
Piggy bank replenishment universal for 5 years. Contribution piggy bank and universal. Early closing of the deposit

The "Universal" deposit is a very unusual deposit program, because its rate is extremely low - only 0.01% per annum, and it is equal for all currencies.

It seems that no adequate investor will agree to such an offer, especially since a similar program from has a much higher interest rate. But do not rush to conclusions, because such an investment has its advantages.

What is it for

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It is not for nothing that the deposit is called “Universal”, it can really be used for various purposes, it is not suitable only for generating income. If the task is precisely this, then it is better to use the “Piggy Bank” deposit.

The main advantage of the “Universal” deposit is the possibility of instant termination, so it is ideal for storing large amounts of money, which is simply unsafe to keep at home.

It should be understood that this type of account is much more reliable than a plastic card, since it can simply be lost or stolen, and fraudsters can take over its data using special readers. However, the absence of a card imposes some restrictions on operations, so paying with a deposit in the store will not work.

The most common options for using such a deposit are paying for expensive goods and services, sending and receiving transfers, and storing funds in a non-cash form.

A feature of placing money in a bank account is the absence of additional costs for servicing the card. True, the commission still remains, but if only a few operations are carried out per year, then it will not be large.

For a bank, such a deposit is especially beneficial, despite its unpredictability. After all, the interest rate is extremely low, which means that the client places money for free storage, and although it will not be possible to issue them as a long-term loan, any operations with them actually cost nothing for a financial institution.

How to open and manage

Despite the fact that the interest rate for all currencies is identical, opening non-ruble deposits can be difficult. Far from all bank branches are suitable for this, especially if the deposit is placed in, which is not among the others, for example, Japanese yen or Swedish krona.

To open a deposit, you need to go to a bank branch. The registration process involves filling out a questionnaire with personal data and signing an agreement.

Immediately after that, the client is given a passbook, which is a confirmation of ownership of the deposited money. You can deposit and withdraw funds in unlimited quantities, interest on them will accrue from the date of replenishment.

You can perform money transactions through the Sberbank Online @ yn service. It is much more convenient to manage an account on the Internet, since there is no need to go anywhere, the company service also provides comfortable access to the history of payments and account replenishments, while a bank statement would have to be ordered.

You can register in the Sberbank Online @ yn service only at a bank branch, it is prohibited to do this remotely for security reasons

The main nuances of the Universal deposit from Sberbank

This deposit program has extremely clear conditions, difficulties can arise only if a deposit is made in less common currencies. The deposit is as loyal as possible to the depositor, and provides him with a full range of opportunities, regardless of the amount of income, age or amount in the account.

common data

You can open a deposit only for a period 5 years, however, the client has the right to terminate it ahead of schedule or to further extend it.

The Universal deposit from Sberbank involves the accrual of the entire amount of the balance 0.01% per annum for any currency. You can withdraw money from your account or terminate the deposit at any time.

Interest on the deposit is calculated every 3 months, and the paid funds are added to the deposit amount. However, this is not so important, since it is not necessary to rely not only on earnings, but even on compensation for inflation with this deposit. There is also a restriction on settlement transactions - their amount cannot be less than the minimum deposit replenishment amount.


The minimum deposit amount is calculated on the day of its registration. If, due to a change in the exchange rate, the current deposit amount is less than the minimum, then the service will continue as usual.

Sberbank allows you to deposit or withdraw funds in a currency that differs from the deposit currency, but only if the technical capabilities of the branch allow it.

The depositor has the right to withdraw funds, provided that the amount remaining on the account is not less than the minimum. If he needs to take all the money, then he must terminate the deposit.

When this procedure is performed ahead of schedule, it will not be credited, however, losses from this can only be felt in large amounts.

Required documents

A deposit, unlike a loan, does not require the provision of a large package of documents or the approval of an application, so it can be issued in less than an hour. To open a deposit, you must contact the employees of the nearest branch of the bank with a corresponding request.

The conclusion of the agreement requires the depositor to have a passport with him, and he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, it does not matter if he is going to open a current or deposit account.

If you do not have a passport temporarily, for example, if it is lost or replaced, you can provide a driver's license as proof of identity.

Before opening a deposit, you must read the additional conditions. Ignoring them is a big mistake, because most contributors only find out about some restrictions when they need to perform an operation. Inattentive reading of the rules can lead to big losses.

Flexible terms

You can receive money both in cash and by transferring to another bank account. However, it should be remembered that a commission may also be charged for bank transfers.

