
Momentum bank card from Sberbank conditions. Sberbank momentum debit card review. Limits and commissions on the Momentum card

Sberbank produces a wide variety of plastic products for lending, storing and accumulating funds, withdrawing cash, however, non-cash transactions have always been considered the main purpose of cards. The Sberbank instant card is of particular interest, as it allows you to open access to most bank services within a matter of minutes, without requiring additional time and money.

The issue of plastic cards is one of the most demanded by the population areas in the field of banking services. Turning to the bank for the issue of an instant card, the client is interested in what it is and what are the rules for working with it. Momentum is released as an unnamed entry-level product, providing the ability to use basic financial transactions.

Sberbank instant issue cards work with the Visa or MasterCard payment systems with the ability to make transactions in rubles. If a bank client has a loan issued in a foreign currency, a plastic product can work with dollars or euros. If a citizen who applied to the bank needed borrowed funds, the way out of the situation would be an instant Sberbank credit card.

There are many advantages of using an instant Sberbank card, because with its help almost every citizen can get access to cashless payments, as well as transfers and cash withdrawals at any terminal or other self-service device within Russia.

The package of minimum services for a Sberbank instant card includes:

  1. Fast delivery (no more than 10 minutes).
  2. Free release.
  3. Participation in the "Thank you" bonus program with the accrual and exchange of bonuses for goods and services of partners.
  4. Cashless payment in stores and other equipped points (gas stations, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, etc.)
  5. Modern payment technology by touching a smartphone.
  6. Wide availability of ATMs for cash withdrawal throughout the Russian Federation.
  7. Easy payment of utility bills, taxes, fines through various payment systems, including Sberbank Online.
  8. Cashless payment in online stores, transfers to organizations within the state.

Thus, in a matter of minutes, the owner of instant plastic gains the opportunity to use banking services without any additional fee and in the most comfortable conditions for receiving it.

A fast card from Sberbank can be issued in one of two popular international payment systems: Mastercard or Visa.

The Sberbank instant issuance card is issued in three main currencies that are in circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation: rubles, dollars, euros. However, the predominant issue of the card is in rubles.

The following tariffs are set for the Sberbank instant card:

The validity period is 3 years with the possibility of further reissue.

Thank You Bonus Program

In addition to its main functions, the Sberbank card involves participation in the special Thank You from Sberbank program. Within the framework of this program, bonuses are accrued - for each purchase a 0.5 percent bonus of the amount is issued. Special partnership promotions allow you to accumulate up to 20% of the amount of payments in affiliate networks with their further use to pay for goods and services. The buyer can take bonuses up to 99% of the amount payable.

To issue an instant card, it is enough that the future holder is 14 years old and has a civil passport.

The procedure for obtaining an instant card is very simple:

  1. Visit any nearby bank office.
  2. Present a civil passport.
  3. A questionnaire is filled out with a request for the issue of a debit product. The form contains data with full name, passport data, address of residence of the client, telephone number for contacting the bank.
  4. The questionnaire has a special column with a code word. The plastic holder enters confidential information into the appropriate cell. In the future, this code will be required in order to remotely order the service of a plastic product. It is recommended to write down the code word and keep it in an inaccessible place, because without it it will be impossible to make inquiries on the hotline regarding your plastic product.
  5. An employee of the branch will prepare a universal agreement, on the basis of which the bank will serve the client.
  6. For security reasons, every instant debit card requires verification with a PIN code. The plastic holder independently invents a password and types it on the terminal. It is recommended to choose a fairly complex combination to protect the funds stored on the card account from access by unauthorized persons. In the future, the client will be able to change the numerical combination using the ATM of the Savings Bank. It is important not to forget the initial and subsequent passwords, as a forgotten personal password cannot be recovered.
  7. The future holder signs the papers and receives an instant card. Together with the plastic product, the client receives his copy of the universal agreement with the bank. A more detailed step-by-step process can be found in this thread.

For the convenience of the client when servicing a debit card in the future, in the questionnaire to be filled out, it is recommended to mark the items with a request for the need to connect additional services for managing finances online and mobile banking.

The special advantages of the Sberbank instant card are the wide possibilities of replenishing the account without commissions from the bank.

