
Bank guarantee to ensure the performance of the contract. Bank guarantee - sample Obtain a bank guarantee for a new company


Any transaction carries a certain risk, because the other party may not fulfill its obligations. In order for companies to protect themselves from serious losses, it is worth issuing a bank guarantee. This written commitment is often used when participating in tenders, concluding contracts, transporting goods abroad, and in other cases.

What is a bank guarantee

Many are concerned about the question of what such a written obligation implies as a guarantee received from a financial institution. The definitions of the term are as follows - this is a bank guarantee that guarantees the creditor a cash payment if the debtor violates the contract, does not pay for the goods, and so on. For example, if the contractor does not start work, then the customer can submit a written claim to the bank for compensation in order to recover their losses.

An independent guarantee is a unilateral transaction that can be provided at the initiative of the guarantor by any commercial enterprise. A guarantee can be issued by all legal entities. The difference between a bank guarantee is that it is issued by specific financial organizations on the basis of a license (Sberbank, Alfa Bank, VTB 24 and others). It provides for the principle of urgency and cannot be withdrawn as an independent one. The price of such an obligation is calculated taking into account the NMCC and other factors.

How it works

Many organizations do not understand why a bank guarantee is needed. Companies that have drawn up such an agreement are perceived by the beneficiary as more loyal, have priority over others. Financial institutions are ready to act as a guarantor only for reliable and trusted organizations that have proven their solvency. During tenders, customers will first of all consider potential executors who have a bank guarantee.

A bank guarantee is not a form of payment, but an instrument that ensures the fulfillment of the obligations of its client under an agreement between the customer and the contractor or supplier. The scheme of its work is as follows:

  1. The debtor applies to a financial institution that provides this service. A written request is submitted to the bank describing the main points of cooperation between the guarantor and the principal.
  2. With a positive decision of the financial institution, the bank becomes a guarantor and an agreement is concluded between the parties.
  3. The next step is the issuance of a written obligation, according to which the bank assumes responsibility for the client's debts, if the latter fails to fulfill the terms of the transaction with the customer. The document includes information about the terms of payment, terms, attached papers.
  4. If the principal, for some reason, becomes a debtor (does not return the advance for work, does not pay for goods already delivered, etc.), then the creditor (beneficiary) goes to the guarantor with a demand for damages.
  5. The bank checks the terms of the issued obligation, if it has not expired, then pays the beneficiary the amount specified in the agreement with the debtor. After that, the period of validity of the guarantee issued by the bank automatically ends, even if it has not expired according to the conditions.

Who is the guarantor

At the request of the debtor (principal), the obligation is issued by a financial institution. The bank is a guarantor under a bank guarantee, which assumes the provision of a credit line, the payment to the beneficiary of uncovered expenses or the amount, the amount of which is negotiated when the agreement is formed. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation regularly provides a list of accredited institutions that provide this service (PJSC Sberbank of Russia, VTB 24 and others). If earlier banks and insurance organizations could act as guarantors, today, according to the law, the UK does not have such powers.

Principal and beneficiary - who is it

Under the terms of the contract, this type of security includes three parties. In addition to the guarantor, the principal and the beneficiary are involved in the process. If the execution of the contract by the contractor failed due to his fault, then the beneficiary (creditor, tax authority, customs service, supplier) has the right to receive funds from the bank. The principal in a bank guarantee is a borrower under an agreement secured by an obligation of a financial institution. This person can be a service provider, tenant, contractor, and others.

Types of guarantees

In the modern financial services market, a bank guarantee is one of the most demanded products. To make it easier for users to understand these regulatory documents, they are divided into groups according to their areas of application. The type of service depends on its cost, features of provision, justification for registration, the amount as a percentage of the NMTsK, and so on.


The most popular is the product that is provided by banks as a security for the participation of the principal in bids, contests, auctions, tender draws. The bank guarantee of the offer ensures the fulfillment of the obligations of the winner of the tender under the contract with the customer. Its size is calculated according to the formula: 5% of the NMTsK (amount of the contract). The term of the product is limited to the conclusion of the transaction between the winner of the tender and the customer.


Another case when this financial product may be required is a purchase. As a rule, these are wholesale deliveries and so on. For example, the supplier sent the goods to the customer without prepayment. If the client does not pay for the delivery received, the seller will apply to the bank and receive damage. A payment guarantee is a tool to cover the risks of the supplier from non-payment of funds by the buyer. The service is used for commodity loans and deferred payments.

