
What is a tender loan. Tender loan: when is it needed and how to get it. What is the difference between a tender loan and a tender loan

In accordance with federal laws in Russia, participation in an auction for a specific order requires a certain fee of up to 5% of the nominal value of the order. Many Russian companies try to take part not in one auction, but in several in parallel.

The company's own funds are not always enough for these purposes. In such situations, tender credits or loans come to the rescue.

What is it and why is it needed

A tender loan is a unique product in the field of modern lending.

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With the help of additional money received from a credit institution, each company can secure participation in the auction for the distribution of large state and municipal orders, thereby providing its enterprise with a highly paid job.

Each company to participate in the auction must prove its solvency by paying a certain amount of the contribution.

For many companies, especially in the sector of small and medium-sized businesses, it is difficult to withdraw funds from a permanent turnover, even for a short period of time. Money for participation in the auction can be borrowed from a bank or a microfinance company.

A tender loan to secure a contract is beneficial not only to applicants for work orders, but also to the organizers of the auction, that is, customers. The more organizations that participate in the auction, the more suitable company customers can choose.

A tender loan is issued in the required amount for a period not exceeding 90 days. The average rate for this type of lending is 17 - 20%. The loan must be repaid within the next few days after the end of the auction.

Auctions for placing orders are carried out on electronic platforms, the most common of which are:

  • Sberbank - Ast;
  • RTS tender;
  • Spetsstroytorg.

Do not confuse a tender loan and a bank guarantee. A loan is a loan, and a guarantee is a document issued by a banking institution to confirm the solvency of a legal entity.

What is the difference between a tender loan and a tender loan

Each organization can receive a tender credit or a tender loan. The main difference between financial products is in the company - the lender. Tender credit is issued by banks. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to receive such a loan.

A tender loan is issued by microfinance organizations and various investment funds. To obtain such a loan, the credited person will need from 1 to 3 days.

Naturally, the interest rates on a tender loan are lower than on a tender loan. But not all enterprises and companies can get a bank loan. Banks carefully check the credit history and solvency of the borrower.

Microfinance companies and investment funds that issue tender loans, as a rule, do not check the borrower's credit history, and, therefore, everyone can receive the necessary money.

Most banks require collateral against the amount provided. Financial companies do not take this factor into account.

Unlike MFIs, banks thoroughly check the solvency of the borrower and require the absence of debts on mandatory taxes and fees and other loans in order to obtain a loan. Banks will never issue a loan to companies that are unprofitable in any period of time.

MFIs and other financial institutions are more loyal to their clients.


Currently, loans issued for participation in the auction are of 3 types:

  • a loan directed to ensure participation in the tender for the selection of a work contractor. This is the first stage that an organization needs to go through in order to receive a large order for a certain type of work;
  • a loan received to fulfill obligations under government orders. Such a loan is issued to the company that won the tender in two situations:
    • when the company does not have enough own funds to start performing the assigned work;
    • when the customer requires additional security on account of the future performance of work.
  • a loan secured by acts of finished products or work performed by the enterprise. Such a loan is issued to the performing organization to pay for natural needs in the event of a temporary cessation of project financing by the customer.

There is another classification of tender loans, based on the relationship of the borrower with the lending institution.

In this regard, loans are of 2 types:

  1. Loans issued for a specific tender.
  2. Revolving loans concluded for a certain period during which the enterprise can receive several loans to participate in the competition.

Where can I get it and under what conditions

Loans can be obtained from the following companies:

Name of creditor Loan amount, RUB / Loan term Interest rate on tender loan Time to apply for a loan
Promo Tender Up to 250 million/During the trading period No interest is charged, but a commission is charged on the loan amount. The minimum commission is 10,000 rubles 2 days
Pallas By agreement / Up to 3 months From 7% 1 day
adept 100k – 1m/until the end of the auction 4.5% one-time, but not less than 14,000 rubles 1 day
bankguarantee From 50 thousand / 2 months. Commission from 4% 2 – 3 days
Alliance Up to 30 million/As needed From 2% 1 day
Promoting entrepreneurship and construction negotiable/1 month Commission 2 – 4.5% + 8% rate 1 day
RIM Corporation negotiable/Up to 2 months 13% + 4% company commission From 3 hours
City Savings Bank 100 thousand - 1 million / 10 - 60 days 12% per year + 4% of the loan amount 1 – 3 days
Microfinance 50 thousand - 1 million / 1 - 3 months. One-time commission from the loan amount 1 day
Rusmicrofinance 100 thousand - 1 million / From 10 days to 3 months. 12% per annum and additional. commission 4% 1 to 3 days

As can be seen from the table, it is beneficial to receive a tender loan in Pallada. This company has long become the most popular among many legal entities.

