
How tick insurance works. Tick ​​insurance calculator. How it works

What is an ixodid tick and what danger does its bite represent for a person? A lot has been written and it probably does not make sense to repeat (if you forgot, read). The topic of today's article is whether it is worth spending money on tick bite insurance and what points to pay attention to when applying for it. There are at least a dime a dozen insurers, but the conditions they offer are far from the same, and therefore it is important to figure out who really promises what.

A voluntary tick bite insurance policy can be of two types:

  • In the event of another virus - in the event of an insured event, there will be no payments, and the sum insured will be used to provide medical care;
  • From an accident - here, on the contrary, compensation is provided, but only if, due to an insect bite, it comes to disability or death.

tick insurance cost on average from 200 to 300 rubles, and therefore more than justifies itself already at the first stage of the onset of an insured event - during tests (for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus, it will cost 250-350 rubles, for borreliosis - the same amount, and a comprehensive study on the subject of 4 types of major infections and even more - about 800 rubles).

Under insurance, during the period of its validity, you can examine a lot of insects and save a lot on this alone.

The introduction of immunoglobulin will cost even more, since a portion for a person weighing 60 kg will cost about 4,000-5,000 rubles (one ampoule per 10 kg of weight - from 700 rubles). Under the insurance contract, the injection will be administered within 3 days from the moment of being bitten by a tick - a carrier of encephalitis. If the insect could not be examined for one reason or another, the drug will still be administered to the insured person.

What should you pay attention to when insuring?

Sum insured

The voluntary tick bite insurance program does not imply any cash payments in the event of an insured event. But the sum insured(within which medical assistance is provided to the victim) is clearly indicated in the contract and depending on the UK and its program, region can vary over a wide range - from 50,000 to 1,000,000,000 rubles.

The volume of medical services in the event of an insured event will directly depend on the cost of the policy. And you should not rely on the assurances of the agent that, despite the small insurance amount, if necessary, the widest range of services will be provided, from a complete examination to spa treatment.

As in the case if the insurance is indicated as very large, but in reality, apart from analyzes and a narrow specialist, nothing will be achieved. Most likely, here we are talking about a banal deception.

The contract should clearly spell out everything that may be required - examination, medication, inpatient treatment, hospitalization, etc. Even such a seemingly trifle as a list of hospitals to go to will eventually play a big role - you will get to one it’s difficult, there are eternal queues in another, or unprofessional doctors, etc. So the larger the list of medical institutions, the better for the client.

Comprehensive tick insurance necessarily includes a number of important measures:

  • Client inspection;
  • Extraction of an insect from the body;
  • Laboratory examination of the tick for at least borreliosis and encephalitis, ideally for all possible viruses;
  • If there is evidence for this - the introduction of immunoglobulin;
  • Prevention of borreliosis with the necessary medicines;
  • Hospitalization and inpatient care. It is also not bad if the insurance policy stipulates a guarantee of payment for post-hospital recovery.

In this aspect, there may be other important points:

  • Start of the policy- this is not necessarily the day of the transaction, a cunning trick of insurers - setting later dates, and if a tick bites in this interval, no free help can be obtained;
  • Territory covered by the policy- especially relevant to those who are constantly traveling;
  • The rights and obligations of the parties under the contract - you need to know how to behave so as not to violate the terms of the transaction. For example, you can only apply to specific institutions, and no later than 3 days from the moment of the bite;
  • As a rule, insurance companies attract clients by groups and families by promising discounts and benefits. Children's tick insurance and pension policy usually also cost less than the standard one. Given all this, you can also save a lot on protecting all your loved ones from the terrible diseases carried by ticks.

If something is not clear or there are questions before issuing a policy, you should not hesitate to ask the agent about it. The specialist is obliged to provide clear answers, otherwise it can be concluded that not everything is transparent in this company and it is better to find another insurer. Fortunately, today there are a lot of companies providing such services, and in the face of fierce competition, many of them make very profitable offers. So in any case, a person always has a choice where to insure against a tick.

