
Personal account of Belgazprombank for a shopping card. Belgazprombank purchase card check card balance

Remote banking is suitable for those who actively use financial products in their daily lives or for managing company money. Special software systems allow you to check the balances on your accounts at any convenient time, make mutual settlements with third parties and organizations and transfer money within the system. Internet banking from Belgazprombank provides access to the system for individuals and legal entities to serve all categories of customers.

Login to your bank account

Login for individuals
Login for legal entities

How to register in Internet banking

To use remote service, the client needs to register in the system. The procedure for entering data into the electronic shell requires entering personal information on the page with access to the personal account.

As an individual

Registration in Internet banking Belgazprombank for individuals is available for both current bank customers and new users. Current users are those who have an open account or card in a bank, and new users are those who plan to use the bank's products in the future.

To complete the registration procedure, the consumer must go to in a special section of the company's website.

Registration window
Consumer type selection window

When choosing "New User", the client will be asked to read the identification information, prepare passport data and fill out an extended form indicating: Full name, login and password, secret word, contact details and code word.

Invalid user registration section

Bank customers who already use one of the financial products undergo a simplified registration and identification procedure.

In order to register in the system, the client needs to specify a login - which he comes up with on his own, a personal identification number based on a passport, a phone number identical to the bank profile, an email address and a verification code. If all the data is recorded in accordance with the requirements, an SMS notification with a password will be sent to the mobile number.

It is necessary to log in to Internet banking with a password provided by SMS within an hour after receiving it. You should immediately change the code to a permanent one in order to access the use of the online resource.

as a legal entity

Registration of a client in Internet banking from Belgazprombank for legal entities takes place in several stages, through the system page intended for corporate clients - https://corporate.bgpb.by

When entering the section, the user will see an authorization / registration window, you need to click the active button "Register", select rights "Administrator". At the next stage, similar to the registration of a private user, an authorized representative needs to enter his personal data.

User information entry window

After filling in all the fields, you need to proceed to the next step by clicking the "Continue" button. The system will redirect to the authorization window, and an SMS with a password for entering will be sent to the phone number specified in the form.

The phone number must be in international format. When filling out a code word, it must be memorized, because. it may be needed during subsequent contact with the bank's support line.

Permanent password change form

The new code will be constantly used to enter your personal account in the future, it should be remembered.

After the first login, you need to enter data about the company. To do this, in the window that opens, click on the "Add legal entity" link, then the item stating that this is the first use of a corporate resource. In the form that appears, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and rules and put a mark on your agreement with them, and then click the "Proceed" button.

Adding a legal persons

The next window will open the form of the enterprise, which the responsible representative fills out in full. It is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise, its TPN or current account, full name and position of the administrator, contact details. After filling in the details correctly, click the "Next" button. In the window that appears, there will be a link to the application for connecting to the system.

Enterprise entry form

The document generated by clicking on the link should be printed in 2 copies, signed by an authorized person of the enterprise and transferred to the service department. An employee of Belgazprombank, based on the documents received, will issue a special security key on a USB drive.

In electronic form, after printing the application, you need to click on the "Finish" button.

The final registration takes place after the key is received in hand. You should go to the Belgazprombank Internet banking page, where the login for legal entities is, and in the "Help" section, familiarize yourself with the procedure for activating and using cryptoprotection.

How to enter Internet banking Belgazprombank

Clients enter Internet banking from Belgazprombank using the login and password assigned during registration. Additionally, one-time passwords are sent to the specified mobile phone number, and enterprises use a cryptoprotection tool installed on a USB drive.

The difference between the entrance for individuals and legal entities in the links used to navigate:

  • entrance for private clients
  • authorization of corporate users

Access to the resource is granted for 15 minutes, after which the session will be interrupted and re-authorization on the portal will be required.

The client has only 6 password attempts. After the last error, access to the Internet banking system of Belgazprombank is blocked.

How to recover a password if lost

Often, users, especially those who rarely access RBSS, forget or lose their password or login. You can restore the code for accessing the service directly on the client authorization page. To complete the procedure, you must click on the "Recover password" button on the screen, which is located under the registration field.

In the window that appears after this, you need to enter the data:

  • login;
  • a contact phone number linked to an account in the system;
  • email address;
  • and verification code.

Provided that all the information is entered without errors, an SMS with a one-time password will be sent to the mobile. The received code is indicated in the window during authorization, after which it must be changed to a permanent one.