The most convenient way to cash out and deposit funds is the native terminal of the Savings Bank - you can withdraw funds from it within the daily allowance (according to the bank's current tariffs, the amount is limited to 50 thousand rubles), and also deposit to the account (as much as you need). If money is withdrawn through an ATM, this can be done at any time of the day, since the bank branches have terminal zones that operate around the clock.

Top up the account in other ways that the cardholder considers more convenient and comfortable:

  1. Replenishment at a bank branch - by account number or upon presentation of a card. To confirm the identity, it is necessary to present the owner's civil passport.
  2. If you need to transfer money to a card by bank transfer from another card, you can perform this operation in just a few clicks using the Sberbank Online program. When transferring funds from card to card, it is enough to be a registered owner of a personal account. No commission is charged for an internal transfer within one region and one bank.
  3. You can transfer funds from plastic products of other banks, subject to the payment of a commission. Transferring funds between different banks will take some time.
  4. Such a method of replenishment as the withdrawal of funds from electronic wallets to a card is gaining popularity. It is enough to have funds on the wallet of such virtual payment systems as Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney. The transfer takes some time (up to 3 days), and a withdrawal fee is charged for the operation.
  5. If you urgently need to deposit funds, and no Sberbank ATM is found nearby, you can deposit money through the terminal of another bank, however, you will also have to pay a commission.

Sberbank instant cards, which are issued within 5-10 minutes, serve as an excellent tool for making any current payments, including topping up a quick issue credit card. Using an instant card, managing your own finances becomes much easier. Since it is very easy to get instant issuance plastic from Sberbank, and the service does not cost a penny, these advantages make this product one of the most popular among existing banking services.

Sberbank is explained by its free service in the presence of wide functionality. But before issuing a card, you should know that it has its own commissions and cash withdrawal limits. We will get acquainted with them in this article.

Features of the Momentum card from Sberbank

To date, the Momentum plastic card is the only Sberbank card, the processing time of which takes 20 minutes. For this reason, Momentum is one of the most frequently ordered cards in this institution, both as the main means of contactless payment and as an additional card to the main account. The card has a contactless payment method, the ability to manage accounts using the services and, and is also supported by two payment systems:. Like other Sberbank cards, Momentum holders can also accumulate bonus points for any non-cash payment at. Points are accumulated on a separate bonus account and can subsequently be used to receive discounts on taxi rides, etc.

High acquisition speed is the main advantage of this card. At the same time, the signing of the agreement opens up the following opportunities: managing accounts and making transactions between them, analyzing the use of personal finances, etc. providing protection.

The following data is missing:

  • Name of the owner;
  • special code .
The instant card is completely free and is serviced for all 3 years of its validity.

The list of additional advantages of the Momentum card:
  • non-cash payments for services and goods;
  • automatic transfers for services:, mobile communications, etc.;
  • payment via the Internet in online stores;
  • using remote services of Sberbank;
  • account management using Mobile and Online Banking;
  • access to profitable promotions and offers from and;
  • and their further use for payments for purchases.
In addition to restrictions on withdrawals, an instant card also has some disadvantages:
  • it is not allowed to issue an additional card of this format;
  • limited payments on the Internet;
  • not provided in case of change of personal data or loss of the card (only it and the opening of a new account are allowed);
  • missing ;
  • there is a restriction for operations abroad, even in subsidiaries of Sberbank;
  • not possible at ATMs of other financial institutions.

Commissions and current limits on the Momentum card

Since 2015, Sberbank has set a monthly limit for receiving money on a Momentum card in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, 3 thousand dollars or 2.5 thousand euros. If this limit is exceeded, then the amount of the commission will be: 0.5% at ATMs of the branch that issued the card; 0.75% - in the devices of other territorial divisions of Sberbank.

Commission for cashing out from the card account:
  • within the daily limit at the cash desks of Sberbank: no commission;
  • with exceeding the daily limit at the cash desks of Sberbank: 0.5% of the amount exceeding the limit;
  • another territorial bank within the daily limit: 0.75% of the amount;
  • another territorial bank with excess of the daily limit: 0.75% of the amount exceeding the limit;
Commission for cashing out at ATMs:
  • branch of Sberbank where the card account was opened: no commission;
  • another territorial bank: 0.75% of the amount;
  • subsidiary banks: 0.75% of the amount;
  • other banks: 1% of the amount, but not less than 150 rubles.