To enforce the contract

The company that won the auction presents this document to the customer. If the contractor has security, they conclude a state contract, a supply agreement, etc., since if the terms of the transaction are not met, a penalty will be collected from him. Bank guarantee, as a way to ensure the fulfillment of obligations, is calculated according to the formula: 10% of the NMTsK.

Refund of advance payment

This option is provided by the contractor to the customer's company, if the contract provides for an advance for the work. The amount of prepayment reaches 30% of the cost of the entire order. A money back bank guarantee compensates for the loss of the customer when the contractor refuses to perform his work. In addition, the service protects the customer from misappropriation of the advance by the contractor.


This financial product is designed for companies that import goods abroad. A bank guarantee for the payment of customs duties is designed in case the principal falls under sanctions due to violations of the rules for crossing the border, transportation of goods, non-payment of mandatory fees. The document is submitted to the customs control authorities. The service is valid for 1 year.

How to get a bank guarantee

A potential client goes to the bank for help when he needs a guarantee to a future partner or customer. In Russia, the issuance of bank guarantees is regulated by the civil code. The Ministry of Finance annually compiles a list of banks that are eligible to provide this product. It is important to note that commitments from individuals, commercial and even government agencies are not legally enforceable.

How to get a guarantee to secure a contract? To do this, the client must:

  • collect a complete package of necessary papers;
  • open a bank account;
  • provide collateral;
  • draw up a document if the bank decides to enter into cooperation, in about 14-20 days (to reduce the time for the procedure, you can seek the help of professionals).


When considering different bidders, organizers prioritize those who can secure a future deal. A contract performance guarantee takes a long time to complete. You can order it yourself or through an electronic broker (the second method is faster). Sberbank and VTB 24 work without intermediaries with clients in this area. To issue a guarantee, you need to perform a series of actions in the following order:

  1. Find a guarantor.
  2. Write an application to the bank.
  3. Submit the required documents.
  4. Wait for the financial institution to verify the solvency of a potential client.
  5. Conclude an agreement.
  6. Draw up a contract with a guarantor.


After registration of this financial product, further relations between the parties are regulated by the document. An agreement is an agreement reflected on paper (concluded according to a model). According to it, the bank fulfills the obligations of its client to a third party. The relationship between the beneficiary and the principal is already spelled out in another document (contract for the provision of services, supply of goods, etc.). A performance guarantee proves that the supplier will provide the goods or the buyer will pay for the delivered batch, the contractor will perform the work, and so on.


A financial institution that vouches for its client to a third party risks incurring losses. Therefore, the principal is carefully checked before the conclusion of the transaction. Banks require the following documents to issue a guarantee:

  • statement;
  • TIN (copy);
  • permits, licenses, certificates faces (copies);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • property documents / lease agreement;
  • copies of documents of the accountant and company executives;
  • accounting reports for the current year;
  • a draft of a future deal to be secured;
  • if the client is an LLC, then a list of participants with copies of passports.


Some financial institutions offer to buy bank guarantees from them without collateral. However, in reality, banks are not ready to take risks, and require highly liquid collateral from customers. Providing a bank guarantee is an integral part of the design of this product. Moreover, the amount from the sale of the pledge should cover the bank's expenses related to obligations to a third party. The applicant may offer the following:

  • vehicle;
  • the property;
  • products;
  • stock;
  • precious metal coins.

Register of bank guarantees

All issued documents are recorded in a single register no later than one day from the date of registration. You can view the data on the website of the Central Bank, it is not difficult to decipher the information. To check a bank guarantee in the register of bank guarantees, you need to find it on the website by the name of the bank, term or other parameters. It is important to do this in order to avoid unpleasant situations with fake papers that seriously affect the reputation of legal entities. faces.

How much does it cost

An important point in the design of this product is the final price. The cost depends on many factors and the tariff plan that is assigned for each area of ​​document use. The commission is calculated taking into account the amount, term of the contract and other parameters in the amount of 2-10% of the NMTsK. The presence of guarantors or collateral plays an important role. Lack of collateral doubles the price. Some financial institutions set a minimum commission, for example, 10 thousand rubles.


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Taking into account the economic situation in the country, bank guarantees have become an effective mechanism for business development. But few people are familiar with all the nuances of such an agreement.

About, how to get a bank guarantee and what it is, we will talk in this article.

Bank guarantee: content and participants

A bank guarantee is an obligation of a bank or other credit institution to reimburse the lender for the amount of material resources in case the customer violates the terms of the contract.