In the case of a login, recovery requires the client to contact the bank with a passport for identification and obtaining a username.

Internet banking functionality

After logging into Internet banking, the client gets the opportunity to completely remotely manage their accounts. Available features include:

  • view balances in real time;
  • formation of statements and printing of already posted documents;
  • transfer of funds between own accounts;
  • management of plastic cards, loans and deposits;
  • transfers in favor of third parties, including from card to card;
  • payment of utilities and other types of services, state duties and fines, as well as mutual settlements for purchased goods.

The system also has the ability to remotely submit documents and applications to the bank, as well as hotkeys for connecting to the user support line.

How to pay for services

Payment for services occurs in the section of the service "All payments". On the main screen of the section, the user needs to:

  1. Through the search or the operation tree, select the desired transaction.
  2. In the window that appears, enter all the required details.
  3. Select the account or card from which the required amount will be debited.
  4. Click on the "Continue" button.
  5. After that, a transaction confirmation code will be sent to the phone number or e-mail, which must be entered in a special field and click on the "spend" button again.

If all the steps are completed correctly, a notification about the successful completion of the operation and a check available for printing will appear.

The generated payment document can be obtained at the bank with a stamp, if necessary.

How to pay off a loan through banking

Loan repayment is available to the user in the "Credits" section. For a successful operation, it is enough to call the context menu under the “More” button in the loan obligations management window and click on the “Pay” line.

On the next screen, the client will be asked to verify the details of his loan and, if everything is displayed correctly, indicate the amount of funds transferred. After that, the operation must be confirmed with a one-time password from the bank.

Also, customers can use the repayment of loans from the section with payments, for this, it is enough to select "Repayment of loans" in the tree and follow the prompts of the resource.

How to undo completed transactions

Each user had situations when one or another operation performed through a personal account had to be recalled. Belgazprombank in its resource provided 2 ways to solve such a problem without visiting the office. How to use them:

  1. Through the payments section, select those that are carried out in favor of the bank. There, in the list of tariffs, click on the one that provides for payment for processing the application for cancellation. When the operation to collect the commission is completed, go to the messaging section with the support line employees and send them a request in free form.
  2. In the "Applications" section, select the desired appeal, indicate the information requested by the electronic entry form, and click the confirmation button. Then from the same menu go to the payment of the commission.

Regardless of the method of application, the application must indicate:

  • transaction receipt number;
  • the time of its implementation;
  • information about the recipient of money;
  • account ID and transaction amount.

Sending a request to the bank and paying a commission does not guarantee a refund. After receiving a request from the user, technical support workers will consider it, and the client will receive a notification by phone or email about the decision made.

By connecting Internet banking from Belgazprombank, the user gets the opportunity to manage their finances completely independently. Using a personal account allows you to significantly save time on visiting the offices of a financial institution and queues. The main rule for comfortable service through RBSS is to store passwords securely and check payment details before performing a transaction.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

The service "Information on the available amount on the card" allows you to quickly receive information about the current balance of the payment card of Belgazprombank OJSC via an SMS message sent from a mobile phone to a short number 2472 . The service is provided to individuals holders of payment cards of Belgazprombank OJSC - subscribers of Belarusian mobile operators MTS, A1, Life:).

Number 2472 very easy to remember - it matches the characters BGPB(BelGazPromBank) on a standard mobile phone keypad.

How to connect service for providing the current balance on the card JSC "Belgazprombank":

  • , provided that the Client's mobile phone number is registered with the Bank. By default, the Bank uses the mobile phone number specified when registering for the Internet Banking service, and in the absence of such, the mobile phone number specified in the application form for issuing a bank card.

  • 1) Complete the registration procedure for the Internet Banking service at any information kiosk or branch of the Bank on your own and, thus, register your phone number, incl. to use the service to provide the current balance on the card.
    2) Apply with an identity document to any branch of the Bank to register / change the mobile phone number for the service of providing the current balance on the card.

How it works:

  • The holder of the Bank's payment card, subscriber A1, MTS, Life:) sends an SMS message with the command - "1хххх", where "хххх" are the last four digits of the card number to the number 2472 .
  • Only 5 digits should be sent, no spaces or other characters.
  • In response, an SMS message is received with the result of the request.


