
Why spending can exceed your average daily budget. Why campaigns can exceed the daily budget

In the poster of the theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky's shortage of performances based on the plays of the Zamoskvoretsky Columbus is not observed: "Talents and Admirers", "Not All the Cat's Shrovetide", "In a Busy Place", "Dowry". It seemed like it could stop. But no, something makes the theater look for new colors, subtexts, allusions in the works of the great playwright. The young director Anatoly Shuliev, a student of Rimas Tuminas, described “Mad Money” as a comedy of obsession. And it looks like he wasn't wrong. The call to achieve the cherished goal at any cost sounds today from every coffee machine and every smartphone. Is this not an obsession? But the price sometimes turns out to be truly prohibitive for the obsessed.

The artist Marius Jacovskis found a very accurate metaphor for the life that Ostrovsky's characters lead: hewn wooden poles topped with Doric capitals, and straw nests on them. Big ones, even comfortable. Maybe in these nests there are golden eggs, but only not everyone will climb up a smooth pillar for prey. From the forest of these columns, the heroine of Svetlana Nemolyaeva comes out to the viewer, instantly turning on megawatt applause.

The viewer has a special love for this actress, one might say - reverent. Svetlana Nemolyaeva has a rare talent to play women from real life - invincibles, who are the majority on our sinful earth. Her heroines live in a cloudy everyday life, carry - hysteria and crying - all the human weaknesses and imperfections released to them and patiently wait for that holiday that will never come on their street. And Nemolyaeva, like few people on the national stage, knows how to lift the veil over this invisible and painful life of a desperate female soul.

Nadezhda Antonovna Cheboksarova is also driven by despair: there is no money, but the honor of the family must be maintained - without this, there is nothing to think about for her beloved daughter to make a profitable game. And the grooms around - not an army. Kuchumov (Aleksandr Andrienko succeeds perfectly in an explosive mixture of impressiveness and insatiable voluptuousness), although an important-looking gentleman, he is married, and he cannot afford a mistress. Ironic to the point of cruelty, Glumov (Konstantin Konstantinov) himself hunts for a dowry, which he does not hide. And the charming heliporter Telyatev (Vitaly Grebennikov) does not need a wife or money. Unless they are mad, who are not sorry, because they are not acquired, but obtained by cunning.

Photo: Sergey Petrov

So mother rushes to seduce and cajole the naive provincial millionaire, the goose that lays golden eggs. Fortunately, he seems to be in love with her beloved Lydia without memory. Yes, only Savva Gennadyich Vasilkov is not as naive as he wants to seem. It is on his facade that he has a noble principle - they say, “in a practical age it is not only better to be honest, but also more profitable”, and behind the facade there is a solid sober calculation. Aleksey Dyakin plays a businessman, for whom even fiery love has a price: “I won’t regret the money, but I won’t go out of the budget.” He, who knows neither manners nor noble manners, in order to get into the highest business circles, needs a wife “brilliant and with a good tone”. He has enough funds to acquire such a wife.

An orgy of business and love calculations is circling on the stage of Mayakovka, like a gambling carousel at a fair - today you need to play Russian classics at a pace, otherwise the audience will get bored. And to disguise moralizing so that the audience laughs, and not frowns. Well, what could be better for such a thing than the good old Russian farce with buffoons and magicians. The director made the hero of a seemingly third-rate character Vasily (Yuri Nikulin will not yield to his famous namesake in sleight of hand) the main carpet in this booth, the director Savva Gennadich’s assistant in all matters - to knock out bills and protect his wife from intruders, but also about his own benefit won't forget.

Photo: Sergey Petrov

But Lydia Cheborksarova (Polina Lazareva) did not get the trick. In vain that at first the nose of the uncouth millionaire turned up. She, of course, wants other money - crazy, so that the river flows and does not know the bills. But if there are no mad ones, then the earned ones will come down. Well, she will kneel before her miserly husband, well, she will go to him as a housekeeper - to cook jam, pickle mushrooms. Let him enjoy his victory for now. In the finale, the subdued beauty harnesses herself with her husband to the “cart of life” - a pile of suitcases on which her mother sits, and drags her into the darkness of the backstage, where the bright future she so desires is hiding. But something tells me that at the first opportunity she will drop the hated strap and again rush headlong in search of big money, because she doesn’t need others. Do not blame me, Alexander Nikolaevich - these are the times now ...