A bank guarantee is issued under the following circumstances:

  • To receive a government order- The state needs confirmation that the contract will be fulfilled within the specified time.
  • To participate in a tender for the provision of goods and services– a company that wants to win the tender and receive an order must provide proof of its solvency.
  • To conclude a contract for the performance of works or services with a private organization- in this case, the document acts as a confirmation of the reliability of the company.

Simply put, a bank guarantee is a tool used by a business to enforce the terms of an agreement or contract.

In cases where the customer seems insufficiently reliable and solvent to the creditor, the latter may require him to provide security. In this way, the creditor will protect himself from the loss of the amount of money if the customer fails to provide performance of the contract.

The participants in the operation to conclude this agreement are:

  • Guarantor - bank or insurance institution which vouches in writing for the fulfillment of all the terms of the contract.
  • Beneficiary - a natural or legal person who requires the issuance of a guarantee to implement the requirements of the contract.
  • Principal - a natural or legal person who needs a guarantee.

It is important to know that the guarantor considers the application for issuance of security in connection with the application of the principal, and not the beneficiary.

The beneficiary obliges the principal to provide him with bank security, which will serve as a guarantee for the fulfillment of all the circumstances of the contract. If the principal violates the contract, the beneficiary will receive material compensation in the amount specified in the contract.

Since the principal is the person requiring the surety, he will pay a fee to the bank for providing the surety.

All participants in this operation enter into an agreement, which is drawn up in writing and looks as follows.

Bank guarantee: sample

In order to agree on all the nuances between the participants in the transaction, it is not enough to fill out a standard form. It is necessary to draw up an agreement in which all warranty conditions will be entered.

Bank guarantee agreement

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a bank guarantee agreement must be drawn up in writing between the guarantor and the principal.

Mandatory conditions that the contract must contain:

  1. Information about the parties to the banking operation.
  2. A copy of the main obligation agreement is an agreement or contract for the fulfillment of the terms of which a guarantee is provided.
  3. The amount of money to be paid in the event of a breach of contract.
  4. The validity period of the subscription.
  5. The amount of remuneration of the credit institution.

After agreeing on all the nuances, a guarantee issued, for example, by Sberbank of Russia, looks like this.

Bank guarantee: example

How to get a bank guarantee?

The process of registration and issuance of the document begins with the provision of the papers necessary for the conclusion of the transaction.

The package of documents that you need to provide to the bank is similar to the list required to apply for a loan.

To obtain a bank guarantee, the following documents are required:

  • Guarantee application - the application is submitted by the principal in the form determined by the credit institution or banking institution.
  • Information about a natural or legal person is personal identification documents, as well as copies of the constituent documents of the company that needs an order.
  • A document on opening a current account - most often the bank that is the guarantor requires you to open an account with the same bank.
  • Security deposit - a deposit or security deposit is not a prerequisite, unless we are talking about large amounts.
  • Accounting statements of the company - documents that serve as confirmation of the solvency of the principal, as well as the financial statements of the company for a certain period of time (per year).

    It is important to consider that at the time of submission of documents, the company must work for at least 3 months.

  • Document on the guarantee of the owners of the company - the presence of such a document is mandatory in most credit institutions, and sometimes replaces the presence of a pledge or deposit.

The step-by-step process of obtaining a guarantee consists of 5 steps:

Such steps are standard when obtaining such a document. But you can get security in two ways, depending on which, the design scheme can be simplified.

Method number 1. Obtaining a bank guarantee on your own.

This method provides that you yourself, without resorting to the help of brokers, will be engaged in obtaining a guarantee. The case is relatively simple and, at first glance, this solution is optimal.

But if we consider the nuances, then this option will be problematic.

Disadvantages of issuing a bank guarantee on your own:

  • Loss of time looking for a bank and collecting the necessary documentation.
  • The waiting time for consideration of the application by the bank will be 2-3 weeks.
  • Provision of collateral is mandatory.

If you have enough time and you are confident in your ability to get a positive decision from the bank, then you can ignore these shortcomings.

But if time is running out, then it is better to use the second method.

Method number 2. Obtaining a guarantee with the help of an intermediary (broker).

In most cases, people with a high degree of distrust refer to the services of intermediaries or brokers. But in this case, turning to a specialist for help is a rational decision.

Benefits of obtaining collateral through an intermediary:

  1. Assistance in choosing the right bank.
  2. Professional assessment of your solvency and assistance in collecting a package of documents.
  3. The time for consideration of the application is reduced to 5-7 working days.
  4. No need for collateral.
  5. Opportunity to avoid creating a current account.