Not all funds can be withdrawn - there must be at least 10 rubles, but this amount can be considered insignificant.

Replenishment of the account does not imply any restrictions. Contribution Universal on 5 years from Sberbank involves depositing money both in cash through a cash desk or terminal, and in a non-cash way, for example, using transfers from an employer or individuals. The bank does not charge any commissions for replenishment.

The deposit can be made for a period of at least 5 years. If the deposit has expired, but the client has not notified the bank of the desire to terminate the agreement, it will be automatically extended for the same period, on the terms that were valid at the time of the expiration of the previous deposit.

The deposit can be renewed an unlimited number of times.

Early dissolution

Termination of the deposit is a standard procedure, no difficulties or delays should arise with it. To do this, you must contact the branch of the bank in which the account was opened and write a corresponding application.

But before deciding to take such a step, the investor should know the rules for calculating interest:

  • by terminating the deposit ahead of schedule, the depositor will lose interest capitalization payments, that is, interest that was accrued for payment for the use of funds;
  • for an extended deposit, payments are calculated based on the actual time the money was kept in the account and the interest rate that was in effect at the time of the extension;
  • the date of termination is the date of submission of the relevant application, and not the date of the actual withdrawal of money by the depositor from the account.

If interest capitalization exceeds 10 rubles or 5 dollars, then early termination of the deposit does not make sense, because the losses will exceed the amount of the account balance.

Keep in mind that it may take some time for the final closing of the account, so it is better to apply a few days before the money is needed.


The following advantages of the “Universal” deposit from Sberbank can be distinguished:

  • low amount of account opening and replenishment;
  • the ability to access money at any time in full;
  • no restrictions on additional contributions;
  • no service fee, no commission for opening an account;
  • support for various deposit currencies.

True, it is worth noting that other banks provide similar conditions, for example, Uniastrum provides higher interest rates and flexible terms for placing money, but has a significant limitation on the deposit amount - from 20 thousand to 20 million rubles, the limits for foreign currencies are even more stringent.

The "Universal" deposit from Sberbank is a reliable way to store funds. And although the annual rate for it is considered extremely low (0.01%), the product is in demand due to flexible investment and management conditions. Such an offer cannot be called profitable in terms of increasing money. However, depositors can keep their funds in the bank for a long time without fear for their safety.

What is the "Universal" deposit?

This is a perpetual deposit account in a bank, which gives the client the opportunity to manage funds at any convenient time. The name of this product reflects its main function, which is not characteristic of time deposits. A client who has opened a Universal deposit with Sberbank for 5 years can dispose of the invested money with virtually no restrictions.

Who can open

This financial product is available to absolutely all citizens of Russia, regardless of social status. Only one reason can serve as a refusal to issue it - the lack of a passport. In general, the offer is interesting and suitable for those who want to have a certain amount of money freely available and at the same time do not want to keep it in cash. As a rule, a universal deposit is opened to store an emergency supply of money or to accumulate it.

Basic conditions

It is subject to the following conditions:

  • the account is opened in the currency of Russia, USA, Japan, Australia, Great Britain, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, as well as in euro;
  • investment period - 60 months;
  • the minimum balance is 10 rubles, 5$, 5€ or the equivalent of 5$ in another currency;
  • annual interest rate – 0.01%;
  • replenishment - without restrictions;
  • withdrawal of funds - without restrictions, but with the preservation of the minimum balance.

Interest is calculated on the balance of the deposit every quarter. If funds are withdrawn during the validity period of the agreement, interest is charged at the rate established at the time of conclusion/prolongation of the agreement. However, capitalization of interest is not taken into account in case of its early termination.

Opening, termination, prolongation

By default, the Universal Sberbank of Russia deposit is opened in Russian currency, in dollars and euros. Other rare currencies are not available in all branches of the bank, their list can be clarified with the call center operator.

After the main 5-year term expires, the deposit is automatically renewed at the interest rate in force at the time of renewal. In this case, the calculation of interest is carried out according to the method of capitalization of savings. Prolongation can be made repeatedly until the contract is terminated by the client.

Termination of the contract is possible at any time at the request of the client, including ahead of schedule. In this case, the applicant will be returned all his money, but without taking into account the capitalization of interest. The date of termination is the day on which the relevant application was submitted. Notify the bank about closing the account in advance, a few days before withdrawing funds.