ROSGOSSTRAKH: conditions and tariff plans

One of the largest domestic insurance companies - Rosgosstrakh offers very attractive and affordable conditions, it is recommended by many satisfied customers. The policy of this company will provide a full range of additional services that are not included in compulsory medical insurance. Among other things, under the program the client is guaranteed:

  • Identification of not only common pathogens, but also Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, characteristic of the southern part of Russia, granulocytic anaplasmosis and monocytic ehrlichiosis;
  • Seroprophylactic emergency immunoglobulin vaccination;
  • Serological blood test with a specific antigen on the 14-25th day from the moment when the tick was removed;
  • Specialists will observe the insured for another month, re-examine the blood;
  • If necessary, hospitalization with a stay in comfortable conditions, fully provided with the necessary medicines;
  • Making a sick leave;
  • Post-hospital rehabilitation and recovery - observation for up to six months, consultations of leading specialists, repeated hospitalization and treatment.

Insurance ROSGOSSTRAKH from a tick is in the nature of modern, comprehensive and comprehensive assistance to a client who was not lucky enough to be bitten by a tick. You can conclude an agreement and receive an electronic policy directly without leaving your home or office, by going through a simple registration procedure on the official website of the company, which is very convenient for busy people, the main thing is that the Internet is at hand. The service is paid by credit card online.

In total, ROSGOSSTRAKH offers three programs:

  • Economy - with insurance coverage up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Standard - the volume of services increases to 250,000 rubles;
  • Premium - medical assistance will be provided within the limits of 500,000 rubles. Only this includes rehabilitation and recovery, follow-up treatment and assistance until the expiration of the contract, re-hospitalization.

If a tick bites, all that remains is to make a free call to the hotline 8-800-200-0-900 and choose the nearest clinic. Just do not need to remove the tick yourself, it will be safer and more correct if a professional does it.

It is important to have time to seek help within 4 days from the moment of the bite., otherwise it will be too late to inject immunoglobulin.

Features of insurance against the bite of the tick "anti-tick" in SK VSK

VSK insurance assumes the following conditions:

  • An individual aged 18-75 can act as an insured person. You can also buy a policy for a child from birth to 18 years old at any office of the company;
  • The stipulated amount of the insurance payment is 500,000 rubles;
  • The contract is concluded for 1 year and begins to operate 3 days after its signing.

After the policy takes effect, in case of contact with ticks, the insured person is provided with all types of necessary outpatient and inpatient medical care, including resuscitation services. The client receives not only high-titer immunoglobulin, but also broad-spectrum antibiotics, if necessary.

Testimonials: the smart one learns from the mistakes of others

Tatyana, 43 years old:

“In my area, it’s impossible not to think about tick bite insurance, because everything around the village is teeming with these bloodsuckers. Last year, I didn’t have time to react, the snow hadn’t melted yet, March was in the yard, and my daughter had already brought one home with her. I am hysterical, and for good reason - the analysis revealed that the tick was a carrier of encephalitis, which is not uncommon in our area. And the running around the laboratories and hospitals began, wherever it was, the first question is always - do you have insurance?

Sergey, 25 years old:

“I love to go out into nature with friends, every time I catch one or two insects. True, only one tick managed to bite me in 25 years, I found the rest in time, and then, thank God, without consequences. I make insurance every year, because I have an example that is not so successful - my wife’s relative cannot live normally for many years after contact with an encephalitis tick. Guys, do not spare a few hundred rubles for such an important matter and be healthy!”

Take care in advance

So don't think of tick bite insurance as a waste of money. From early spring to late autumn, nature blooms and falls asleep, in this period of time there are a lot of wonderful moments, and it is stupid to allow some insects to deprive themselves of such bright moments, life joys, or even life itself.

) on Facebook, I bought an insurance policy of the RGS "Protection from a tick" on the Rosgosstrakh website, for myself, my wife and two children. The policy itself, insurance rules, exceptions (which insurance does not cover) and a list of services under my policy came to the email. Time passed, there were no tick bites, I was even somehow depressed that 1,436 rubles. paid in vain.

And yesterday my son was bitten by a tick. I immediately remembered the policy. It is stored electronically in my phone. The procedure here is standard, you need to call the phone number indicated in the policy, tell the policy number, what happened, and listen to how far you go and what to do. This is in a normal insurance company. Everything is different in RGS...