For foreign currency accounts, a limit is set: 3,000 US dollars or
2 500 euros.

Replenishment of the card also has limitations: 10 million rubles or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency.

Ways to deposit money into your card account:

  • from the account of another card of Sberbank or another bank;
  • in cash at the cash desk, indicating the card number or account details;
  • using Sberbank Online or Mobile Bank;
  • using terminals and ATMs with the function of accepting cash;
  • using a mobile application;
  • by sending ;
  • using Visa Direct and .
Application of programs is possible on certain devices:
  • in the MasterCard Mobile smartphone application;
  • on the website of a particular payment system;
  • in self-service devices that support services.
No commission is charged for accepting cash to a card account at a branch of Sberbank. If replenishment is carried out in another banking institution, then a commission of 1.25% of the amount is charged, a minimum of 30 rubles and a maximum of 1,000 rubles.

In the general account, the limits on withdrawals from the Sberbank Momentum card do not limit most transfers, and the card itself allows you to comfortably use your funds.

It is difficult to imagine our modern life without having a plastic debit or credit card in our pocket, on which we store our non-cash savings. Sometimes, in order to open an account in any bank, you need to spend a decent amount of time, and even wait at least a week to receive it. Sberbank tried to solve this problem and offered its customers a new Momentum card. For those who are not yet aware of what it is, we offer to deal with all the questions right now.

Features of the Momentum card from Sberbank

So, the Momentum card issued by Sberbank is nothing more than a standard payment card designed for cashless payments both in stores and via the Internet. Sberbank has developed and issued 2 types of Momentum cards:

  • debit in Visa and MasterCard format;
  • credit, also offered in two versions of payment systems (Visa, MasterCard).

The two most important features of the Momentum card are that:

  • the card is issued and issued instantly (instantly);
  • plastic is issued unnamed, which for some can be both a plus and a minus.

Credit card Sberbank Momentum

Momentum credit card, in fact, is no different from other similar banking products. It will take a few minutes to complete it, but not everyone will be able to get it. This credit card is intended only for existing Sberbank customers:

  • receiving a salary or pension on a Sberbank card;
  • holders of debit cards opened for personal use;
  • placed deposits on bank accounts;
  • participating in consumer lending.

The card can be opened with a maximum limit of up to 600 thousand rubles at an interest rate of 23.9% per annum. In this case, payment for the issue and maintenance of the card is not charged. The card has a grace period of up to 50 days.

Debit card Sberbank Momentum

The second instant product, presented in the form of a debit card, can be used as a standard salary card and carry out all income and expenditure transactions with it, just like with any other card. It is also issued free of charge and can take part in the "Thank you" bonus program. An important feature of these cards is that they are issued unnamed and not chipped. Therefore, it will not be possible to use it for settlements abroad.

Visa Momentum card from Sberbank

Since April 2016, the Visa Momentum card has become a practical alternative to the previously issued Maestro card. Due to its capabilities, it is more convenient to work in Russia and is equipped with a simple system of use. To make a payment, you do not need to enter your PIN code every time, just swipe the card through the terminal and the purchase will be paid. Of course, this is also an additional opportunity for attackers who have taken possession of it to make purchases at your expense.

Card validity period from Sberbank

Regardless of the type of card being opened (debit or credit), its service life is 3 years. It is worth noting that the countdown does not start from the date of its issue, but from the one indicated on the card. It is possible that the account was opened for you in September and the card was issued in July. In order to find out the expiration date of the card, just look at the data posted on its front side.

Card service

Another important plus of the Momentum card is the ability to use it completely free of charge throughout the entire validity period. Sberbank does not provide for payment either for opening a card or for servicing it.

Available functions

This bank card has a full range of functions, just like any other debit or credit card. Among them:
- Available operations: buying goods in stores, paying for utilities and other types of services, replenishing an account (at the cash desk, through a terminal, Sberbank-online), cash withdrawals;
- Internet banking: in both cases, at the time of issuing the card, you receive an identifier and password for working with Sberbank online, thanks to which you can carry out all available electronic transactions with your cards;
- Participation in the "Thank you" program: another bonus from Sberbank, which involves receiving bonus points for making future purchases.