After a sharp drop in July, state budget revenues rose slightly in August by UAH 1.5 billion. However, since the beginning of the year, the plans of the Ministry of Finance still turned out to be unfulfilled by 0.8%. Experts say that in the remaining four months the situation will worsen due to inflated budget plans, increased fiscal pressure and the cessation of economic growth.

Yesterday, the State Treasury reported that in January-August, the general fund of the state budget received UAH 188.5 billion. This is 11.1% more than in eight months of 2011. Traditionally, for several years no data on the implementation of plans has been provided. However, yesterday Aleksey Lyshenko, head of the Department for the Administration of Customs Payments at the Ministry of Finance, said that the budget schedule had been completed by 99.2%. "The state customs collected UAH 83.1 billion to the budget, which is 98.7% of the plan. The main reason is the insufficient increase in customs payments. If in January-May imports grew by 16.7%, then in January-August the growth rates did not exceed 12%. The situation with the State Tax Service is somewhat better: the schedule was fulfilled by 100.3%, UAH 383 million was transferred in excess of the plan,” Mr. Lyshenko added. Kommersant's interlocutor in the State Customs Office notes that this is a seasonal factor: imports of vegetables and fruits have decreased; the customs value of summer clothes and shoes is lower than winter ones, the euro exchange rate has changed.

In August, the general fund of the budget received UAH 28.26 billion, which is only UAH 1.5 billion more than in the same period of 2011. Recall that in July the budget revenues received UAH 18.92 billion, which is UAH 3 billion less than in the same month of 2011. Roman Shpek, senior adviser at Alfa-Bank, explains this situation by the fact that macro forecasts, on which the budget is calculated, do not correspond to reality. "Without a lack of adjustment, there will be a revolutionary need to make new political orders and at the expense of the fiscal authorities to cover the shortcomings of the budget," he says. “This is a projected decline in budget revenues due to a slowdown in economic growth, which experts spoke about and warned at the beginning of the year,” adds Alexei Moldovan, an economist at the National Institute for Strategic Studies. The stock market is a road to nowhere."

According to Artem Rudyk, director of the department at the Institute for Budget and Socio-Economic Research, the negative is not that the plans are not being fulfilled, but the decline in income growth. “If it continues like this, then by the end of the year the decline will be significant. The global problem is that fiscal levers of influence were initially laid down in the Tax Code. Payers are not interested in paying - no one knows where the money goes, and paying taxes does not guarantee anything "They still come to businesses with checks, squeeze them out, ask for additional charges. And by the time of the elections, this problem will be even more acute," Mr. Rudyk believes. Ex-Minister of Finance Viktor Pynzenyk calculated that in January-August, the general fund received an average of UAH 23.6 billion monthly, and in order to fulfill the budget in the last four months, revenues should average UAH 32.2 billion (+36.4 %).

Experts talk about the need to revise macro forecasts and cut costs, as the budget was amended 13 times during the year, and as a result, its planned revenues were increased by UAH 31 billion. However, a revision is unlikely before the election. "So far, there is no need to talk about a critical failure. UAH 1.1 billion shortfall is not the right amount," says Oleksiy Lyshenko.

Natalya Nepryakhina

Today, following the example of "senior comrades", the Vologda governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov delivered his own "budget message" to the regional parliament. The head of the region presented new principles of the region's budget policy for the next 3 years.


Commentators close to the governor point out in his speech the main principles that will determine the layout of the regional budget for 2014: "programmatic, balanced, cost optimization, independence of municipalities, openness" - this is actually all that they can do (or demonstrate such determination) provincial authorities to solve a practically unsolvable problem.