Universal deposit for 5 years and the Piggy bank service

This is a service offered by a bank for the accumulation of funds in a savings or deposit account. The service is convenient, reliable and absolutely free. Thanks to the piggy bank, the Sberbank Universal deposit for 5 years will be automatically replenished from the depositor's debit card within the time limits set when the service was activated. For this you only need:

  • any Sberbank debit card that regularly receives accruals (for example, wages);
  • Mobile Bank linked to the card;
  • open refillable deposit.

With Piggy Bank it is easy to track the status of the deposit. SMS notifications with detailed information about all transfers within the framework of the service will be regularly received on the mobile phone. You can find out the exact amount of the balance on the account in the personal account Sberbank-online.

How to connect piggy bank

You can connect the Piggy Bank service for a Universal deposit from Sberbank at any branch, as well as through self-service devices and a mobile application. In the Sberbank-online system, this procedure is easiest to perform by selecting a debit card and clicking on the "Connect piggy bank" pop-up link. A window will open asking you to enter:

  • the account to which the savings will be transferred;
  • write-off card;
  • type of piggy bank (method of deductions from the card);
  • the amount of the deducted amount in fixed or percentage terms.

Disabling the service is done through the menu "Deposits and accounts", where in the conditions of the deposit there is a category "Piggy bank". Having entered the category, you need to click the "Operations" button and select the "Cancel" item.

Piggy bank and Universal deposit for 5 years in Sberbank, what is it? Is it ok to use them or not? Such an offer from a well-known bank in Russia will surely appeal to those who want to learn how to save money and make large purchases from time to time without any problems. Extravagance may be inherent in man by nature. Getting rid of this quality is not easy. A piggy bank from Sberbank disciplines. A person learns to spend less. As time goes by, it will get better and better. Sberbank has introduced a new feature to its customers - Piggy Bank, thanks to which a person will not be able to spend all the funds available on his card. Part of the money will be returned. You can also use the "Universal" deposit to save money.

Deposit "Universal"

The "Universal" deposit is opened for five years. What does he represent?

This is a special account from which money can only be partially withdrawn, it can also be replenished. Both are possible on an indefinite basis. Oddly enough, Sberbank itself offers such a wording. Although in fact the term of the deposit is limited, and it is five years. To open an account you will need no more than 10 rubles - this is for starters. The annual rate on this deposit is 0.01%. Money is credited every 3 months. It is possible to work with foreign currency. Thanks to interest, the amount in the consumer's account increases. And next year, interest will be charged on an increased amount. The "Universal" deposit can be extended automatically. You can extend indefinitely. The interest rate is the same as it was at the time of renewal.

Early termination of the contract

A Sberbank client can receive his funds from the Universal deposit when it is convenient for him. You can also do it ahead of time. Only the client risks losing capitalization if this happens. But interest will remain.

Additional terms

In Sberbank, you can open a "Universal" deposit for foreign currency. Only if we are talking about a different currency, and not about euros and dollars, then you need to find out from the specialists in the branch: is it possible to do this, since such deposits are not opened in all branches. Information can also be obtained by phone. There is a minimum balance on the Universal account. The user can withdraw funds from the account only if the available amount is greater than the minimum balance. What is the "Universal" deposit, probably, now it has become clear to everyone. With it, you can accumulate the desired amount for a certain period of time. To do this, you can independently deposit money from time to time or select a piggy bank and use it.

Contribution piggy bank

It is very convenient to connect a piggy bank through the Internet bank. Sberbank Online will always help the client.

You need to go to the "Options" menu and click the "Connect" piggy bank functionality. The user then manually adjusts the following parameters:

– replenishment date;

- the contribution to which the money will be received;

- the amount or, depending on the type of functional, the percentage;

- kind, that is, it will be a percentage of income or expense. It can also be a fixed amount.

The maximum size of enumerations can be limited. You should also remember that you need to log in to Sberbank Online using the card to which you want to connect the Piggy Bank.

How to track your savings

A mobile bank is very useful in order to track all transactions on the Piggy Bank service. The client will always be able to find out what his accumulated balance is thanks to the incoming message. After the funds of the Piggy Bank are increased by newly received funds, the cardholder will be immediately informed about this. SMS with information will be sent immediately. If there are any problems with the Mobile Bank, then the client can log in to his account in Sberbank Online and find out about the status of his account.