Advantages of the Momentum card from Sberbank

The benefits of the card include the following:

  • the registration procedure takes no more than 15 minutes;
  • a minimum number of documents is required;
  • a profitable loyalty system "Thank you" is available;
  • for debit cards, it is possible to open an account both in rubles and in foreign currencies (dollar, euro);
  • opening and maintenance of an account - 0 rubles;
  • connection of all available services for plastic cards (SMS notifications, mobile banking);
  • There is no commission for replenishing the card.

Cons of the Sberbank Momentum card

Although the product is promising, you can still find disadvantages in it, just study the reviews and read information about the product:

  • the card is not personal, and therefore, it may be difficult to identify a client in online stores;
  • commission for transferring money to accounts of other banks can be quite high;
  • the use of the card is allowed only on the territory of Russia;
  • the bank sets relatively small limits on cash withdrawals through ATMs;
  • to solve problems related to the card, you must contact the territorial office.

The speed of receiving a Momentum card from Sberbank

The very name of the card speaks for itself: the issuance of a payment card takes place within 10 minutes for a debit card, and after 15 minutes for a credit card. This is due to the fact that the card is non-nominal and does not require a lengthy issuance procedure. The cashier will issue you a card immediately after receiving the necessary documents from you.

Requirements for the recipient and required documents

In order to get an instant Sberbank card, you need to meet the minimum set of conditions:

  • the age of a client applying for a debit card can start from 14 years old, and for those wishing to get a credit card, the age must be at least 21 years old and not more than 65 years old;
  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation can be both permanent and temporary;
  • Russian citizenship.

The list of required documents is also not too long:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • registration certificate.

Restrictions and limits

As already mentioned, the Momentum card has a certain drawback - a low allowable amount for cash withdrawals, namely:

  • cashing out 50 thousand rubles is allowed per day, and only 100 thousand per month;
  • with the currency, the situation is the same, through the cash desk of the bank you can withdraw 1600 dollars or 1200 euros per day, and no more than 3 thousand and 2.5 thousand, respectively;
  • the limit on replenishing the card account per day is 10 million rubles and the same equivalent in foreign currency;
  • payment for services via the Internet involves slightly more loyal limits: 100 thousand rubles, or the corresponding equivalent of the dollar and euro;
  • the maximum limit on a credit card is 600 thousand rubles, but most often it does not exceed 120 thousand.

Of course, this may not be enough for some, however, it should not cause a huge difficulty, especially since now more and more shops and service outlets are hosting terminals for even more comfortable service.

In general, this card will compete with other cards, if only because you don’t have to wait long for it, and no one charges anything for service.

Plastic cards are the most popular banking product, so all banks, due to high competition, are trying to make their issuance as fast and convenient as possible, and their use is profitable. One of these products is a Sberbank instant card, what it is, how to get it and use it, as well as terms of service and much more, we will consider below.

What is a Momentum card from Sberbank

It usually takes some time, one or several days, to process a credit or debit card, which is not always convenient for the client. The distinguishing feature of this product is that You can get a plastic card in just 15 minutes. In a word, it is enough for a potential client to come to the nearest branch of the bank, fill out a questionnaire and become a cardholder. There is no difference in terms of issuance of a credit and debit card.

This is a card from the global payment system Visa or Maestro, respectively, all the bonuses and privileges that it provides are available to customers. Momentum are considered entry-level, that is, the set of options is limited, but this payment instrument is quite enough to pay for goods and services in our country and withdraw cash from ATMs. In addition, the owners of this product have the opportunity to participate in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program, use the remote services of “Mobile Bank” (on a paid basis) and “Sberbank Online”, and connect auto payment.

The Momentum card is not named, but it is equipped with a microchip, which makes it safe and protects funds from fraud by third parties. There is a CCV2 code on the back of the card, which indicates that the card can be used to pay for online purchases. Only those customers who took a loan in this currency can receive an instant loan to a Sberbank card in foreign currency, dollars or euros, for everyone else only rubles are available.

Please note that you can get a card on preferential terms Sberbank customers only with prior approval.