It is no coincidence that, first of all, Oleg Kuvshinnikov noted that the formation of the budget will take place in the face of a decrease in the main budget-forming indicators.

Following the slight economic growth of 2010-2011, a slowdown trend has formed since the second half of 2012 as the recovery factors are exhausted.

This year, the situation in the economy continues to deteriorate. According to the results of the 1st quarter, the balanced financial result in the Russian Federation decreased by 30% compared to the previous year.

In the Vologda region, according to Oleg Kuvshinnikov, the picture is even more depressing - the loss exceeded the profit. The execution of the regional budget for filling the revenue side this year is going on tensely.

In January-May, the volume of income tax amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. This is exactly 2 times lower than the same period in 2012. As a result, the region risks not receiving almost 3 billion rubles of income tax.

Moreover, the reduction in income tax payments is of a nationwide nature. A decrease in the collection of this tax was recorded in half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is due to the deterioration of the financial position of organizations due to the development of crisis processes in the global economy and Russia.

Over the past two months, leading global analysts (the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Central Bank, the European Commission) and the Ministry of Economic Development have revised their forecasts for the development of the world economy and the Russian economy downward, and statements are being made about a possible recession this autumn.

How does the governor react to this? As one would expect, he formulates the problem using mutually exclusive components:

“And in these conditions, the main requirement for the budget policy of the next three years is to maintain economic growth in the region, the unconditional fulfillment of all our social obligations, the implementation of the strategic tasks set in the decrees of the President of Russia. This is the main goal of our joint work, and we will achieve this through a radical increase in the efficiency of budget policy,” explains Oleg Kuvshinnikov.

To put it simply, it is necessary to ensure a stable and balanced execution of the consolidated budget of the region, while guaranteeing the unconditional fulfillment of accepted, but unbearable obligations.

The chronic shortfall since 2009 of tax and non-tax revenues to the budget of the region led to the need to attract borrowed sources, as a result, by the beginning of 2013, the debt burden reached a critical level.

In addition, the problem of an unbalanced budget is currently exacerbated by the lack of stability in fiscal and tax policies in the long term. The transfer of risks of the budget system from the federal to the regional level, the practice of transferring powers from one level of government to another complicates the achievement of budget balance.

Against this background, the urgent task is to find sources for the implementation of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. In the Vologda Oblast alone, for the next three years, the additional need for funds to implement the "May" decrees is 27 billion rubles, and the expected growth in income over this period will be only 14 billion rubles. And that's without risk.

As a result, the imbalance between spending authority and fixed income sources is growing ever stronger.

In order to attract additional funds to the regional budget, the governor has actually declared a "budget emergency" regime, which will be regulated by a specially created body - the Commission for Increasing the Effectiveness of Budget Expenditures.

Before it, “the authorities of the region will report on the results of work in the past year and defend their budgets for 2014-2016. And the key direction in the defense will be replenishment of the revenue base of the consolidated budget of the region due to the maximum return from the supervised areas. Each head of the government body will have to report what he plans to do to ensure the planned development of his industry, to increase the gross regional product and the revenue side of the consolidated budget of the region,” the head of the region noted.

Since Vladimir Putin in his Budget Message for 2014-2016 emphasized that "state programs should become a tool for developing and implementing state policy in the long term," Oleg Kuvshinnikov today announced the region's transition to a "program" budget, starting from 2014. In the governor's opinion, priorities should be concentrated in it, sources and a mechanism for achieving the goals stated in the state programs of the region should be determined. In addition, the head of the region believes that the formation of a "program" budget will allow to concentrate financial resources on areas of social and economic development that are really important for the Vologda Oblast.

In this regard, Oleg Kuvshinnikov instructed to develop a long-term budget strategy in conjunction with the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Vologda Oblast for the period up to 2020. And he instructed his deputies to conduct an analysis and give specific proposals for finding additional reserves from optimizing budget investments in the social sphere.