This method really has a lot of advantages, but here it is important to contact trusted brokers in order to avoid cooperation with unscrupulous organizations.

Method number 3. Making a bank guarantee on a practical example.

As a rule, paperwork with the help of intermediaries allows you to create an application on the Internet, that is, online.

Let's consider the scheme of actions using the example of the service https://otc.ru, popular in Russia.

After submitting the documentation, your application is submitted for consideration. Further, the managers of the organization will contact you to clarify the nuances and inform about the decision made.

Which of the two methods to choose is up to you. Make a decision based on your abilities and the time you have.

The cost and duration of the bank guarantee

The term of the bank guarantee is set by the parties to the transaction and is specified in the current contract. It can be either a specific number or the moment of occurrence of a certain phenomenon (for example, the fulfillment of all the conditions of a contract).

As a rule, this period of validity coincides with the validity period of the main contract for the fulfillment of the conditions of which it is drawn up.

The current law of Russia establishes that the period of validity of the guarantee is regulated by the parties to the transaction, but this period must exceed the period of validity of the main contract by at least one month.

This is due to the fact that during the execution of the contract, various force majeure circumstances may occur, which will automatically renew the contract. This, in turn, will entail the need to extend the warranty period.

The entry into force of the guarantee coincides with the moment of its issuance.

There are a number of factors that can change the duration of a guarantee:

  • Changes in the period of validity of the state contract- if the term of such a contract has increased, you must contact the bank to extend the security.
  • Early fulfillment of the terms of the contract– in such cases, the guarantee may be terminated in advance.
  • Renewal of the contract every year, provided that the duration of the main contract is several years.

If none of the above happened, then the warranty period remains unchanged and as specified in the contract.

The cost of a bank guarantee depends on a number of circumstances:

    The amount of the guarantee amount.

    Basically, the bank's interest rate is from 2 to 8%. But if the amount is very large, the bank may require a high percentage - up to 10%.

    No collateral.

    The absence of collateral directly affects the cost of the transaction. Usually, in the absence of collateral, the cost increases by 5%, and sometimes by half the amount.


    The longer the validity period, the more remuneration the bank or other organization will require.

It looks like this:

Initial maximum contract price (IMCC) × amount of collateral (%) × bank interest rate (%) × contract validity period = guarantee value.

Let's look at this calculation with an example:

Let's say you get a contract to renovate a school. NMTsK in this case is 50 million rubles. The amount of the deposit specified in the contract is 30%. The bank interest rate is 5%. The term of the contract, that is, the period during which you must carry out repairs, is 1 year.

Let's do the calculation:

50,000,000 × 30% × 5% × 1 = 750,000 rubles

Using the formula, we calculated that the cost of a bank guarantee would be 750 thousand rubles. Of course, for a correct and accurate calculation, it is necessary to substitute the correct data specified in your contract.

How to check the bank guarantee for authenticity?

Bank guarantee - what is it and why is it needed?

Unfortunately, today there are many unscrupulous organizations and credit institutions who want to issue fake bank paper and receive their dishonestly earned reward.

To prevent this from happening, you should be careful about intermediary organizations that you trust to receive a bank guarantee.

What you should pay attention to and how to act in order not to receive an unreliable document:

  • If you decide to use the services of an intermediary, check whether this organization is bona fide. Ask for founding documents.
  • The same applies to the guarantor of this transaction. Choose trusted banks and also check for their licenses.
  • Remember that each guarantee has its own number in the register and is always printed on the letterhead of the credit institution. This form, without fail, has information identifying the bank and a seal.
  • In order to complete the transaction, the bank will definitely require the originals of your documents. Do not trust organizations that only ask you for copies of documents and provide a guarantee within a few hours. The bank needs at least a few days to review and verify documents.

But if you have already been issued a guarantee, and you doubt its authenticity, you should contact the guarantor bank and clarify all the details. True, this information is confidential, so a legitimate organization is unlikely to provide you with such data.

Therefore, you should visit this bank or send your request by registered mail. By letter, not email!

You can also check the authenticity of the issued document using the site

This option is an easy way to check a bank guarantee.

If your contract turned out to be fake, contact the authorized bodies. You can initiate a criminal case, taking into account Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and receive an original document within 10 days.

After analyzing what a bank guarantee is, what is its validity period and cost, you can decide whether you need it. If your situation calls for this contract, learn how to How can I get a bank guarantee choosing the most appropriate option.

And never forget to carefully consider the issue of the authenticity of documents in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

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Get a bank guarantee
from 3000 rub.