Per number 2472 message sent (Client's request): 18856 (where 8856 are the last four digits of the Client's card number)

Incoming message (Bank response): Card 676821******8856. Available 375.89 BYN


JSC "Belgazprombank" does not charge a fee for using the service for providing the current balance on the card. The client pays only for the services of a mobile operator for processing an SMS message sent to a number 2472 , the cost of which is determined according to the current tariffs of mobile operators:, MTS, Life :).

If there is a problem:

In the case when, in response to a sent request, the message " Incorrect card ID”, you should check the correctness of the last four digits of the card number indicated in the request or contact the Bank by phone in Minsk (+375 17) 229 16 98

In the case when the message " Phone number 375291234567 is not registered. Contact JSC "Belgazprombank" at tel. 120”, you should contact the contact center of Belgazprombank OJSC at the short number 120 (calls from fixed phones are free of charge) for a consultation.

In case of not receiving a response to the request, it is necessary to check the correctness of the indication of the recipient number "2472".

The service "Information on the available amount on the card" allows you to quickly receive information about the current balance of payment cards of Belgazprombank OJSC via a USSD request sent from a mobile phone. The service is provided to individuals holders of payment cards of JSC Belgazprombank - subscribers A1 and MTS(Belarus).

How to connect the service:

The service is available by default to all holders of payment cards of OJSC Belgazprombank without additional registration, provided that the Client's mobile phone number is registered with the Bank. By default, the Bank uses the mobile phone number specified when connecting the Internet Banking service, and in the absence of such, the mobile phone number specified in the application form for issuing a bank card.

If the phone number has not been registered before or you need to change it:

At the discretion of the Client, one of two options can be used:

1) At any information kiosk or branch of the Bank, independently go through the procedure for connecting the Internet Banking service and, thus, register your phone number, incl. to use the service to provide the current balance on the card.

2) Apply with an identity document to any branch of the Bank to register / change the mobile phone number for the service of providing the current balance on the card.

How it works:

Bank payment card holder, subscriber A1 or MTS(Belarus), sends a USSD request in the following format:


where "хххх" are the last four digits of the payment card number.

In response, a USSD message is received with the result of the request.


JSC "Belgazprombank" does not charge a fee for using the service for providing the current balance on the card. The client pays only for the services of the mobile operator for processing USSD requests, the cost of which is determined according to the operator's current tariffs.

For additional information about the service, you can call 120.

The need for banking services cannot always be planned, and sometimes a sudden need requires a revision of all plans in order to visit the bank office. In order to avoid having to reschedule a meeting with friends or be late for negotiations with a partner in order to open a deposit or transfer money to another card, it is worth connecting to Internet banking.

Registration features

The entrance to the personal account of Belgazprobank is carried out from the main page of the site http://belgazprombank.by/. To get into it, in the upper right corner of the screen you need to find the "Internet Banking" button.

Before the wide possibilities of banking operations from anywhere in the world become available, you will have to register.

On the site, three categories of individuals can get access to their personal account:

  • new users who do not have deposits, loans or Belgazprombank cards;
  • bank customers who have already issued a payment card;
  • clients of the interbank identification system of Belarus.

That is, in order to register in the Internet bank, it is not necessary to have a history of financial relations with Belgazprombank.

For those who have not been a client of Belgazprombank before

If you are not a client of the bank, you can start using its products through your personal account. The whole process consists of three stages: creating a profile, entering passport data, identification. The last step requires visiting the bank office with an identity document.

Some services will also be available to users who have not been identified at the bank's office. So, simply by filling in information about yourself in a special form, you can:

  • issue a credit card "Fast money";
  • request a Belgazprombank Purchase Card;
  • leave a request for advice on lending to individuals and businesses;
  • leave an application for the installation of banking equipment (terminals);
  • make transfers between cards of banks of the Republic of Belarus;
  • make payments from a card of any Belarusian bank;
  • use the service of a personal financial assistant: draw up a budget, analyze income and expenses.

To make this list of services available, the following customer information is required:

  • login;
  • e-mail;
  • mobile phone;
  • Full Name;
  • codeword.

By filling in the proposed fields in the "Additional Information" section (gender, date of birth, address, details of an identity document, etc.), it will be possible to reduce the time spent at the bank's office at the identification stage.

After clicking the "Continue" button, the system sends an SMS message with a temporary password to the specified phone number.

Identification opens up more opportunities for the user:

  • registration of an application for the issuance of a payment card;
  • inquiries about debit transactions on accounts;
  • online registration of an overdraft on a salary card;
  • cancellation of a payment transaction;
  • request to change personal data;
  • card and account management;
  • access to your credit history.