The governor paid special attention to ensuring the financial independence of the region's municipalities. The first step in this direction is the enlargement of the municipalities of the region by merging settlements, which has already started in five districts of the Vologda region (Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky, Nikolsky, Cherepovetsky, Sokolsky and Gryazovetsky). Oleg Kuvshinnikov very much hopes for an increase in "the efficiency of using the resources of enlarged territories."

Finally, all this complex and thankless work must receive appropriate information support. “We need to ensure greater transparency and openness of the budget process for citizens,” the governor stressed. - This is one of the key conditions for increasing the efficiency of budget policy. Starting this year, we must publish an “open budget. In an accessible and understandable form for people, it is necessary to show for what purposes and in what volume budgetary resources are directed, what results are planned to be achieved and what are actually achieved, so that citizens can independently draw conclusions about the effectiveness of spending and the intended use of funds,” the head of the region said. .

In fact, of course, citizens have long formed their own opinion on this matter. So you can't envy the provincial ideologists and propagandists - they will not only have to convince, but dissuade the population of the region.


Putin and the magic wand

Russia no longer has a magic wand that kept the economy going: oil prices are not going up. We need a new model of economic growth, said Vladimir Putin at SPIEF-2013. He proposed freezing the tariffs of natural monopolies, protecting borrowers with the help of the ONF, declaring an amnesty for economic crimes, and even amending the Constitution to reboot the judiciary.

Task No. 1 remains "creating conditions in Russia for sustainable economic growth." "Growth should be based on three pillars: an increase in labor productivity, investment and innovation," Putin said.

In addition, to maintain growth, it will be necessary to reduce costs - financial and managerial, as well as macroeconomic stability, a further reduction in inflation, a "responsible budget" - compliance with the so-called budget rule, under which excess petrodollars are sent to the budget, Putin listed.


  • Google Ads maximizes your ROI by displaying your ads frequently on days when search traffic is higher.
  • However, the total cost per day can be twice the average daily budget if there is no conversion fee. In the presence of conversion fees, the cost per day can exceed the daily budget even more. However, don't worry - the monthly cost of Google Ads campaigns is limited anyway. They cannot be greater than the product of the average daily budget and the average number of days in a month (30.4).

Why campaigns can exceed the daily budget

For each campaign, you specify a daily budget - the amount that the system will spend daily on ad serving. If you notice that the campaign spent more per day, it means that traffic was higher that day. Typically, such fluctuations depend on the day of the week, season, and holidays.

Reducing your budget for the other days of the month helps optimize campaign performance and ensure your ads are shown as often as possible when interest is highest.

How is overdraft charged?

Depending on traffic fluctuations, the campaign's daily budget can be twice as high, but the amount of expenses per month cannot go beyond the established limits. If you're paying for conversions, these campaigns can cost twice your average daily budget per day.


If your daily budget is 500 rubles, no more than 1000 rubles can be spent on certain days.

Please note that sometimes spending can more than double your daily budget. However, you will only pay twice the amount of your daily budget. For example, if the daily budget is 300 rubles, and the expenses per day were 800 rubles, you will pay only 600 rubles. The remaining $200 will be returned to you as a credit adjustment for budget overruns. This will be reflected in the transaction history.

Maximum spending per month

While your campaign spend can be up to twice your daily budget on some days, you'll never pay more than a certain monthly limit set by Google Ads to protect you from accidental overspend. If the budget does not change throughout the month, your total expenses will not exceed an amount equal to the product of the daily budget and the average number of days in the month: 30.4 (365 days of the year ÷ 12 months).


If your account spends more than your limit in a calendar month and you haven't changed your budget during that time, you'll only be billed for the maximum spend you've set. For example, if the daily budget is 300 rubles for the entire month (i.e., the maximum amount of expenses is 9120 rubles), and expenses of 9300 rubles were accrued for the calendar month, only 9120 rubles will be invoiced. Here is how this value is obtained:

300 rub. (daily budget) x 30.4 (average number of days in a month) = 9120 rubles.