Submit an application

For many entrepreneurs, a bank guarantee is one of the necessary and indispensable documents when applying for participation in the state. procurement. The Bank acts as a guarantor that the entrepreneur (bidder) will fulfill all the obligations imposed on him to fulfill the contract. Some customers require to provide a bank guarantee even when submitting an application for participation in a competition or auction. Thus, customers reinsure themselves against unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Bank guarantees can be obtained by any entrepreneur, but some may face certain difficulties.

Bank guarantee. How to get a

It is not difficult to obtain a bank guarantee from a bank for companies that have extensive experience and a good reputation. But for inexperienced legal entities and individuals who have just begun to develop their business, when receiving a bank guarantee, a lot of difficulties can arise:

  • Guarantor banks, for reinsurance, require collateral. The following are considered as collateral:
  1. pledge of property (movable, immovable);
  2. cash pledge.
  • To obtain a bank guarantee, you will need to provide a package of documents;
  • It will take the bank up to 2 weeks to consider an application for a bank guarantee (which is not entirely suitable for entrepreneurs who have decided to participate in public procurement late);
  • Guarantor banks often require remuneration for their services, the percentage of which is greatly inflated. What is not quite suitable for the client.

Therefore, the search for quick investments may be delayed, which will lead to the loss of a lucrative large government contract.

How to get a bank guarantee without collateral

Getting a bank guarantee without collateral is quite a feasible mission. But when issuing a bank guarantee, there are some features. Clients should understand that when a guarantor bank issues an irrevocable bank guarantee, it takes a certain risk, the risk is that if the client fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, it is the bank that will have to pay compensation, which should fully satisfy the customer. Compensations are paid by the bank from the reserve, statutory fund. It is possible to obtain a bank guarantee without collateral if the company's indicators (financial inclusive) are impeccably high.

Bank guarantees without collateral are quite real, but for this, a financial institution needs to check and make sure that the client company is a stable business partner and has a good reputation. Bank guarantees without collateral and security are issued after the most in-depth verification and analysis by the bank's security service. A bank guarantee without collateral and collateral is issued by the bank as soon as possible, but at significantly higher interest rates.

Obtaining a bank guarantee from a bank

A bank guarantee can be obtained by everyone who has decided to develop their business and increase their production capacity by participating in government tenders. procurement. Bank guarantees without collateral can be issued without any problems, but you need to remember some nuances:

  • A bank guarantee for legal entities without collateral and guarantors is issued by any financial institution. But it is best to make a bank guarantee in a bank that is registered with the Ministry of Finance of Russia and is in the top 10 banks of the Central Bank of Russia, it is this unsecured bank guarantee that is considered genuine.
  • A bank guarantee without collateral is a big risk for the bank, so it is necessary to provide a full package of documents that will confirm the reliability and financial platform of the client. Indeed, in fact, an unsecured guarantee is a kind of loan, only with a more thorough and in-depth study of risk.
  • It is possible to obtain bank guarantees only after a thorough, as deep as possible check. This can take up to three weeks for the bank. But sometimes, the company has only a couple of days to receive a bank guarantee.

Bank guarantee pledge

A bank guarantee of collateral is a more feasible task. It will take less time and documents to complete it. But at the same time, the bank will still conduct a certain study procedure:

  • Trustworthiness;
  • Level of evolution;
  • Financial opportunities;
  • Debts and more.

Subject to full reliability, and the fulfillment of all requirements of the fin. institution is issued a bank guarantee.

How to get collateral bank guarantees? A collateral bank guarantee can be obtained if you provide:

  • Deposit;
  • Real estate or other material assets.

How to make a collateral bank guarantee? To do this, you need to contact a financial institution - a bank that is registered by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and is in the top of the Central Bank of Russia. A pledge bank guarantee is not a new product, and is very popular among entrepreneurs for attracting quick investments. A collateral bank guarantee is much more profitable than:

  • Credit;
  • Unsecured bank guarantee.

This financial product is extremely beneficial for companies, since the interest paid to the bank is significantly lower than when repaying a loan. The return of the prepayment (advance payment) is guaranteed.

How to get a bank guarantee is of interest to many. To apply, please contact:

  • Solid bank;
  • Brokerage office.

A solid bank, which is included in the register of top banks of the Central Bank of Russia. Collect the necessary package of documents. The bank will check and issue a bank guarantee. For discussion and provision of a bank guarantee. It may take up to 10 business days. The procedure is the same as when applying for an unsecured bank guarantee, lending under a bank guarantee.