In Sberbank

A tender loan at Sberbank, the largest Russian bank, can only be obtained for bidders on the Sberbank-Ast site.

The Bank has developed special programs, the lenders of which are various credit institutions.

The conditions of these programs are presented in the table:

Tender Loan Options Lending program Program "Microcrediting"
Loan amount, rub. 500 thousand - 9 billion up to 500 thousand
Loan term, months 2 2
Interest rate on the loan, % 14 — 21 16 — 22
Additional commission from 1.5% (minimum commission amount 15,000 rubles) from 2% (minimum 20,000 rubles)
Processing time 3 days 2 days

To receive a tender loan from Sberbank, a legal entity must provide:

  • an application in the form prescribed by the credit institution;
  • a certificate from the trading platform on the existence of the borrower's obligations;
  • balance sheets for the last four reporting periods;
  • details of 51 company accounts for the last 12 months;
  • for the last two quarters, turnover statements of accounts 60, 62, 76.

A package of necessary documents

To obtain a loan from a legal entity that is a potential borrower, you will need:

  • an application in the form established by the company, which can be issued at one of the branches or on the website of the lender;
  • copies of documents on the basis of which the legal entity is engaged in entrepreneurial activity. This includes: charter, certificates and permits, and so on;
  • copies of the company's accounting records for which the accounts are kept for the last two reporting periods. If a company operates under a simplified taxation system, then it must provide a copy of the declaration and the working capital book. For other enterprises - copies of the balance sheet.

Depending on the lender company, the package of documents may vary. Before proceeding with the loan application, it is better to check with the company's specialists for the necessary documentation.

A prerequisite for obtaining a loan in most companies is the borrower's work experience, which should be at least 6 months.

Some financial companies require borrowers to provide proof of performance of previous similar contracts or work provided by the bidder.

How to get a

The procedure for obtaining a tender loan is no different from the procedure for obtaining another loan by a legal entity:

  • at the first stage, a credit institution is selected and a package of documents necessary for filing an application is collected (an indicative list is indicated above);
  • via the Internet or direct presence at a credit institution, an application is drawn up containing the basic terms of the loan;
  • a package of documents, together with the application, is submitted for consideration to the credit experts of the lender, who make a decision;
  • Loan relationships are formalized with the help of a loan agreement.

If the lender decides to issue a tender loan, then it can be transferred either to the borrower's bank account or directly to the borrower's account opened on the trading floor where the auction will be held.

Often, when holding tenders for the supply of certain goods and services, potential applicants are required to confirm their financial solvency. Funds to ensure this confirmation are not always enough, so many receive a tender loan from credit institutions.

Why is a loan necessary?

When choosing a company with which he will cooperate in the future, the customer tries to take into account all the nuances. It is important for him that the result of joint work be as effective as possible, which is why it is appropriate to prove one's worth. In this case, the supplier needs to dodge, but prove that he can fulfill the terms of the contract if he wins.

The delicacy of the situation lies in the fact that both companies - the customer and the supplier - seek to minimize their costs. If the customer bears the cost of organizing a tender, then the potential supplier is not in a very favorable position here, since he is forced to take additional loans to participate in the tender.

What are tender loans?

More precisely, such a concept should be understood as a unique product offered by the credit and financial system, which allows an enterprise to prove its solvency. This loan is usually issued only for a certain period, when the tender will be valid.

An organization that has decided to take such a loan will not have to withdraw the amount of money to confirm solvency from its turnover. The bank can issue such a loan for up to three months, with the condition that the borrower in any case return the money as soon as the tender is completed.

A tender loan to secure the application is taken by the auction participant in the event that he cannot provide 5% of the total amount of the competition to the organizers. Such a rule is established by the existing legislation. With this collateral, the bidding company confirms its interest in concluding the contract and the ability to complete financial transactions on time.