I call 8-800-200-51-11. The operator picks up the phone, I report the insured event and ask for the address where to come for an immunoglobulin vaccination in Khabarovsk, because the policy does not contain a list of clinics in my city. They say, now we will connect you with a doctor (!). I think to hell with my doctor, everything is clear as daylight. I hung on the phone for 15 minutes - "All operators are busy." Did not take it. Reset. I'm calling again.

Another operator answers. Now we will connect you with the doctor. I told her, stop, stop. I've been waiting for 15 minutes with no answer. Are there any other options? She says all the operators are busy, there is no one to answer.

No, how are you? Great answer. What the hell are call centers for? I tell her that I have already been waiting for 15 minutes, I don’t want to wait so long, look for ways to help me. The child was bitten by a tick, and if encephalitis? The operator cubed, says I will connect you with the emergency service now.

Connecting to the "emergency" service took another 10 minutes. I directly imagined how the client of the CSG dies from blood loss a second before they answered the call.

The doctor picks up the phone, the voice is the same as that of a real pediatrician, under the age of 70. I describe the problem to her, she says, open the training manual (!) And there is a list of addresses where you can contact. I told her, madam, what a manual, I bought a policy on the site, I have it in electronic form, there is no list of clinics there. Give the address in Khabarovsk, where to apply for an insured event, with which clinic do you have an agreement? She is like that, so give me contacts, I will call you back. He told her the policy number, phone number. I'm waiting.

Call after 2 hours. The same "peppy" voice. Hello Dmitry Alexandrovich, this is Rosgostrakh, we found a clinic for you here, write down the address: Novosibirsk ...

WHAT THE HELL?! What Novosibirsk, I'm in Khabarovsk. The territory of my policy is the Khabarovsk Territory, you generally looked at the policy, didn’t you?
She. Soooo, now we will look for you (!) Contacts in Khabarovsk. She hung up. I sit, I wait.

Call 30 minutes later. Write down the address: st. Vladivostokskaya, 38. Polyclinic "Home doctor". But, they do not remove the tick, and they do not test it for encephalitis. Although, the list of services has it all.

This means that the CSG is deceiving me, and the services declared in the policy do not correspond to reality. To remove a tick, you need to go to the emergency room, to hand over a tick for analysis, you only need to go to the street. Shevchenko, 2 in the Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Nowhere else. Fortunately, the tick fell off on its own and was placed in a jar for analysis.

Arrived at the address in the clinic "Home Doctor". Time 18:00. They said that I was the first in the season from the CGS, they do not remove ticks, but they can only give an injection of immunoglobulin. They received a letter of guarantee, but it says about vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis, and this is not an injection of immunoglobulin. Executor according to the letter Eliseeva Marina Vitalievna.

I conclude that this Marina Vitalievna did not look at my policy at all, and still did not understand the meaning of insurance and the insured event.
The rules clearly state that services are provided AFTER a tick bite, not before. And vaccination is just prevention before a potential bite.
I called again to Moscow, again 15 minutes of waiting, again I didn’t get through, hung up, dialed again, yelled at the operator who picked up the phone, connected, told Marina Vitalievna everything that I think about her, she still took it into her head to argue with me and teach. He said not to fall on the brain and urgently redid the correct letter of guarantee. Another 15 minutes later another letter arrived. Where is the introduction of immunoglobulin indicated. Finally made an injection.

What is the result? I left the clinic at 19-30, I was late everywhere, I spent a lot of time and nerves, the child did not really do his homework. Today I will take the tick for analysis, and if I had to remove the tick, I would first have to go to the emergency room, and only then to the clinic. That's it.

What conclusions:

1) CSG goes to hell.
2) CSG indicates unreliable services in the insurance program to the policy. I will definitely write to Rosstrakhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor with all the documents attached.
3) RSG does not bother with the normal work of the call center, waiting 15 minutes for an answer is not the limit.
4) The RSG does not indicate in the policy a list of clinics that I can contact in my city, and if something is urgent, you simply will not solve your problem.
5) CSG does not teach its employees the rules of insurance, otherwise I cannot explain all this idiocy.