But for quick processing, it is better to contact a brokerage office that directly cooperates with reputable banks. It is financial advisers who have complete information about all offers and other financial products. Brokerage companies will select the most favorable conditions, with a low interest rate, that will suit you. To do this, consultants constantly study the market proposals, compare, analyze. When applying for a bank guarantee, the client is provided with a personal consultant who will help fill out all the necessary documents. The financial adviser will deal only with your application throughout the entire time of registration.

Such cooperation will be equally beneficial for both parties. As a rule, brokerage houses charge a percentage of the bank guarantee for their services. But at the same time, they help to correctly draw up documents, which significantly reduces the risk of being refused an application from the bank. They recommend which financial institution to contact and issue a bank guarantee on more favorable terms for the client. For registration through a brokerage firm, you must provide a complete package of documents. The term for processing information on your application will be up to 7 working days.

How to get a bank guarantee: what is a bank guarantee + parties to the agreement + 4 types of bank guarantee + 3 ways to get + 4 requirements for the customer + 5 steps for quick receipt.

When signing a contract with a completely new company, every businessman is afraid of falling for a dishonest partner and losing his money.

Now you can insure yourself against such cases, but for this you need to know.

What is this tool in doing business, we will describe in detail below.

What is a bank guarantee?

Bank guarantee (BG)- This is a document of a financial nature, the task of which is to ensure the fulfillment of all the conditions of the contract by the contract executor (principal) in front of his customer of services or goods (beneficiary).

In this case, the guarantor that everything will be done is, that is, the bank.

A bank guarantee is needed when signing contracts of the following nature:

  1. State;
  2. Municipal;
  3. commercial;
  4. When announcing a public procurement (tender).

In the event that the contractor fails to fulfill its obligations in particular or in general, the bank is obliged to pay a penalty to the customer.

After that, the credit institution will promptly require the contractor to pay the amount that they had to pay to the beneficiary.

In order to receive a bank guarantee, the executing company will have to prove its responsibility and solvency, because financial institutions do not give out big money to everyone.

Who is the subject of a bank guarantee?

Before you get a BG, you need to know which entities are involved in the transaction.


    A person who, under the contract, is the executor of the order, and before the bank - the borrower.


    The party that prepares the documents for obtaining a bank guarantee, and also assumes responsibility for paying the penalty to the customer on behalf of the contractor.


    A firm that purchases a service or product and enters into a contract with the principal and pays him a fee.

When such a type of lending as a bank guarantee first appeared, it could only be obtained at a financial institution.

To date, the law does not prohibit insurance companies from participating in such transactions.

4 types of bank guarantee

To conclude contracts in the state or municipal sphere of activity, the following types of bank guarantees are used:
Type of guaranteeDescription
1. Bank guarantee for the return of the advance. This type of banking service is designed to protect customers from performers who took an advance payment for work, but after the transfer of money refused to continue cooperation.

In such a situation, the credit institution is obliged to return to the state customer the amount of the advance paid.

2. Tender. Participants in public procurement can receive such a guarantee from the bank.

Its task is to ensure the conclusion of a contract with the winner of the tender.

If he refuses his duties, then the customer from the bank will receive a certain amount of money, which is specified in the contract.

3. Guarantee for the duration of the warranty obligation of the contractor. This type of document is often used in the procurement of technical equipment.

How does it work? - The customer purchases the goods from the supplier together with a full service guarantee for a certain period of time.

If during this period the equipment fails, and the supplier refuses to carry out repairs or delays work, the customer receives from the bank the amount under the bank guarantee agreement.

4. Guarantee to ensure the fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The main function of the document is to provide a guarantee that the contractor will strictly adhere to all the terms of the contract.

According to the law, for violation or non-fulfillment of at least one item, the customer can receive the amount specified in the bank guarantee.

Bank guarantees are also divided into types:


    Those who are fully paid;


    Liabilities are paid in part;


    Payment is made only after the signing of the contract by the beneficiary, if all requirements are met;


    Payment is made without fulfilling the terms of the contract, but in the presence of a written application;


    For this type, one of the parties can change the terms of the contract;


    It is considered impossible to change the contract.

3 popular ways to get a bank guarantee

To date, there are 3 common ways to obtain a bank guarantee:


    This type is characterized by a personal filing of an application at a branch of a bank or insurance company.

    The classic option is used when the contractor needs to receive a large amount (from 20 million rubles) as a bank guarantee.

    Another option is when the bank has limits on the maximum amount of guarantees issued.


    More and more banking services are moving to the electronic version. BG today can be issued and received using an electronic signature online.