Features of the financial procedure

Before applying to a bank for a loan, you should know that:

  • The average interest rate on such loans in Russian banks is 20%.
  • The decision on the final rate will be made after the submission of documents on the requested amount and loan terms.
  • The loan is issued within 2-3 weeks. During this time, the supplier may miss out on a profitable competition and the time will be wasted.

To obtain a loan, you do not need to make a deposit and involve any guarantors. This simplifies the process and saves time that would otherwise be spent checking additional documentation. After receiving a loan, a number of additional obligations are imposed on the company, which must be fulfilled within three months.

In order for the bank to be able to issue one or more tender loans, it must provide a modest package of documents. It should consist of completed documentation (questionnaire), financial statements for the last period. In addition, it must contain a link to the ongoing tender, for which the loan is needed.

When is it impossible to do without a tender loan?

Some organizations can do without a loan at all, because they are able to prove their worth. But if it is not possible to confirm the serious intentions of the enterprise, you will have to apply to the bank for a loan. Organizations can conclude lucrative contracts and win major tenders through auctions. Therefore, tender loans have gained such popularity.

In what other cases is such a loan taken:

  • if the company can fulfill a large order, but it does not have the opportunity to pay a security deposit;
  • the enterprise wants to take part in several tenders at once, which it considers important for itself, while it does not have such a large amount of working capital.

The leaders of small and medium-sized enterprises know perfectly well what a tender loan is - they need it in order to take part in competitions for the supply of certain goods and services. In addition, with the help of tenders, their participants gain a clientele, positively influence their own reputation and occupy a certain position in the market.

The state order over the past few years has become the most stable source of profit for enterprises. This explains the annually increasing number of companies wishing to take part in tenders. Loans can also help build a good story so banks don't have to wait too long for a company to approve an application.

Where else can I get a loan for a tender?

The heads of some enterprises believe that tender loans can only be obtained from large credit institutions, but this is far from the case. There are several options for obtaining such a loan, each of which has a certain specificity. All of them are available for small, medium and large businesses.

If an organization cannot apply to a bank for a loan, it can use the services of a broker. Many companies prefer to do just that, because the organizers of tenders very often set too short terms for which it is impossible to obtain a loan from a credit institution.

Today, there are a huge number of operating companies on the market that provide such loans to bidders. I must say that such operators are in great demand and demand, so they can get a loan in a matter of days after submitting an application.

Brokers will not only help to provide a loan in a short time - they will not require any additional security and collateral in return. It is only necessary to provide a simplified set of documents, and the presence of a current account in other credit organizations is not a mandatory item.

Brokerage services are absolutely free, the bidder will not have to pay an additional commission to the operator - he will receive a percentage of cooperation with credit institutions. When choosing a broker, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the operator, the opinions of customers and business experts.

What to do after winning the tender?

Everyone knows about the need to return the tender loan, that this must be done in order to avoid problems with the operator and the existing legislation in Russia. After a potential bidder has contributed funds to confirm financial solvency, they are automatically frozen by the organizers of the competition.

After the completion of the tender, all its contestants receive back their funds provided earlier. Now it is necessary to return them to a credit institution or to a broker with whom an agreement was concluded to provide the necessary amount of money. In the event that the auction participant does not have time to return the money on time, he has the right to ask the borrower to provide him with an additional delay. It is possible that this delay may become paid. This needs to be clarified when discussing the issue.

Some enterprises are afraid to contact tenders, fearing that they will not be able to cope with a large number of procedures and paperwork. In fact, all this can be done under the guidance of specialists from a credit institution or a broker. They know very well how to issue loans. In any case, it is recommended to carefully read the contracts that are signed by the enterprise, and immediately clarify all incomprehensible points. Only then will it be possible to avoid problems in the future.

From this material you will learn: is it difficult to get a tender loan, how does it differ from the usual lending, on what terms are loans issued, and how much can bidders expect.

The first expenses for participation in public procurements await the company already at the stage of applying for participation in the supplier selection procedure: in order to take part in the tender you like, the supplier will have to make an application security. And this is 1% of the initial (maximum) price (IMC) of the contract, if it is less than 3 million rubles, and from 0.5 to 5% of the NMC if it exceeds 3 million rubles.

If this is a large company, problems with the monetary support of the application are unlikely to arise. Young entrepreneurs or small companies that do not have the ability to withdraw funds from circulation may encounter difficulties.

A few years ago, entrepreneurs had only one opportunity to quickly find money - to issue a tender loan. Today, a new convenient service for bidders has appeared on the market - a tender loan.