Friends, buy policies "Protection from a tick" in the insurance company "Kolymskaya". The policy itself is cheaper there, in the appendix to the policy there is a list of clinics in the city. Everything is indicated correctly in the insurance rules and you will receive exactly the services that are described there. After a tick bite, you do not need to call anywhere, just go to any clinic from the list and present the policy. This is how a Tick Protection insurance policy should work. Next year I will go to Kolyma. And Rosgosstrakh did everything wrong.

Alexander (

In spring and summer, when the weather is warm and sunny, we try to spend more time outdoors. We are happy to go to the country house, to the reservoirs to enjoy the beauty of nature, relax, swim, etc. Unfortunately, lovers of barbecue and walks in the forest face a serious danger - ticks. By itself, this small arthropod is not dangerous, but it is a carrier of serious diseases. It is better to protect yourself so that in the event of a tick bite, you can use the full range of necessary medical services. The site site offers to think about safety and comfort and take out insurance against a tick bite by choosing a suitable policy at a bargain price.

Precautions in the spring and summer

  • Ticks often become carriers of infections, the most dangerous of which are encephalitis and borreliosis. The first can be protected by vaccination.
  • Don't forget to wear the right clothes when you go out into nature. It should have long sleeves, preferably also the presence of cuffs. Pants are recommended to be tucked into socks or boots. Don't forget your headwear. When choosing clothes, give preference to light colors - so the tick will be easier to notice if necessary.
  • Treat your gear with tick repellent.
  • Try to walk in the forest along the paths.
  • Check your body every couple of hours while in the woods. Before biting a person, a tick can look for a suitable place for a long time.
  • After the hike, once again inspect the clothes and body, comb your hair with a comb with frequent teeth.

Insurance risks with cash compensation

Stationary. If, after a tick bite, inpatient treatment was required for a period of 7 days or more, the payment will be 0.3% of the sum insured for one day of continuous treatment.

Threat of infection. When a tick is bitten or bitten, the insurance payment is calculated in accordance with the actual costs incurred, which must be confirmed by relevant documents.

Disability. In this case, the amount of the payment will depend on the age of the victim and the degree of the acquired disability.

Fatal outcome. If death occurs as a result of a tick bite and infection with an infectious disease, the full sum insured is paid.

Insurance risks with the organization of medical services

Diagnostic, rehabilitation and health-improving and medical services of the hospital:

  • instrumental and laboratory research;
  • consultations;
  • medicines and other means necessary for treatment.
  • resuscitation, stay in intensive care.

Outpatient Clinical Care:

  • consultations of doctors;
  • removal of the tick with subsequent treatment of the wound;
  • instrumental and laboratory studies, including analysis of ticks for encephalitis and borreliosis viruses, human monocytic ehrlichiosis;
  • administration of immunoglobulin or a similar drug;
  • reimbursement of funds spent on outpatient services and the purchase of immunoglobulin.

What to do in the event of an insured event

Policy with cash payment. In this case, if a tick bites, you should seek appropriate medical attention. After that, you need to call the selected company, report the incident and submit an application for insurance payment.

Policy with medical assistance. If you are bitten by a tick, call your insurer as soon as possible and report the incident. The consultant will help you with the choice of a suitable medical institution. After that, within three days you will need to contact the clinic chosen by the representative of the insurance company.

On the importance of the policy

Approximately half a million visits to hospitals about a tick bite are recorded per year. In several thousand cases, infection with borreliosis or tick-borne encephalitis is detected. As a rule, with timely access to a doctor, infections are treated successfully. Otherwise, they can cause serious damage to health or even death. How much the insurance will cost depends on the chosen company, terms, age of the insured and other parameters.

Help with online insurance

Is a policy purchased online genuine?

Undoubtedly. Our service shows a comparison of prices for those insurance policies that companies sell via the Internet (the policy will be sent to your email in PDF format).

How to get the original policy purchased online?

If there is such a need, it is enough for you to make one call to the insurance company and come to the office that will prompt you.

If I bought an insurance policy today, when can I use it?

Today you can buy a life insurance policy, which will take effect from the next day.

How much money will I receive if an insured event occurs?

The insurance company does not pay money immediately. Based on the results of the past treatment, upon providing all the documents, you will be compensated for all your expenses, but not more than the amount for which you were insured. Be sure to tell the insurance company as soon as something happens to you, otherwise you may not receive anything at all.