The remaining 180 rubles will be returned to you as

“In St. Petersburg, according to my business, I have connections with very big people;

I myself am baggy and clumsy; I need a wife so that I can start a salon in which even a minister is not ashamed to receive. You have everything for this, - says Savva Gennadich Vasilkov to his bride, the beautiful Lydia Cheboksarova.

“When you have thoroughly studied the economy, I will take you to my provincial city, where you must dazzle the provincial ladies with your dress and manners. I will not regret the money for this, but I will not go out of the budget. I, too, in my extensive affairs, need such a wife.

Isn't this our contemporary banker, industrialist, shareholder, simple Russian oligarch, with whom the Russian land is filled today, and even abroad? Yes, yes, the same one that Alexander Ostrovsky spoke about almost a century and a half ago in his play Mad Money. At first it was called "Scythe - on a stone", then "Not all that glitters is gold." And here is the premiere - April 16, 1870 at the Alexandrinsky Theater. The classic foresaw that in Russia "everything will be as it was, even if it is different." The same moneybags are cornflowers, dolls are Cheboksary, thirsty for big money, prudent mothers are Antonovna’s hopes, life-burners are calves, seekers of rich widows are Glumovs, titled elderly lovers of “strawberries” are Kuchumovs.

All the characters, in whatever scenery you place them, are our today's poignant century of businessmen and rogues, whose motto is "you can't deceive - you won't live." But Ostrovsky treats them understandingly and condescendingly, trying to understand their actions, without judging or approving someone, inviting the viewer to think about the life of each of them with him.

“My goddess of carefree happiness is falling off her pedestal, and in her place is a crude idol of labor and industry, which is called the budget,” says the beautiful Lydia. “Oh, how I pity the poor, tender creatures, these sweet, cheerful girls! They will not see more graceful, careless husbands! Ethereal beings, stop dreaming of impossible happiness, stop thinking about those who squander gracefully, and marry those who rudely make money and call themselves business people. Isn't this the motto of most Russian girls of the 21st century? Dolls have always been and will be in value, especially in a trade transaction, where love is a purchase and sale. Unspoken laws that no one has canceled will continue to be in use.

The author of the play only skillfully transferred them to the stage. “Moscow, Savva, is such a city that we, the Telyatevs and the Kuchumovs, will not perish in it,” says Telyatev, a playboy. - We will have both honor and credit without a penny. For a long time to come, every merchant will be happy to consider that we have supper and drink champagne at his expense. Today, in addition to a tight wallet, ranks and titles are needed, which can only be obtained by leaning against titled persons from high society. That is why the premiere of "Mad Money" in the theater. Vl. Mayakovsky looks today in one breath - after all, in fact, this is a cast of modern Russia.

Beauty Lydia Cheboksarova spends money right and left, without thinking where they come from this crazy money. When her father goes bankrupt, there is only one hope left - for a rich groom, where feelings are measured by his gold reserves, and marriage is an ordinary trade deal. For each of them, the main thing in their union is monetary interest. Lydia Cheboksarova is forced to go to the "housekeeper" and learn business acumen from Vasilkov. In the end, the "business man" wins over those for whom all money is "crazy": I don't want to spend!

“Now money has become smarter, everyone goes to business people, and not to us,” says Telyatev Lidenka. - And before the money was stupid. You know, I recently figured out why we have crazy money. Because we didn’t make them ourselves.” But, despite the plot victory of the moneybags, is the playwright on his side? Unlikely. The “honest industrialist” Vasilkov, for whom money is the main thing, remains for him a flawed and narrow-minded provincial, whose wealth does not add to his human value. But the request of society is for cornflowers and others like them.

Put on a play in modern scenery, dress the characters in newfangled dresses, leaving the plot of a century and a half ago, and on the stage - today, with the only difference being that today predatory instincts are much more powerful and sophisticated than in the old days. "Mad Money" on the stage of "Mayakovka" was presented by a young director Anatoly Shuliev. “The play, in my opinion, is very relevant. Ostrovsky captured the spirit of the Russian people. We are all trying to find our own way, to unravel ourselves. Today Ostrovsky is very modern. In my production, I wanted to add some kind of inner human pain to this play. To see what each of the characters in the play is obsessed with, what passion each has.