If you want to apply to participate in a government tender, then first of all you need to raise a certain amount of money in order to do this. To date, banks provide such a service as a tender loan or a tender loan. Most people think that these two expressions have the same meaning. Although this is not true at all. So what's the difference between them?

Tender LoanTender Loan

Currently, an increasing number of entrepreneurs understand the relevance of participating in government projects. This will lead to the successful development of their business. Authorities create tenders in order to find a contractor with the most convenient and favorable conditions. Participation of this kind opens up great opportunities for the company. Although not all companies have the opportunity to participate in it. You need to have some experience in professional activities in order to succeed in such a business. And besides that, have a certain amount of money.

According to the law, participants must pay an amount from 0.5 to 5% of the starting maximum cost of the lot to participate in the auction. This money must be transferred to the account of the organizer of these auctions. It is no secret that participation in such a business is very tempting, but what should you do if you do not have the necessary money? You have the opportunity to take a loan or a loan from another organization. Let's consider further how this can be done.

Acceptance of documents for participation in the tender

Credit loan and tender credit

A little earlier, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to receive only a tender loan. A tender loan is such a monetary service, with the advent of which companies that have decided to participate in tenders have the opportunity to use a non-tender loan. From this definition, it becomes clear that there is a difference between a loan and a loan. So what is it?

The most important difference between these two types of services is that they are provided by different organizations. The loan is provided by microfinance organizations, the amount of which is not more than one million rubles.

You have the opportunity to secure the loan of the tender application with the help of an organization that issues loans and has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which gives the right to carry out banking activities. As for the loan, it can be issued by any microfinance organization that has such a license. Thus, we can conclude that it is much easier to issue a tender loan than a loan agreement. Loan processing also requires fewer documents and will take much less time. From this we can conclude that the technology for processing a tender loan is much simpler than a loan agreement.

Another equally important point when choosing a more convenient offer is the submission of requirements from those who organized the auction. Let's take a look at them next.

If we analyze the tender loan, then the interest rate is about 13% per annum. If you take a loan, then there it fluctuates around 15%. The documents that are required for this procedure in different banks are slightly different. The first thing to do is open your current account. You will also need information about your employees, certificates, statutory documents and a bookkeeping report.

In order to apply for a tender loan, you need to collect a certain package of documents, which includes:

  • Questionnaire, which, as a result of its execution, will provide an opportunity to participate in tender races;
  • A document providing a report on the use of the company's finances;
  • Duplicate installation documents.

Tender Loan Processing Time

A tender loan is a type of fast lending. In order to make a decision to provide it or not, it will take no more than a couple of hours. As soon as the decision on its provision is made, the money will be transferred immediately. A tender loan is issued for a period of 10-60 days. After the auction is over, the bid security goes back to the participant.

Below is an informational video about tender loans and credits :

Tender loan amount

A microfinance organization may issue a tender loan for an amount not exceeding 1 million rubles. When the question arises, what type of loan to choose, you also need to consider how much they can provide you. If you want to participate in larger tenders, then you need to consider the tender credit option. If your auctions are not of such a large scale, then a tender loan will be quite enough for you.

Evgeny Malyar


# Business loans

Terms and conditions for entrepreneurs

One of the first tenders on the territory of the Russian Federation was held in 1654 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. His decree on the contract price for the delivery of flour and crackers to Smolensk has survived to this day.

Article navigation

  • What is a tender loan
  • Loan or credit
  • Loan from microfinance organizations
  • How to apply for a loan in the MFI
  • Differences between a tender loan and a bank guarantee
  • How to get a tender loan
  • Conditions for the provision of a tender loan
  • Where to get a tender loan or loan
  • conclusions

State order or contract is the goal of many companies. You can get it by winning an auction, also called a tender. But there is one limiting point - a necessary condition for taking part in such a competition is the deposit of a security in the amount of up to five percent of the amount of the proposed contract.

The task becomes more complicated if the enterprise applies for several state orders or contracts. It is often difficult or impossible to do without the use of borrowed funds. Lending for the amount of the security deposit is called tender. An article on how to get it, where it is issued and under what conditions.

What is a tender loan

The product is unique in that not all businessmen even know what it is and what this banking product is for. If the company does not fulfill government orders and does not participate in tenders, then the issue is removed by itself.