It is impossible to imagine the warm season without visiting forest parks, as well as relaxing in the country or near water bodies. The reason that can spoil any vacation can be a tick bite, the greatest danger is their ixodid species. This seemingly common situation can cause a serious illness, the result of untimely treatment of which is the development of general disability or death. To prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences from a bite, tick insurance for all family members or individual for one person will allow.

What is tick insurance and what does it provide?

Tick ​​insurance refers to voluntary types of insurance, so all the conditions, programs and the cost of the policy itself may differ from different insurers. The voluntariness of the conclusion of the contract implies the personal will of the person to conclude it. At the same time, the execution of such insurance, as a rule, is mandatory when organizing hiking trips or sending children to summer camps located in forest areas.

The purpose of the insurance is to protect the insured against the consequences of a tick bite, a carrier of viruses that can cause the following complex diseases:

  • encephalitis- a dangerous infection, the viruses of which primarily affect the nervous system and cause paralysis of the whole body and in some cases death;
  • Lyme disease(common name borreliosis) - an infectious disease that can affect the joints, heart and skin, and also has a devastating effect on the entire nervous system;
  • hemorrhagic fever- a disease that occurs in an acute form, is associated with fever, general intoxication of the body and hemorrhages.

In all cases, in the absence of proper treatment, the likelihood of death is high.

As part of the tick bite policy, research is carried out both on the tick itself and on the victim, and, if necessary, appropriate treatment and further monitoring are carried out.

Tick ​​insurance may include both the provision of medical treatment services (analogous to VHI) and the receipt of a compensation payment, similar to insurance from the National Assembly, in the amount of the sum insured or part of it in the event of serious consequences from a bite (disability or death of the insured). When choosing insurance, one should proceed from the purpose of its registration, namely, receiving money directly upon the occurrence of an insured event or receiving treatment and conducting all necessary tests.

Unlike compulsory medical insurance, medical services, within which are strictly limited by federal and regional legislation, voluntary tick insurance may include various types of assistance. At the time of conclusion, the policyholder independently chooses the program and types of medical services provided in the event of an insured event. Extended insurance, as a rule, is significantly more expensive than basic insurance.

Depending on the tick insurance programs offered by insurers, the following medical and related services (which are not provided for under the CHI) may be provided:

  • extraction of a tick in a medical facility with tests to identify infectious pathogens;
  • if infection is suspected, seroprophylaxis using a special immunoglobulin;
  • a blood test using the RPHA antigen and ELISA, which is carried out on the 14th and 25th day after the meeting with the tick;
  • medical registration and constant monitoring for a month by specialists;
  • if hospitalization is necessary, accommodation is made in the wards of increased comfort with the provision of all medical preparations;
  • provision of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance, allowing to restore the state of health after treatment in a hospital.

The list of medical services discussed above is not exhaustive and can be expanded depending on the insurer's program. As a rule, the higher the cost of the policy, the larger package of medical services will be offered to the insured. If the risk of a bite is high enough, then you should not save on tick insurance.

Insurance contracts enter into force in most cases at the time of conclusion or the next day. In some cases, by agreement between the insured and the insurer, the contract may enter into force after a certain period, for example, after a week. An essential condition for all insurance contracts is the validity period.

Regarding tick insurance, many insurers apply a temporary deductible to it. This is directed against cases of taking out a policy after a tick bite, which is inherently fraudulent. At the time of conclusion of the contract, no examination of the health status of the insured is carried out, and the temporary deductible allows insurers to eliminate the risks of fraud.

The essence of a temporary franchise is to delay the start of the term. As a rule, a temporary deductible is set from 3 to 5 days, the period of which, although it covers, the insurance does not actually work. It is necessary to pay attention to this when concluding a contract and make sure that the term of the temporary deductible expires before the moment of the alleged collision with the tick.