    This type of service is convenient because it takes a minimum amount of time and you do not need to collect a bunch of paperwork. In just 4 working days, the principal can get approval from the bank.

    There is also a significant minus - these are restrictions on the amount. One guarantee must not exceed 5 million rubles.

    According to the rules of the bank, one person can issue several guarantees, but their total amount should not exceed 10 million.


    You can get BG under the accelerated program in those banks that need new customers.

    For this purpose, an accelerated procedure for processing and obtaining a document was created.

    For this program, the list of required documents and the period for consideration of the application are reduced (up to 5 working days).

    This option is not suitable for those who are counting on a large amount of money. Under the accelerated bank guarantee, you can get a maximum of 15 million rubles.

Principal Requirements

For a bank, the main requirement for a principal is solvency. It is also necessary to streamline the accounting and all the documentation of the company.

We include the following indicators of the company as the main requirements:

#1 Financial Stability.

A company that wants to get a BG needs to at the time of applying. Be sure to check all the documentation and financial statements for several years.

One of the important requirements from any guarantor is the capital of the company, which must exceed the amount of the bank guarantee.

If your company is just growing and does not have large turnover, start with small contracts so as not to end up in debt later.

No. 2. Long existence in the market.

In business, few people trust newcomers, they are afraid to get on dishonest people. In the case of banks, the situation is the same.

To obtain BG, the company must exist for at least 3 months. Although, in practice, banks refuse to issue guarantees to newly opened firms.

The only condition under which financial institutions give their permission is a large deposit.

No. 3. Participation in tenders.

Financial institutions trust most those who have already had experience in public procurement, and also boast large contracts.

If there is no such experience yet, then it is necessary to prove to the guarantor your responsibility, financial stability.

Here it is also important to have an excellent reputation in the execution of contracts, even small ones. If your customers confirm that you did a good job with the terms of the contract, then getting approval from the bank will not be difficult.

No. 4. Availability of collateral.

When a company provides collateral in the form of real estate, large machinery, a car, etc., it will be easier to get a guarantee.

Moreover, the commission for cash transactions will be reduced.

How to get a guarantee from a bank: 5 main steps

Before applying for a guarantee, you need to objectively assess your strengths.

Calculate the real turnover of money in the company, whether you can provide collateral as an additional requirement, think about possible risks.

Stage number 1. Decide on a financial institution.

Choosing a bank is the first stage and the most important for obtaining a BG. By law, not all credit organizations and insurance companies have the right to engage in this type of activity.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a bank, go through the following steps:

  1. Check out the list of organizations that can help you get a warranty.

    Information is available on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:


    At the moment there are 279 of them, but every month the Ministry of Finance changes the list.

    Of course, it is difficult to make a choice only by the name of the organization, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the offers of the most popular financial institutions that have been operating for more than one year.

    • Individual entrepreneurs who use the simplified form of taxation must provide a declaration of income and expenses for the last year;
    • For individual entrepreneurs who pay tax under the general system, you need to prepare a declaration in the form of 3-NDFL;
    • For legal entities that use the general taxation system, it is necessary to provide an accounting balance sheet (form No. 1) and a financial statement for the requested period (form No. 2).

    Note that if a financial institution needs only a few certificates to issue a BG, then it is highly likely that they work unofficially and just want to deceive you.

Stage number 3. We sign an agreement

Before obtaining a bank guarantee, we advise the contract drawn up by the financial institution to seek objective advice from a lawyer.

As a rule, in the FZ-44 standard guarantee contract, the main thing is to indicate:

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties to the contract;
  2. Validity period of the BG;
  3. Money amount, etc.

Stage number 4. Payment for the service

Getting a bank guarantee is the same as getting a loan.

This service is paid, otherwise there would be no benefit for financial institutions to provide such services. Each bank has its own price list with prices for providing BG, which primarily depends on the demand for this service.

The formation of the final price is also affected by:

  • BG subject;
  • The period of validity of the agreement with the bank;
  • The amount of the guarantee;
  • The presence of collateral or its absence.

    For example, if there is a deposit, the bank will reduce the commission for the service.

Today, banks charge a commission for providing a guarantee in the amount of 4-6%.

In the image below you will see how you can calculate the cost of BG:

Stage number 5. Getting BG

After paying the amount for the provision of a bank guarantee, the principal receives one copy of the agreement.

The financial institution must also prepare one copy for the beneficiary.

In addition to the main document, the bank is also required to provide an extract from the state register of bank guarantees of the Russian Federation.

How can I get a bank guarantee?