Federal Law 94-FZ indicates that enterprises whose participation in tenders is unsuccessful receive a refund of the deposited security within five days after the end of the auction. The receipt of these funds to the current account is not income - according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it refers to deposits and does not entail fiscal obligations (Article 41 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

This means that in most cases we are talking about a relatively small amount (compared to the contract price) withdrawn from circulation for a short period (the period from the application to the end of the auction plus 5 days). The task of the security deposit is to confirm the actual financial stability of the participating enterprise. In other words, the firm must demonstrate its solvency.

In practice, however, the company may not have this amount at the moment, or its withdrawal is critical, especially if the business is small or medium. There is only one thing left - to borrow funds for the tender. It should be recognized that the risks in this case are minimal.

Based on the above circumstances, it is possible to derive indicative conditions for tender borrowing:

  • term - up to three months, most often with repayment within a few days after the end of the auction;
  • rate - from 17 to 20% of the annual accounting.

Loan or credit

These concepts seem to be synonymous, but they are not fully so.

A tender loan is a loan security for participation in a tender received from a bank licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, for its execution, it is necessary to go through the entire procedure, including filing an application, providing a pledge or guarantee, collecting a package of documents, etc. It will take up to three weeks to complete the formalities, and a positive decision is not always guaranteed.

Tender loans are issued by microfinance organizations (MFIs) and investment funds. The process is greatly simplified and usually takes up to three days. Pledge, guarantee and, important for the bank, MFIs are not required. For such loyalty, customers pay more than with conventional lending.

Loan from microfinance organizations

If the borrowing of "live" funds can be made by any financial institution (for a loan - a bank, for a loan - an MFI), then there are strict restrictions on the bank tender guarantee. Already from the name itself it is clear that only a bank can provide it, but not any, but that meets the following requirements:

  • with a capitalization of 1 billion rubles or more;
  • with a license for the type of activity "issuance of guarantees";
  • operating for over five years.

Fundamentals of the Bank Tender Guarantee:

  • The principle of irrevocability. If a guarantee is issued, then it is valid in any case provided for by the contract.
  • The principle of non-transferability. The beneficiary always remains the same.
  • The principle of specificity. The effect of the guarantee extends to securing participation in one single obligation.
  • The principle of independence. The principal is obliged to fulfill his obligations in any situation, with the exception of force majeure circumstances (force majeure).

The disadvantages of a bank tender guarantee compared to a loan are:

  • relatively long processing times;
  • high requirements for a credited company;
  • extended package of documents.

The consequences of a bank guarantee in case of non-fulfillment by the contractor of the obligations assumed under the terms of the contract are expressed by the following sequence of events:

  • the guarantor bank covers the financial losses of the beneficiary (customer);
  • the guarantor goes to court with a claim to recover the amount of loss from the principal (executor).

How to get a tender loan

Knowing what a tender loan is and how it differs from a loan, it should be understood that the very concept of a tender is absent in Russian legislation. Thus, in the legal aspect, we are talking about targeted lending, which is subject to normal banking practice.

You can draw up a loan agreement by performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Selection of the most acceptable conditions from the current offers of banks offering targeted lending.
  2. Formulation and submission of an application.
  3. Collection and submission to the bank of all required documentation about the credited enterprise.
  4. Obtaining approval of the application.
  5. In case of success of the previous points - receipt of funds and payment by them of the invoice issued by the organizer of the tender.

Conditions for the provision of a tender loan

Tender loans, like any other, banks seek to secure against default. A deposit may be required, but not always. Firms that have proven themselves with a previous good credit history can avoid the need for material security.

The package of documents complies with the usual requirements of the bank for lending.

Where to get a tender loan or loan

Loans can be obtained from the following companies:

Credit institution Conditions of the tender loan (commission, RUB, annual rate %) Processing time, days Periodlending Amount, rub.
Promsvyazbank individually 2 individually Up to 150 million
Lokobank From 1% + commission 1 Up to 12 months Up to 15 million
Veles Tender From 3.3% of the loan amount 1 individually Up to 3 million
adept Commission 4.5% not less than 14 thousand rubles. 1 At the time of the auction From 100 thousand to 1 million
RIM Corporation 13% + commission 4% 1 Up to 2 months Up to 3 million

Offers of banks on tender loans and guarantees vary. An example is Sberbank, which offers two programs.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state