For those who already have a card/deposit/account

Clients who already cooperate with Belgazprombank offline just need to register on the website: enter personal data and receive a password. Identification is not required. You can immediately use the possibilities of your personal account, especially since access will be open to all Internet banking services.

If you are a client of any bank in Belarus, then in order to register in the Internet bank of OJSC "Belgazprombank" you need to:

Clients of other banks in Belarus

Even those users who are currently using the financial products of another bank can open a personal account of Belgazprombank. In the registration section for new users on the website http://belgazprombank.by/, you need to select the third category "MSI User" and follow a simple algorithm:

pass authentication in the Interbank System as a client of Belgazprombank.

The MSI website must indicate the login that will be used to register in the bank's personal account. The procedure is also completed with an SMS message with a temporary password, and you will not have to visit the bank office either.

Login to your personal account

Having gained access to financial transactions online, it is useful to remember the different ways to enter your personal account:

  • by login and password;
  • using the bank's mobile application;
  • using an electronic digital signature key.

A special service in the BGPB mobile application is used to generate codes for entering and confirming transactions in the Internet bank.

Online banking for business

Recently, the bank has introduced a similar service for legal entities. You can evaluate the benefits of Internet banking for business through the Demo Login tab: https://corporate.bgpb.by/Default/DemoLogin.

In this mode, you can study in detail all the possibilities of your personal account, for example, try to create a payment order and check how convenient the system interface is.

To use a personal account, a legal entity will need to determine which of the employees will receive administrator rights and be the first to register the organization.

An example of using the BGPB Internet bank

It is better to talk about the advantages of electronic access to financial transactions using an example. Let's say the client plans to deposit the amount to pay off the installment plan on the Purchase Card. This can be done through your personal account on the site:

  • select the "My Portfolio" tab in the user profile;
  • enter username and password;
  • find the required one in the list of bank cards and select “Top up” from the drop-down list of actions;
  • enter the replenishment amount and the card from which the funds will be debited;
  • confirm payment with a session password.

Password for personal account of Belgazprombank

The validity period of a temporary password from an SMS message is 1 hour, during which you must enter your personal account using your login and this code as a password. The Internet banking access system is case and keyboard layout sensitive, so it is important to enter capital letters in capital letters. When you first visit your personal account, it is recommended to change your password.

In order to protect the client's personal account from being used by third parties, it is recommended to change the password at least once every three months. To do this, just enter your personal account profile (by clicking on your name) and open the "Login Password" tab. A change password dialog box will open, where you will need to enter a new combination of characters twice. This action is also confirmed by the session password.

Session password

A shopping card allows you to pay for goods and services in a network of partner stores without any overpayments. A prerequisite in this case is the timely repayment of the debt in equal installments by the 20th day of the next month. The installment plan is from 1 to 24 months. Its duration depends on the store where the purchase was made.

How to issue a shopping card and what is needed for this.

A purchase card can be issued by persons aged 18 to 64 years. To issue a card with a limit of up to 3,000 rubles (changed from 12/13/2018), a passport (residence permit in the Republic of Belarus) and official employment at the last place of work for more than 3 months are required. In this case, you do not need to provide proof of income.

If you need a limit of more than 3,000 rubles (changed from 12/13/2018), then you will need to provide a certificate of income (for the last 3 months) or receive wages on a Belgazprombank card.

You can issue a shopping card at any branch of Belgazprombank or order it through the online application form on the bank's website or by calling the short number 120. After completing the application, you can receive the card within 30 minutes.

Stores-partners shopping cards.

The list of partner stores of "Purchase Cards" from Belgazprombank is constantly expanding. As of the beginning of December 2018, their number exceeded 19,000 items. All stores can be found on a special page of the site.

How to replenish the card or pay off the debt.

There are many ways to deposit money and pay off debt. One of the most convenient is a special bank service, with which you can transfer funds from any bank card to a purchase card without commission (the minimum amount of one transaction is 5 rubles, the maximum is 500 rubles). When transferring from a Belgazprombank card, repayment will be made on the next business day, and when transferring from a card of another bank, within three business days. You can also pay your debt in other ways:

  • With the help of Internet banking Belgazprombank.