These simple tips for how to get a bank guarantee, will help you become the owner of a profitable contract for your business in a matter of days.

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Where can I get a properly executed bank guarantee, taking into account all the rules and norms of the federal legislation (FZ) of the Russian Federation? This document is mandatory for every winner of the state tender, and if you are involved in procurement or plan to participate in it, this article is for you. Many bidders are biased in their chances of being successful and apply too late.

For this reason, problems often arise due to the rush and recourse to intermediaries who use gray schemes. At best, you are simply wasting time, at worst, you are deprived of the right to carry out work on the won contract due to the lack of a bank guarantee as such.

Common problems when trying to get a bank guarantee:

  • The service is provided by a limited number of institutions, the financial institution in which the company is served is often unable to help a regular client. As a result, the organization has to establish partnerships with another bank, which significantly increases the time spent.
  • Too strict requirements for the recipient. The fulfillment of such conditions for a number of enterprises and firms is often not possible.
  • The application is submitted after the victory in the auction and is not tritely invested in the time frame allotted by law.

What to do if you need to get a bank guarantee in a legal way, without nerves and unforeseen costs?

Representatives of enterprises that regularly win government tenders most often issue bank guarantees on the website portal. Thanks to the capabilities of the resource, you will start the procedure without leaving the office, you will definitely not get a refusal, submit the necessary documents the first time and without errors, fulfill all the necessary requirements and meet the deadlines established by federal law.

What types of bank guarantees are available today?

1.Outdated variant. Suitable for companies that are not in a hurry. Differs in the need to submit an extended package of documents in paper form. Long terms and additional difficulties made this method extremely unpopular immediately after the opportunity to work with an electronic digital signature appeared.

2.Electronic variant. Assumes work with the electronic signature. The bank guarantee is also provided in electronic form and is issued via e-mail. This option saves the company from red tape with papers and significantly saves time. In most cases, the issue can be resolved within four business days.

How to choose a bank to receive a bank guarantee?

Recently, due to changes in legislation, the list of such institutions has been significantly reduced. Financial institutions with equity capital of RUB 1 billion or more can act as guarantors. A prerequisite is the absence of instructions from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Currently, there are less than 400 banking institutions on the list. Their list is updated daily on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

Choose a bank from your region of presence. In this case, the chances of obtaining a document are higher, although pleasant exceptions also occur. When ordering an electronic bank guarantee, an application can be submitted from any region of the Russian Federation.

How to get a bank guarantee through the site

To get the result as quickly as possible and without a headache, just go through a simple registration procedure on the site. Immediately after that, you will get access to your personal account and start the process in a few minutes.

After entering the TIN, the system will automatically fill in some of the data about your company. The missing information about the statutory documents is enough to drive into the empty columns once. When submitting subsequent applications, all information is filled in automatically.

Step-by-step instruction

Step #1. You enter the registration number of the auction into the system. Data on the won tender, from information about the customer to the cost of the contract, is filled in automatically.

Step #2. You check the data entered earlier and drive in the missing information into the empty columns.

Step #3. You check the attached documents.

At the final stage, a personal manager will select for your company a list of banks through which you will receive a bank guarantee with a 90% probability.

Based on the results of the check, the program will generate a table with a forecast of issuance.

The package of documents collected and prepared by you is sent immediately to 30 banks. Notifications of new messages will be sent to your new mail.

How is the value of a bank guarantee determined?

The amount of the commission is determined as a percentage of the guarantee amount. The rate is in the range from 2% to 10% and is determined by the guarantor, who agreed to act as a guarantor. The cost is also determined by the validity period and the subject of the contract for the issued obligation.

An equally important factor determining the cost is security (collateral). In its absence, the tariffs for the service are increased at least twice.

The credit method of payment is less preferable than the final reward. Therefore, the principal (operates at the expense of using his own funds) always has the opportunity to pay the amount sufficient for registration.


Registration on the exchange of bank guarantees opens up a unique opportunity for the company to apply simultaneously in 30 banks.

In this way, you save time and avoid the risk of refusal to issue an obligation due to a negative decision by one service provider.

The first positive responses come within a day. You just have to choose the most convenient option.

Benefits of working with the site

  • You apply online without leaving your office.
  • Your application is considered immediately by 30 banks.
  • You get access to information about the winners of competitions (more than 2500 entries), as well as detailed information about suppliers, tenders, customers and contracts.
  • Go through an accelerated procedure thanks to working with an electronic digital signature.
  • Portal site services are completely free.

5 reasons to issue a bank guarantee on the site website

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state