Service convenience

If the functions of Piggy Bank are inconvenient for the user, then he can always make the necessary settings to improve the service. You can replace the card product from which money is debited. It will be possible to change the account, as well as the conditions for crediting funds. There is a convenient menu item, it is called "Information". It is there that the user will find a statement on the balance of his own funds.

Many people like the fact that you can define a fireproof residue in the settings. Thanks to this, it will not be possible to spend more money than is allowed. If the replenishment amount is too small, then this will not reduce the account to a minus.

Advantages of a piggy bank

Piggy Bank has many advantages, of course, many of them can be identified:

– the ability to effectively save money;

– transfer a certain amount with a given frequency;

- among the abundance of varieties of Piggy Banks, choose the option that is acceptable for yourself;

- you will not have to pay extra for the service;

- you can transfer a percentage of the amount of expenses (expenses for the card product);

– it is possible to transfer a percentage of the amount of income (salaries, pensions, etc.)

If the allowable limit is exceeded, the operation was canceled or the amount for the transfer is not sufficient, the user will immediately know about it.

The notification system is working properly. Operations can be canceled if the receipt of funds was not observed for 10 days.

Disabling the service

It happens that a client of Sberbank ceases to appreciate the advantages of Piggy Bank and sees only disadvantages in it. For example, if you are tired of not being able to spend the entire salary from the card, part of the funds from the receipts is taken by the accumulation service. Then there is the question of abandoning it. To do this, you need to perform a number of simple steps. To get started, log in to your virtual account. Then click "Deposits" after that I select the account to which the service is linked. Next, in the conditions, select the “Piggy bank” item. After that, the corresponding window will open. In it, find "Operations", and then click "Disable".

Features of the piggy bank

The Piggy Bank service works differently depending on which type the customer chooses. A person has a place to roam in his choice. There are as many as 3 options, and they depend on the principle of forming the amount of money for transfers:

- percentage of receipts;

- percentage of expenses;

- a fixed amount.

As for the percentage of receipts, the user himself determines it, and subsequently, from the newly received amount of funds, this fixed percentage will be transferred to the deposit.

Only not a percentage of the proceeds will be deducted from all the money received, there are exceptions:

– transfers between own accounts;

– return operations;

- one-time receipts.

As for the following categories, from them a percentage of income will be deducted for subsequent accumulations. This is a permanent income of a person, namely: scholarships, pensions, wages, compensation for deposits, benefits assigned by the state, transfers from Russian banks, international transfers, dividends on shares of Sberbank, a well-known in Russia.

If we are talking about a fixed amount, then the service works like this: the bank client sets a certain amount. It is she who will be transferred on the set day, month, quarter. Periodicity can be chosen differently.

If a percentage of expenses is selected, then the user defines it for one day. Thanks to this choice, a separate account for the accumulation of funds will be replenished, approximately 3-5 days after the transactions on the card. You can exclude return operations, payment on loans, transfers between your own accounts, various commission fees, and return operations from all transactions made. The piggy bank will not be replenished during these operations.

In the summer period of the year, money is especially needed, since many people try to go on a well-deserved rest during this period, to go somewhere from their native places. Therefore, the money saved thanks to the Piggy Bank will be very useful. They can be successfully spent on a first-class vacation. The benefits of this service do not end there. You can raise money for any thing you need on the farm or for repairs. Money does not need to be hidden under the pillow. They will be securely stored in your bank account. There they are protected from thieves. The big plus of the service is that it is free and does not require any commissions.

You will be interested

Having on hand a certain amount that there is no desire to place on a deposit, it is proposed to open a Universal deposit for 5 years in Sberbank. Unlike a deposit, it does not limit the amount and terms of placement and allows you to freely dispose of funds.

Deposit Universal for 5 years - what is it?

Understanding, according to the deposit of Sberbank Universal for 5 years, what it is and what its advantages are, it should be clearly understood that it is not intended for profit. The main function of the Universal Deposit is the safety of money and the right to use it at any time.

They use the Universal Deposit, if necessary, to accumulate a certain amount, gradually transferring from a salary or other card. And also for the temporary placement of a large amount of money, which can be withdrawn without loss at any time, unlike deposit programs. Recall that when opening a deposit, withdrawing part of it before the end leads to a loss of interest.

Some people prefer to make a Universal Deposit because of the possibility to deposit money in a non-standard currency: francs, pounds, yens, krones, Canadian, Singaporean or Australian dollars.