It is necessary to go to the "My Portfolio" section, select the displayed "Purchase Card" and use the "Top Up" function to credit the required amount;

  • Through ERIP;
  • With the help of information kiosks;
  • With the help of ATMs of Belgazprombank;
  • Cash at any branch of Belgazprombank or RUE "Belpochta".

Additional features of the shopping card.

This card is used not only to purchase goods by installments, but also as a bonus card. To credit cashback (discount), you need to pay with your own funds in partner stores. In this case, a 2% cashback will be credited from the amount of each purchase made.

Additionally, the purchase card can be used as an international means of payment when paying abroad and on the Internet (with own funds).

Find out the balance of the shopping card.

1. By SMS-message with the command - "1хххх" ("хххх" - the last four digits of the card number) to the number 2472 (free of charge).
2. With the help of a USSD request: *128*1*хххх# (where "хххх" are the last four digits of the payment card number) - free of charge.
3. At the ATM of JSC "Belgazprombank" (free of charge).
4. In the Internet bank (personal account) or in a mobile application (free of charge).
5. At the contact center at 120 or at the bank card holder escort service at +375-17-229-16-21. The cost of this service is 2 rubles.

A brief video review about the "Purchase Card" can be found in the following video:

Frequently Asked Questions about the "Purchase Card"

Answer. No. Even after leaving the decree, a woman needs to work for more than 3 months?

2. How to get a purchase card for an individual entrepreneur (IP)?

Answer. This requires business activity for more than 6 months. As documents, you need to provide a passport and a certificate of state registration of IP.

3. What limit can be credited to the card?

Answer. Everything is individual. It depends on the level of income. The approximate limit is shown in the table below:

4. How long is the card issued for?

Answer: For 5 years.

5. How to find out the debt on the purchase card?

Answer: The debt and the available limit are displayed in the Internet bank of Belgazprombank.

6. Can I change the pin code?

Answer: Yes. This can be done at an ATM of Belgazprombank. The cost of changing the PIN code is 1 ruble.

7. How to find out the pin code.

Answer: You can find out the PIN code using a USSD request. To do this, dial *128*2*5*ХХХХ(last four digits of the card number)# on your mobile phone

8. Can I withdraw cash?

Answer: Only credited own funds, which are not related to the repayment of debt.

9. Until what date is it necessary to repay the debt?

Answer:Until the 20th of every month. If you decide to pay off the debt on the 20th, then in this case you need to contact the bank office with a passport in order to deposit the amount into the account.

10. Is it possible to repay the debt ahead of schedule?

Answer: Yes. In this case, no fees will be charged.

11. How to become a shopping card partner?

Answer: To do this, you need to contact the department for working with partners through the online contact form.

12. Where can I get a shopping card?

Answer:The purchase card can be obtained at any branch of Belgazprombank OJSC in such cities as Minsk, Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Brest, Vitebsk, Volkovysk, Gomel, Grodno, Dzerzhinsk, Zhlobin, Kobrin, Lida, Mogilev, Molodechno, Nesvizh, Novogrudok, Novopolotsk, Orsha, Osipovichi, Pinsk, Rechitsa, Slonim, Soligorsk and Fanipol.

13. How to enter your personal account?

Answer: You can enter your personal account "Purchase Cards" using this link.

14. What are the promotions on the purchase card from Belgazprombank?

Answer: These promotions can be found on a special page of this banking product.

15. What is the late payment interest?

Answer: If the debt is repaid before the 20th, no interest is charged on the amount of the debt. However, if there was a delay in payment, then for each day of delay, interest is calculated at an interest rate of 0.16% and your credit history may deteriorate.

If you have additional questions, you can ask them through the online form or in groups of social networks "

When issuing the Purchase Card, Belgazprombank decided not to create a separate personal account for it. Therefore, look at the office. website the button "Login to your personal account" is useless. She is not there. To conveniently manage your personal account and not contact technical support or a bank branch if you have any questions, you need to register at bgpb.by.

Here is a common personal account for all cards from Belgazprombank. When a user enters the personal account, he sees a list of all cards issued to him, after which he selects the right one and checks the balance, replenishes the account, transfers money, activates plastic, etc.

The site is quite well structured and the user can immediately see what exactly can be done in the personal account of the Purchase Card. Bank clients are offered to use the services of a personal financial manager who will answer the most common financial questions: where is the money, where did it go and where to spend it?

At the very top of the page there are buttons for downloading the mobile application. We advise you not to neglect this opportunity: it is really convenient!

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