classification and coding of technical and economic information. Basic Provisions
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  7. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2. - M .: TK Welby, Ed. Prospect, 2005
  8. Federal Law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" dated November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1
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  20. Annual report of CJSC "Max" for 2004
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  22. Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners" dated 25.04.02, No. 40-FZ
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The insurance company CJSC "MAKS-M" was founded on October 8, 2006. The main activity of the company is the conclusion of contracts for compulsory medical insurance of employees of citizens with insurers, the conclusion of an agreement with medical institutions for the provision of free medical services to citizens under the program of state guarantees. The company also provides insurance for various medical services. For eight months, after formation, 3815 contracts were concluded for all types of insurance. Not so long ago, she was recognized as more prepared and capable of working in the compulsory health insurance system throughout the Perm Territory. The central office of the Perm branch of CJSC "MAKS-M" is located at Perm st. Pushkin, 78 / A.

Research on stressors in the organization

Employees of an insurance company often have to deal with difficult situations associated not only with personal circumstances, but also the need to withstand the burden of information and problems of their clients on a daily basis, which often leads to stressful situations. Based on this, we will consider professional stress, the problems that arose at the initial stage of development of this insurance company "MAKS-M" and its practical recommendations for overcoming.

In order to withstand the psychological stress and not become a victim of professional stress (this is what experts call the state associated with situations that arise at work), it is necessary, first of all, to “know the enemy by sight”. After all, the consequences of stress can be very serious. The resulting tension spoils life and harms health, affects professional success and interpersonal relationships. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to completely avoid stressful influences, but you can minimize them, learn to react to them correctly and not allow them to significantly affect your life.

In the profession of an insurance agent, one should come to terms with the fact that dealing with stressful situations at work is inevitable. Let's consider several possible reasons that can cause stressful situations in the professional life of an insurance agent.

The causes of stress can be roughly divided into several groups. The first of them includes inner experiences: fear of failure, self-doubt, and others. Of course, such problems are most often faced by novice insurance agents, but for the aces they do not lose their relevance. What is a person starting out as an insurance agent thinking about? More often than not, it's not about how to make a deal more successful. And this is by no means because he is not interested in the final result. It's just that this question fades into the background before other problems: "Will it be possible to find clients?", "Will it be possible to get a meeting with him?" As a result, the concentration of mental strength occurs around the solution of far from the most important tasks. Psychologists believe that the correct formulation of the question already helps to cope with uncertainty, and to oneself. It is enough to introduce a small nuance in the wording of the questions - and they will acquire a completely different meaning: "How to find clients?", "How to get a meeting?", "How to behave so that the transaction is successful?" Asking yourself questions like these will help you focus not on your insecurities, but on the goals and objectives you need to be successful.

The second group of reasons causing stressful situations is associated with the fact that the work of an agent involves constant interaction with a variety of people. The main actor, and therefore the main source of stress, for the agent is the client. There are many situations that can cause stress. First, the work of an agent often involves a one-on-one meeting with a client. In this situation, the agent has no one to share responsibility with and it is impossible to get support from colleagues. Second, the agent needs to adhere to standards of conduct, no matter how polite and considerate the client is. Obviously, not every client is the standard of politeness. Numerous sociopsychological studies show that unfounded and unfair accusations of clients are one of the most powerful stressors. A meeting with a difficult client can become especially painful if the agent has personal experiences from which he is trying to “go to work”. Fleeing to work leads to the fact that professional difficulties are perceived as personal.

Other problems arise, and among them one of the most common is the emergence of emotional attachment to the client. You can, for example, "get used" to regular customers and be upset and "bored" if such a client does not appear in the company for a long time or does not agree to a meeting. Of course, this happens unconsciously, but psychological research shows that such emotions can be quite strong and interfere with communication with other clients.

The inclusion of the agent in the client's emotional state is also a stressful factor. A client can be worried about many serious and not very serious problems, from a broken heel to a son's wedding or a relative's illness. And very often he does not hide the reasons for his concern at all. On the contrary, most clients are willing to share their problems and concerns with agents. But you need to be able to defend yourself against other people's problems. Of course, you must show empathy for the client, but getting involved seriously in their emotional state is not only unprofessional, but also unsafe. In this case, you most likely will not be able to successfully complete the transaction, you will not help the client in any way, and you yourself will find yourself in a stressful situation.

Even more stressful, but also unavoidable in an agent's work, are situations that can lead to frustration. For example, you put in a lot of effort, familiarized the client with your suggestions, and he expressed his willingness to close the deal. You call at the appointed time and find out that the deal has already been concluded with your competitor. It’s unpleasant, but the disappointment will be much less if you try to use this situation for work. Your failed client will probably not refuse to recommend you to several of his acquaintances. You may well turn to him with such a request. Moreover, the former client must be feeling guilty. Therefore, if he helps you, for example, by providing your business cards to his friends, it will most likely be useful for both of you. You may get new clients and thus compensation for the failed deal, and he will get rid of unpleasant feelings of guilt.

And one more important stress factor. It is not uncommon for an agent to experience frustration and rejection. It is also a part of professionalism to calmly react to many rejections. You need to be aware that they are not giving up on you. They are rejecting your offer at this particular moment, and there is nothing personal about it.

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