The advantage over other deposits is also the possibility of making debit and credit transactions. At the same time, transfers can be made directly from the Universal deposit, incl. online. Sberbank positions this product as a tool for making payments and transfers.

Conditions for opening a Universal Deposit in Sberbank

The universal deposit of Sberbank provides for the appointment of a minimum balance. This is the minimum that must be left after withdrawing money.

It is very minor:

  • 10 rubles;
  • 5 dollars or euros;
  • the equivalent of 5 dollars if the deposit is not opened in dollars or euros.

Subject to maintaining this minimum, it is allowed to shoot any size. The deposit is made for 5 years. It is allowed to supplement it an unlimited number of times, with any frequency and in any size.

The interest rate on the Universal Deposit is insignificant – 0.01%. Accrual occurs every three months, by adding to the balance.

At the end of 5 years, the deposit is extended for a similar period and at the current tariffs. Prolongation is automatic, unlimited number of times. A will or a power of attorney to manage it can be drawn up on the deposit.

Loyal rules for early termination apply for the deposit:

  • You can request money ahead of schedule at any time.
  • when requesting money before the expiration of 5 years, income is calculated for the actual number of days spent on the account at the usual rate.
  • the calculation does not take into account the principle of capitalization.

You can make a Universal deposit for 5 years at the branch by signing an agreement. You need to have your passport with you. You can deposit money into your account immediately or later, by any option, including online.

If you want to open a deposit in a non-standard currency, you should first clarify whether a particular branch provides such services.

How the Piggy bank service works

Many customers activate the Sberbank Piggy Bank service for the Universal Deposit for 5 years. Sberbank piggy bank is a free service that allows you to automatically transfer money to an account or deposit. It is designed to accumulate a certain amount by a specific date.

For example, wishing to accumulate 24 thousand rubles by the end of the year, the client can configure the service settings so that 2 thousand rubles are redirected from the salary card every month.

You can connect to Piggy Bank any international debit product of Sberbank. The number of card products, deposits and sizes is not limited. It is allowed to issue several Piggy Banks to one card or to different ones, for one or more deposits (accounts) for crediting.

The piggy bank works according to the following rules:

  • Transfers are possible only on the deposit of the person who owns the debit card;
  • Connections not in national currency are possible. In this case, the currency of the card and the deposit must be the same.
  • It is not possible to transfer funds within the framework of the service from a credit card.

You can set up the service in one of the following directions:

  • Fixed value. From the specified card with a certain frequency (every month, once a week, a year, a quarter) a specific amount is sent.
  • From enrollments. The client sets a certain percentage for the transfer, which is calculated from any income: salary, pension, benefits, deductions from third parties, from other banks, from abroad. In this case, a limit is set, above which the transfer is not carried out. The calculations do not include replenishments made with your other card.
  • From expenses. A percentage is set, which is calculated from each purchase, payment and withdrawal. Self-translations are not taken into account.

Connect Piggy Bank via Sberbank Online

You can set up the piggy bank yourself in Sberbank Online or at a branch with the help of an employee.

Independently, the Sberbank Piggy Bank for the Universal Deposit for 5 years is opened according to the instructions:

  1. On the main page or in the menu item Deposits and accounts, find the Universal deposit for 5 years.
  2. To the right of it, in the Operations menu, select Connect piggy bank.
  3. Select a card product for debiting.
  4. Set up a replenishment method. It should be assigned: frequency, next date of sending money, amount. If other service parameters are selected, the percentage and the maximum amount of the transfer are indicated.
  5. Check all parameters. Confirm service activation via SMS.

If desired, you can change the set values ​​at any time. You can view them in the detailed information section on a deposit or card account in Sberbank Online.

Step 1

Sberbank offers many different products for its customers, including savings accounts. One of the most commonly used is the Universal Sberbank deposit. It opens both in rubles and in foreign currency, it is advisable to use it for permanent settlements and temporary storage of money.

Deposit Universal - what is it

A universal deposit is a standard current account with which the client makes deposits or, conversely, withdrawals (transfers) of funds. It is not intended to make a profit, since it offers literally a minimum income, but to store funds.

The advantages of the Sberbank Universal deposit for individuals are as follows:

  • the deposit is more secure than a bank card, it is very difficult for attackers to gain access to it;
  • opens in one of two dozen different currencies;
  • does not require a service fee;
  • can serve to receive permanent transfers (for example, wages);
  • there are no restrictions on the use of funds;
  • using the Universal deposit of Sberbank of Russia, it is convenient to save money, for example, for an apartment or a car.