How to issue

The procedure for issuing any banking product is the same. First you need to fill out a questionnaire and send it for consideration, the answer can be received in a matter of minutes, because according to the terms of the bank, the time for issuing "plastic" is only 15 minutes.

Credit card

An instant Sberbank credit card, the terms of service of which are considered quite loyal to the client, is issued using only one document. This is quite rare, because if the bank provides a credit limit only after confirming the client's income. It is not even worth mentioning that the client's credit history plays a decisive role.

Credit card terms and conditions:

  • limit up to 120 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate 25.9% per annum;
  • free annual service;
  • validity period - 3 years;
  • commission for cash withdrawal from 390 rubles;
  • interest-free period up to 50 days.

The credit card has a significant drawback - the late payment penalty will be 36% per year of the debt amount.

To get a Momentum credit card at Sberbank, you need to become its client. That is, to take part in a salary project, open a deposit account or take a loan. Cardholders can be clients over 25 years old, officially employed with at least one year of experience.

Debit card

For those who do not need borrowed funds, an instant debit card from Sberbank is ideal. This is the most profitable product for the simple reason that there is no annual service fee, and any citizen of our country can apply for it. over 14 years old, regardless of whether he is a client of the bank or not.

All Sberbank services are available to debit card holders, such as auto payment, remote services, "Thank you from Sberbank" and much more. In addition, there is no commission for withdrawing cash from ATMs of the issuing bank, other banks charge a fee in accordance with the established tariffs.

Please note that there is no overdraft facility for an Instant Debit Card.

Debit card

How to use

You can use an instant issuance card in the same way as another "platik". A debit card is suitable for storing and using your own funds, while a credit card allows you to use borrowed funds, which is convenient as a backup wallet. By the way, users can use borrowed funds without interest, for this you need to correctly calculate the grace period and deposit the funds spent on the credit account before it expires.

The Sberbank instant card has the same opportunities for the client as other similar products, it can be used to make purchases, including on the Internet, pay for utilities, pay fines, state duties, and mobile communications. You can also transfer money to other customers of Sberbank and other banks, withdraw cash. In addition, the card can be linked to payment systems, such as Yandex.Money.

Insofar as the card has a chip, when paying for purchases in a store, you must enter a PIN code.

How to recharge

The Sberbank instant issuance card is not only profitable and easy to use, it will not be difficult to replenish its account in several ways:

  1. You can deposit funds to an account at any bank branch, for this you need a passport and account number.
  2. Another way is an ATM, unlike offices, they are available around the clock. To do this, you do not need a passport, only a card, first you need to insert the card into the card reader and select the "Payments and transfers" section in the menu.
  3. Among the remote methods of replenishment, there is Sberbank. Online, you can replenish the card from another Sberbank card, and an electronic wallet.

You can replenish your account at another bank or ATM, but you will have to pay interest for the operation, Sberbank does not charge a fee for replenishment.

Replenishment of the card through an ATM

That's all the necessary information on how to get an instant Sberbank card. The only drawback is that only bank customers can receive a credit limit upon a preliminary offer. But given that more than half of the population of our country are bank customers, receive salaries, pensions, other social payments or invest their money, then almost everyone can get an instant card.

The Sberbank Momentum international card is optimally suited for customers who make purchases exclusively in Russia and withdraw cash only at Sberbank ATMs (only in this case the withdrawal conditions will be loyal).

This is a non-personalized instant card, it can be quickly obtained at the nearest Sberbank office on the same day in 15 minutes.

At will the client can issue a debit card or a credit card. Visually, they differ in initial numbers: debit starts with 4276, credit starts with 4854.

Debit card

You will not have to pay for the issue and annual maintenance of the Momentum card. It can be used for 3 years, in the future it is reissued, and also free of charge.

The account can be in rubles, dollars and even euros, but it will be possible to use “plastic” only in Russia and Sberbank ATMs. Issued in the form of Visa Electron or Mastercard Maestro.

Despite the free service, Momentum is additionally equipped with an electronic chip that provides an increased level of security.

With it, you can without commissions:

  • Withdraw cash from ATMs of the Sberbank network.
  • Make cashless payments in Russia.
  • Pay taxes and utilities.
  • Participate in the bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank".
  • Use discounts provided by the Visa payment system.
  • View the account balance using remote services - mobile and Internet banking.