We tried to make Ostrovsky passionate, sensual. I like to work with artists in collaboration. I hope that the audience will be close to this story, and they will appreciate the work of the artists.” Polina Lazareva, who plays the beautiful Lidia Cheboksarova in the play, believes that “the play is more relevant today than ever: in addition to a love story, the theme of money sounds very bright in our time. Ostrovsky is a classic because at any time he will be modern. The actress read the image of Lydia in her own way: she is not only carefree, quick-tempered and wayward, but also very pragmatic, insidious, prudent and even cynical in her views on life.

She will certainly turn from a reeling young lady, who does not understand where the money comes from, into a business partner and will become a worthy pair for a resourceful provincial businessman. Actor Alexei Dyakin in the role of "honest industrialist" Vasilkov - a kind of savvy Russian cunning, skillfully mastered entrepreneurial science, convinces us that in "practical age it is not only better to be honest, but also profitable." “More often you need to stage, read and love Ostrovsky: he is topical, tragic, modern,” the actor shared with reporters. The production of "Mad Money" was chosen by the theater for the benefit performance of the star of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Nemolyaeva, who celebrates her anniversary on April 18. Ostrovsky is one of her favorite playwrights. She graduated from the Shchepkinsky School at the Maly Theater, which is also called the Ostrovsky House. She came to Mayakovka in 1959 and played more than 50 roles on this stage. In this performance, she plays Lydia's mother, Nadezhda Antonovna Cheboksarova, an elderly lady with important manners. The image created by the actress is of a charming, sweet lady who strives for her daughter to do everything possible for happiness in the concept of her blind motherly love. Is it good or bad for the daughter? The answer to this question for her is unequivocal: if there was wealth in the house, the rest will follow. You fully sympathize with her and worry with her about the device of your daughter. It would seem that the image of a predatory pragmatic mother deserves censure, but Nemolyaeva allows us to see the complete hopelessness and despair of a bankrupt parent, for whom any way out is acceptable, except for poverty.

People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Nemolyaeva

“When I studied at the institute, I was young, it was the 60s,” the actress told reporters on the eve of the premiere, “money was not the main thing for people then. I remember when Sasha and I just got married - it was the 60th year. I just came to the Mayakovsky Theater, then our life was different: our inner world was very important to us, communication with interesting talented people, with the actors who surrounded us, artists. Then almost everyone lived in communal apartments. We also had a communal apartment, almost no one had cars. Then the topic of “mad money” may have been understandable, interesting, but it didn’t get into the soul. Then there was this play in theaters, but they threw out texts related to loans, bills, some papers, calculations - it was like from another planet. And now this is extremely interesting. Therefore, it seems to me that this will cause extraordinary interest in the viewer. Today, money is everywhere: they are present, they live, they put pressure on you. This is the greatness of the classic - every time he powerfully conquers with his presence, his theme. Therefore, it seems to me that today this performance should be in demand. The choice of the play belongs to the artistic director of the theater Mindaugas Karbauskis. I really appreciate Mindaugas. He is a talented, interesting, educated person. As a director, he is an adherent of Russian classics, able to reveal the author. Anatoly Shuliev managed to create a wonderful atmosphere at rehearsals. We really created, did a performance, and did not sort things out, which often happens in the theater. Another gift from the theater: her partner, the daughter in the play, was her own granddaughter, the actress of the Mayakovsky Theater Polina Lazareva. “We have already played a daughter and a mother in Talents and Admirers,” said Svetlana Vladimirovna, “Today we are playing together in Mad Money again. Meeting with Ostrovsky is always a phenomenon, especially when you discover a new Ostrovsky through the talent of the director, actors, all the creators of the action on stage. I have seen more than one performance of "Mad Money" in different theaters, and each time you are convinced of the understatement of staging this work on stage, how strong and typical Ostrovsky's characters are. Unfortunately, such a talent as Alexander Ostrovsky, the Russian Shakespeare, was never born.

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