The closest alternative in terms of flexibility is, but you cannot withdraw funds from it more than the minimum balance (the initial replenishment amount is at least 30,000 rubles). You can withdraw all funds up to 10 rubles or 5 units of currency from the Universal deposit, and closing it does not entail recalculation of interest and loss of accumulated income.

However, it is worth pointing out the cons:

  • low income (it can be said not at all);
  • the inability to pay with money from the account directly in stores (first they need to be transferred to a debit or credit card).

With regard to funds in the Universal Account, you can write out or draw up. These options are provided in Sberbank itself and cost the deposit holder free of charge.

Deposit conditions Universal

Let us analyze the features of using the deposit in more detail: requirements for the amount, term and currency.

Account Options

A Universal deposit is opened in Sberbank for 5 years, then it is automatically extended, i.e. in fact, it is indefinite.

The list of currencies in which you can initiate the opening of a deposit includes both rubles, dollars and euros familiar to Russians, as well as exotic currencies:

  • British pounds sterling;
  • Danish kroner;
  • Canadian and Australian dollars;
  • yen;
  • francs;
  • yuan.

Some currencies, such as RMB and Hong Kong dollars, are only available when opened online. Others, on the contrary, only when contacting the office - for example, yen and francs.

Sberbank currently does not recommend opening deposits in Australian dollars, as Australian banks have unilaterally ceased cooperation with the Russian banking system. There are no similar problems with other banknotes.

The key conditions of the Universal Deposit at Sberbank are:

  • the minimum amount (it is also a minimum balance) - 10 rubles / 5 dollars or the equivalent of this amount in the selected currency;
  • replenishment and withdrawal - without any limits, but within the specified balance;
  • yield - 0.01% per annum.

It is worth considering that opening a deposit in a currency other than euros, dollars and rubles is not carried out in all branches of Sberbank. Therefore, it is recommended that you first check by phone whether this operation is possible at the office you are going to visit.

Interest rate

Income does not depend on the currency, or on the amount of funds in the account, or on the investment period. The interest rate at Sberbank on the Universal deposit for individuals is 0.01% per year. Interest is accrued quarterly and remains on the account, which allows us to talk about the capitalization of the deposit.

If necessary, the profit received can be withdrawn to a separate account, but its size is actually negligible. So, in order to receive at least 100 rubles per year, there must be at least 1 million rubles on the account.

However, for accounts opened in a currency other than dollars and rubles, the Universal Deposit is actually the only way to increase your capital - since all other deposit options provide for investments only in ₽ and $.

For a substantial income, check out our review:.

How to withdraw money

Money from the Universal deposit of Sberbank of Russia can be withdrawn at any time without waiting for the completion of the deposit. This is very convenient, given that you can withdraw almost the entire amount from the account - with the exception of the minimum balance (it is 10 rubles) and it takes a minimum of time.

You can withdraw funds from a universal account in just three steps - it will take less than a minute of your time

When prolonging the deposit rate is set based on current conditions. If Sberbank changes the demand rate, this will affect the profitability of the Universal Deposit.

In case of early termination of the contract and closing of the deposit, the profitability is recalculated without taking into account the effect of capitalization.

How to open a deposit

Opening a Universal Deposit in Sberbank for individuals is easy. There are two options: you can go to the office in person, or you can use online banking.

In the office of Sberbank

In the first case, you only need a passport.

It is not necessary to have money in the currency in which you plan to open a deposit. Conversion is made at the rate of the bank at the time of replenishment of the deposit.

The procedure for opening a Universal Deposit at Sberbank is simple:

  • declare to the operator about the desire to open a deposit, name the currency and the amount of the down payment;
  • sign an agreement to open a deposit;
  • if necessary - get a passbook and account details;
  • deposit the required amount through the cashier or the Sberbank system online.

To open this deposit, the minimum amount is enough - 10 rubles or 5 dollars. Make them through the cashier, and the contribution is yours. You can transfer the required amount to it at any time.

Online - in the application or personal account

Through Sberbank, the Universal online deposit is opened as follows:

  • go to the section Contributions;
  • click Open new deposit;
  • choose from the list of proposed Savings account;
  • specify the currency;
  • mark a card or other account from which the minimum required amount is debited;
  • confirm the opening of the deposit.

Also, the Universal Deposit can be opened through a mobile application. The procedure is similar.