Terms of receipt

To receive this instant card, you should contact the nearest Sberbank office with your passport and sign the necessary documents.

Russian citizens who have reached the age of fourteen can become holders.

You can activate the Sberbank Momentum card on your own, immediately after issuance, by performing any operation by entering your PIN code (for example, you can check the balance through a Sberbank ATM with a pin and the card will be considered activated).

How to replenish?

Replenishment of a debit card is possible in one of the following ways:

  • Making a transfer from a Sberbank card.
  • Depositing funds through the terminal.
  • Transfer from accounts of other banks.
  • Depositing money into an account at Sberbank itself.

Information about transactions and balance can be found in the contact center and at a branch of Sberbank, at an ATM, in mobile and Internet banking. You can get instructions on how to use the Sberbank Momentum card on the official website www.sberbank.ru.

Credit card

The Credit Momentum card is a very profitable product of Sberbank, if used correctly. Having time to pay the debt during the grace period, holders will be able to use it absolutely free.

Sberbank makes a personal offer to many of its clients with a credit limit that was approved in advance.

Typically, these clients include:

  • Persons receiving a pension or salary.
  • Depositors and some borrowers of Sberbank.
  • Debit card holders.

You can check whether Sberbank made you a personal offer at the bank itself or on the screen of its self-service terminal.

Terms of Service

  • Urgent release and annual maintenance are free.
  • The rate is 25.9% per annum.
  • The maximum limit is 120,000 rubles.
  • Valid for 3 years.
  • The grace period ranges from 20 to 50 days.
  • Penalty for late payment - 37.8% per annum.
  • The presence of an electronic chip for increased security.

Cash withdrawal conditions are as follows: the minimum commission for withdrawing money at a Sberbank ATM is 3% of the amount (minimum 199 rubles), third-party banks - 4%.

Features and Benefits

  • Account management remotely using free online services: Mobile Bank, Sberbank-Onl@yn.
  • Auto payment service for the most recurring transactions: payment for utility services, the Internet, a mobile operator, etc.
  • Making payments over the Internet through a secure channel Verified by Visa.
  • Cashless payments and cash receipts in the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • Ability to link an account to an electronic wallet.

How to get a?

You can get a Sberbank Momentum Credit card:

  1. Persons who received a personal offer. At the same time, they must be Russian citizens registered in the region where the instant Sberbank card was issued.
  2. Russian citizens registered in the region of receipt, suitable for age restrictions - from 25 to 65 years. The total experience of such persons over the past 5 years must be at least a year, and at the current job - at least 6 months.

If you meet these requirements, then you need to visit the nearest bank office to receive a credit card.

Debt repayment terms

You can find out the amount of the mandatory monthly payment and the date of its repayment by e-mail. mail in the form of a credit card report or in the Internet bank.

Also, this information is sent in an SMS notification to the mobile phone specified by the holder.

Mandatory payment methods:

  • Making an order in the accounting department at your work on the regular transfer of part of your salary using the details of your bank card account.
  • Holders of debit or payroll cards/accounts of Sberbank can conclude a special Agreement and give a written instruction to debit money from your card to pay off the debt.
  • You can also replenish your Momentum account on time for the required amount using the methods presented below.

To top up your instant issuance card, please use one of the following methods:

  • Transfer from another plastic bank card (using the Internet and mobile banking online, via SMS service, at a payment terminal and at an ATM).
  • Cash through a terminal or ATM where the cash acceptance function is supported.
  • Cashless transfer from a card of another bank. To do this, you need to know the details of the beneficiary bank, the full name of the owner, account and card numbers. Funds will be credited to your account within a day.
  • Using special service Visa Direct and MasterCard MoneySend. You can replenish your account both in cash and non-cash from other Visa or Mastercard cards. This service can be used by users of the specified payment systems on the Internet, in self-service terminals and ATMs using the MasterCard Mobile application in a smartphone. Funds are credited to your account almost instantly. In rare cases, the operation takes up to 72 hours.
  • Money can be deposited into the account at any branch of Sberbank, for this you should contact bank employees. To do this, present your passport and indicate the card number.

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