The cost of insurance against a tick bite is insignificant and quite affordable. On average, the minimum insurance premium is 200 rubles. Several factors influence the amount of the insurance premium, and it is possible to answer the question of how much it costs only if they are clarified, in particular:

  • compensation limit or the amount within which medical services will be provided (set by agreement of the parties, as a rule, from 100,000 rubles and up to a maximum of 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 rubles. The maximum payment is made in case of severe complications resulting in disability or death;
  • term of insurance - can be from 1 month to a year, if insurance is needed only for the duration of the trip, then by concluding a policy for a shorter period, you can save up to 70% on the price;
  • coverage area - regions are distinguished in which the risk of contracting an infectious disease from ixodid ticks is significantly higher compared to others (for example, in the Vologda Oblast, the risk is higher than in the Saratov Oblast);
  • the age of the insured;
  • an insurance program that includes a list of services in the event of an insured event. The basic ones are characterized by: extraction of a tick, carrying out all the necessary tests and, if necessary, a single immunoprophylaxis. Extended programs include supervision by a doctor, as well as the possibility of restoring health in specialized sanatoriums.

You can save on tick insurance by concluding an agreement for all family members at once (group policy).

Many insurers offer additional bonuses to the cost when ordering insurance online on the company's website.

After deciding on insurance, many people ask where to do it and what is needed for this. There are several ways to buy tick insurance:

  • personally contacting the office of the insurer with a passport - the policy is issued quite quickly due to its simplicity and wide availability;
  • using the services on the website of the insurer. After filling out the electronic form, some companies issue an electronic policy, payment for which can be made using a bank card, and in some cases contact the client and offer to visit the nearest office to conclude an agreement;
  • by contacting insurance agents and other intermediaries acting on behalf of the insurer.

In order to issue a policy, a passport or other documents equated to it by virtue of law is sufficient. When drawing up, you should pay attention to the reflection in the contract of all conditions, in particular, data on the insured, the list of services provided within the selected program (issued as an annex to the contract), indemnity limits and validity periods.

"Tick insurance" is quoted because such a VHI policy does not guarantee against a tick bite (smile), but in combination with proper vaccination, repellent-treated clothing and regular inspection, it minimizes possible financial expenses and adverse consequences. It is more correct to call such insurance "covering the costs of medical consultations, laboratory tests, treatment and rehabilitation, or payment of monetary compensation for the bite of an ixodid tick." Not every tick is contagious. If the tick (alive or dead) managed to be removed from itself, then you need to hand it over for analysis. If it was not possible (it was lost, plucked and thrown away), then you need to donate blood for analysis. Assistance under the MHI policy (tick removal, course of immunoglobulin when indicated) in case of a tick bite is free, but you will have to pay for the study. If the tick turned out to be contagious, seroprophylaxis is prescribed, and it must be carried out no later than the fourth day after the bite.

Around midnight, a friend called me and complained about a recent contact with a tick, but today his hand went numb and he is going to go to the pharmacy for immunoglobulin (!). I decided to give myself an injection. To the questions "is there a temperature" and "whether he called an ambulance" he received an answer only in the morning. The whole thing was different .. But I decided to investigate the issue.

Some infections carried by ticks:
1. Tick-borne encephalitis virus. The disease begins acutely, accompanied by chills, severe headache, a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees, nausea, and vomiting. Concerned about muscle pain, which is most often localized in the neck and shoulders, thoracic and lumbar back, limbs. Despite the potential for infection and reinfection, the actual infection of the main vectors in the foci of infection is relatively low at almost all developmental phases and varies from fractions to several percent. Only in remote areas of the Far East, Siberia and the Urals does it reach 10-15%

2. Tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease). It is one of the diseases caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by the bite of ticks, including Ixodes ricinus. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by arthritis, and the skin, central nervous system, heart, eyes, and other organs can also be affected. Characterized by skin lesions in the form of erythema migrans - a spreading red rash on the skin at the site of a tick bite. In rare cases, if the arthritis in Lyme disease is not treated, the disease can progress and affect the central nervous system.

3. Human monocytic erelichiosis and human granulocytic anaplasmosis. These two infections are similar in clinical presentation and also differ in a variety of symptoms. They can occur both in a mild asymptomatic form and in a severe variant of the course of infection. MEC is manifested by a syndrome of general intoxication and the development of acute anicteric hepatitis, in some cases, CNS damage in the form of encephalitis and serous meningitis. The clinical picture of HAS is characterized by fever, malaise, headaches and muscle pain, in some cases - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, joint pain.