How to connect piggy bank

Allows you to accumulate funds in an automated mode, without the participation of the client. It is enough to choose one of the options for transferring funds:

  • a fixed amount at certain intervals (once a month, week, quarter, etc.);
  • percentage of income (mainly from salary payments);
  • percentage of expenses.

Connecting a Sberbank piggy bank to a Universal deposit is very simple. Necessary:

  • go to Sberbank-online;
  • select the desired contribution on the main page;
  • click Operations - Connect a piggy bank;
  • make option settings;
  • Confirm the connection of the service using the code from SMS.

Every time the system plans to transfer money, it will send a message to the user. If you wish, you can cancel the transaction if, for example, you urgently need the entire amount on the card.

Frequently asked Questions

Question: Is it possible to open a Universal deposit, having a temporary residence permit in another region? Will this account be reflected in the Personal Account of Sberbank online? Will there be a commission for transferring money between my accounts in different regions?

Answer: You can open a deposit in any region. In this case, the type of registration does not affect the provision of the service. In order for the deposit to be displayed in your personal account, it is recommended to log in to Sberbank Online using the map of the region in which you open the deposit.

It is also necessary to conclude a universal banking service agreement - this can be done online at Sberbank.

When transferring funds between your accounts, no commission is charged.

Question: How to use the Universal deposit to pay off a mortgage? Is it possible to set up Autopayment through Sberbank online? How much does the service cost?

Answer: The Universal Sberbank deposit is used as a transit account. If you apply for a mortgage at Sberbank, you don’t need to set anything up separately - a Sberbank employee opens a Universal account for you, you fill out form No. 190 on the source of debiting, monthly amount (long-term payment order). Your task is to replenish the account on time. Opening and maintaining an account is free.

Question: When signing the UDBO agreement with Sberbank, several Universal deposits were reflected online. What can these accounts be?

Answer: Most likely, these are accounts that were previously issued in the form of savings books. In addition, the Universal deposit can be opened when applying for a consumer loan or mortgage, earlier - in the presence of a car loan.

Question A: I am not yet 18 years old. A Universal deposit was opened in my name at Sberbank, which I replenished with my personal funds. When trying to transfer money to the card, the operation was blocked. How can I get money?

Answer: According to Art. 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are restrictions on transactions by minors (from 14 to 18), in particular, you can receive cash from an account only if these funds are:

  • salary, scholarship or unemployment benefit;
  • deposit interest;
  • cash rewards for winning the competition or material support;
  • amounts that you contributed yourself.

In other cases, the permission of the parents and the guardianship authority is required.

Cash withdrawal operations for minors are carried out only at the bank's office. I advise you to contact the nearest branch of Sberbank.

Question: My Universal Sberbank deposit was foreclosed on by a court order from another bank that has a loan debt. Social payments for children are credited to the account. How legitimate is such an appeal?

Answer: According to part 12, item 1. Art. 101 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" cannot be levied on state benefits to citizens with children. In addition, Sberbank, when considering a writ of execution, is obliged to make sure that the funds received to the account () are assigned, so such a recovery is unlawful.

Question: Unintentionally, Sberbank closed the Universal Deposit online, to which the pension came. Is it possible to restore it?

Answer: Unfortunately, the restoration of a closed deposit is not provided. I recommend opening a new deposit in Sberbank Online or at a bank office and transferring the account details to the pension fund.

Question: Is it possible to write an application to restrict remote access to the deposit so that all actions can be carried out exclusively in the office personally through an employee?

Answer: Unfortunately, there is no such statement. It is not possible to limit the use of an account. You can terminate the universal banking service agreement - in this case, the deposit will not be reflected and operations on it will become unavailable.

Question: I have a power of attorney to conduct transactions on the Universal deposit, opened for my relative. Bank employees have this information and made a note to the deposit. Do I need to show the original power of attorney every time I visit Sberbank, or will only my passport be enough?

Answer: No, just a passport will not be enough. The Bank is obliged to check every time that the power of attorney is valid and has not been revoked.


Thus, the Universal deposit from Sberbank of Russia is a typical savings account on which you can accumulate the required amount. Funds can be claimed by the owner on any day, there are no restrictions on replenishment and cashing out. The disadvantage of the deposit is the low yield - only 0.01% per year. But the account is not intended to increase capital, but to maximize the safety of money. If desired, you can connect a Piggy Bank for automatic fundraising to the Universal deposit for individuals.

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