4. Tick-borne rickettsiosis. Natural focal human infection, the causative agents of which are rickettsiae. For these microorganisms, ixodid ticks serve not only as carriers, but also as natural reservoirs due to the ability of these pathogens to carry for life.

5. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. The disease is characterized by fever, severe intoxication and hemorrhages on the skin and internal organs. First identified in 1944 in the Crimea. Patients must be isolated in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. Treatment is symptomatic and etiotropic. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics.

6. Tularemia. An acute infectious disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, damage to the lymphatic apparatus, skin, mucous membranes, and, in case of aerogenic infection, to the lungs. The disease begins acutely: chills appear, body temperature rises rapidly to 39-40°C. Patients complain of severe headache, weakness, muscle pain, insomnia, and may be vomiting. Diagnosis of tularemia in the early days of the disease (before the appearance of buboes) presents significant difficulties.

7. Marseille fever and Q fever. A rarity in the forest zone, but also dangerous.

VHI insurance:
I would call such insurance obligatory not only for those who regularly go to the "field" by the nature of their activity and residents of rural areas, but also for urban residents who occasionally go out into nature. Even the official statistics of Rospotrebnadzor cannot give a real picture of the distribution and number of "sick" ticks in Russia. It takes into account only the number of cases of seeking help from medical institutions (sometimes questionnaires) and the percentage of those infected with a particular disease and does not take into account many other factors (the person did not want to, was properly equipped, ignored suction, etc.)

Such an insurance policy can be bought at the office or online (from most) on the website of insurance companies. To do this, you need to specify your region, date of birth and pay electronically. An electronic policy will be sent to the specified postal address, which should be saved and preferably printed out so that it is always with you.
For example, let's take seven large insurance companies and see what and for how much they can offer:

1. Sberbank Insurance. "The program provides for the organization and payment of a set of medical measures necessary for a tick bite. Insurance will help you get the help of qualified specialists in a timely manner at no additional cost."

2. Rosgosstrakh. "Under the CHI policy, medical workers will provide assistance in case of a tick bite and perform laboratory tests, but the payment for the administered immunoglobulin lies with the patient. Our insurance program, depending on the terms of the contract and for medical reasons, includes the following services: laboratory tests and emergency seroprophylaxis with anti-tick immunoglobulin , accommodation in a comfortable ward during hospitalization with full medical support, observation of the insured within 3-6 months after treatment in a hospital, etc. We cooperate with some of the best medical institutions in Russia.

3. Reso-Guarantee. "The policy provides for the provision of medical assistance to the Insured throughout the Russian Federation in case of contact with an ixodid tick. Contact is not only a bite, but also getting an ixodid tick on the skin. An individual of any age can be the insured. The insurance coverage includes the treatment and prevention of the most common and dangerous tick-borne infections - both tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease), etc."

4. Ingosstrakh. "The spring-summer period is in full swing, green foliage has appeared on the trees, the air is saturated with the fragrance of flowers. It is at this time that all kinds of insects, including ticks, are activated. Ticks themselves are not dangerous, but the diseases that they carry are dangerous. They carry more than 60 types of dangerous diseases, and the most serious one that can be contracted by a tick bite is encephalitis"

5. AlphaInsurance. "AlfaTICK is a guarantee of receiving quality medical care in the required amount in the event of a tick bite. AlfaTICK insurance provides, among other things, insurance for children
from a tick bite."

6. VTB insurance. "The insurance policy covers the costs of medical services in the event of a tick bite, including laboratory testing of the tick for infections.
1. Reimbursement of funds spent on receiving medical services in connection with a tick bite, laboratory tests of a tick, vaccination in accordance with the instructions and inpatient treatment if necessary. At the same time, the insured independently chooses any medical institution to seek help. Compensation cannot exceed the insurance amount of 400 thousand rubles established by the contract.
2. Organization of medical care in agreement with the insured. All you have to do in the event of a tick bite is to call, no later than 72 hours after the bite, the 24-hour toll-free service number and follow the instructions of the operator.

7. SOGAZ. "Easy and quick registration of an insurance policy, a wide range of insurance programs at affordable prices, payment of an insurance premium in installments"

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